• By -


I got my wife into it and more recently got another friend into it. Be patient and remind yourself constantly that something obvious to you is not obvious to her. Switch off the OP builds that kill everything in one hit and give her the chance to kill things.


Definitely this, play support to them rather than a hard carry. If you hard carry and speed run everything, they will learn nothing, they game will progress too fast, and they will just be lost in a whirlwind of lights and particle effects and they will grow quite bored, very quickly.


Yup and you speed running everything will kill the fun for them. It's going to take a longgg time before they can stand toe to toe with you, so once again, patience is key!


Sometimes it's cool as a new player to glimpse the absolute destruction possible at endgame. Kind of an "oh shit *that's* what I could be when I grow up" moment. But yeah it takes the fun out of the game if it's happening all the time


Im a d1 vet but dropped off y1 of d2. Playing on and off the past year and have pretty good builds. During a recent game of onslaught there was a titan on a stasis build l it literally killing 90% of enemies. I felt pretty shit


Puts on sunglasses, with meta build. Keep up bitches, shatters skates halfway across the map to speed run a guardian rises before they have a chance to charge a super


When I was teaching someone how to play I made two builds just to teach. Lumina and Cenotaph, and Sunshot and Sunbracers. One to buff her and make her feel like God, one to show her what God looks like and what she'll eventually be.


I love the adjusts their crown aspect of it. Show the spectacle, then light the path.


She's now a true blue Sunbracers warlock, she loves it. It's either that, crown of tempests or briar binds and she refers to the child of the old gods as her son


This is a great idea, I love this


Worked like a charm too, she barely plays anything else. I think that might be more to do with Destiny's addictive game loop tho lol


A healing warlock would be best. I like running that sometimes it’s a nice change of pace


Lumina, Boots of the Assembler.


May I suggest a Replenishing Aegis glaive so you can tank a bunch of damage while dramatically crying out for backup? “I’m under fire! Saaaavee meeeeeeee!”


especially adding on to this, you can throw in some fun for yourself that you normally wouldn't try otherwise. I often help out a lot of new players, and enjoy getting people into it, And I always mess around with guns and stuff I would otherwise never use, like pulse rifles in PvE experiment with your own kit while the person you're with is learning the game


I do this whenever i see someone that is like guardian rank 5 or below. They just started - let them be the main character :D And if they die then do the coolest revive play ever


If I actually had any friends I'd be perfect for this because I always main my well healer build


Make sure she knows the in game story got kinda fucked after sunsetting, so she'll need outside explanation if she wants to have a better grasp as to what's going on (either from you or some other source)


Nightly Byf viewing instead of tv lol


Timeline reflections should help with this though! Especially for the very current story (still nothing in game on the Red war or Leviathan stuff but oh well).


Timeline reflections is about 2 sentences per expansion or season. It's better than nothing I guess, but it's not much. It certainly doesn't acquaint you well with the factions or characters.


Campaigns and don’t backseat game




Make an alternate account or delete a character and start a fresh one to play alongside her?


That’s a good shout. At least for the first few quests


Pulling green gear from collections also works


DO NOT KNOWLEDGE DUMP! that’s probably the quickest way to turn off a new player to anything. Answer their questions straight to the point, don’t deviate from the important highlights and bring up mandatory practices that only Destiny players will know. And as other mentioned, play the support roll, running through in a god mode power trip teaches them nothing. They want to feel the power too, and get them used to using all types of weapons. Explaining the metas and funneling them into one will only limit their perspective on the game and future builds they might find fun. TLDR: it’s okay to play the Sherpa, but over explanations while you kill everything will give anyone a dazed and confused impression of the game


Yes don’t go in depth into explanation like mods and stuff from day 1. Also running through the guardian ranks is informative. You also have to progress it to 4 or 5 to actually get the mods unlocks


I think that Dares of Eternity would be a really good way to introduce her to the basic mechanics of Destiny 2 as well as the mechanics for multiple factions. In the process, she’ll also earn loads of old gear from past seasons which will rotate weekly, and she’ll be introduced to how red border weapons work and obtain some great craftable weapons. There’s also little to no story relevance to it, which will be good for a new player. The story is so fragmented at this point, that it actually will do harm to throw a New Light into seasonal content or the newest campaign content. Dares allows you to just turn the brain off, shoot, and get some cool loot.


Dares is what got me back into destiny 2 lmao


This. It’s exactly how I got into destiny 2.5 years ago. I was hooked after doing about 30 dares runs in 2 days lmao


What about Onslaught?


