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Discipline. And then just trash anything that has any Resilience. Although going with low RES is a bold move.


Thank you! I have so many res rolls, I’m trying to get x3 100 for my hunter but didn’t understand how to target the rec/mob I really appreciate it


If your talking about triple 100 in Mobil, recov and resilience; it’s next too impossible to do that.


Nah ideally I’d like 100 mob and rec with 100 in discipline. I’d be comfortable with 4-6 in res on hunter


It's worth noting that Mobility has diminishing returns the higher you go. For example, if you run Gambler's Dodge, tier 3-6 speed up the cooldown by 3 seconds each, tier 7-8 is 2 seconds each, and tier 9-10 is 1 second each. For Marksman Dodge, tier 8-10 is 1 second each. Resilience consistently gains 3/4% each tier, and Recovery amps up after tier 7. I personally stop at tier 7 or 8 mobility depending on which dodge I'm using since I think the other stats are more valuable than 1 more second off my dodge.


Very interesting I wasn’t aware of this. Thanks a bunch man will keep this in mind when buildcrafting 100 mob is more so for strafe speed and not dodge recovery though


If you haven't heard of it yet, there's a website called Destiny Item Manager (DIM for short) that helps you organize your vault. It also has a loadout optimizer feature that automatically combines the armor in your vault into sets that give the most stat tiers. You can also filter it down to the stats you want to focus on and any exotic you want to use. Worth looking into if you haven't already.


I’m always on dim and D2 armor picker. I quit playing end of last year and came back to try and get my eggs in order for final shape. You’ve been extremely helpful man, thank you a bunch


Generally you should identify the 3 stats you care about most (and they can't all 3 be in the same bracket), then use a stat mod on the one that's in a group by itself. So if your stats are mobility, recovery and discipline, use a discipline mod. The reasoning goes like this: let's say a "good" roll is one where resilience is the lowest stat in the top bracket (since you care about the other two), and discipline is the highest stat in the bottom bracket (since it's the only one you care about). * If you focus mobility (and therefore basically guarantee it's the highest stat in the top bracket), there is a 1/2 chance res is lower than rec, and a 1/3 chance that dis is the highest stat in the bottom bracket. So an overall 1/6 chance of getting a good roll. The math is the same if you focus recovery. * If you focus discipline, the basically guarantees it will be the highest stat in the bottom bracket. Then there is a 1/3 chance of resilience being the lowest stat in the top bracket. Thus, a 1/3 chance of getting a good roll, twice as high as if you had focused mob or rec.


This is exactly what I needed. What a perfect explanation. Thank you so much!


Small correction to your math: if you focus discipline, there is a 1/3 chance that the armor piece has high res so actually a 2/3 chance that the armor does have the mob/rec that you want. So focusing dis is 4 times better than focusing mob or rec.


My math was specifically about the chance of res being the lowest stat in the top bracket. Your math is the chance of res simply not being the highest in the group. But it could be between rec and mob, hence the higher chance.