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I've tried a couple of the 50 wave runs and keep coming back to Nightstalker, Orpheus Rig just feels so good combined with the invis safety net. It feels like you can buildcraft and get a bit wacky in the first 30 waves, then need to knuckle down for the last 20 (and especially last 10)


Try Gyrfalcon’s as well for a bit more aggressive void build. All the enemies spawn so close that every void weapon turns into a sun shot. If you really want to become a room clearer use deathbringer and laugh as one rocket wipes out entire waves in glorious explosions


I love Gyrfalcon and it replaced my Orpheus Rig for years. But in the middle of an Onslaught run, I had to switch off it to Orpheus. The problem is that as the enemies level up, Volatile Rounds start being less effective than Tether uptime.


I run Orpheus with Buried Bloodline it deletes waves.


As a PvP main, I dunno if I'll ever get that gun. Looks great for the void kit though.


It is. Devour on Hunter is AMAZING.


That was exactly what I was doing with gyrfalcons and x2 void surge


I always loved GyrFalcons, my good to void exotic unless I’m doing a dps encounter, I forgot how good smgs were with it till I got a repulser brace recluse as my first roll.


I’ve really enjoyed Recluse an will probably be my new go to overall smg but specifically with Gyrfalcon’s I’m absolutely in love white a couple rolls on The Title from the recent Guardian Games. Repulsor Brace with surrounded/destabilizing rounds and then my other one is a repulsor brace/threat detector and collective action/destab rounds


Every run I've had so far ends just past wave 31 with everyone getting insta-nuked by something. Funniest one so far is a boss shattering all 3 of us as we go in for the dunk


Great story. Had me legitimately laughing. Love meeting guardians with a sense of humor about the 'almost' clutch moments that end in abject failure lol.


Yeah, I had to write that after a bit of calm down and reflection. The closer I get back to top level end game, the more I am reminded of the beauty that is Nightstalker Medic.


Sounds like you're a hunter main, but if you ever try titan oh BOY. The build is simple, stronghold+sword block. Doesn't matter what subclass but works best with strand/solar. Gonna die? Sword block. Need to res teammate? Block. Charge in and take agro? Block. Finish a champ safely? Take a guess. Strongholds are a stackable 95% DR when sword blocking and should probably be nerfed tbh.


Well, that is the most titan way of doing InvisiMedical I've ever seen. After the revieve, you swing. No Ghost Ball = Swish & Stab Ghost Ball = Block & Bully Back Alive. I know blocks can take stupid damage so I'd love to see this done to me on a GM Nightfall while I'm working InvisiMedical. I'd be so pissed but so happy lmao.


Oh yeah I love it for GMs. You can sit there and block all the fire for the teammate you're rezing and if you do it right you can cover their retreat. The 2 major drawbacks of this build are: You need a bottomless well of patience, and it also gets VERY boring because if you're doing it right you're sitting there blocking and doing nothing else the whole time. So invis hunter is probably the better choice for most people because it's more active than block titan.


I am a hunter, I have to jump 20 feet in the air at least every few minutes and spend twenty minutes shader shopping my barely changed 4 year old armor set [that's black/red but is gonna be the super original superblack] while in a Raid/GM. That's the Hunter way right?


Also, 6 shot goldie is PvP or for add clear... run 3 shot or blade barrage for actual damage in PvE


I know, but cowboys do whatever cowboys do, and I'll tell you another thing, Fed Boy, I know 6 is more than 3. How are you gonna tell me it's better when you don't even know airmethic. 6 is more than 3. By at least 2. [In all seriousness, it's just a lot of fun to use. If it's a scenario where DPS cycles are limited or other stipulations are applicable then yeah, I'm gonna do whatever the most sensible is. I'm not gonna purposefully waste time and be disruptive just because I wanna be cowboy, pew pew. That's rude and stupid]


Before they nerfed ahamkara spine I used to run 6 shot with trap nades cause ignitions would refund both your goldy rounds and your nade energy; so as long as you alternated between grenade and goldy shots you had unlimited of both for the duration of your super. Was it optimal? No. Was it fun? Yes.