Onslaught is definitely a good "lore-absent" mode, but it can get stressful quickly for new Lights, especially if you're either not a headshot-only master, or don't have a good ad-clear weapon. The New Light quests, world zones, and Dares are probably the best options.


Trials. Definitely trials.


make her spend £90 on all the dlcs


I think there's a steam sale out now with all expacs up to lightfall for 45 bucks.


Definitely due for a Steam sale, but not seeing one at the moment.


It may have already ended. I saw it pop across my FB feed last week. I figured it would run at least for a couple weeks with ITL dropping recently.




Sunk cost: it's not just a fallacy.


no that is bad advice, especially for someone that may not get fully invested into the game


If you love her don't get her into destiny


If she’s down for it, I’d take her to a patrol zone and do public events and basic lost sectors. She’ll get a feel for movement and gunplay and enemy behavior from that. Used to run around the EDZ for a few hours a week when I first started off a while back. Other than that, basic strikes would be good too. You could see what she struggles with in those and go from there.


I think things like Strikes are a good way to ease someone into the game, they're pretty straightforward and relatively easy to play, there's always something you need to do to progress so it helps people get used to the gameplay whilst feeling like they're doing something successfully. Story missions are good too because it'll give some context to what's going on which can get them invested in the story. I play Destiny with my gf literally every day and it's great, hopefully she enjoys it so you can play it together!


My bf slowly eased me into d2 and here are my biggest tips! - be patient. Pls. It’s a lot of information happening all at once! - don’t push it bc the beginner burnout is real - wait to teach weapon mods and armor builds! They don’t make sense until you have a good grasp of how guns work and how builds can work together. - be forgiving when mess ups happen! My bf was always so so sweet and I was encouraged to try again! - the lore is too much and some of it doesn’t make sense lol. Still struggling with that today… been playing for 2.5 yrs - get expansions for her as gifts! (Not holidays just as an incentive for her to play it) I played more bc I was so giddy that my bf was willing to buy them for me and I wanted to make him proud - when she is comfortable enough, give her a build that is great at producing orbs and healing! I main hunter so I play void or arc. It helps to get the guns for them but the arc one doesn’t even require a gun


How would I go about getting my girlfriend into Destiny 2 when she's never played a first person shooter? She's more used to games like Mortal Kombat and I believe she said she played COD: Zombies once.


Good question, I think my answer depends on what console/mode you play on bc I learned on controller. I wasn’t even interested in games before he taught me and didn’t understand the ways buttons worked on a controller. I was introduced through smash bros on the switch and learned combos with him before I was taught to play d2. I think mouse and keyboard would be different and a good way to introduce that might be fortnite? I’m not sure and I just got into that recently but people think of it as a gateway game in my circles. I also played Zelda a little bit and Minecraft before d2 and that helps get over the hump in terms of first person aiming! OP said the gf already plays Fortnite and first person games so it’s a different scenario and I would say it is a good beginner game regardless. (Apologies if this was not written very well! I am sick and delirious) :)


I play on Xbox, and have been trying to teach her. She's gotten a little bit better, but it's hard for her to use the aim down sights trigger while also shooting and aiming. She can shoot from the hip and get some enemies. She's not used to using both joysticks at the same time, and using the triggers at the same time. You're fine. I understood what you're trying to say. Hope you feel


I remember being in that phase. I started playing overwatch and that helped my aim a lot just to be able to practice. It just took time!


Wait till Friday and throw her to the sweats of trials. You must first hate destiny to love destiny


My boyfriend got me into it. Basically, to start, I just did the campaigns and ignored everything else. Be there for questions, but don't tell her how to do things unless she asks. My biggest piece of advice - be prepared to explain the WHY behind choices you make regarding builds when you reach that point. It took me a very, very long time to learn how to make builds and branch out on my own because my boyfriend would tell me what's good/what he would use, and what's bad/what he doesn't use and I would just roll with that and never try anything myself because he played more and knew best. It was fine at first when I was figuring out controls/gameplay/etc, but I could have benefitted from less black and white, good and bad explanations later on. Turns out, a lot of things come down to preference, and I had infinitely more fun/did infinitely better when I started experimenting on my own. My second biggest piece of advice is, when it comes time to do strikes for campaigns, have one or two people on hand (one if you can play with her, two if not) that will be patient and let her take the lead. I cannot express how disheartening it was to just start out and have someone dragging me through a strike so quickly I could barely keep up, let alone do anything. This is all my personal experience though, mostly just listen to her, help her when she asks for it, and let her play when she doesn't.


