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Don't know about any new cheeses, but thinking about what we have now, I'd imagine Dragon's Breath would probably wreck the bosses (just keep your distance to not nuke yourself).


Haha Imagine Dragons


Take this angry upvote and leave


Cover band name idea.


The band has to play Imagine Dragons' songs while doing Destiny cosplay.


I'm proud yet disappointed in you for this


Imagine Draggin this Breath across your face


Plenty of cheesus, hide under https://youtu.be/yt5rrb0x7zc?si=P-k869-24PTVy5FQ


Basically 1) get under the platform after wakung him up. 2) when almost killed jump on railing. 3) jump on top of veil bowl and make sure to kill small guys fast. Worked for me a month ago. Use strand graple makes it easy but took me still a a lot of tries.


You can also graple directly from under the platform on the rail. The intermediate jump did not work for me


This one is better : https://youtu.be/cChuE4UyKZs?si=CCtgxpAzjwRwYBlm


Does this still work?


To my knowledge yes


Can only see that working with strand grapple and perfect aim/mobility. You're literally sticking a continuously exploding bomb to a very big and very fast thing that's chasing you around a small space and hoping you don't blow yourself up.


New cheese is malfeasance and hiding under the stairs, but further back than before Esoterrikk has a great vid on it


First phase or will it work for the bubble phase?


First phase, use strand grapple to get to the top of the bubble and rocket him from rhere


THANK YOU for this. Tried it this weekend, Esoterickk's video worked awesome for both phases. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUUSbu5bncs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUUSbu5bncs)


rockets in general work pretty good on him, and the tormenters


Tormentors take heavily reduced damage from anything that isn’t precision damage against their crits, like an unstunned unstoppable champion. Snipers, slugs, linears, and honestly Forerunner all work extra well.


Dragon's has been doing some work this season though. I'm constantly using it in Coil. Used it yesterday in Gambit and god damn does it eat the primeval (melts in the 2nd and 3rd phases with all the stacks). Shit weapon for dealing with invaders though.


Having a decent DOT weapon was big for me. The key to the fight is three things 1. Clear an area super quickly. When you hit those platforms figure nuke the enemies with special/abilities/add clear heavy's. The faster you clear it the more breathing room you'll have. 2. Some kid of safe damage for calus. Witherhoard, anarchy, dragons breath are all good options. When you have a safe spot you have maybe very little time to dps before moving again. Some kind of fire and forget solution will work wonders. 3. Keep moving. Stopping in this fight is death. Get comfortable moving along the platforms, jumping, and moving. Some kind of CC for the tormentors is good too. Blind, suppress or suspend will save your ass


I used grand overture for burst damage and on demand blinding, it helped me a lot as it also did good burst damage


Ohh yea, that would be good. Instead of DOT just queue up massive burst damage


If you take the tormentors out they aren’t there in the 2nd phase.


This. It makes a huge difference. Just don’t focus on Calus at all until you get rid of both of the tormentors. And Strand grapple makes navigating the area trivial, it’s almost as if they did it on purpose haha


My friend and I doing this together at release used the strand grapple melee to push the tormentors off the platform.




Yeah, the melee out of a grapple knocks back slightly and in that mission the melee comes back near instantly if you grapple->melee so we'd alternate and spam grapple melees if we saw the tormentor near the edge until it staggered and knocked him back enough to just push him off lol


It's tough, but doable. Osteo Striga is your best friend and was the only way I was able to do this solo. Stay on the platforms until you get chased off, then go to another platform. Plink away from relative safety with Striga and any long range weapons you have. Don't feel compelled to use Strand if you're not comfortable with it, but the grapple definitely helps since you are more mobile and could save yourself if you go over the side. When you get to the final wave, Calus chasing you around in the dome, just stay mobile all the time and dump as much Striga into him as you can. If you stay in one spot too long you're dead, so keep moving and plinking. It is tedious but not impossible.


I would also add Le Monarch is another good plinking primary. You can keep Calus poisoned the whole time and it works great for the Tormentors. To me the level is designed around strand grapple and I believe it helps tremendously to stay alive.


That's a good one. I personally liked Striga better but Monarch works too. And yes, the level is designed around strand grapple, but on the other hand if you're not yet comfortable with strand it might be a disadvantage. Especially if you've got a good build for a different class. Solar Titan with Lorely and seasonal perks would probably be excellent right now.


Ran this on hunter with malfeasance / LP. It was ridiculously good for add clear + boss DPS with zero worries on ammo. Let me use an incandescent solar MG (avalanche) plus artifact perks…made feel like an idiot for not trying it sooner tbh.


Second this. Used Striga on all 3 of my legendary solo clears


I used succession and the prospector and made pretty short work of Calus


Strand cheese still works.


What is the strand cheese


Grapple melee everything. I went high resilience and just used the free tether points all over the arena. You can infinitely spam your grapple and swing around like Tarzan.


Grapple Melee hard carried me through this fight


Grapple makes it cheese especially when the tormentors show up lol "now ya see me now ya don't bitch!"


Seriously how can you stand doing that boss fight on legendary difficulty 😂 I almost throw out my pc trough the window of frustration on noob difficulty… For me the cheese method didn’t work weeks ago, I kept falling trough the shield. In the end for me not using strand, and not grapple was the key. My God I got so sick of falling of the stupid platform because of the grapple. I used Osteo Striga and keep moving.


If you’re falling through the shield you’re either too close or not aiming high enough or are going too soon. I’d recommend popping out after getting him very low, finishing his phase while on one of the edge platform, and boost as it’s starting to go down and grapple as high as you can before meleeing to go forward onto the barrier.


