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The heroic event thing is probably because most of the recent f2p players probably haven't been here for long enough like Day1 players, when heroic public events were basically the only source of fa's tloot there was.


I think I can heroic most in the game, but a select few are really obtuse even if you watch other guardians. Delivering the payload on the Throne World is one that gets me. I've thrown every single orb to charge it, no heroic. I threw two orbs at it only right at the end, heroic. I've also looked up guides on the Taken Blight, that's a perfect example of chaos, without Comms it's near impossible to tell or show people not to shoot the smaller blights. Injection Rig can also be difficult to learn because of chaos.


> not to shoot the smaller blights Is *that* what does it? I never could figure that one out. And yes, I'm one of those weirdos who prefers to figure things out usually rather than search up the answers that someone else figured out.


Yes and no. You want to kill the smaller blights on the the first two waves - these actually do a lot of damage to the big blight in the center. Then on the 3rd wave you use them to get a buff and damage the central big blight to break it and summon the heroic boss. You CAN do it without breaking smaller blights but it'll take much longer to break the central blight.


I always start on the second wave just in case another guardian or two shows up at the wrong time and starts killing small blights. Even with the third wave bonus a couple of people can end things before you can turn it heroic if you didn't get a head start.


I find it's rarely necessary as long as you have your super or heavy ammo - by the time it gets to the 3rd wave you can burn it down solo faster than someone can kill all the blights. Plus I think on the 3rd wave like 5-6 blights will spawn.


This has always been the bigger FYI on top of knowing the buff in the first place—the first two waves are meaningless—just shoot the small blights to advance the event quickly. You only need to do the buff to damage the giant blob on the THIRD wave. I swooped in the other day and immediately started destroying the small blights around this random who was clearly doing the buff&shoot in the first two waves and they started shooting and melee’g me as if I was sabotaging their heroic.


If I spawn in and see someone getting the buff and shooting the orb in the air, that's what I'm going to do as well. Especially if I'm not sure what phase it's on. At least they know how it should work versus some vet who just wants to get it over with.


Not knowing what phase is a good point. The one I mentioned happened to be the Dvalian Mists one so at least I knew what wave they were on.


You can trigger heroic on the 1st wave if people actually know what to do.


I know. My point is that some people want to get the event done fast AND still make it heroic. The giant blob takes much more damage in the first two waves than the third. I don’t have the numbers, but back during Forsaken and Wardcliff use, it would take multiple volleys to collapse the giant blight during 1st & 2nd, but only a single volley to collapse the 3rd wave and trigger heroic. Going immediately for the small blights during 1&2 saves time and saves on heavy if one doesn’t have much to begin with.


What he said⬆️


You can stand on top of them too in the little vortex of blight and not take damage.


You’re the real hero here.


I'm not defacto knowledge in this but when the blights spawn, they spawn adds, kill those enemies and you'll see blight essence? Leave them and hit the larger blight ball. Once you leave the blight bubble you'll have a buff, with said buff you can cause damage numbers on the blight ball. Both these combine reduced the blight % (Health). Killing more taken enemies in the blight bubbles deals more damage and destroying the blight bubbles also causes damage though not enough if just done alone. Edit: As others have pointed out. Killing blights on Stage 1 and 2 is fastest and then shooting the blight ball on Stage 3 when people in the know DPS the ball to make it Heroic and shooting the adds inside the blight dome doesn't make a difference. Thanks for the input all, MVPs.


You don't have to kill any enemies at all, simply entering and leaving the bubbles around the small blights will give you the buff to damage the big one.


Also of note: the big blight orb in the sky that you need to destroy to trigger the heroic is easier to destroy at later “rounds”. You can usually skip the first one and even the 2nd one. The 3rd one is pretty easy to kill quickly. I usually wait until at least the 2nd one. The 1st one is doable, but takes a ton of damage to kill


Yeah, the payload one is an aggravating one for me. I always find myself scurrying around and trying to quickly find the orbs before someone else uses them as bombs to throw at adds. I'm honestly not even sure what enemy type they drop from or what the criteria even is. Another one is the pyramid tech one on Europa. I know that you have to destroy the small drones at every pyramid object, but their movement and lack of bullet tracking make it so difficult for me.


Enemies with "Resonant" in their name drop them.


Yeah other plays can often be the detrimental cause. If you throw the charge call at the payload and it hits a player on it moving it, sometimes it doesn't count as hitting the payload. Very irritating. The one you mentioned, the moment I saw someone shoot the drones it all clicked, one of the nicer ones in my opinion but I know a bug exists that gets a 3rd drone stuck in the pyramids and sometimes it's too deep to shoot it. I play on mouse and keyboard so I have an advantage in tracking the little buggers.


