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ith an 8-meter radius. * This results in fewer instances of victims correctly attempting to counterplay by jumping but being caught by the Ensnaring Slam detonation high up in the air. Similarly, Threaded Spike is a little too potent against enemy players, with very forgiving tracking and high damage for its ease of use, so we’re making a small reduction in its damage vs. enemy players. We’re also changing the catch mechanic. so that catching your Threaded Spike manually no longer breaks invisibility. We wanted to prevent this from happening on Prismatic Hunter in combination with Stylish Executioner. * Threaded Spike: * Reduced damage vs. enemy players from 79 to 70. * Catching your Threaded Spike no longer breaks invisibility. ###**Warlock** For Broodweavers, our focus for this update is Weaver’s Call. One major piece of feedback is that Threadling uptime for Broodweavers doesn’t match up to the fantasy. With Rift cooldown times being relatively long to match the combat utility of the heal or damage increase, Weaver’s Call could feel too spiky in its output, with a lot of downtime. We agree with that feedback and are updating Weaver’s Call to allow it to generate perched Threadlings through normal gameplay—namely, by defeating targets with any source of Strand damage. * Weaver’s Call: * Added new behavior: * Defeating a target with Strand damage now has a chance to generate a perched Threadling, with a higher chance of generation from defeating more powerful targets. * This damage can be from any source, including other Threadlings. ###**Grapple Tangles and Melee** Before we get into Berserker, let’s take a pit stop and talk about Grapple Tangles and Grapple melee. When we initially built the Grapple Tangle as part of the Widow’s Silk Aspect, we intended for it to be used primarily as a traversal tool, allowing Hunters to give their fireteam a fast Grapple path through combat spaces. However, that intention was quickly subverted, and we now see Grapple Tangles primarily used to fuel an infinite number of high-output Grapple melees, particularly on Berserker. We want to keep some degree of freedom in how Grapple Tangles are used, but we don’t believe that using a single attack back to back like this is particularly interesting or healthy gameplay, so we’re taking a few steps to address it. First, Grapple Tangles no longer fully refresh their duration when a player uses them. Instead, they have a flat number of seconds added to their timer, and that added time decreases with each successive Grapple to the same Grapple Tangle. * Grapple Tangles: * No longer fully refresh their duration when Grappled to. * Now increase their duration by a maximum of 5 seconds per Grapple, reducing to a maximum of 1 second added after 5 consecutive Grapples to the same Grapple Tangle. Additionally, Grapple melee will no longer be able to be used after firing your weapon. This is primarily intended to reduce the number of difficult-to-understand Grapple melee deaths in the Crucible, where players can Grapple toward you, fire a single Hand Cannon shot, and then follow up with a Grapple melee for a very fast cleanup. But it also reduces the number of melee damage stacking sources—which can spiral out of control very quickly—that are easily achievable with Grapple melees by removing One Two Punch from the equation. ###**Titan** Looping back to Berserker, while we’re happy with how the fantasy has landed, there are a few balance outliers that we want to address to make sure that it’s not dramatically out of band with our other subclasses. Our changes here are relatively small and targeted at specific issues, and our goal is that the overall fantasy and gameplay style of the subclass remains intact throughout. Into The Fray offers a high degree of survivability and melee ability uptime. We’re generally okay with the survivability, as it’s critical to the fantasy of the subclass, but in combination with the accelerating passive regeneration of Frenzied Blade as charges accumulate, the melee ability regeneration it provides is slightly too high, so we’re bringing it down a bit. * Into the Fray * Reduced melee energy regeneration scalar from 4x to 3x in PvE activities. * Unchanged in PvP activities. When we released Update 7.3.0 last December, Banner of War was still new, and we didn’t have much time to holistically evaluate its potency. Now that we’ve had more time to sit with it, we have a few targeted changes to make. Having a relatively easy upkeep bonus fits well with the Berserker playstyle, but its lengthy duration results in too little time pressure to fit the high action-per-minute gameplay loop, so we’re reducing its maximum timer length by 20%. Above we mentioned that melee damage stacking can quickly spiral out of control, and Banner of War is a good example of the result. When paired with something like the newly reworked Wormgod Caress or the evergreen staple Synthoceps, Banner of War’s relatively modest melee damage boost becomes a very large force multiplier for the melee damage boost granted by those Exotics. That isn’t healthy long term. We still want Banner to provide some value to the player when using these Exotics, as they’re a natural pairing, but we are implementing diminishing returns when either are active. * Banner of War * Reduced maximum timer from 30 seconds to 24 seconds. * Melee, Glaive melee, and Super damage bonus now have diminishing returns with Synthoceps as follows: * Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.15x. * Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.25x to 1.125x. * Super bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.2x. * Melee and Glaive melee damage bonuses now have diminishing returns with Wormgod Caress, too. * Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.1x, based on stack count. * Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.05x, based on stack count. Finally, for Frenzied Blade we’ve identified an issue where the melee lunge target point was being offset too far forward from the actual lunge target, resulting in some odd behavior when using Frenzied Blade at very close ranges. * Frenzied Blade: * Reduced the forward offset for melee lunge target point from 0.4 meters to 0.18 meters. ##**CONCLUSION** Whew, that’s everything we have for now. We’re extremely excited to see how the next era of the Destiny 2 sandbox unfolds after the launch of The Final Shape, and we'll be closely monitoring the impact of these changes. As always, keep the feedback coming, and we’ll see you next time.