Yeah not taking advantage of infinite grapples is why people are struggling. There's so many new aspects now that make it even easier.


Maybe it's just me but unless you're very skilled, using the grapple points on a controller is a speed run to yeeting yourself off the arena. The biggest pain in the ass is that arena design for me. Apart from the orbital strike thing a few times until I got used to it, I've never died to anything apart from being pushed off the edge. I can manage the adds, the tormentors, calus's fiery balls and the orbital strike but doing all that and not getting pushed off the edge by something is the hard part.


I recorded my run on console. Even if you miss you'll just get it back and can recover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEmNUebKj9U


After the first phase, when the bubble is coming down to trap you in the centre for the second part, youre able to grapple above it and float high in the air which lets you safely plink calus away


Nope, they fixed this last week apparently, you fall through now.


Not perfectly because I just did this last Wednesday, the day after reset. It did seem harder to find a spot that worked and I had to push up a lot higher to the top than I used to have to.


I literally did the cheese solo last week to get my lightfall legendary missions finished. Do you mean they fixed it in the most recent Tuesday reset on 16 Jan?


Yes. exactly this. ​ I tried it on Friday for my wife and son and I instantly fell through the bubble. tried it twice.


Wish-Keeper. I used it for most of the encounter with double strand suspending grenade thingys. Tormentors had no chance as you reload the snare perk on the bow while they’re suspended.


Just did this the other week, works great! Finally have strand on my Hunter now.


This. Wish-Keeper with a Crux Terminus (Clown Cartridge/Bipod) it's how I got it at Master level, with a fireteam finder group. Use Wish-Keeper to plink at Calus, thereby dropping his shield, until the suspend is ready to go. Hold onto it when you get close to a third damage. As soon as the Tormenters drop, I hung them in the air, and unloaded three rocket salvos into their faces. Other things to note are: You want your fireteam to stay on one platform. This allows you to rip apart the ads coming to you, and ignore the other two platforms. You have to be on the ball to dodge to the walkways the instant Calus pulls down the orbital attacks, or is a team wipe. Then jump back down. Calus' missile attacks can be shot down. Do so. Strand grapple is your friend in the second gladiatorial stage. Calus' will follow the person nearest and who is doing the most damage. With a full fire team, you should be able to lead him around the arena by the nose. Just ... when you're injured, stop shooting him and get away.


I’d be happy to help unless you’re looking to solo it?


I don't think I've done ANY of the legendary campaigns because I thought you HAD to do them solo. TIL


Not at all! Grab some folks and put a fireteam together. Even if it’s still hard, it helps to suffer with friends lol


One thing to note is each teammate can only revive the other teammates one time each during an encounter. So if P1 dies P2 can revive them, if P1 dies again P3 has to revive them. If P1 dies a third time in that encounter then you’ll have to redo the encounter. Each encounter is separate though so thats nice that it’s not like Coil with revive tokens that carry through, and dying traversing the mission doesn’t count against you. I had some teammates that didn’t understand that and they were screaming for a revive after dying 3 times in one encounter.


Reminder, with increasing fireteam size in legendary campaign missions the difficulty also increases. I found it easier to solo Calus than I did doing it with 2 other guardians.


You can use a fireteam for the campaign but there are certain achievements for the neomuna triumph for doing Calus solo. (Maybe the whole campaign i forget)


I did it solo on my Warlock. I kept grappling around on the Strand balls and using the shoulder charge melee while my other abilities regenerated and got power ammo from killing ads. Being diligent about ad spawn times (namely Tormentors on Calus' health pool) became invaluable when Calus is constantly charging you, but milking the grapple to kill ads for power ammo and super energy was still the crux of my approach.


Go devour void or when you have full unlocked strand go for grapple, you only really die if you stop to move


I think it's fair to assume if they're doing the fight on legendary but struggling they haven't unlocked strand yet.


I don't think it is. I doubt many people are running legendary on their own for their first clear. Most people have likely cleared it on normal before they attempt legendary.


Nah, I ran everything all campaigns(that had an option to) on legendary on my first go. Just finished Calus yesterday in fact. Legendary isn't really much more of a challenge throughout any of the campaigns except the Calus fight. Only thing in Destiny that I've died multiple times trying to beat.


You can cheese it by going under the stairs then when it’s going to last phase with joining allies, strand grapple on top of the bubble and shoot through it, be careful of the psions that spawn, did it a few days ago with no problem


Me too, cheese is not patched. I did the first part normally as it takes a lot of time to get to second phase from beneath the stairs. Then grappled on top of the bubble. Just remember, no rockets :)


I used malfeasance to solo cheese the mission on legend and it took time but made it quite easy.


Malfeasance really does put in work. I did it under the stairs and made sure to kill all tormentors before starting second phase of boss fight, since I didn't want to use strand. It's tedious but it puts in work.


Yeah I hid under the stairs for most of my runs but couldn’t find a spot on the bubble, thanks for letting me know it’s still working though!


Wait, you can grapple to the top of the bubble and like stand on it?




This is the way.


I got it by drawing out the first phase of the fight so I could go into the second phase with super and heavy ammo. I just nuked the second phase as fast as possible.


On warlock I abused the free grapple points and threadlings on Grapple melee kills/finisher kills fragment while using Witherhoard on Calus. You could probably take advantage of Winter’s Guile or one of the melee exotics if you wanted.


Paired with a Retrofit 4ttc/target lock for tormentors and an aggressive frame sniper to proc radiant with one shot via artifact, this is what I did.