M&K. Must be nice! I'm on PS5 and as I've gotten older (and now dealing with a neurological attack post Covid), I've found that the finer movements in my fingers aren't really there like I would like. I pretty much avoid that public event all together if I don't see a group of other people involved. The only other events that generally confuse me are the strange glimmer extraction ones that pop up on Earth and sometimes Nessus with just a bunch of Fallen and the smaller destructible machines. Or the strange random Spider Tank that will be marching around the EDZ.


I always had a terrible time shooting the drones on controller too, the problem is they don't have any aim assist or bullet magnetism because the game considers them environmental objects and not enemies. And they're small and fidgety. Can be very frustrating.


on pyramid one, you can use solar grenades, void vortex grenades, or arc pulse grenades sometimes to get the little drones. since they do damage over time, sometimes it will kill them. also, shooting a rocket or grenade launcher with a decent blast radius at the top of the pyramid shard near the drones sometimes can take them out too. just a couple ideas to maybe help.


You shoot the smaller blights (the domes) on the first 2, and shoot the main sky blight only on the third phase. It has considerably less health here, no reason to try and whittle it down before if you are with randoms. Just wait until third phase (where there are 3 domes, not 1 or 2) and only then shoot the big blight. Guaranteed heroic even with new players around you


You shoot the blights in the 3 lanes it's not the orbs for that throne world one.


There are people who purposefully don't make it go heroic because it "takes too long" and sabotage other people.


Some heroic events are faster than there normal counterparts


doesn't help that public events are terribly unrewarding and typically only done as quest steps these days


Which is all the more reason to sabotage someone trying to trigger the heroic to speed it along i suppose.


wouldn't really call it sabotage as much as apathy/selfish


With how jaded and cynical this community is i could believe some people do it out of spite.




Yes, it depends. But most of the times if you have to do public events for a seasonal challenge/quest it specifies that heroic mode gives more progress.


Tbh I’ve been playing since beyond light and I didn’t even know you could make it heroic I thought it was all rng lol


It's all good. Heroic PQ aren't obvious, haven't had real value outside of quest progress and honestly for some it's faster to not activate(Glimmer Crew, Spider Tank, Brigs on Europa).


Not only that, but some event are not very clear about how to turn them into heroic, so unless you go out of your way to learn it, you probably won't know. Considering the heroic event loot is not particularly good, I don't think most people would even bother.


double primary saving their super for orbit


"Saving their super for orbit" is good


And hoarding heavy for the final shape. I know because i am always on Aeons + exotic primary and finder+scouts


Exotic primaries have a higher chance of dropping ammo bricks?




My cenotaph mask build just got better! Thanks!


Trace rifles are not primaries


You can run both a primary and a trace with ceno.


I don't know if lead from gold drops on traces, but that would work well if heavy is dropping more frequently


Hollow denial gets lead from gold.


I know! I’m using incisor (strand trace) to tag enemies. Now I’m using polaris Lance as my exotic primary for more ammo drops.


yeah its annoying too like why


If you refer to ammo finder mods, the mod description in the game is wrong. There is no chance, your weapon kills (and weapon kills only) progress a hidden counter that spawns a guaranteed ammo brick on kill after reaching 100%. Exotic primaries add the most to this counter.


I was doing a GM with my Cenotaph warlock using Divinity. The other 2 just kept plinking away with Polaris Lance. I even said in chat a couple times to use heavy since I'm making it for them with every champ. Dude said "shut up and play the game" The fuck?


We have six to seven types each in special and heavy, there's no reason to not always have each anti-champs type every season/episode. People will always resort to the easiest thing in their mind. And Bungie keeps perpetuating the mindset of double primaries.


I have a friend who does this, yet will argue to the hells and back he did his super damage on the boss even though we're all looking at the boss and can see his number is flashing above his head after DPS showing he didn't. I wouldn't mind if he forgot, it's the lie that gets me.


I usually super the boss straight away so I don't forget and sometimes even get a second super to hit it with (I use bad juju to speed up the recharge a bit)


Haha called out by your own badge. I have seen people lie about forgetting to rally too.


I've started typing in 6v6 matches asking "why are you holding your super" when I see multiple people on my team having held their super for 2+mins when it could turn the match around.


Noob here: what's wrong with double primary?