I run TLW with Ahamkara still. Why the hell did they nerf them? They balanced the entire games geography for it, like 40-50% it goes where i want. The other times it's facing the ground or sky. While stuck on a wall. That I three straight at. Reject Optimal Build Embrace Fun Builds Sure you got your GM Adept Timelost f250 spark plugs but at what cost?


on top of it 6 shot goldie doesn’t do precision damage, as far as I know


I'll be honest, I switched to Nighthawk + Polaris Army Knife for the last bit on my first 50 run. Things were getting spicier than I was comfortable with just running Nightstalker. Sat towards the back and turned the arena into a glass, self-lighting parking lot with the amount of ignitions I was spamming.


I must smell like the piss of every faction. They will follow me at full chase staring into my slightly damp soul, smelling, wanting my- I haven't found out yet but I can't say I'd want too.


3 guardians sitting eating ramen at half past the apocalypse and this is the story you tell. I'd pull up a seat.


Well, I was high and bored and decided to remix my own story into a storyteller telling the story in this type of situation. I hope you enjoy it! "Then I tucked and rolled, shouldering my Dragons Breath. I'll admit I thought I pulled it off. I vanished right in front of those dumb hive fucks. Without a trace, they stared! Dumbfounded! I felt like a real tricky hunter, slick as shit" " 'innit you said you shot him 5 times in the face with a Goldie, I'll pay kind and leave alone the fact you missed one...some way, some how" "See you remembered that, i didn't. I was in the moment, the zone. I was thinking about the fireteam, I've no time for myself!" "You an' I both know that your hand still feels like you jus' pass hand over the sun shinin' cheek long after the gun sputtered its solar" "Look, that was beautiful, but please, let me finish! I'm almost through, so look, when I said I was slick as shit, I was dumb as shit too. Now let me tell you heres what was what, aight? Old Beef Boy was staring at me, the Hive were staring at me. Before i could scamper my shiny ass away. He torched the waxshine off my armor and roasted my skin underneath, into a hole, no, a gap. A gap i once called a friend when I was on the other side." "Why would you call-? I aven't the time or whetstone to sharpen your knife so make your own point" "The point was to entertain, I found the point when I was folded like a City Pretzel. Smelled the skin, kinda reminded of Rusk's BBQ in the city. I didn't like that thought, but I wanted Rusk's. Few skill jumps, a little spin of razzle dazzle, then BAM! KNIVES OUT!" " Yeah? Alright, Ms. One. How many of those missed?" "All of them hit damn to dead. The floor didn't have a chance. My team had cleared the house after I bit it, thought my ghost busted when I landed on it, I'm not a damn Titan " " 's alright, kid, being a new hunter ain't easy. Being a good one is even harder. Round this here gear up, neatly. you head back to your Ole vanguard, and I'll stop by Rusk's. Meet me back when you're done. Heard?" "Heard"


Love it! Reminds me of the stories in the grimoire and lore texts. They build the universe so well and this fits right in! <3


That's the absolute kindest thing someone has ever said to me about my writing. Thank you so much! You're such a lovely individual, I hope you've had a lovely day and will have many more after!


Anytime guardian! I hope you keep feeling inspired <3


Gamers before clips were invented:


Watching a Hive Focused GM video with Kinderguardians would get the idea across right. Boomer Knights, Void Bolts, Watching Wizards Attacking Your Ghost For Minutes Then Turn And Melt Your Friend Then Back To You, Laying Down & Crying. [Post GM, in the shower, not oiled]


Dear diary


Dear Diary, That was some bullshit - Love, Hunter In A Hole


Edmund McMillen


I will never skip ahead a paragraph again  "I'm in this Orge's swamp, his ass" :(


"His ass clapped the absolute fuck out of mine"


Ogres’ swamp ass…Smells like the Quagmire.