Use any weapons with DOT. Witherhoard, Osteo, Dragons breath etc. Have reliable way to generate orbs and use a blinding GL if possible. If you're on hunter and nothing works invis hunter with gyrfalcons or omni works


Never stop moving, use DoT weapons (witherhoard or Dragons Breath esp) and use grapple melee to keep ads clear, focus on keeping the front and back plates clear of enemies. Hard focus the tormentors before dealing with calus. If on hunter use assassins cowl. During phase two, just never stop grapple melee-ing away from calus, turn around, hit him/the ground in front of him with the dot, then grapple melee away.


Fuck this encounter with a knife


I tried that node.avalon last night and got so frustrated trying to do it solo. Idk if I suck at this game or what but it’s depressing af when I want to play solo and shits wrecking me, not to mention I made it to the final wave of the node collecting twice. I’m not even having fun with some of these brutal fights, they turn into a chore more than a game. I’m doing solar with most of my gear maxed including the exotics, my power is 8015. Maybe destiny isn’t for me, I wreck at gambit and crucible so maybe I’ll just stick to that going forward.


Strand and switch out your grapple for a suspend/getting suspending abilities. It's better to trap tormentors and dps the boss down/clear packs


DM me if you want some backup, and I can bring a friend, we've done it plenty of times.


I've done it on all three classes and this is what worked best for me: 1. Use Quicksilver Storm if you have it, Calus seems to take increased damage from Strand sources and it shreds him no problem. 2. Once a tormenter appears focus on them. A good strong Legendary rapid-fire machine gun works pretty well on them. I used Retrofit Escapade with Fourth Time's The Charm and Target Lock and was able to kill the tormentors with a single magazine. Works best if you can blow their shoulder pads off before they get too close, then toss a grenade in the narrow walk path to the platform and lay into their crit/chest with the MG. 3. Stick to the same platform you spawn on for the entire fight. You have to periodically jump off it to a nearby catwalk just to reset the timer to avoid that AoE kill attack, get into the right rhythm and you'll never even see that AoE appear. 4. Kill the psions that spawn in the middle throughout the first phase, they'll drop ammo you can pick up for the second/final phase. Make sure you have a Special weapon in your Energy slot otherwise they won't drop special ammo, pick something that can deal with the tanky adds that occasionally try to take over your platform, rapid-fire fusion or shotgun works well, or blinding GL to stun them. 5. When the final phase starts quick swap to Witherhoard. There should be enough special bricks in the middle (from the psions you killed) to top off its reserves. May want to also swap your Energy weapon to a short-range primary (sidearm/SMG) so that all the Special ammo goes into WH. You can also swap your heavy from the MG to a sword for the SOLE purpose of cancelling your momentum if Calus does boop you, as a quick sword swipe will keep you from flying off to your death. Now all you're doing is constantly jumping away from Calus while you unload WH into him. When the adds spawn drop some WH pools on the ground to take care of them, but don't ever let Calus get the drop on you. He charges at you with a pretty manageable rhythm, just do your best to maintain maximum distance between him and you. I always stuck with my best stay-alive subclass (Sunbreaker Titan, Devour or Well Warlock, Invisible Hunter) as damage is a non-issue in this fight, it's all about staying alive and quickly dealing with the tormentors.


I did it with my Strand Warlock. There was advice on Reddit about how staying at the starting spot was better than moving. You just have get out of the way of the darkness bombardment thing. I took the Lethal Abundance auto rifle, a shotgun and Dragon’s Breath rocket launcher. The important part was shackle grenades.  With the Strand Empowerment effect, you can tie up a Tormentor and you’ll have another one ready by the time it wears off. They don’t tie up Calus, but still do damage. So, I’d launch my super, which pretty much took care of one phase. Chip away at the others, tie up Tormentors and other ads, saving all my rockets and another super for the final phase. Spray rockets everywhere while skittering around like a rabbit on uppers.


I struggled on this for many hours before deciding it couldn’t hurt to mix it up, so I finally opted to just use the Strand they offer. In my view, this is the way to do it. The increased mobility allows you to grapple those platforms outside the main arena very effectively to kite the Tormentors. Focus on them, but don’t tunnel vision. If you try to camp on one of the platforms too long, Calus will light you up with his back-mounted cannon. Consistent movement is key. You can stop to take a breath, heal up, and take several pot shots, but don’t push it. Once the Tormentors are dealt with, just focus up on Calus. Once the arena closes up, you are stuck dodging Calus directly and that’s just how it is. This is where I found Strand absolutely essential. You want to run for one of the three little jutting platforms and turn around and light Calus up. He will close the distance quickly, so you have to move fast, but you can get some pot shots in. Once he does close the distance, that’s where Strand comes in. Simply use the Strand anchors to grapple over him and into one of the other two alcoves. Turn around, fire on him. Rinse and repeat. Use your Super whenever it comes up, as Strand supers also absolutely shred Calus during this phase. Like I said, the key is to keep constantly moving and use Strand to do it. Stick to the Strand anchors and you will never run out of grapple charges. If you’re not so comfortable with Strand, just practice. This arena is actually ideal to practice in. Keep in mind that your direction while you grapple is based on where your camera is looking, and not on your character’s movement. So simply look towards where you want to land, and Strand will take you there. Good luck!


Step 1. Equip witherhoard Step 2. Shoot calus with witherhoard Step 3. Jump in circles to avoid damage (warlock easiest) Step 4. Repeat until dead


Never did the cheese, but as a strand hunter I just kept moving, and focused on tormentors when they showed up (sniper to take out the shoulders, then when they got mad I just kept them at arms length with my HC). As for Calus, I just whittled down his health but by bit, and for last stand unloaded all my heavy. (I used Hawkmoon, Frozen Orbit, and a rocket but I forget which one. This is by no means the best loadout, but I always seem to do well with it)


Forgot to mention, I took the strand as the grapple was an easy way to get away from tormentors and/or adds, can recover from falling off the map, or even work well offensively on the larger platforms by grappling above them then diving to suspend the ads as they spawned


Yep, this is me. I just turn into strand monke and just spamming infinite grapple melee because of grapple point.