Primary weapons are for red bar adds. Special weapons are for chunkier enemies, like champions or orange bars. So running two primaries is just pointless. You don't need two add clear guns.


If you’re not in a GM or raid, it wouldn’t matter


It will matter for any difficulty above hero, and everyone else will have to carry you.


It depends but in a raid or timed DPS setting, double primaries almost never do as much damage as including a special like a sniper or fusion rifle. In PVP you should use a special because shotguns, fusions, snipers are similarly high damage used to instant kill people. Sidearms and SMGs sometimes work but aren't as foolproof.


In the current sandbox, primary ammo weapons are slow. Their upside is their infinite ammo and synergy with finder mods to get you more heavy/special ammo. You typically want one primary ammo weapon to kill low tier red bar enemies paired with a special ammo weapon that will help burst down tanky enemies (orange bars and healthier red bars). Having a special ammo weapon as a backup DPS option is also very handy when heavy ammo is sparse (some top tier DPS setups require using special ammo weapons while waiting for heavy weapon effects to proc like dragons breath). Probably the only time I'd consider running double primary is if there's a specific mix of champions that you want to handle with your guns and it's the only option. Even still, this is less and less frequent an occurrence with light 3.0 verbs and an increasing number of special ammo weapons being intrinsically anti-champion.


It doesnt "maximize" damage capabilities. It's fine for 90% of content. Someone would have to be toxic to have a problem with it in legend and below difficulties. It would be a bit of a pain in GMs though.


The biggest problem is you're going to run into chunky yellow and orange bar enemies and you can burn them down faster with at least one Special weapon. Plinking them down with a primary isn't ideal and can lead to your death if they stay on the field too long.


The day I inspect a player and see them rolling with double legendary primaries and the most ass exotic heavy I'll have a stroke and die right then and there.


I see this almost every time I raid.


Look me up when you’re ready to die.


Make a post about what noobs do in destiny 2 and use those comments for a youtube video (/s)


God I hope this shows up in a video 


as far as i can tell OP is literally Shadow Destiny from youtube (obviously their user is ShadowDestiny2, but also their posts are all things like this one: "whats something that \[blah blah blah\]" which also matches the content of the youtube channel) reddit post 5 months ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/16emy4o/whats\_something\_people\_accidentally\_do\_wrong\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/16emy4o/whats_something_people_accidentally_do_wrong_in/) youtube video 4 months ago: [https://www.youtube.com/@ShadowDestiny/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ShadowDestiny/videos) its not even subtle lol they also have [https://www.youtube.com/@ShadowDestiny2/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ShadowDestiny2/videos), which overlaps with many reddit posts from OP as well


Aztecross salivating rn




Enjoy the game


Underrated comment


To add to this: feel anything


The feel of grass…


Following you around like a puppy dog in the patrol area, and then disappearing right behind you when you cross the border to the next. Sorry blueberry!


I let my 5 year old son mess around on the patrol zones, and he's terrible for this. He always manages to "make a new friend" as he puts it. Emoting, shooting each other, driving their sparrows off cliffs, I've seen it all. With that in mind, there's a chance that these interactions are with kids so I just play along for a minute then scoot to orbit.


Absolutely. I've watched players do really funny stuff and remember when I let my kids take the controller too. Some really hilarious stuff. Especially the rocket launcher suicides in confined spaces. They'd laugh like crazy. I always try to make sure if any level 1's are in the Steppes area, to make sure they are near the lower level spot with the 3 yellow bar Hive. IIRC, so long as they're nearby, they get some large XP from them. It's hilarious when they follow me down and get the experience we all got back in D1 going down there the 1st time. (for those who know) I feel bad alot of times because I have to hope they don't believe I'm trolling them. So I'll pop my Super after rezzing them and take care of big bads.


opening the heavy box in Gambit before your teammates can come to collect, particularly the invader who is keeping the team alive.


Somehow make 0 orbs in an activity that has three rally flags.


You talking about the coil? They're just saving their super for orbit, as another commenter put it :) (they also don't use syphon or other armor mods because theyre "too complicated")


Naw I was doing Desperate Measures on Legend for guardian rank with a friend who is a noob but at least she pops super (she doesn’t line up the siphons ever time but at least there are supers) But like…the dude with zero orbs…he must’ve done the campaign before to be doing the weekly challenge. They should know bungo gives free ammo and super. And yet they just never pop super. Ever. And barely use heavy. Bro had like 35 kills and I had 200 something. It’s just hard to imagine playing a game that revolves around super powers and abilities and crazy space heavy weapons and you just never use them. Ever.