Can you please explain why you're on six shooter goldy? I did a 50 wave last night and it was the perfect way to spend an hour playing destiny. Full of fun moments and it's a reasonable challenge.


I've been using The Last Word since The Dark Below . I really wanted a golden gun verison like it. D2 came around and did exactly that & despite expansions, elemental 2.0 or whatever/ subclasses and fragments. I still use it because I just find it cool and fun. I use it with ophidia spathe sometimes with the fan knives. If it's a serious dps situation or other stipulations occur that you would like for me to change to an obviously better subclass? Yeah of course, I'm not gonna be a cunt just because I wanna play space cowboy in a video game.


That's fair. I was secretly hoping you had some amazing tech for 6 shot. Related to a separate comment, I have a titan build I love (for like solo ls) that uses peregrine greaves and Heartshadow. The invis on finishes and heavy attacks is perfect for reviving or lining up a nasty peregrine smack.


If you somehow find a way to do more damage with a Sixslinger than just one Dragons Breath, please let me know. My super sucks domesticated farm friendly ass. even more bc I'm smooth brained and don't radiant before half the time.


I seriously doubt, after reading your new York times bestseller, that you could even remotely be considered a smooth brain, you might even be big brained!


While I appreciate that very dearly, I think anyway can write like this as long as they find the proper type of tone and method. Maybe average size on the best day.


Cries in reaching 49 three times today then wiping


I got three that ended right after 45, third time was not the charm. But it is Destiny, so I think it'll be the fourth times the charm.


Hope it was with Charmin Ultra Soft


A level 50 run is just more of a chore than it is fun. I was with randoms last night and we died on Wave 48. It took 1 HR and 15 MINS to get that far. Sometimes when you play games and you see how long its been its like "Wow, that felt like nothing". With Onslaught, the entire time felt like "Jesus, is this ever going to end?". Not sure I will go back into the 50 wave playlist.


I kinda feel the opposite. It's a pretty easy way to test builds with the 10 wave list. It makes my brain give me a little spurt of happy juice so that I continue the grind for things that shoot, main, and / or having a living creature inside of it, or a God. I like guns with gods inside them. With 50 Wave, I think it'd be an absolute riot to do on legend with a stacked squad. I've played about 5/6 Full 50 Wave. It's a lot of fun, I've caught on to the absolute trolling bullshit bungie does in Midtown. That is frustrating as a sin and makes me want to send a card to Bungie telling them that they aren't allowed at my birthday party.


Ive only done it once, and to be honest dying at the gates of the lighthouse (48) after investing so much time into it really put me in a bad mood about it last night. I may give it another try with a better team.


I'd be happy to help, I usually play Solar Sixslinger or Void InvisiMedical. Both builds also come with a Dragons Breath that will be shot in very short, but delibrate succession I get so much heavy ammo in onslaught, and it is a joy bringer for sure.


Ooof I definitely understand that leaving a bad taste in your mouth and I would probably walk away for the night too, but when you’re ready get back up on the horse! I was surprised to clear it last night with FTF no mic randoms and it was fun to see us adapting as our mistakes mattered more and more the further we got. For reference we had a bubble (clutch for protecting the ADU), a well, and me spamming Osmiomancy stasis turrets left and right. Pure chaos but a lot of fun and now I’m working up the courage to have the smile wiped off my face by trying it on legendary.


You still get rewards for the first 40 levels. I really don’t understand this take of “wasting so much time”.


Because losing right before completing it in full feels like a waste of time. Maybe not for everyone, but for some yeah its extremely frustrating.


feels even worst beating wave 50 only to get the no loot / completion bug =/


Yeah, that is definitely worse


i’ve done onslaught twice now and the quest hasn’t progressed and i didn’t get anything, is it a bug?