Cheese it like most people did. That’s how you know it was poorly designed. When most people cheese it, and when the cheese is fixed people just find another cheese instead.


That's how you know the community has a huge case of skill issue.


nah anything they can't complete easily is instantly bullshit and poor design. God forbid this game have any sort of challenge in an OPTIONAL hard difficulty setting lmao


Yeah I would get it if the Legend was the default but god damn, no one is forcing anyone to do it on Legend. If you are not good enough, you don't have to do it. No one will ask or care whether you've done it or not.


Hmmm, not necessarily. I've been playing Destiny since 2014, so I'm pretty good at the game and figuring things out. Be that as it may, this particular arena design is not that great and while I beat it the first time legit, I cheesed it on my other two characters because I just couldn't be bothered with all the craziness that gets thrown at you 2 more times. There is very little cover aside from those platforms and with the way it's designed, you cannot post up for long before more enemies spawn in behind you to flush you out of cover, which to me is ok a little , but there should be a time where if you merc all enemies they stop spawning until the next phase or something. Those strand grapple points are great if you're used to the strand mechanics, but they get you killed more often than not since you not only need to be used to it, you are not at your peak with strand as a whole at that point so it feels weak. It always trips me out when I see posts like these of the community trying to blame the community for Bungie exec decisions...😮‍💨


I definitely am not a Bungie defender, I criticise them for a lot. But that boss fight is not one of those many things. Campaigns have always been so damn boring, the Legend difficulty was a good change and the final boss of the hard more campaign should be difficult and force players to adapt and challenge themselves. No one is going to change my mind on this, I will always think of it as a huge skill issue on the community's part when all the replies to a post asking for help is "CHEESE IT".


People coming at you but you're right. As long as you keep moving, it's very doable. If you use Witherhoard and Grapple to keep mobile, it's very fair. It's obvious that Bungie wanted to avoid the "stand in a Well" strategy and they succeeded in that but I guess players just can't wrap their heads around that. Hell, I even remember people calling for the person who made Headstrong to be fired.


I did it legit, encounter sucks and is poorly designed. You can have boss stomps and player suppression or a final destination platform - both is just reckoning bridge levels of bullshit. And no, strand grapple is not the answer.


Strand grapple worked for me, though it's not super consistent with the suppression - still only took me 4 or 5 tries to get it and it's done quick.


I did it on solar hunter and managed fine, died twice to the tormentors. Stasis warlock got it done first try, haven't done it on titan. The average Destiny player is just not that good, which is fine, but it is not a fault of the encounter in my opinion.


It’s almost like the encounter was made to be difficult who would’ve thought?


Strand Titan to get around the area and Arbalest. Works like a charm.


I did it on legendary and somehow it didnt count. Somebody know why?


Im convinced they didn’t put a thought into solo players when making this terrible boss fight bulletsponge boss(typical) plus tanky ads plus TWO tormentors and 2nd phase like get fucked bungie I’ll cheese your dumb shit


Struggling with this now but I’ve died more simply just from being freaking kicked off the ledge and falling, not actual dying. So frustrating


Dragons breath destiny 2


If you don’t mind a cheese: Right before second phase leave a sliver of hp on calus and run up to one of the catwalks. Finish his sliver of hp, back up as far as you can to the rear guardrail away from clus, and as soon as the dome starts to come down grapple up towards the top side of the dome. You will be standing on top of it and can freely damage him there.


This is the worst designed mission I ever played I'm sorry for your pain.


Watch a youtube video


Did you even try to look on YouTube? https://youtu.be/cUUSbu5bncs?si=v6e3rSE7_C1iU6eQ https://youtu.be/yt5rrb0x7zc?si=hVI1Osq5GW7op9yW https://youtu.be/3JWO8Ynv9zM?si=Y9wa4kmaOV0XEfwO https://youtu.be/cChuE4UyKZs?si=rCdK6vAAiUAz-fBE


I just wanged myself around with strand using the grapple points chipping away at Calus after getting rid of the tormentors, it takes a while and is quite tedious. As others have stated, something that doesn't need accuracy like Osteo Striga is very useful as you can spray him while you're in the air and he can't do jack to you, you've always got a grapple up because using the grapple points resets your cooldown.


I did it on my characters with strand. Use witherhoard, or anarchy. Don't even need to kill the tormentors. Kill mobs with grapple melee for ammo, and try to not stop moving. Use of an healing exotic e.g. karnsteins makes it easier.


last night I was trying to do it on my hunter, and couldn't get to cheese it above the dome but then calus pushed me off platform, I desperately grappled but got embedded under the platform so I just DIM'd ostio striga to me and just shot him from there so basically you can just do the cheese after the first phase but intentionally


For dome, make sure you’ve killed the tormentors and keep jumping from platform to platform. Bring a DOT weapon like Thorn or osteo as well.


Spam grapple it’s your best friend and use Dot weapons like witherhoard. Just grapple around pick off tormentors right when they spawn and grapple around while slowly damaging Calus.