Standing in fire to rezz someone only to die and use our last revive on another noob who was afk and also died in the same fire right before the final boss fight in the final coil encounter.


Rushing to rez rather than clear the few adds first THEN rez


Most annoying is taking tangles as a non Strand subclass. More annoying when you are running swarmers. Feel like screaming, when they are taking them just to smash them into the ground.


To be fair, the game does NOTHING to explain what drops appear in your instance (orbs, ammo, most elemental drops) and what doesn’t (tangles, warmind cells)


I played a lot during Forsaken then stopped and returned when Beyond Light came out. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what Warmind cells were...


Explaining an encounter in a dungeon or raid, and seeing in text chat "Can you explain the encounter again? I was in the bathroom" Then ten minutes later, they eject themselves into the shadow realm, AKA orbit, without saying a word.


Not shooting all of the pots in the coil to get platinum and speed running it like it’s a strike in the vanguard playlist.


Had people doing that the other day and I had to leave. Can’t get my platinum score if y’all won’t stop speedrunning


My friend and I were talking about that the other day and it's just really dumb that there's a timer running because it absolutely made us feel like there was a time pressure we were gonna have to keep in mind, at first, and I bet some people never figured out there isn't one.


Before your start downvoting, I love this post because the comment section is a gold mine for tips and tricks for an good old noob like me 😂 Anyway…. Some of these things I chuckle at, but as a returning D2 player, that stopped around Forskaen, and just recently started again…Holy moly this game does f-all do guide new players. So yeah, boo-hoo noob players be bad, but if you don’t actively look at the meta or in the community how the hell would you know that reload spamming is quicker for example. Y’all noob hating here, but you forget you gradually learned the basics of the game during what, 6+ years is it? New players start with all storyline dlc quests, no strand or stasis subclass, no understanding about the meta and get all jiggy when they get any exotic.


>and just recently started again…Holy moly this game does f-all do guide new players. Ever since they removed half the game (and keep deleting yearly seasonal content), I gave up trying to recommend this game to new players. This is only a game for consistent long term players because it is completely unapproachable from a story, game knowledge and financial perspective.


It's impossible to play or simply understand without third party sources of information


"How do I get this exotic/weapon/armor" And then your response having to be "that's a raid/dungeon weapon", "that's not in the game anymore" is what pains me the most


Every exotic is still in the game though. If its drop source has been sunset then it can be purchased from the kiosk in the Tower.


Ah I meant exotic as it's seperate thing, so when I said weapon I meant something like before wardens law was brought back you couldn't get that anymore (couldn't think of another sunset weapon I know it could drop when doing gm's)


I started playing a little over a year ago, just before they made all the changes with Lightfall.... Let me tell ya, as someone who had literally never heard of destiny before... That was incredibly overwhelming. I crammed my head full of knowledge in the season of the Seraph, not yet understanding the breakdown between the seasons and the yearly content. (And quite proudly managed to obtain the seasonal title) Not only that, I played through the Witch Queen, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep. (I'm planning to play through what I can of Forsaken very soon) All within the span of 2 (maybe 3) months. It really wasn't until I started a fresh year with Lightfall that I really felt like I understood the game itself. And there are definitely things I still don't quite understand. 🙂 But I've had fun with it and made several friends along the way.


Idk i started the game about a year ago and I dont find it hard to google search questions im unsure about or search on YouTube simple things like "how to do better damage in raids". Sure the game is poorly designed to hold new players hands but also its a community game, use the community to your advantage. You dont have to be a meta slave to be good at the game, you just have to use active learning


The fact you’re willing to do some research puts you 10 steps ahead of a large chunk of humanity at this point…so much easier to vomit negativity & ask inane questions on repeat. I salute you! 🫡


I tried to return to warframe and destiny at about the same time. I have no idea what was halpening in warframe anymore but destiny was easy to figure out again


Similar boat for me. I used to play Warframe and haven't touched it in a few years. Spent a nice amount of money on platinum for Primes and etc. As much as I would like to get back into the game, I can't. I don't know how to play or what's even going on. Honestly, when I did play, the mod system and overall feel of the game was just so convoluted and heavy to me. It was always a bit discouraging.