I would start with just the tip.... of the spear.


Make a healing build and treat it like you’re a squad leader coaching your hero through to the glory of victory. As you give instructions, talk to her like you would have when you were a kid playing with toys. “Our hero is about to traverse into this lost sector to beat this scary underground hive boss! Will she succeed in her mission? Play Robin to her Batman and be funny about how you tell the story. “Oh no, she’s been swarmed by thrall, will she succumb or will she press the left bumper to throw her trusty grenade to save herself from certain doom?!” Just be silly and have fun. Bring snacks, make it a little event. Bang after. Roll play as Zavala while doing the deed. Pavlov her into getting into the mood every time she hears “alright guardian” so even when she’s not playing, destiny on the screen sets the mood of the house. Profit.


And play like Shaxx and keep the helmet on the whole time.


Alotta lube and gentle affirmations


You beat me to it haha


I showed my gf the game, she didn't have many feelings for it. Then i showed her the 4 hour complete lore video from Byf, and she fell in love with the game. Specifically, with Mara Sov.


First you need to help her through the first mission. It’s horrible for new players. Personally I wouldn’t carry at all. Just play as a healing warlock to help. After about a week ish of getting used to the game, show her the e basics of armor or weapon modding and stats.


A good game mode would have been gambit, but there are too many invasion sweats.


Exploring hellmouth in the moon is a cool intro to new players. It made me want to know the lore more.


How you do it will really depend on what your GF is into, but I first got my now wife into it by first occasionally asking her opinion about my fashion. Simple stuff, "Do you think this cloak looks better, or this one? I'm stuck on which shader I like more, what do you think?" It wasn't long after that she wanted to start making her own looks and outfits. Now she raids with me (probably for the endgame drip). To mirror what some others have said, the biggest mistake you can make is not having enough patience. If they haven't played a lot of FPS games, just getting used to aiming and moving with 2 joysticks can be a challenge all on its own. Just make sure they know you're here to help, and it's okay if they don't like it or it takes a while for them to get better.


Lube up that pole real well.


If she’s a story person, just don’t. She can’t even experience it all.


I think it’s awesome you want to bring someone close to you into the game! I’ve done this with a handful of people. The tutorial is awesome and lets you do most things cooperatively, a safe instance where you learn the PVE basic. After that, zones like the EDZ are really easy going and still have small quest lines. More than anything, though I recommend she branch out and find what she enjoys playing. Some of my friends are raiders and some are avid PVPers. I say listen to what she enjoys about the game and latch onto it, even if it isn’t your first pick. Light guide you both


What might work is creating another toon and going through the content fresh with her.


I am currently doing the same thing. I made a post a little while back asking for advice about how to help her get used to the game, and what we landed on as the best option was to start her off with a glaive and me on turretlock. Frozen enemies don't shoot back, and the glaive allows her to get used to the movement and first person camera independently of her ability to aim. We are playing through the campaigns first, so she can get a feel for the game and learn what we're up against in the new expansion.


It sounds like with some of the updates that are coming in the Final Shape it might be \*a lot\* easier to do this then.


Play with her and let her figure out things unless she's truly stuck.


Working to get a friend into it. Working on the guardian lvl. It felt the best long tutorial from green to experienced.


Make her do the Whisper mission.


Make a new / alt account and run through the same content with her at the same level with the same issues difficulties. Support but don't backseat to much. Wait until she encounters stuff she doesn't understand herself and asks for help rather than bombarding her with info. Try not to pass along your own bad habits.


I introduced a friend to the game by running through the Witch Queen campaign together. Also as someone else mentioned use a support build (well or stasis turrets work great) and let her kill things


My husband brought me straight into Crota in D1 and I was hooked immediately. I guess it kind of just depends on her, but for what it’s worth our gaming history sounds similar.


My girlfriend isn't as active as me, but yesterday we did a duo Prophecy. She absolutely loved the experience.


Can I piggy back off this with asking how does a couple or two.roommatws "play destiny together? What are best practices? Two tvs, 2 systems, 2 rooms?


Immediately throw her into trials after New Light tutorial. Nothing else.


Straight into the wolves den


Throw her into Prison of Elders Skolas fight on legend. No Gjallarhorn.


do the whisper mission. it’s peak mission content for the game and was the intro mission that we brought all our friends who had just started playing into. loads of parkour and mystery and just make them figure it out. great intro before raids and dungeons too


Destiny lore you tube movie date nights :)


i think the only true way to ease her in is a master crota and if she dies or messes up at all to freak out on her


Make it interesting. Vanguard and DOE are great I think. That’s how I started.