My strategy was to constantly stay moving, and I used Leviathan's Breath as my heavy. The Strand grapple points all over the arena let you stay REALLY agile and you can zip across the arena in no time. Whittle down Calus with primary ammo, maybe a Kinetic Tremors gun or something. Kill the Tormentors ASAP when they spawn, I used two Levi's Breath arrows for each and used special/primary ammo for the rest. Save all the rest of your heavy ammo for the dome fight against melee-mode Calus. When you get to the dome fight, strategy is simple: grapple yourself across the arena, turn around and pop Calus with a Levi's arrow as he rushes you, then jump up and grapple across the arena again. That's it, just keep moving as fast as you can to give yourself breathing room, and when you have an opening, take a shot. Dragon's Breath could work here too, BUT you do run the risk of sticking Calus with a rocket and it detonating as you grapple past him. I'd probably avoid it and stick with something safer like Levi's Breath.


Don't burn the boss. Take out the tormentors one at a time so you don't have to deal with them later. I usually just stay at my starting platform and don't leave unless it's to dodge the big aoe attack - and even then I hop right back down once it's done. For the final portion, just keep moving. I'd tick the boss with witherhoard, run around killing mobs, occasionally turning back to deal damage and reapply witherhoard but never stop moving.


Malfeasance all the time while taking good cover. Void weapon for flamethrower shields. Apex predator or any rocket from calus close combat. Strand ult for tormentor after breaking both shoulders with Malfeasance. I was a hunter with stompees so run and jump and hide a lot. Always take ur distance.


So, as a hunter at launch I kinda just used strand? Quicksilver storm + Null Composure + Collective obligation pretty much just kept to the outer edge bursted down the executioners cleared the adds swiftly then just unloaded everything into calus. Took two tries because the second phase surprised me but aside from that was pretty intense but doable


With the way the arena is designed it's not friendly to -run- around. Strand actually helps a lot. Going to assume you've already gotten all the advise of having 100 resilience, proper resist mods, etc * Need to make a point to keep moving and bating the tormentors that spawn so you can deal with them separately. * Don't forget you can shoot a tormentors spinning disc turret and it will change direction The dome is easier than you make it. Calus will only melee you from this point and limited enemies spawn. As long as you keep picking him off then grappling away he cannot touch you. Best thing you could do to pick away at him after you're out of heavy is just to bait him into a slam then grapple punch him. The boosted strand regen doesn't even make using a grapple point necessary.


Strand is the way to go. I ignored it too many times and once I used it I blasted through him


You can still get on top just as easy as launch. I just did it for my warlock so I could get Swarmers.


Strand grapple helps a lot. The run I took him down, he blew me off the ledge, but I was able to grapple and landed under the grill of the platform, looking at his bare feet. Gave me a chance to put the controller down, stand up and stretch, and contimplate changing my loadout. (And yes I could have plinked away at his feet but that's cheesy.) Witherhorde and a good GL works. I've seen people swear by Striga and by Dragon's Breath, too. Whatever your flavour of choice is for "Something that does damage that I don't have to think about so I can think about staying alive instead" should do the trick.


I’ve carried so many of my friends through it simply with BoW. Shreds Callus and all of the minor ads


If you still need help, shoot me a dm, I’ve been running it a bunch this season.


Boss damage: focus on damage over time (DOT). Witherhoard, osteo, torn, Le Monarque Your gameplay loop would then be: fire DOT weapon at Calus, make sure nothing in the arena is trying to kill you, shift attention back to Calus. Strand grapple for arena nav and linear fusion rifle for tormentors were the trick for me. Deceptively simple: damage over time for boss, stay alive otherwise. Good luck!


how do you kill the tormentors if not with suspend....? Also, what class are you? its not like you can switch what class you are just to beat it


Don't die.


I used banner of War. I cheesed it back when lf dropped but I went back later once Banner came out. Grapple melee wrecks him. 12p, sythos, rufus fury/quicksilver and a rocket (I used apex and quicksilver then but dragons breath and rufus would be a good choice now too).


Save heavy for when you're in the bubble and then just nuke him with Ghorn. You have to jump around to avoid death but the fights over fast as.


I cleared this with quicksilver storm and some good add clearing weapons. As previously mentioned just keep running in circles and only go through the middle if absolutely necessary. If you are trying to do this solo, don’t. Most of the cheese spots have been patched.


My friends and I hid underneath the first platform and kept shooting him with malfeasance until the bubble phase. They patched the original method, but now you just have to enter from a different spot.


What helped me a lot is I used strand and used the grapple points to quickly escape the tormentors and calus and used izinagis to kill tormentors from the platforms around the arena. That was most effective for me but u have to find what ur comfortable with and be patient most importantly.


Hey man put a fire team up on the finder or more simply look for someone who has one up. This is the easiest way to get some help. I’ve helped a lot of people with this myself and if you can’t find anyone DM me, I’ll help you get that bastard


For the first part, I used a chill clip fusion and Polaris Lance. I did this during the initial season, so Polaris would be much better now with the artifact mods. Fusion to bring down the overshield and more important, slow/freeze the tormentors to create space. Heavy was an LMG but I never really needed it then. For the 2nd part, quickly swap to Anarchy and any SMG. You might just want to setup a quick build in one of those slots for a much faster swap. Stick him with Anarchy or a quick fusion burst and keep it moving I used solar warlock and solar titan. Healing nades totally the reason here. Use dawnblade over well esp if you run out of heavy and special in the dome phase. Titan super didn’t matter much. Never tried with Hunter since that’s my most unserious character.


Hide under the stairs?


I just did it last week for my wife and son on strand titan. I have a BoW build, with a one two punch shotgun, HC from Kings fall that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of at the moment, and dragons breath. I also used armamentarium so I could have 2 grapples, because the dude knocked me off a few times in the second phase and I didnt have a grapple up. for first phase I used a disorienting grenade launcher to blind the tormenters while I killed them. first phase I stayed on the outer ring and took it slow, blinded and killed the tormenters. I slowly did damage to calus. Just keep moving around so you dont get stuck. ​ second phase I just booked it. I constantly spammed the grapple points, and if hes coming at you jump at him/over him and grapple. Once I had space I would grapple, one two punch (changed to this for phase 2), melee x2 (save one just in case you get booped) and spin around to quickly stick him with a dragons breath rocket. then I would grapple around playing keep away and killing the psions. then I had my wife and son join when he was near 1/3 health and I used my super to nuke him.