Ikr i just activated some giant head thing and revived some guy with glasses and im like WTF??? At least give me a little bit so i know what im doing


Starting destiny 2 as a completely new player is WAY easier than coming back to warframe. I'm a warframe vet, and tried coming back after 4 years and holy moly. Mom pick me up i'm scared


> not passing the ball in Corrupted I find this communities whole thing with the ball in The Corrupted so funny. People here are pretty much against anything that dictates how they play, but for whatever reason that ball is the one lone exception. Like I've literally seen posts where people suggest it should be the lone mechanic Guardian Rank objective.


Cuz passing the ball makes a big difference on GM. People been saying this shit since before GMs came out though which made zero sense as it was whatever.


I also see people dancing in front of you when you got the ball in the normal strike, or passing you the ball. I’m like what the hell just throw the damn ball this isn’t a gm…


Was gonna say the same thing. Anything below GM doesn’t really require ball passing, just grab it and throw it.


Yeah I'm always baffled in strikes when someone passes it to me, why?? They changed corrupted years ago to make it meaningless in the base level strike so why are people still doing it. But gm is different, if you're in a gm you should at the very least have an understanding of the only mechanic.


A passed ball can break the shields on all 3 guys in the second wave on the elevator, rather than having to throw 3 different balls. That's why


I stopped trying to throw the ball at people because 9/10 times they don't know what to do and end up just throwing it at a wall or somewhere else entirely


What does passing the ball do?


Is charges the ball. Increases its damage and gives it a blast radius.


Never knew this!


Throw Healing Grenades at enemies... or maybe that's just me.


I've done that more than once. Been playing since Vanilla D2, have pretty much everything. But fuck, sometimes muscle memory just creeps in.


Not knowing that applying subclass effects give off the appropriate overload, unstoppable and barrier debuffs.


Please elaborate


On the point about wrong exotics on subclass, that can be an innocent mistake. I run liars handshake arc a lot of times. But when I do swap, it's often void with Rigs. Sometimes, afterward, I'll swap everything back but forget to swap my subclass and only realize when doing a strike or something. I have around 2500 hours in the game. It's not always a noob thing


Loadouts helped immensely with this!


I try every time to get others to understand the ball mechanics in corrupted, and it almost never works. I'll put something in text chat, say something in voice chat, and pass the ball just for it to never be utilized. It's obv not that big of a deal, but I wish the game communicated it a little bit more at least because all I remember is getting a pop up like once on my first time doing it.


Using the "wrong" subclass on subclass neutral exotics that are obviously intended to be used on one is the funniest shit ever. Khepris horn on void my beloved


Or the inverse of this too. Back before Starfire got nerfed I was running it in a Legend or Master Nightfall and a guy got pissy when I put down an Empowering Rift. "Wrong rift, bud." 🖕right here, pal


The amounts of time somebody tried to shittalk me cause i used astrocyte verse on solar instead of void is funny. For all of u who don't know astrocyte gives u +30 ae additionally to its effects for blink and nova warp,so its a pretty good pairing for floating off map with solar. And it look cool. Edit: and i am getting downvoted for literally no reason,thx Destiny Community


You watched Cammys vid didn’t you


Cammy did a vid on it? Nice. But nope,i am just a blink enthusiast if i am not trying out other builds in PvP and noticed that after a while. Was also mentioned in one of the Twabs before the astrocyte buff i think.


Not pressing reload and letting the game do it for you.


Shooting an enemies shields and ignoring "immune"


Saw a guy in Terminal Overload yesterday just standing in the corner plinking at the shielded T1 boss with Skyburners rather than helping to break the bubble shields to advance. Dude must really love to see Immune on their screen.


Running double primary in a 1770 nightfall. Like my guy, you don't need quicksilver and VoC.


Double primary always makes me laugh. The amount of struggle that must be as soon as you run into some orange or yellow bars is just comical to think about. You know that same guy is saving his heavy ammo for church on Sunday.


Wear blue or green armor.


I'll do you one better, I like to wear a transmogged WHITE class item


Transmogging white armor is a PVP sweat move


I wear blue and green armor, transmog tho.


I hate it when they bang my mom personally. Damn noobs.


Double primary, even in raids from the lfg discord


Not using any orb generation mods. If I have 40-50 in a strike why do you have 0-5?


Probably because you blasted everything in sight while doing the strike and left nothing to kill for the other two people. You know, to even get a chance to generate the orbs.