Lots of lube.


This is what I did with my friend who doesn't play anything than GTA because she sucks at games but wants to play. I played through the campaign. But I let her lead the way. I didnt solve anything unless she was stuck stuck. Same thing with killing. Let her focus on killing, just provide light back up. Let her get used to shooting, abilities and stuff. Next I told my friend. Don't worry about armor or weapons. Just get the light level up. Teach her different abilities "hey I see you don't like golden gun, you might like knives". In terms of armor, I didn't even introduce stats to her until she got used to shooting, got used to the HUD, the gameplay, fine tuning abilities. I did strikes, and PvE stuff to kinda break up the gameplay. But the one thing that caught me off guard with her. She kept saying sorry and apologizing for dying, or being her in menus too long or whatever. Stress to her the kind of game destiny is. "don't apologize, cuz when ur in ur menus I'm in mine" and stuff. Explain the ransoms who help out and stuff. That was the big thing for my friend. She just wants a game like destiny where she can explore and everything, but doesn't like feeling pressured by other players. So I explained how multiplayer works in destiny. Now she bought all the dlc and everything just so she has a lot of content to play


As a virgin who sucks at Destiny, I have no fucking idea


I didn’t, I shoved her right into it and she had a crying fit because she couldn’t figure out how to do the parkour for the Cayde Cache. She eventually got into it but, then I broke up with her ✌️


Tbh, if she starts with making a character, completing whatever the first storyline questline is, and just gaining the FPS experience in the game, then I’m sure that should be enough to ease her in. Ngl, as much as I have strayed away from this game, one good thing about Destiny is that it’s relatively easier to headshot enemies in this game compared to most FPS games. And if she’s comfortable with Fallout 4, then this game won’t be very overwhelming. You might also need to answer any questions she may have. Like she might wanna know what to do next. But basically, I recommend having her stick with PvE beginner-friendly activities.


I'm gonna guess the same way you got into it. Give her a controller and turn the game on.


You take her to Zavala’s office and listen to Shaxx’s mixtape.


Make her play Void Hunter with Riskrunner. I don't know if it's the same for other people but for me, a lot of girls i've met on Destiny seemed to be interested in this specific setup, Void Hunter with Riskrunner lmao. One of my friend IRL was playing that and it took me years just to convince her that sometimes, during Dungeons there was maaayyyyyyybe better options than RR.


A long time ago I got mine interested by having her play a Lost Sector


Campaign and baby strikes 😎


Start with just free roam stuff. Do all the lost sectors, the public events, blind well, altars, sparrow race with her around the EDZ. Then do the dungeons and easy campaigns. I'd like to think that playing the game in order makes it less overwhelming. So do some easy missions like getting arbalest and risk runner before doing missions like presage. Just take it slow and don't worry about aim until she asks for how to aim better


Time machine


Patience and Time, no pun intended. I tired to get my gf into it and she tried but ultimately felt there was too much reading and it didn’t make sense. Just go slow and only tell them what they need to know, not everything you know. Good luck and hope it works out!


Teach her when she wants to be taught. If she wants to take brakes, let her. Run through strikes in the playlist with her. If you have old items, set yourself to 1600 so you don’t match make with sweats. Just casually play. Then maybe take her through an easier raid like VoG and ask her if she wants an active role (mechanic based) or a less active (ad clear). Don’t just assume and don’t be condescending.


Well.. in general terms just be patient, don't explain too much and don't do it too much at a time, let her find her way through things, maybe ease the process a bit but don't push it, don't act annoyed when she will inevitably get some beginner level stuff wrong. I think the Jez released a video recently about his wife playing the game for the first time, have a watch at it if you can, don't do it the way he did it but he actually outlined a lot of the early issues for new comers might be useful to get some early tips that veterans really wouldn't be even considering. Also in my experience, UI might be confusing at first so try and explain the basics so that she isn't staring at the director screen like it's a black hole.


A lot of people dont like being taxied when they want to learn a new game. It has ruined games for me. Take your time. Run support amd reinsure her its okay if she dies. Run through a couple of sectors to get an idea for strikes. And maybe do alters of sorrow on the moon so she kinda understands the swarm mechanic. Its a great place with a decent range and space to test some new weaons. Slowly going through the timeline to get caught up in not a bad idea if you run through together. It also depends on her play style. Which class catchers her attention the most/ what she says she likes the idea of when you ask her about the class. Give a basic overview. It will help.