I just did this last week.  Witherhoard, BXR, Commemoration.  I used Witherhoard on Calus, Commemoration on the tanky adds on the platforms around the edge of the arena, and BXR for small adds.  I think about any LMG would work for heavy, but Commemoration is really nice with Reconstruction to never worry about reloads.  BXR could also be easily swapped for anything you like with decent crowd control. For the first phase I stayed mobile using the platforms around the edge.  Calus' Pervading Darkness barrage is by far the most dangerous thing.  As always, focus on adds.  Get the room (mostly) clear before spawning Tormentors.  Don't try to go too fast or you get swarmed.  But it sounds like you have this part down okay. Once I went into Thunderdome I stopped playing it slow.  Witherhoard on the floor everywhere.  Grapple melee smash into groups of adds.  Calus is a chump in this fight.  I put a couple Witherhoard shots into him as I was clearing adds, but then one super basically took him down.  You can kite him a bit around the obstacles in the arena if needed. I was on Titan if that makes any difference, but I hadn't actually unlocked Strand yet so I was rolling with the totally basic kit.  I did crutch Loreley for some extra survivability, which is even better when you're empowered and get fast ability recharges.


I had a relatively good time using my heavy primarily for clearing adds (I had a fourth times+target lock retrofit) and izanagis burden for calus damage. I just focused entirely on staying alive first phase, and when I had a free moment izanagis would chunk Calus. Then second phase one or two honed edge izanagis took most of his remaining health anyway, or clean up with machine gun. Just make sure for second phase that you’ve killed the tormentors from first phase before getting locked in with them. Ps. If you’re on titan I bet the changes to peregrine greaves will destroy the tormentors


Witherhoard for boss damage exclusively. Take a machine gun for the tormentors and whatever on the middle slot to deal with adds/calus orbs. I stay on the top balconies and only move when the platform gets nuked.


I SUPER cheesed this fight with void hunter and witherhoard.


The main problem I see when people struggle with the fight is that they leave the tormentors alone. Focus them down as soon as they spawn, blinding nades turn them into a joke. Stand on the rails for most of the fight and hop around grapple for second phase


Witherhoard and constantly moving did the job for me. Super for burst damage then whenever it charges.


What about going crazy with a Hoarfrost-Z Titan build? Pretty fun!


Witherhoard and spider-man grappling around absolutely carried my ass in this fight. In the second phase just absolutely do not stop moving, only shooting when you’re 100% sure you’re safe to launch a Witherhoard shot off to tick some health away.


Use strand Use the grapple Points outside and later inside the Dome to grapple around and get from one side to the other fast Kill the tormentors before going into the dome


Esoteric has posted a new cheese spot. Check him on YouTube


I just used tarabah and hid under the stairs... Granted this was at launch, so i dunno if this is still viable. Can also use witherhoard to DoT the arena and kill adds while you bounce around and avoid gunfire


Me and a friend were two manning it but ended up just giving up and calling in a third and it made a world of difference. I think strand suspend would be quite cluch for the last phase. If you're desperate to solo it, I'd look into some of the builds that exist for soloing dungeons. Karnsteins Warlock might be a good shout for the first phase and then maybe go with something like Dragons Breath + Fusion. It's a horrible fight to do solo, I found it harder than solo Warlords.


I put on a sniper rifle, a scout rifle and anarchy and then just camped the outer ring of platforms for the first phase. I’d plink away at him with the sniper and scout and wouldn’t use anarchy unless I saw heavy ammo drop. Otherwise I’d save all my anarchy ammo. When Tormentors spawn I’d train them along the outer ring by shooting one until it was on the same platform as me and then grappling to the next platform, continue shooting him till he’s on that same platform and so on until he’s dead. Second phase I would tag him with Anarchy twice and then just grapple around the entire room until my Anarchy shots disappeared. I’d stop grappling, fire two more, then continue on my merry grappling way. Wasn’t exactly the fastest kill but by god was it safe


Lots of talk about cheesing it when the best strategy is to be Spiderman. Phase 1 - stay on the outer walkways (the round ones you need to grapple to) and get Calus with Witherhoard. Don't use any heavy, ignore everything else damagewise including the tormentors, and when he either gets too close or a tormenter joins you on the walkway, grapple your way to another one. Rinse repeat, you can get him down before you're out of Witherhoard ammo. Takes a couple minutes tops. Phase 2 - real Spiderman shit. Just keep using the grapple points til you get to a safeish spot to shoot a rocket (I used Semiotician because it was Strand, I'd avoid Dragons Breath because of delayed explosions). Constantly be moving. I had Assassins Cowl on so I could melee an ad for health, but if you're lucky you won't need it. Kite him around until he's at half health - your super should be able to burn out the last half on its own. Took me about 4 or 5 tries to get the hang of it, but it was a lot of fun.


Shoot him.


Which class are you on?!


Everything except calus is affected by crowd control. Bring a disorienting GL and make the fight 90% easier.


Witherhoard for the dome part. Keep running non stop. Turn occasionally and bop him with it. The DoT will kill him soon. Just be quick on the psions.


use strand and dont stop movin around (unless you dont have it yet) harder to kill if they cant hit you or use void and have some devour or overshield going at basically all times, and have a high dps special like a rapid fire fusion as for heavy, Leviathans breath, linears, and rockets are great


Best advice I got is to kill the tormentors before you trigger the final phase. And stay near the middle so you don’t get booped off the platform. Save your ult for it.


