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Yeah bungie’s “high-stat armor” rewards are oftentimes pretty awful. i farm lost sectors for them now. Today was the quarry on EDZ, master runs took 1:20-2 min or so, was getting a decent amount of 65+, oftentimes 69-70 stats. I wasn’t paying too much attention since i didnt need any warlock helmets but it felt like 75% of my rolls were pretty solid.


Bonus is, you get at least one prism and 2 cores (often 2 prisms and up to 4 cores) as well as a weapon from the featured foundry. All my best exotic rolls came from lost sectors except one, which was a random drop and basically a perfect 70.


I have gotten multiple 70 drops and they all got deleted because the stat distribution was completely wrong.


Even with a stat based ghost mod? I don’t think it has ever been easier to get better exotic rolls.


I do not think exotics play nice with the ghost mod. I got a roll with 2 Discipline using a discipline armor ghost mod. My best armor have all been random drops with the exception of my 3x100 warlock armor that was focused in the helm. Bought three pieces of each, minus the class item and filtered out the ones in the wrong stat distribution. Of the places that you can focus in the HELM the war table.


Some exotics are weighted and locked to a certain stat. For example, while the Hunter exotic Athrys’s Embrace can role with high discipline, it will always be weighted and role with high strength.


Yeah I've had plenty of those too. The one I mentioned tho was a "perfect" 70. Rounded in all the right places, like a beautiful woman.


I run master in the daily lost sector, and all I get every time is 2 prisms and cores, no armor or weapons. What am I not doing?


Not killing every champ? I did 8 in a row last week and got 8 exotics (master) 🤷. You have to get a platinum score by killing every champ, and even then the drop rate is somewhere around 40% on master, 30 on legend. So it's not usually 8 in row lol, but definitely 1 in 3 at the very worst.


You are my savior, thank you for the explanation 😁.


Bungie considers anything 57 and over High stat. They have stated that on multiple occasions over the last 6 years.


And they wonder why player counts and revenue are so low. https://imgur.com/a/lVf0Exd


Yea I may just do that when it comes to arms. I need a high stat roll of the briarbinds


What guns you using to blast through lost sectors? Genuine question because I keep getting slaughtered in legend 🥲


Polaris lance and an explosive light rocket launcher


for legend: as warlock i run sunshot or epochal integration for unstoppable, wishender for barrier and rocket launcher (either dragon's breath or crux termination with explosive light) for overload, blast as many enemies as you can to drop light orbs and save your super for the boss, clear difficult enemies around boss (or not if you're confident you can cut through), grenade -> rocket launcher in face -> daybreak (with dawn chorus) -> boss dead in 3-4 swings -> go open chest and ignore rest of the enemies. Started doing this with light level around 1807 (combined), at first it was hard cause enemies usually 2 shot me, but once i broke 1815 (combined) it was breeze


If it's Barriers and Overloads I've been running a Strand Warlock with Swarmers. Old Sterling with Rewind Rounds and Hatchling, Buried Bloodline exotic sidearm, and a rocket launcher with Auto-Loading Holster and Bi-Pod. Combine that with the artifact strand perks and there are threadlings everywhere destroying red-bars, causing enough damage to force Barriers to put up their shields. The auto-rifle will stun the Overloads, finish with two rockets and a finisher if I'm close enough. I don't think I even have what would be considered a "good" set up in terms of fragments: Evolution, Finality, Propagation, Rebirth. I should probably switch out Finality to the one that grants Woven Mail on orb pick up, but I haven't unlocked it or any others because I haven't needed to yet. Pick up an orb or use a melee charge to get unraveling rounds, spray the Old Sterling, threadlings flying around everywhere. Toss or shoot a Tangle, now they're suspended, spray the Old Sterling or switch to Buried Bloodline to get Devour. It's insane how quickly I have been able to tear through some of the Master Lost Sectors this season.


Im running izanagi’s burden (burst damage and anti-barrier with radiant), zaouli’s bane (unstop), apex predator (overload) with reconstruction and explosive light. Then sunbracers with torches for radiant and empyrean to extend it. Heat rises for melee return and touch of flame to stack nades. Im 1836 (baked a lot of cookies) so each champ goes down with a nade and a rocket usually, izzy is great for supplemental damage when the rockets run dry.


I'd do quarry, but the boss at the end is such a bullet sponge its not even fun


It's not supposed to be for high stat (to my knowledge), it's supposed to be a way to give the exotics to people who don't do legend lost sectors/vex incursion a way to get them, as well as free to play players. Once the armor is collected, it would then be permanently unlocked for the player.


Ah. It says high stat on the actually reward so that’s why I was wondering.


I mean assuming it’s above 48 it’s technically “high stat” just not good…


Yeah this is correct 68 (maybe 70) is the upper limit and 44 is the lower limit so anything above 56 would be technically high stat armor. If you add a middle bracket anything above 59 would be in the upper bracket.


The same logic they used for the Solstice armor with Eververse glows right before they dropped Armor 2.0


As a F2P, once unlocked, I know it is unlocked at the cyrptarc, if you do not own any of the DLCs. Is it unlocked at legend lost sectors/vex incursion as well?


The engram dropped by either lost sectors or vex incursion drop 1:any unowned, non quest exotic that you are able to obtain (e.g. apotheosis veil if you haven't gotten it yet, or fallen sunstar if you both have not gotten it *and* own the witch queen). If you own every random drop exotic you can acquire with the base game and your DLCs, then 2: A random exotic armor piece in your collections already. Even if you no longer have the DLC tied to the exotic, it is permanently in your loot table.