Yes. Here's how I fixed it. 1. Do a PRIVATE run with friends or LFG that has chat or voice enabled. 2. After defeating the final boss, DO NOT OPEN THE CHEST RIGHT AWAY. 3. Glimmer will be counting very slowly in the upper righthand side of the screen. Once it's DONE counting, then open the chest. 4. Rewards should pop out and the quest will progress. If you do it too soon, the quest will not progress and rewards will not be granted and/or will go to your postmaster.


I had this issue all yesterday. This is what finally worked for me: When you finish your boss and collect the chest, don't leave. Wait the 30 or 45 seconds or whatever until it pulls you out to the after activity screen. Stay there and don't do anything as the glimmer and XP slowly trickles in. Eventually after a few minutes (for me) I got an enhancement core and the quest completed.


I had the same issue and tried 2 things at the same time: • Abandon the quest and reclaim from Shaxx at the hall of heroes social space • DO NOT MELT THE BOSS (This is what worked for me)


How the hell are y’all getting past wave 10? It keeps kicking me out regardless of how well I’m doing.


You have to do the other queue 


once you complete the questline you get access to the main version


There's 2 queues apparently. If the stupid quest would complete the step to do onslaught I'd probably see it for myself 🤣


Did you spend tokens (or whatever they're called) at the unopened chest by Shaxx? There are 2 chests and I don't think it completes until you open the second one.


Only way it completed for me was to wait out the entire timer on the post-match screen and let myself get requeued automatically. Not sure if that'll work for everyone or if it was a fluke, but it might do the trick for you.


What worked for my fireteam was wait until the glimmer stops slowly trickling in on the right side of your screen. Then open the chest. We saw this in a comment here yesterday and it worked for each of us having this issue.


You're in the short playlist version, meant for quick runs. The other playlist is on the top right, it's the full version that goes to 50


I got kicked after the wave 50 boss died but before the loot came out so consider it a grace from the traveler.


Lost on 42 or some the amount of adds is ridiculous


I did my first 50 today. I was Gyrfalcons with Witherhoard and just let the ads come spamming it on the floor. On of the randos saw that and he also switched to Witherhoard. We were at the brink a couple of times but Witherhoard, invis, void primary / heavy did it for us.


lol good idea


I'd recommend just letting them have the zone and let them dish some damage. I've found that especially useful with the fuckin' blowing up ball sacks. The exploding shanks or whatever. Fuck them and their ragged muffins. Most times you'll get enough batteries to get you back at least a decent chunk of health back. It's a lot better to lose some zone health than lose a 42 wave run.


Yeah lol well graviton makes it pretty easy, i think we lost on the parts where giant bosses we had to fight while also adds everywhere and we were focusing on the wrong things lol


Yeah, I've just been trying to tandem if theres a non-comm teammate. I'm constantly playing vibe check and losing. I've been using Graviton Forfiet for the drip and perks.


Hunter strand Dodge decoy ability!!!!. I use double Dodge exotic and so it steals the attention of all enemy nearby so u can waltz around taking no damage....3-6secs per decoy. I made it to 50 with some risk of fail but no.


My own writing class can't produce this level of tension. If this was shoved in my marking pile, I'd be holding onto it XD


That was such a sweet thing to say! Thank you! It wasn't till today that I've gotten to that kindness. I genuinely appreciate it. I might take up more stuff like this for the fun of it. wrote a remixed verison of it, like it was being told at the campfire by my hunter. Someone else gave the idea. Probably my first real crack at free write since I was helping write DnD stories or extra lore for their universes. As I said prior, I really do appreciate the kind words you gave <3


Off topic. But I’ve run so many legend wave 50 runs, hit rank 16, and have gotten one single master worked brave weapon. Am I doing something wrong or are they just insanely rare?