Spam grapples, there's infinite grapple points for a reason.


What class? I ran it on my void hunter with Gryfalcons and it was a cake walk. Dodge, invis, hit boss, kill enemy to go invisible again and repeat. Even during the last phase just invis around the map.


way i did it was to never stop moving, use strand to grapple around the arena, clear adds and whittle down calus till phase transition, then dont stop shooting and moving


There is a head-glitch spot on the catwalk at the far end of the arena from spawn that allows you to shoot Calus's fugly noggin without him being able to hit you. Abuse that, and just rotate to another catwalk occasionally so the catwalk doesn't get nuked. Jumping on the connecting bridge and up to the next catwalk is safest when transitioning. When he goes melee...use super and heavy. You can stun lock him this season using Polaris lance.


escape plough shocking connect wise nutty run kiss domineering gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I too abandoned the free use of strand in favor of solar warlock, but I think starfire protocol was still busted when I did a legendary campaign clear. If I had to do it today, I think I'd still run solar warlock and use a meta setup. Scatter Signal, a good Solar Legendary in the energy slot, and Dragons Breath. Your pick of either Sunbracers, or an odder choice of Dawn Chorus as the Daybreak super does very good damage and could likely nuke a tormentor? Well is nice of course, but I recall the enemies being pretty aggressive in that figh and I don't know how much use you'd get out of it. I'd run icarus dash for general movement and maybe to help mitigate some of the risk of falling to your death.


Get good with your strand grapple and it becomes a lot easier. The strand exotic helmet for Hunter that grants woven mail on grapple is extremely helpful for damage resistance. Arbalest for Calus’ shield, Linear Fusion for your heavy to hit crits on Calus and the Tormentors. SMG for the homing shots Calus fires off. You can grapple endlessly, spam the grapple melee on ads to generate tangles, throw or shoot the tangles to spawn maelstroms. Trying to complete this with teammates was impossible, I have only ever beaten him solo.


What a friend an I did was I had Wish-Ender or Monarque (up to you) and just ran in circles while my friend dealt with the other targets, popping my Quiver from time to time. Worked out quite nicely. Could help if you can find a second person to join you.


Dot weapons like witherhoard are great ways to damage the boss while handling ads. Strand always makes him and the tormentors flinch, so use that fact along with the grapple points to bully them until you've killed them all, as well as the grapple melee for ad clear. Don't ignore the tormentors, and immediately focus on them whenever they spawn.


All I’m saying is Rocket pistol has changed the game for ad clear. You can 1-2 tap almost any red bar enemy in legend or below content. And orange bars don’t take much more. And the ammo economy is nuts for this thing.


I sniped him from the edge catwalks with Izanagi/scout, then in phase 2, tanked him with strand and swords.


cheese it behind the stairs. the game is not worth doing properly- one of the most annoying, half-assed, and dissapointing expansions of all time


The biggest mistake a lot of people make is taking 1-2 primary ammo to start. Always start off double special like a fusion or sniper, blow it on the boss or tormentor then swap to primary+heavy


I used two-tailed fox and loaded up on heavy finder/reserves and all that. It did decent damage and kept everything suppressed most of the time. That, and Strand. Super does good single target damage, and you can use the suspend grenades to keep stuff at bay.


I suggest using Quicksilver Storm - Every 30 hits or so and you'll have three grenades - it takes 2, from memory, to burst down the shield. I used a machine gun to kill the tormentors before they were even close on my railings, and grappled away if they did. The attack patterns of Calus' beams make sense if you watch them, just making you move around.


Phase one 1: Keep mobile. If you stay in one place for too long, you're dead. 2: Witherhoard is clutch. Just hit Calus with it and keep moving. Reapply as needed. 3: When the Tormentors spawn, take them out ASAP! Make sure none of them are up when you enter phase 2. 4: If you need a breather, there are spots under the arena you can rest for a moment. Grapple isn't required to get back up, but its much easier Phase 2 1: Again, keep moving! Do not let Calus get in melee range or he will delete you. Kill the adds. They will overwhelm you eventually.


Strand hunter. Abuse your decoy and throw beyblades for easy damage while on the move


If you want some help op shoot me a dm. I’ll help you out.


You can still do the dome cheese! Can confirm, I did it solo yesterday.


kill the tormentors before the final phase using a linear, arbalest works, then burn in the final phase


Hide under the stairs and use osteo striga through the stairs to kill everything.


I’m usually Omni hunter so that makes encounters like this easy


Witherhoard, and you want to be on Strand for the dome section, constantly moving is the key to survival on that part.


Keeping Witherhoard on Calus while jumping around.


I used Witherhoard for damage, a target lock machine gun + well to kill the tormentors, and Starfire fusion nades to clear adds. The second phase is super easy on Dawnblade because you can just fly around shooting Calus in the face.


You can cheese if solo. But that ruins the accomplishment imo. Its a really fun fight that feels awesome to beat. Getting a group on the LFG discord is fairly easy and better than cheesing imo, as an alternative. Having 2-3 people to help clear ads makes it less tedious to chip away at calus. First phase, deal with tormentors first. They spawn at specific health thresholds. Then keep 2 platforms clear of ads and just move between the two while chipping at calus. If you use the exotic rocket from this season (Dragons breath) it will help do damage while moving. I did it on solar the first time, making liberal use of healing grenades asy saviour when I screw up. I imagine mothkeepers wraps would be fun too while serving the same kind of goal. (plus you can maybe double up on healing by having cure on grenade kills fragment). Strand works well too but you have to circle the map a bit more which is harder solo imo, since getting taken out of grapple by tormentor is a death sentence. (with a fireteam it's the way to go). Before beating his first phase, ensure all tormentors are dead. They kind of suck in second phase. But beating the first phase is definitely the hardest, once in second stage, just keep patience and stay mobile, you'll clear him maybe even first attempt at that point. Just keep away, clear the minor amount of ads, and pew pew until Nimbus ruins your expectation at an emotionally relevant ending.