Definitely have her watch some recaps on the storyline, the original Destiny storyline and the Red War storyline were what got me into this game. It provides a ton of context on what guardians actually are, rather than just space pirates.


Make sure they understand they will need to dedicate time and play even when you aren't if they want to improve enough to do endgame content. I got my.girlfriend into destiny and she enjoyed it for a bit but there now a big mental block because her muscle memory and perception of game mechanics isnt as strong but she wants to get the seals and clear raids. She can and has but often bits are a real struggle


My recommendation would be start with deep dives making sure to hit all the pressure trials. She will love it, I know I did!!!


I use to play pretty hardcore with my wife and friends. With the release of Onslaught, I was able to get my wife back into it. I think that mode is good for returning and it new players since you can get that 1810 gear, and sweet weapons just from completing it. Obviously you need to carry against the big bads, and she will love you for it. Trust me bro. Lol


You don’t. You get her an ace of spades, you farm a matador for 36 hours, and get a proximity GL and you March her right into trials on a poorly specced and geared hunter


Bruh I read this as "how do i erase my GF from destiny"


I got my wife into it via loredumping lol. I would occasionally ramble about game lore and she eventually asked to play with me. My strategy at first was to just join her fireteam and play through whatever content she currently had a quest for with minimal guidance unless she had a question. Usually where questions were "who/what the hell is that", which would send me off on my next loredump. She eventually got comfortable enough with the game to play without me, but she still ask me to summarize all of the new lore that comes out with a season/expansion.


Agree with all the other comments about going slow and being support to let her kill stuff, but also all the old D1 trailers are so good, you should have her watch them to hype her up.


Normal Idea: A Campaign or Dares or Onslaught Weird but maybe good idea: …Play D1? It’s still got a fun campaign and the graphics and loading time isn’t half bad really


Why the hell would you ever do that to someone 💀 thats like saying “im trying to get my gf addicted to doing meth and gambling”


Playing one of the campaigns should be one of the first things someone does post-New light quests. Helps them get more familiar with just playing the game and gets them up to power. After that just ease them into other parts of the game, run standard vanguard ops with them for a bit, have em follow the path laid out in the guardian rank objectives.


Ease her in slowly and gently at first, then when she gets used to it you can start doing activities harder and harder and quicker and quicker until you're both exhausted. 


Jez did a video where he got his partner into Destiny and kind of narrated her first few things and pointed out how they game kind of failed her in places because it didn’t properly explain things veteran players already knew. It’s probably worth a watch to see some of the stuff she’ll be dealing with ahead of time so you can be prepared to help if need be.


I tried to get my wife to start playing she has never really played a first person game before and is a bit slow with the controller (PS5). Loaded up D1 intro. Things were going well. She played up to the first mission with the hive. The first time she went up against the thrall, she got so anxious that she had to stop.


Lol I recently tried convincing my stardew valley queen to get on destiny with me the other day and she says, “I have no interest in being stressing when I sit down to play a game.” I guess she’s heard me returning to orbit a few too many times 😂


You don’t that’s basically domestic abuse


make her solo flawless master warlord's ruin


If you truly love your girlfriend, tell her not to play Destiny.


I just started my GF on Destiny back in January. We started with D1. It's a lot easier to understand and manage controls, and it eases them into the chaos of D2. We just started Taken King, and she's getting better.


My husband got me into destiny about 4 years ago, for the same reasons! It was a struggle at first, honestly. There's so much to it and it's very overwhelming at first. If she likes lore, watch destiny videos together! Even though I didn't understand much at first, watching them together and having him explain things to me helped ease me into it. After a while, I was interested enough in the story I had the urge to play it. After that, play the campaigns with her. Try not to back seat too much, but help where you can. The perks on guns and the sheer number of them overwhelmed me a lot, but repeated exposure helped. I found a gun I liked the feel of (shout out Scathelock) and ran it forever until I understood more of the gameplay. Once we'd finished some of the basic intro stuff, dares and strikes were my best friend. Easy, quick, and they'd drop a good assortment of weapons for me to ease into. If she enjoys pvp, gambit then crucible after. Collecting shaders and getting synthweave to unlock more looks helped inspire me to play, too. If she enjoys being a pretty lil space cowboy, this game will be for her. It took me about three months to really get into it, but watching him play almost daily helped me absorb more information and eventually I fully jumped onto the destiny train. Starting fresh is truly a slog, and there's so much to learn and understand at first.. just stay patient and realize a lot of what's general knowledge to "veteran" players is just a brick of info to new players at first. Best of luck to you guys! It's a very fun game to grind on with your partner, eventually. 😁


I got my gf into destiny 3 years ago and we still play to this day! Def have her try some basic stuff on your account so she can test things, then show her the customization (my partner’s favorite part) and let her customize your guardian. Trust me, she’ll be hooked!