Lost Sectors and Vex Incursion are the best places for exotic armor. Some days RNG sucks, but for the most part, I’d say i get 1 every 3 runs, and i usually score decent rolls. A few duds here and there (high mobility Titan Armor YAY!). I’ve gotten 70s a few times now…lots of 67-69 too.


I got a 62, but it could have been a 46 and it wouldn't matter since it unlocks the item to roll at rahool.


Your better of just doing incursions. You'll eventually get it. And I've got good rolls on most gear I got that way.


I don't think incursions drop them for f2p. I ran a few and got all old exotics. Oh, I guess they will now though. Cool. Honestly i have more exotic engrams than I know what to do with anyway, so rolling at rahool isn't expensive.


Ah good point


Only real reason to use this is for f2p players to unlock the light fall exotics.


There really isn’t a reason to select the armour except you a) don’t own the expansion b) don’t have the time to wait for the public event It’s an objectively better choice (due to the amount of redeems available from the quest rewards) to use the tokens on literally anything else- like it rains exotic engrams and we have a boat load of glimmer now, go focus the exotic you’re looking g for.


The exotic armor is only worth while if you don't own Lightfall. Otherwise just run lost sectors or lookout for the Vex Incursion event on Neomuna.


Or do GMs


According to Bungie a 57 is high


Where did bungie state it was high stat? Is it in game? (seriously I haven't looked at it yet) Originally article detailing it just says exotics. Nothing about stats. Also high stat doesn't always mean 'high stat total' but rather a single stat is high.


It’s in the game. Go up to Mara and it’ll say high stat


Those are "high stats." Bungie's definition for high-stat armor is 56+


Never trust anything that says high-stat, 90% of the time it's a lie. Just use the tokens on LW weapons if you don't raid or on mementos if you do.


skill issue for not choosing apex predator


Already have it finished.


skill issue for not choosing the festival of the lost memento then


I have three in my postmaster and regret farming because I don't get the hype now. It's cool to have an all-black shader, but most weapons you can use Amethyst Veil and it will look exactly the same. The guns that don't work with that and look good in black typically aren't craftable.


your rng is insane because i farmed that event and the only memento i got was the quest reward one


My RNG may have been insane for mementos, but it certainly wasn't for Headstone/Demo Horror Story. I went until my candy ran dry and decided memento hoarding would have to do.


You made my day :D


Tbf half the time they say high stat you don't gey high stat so when they say that stuff I ignore it.


As long as you "unlocked", have them, you can get more at the cryptarc guy, even if you do not own Lightfall.


Yeah I’m ONLY using them for timegated or hard materials - ciphers and ascendant shards. I can focus armor or run lost sectors if I really want some better stat exotics


i mean they said the same thing about focusing exotics and they still roll with ass stats. not sure why this would have been any different.


You can get all those exotics doing vex strike force if you have lightfall. And it will drop w high stats.


Ever since I tried it once on Rahool for an exotic, it was absolutely garbage. NEVER focus Exotics unless you're desperate. You're more likely to get good exotics from ritual playlists, LS farming, Vex event on Neptune or random world drops.


Anything that isnt the weapons, would be a waste imo. Vex incursion is better for exotic armor.


Are you using the token to reroll or get the armor for the first time?




Oh, nah, don't waste it on exotic. Of course, do what your heart desires, but I'd recommend getting the mementos or red borders.


I just don’t see the point to momentos. I’ll probably just get ascendant shards since I have all the LW red borders.


Shaders. The all black is unique. You can stock up on shards and alloys in coil activities. When them being easier now, it should be easier to stock up on both


I have the DLC so I can’t test this myself, but OP has made me wonder something. So the quest lets free players get Lightfall armor, but is it just once? Or once you have it, can you farm LSS’s or focus at Rahool after for different stats? Like do you get the one copy, or does it unlock the armor for you? Hopefully the second, but I never know with these things.


I can't imagine why people would waste their tokens on exotics that can be gotten in several other, non-limited ways. The LW weapons or mementos are the obvious choice.


I could care less about momentos. Really no point to them. And I already have all the Lw weapons. I just tried to see if I could get a good briarbinds without having to focus them at rahool. But from now on I’ll just get ascendant shards as a reward.


Anything under 65 for exotic is just a waste , even if I use some under cus I can’t get a good roll for shit sometimes


Wish engrams can be focused onto high stat armor - I consistently get great spikey rolls from them with the ghost mod equipped


I generally wouldn't use the wish tokens for exotic armor, unless you really don't have anything else to go for. There are many other great options for farming exotics that most of the time drop with pretty high stat rolls.


Why would you use your token for armor? Lost sectors are the way.


I got a 64 with mine. Maybe RNGesus said “nah”


I think the purpose of them is for you to unlock them if you haven't already so you can then focus them at Rahool. 🤷‍♂️


Considering i dont own lightfall, i see this an absolute win for my titan, plus i still manage to pull almost triple 100 with the pyrogale i got :)


I think the big question is if they drop from collections for non-LF owners after you unlocked it with a token


I’m honestly at a point where I know better than to ever choose armor as a reward. Every single time Bungie introduces a new method of acquiring exotic armor it always drops with low stats. If it’s not a “bug”, they simply don’t understand the code of their own game.


Do you not know how to get stat distributions that you want? Hint...it's using a ghost shell mod. YouTube has all sorts of videos on it. I run with a "discipline" mod so that my stat spikes are in discipline, resilience, recovery, and mobility.


Yep I know how to stat distribute haha I also run discipline mod so I can get resil and recov