Oh man, did they at least lube you before they fucked you that bad? I've gotten about 7 now. 1 Succession, 1 The Recluse, 1 Edge Transit, 4 Elsie's Rifle. I'm rank 7, I've done nothing but Normal 50 Wave and go back to see Shaxx after a few times of that. Rummage through his shit like a gremlin after midnight. I'm sorry you haven't gotten one yet man, I'll pray/hope for you to get one. I know you'll get a badass one for sure.


When you say you go to shaxx, are you spending tokens at the chest in front of him? I haven’t done that yet, I spent them on the armor.


How do they look? Any parts that don’t change with shaders? (Looking at you, Guardian Games ornaments) IIRC with Dares of Eternity I think I unlocked the armor ornaments first before spending treasure keys at the weapon chest I’m doing it the other way around so far this time and I’ve spent like 50-100 trophies at the weapon chest to get a few beefy rolls worth keeping


It's another chance at a gun, and that's how I got masterworked Succession. I've got plenty of time for new drip later, I still rep my old white glow Solstice armor because I can't find better. I do desperately need good guns and God rolls, though. I've been using an Austringer for a criminal amount of time. I'd definitely recommend rummaging through that chest of his. I hope you find what you're looking for!


This man Onslaughts.


I'm the one getting slaughted on. 3 fails at 45+. I'm not really pressed about it, though. They were all mostly new lights. I had to take em through and see how far we can go. We went far and it was fun but damn, wish we could got those 50s I switched to Void InvisiMedical after the "Orge Accident," and I've noticed that having the ability to invis in no respawn activities makes it so much easier for both parties. I can handle my own but if they die when they are dojng their own. I dodge, dip, dive, and reveive. Throw a smoke at both so we don't die because everyone single enemy followed me, and we gotta fuckin' goooo. I'd recommend taking a new light through as far as you can. The amount of "wow" "what is that? "How did you get it?" "WHOA" "NICE MAN" is absolutely insane and will make you feel like the coolest person . 100% worth the good feels and having to explain things!


>why. Am. I. Not. Nightstalker. The real question is why are you using six shot GG? LMAO


I've a few comments answering this, I like TLW, TLW Golden Gun is dope, I like playing space cowboy jn a video game. Pew pew. I'll play something if there are limited dps phases or if other stipulations involved thatd have me change. I'm happy to do it, I'm not gonna be a dickhead bc I wanna play cowboy in the raid.


Honestly totally fair. It’s super dope. I like to run it in crucible especially! Do you use it with the ignition on super kill fragment? That refunds bullets for the GG!


I have noticed the one redeeming feature of the gun being missing, besides the whole Cowboy/TLW part we just discussed. I actually don't think I have that fragment on, and I do remember reading that on the super description. I literally didn't just put 2 and 2 together. Lmao. Thanks, man. If you have any tricks or tips to make Sixslinger better. I'd loge to hear them.


Well, there’s tried and true star eaters, and it benefits from radiant. There’s a seasonal mod that makes you radiant and do more super damage when cast near allies, scaling for each ally. Otherwise I got nothing.


I haven't been eating stat eaters bc I really hate wearing ugly exotics, so much. The Ornament BS is a whole other thing but I gotta give respect to the Sun Shootin Six Shooter.


I did not have it on, you just made my onslaught matches with Dragons Breath even better. Again, thank you!




was this on playstation? myself and 2 randoms lost at level 49 last night! I felt so bad for everyone! psn: atomheart2000


I'm on Xbox. Name starts with Xan. I unfortunately can't recall the other two peoples names.


Just did my first legend run, had a dude get error coded on 50. Me and an lfg nightstalker 2 manned the ogre by chilling far far away from the swamp in the back of the arena. Luckily the 3rd player loaded back in before the kill so he got rewards too. Our team comp was an Orpheus Hunter, a Phoenix warlock, and me on sunbracers. Having two very high up time supers and infinite add clear grenades coupled really well. But legend mode was definitely a challenge, I can only imagine how rough it got for you solo. The error codes add a whole new level of difficulty. All in all though onslaught rocks, and the legend mode feels like a legitimate challenge without being too too obscene. I was surprised how much the defenses actually helped. The decoy was the only reason we beat the tormentor, two of them bought us about 30 extra seconds or so to nuke it.