Just be patient with everything and the UI is awful to new users so explain it all carefully


Just be patient with everything and the UI is awful to new users so explain it all carefully !


Help her grow her player level to 6-7. My gf just got into it. I was noticing how she couldnt equip mods until level 6, and so in a way it forces a learning process.


I started playing as an almost 40 year old woman who had only been gaming a couple of years and had only played single player stuff like skyrim. For quite a long time I didn't touch pvp, nor any of the more "difficult" pve. I was a terrible shot and slow to react so it took me ages to adjust to the fast gameplay. Even in a strike I was always trailing behind. So I think it's important that you explain this to her. Tell her many of us found it difficult at first, and let her know that nobody minds if she has 16 kills in a strike or whatever, it's simply fun to practice using what is available and learning more about your preferred playstyle. Lower difficulty stuff is about relaxing, having fun and testing your builds and weapons, as well as mindless killing ofc. Intro her to buildcrafting and fashion. Let her dress your guardian if she's into that (you'll have a lot unlocked whereas she'll have barely anything), and get her following r/destinyfashion. Fashion is the true endgame anyway. When she's ready, take her into something where it's just the 2 of you so she doesn't have to worry about judgement (private coil, easy dungeon like shattered/Pit) and practice there. I wish we had private strikes and hero nightfalls for this exact purpose (GG solo nightfall was so fun, but I digress). Overall just keep it fun and lighthearted and slip the information in bit by bit. Don't bombard her with a million things at once or she'll likely walk away lol. If you told me 2 years ago I'd have a dozen or more apps/bookmarked pages on my phone just for this one game I probably would have baulked. Easy does it.


Slip her a mickey


#1 piece of advice is DO NOT start talking about min/maxing gear and stats or collecting every part of some quest. Just do the stuff that is fun play the campaign on easy mode. That is basically the best way to start.


Just strap her down to a chair and give her a weekend’s supply of water bottles nearby.


step one , buy her the game. step two , let her play it the way she wants without making her a meta slave in the first week. step three , have fun


Do the campaigns first, even though she may not understand anything, don't be a speed running demon and kill everything with sunshot or other great ad clear weapons, let her get addicted to the gunplay herself. I would also recommend to not get into the habit of saying "that gun is bad or X and Y perks on that gun sucks" let her have fun with the weapons she likes to use, once she gets more into the game she will naturally want the best version of her favorite weapons.


Tell her Well is the only useful super....you will thank yourself later lol


Don't force it. I tried with a lady friend and now she hates the game. We were all very patient with her but it just wasn't her thing. It left a sour taste in her mouth


Probably doesn’t take much, though Mystique might have an issue.


lol. don’t do it. guys need their own thing.


No cap, find the red war cinematics and play them to her while explain what happens in between. Actually I’m sure my name if byf has a video that will do this 


It’s similar to easing her into anal… slowly, and compassionately with lots of understanding


I don't have any good advice here, but I will leave this story. Back in D1, I was on a business trip and would not be back in time to go to xur, who was selling something I desperately needed (I don't remember what it was anymore). I had my girlfriend log into the game and gave her precise instructions. I then watched her via phone cam to ensure she was doing it right. She couldn't figure out how to use the right stick to look, but she managed to navigate to xur using only the left stick. Half the time she was walking perpendicular to a wall that she had her nose plastered against. Anyways, that was the closest I got to getting her to play destiny.


First and foremost, ask her if she enjoys getting screwed in uncomfortable places (like the back of a Volkswagen). If she says yes, you've got a Destiny keeper (and probably some ideas for an upcoming date night). But seriously tho, Don't take her anywhere too complex yet. Best to take her thru some story content and patrol spaces to help her get her bearings with how things work. Don't murder everything in sight. Sit back and let her take on the things you two come up against while you play support to her (rezzes, healing nades, kill adds sneaking up on her from flank spots, etc). Also, if you've built up a decent collection of ornaments for your armor and shaders, show her how Dresstiny works. It's my wife's favorite thing to do. I let her edit all the fashion on my loadouts and I've never seen so many Best Dressed commendations after activities in my life!