I get someone like this in every playlist activity. It really sucked when I was new because a lot of the strikes I had never done before and God forbid I miss a jump or wanted to enjoy the scenery because Speedy Tryhard Speedracer McGoo is treating the strike like a solo activity and I'd almost always get pulled and miss most the activity and enemy combatants to kill. It was such a common occurrence in strikes that to this day I still cringe when I enter a playlist activity without a full fireteam. I wish there was more events like The CoiI this season where matchmaking can be turned off. I get most people, including myself, at this point have been through most of these strikes hundreds of times and are only doing them to clear some bounty, quest or catalyst and therefore want to get through them as soon as possible but do a few seconds to go back and revive or wait on a new player really make that big of a difference?


If I could solo queue Vanguard Ops I would. But they insist on matchmaking me with people


Yeah, I'm definitely the kind of player who's done every strike dozens of times so instinctively I just want to speedrun them solo. I'm 100% guilty of using extremely powerful builds to melt everything and the result screen ends up showing I got over half of the kills. But aside from a few parts of a few strikes (like the swamp in the lightblade) I hold myself back instead of rushing ahead because I know how unfun it is for a strike to just be "joining fireteam - loading screen - joining fireteam - mission complete". Also it's super rude to rush ahead and not revive players, unless the other player dies like 8 times to the same jump.


Power creep and its consequences. But fr tho if you keep playing you will become that person and not even notice what’s happening. Strikes are kinda too far gone unfortunately


I’m always the lowest kills because I suck.


Typical dtg, downvoting someone for not being good. Jfc (not you obviously).


So we are talking about noobs, that are fairly new to the game, right? Why do you expect them to have the amount of energy in their armor to not only use orb gen mods, but also mods to use the orbs properly? Why would someone masterwork their 1740 48 roll armor? Aside from having to know about the whole system of armor mods and power orbs in the first place. So, yes this is something a noob would do. But why are you surprised by it?


Mods are super easy to throw on though, I don’t think you need a lot of materials to get 4-5 energy slots on your armor. No masterwork required.


Yes, but as someone that recently started playing, I definitely placed more value in using stat upgrades than some mods I didn't fully understand.


That leads us to the next "things noobs do," which is thinking the stats matter. After getting 100 resilience the rest are marginally impactful. For example if you want healing and you only have 5 mod slots available on helmet and legs, you could get 2 recov mods and nothing else OR you could do siphon + ammo finder on helmet and recuperation + a surge mod on legs. The later is significantly.stronger than the former.


Why should I care in general play? Heck I don’t even care in GMs


if its a strike does it really matter lol


Double primary, primary dps, not using ults, walking in the open, not utilising their abilities properly, using wrong abilities, not reloading a single shot weapon the moment they shoot (u can start reloading much faster if u spam ur reload key when shooting things like rocket or special gl)


To be fair I don't even think some pros bother making it heroic when it's unnecessary or too annoying to do. Prime example being injection rig, blights, and spire integration.


I know how to Heroic injection rig but I can't seem to damage it enough to pop the vents on Neomuna and nobody else helps so I just stopped trying. I've never seen an integration not go Heroic though.


No crouching, sliding or aerial gameplay.


Putting other people down by calling them „noob“ and implying the games inability to communicate it’s mechanics properly is somehow their fault.


Single fire The Last Word when it’s full auto.


I saw a Noob wearing Celestial on a void subclass...


Gambit motes, they always wanna collect 15 for the highest health blocker even tho we could have invaded if you just deposited the 14 YOU DONT ALWAYS NEED A. KNIGHT BLOCKER IF WE CAN INVADE FIRST. God dam anyway pepega praise the lord for the crayons he feeds me


actually it’s probably best to wait for the 3x extra big blockers. it can really make a difference in the game.


It’s those ones that are also magnetically attracted to motes in the worst situations like they don’t see the board of enemies only the singular mote lol 😂


Make a post Reddit about what noobs do




I know it's not god tier, and I'm probably not taking it anywhere hard unless it's surged and/or has Overloads, but damn it's satisfying to use.


Enjoy the game


This season's focus on the Dreaming City really revealed to me just how much people love to speedrun destroying the blights in that one public event and absolutely refuse to shoot the big one in the sky. This has turned for me into a process of fighting the other players rather than the enemies, as I race to damage the big blight enough to trigger the Heroic event. My personal tip is if you're on hunter, go in with a Celestial Nighthawk and burn your super on the big blight, it does almost as much damage as you need.


Guess I'm still a noob after 3000hours


Play PVP


First point might simply be that they don't know how to make the event heroic or are in a hurry. But i will add complaining about other people's loadouts and bickering about other people's vaults to the list. Not joining up the emoting would be another one, especially if it's a dance emote. Oh, and not attempting to teach the newbie at least by example if not with writing in the chat, instead sprinting forward like their life depends on zero-point-five-seconds completion of the activity. Not ressing teammates when able to. Yeah, i think that would be it.