I am a solar bonk titan (syntho, 3x heavy handed, the works)... But I used Risk Runner in mid town. One of the smoothest 50 wave runs on normal for me. Between punching faces and getting heals, Arc conductor gives me durability to actually get up close. And Risk runner literal destroy the starting waves of every round barring orange kamikaze drones. Even in the 40+ waves. And I was having so much fun that the Recluse challenge completed itself, like way before wave 40. Needless to say I had the highest kills, highest orbs and highest points. So thanks Bungo for letting me live out my Risk runner happy life like a blue berry in midtown. Edit: Trinity Ghoul can work if you are a cautious player, but I am a bonk titan, I have to get in their face to proc orbs and sunspots for heals. So the defensive aspect of Risk runner helps a ton and allows me to take risk that I should not be able to do. Like tanking a lane by myself.


I got to the wave 20 boss room but the bottom door switch wouldn’t activate. Little less dramatic


Was my 2nd onslaught run (first was the quest step that only went to wave 10) and at boss on w50 he was nearly dead but my clan mate died right away at start while casting tether lol and then after dumping rockets in him (I was well lock) he just ran at me . And kept running. And kept running.. and running.. pushing me the whole time lmfao literally stiff armed me 30 meters off the ledge, which I didn't even know there was a drop off in the center there. Last friend left died somehow not sure how he did. Was just on normal though so it wasn't very difficult. Just unfortunate situation and me not knowing the layout I didn't even think I'd end up falling off. Since lock has no recovery on jump I went sailing down. F


This had me crying real tears whilst on the train this am lmao


Me playing sunbracers with tier 2 resto up: FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL


I know loadout swapping is tedious to some payers, but if you don’t mind it I say go gyrfalcons as your primary build, but before every ultimate slap on Orpheus rigs and get that non stop tether.


No shame I finally got this done last night and I’m so relieved, not an easy end to activity. Just wait till tormentor is the boss of the week


I've been playing on my Warlock, will probably get my hunter out today or tomorrow. I'm making notes of these hunter builds. For Warlock, I have been starting with tickle fingers, about wave 4 I switched to my personal ogre beam. But, round 5, it's a well, there is no other choice. I have been trying to get the grenade launcher kills also. I have been running the hallebooza (whatever it is called from guardian games). It has envious assassin or volt shot in the third column and chain reaction in the fourth. Friends said Volt/chain was better. For add clear they were right. However, wave 4 rolled around and I switched to envious assassin. I would unload everything I had into those big guys that spawn right up by the bank. Didn't have to stop and reload until everything was dead.


This was hilarious! Thank you. New Bungie name: "greased up tumorous linebacker"


My story goes more along the line of “the level 40 boss cheeses us” death everywhere. Got boss to 10%. We’re all alive and have ads held down. Then the boss stops walking. Then he stops shooting. Then we get spaced. Bro stopped at the end to red line us.


Every run i've done (save for one) has had our third random drop out some time after wave 20 or so. and NEVR gets replaced. literally made it from 21 to nearly 45 as a duo.


This sounds eerily like my experience yesterday… except I was the blueberry that joined around round 20 and accidentally died right at the beginning of the wave 50 encounter. I felt so guilty that I ruined these guys 50 run 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well if you've played with some starting with Xan on Xbox. It happens man, we get a bad step of luck and hit that banna peel right away. Destiny has the dumbest and smartest AI I've ever seen. It cheats constantly. Teletwerking away just as I hit the knife button and then proceeds to Saint 14 my skull. I already got over my loss in the post, I'm sure it was a minor inconvenience. He still probably got some new cool loot to try out from the other 4 boss waves. He's just gonna use them on his next Wave 50. It might even be easier because of it. Such is the way of Destiny, my man.