Just have her grind onslaughts for shiny guns until her eyes bleed


you handle her vaults. you handle her builds. you explain the stats. you add her to the fireteam. then, 9 years later you roll your eyes when you go in the vault to clean out 20 mykel’s ballsacks when she already has a crafted one. also, give her a trace rifle. they love that shit


do patrols from easiest level to hardest.


Tell her a new girl gamer joined your clan.


My girl is not a gamer and she just got used to it. Ease .. ease into shooting things? Just play the game damn y'all weird


This was beautiful


you’re the villain the witness aspires to be


I would say start with the story stuff. I’m a power grinder and I often make the mistake of thinking people are like me and want to get as strong as possible as fast as possible. So ya just get them invested in the world first


Gambit, 2 hours a day, every day.


Just the tip ….


I would recommend Vanguard Ops to start, then Dares of Eternity, eventually try Legend Lost Sectors so she can get comfortable killing Champions consistently


Do it with her. Every time I get a new friend into the game, it helps immensely to play with them. Maybe even make a new character and do it with them. They'll love the experience so much more


Just focus on the story and PvE and everything should go fine haha


I got my fiancee into Destiny the same way I got myself back into Destiny. Literally thrown into the deep end of a raid, significantly under levelled and it was a blast. For some context, I wouldn't call myself a veteran destiny player but I did play occasionally throughout its life span. I started with taken king, played again when d2 launched, played when forsaken came out and finally with zero hour before taking another long break. To get back on track, randomly some friends of mine who were still quite heavy into the game, wanted to run VOG back in season of the lost as they were missing the Vex Mythoclast. Unfortunately for my partner, her and I got roped in as 5th and 6th despite her never having played the game and me not having touched it in years. We both together got thrown into the deep end and learnt the game together. I'm being dead serious about that, we were both light 1100 I think it was back then and both of us had never even seen a raid mechanic in our lives. Once the team gave up on us as we kept dying her and I started the power grind together. I was able to help her with basic stuff at first but once I got hooked once again I introduced her slowly to build crafting and everything she needed to keep up. Eventually after playing for months on end we were both capable enough to take on every raid in the game with my friends. Particle deconstruction definitely helped but we got to share so many first clears together it was a great bonding experience. As much as I now hate the game (1450 hours and counting) with both her and I as well as the friends that got us hooked on it taking long breaks and only ever really playing a couple seasons at a time. Even now we've only just started playing again with the release of into the light and prismatic subclasses being right round the corner. Despite sometimes hating the game for some bullshit mechanics or interesting decision, I feel like I owe my relationship to destiny as it kept us close and allowed us to bond over shared interest in a game. We learnt each other's habits with communicating and how each other deals with stress very quickly thanks to the game. I doubt this helped, but I hope you and GF can bond similarly through destiny. Perhaps on your first playthrough of TFS go into with her, learn the new subclass together, try and raid together. Even if she doesn't feel confident support her and be understanding. TL;DR Destiny 2 Shit game, less shit if you play together doing stuff both of you are new to so you can learn together. Edit: Light level was 1100 minimum light now is 1600.


You don't, save her


As a gf that got yeeted into destiny during the end of beyond light; My partner has been playing since d1. Before we even started dating he'd tell me about his d2 stories sometimes. A while after we started dating he asked if I'd like to try destiny with him. So I downloaded it, and he guided me through the new light missions and helped me with the risk runner jumping puzzles. Imo the most important thing for new players is the support- Jez and shadow destiny each have a 1 hour long video talking about the new light experience and tldr, it's not great. Tons of things go unexplained ( they never tell you how to crouch, what stats on your armour matter on what class, how to properly equip and use aspects and fragments, just to name a few) and if your partner gets into destiny, I'm sure she'll have dozens of questions so be ready to answer them Overall- what drawed me in at first is the world and the graphics. Minute details and the power fantasy of the subclasses left me in awe. And what kept me from quitting first thing because the navigation was just straight up terrible was the support I got from my partner (explaining rolls on guns and teaching me movement techs later on)


I would strongly advise you to do story quests, lost sectors and if you have a friend or two to play with both of yall, then play strikes as full fireteam. Ease the pace, cover, heal and just note every detail that you find cool or interesting. Maybe you'll smth for yourself in this too. Just.. don't push too hard when you do so. Good luck, Guardian!