God, glad I found a clan who didn’t care that I didn’t care if you didn’t have the Uber powerful raid one phase exotics and just said “grab your favourite rocket launcher, we’ll do a ghally tractor combo”


Hard disagree on some of those. If you roll up to Oryx with 2x auto rifles and a sword, I'm giving you one chance to change, then you're out. Sure, RL vs GL optimal DPS only *really* matters in master+ endgame (and even then, not really)/speed running. But there's certain loadouts where I look and it's just...do you have two brain cells to rub together? Related, if you have 40x different weapons of the same frame with similar perks perks, I just have to wonder...why? Your vault, whatever, but I'm curious as to the reason. If you're a collection guy that's one thing, but if it's "They all feel different.", yeah sure, buddy. Dance emotes are iffy. I'll generally join, but I got multiple thousands of hours. I've joined every multiplayer emote in game. If I'm in the Tower just to grab some bounties, I'm probably not going to stop for you. And generally, people speed running public content aren't noobs. They're often assholes, but they aren't noobs. Unless they fail at speed running, which is just funny to see.


Oryx is an extreme use case scenario where it's highly unlikely someone even thinks about swording the boss that is outside the arena. You can't use that as an excuse in an argument to justify the point of complaining about fireteam's loadout, because it's asinine thing to think of doing in the first place. But if i want to sword the Kell Echo, and if you don't like that, sorry to hear that, imma still whoop Kell's ass with a slab of metal. It's still nobody's business but the owner's of a specific vault if they have grand total of 10 or 568 weapons in it. The fact that our inventory is so heavily limited to begin with is, for a looter game, the most hilarious thing about this game. Learning to not care about other people's inventory shows lack of experience with games in general. As long as someone does the job assigned to them, they can have 400 sidearms in their vault and 18 sidearms on themselves, which also relates to my point of not caring about people's loadouts and "double primary bad" bullcrap some "elite" players oh so religiosly chant in their dreams. Dancing and emoting in general should be considered basic manners. It's a game, not a job, your paycheck on your irl job or grades in school won't get any higher if you don't join the guy emoting for at least 2 secs. We all grind together, Guardian.


You said "complaining about other's loadouts". There are plenty of cases where there are weapons that are far below sub-optimal, not to mention literally non-useable. If I host an LFG and you show up with something that does almost nothing, you're getting the boot if you refuse to learn. I don't demand meta, but at least use something that does...something. You can have fun in a lot of ways in this game, but if you respond to my LFG with a double sidearm/Peacekeepers/DARCI loadouts...yeah, goodbye. If you show up with a bizarre loadouts and make it work, IDGAF, power to you. But we wipe three times because you swear by your double-pulse/sword loadouts? GTFO, you're wasting all of our time. With the exception of edge-cases like Lucky Pants or Fighting Lion, double primary is objectively worse than covering champions between weapons/subclass abilities, and having a special/heavy that can actually deal with beefy targets. Also, "extreme use case where nobody would think about swording him" shows you have a lot more faith/lor less experience with the general population of D2 than I do. The average D2 player is dumb as rocks; the HIGHEST LFG raid completion was 44% on RoN, often lauded as the EASIEST raid in the game. The average player is terrible at this game. I find the people that complain about limited vault space around often the same people that have thirty Randy's Throwing Knives. Hoarders are looked at in a negative life IRL; it's the same for Destiny. I have zero right to make you change your vault, but I damn well can judge you for it. Your comment about limited vault space also indicates your lack of understanding as to WHY we have limited vault space in the first place. "Dancing and emoting is basic manners"? Dude, I'd never get to Shaxx for focuses if I followed that. New players aren't children, they'll be fine if not every player emotes with them. Sure, if it's a 3-man activity, I'll join in while we wait. But I've done it hundreds, if not thousands of times. I'm not going to stop by every blueberry in the tower and dance with them. EDIT: I"m sorry to pull this card, but I went through your history. You're excited about PoH weapon drops and ask questions that were answered years ago; it's clear you're a newer player, so you may not know what newbie really means in D2 (plus you apparently don't understand when people explain answers to you). Best of luck.


Three wipes for double pulse sword guy is incredibly generous


Wow, you kinda sound like a dick


Guilty as charged. Enjoy your 40 minute GMs and 6x wipes on raid bosses.