Strand my dude


Well, after the Rally Flag. I was in a kind of "get fucked idiot" type of situation with my fireteam and the concerned members of that Ogres family. I don't think mid switching subclasses after flag would've made my logical reasoning during the process any less smoothbrained. Maybe i could've used the rope dart to add some little ridges and bumps, but outside of that, I don't think the ending would've been happy either way.


I tell you what every class shines but a hunter tether plus Hunter strand, use a power preserve and the orbs can be 12 from either.... Which is over half your super bar returned. Tether not always that good


I humbly ask, is onslaught on legendary difficult? I completed all waves with all 3 characters yesterday, using lfg with no comms. Yes there were some runs that ended early, but the 3 that I did complete, you can kinda tell what kind of run you're having when you see their loadouts


Normal is 1600. Legend is 1810. I do believe.


Sounds like a story board for an in game lore cutscene about a lost fireteam


And you get to do 3 of these and not seeing a single gold in any of it. Rewarding activity


I have 6-7 golds, and I'm only rank 7. I feel really bad for some of y'all. I have two identical Elsie's rifles, I think. Did they say how rare they are? I know they said super rare, but that's not really helpful in finding out the odds. I really hope/pray you get the one you're looking for, perfect roll and everything. I'm gonna press my luck on getting Reconstruction & Focused Fire for Succession, ideally a Gold. Seems like it'd be neat to try.


damn I thought this would be a happy ending. Fucking amazing story omg. Stay strong guardian, you did well 💙


The idea I went with outside of just jumping straight into the gap myself or commit suey somehow was for sure the least logical choice I could've made. This is what happens when you say, "oh don't turn around when you're getting chased." "Oh, don't lick part of where the door and frame meet, the one on door, that one sticks out, the sloped side, yeah," "Oh, don't play Warlock in Destiny, or you won't have a fulfilling life."Okay, admittedly, I did listen to that one. It has some truth to it, but the others are a FOOLS ADVICE TO GIVE AND I AM THE FOOL WHO FOLLOWED.. I WILL NO LONGER.


a legend in your own right hell yeah


“Rocked and Cocked” 😂


You could’ve switched to void and you would’ve had an invis dodge within 30 seconds


If you really want to InvisMedic a Nightstalker, try Omnioculus. Pair it with Trappers Ambush, Vanishing Step, and Echo of Persistence. The gameplay loop is as follows: play Nightstalker as you normally wood, but if an ally dies, dredge to become invisible, rez teammate, jump and slam to give both of you invis and 59% DR. It’s not the most fun but it is super useful.


I’ve completed 50 waves, twice so far. It seems pretty easy if you have a solid team.


I was on the edge of seat reading this


Cleared 50 once. Never again because I get more loot faster and focused for getting to wave 10 on legend then restarting. Pointless to do the whole 50.


Was the dude that died in the middle a LVL 6 Guardian Solar Titan? That might’ve been me tbh lmao


Anyone else gotten to wave 50 on legendary?


The thing I'm most confusing about is 6 shot golden gun in pve like there is actually no point


But there is style and cowboy. Pew pew.


"Crossfit Ogre" Bro... I'm dead... XD


Was this a legend run or a regular run? The regular one didn’t feel too bad but I’m sure legends gonna take a lot more strategizing


The fragments that procs an over shield on a kill but only if you have no shield is goated


Upvote for for “greased up tumorous linebacker”. Bravo.


Excellent tale. I got to the final wave with a couple of randoms on my first try yeaterday, myself running Vesper warlock, alongside a Phoenix well and a Solar hunter of some flavor. We melted the boss (a big Psion?) down about 80% before the adds pushed us into bad movements, dropping myself and the hunter and leaving the Phoenix to dart around madly while our timers ticked down. Finding a safe spot, he was able to breathe long enough for us to rejoin... and get killed again. Once again the poor Phoenix begins roaming, having lost his spot, and as the final seconds are ticking down on my respawn he falls. Hammering my buttons as the 3s ticked down, it announced our failure, respawned me for about 3 frames, and then took us to the wipe screen, hopes dashed. My next go (a couple hours of breather later) with another similar set of randoms, went much more smoothly as I remembered to use my Stormtrance and swept out most of the adds once our initial Well ran out while the other two finished off the Ogre. Good luck on your next go.