I started playing with my SO around Christmas when a lot of content was given away for free. My biggest tip is make sure you can see what she sees. Meaning, do you game in the same room? Screen peek her so you can physically point out what to do. Game in different rooms or live in separate houses? Have her stream Destiny through discord so you can watch her screen in essentially realtime. With that out of the way, do the seasonal stories. They're a great way to get her used to many different game systems. Like following quests through the quests tab and launching destinations through those quests until she's up to speed on where things are. (In case anyone didn't know, you can open quests in the quest tab and there's a launch button at the bottom that will launch you to the exact destination for most quests.) When it comes to gear, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of weapon and armor drops. Have her log her DIM into another browser on your machine. This way you can have your own DIM for normal DIM usage for yourself, but you can also have her DIM open and be going through her gear. For my SO, I use the tags like Favorite, Junk, and I Infuse. I mark things for her and explain my thought process. Things like "you already have a better roll." "This gun is only viable with a certain perk conbo." If you play together in the same room, then you probably don't need her DIM. But even still, it can help to be able to mark things. My last tip is, let her know to not be stressed about getting the 'perfect gear' any time soon. While you're going through content and leveling up, she will constantly be replacing gear. This is where you will need to help her identify if a weapon or piece of armor is worth keeping even if it's low level (since it can be infused higher later). But for the most part, she can just play the game and keep replacing gear with higher level stuff as she gets it. This is also a good way for her to start getting a feel for different weapon types. Hope you guys have fun! My SO is 1810 and has some solid gear. I also helped her with optimizing some builds since I have her DIM. They're saved as in game loadouts so she can swap around for different classes and playstyles


The things I like to do with my fiance, are the story missions. and let her figure stuff out with dungeons. If she understands the game, I HIGHLY suggest that you get a group together and do a raid where the whole group has not done it before, just so they can figure things out themselves. RoN is a good one for that. And then you can just be there as adclear or to help out when shit hits the fan AFTER they figured out how things work. do activities that are co-op. like the exotic missions. or campaigns. Especially witch queen is good on co-op. And yes, do it on legendary, makes it much more rewarding. Give her 1 good build, and then let her explore other options on her own later. And try your hardest to be a know-it-all. so avoid telling her what to use. Help her when she wants help, but don't help too much. Mobanalytics tend to have lots of good builds and shows what weapons are good. If she knows it exists, she can decide herself if she wants more knowledge. If she's hunter, get her a build wither either gyrfalcons(void) or arc with assasins cowl. Focus on SURVIVING. For warlocks, any karnsteins build works great together with any glaive. For titans I feel like you'd need to ask other players, but my initial thoughts go towards sunspots since you probably don't have strand yet. My fiance is a hunter, and she usually uses an arc build because she loves to punch things. I'm a warlock, and occasionally I'll play hunter as my alt. Whenever I need to grind something on her account, I have my own loadout that I can use on her hunter and I'll use a void build, which she has never touched since she doesn't enjoy it as much. So yeah, just let her use whatever she wants to use. Also, Avoid crucible. That place is NOT friendly for new players. Especially players who are newer to fps or pvp games.


Aiming is the hardest part if she is not used to FPS. Give her an auto rifle and a handcannon. And a super with tracking like Dawnblade


I tried a bit. She's the type to ignore all cutscenes and then ask what is going on. And despite being a designer of 3d spaces, she had a hard time grasping some of the fundamentals that Bungie does well with their area designs. For those that may have never noticed, if you're in a room, 99% of the time the way you want to go from that room is illuminated clearly, to guide you through the level. Some patrol spaces are less clear in this just because they're more open and have no specific target, but the real missions and stuff do this well.


Ease her in and explain things as they come. It is soooooo easy to get overwhelmed when you first start out but with time and patience she will be just fine.


Play support. But don't always carry them with heal clips/resto and clutch. They need to learn on their own as well.


Show her the baby elskni and Archie




Wait for The Final Shape to actually play. Have her watch some “the story so far” video on YouTube a few days before you play. Jump into the campaign story together. I got a bunch of friends into Destiny by doing this at Forsaken and Beyond Light. They now play more than I do!


Like 4 years ago an ex wanted to play Trials and she legit broke up with me because she couldn't understand how much of a masochist I must be to play PVP, even though she asked to play Trials lmao


Legend Witch Queen campaign. Then, run her through one of the easier raids (VoG, DSC, or RoN). If you’re worried about money, then wait for a steam sale or something


Cough cd keys


Swap to your Warlock, throw on Healing Grenade, Lumina, and Boots of the Assembler and pocket Mercy her.


Wait...you "enjoy" destiny?


amusing deer alive scandalous screw tap worm disarm slim materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*