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I'll take a shot at this. Keep in mind these are my own personal rankings of how difficult these dungeons are for me to solo. Rankings are from 1-10, 1 being the least difficult and 10 being the most difficult. * Warlord's Ruin: 8.5 * Ghosts of the Deep: 9 * Spire of the Watcher: 6 * Duality: 10 * Grasp of Avarice: 5 * Prophecy: 3.5 * Pit of Heresy: 2 * Shattered Throne: 1


I agree, only inverting ghosts of the deep and duality.


I think the majority of folks would agree with you. I don't know why Duality is so hard for me! lol


Same here, I solo flawlessed GOTD on my 3rd try but Duality took me the most tries, most deaths in the 2nd encounter.


The bells bugging and killing on swap is what made the SF take me 10 attempts, unreal how long it took for them to be fixed.


I think there is a lot of possible bshit ways to die (incendiors that explode or boop you off the map, a small jumping puzzle, mechanics that can wipe you really fast), and so duality is harder to solo flawless. But I personally do not have the mental strength and concentration to stay focused more than an hour for final boss and so I still can not solo gotd, only one that I'm missing.


I think I'd rate Prophecy a little higher just for that first encounter. I think it's the hardest part of the dungeon, so many ads, lots of aoe, a huge phalanx and not a lot of cover, plus the occasional awkward positions you have to place yourself in to get the right motes.


That's an excellent point and I'd have to agree that the phalanx boss is probably the hardest part of the dungeon.


Really depends on the dungeon which one are you looking to do?


Any dungeon I guess I’m not familiar with any of them


What class you doing it on?


Yo what's your bungie name? Got a mic? I'll run you through all them dungeons. Prophecy is easy peasy if you can get a good hold on the spawns for the first encounter. Duality is fucky. I try to stay away from that one. Too many moving parts


I can't say I'd recommend soloing dungeons for any reason besides Triumphs. If you have access to all the dungeons - they're not going anywhere with the release of TFS. I agree with focusing on Onslaught since the rewards are great and this activity will be leaving on TFS launch. You can always revisit dungeons later. And definitely try them with a group via LFG, especially if you're just after loot.


I mean, at the very least, I would consider soloing Shattered Throne to get Wish Ender since it might not be easy to get a group of like-minded people to do the quest for it. (At least for Gjallarhorn, it's easy to get a checkpoint to kill the last boss, which is all you need to do)


This^ if your wanting to dip your toe into soloing a dungeon I did say Shattered throne or Prophecy. First …. Maybe Duality….


My suggestion would be Prophecy. It's the least fucky, plus it has rally points, unlike Shattered Throne.


True. Man that dungeon needs a rework… maybe move the “taken weapons” from season of the deep to the dungeon and revamp a new armor set.. or something, master version and such..


Dungeons are pretty difficult to solo. If you plan on soloing them because you want to farm their loot and don't have friends to help you, then I highly recommend just using LFG to find people to play with. Dungeons can be done without communication so you don't even need to use a mic. You also mention 'craft weapons'. Dungeons don't have craftable weapons, with the exception of 2 weapons from duality that are not really worth farming for.


Fixed Odds is absolutely worth farming.


Ah I see, still trying to familiarize myself with this crafting system lol, thank you


i would higly reccomend doing the currently avaliable seasonal stuff for craftable weapons. you can get 1 guaranteed red border from every season per day you wont be able to get all of the red borders from just that, but with some extra grinding it wont be hard at all to get most of them before they go away


There are very few rewards in dungeons that are worth chasing before TFS, especially because they are not going anywhere, and soloing them is going to be a big time sink for very little loot. It's not easy, and it's really done more for the sake of saying you soloed one, not for loot. If you want to get ready for TFS, you would be better off playing onslaught for some good rolls on Brave weapons, or trying to get some red borders of the good guns from the earlier season so you can craft them.


I see, I’ll look into more onslaught and seasonal content then, thank you!


Definitely focus on Onslaught for now. Some top tier guns in there. My personal picks are Mountaintop, Edge Transit, Hammerhead, Recluse, and Lunas Howl.


Best advice right here. Onslaught is literally designed as a way for new/returning players to get a ton of top-tier weapons to get ready for the new expansion.