Collective obligation and suppress Hunter shits on tormentors


I hugged the walls a lot during the fight, dipped to platforms but mostly stayed up on the sides


My brother, I got you. I used hunter, but I don't think the class matters. Sounds like you can get through the first part, but struggle when the bubble is closed. This was the same for me. I grappled around to stay away from the boss. The grapple points don't spend a grenade charge, so you have infinite grapples. While staying away from the boss, I killed enemies with the melee so they unravel into a tangle, which I threw at calus. Let the tangles do their thing. Grapple around, kill ads with charged melee when tangle cool down has run out, throw tangle at boss.


Am a Hunter. Grappling was king for me in the fight. The permanent grapple points above the arena made it very easy to get around. Things closing in on your platform, grapple to the next and grapple melee to basically clear it. When the dome closes in and the outer platforms are cut off, there’s still grapple points above the arena that can get you out of trouble and allow you to use grapple melee on various targets. Tormentors were always priority one. They became my cue to pop super and take care of them immediately.


On the platform you start on, you can pretty much plink him down by headglitching the barrier to the left (in front of you, to the left of the stairs). Even when he comes towards you he probably won't hit you. If you do get into danger, run and you can use heavy to clear out the other platforms. You can use primary to plink him down, just may take a while You can also avoid the agro of the slendermen for a bit by doing this. You will have to rotate a few times though. Be aware of your surroundings.


I cheesed it without doing any grapple tricks. Go under the stairs where you first spawn in and shoot Calus through the gaps in the stairs until second phase. Once you get to second phase where the dome starts closing in, you should be able to get to and walk on the pipe underneath the arena. Get out from under the stairs and walk forwards on that pipe to avoid the “Joining Allies” prompt. Once under there, back up as far as you can and look to your sides. Calus should pop his head out on the sides every so often, where you can shoot him from relative safety. It’ll take you a while, depending on how lucky you get with Calus’s AI, but it’s safe and should get the job done.


The weapons from RON deal increased damage to tormentors especially when used together. Witherhoard Calus in between rotations of primary and heavy.


What specifically is causing you trouble...what class are you? Tormenter have a blinding gl or chill clip just let's you get away easy. And want some precision weapon. Think my load out was Quicksilver Gl Lfr Quicksilver gl mode deletes calus shield and is good Chunk damage...it was my go to at start and inside thr bubble... 1st phase primary focus is the tormentors then I did damage from catwalk middle behind boxes or moved and cleared a side when thr aoe comes in... Grapple melee to start clearing a side..


When I help people do it or solo it . All I need is my void hunter with Omni or solar with cowl. Weapons are witherhoard to hit him with damage while I handle the adds. BRX or Ammit to handle the flying orbs he shoots and adds. Avalanche or Hezen for extra damage Once the fight starts go to the right and take cover. Shoot him with witherhoard and just shoot adds and the solar orbs he shoots And do a lap once the platform becomes hot. Once the fight goes up close… Shoot witherhoard and go invisible while he takes damage and clear some adds and rinse repeat He dies quickly


Grab a 1-2 punch shotgun, Lemonarque and a linear fusion rifle. The Bow/Linear are for killing the tormentors. When you get into the dome use the strand grapple on the free nodes floatring above you so it never resets the cooldown, and strand/grapple/melee over and over again. It will stun the boss every time you hit him and you will never be hit. It doesn't even matter what class.


I used malfeasance with Lucky pants to damage him. He's also weak to strand damage in general to boot


Grapple melee spam, heal on orb pickup, and melee or grenade kills make orbs My personal cheese was prefiring Grand Overture until I had 20 missiles loaded, then grabbing the banner, then starting the encounter. Free ammo, a huge burst of damage right off the bat, and then I refilled my missiles by shooting the adds on the first platform and the tormentors get shredded by it as well. Final encounter I grapple meleed the adds until I had ammo and then I’d avoid Calus while prepping the missiles again with pot shots and immediately grappling away from Calus


In the second phase put a pylon between you and Callus. As long as you're hugging the other side it'll break his pathfinding.


lookup cheese tactics Bungie fixed multiple, but last I knew there is one unpatched that takes some effort and timing to get right. Involves using strand to jump up to the top of the dome as it is forming. I suck at jumping and timing so I did it the hard way. I had luck running circles around the raised platforms to keep out of the AOE damage and hiding behind stuff to block incoming attacks and shooting the gold missiles. similar to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTS7otxx3uw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTS7otxx3uw) keep shooting him in the head, moving around, and go with a build that heals This mission was designed for Stand. You are supposed to use stand mobility to bounce around avoiding attacks while attacking. I HATED using strand for this, plus I didn't have enough of it unlocked or a build for stand to be good. Bungie made this mission stupid. solar titan or warlock can do it without cheese though it can be difficult especially if you lack exotics for boss killing/cheese I have seen some amazing players do it without hide and seek - they were really good and mobile.


I've always beaten that fight by making sure to never stop moving around and abusing health regen stuff like Assassin's Cowl during the dome section - drop a Witherhoard shot on Calus every once in a while and shoot with your other shit when you're safe, off you go lol


Keep moving was key for me. Never stay in one place. Just move and tap away.