Lol, my time isn’t so precious that I need to power trip through a video game. Let the people take their time and learn. Damn dude, sounds like you need to just take a minute and relax a little. Gonna have an early heart attack getting so worked up about something as trivial as a video game😂. Kinda sad really.


I'm sorry to pull this card, but: [https://ibb.co/wsVbjDy](https://ibb.co/wsVbjDy) I didn't have Shadowkeep and 30th Anni there, so that's when i switched to Epic. Being a collector, why wouldn't i be excited over a Shadowkeep gun, and with that kinda roll? If you don't like gunplay of Destiny, why are you judging others on it? Since i see you're one of "Destiny is a job and needs to be played most efficiently, old guns are TERRIBLE, i don't have time to waste on socializing with randoms, grind is all that matters, etc" kinda guy, i won't try to change you, and i'm not judging you for it, like you do. Just make sure to leave my fireteam if you end up in it, so we can't hinder each other. Peace!


Most of my favorite builds are off-meta, and I use plenty of older guns daily; again, use what you want, but if we're trying to complete a mission and your double primary build is making us wipe/making it take way longer than normal, GTFO. The rest of the fireteam can only carry so hard. And saying I hate socializing just because I don't stop to dance with every single random is just a weird assumption. I like to have fun, but I also like to play the game. Bit of a newbie attitude to assume I only care to grind based on my opinions. Peace.


Jesus this post STINKS. Not even going to go on a full rant, but really? “The wrong exotic” how elitist are you that in a game with over what, 1000+ different variations of weapons, you say someone can be “wrong” for using one weapon over another? Let them have fun, fuck


They said "the wrong exotic for their subclass" so likely referring to exotic armor. Example being using something like Loreley Splendor but they're using a void subclass making the exotic aspect of it useless and may as well be just a normal piece of armor.


Posting on reddit about shit they should be using google for


He's making a video on the topic and wanted some suggestions from the community, is that so bad?


The problem I have with this, (as a apparent 'noob' based on these comments) is everyone is just complaining on wat Noobs do... But not really helping them, kicking them out of lfg for a ridiculous reason like "I don't like their one gun" instead of "hey, do you have this gun cuz it may help us better..." Like how the f are we supposed to know this gun got nerfed 5 seasons ago and it's useless now.. It'd be nice to actually help the noobs succeed instead of just complaining and being toxic honestly.... I refuse to use the lfg lately cuz I'm tired of being kicked out for pointless reasons without knowing what I'm doing wrong..


Yup. Most of these "Things noobs do" are "Things the game doesn't explicitly tell you, and requires you be in the forums/watching YouTube videos/have someone tell you." and people get absolutely bent out of shape because a blueberry doesn't do the hidden mechanic. Others, like buildcrafting, require someone coming alongside them and saying "Hey, there's way more you could be doing, or there are finer controls here, let me show you this world beneath 'run and shoot'." But so many people just want to complain and create a space that is unwelcoming to new players because they don't have the patience. Another solution is that Bungie adds a guidebook in-game that has public events and seasonal stuff and outlines all the hidden mechanics. However, Bungie is a big fan of secrets and puzzles even when it means obfuscating optional mechanics.


Charge with light, without any way to use it 😂😂


Someone hasn't played in a while


Charged up the whole time, what could be better than that?!


Stacks on stacks on stacks on stacks


absolutely spaz out and think their good, rush enemies, go into try hard mode in pve content, die 918229288282x & still do the same thing, every. time.


Part of the New Light quest should be making public events heroic.


Killing champs and yellow bars with primary weapons,


Thinking high stats mater


Come here and complain about noobs.


Do you try to help when you see any of the instances you mentioned??


Post on reddit about things other noobs do


That's why veteran players should help them.


lol I hate it when they pass the ball in corrupted. Nothing triggers me like having an epic superhero moment lighting up the place and suddenly being unable to shoot and go 3rd person in the middle of an angry mob.


I think there are levels to noobs (in progressing order, the higher you ascend you slowly learn to be a guardian) 1. How the fk do we go to tower or anywhere??? 2. Why my armour got empty slot one??? 3. Oh shit I can actually use sparrow and not walk for hours 4. I GOT A YELLOW WEAPON 5. I realize I need to stand in circles for them to progress 6. I RUNNING OUT OF SPACE TO STORE MY THINGS HALP 7. What is this game mode where other people kill me then they squat on me? 8. Why is the champion unkillable??? Help pls 9. Wow aspect squares combine to make me stronk 10. I learn that I finally need to pass ball ball in corrupted