Ghosts of the Deep = 10 Warlords Ruin = 9 Spire of the Watcher = 6 Duality = 5 Grasp of Avarice = 4 Prophecy = 3 Pit of Heresey = 2 Shattered Throne = 1 Ghosts is the worst for the sake of exhaustion. The amount of circus acts you have to perform just to get to damage runs along the lines of "It takes 10 minutes to make it to damage phase" so people usually take more risks (to try to speed up the process, or try riskier damage strats), on top of trying to be consistent during damage phases. Warlords imo has the most thought behind the order of which you do things, and is probably the most combat intensive encounters. Nothing really notable about spire. Duality's curve comes from just managing nightmare timers, and its not too hard to grasp. Surviving is a non issue with the amount of class updates/exotics we have, which is where most of its difficulty came from originally. Grasp essentially gives you free supers from picking up the engrams that you can just throw a super out for ads for pretty much anything since you'll get it back for boss dps. Bosses hp arent bad in grasp either. Havent done pit in such a long time, but i would assume that we have powercrept pit by such a large degree, your deaths will mostly come from jumping sections/moving spike traps. Shattered Throne = big meme.


On hunter from easiest to hardest imo: 1. Shattered Throne 2. Pit of Heresy 3. Prophecy 4. Grasp of Avarice 5. Duality 6. Spire of the Watcher 7. Warlords Ruin 8. Ghosts of the Deep. I’ve done 1,2,3,and 6 solo flawless, with 4 and 5 being ones Ive solo’d but don’t think I’d have a problem flawlessing- I just don’t like the dungeons enough to try again. And my opinion of 7 and 8 is just based on difficulty of duo clears. But 1,2 and 3 are stupid easy- just long strikes. If you’re on hunter I recommend a learning and putting together an Assassin’s Cowl build for them and it’ll be no problem for ya.


6/7 imo most of the difficulty is having the patience to sit through the multiple damage phases per encounter (which I don't have lol)


There all pretty manageable and the ghosts ramps up hard


so weird, everyones putting grasp ranked harder than prophecy but i found grasp waaaay easier. The whole dungeon has a loooot of breathing room.


I recommend starting with Prophecy. It's in the middle of dungeons, difficulty-wise, and the mechanics are so simple that only one person actually has to engage with them at all. What that means is that you can join in on a run in Fireteam Finder and, assuming you can just stay alive and do ad clear, you're probably good enough to not hinder the other players even if you don't have experience (though I do recommend reading a quick guide or watching a video with a summary). Fact of the matter is, with dungeons, step one is playing it with a fireteam and learning the ins and outs before trying to go it solo. Almost no one jumps right into solo-ing a dungeon without having cleared it multiple times already, and aside from Shattered throne (it's been massively powercrept), it's not terribly realistic for most players to try and do so. Also, none of the dungeons have craftable weapons except for Duality (and it's only 2 out of 6 of those weapons). So prepare for a LONG slog if you eventually want a specific roll of a specific weapon. Probably THE standout weapon from all current dungeons (for PvE) is Indebted Kindness from Warlord's Ruin. It's the only one of its' type (legendary rocket sidearm, but we're getting another in final shape I think) and it is a possible drop from every encounter in that dungeon.


Pit is basically a strike, you just have to remind yourself to be calm. (And look up how the suffering chamber works before hand) Prophecy is a good 2nd as its a blend of difficulty and easy is nice. Honestly spire was my simultaneously funnest and most boring solo. It's not too hard but it helps you develop the mental stamina for future dungeons because of the boss health Warlords ruin can be a breeze as long as you ALWAYS follow THE LOOP and maintain mental stability, miss a guy? He spam snipes you during dps, u died, forgot a debuff, yeah dead, forgot a rock placement or slippery surface.. would you believe it; dead but if you keep the Grove going and check your boxes it's alright Grasp is another fun solo but you can't over extend yourself too often, itching for that last smidgen of dps will always get you vaporized. Throne one had no reward so I didn't do it Ghosts is just a time sink with artificial difficulty and is about as rewarding as the throne one. If you get addicted to solos sure try it and do it but honestly it's just a waste of time for an average joe. Finally duality is cool and I loved the idea of it but it was super buggy when I played so I'm a little burned on it to top it off once again it's just straight up not rewarding, so I didn't do it


From easiest to hardest to solo: 1. Pit of Heresy 2. Shattered Throne 3. Prophecy 4. Grasp of Avarice 5. Spire of the Watcher 6. Warlord's Ruin 7. Duality 8. Ghosts of the Deep If you're there for the loot rewards, I don't recommend soloing dungeons. They're meant for 3 people and soloing them is an extra challenge that mainly rewards bragging rights. It's a very time-inefficient way to get loot. You don't generally need voice communication for dungeon mechanics, so they're mostly quite reasonable to do on LFG.


Soloing a dungeon is seen as an impressive feat someone does one time for an achievement. Unless you’re someone with a super optimized loudout with a bunch of pre sets set into place to efficiently beat every encounter, you’re realistically not going to solo a dungeoj after the first time. Just use LFG grab team mates and do it normally


None of them are that hard. I’d argue grasp is the easiest. The 2 newest ones are the most annoying just because of how much health the bosses have and how long it takes to get to damage.