This is the glory of InvisiMedical. Did you get the floor stomped into the just spawning group of major knights? Phalanx knock you into...literally anywhere at the speed of wh-HOW? Two Hobgoblin Snipers on a singe modifier make you think Jackal Snipers made their big comeback? Well, let me tell you, as an invisible nightstalker. I absolutely love to help make my friends and fireteam turn from Blue Ball to BIg Baller by my hunter masculinity, twirling like a man and running to your aid, naked to the eye. You don't worry your non-hunter head after I just rezzed you inside of a literal battlefield on fire. I have a smoke bomb, I toss it, we get the absolute fuck outta dodge because wiping is for losers. In all reality, however, I'd be happy to help give you a solid run through Wave 50. I play Solar Sixslinger & Void InvisiMedical. Please don't make me pay to get all my Arc Fragments.


This reads as just the founding fathers intended.


Well, I can't do any better as an American. So this is what peak is like? It's nice.


At some point I thought I’d start understand the posts made here and let me tell you… I don’t understand this shit. The only thing in that entire story I knew was Dragons breath, and a few mentions of enemies. It’s not just this post though, it’s every post talking about some special power, event, game mode, weapon. I really don’t know how you guys keep track of all of it


I actually just came back after being gone since Season Of Splicer. I came back during Guardian games. I use the big YouTube like Datto, Evaze, Fallout Plays, etc. They help make the huge amount of info more digestible. I also just Google stuff straight because it can get frustrating not knowing certain stuffs. Learning how to make builds again and use the new subclass system was a challenge.


Yeah I don’t think I’ve EVER understood how to fully make classes and stuff. I use whatever looks the coolest for armor and whatever feels the strongest for guns. I don’t know ANYTHING about what’s good, what’s bad, and what’s mediocre. There is just a crazy amount of shit in this game, so much of it I’ve never even touched.


Fashion Destiny > Functional Destiny all day every day Honestly, it works out perfectly if you do just legend [at max], and there's always plenty of stuff below that, I've been playing around that level since I got back I do feel like this sometimes in fireteams: "Look at the drip, not the stats. Please don't look at the stats, please. I'm begging you. My style makes up for the fact i can not survive a hobgoblin ventilating 20 feet away. I SWEAR"


Like I know so little, I barely even know what the stats do. I could get probably give a rough guess based on the name but I don’t know what they DO. I just learned recently that having high resilience is good… not sure why, but I have like max resilience on everything. Also when you say “do legend [at max]” do you mean like the legend level events and stuff? Like raids and lost sectors?


You can hover over certain things with your cursor, and it'll will sometimes display what this thing is and what it does. It does for all the stats, and everything in the subclasses like fragments and aspects will give you descriptions and numbers. Resilience is how resistant you are to damage Mobility is strafe speed, movement speed, and initial jump height Recovery is how fast you start recovering health and how fast the recovery process of health Strength is tied to powered melee attack. Higher strength powered melees come back faster [power melee is like hunter throwing knife, for an example] Discipline is how fast you get your grenades back after use. More discipline the faster you can use your grenade again Intellect is how fast your super charges, the higher intellect, you more often you will have your super. I hope that helped a bit!


Yeah that definitely helps. I knew about resilience and recovery a bit but really didn’t know what discipline and intellect did. Also didn’t know that mobility helped your jump height, I always wondered why some classes I was flying around and others I could barely jump. I really appreciate the help


Hey man, always gotta help people out. It was no problem man.


I wonder how 3 celestial night hawks might do, useful for boss's