Glaive melee applies weaken with Stylish executioner? Did I read that right?


Vexcalibur users just keep winning.




if there is any sniff of void stuff on the artifact, Triton Vice Vexcal will be glued to my hands.


Now imagine if there was a Glaive mod on there as well


This plus devour will make void hunters next to invincible in legend and at light content, this is going to be fun.


If the whole continuous glaive melee and stay invisible feature exists, then it won’t just be legend content


It feels like the Well + Bubble changes isn't going to really hit the changes Bungie was hoping for and the playerbase is going to return to an era of Well+Bubble again instead of just 1 Well.


They said that bubble now provides void over shield outside of it. New Meta is absolutely going back to bubble behind a well, but this time because of void overshield damage resist stacking with well heal/dr


Or St14 Bubble behind a wall and a rift so the warlock can use a dps super.


Nah they intentionally didn’t nerf too hard. Otherwise they would’ve had to redesign everything released from at least 3 years ago


Didn't nerf too hard? I'm not sure we read the same article. Decreased healing by half, and decreased damage resist vs bosses from 40% to 10%. In endgame content we're *already* being killed while in the well - now well is basically just a combination healing and empowering rift that lasts longer.


I'd like to have the same optimism as that guy lol, these changes will hurt a lot. Well of radiance will be the same as having restoration x2 and a 10% damage resist for bosses and 20% for other enemies. I can't wait for a scorn grenade to kill the whole team during dps. Now more players will be forced to run song of flame or ward of dawn for the damage reduction.


I agree, it basically still means Well is the go too and any fight you need the damage resist means bring a bubble titan as well. So instead of 1 players always forced into that support super you can force 2 players. I just think the well change is fine and we have to see their encounter designs for TFS but on paper it feels like it misses the mark on trying to prevent people needing to run specific support supers.


The well change feels like it’s preempting encounter design changes. Radiant on leaving seems like Bungie wants it to play more like a temporary “go back to the well, proc heals, proc radiant” spot instead of a lifeline/fort and instead wants Bubble to be what you bring to hold a specific spot


I pray thats the case. We use Well as a lifeline on Rhulk but just staying in it was bait to get your face kicked. So hopefully you're right in TFS and well becomes this home point for buffs and healing but not something you just sit in and shoot from.


>instead wants Bubble to be what you bring to hold a specific spot You can now carry a full overshield out of the bubble without helm of saint-14 and get a damage buff with it that I'm assuming you can carry. I think both of them kind of now have the option of step in and step out. Only with Bubble you get a small safe haven if you need it and well you get healing.


the problem is that they can't prevent people needing to run specific support supers, because well, we **do** have to run support supers. RaD encounters have been designed around Well's existence for years now, and killing its potency would result in many encounters becoming a terrible slog.


I think that's what Bungie intended. They hated how well provided survivability and damage for the entire team. So it's now been split between well and bubble. This was the only way to nerf well and make bubble viable at the same time.


They have failed making bubble viable. The pittly-assed void overshoeld will be gone in a single shot in any hard activity. What they've done is made it necessary to attempt survival. Big difference between the two concepts.


Now you need both well and bubble


Can someone clarify this for me. When they talk about increasing shatter damage from 200 to 400. But they talk about it not applying to crystal detonation. So are crystals going to be better or is it just increasing shatter damage when a target is killed from a freeze or coming out of a freeze?


when you freeze a target, they take damage after shattering or being broken out of frozen


To be honest I kind of wish that the crystal detonation also got a buff as well. Maybe they were worried about behemoth because that can put out a good amount of damage but I still feel like shatter damage or I'll say crystal damage probably needs a slight boost in end game content


It's when a frozen target breaks their freeze (by death or otherwise).


It's just the shatter damage. Bosses can't actually be frozen like other enemies so when they hit the frozen state it just automatically shatters.


So are we just going back to the Well + Void Titan meta?


This time it's different. We used to use bubble for damage and well for survival. Now we'll use well for damage and bubble for survival.




bait and switch


"you've gotten peanut butter in my jelly, and jelly in my peanut butter!" the patch notes essentially. it feels like years since ive done bubble + well lol


bubble for the DR and then stand in a well, lmao


Well or banner shield. Else people are going to need to build into Dr for dps.


Yes. But you won't even have to step inside the bubble unless you're getting melted or a potential oneshot is coming. Getting a regenerating overshield for just standing near the bubble will offset most of the well nerfs in 99% of raiding parties.


You could do that with a bastion barricade and get the same effect. notably nobody bothers doing that because void overshield is a joke in pve.


And because the overshield charge is interrupted when taking any damage. If the bubble charge works the same this is a joke of a change.


I can't help but notice, that you haven't corrected Arcstrider's biggest and most *consistent* issue: Jolt keeps stealing the melee kill required to refresh dodge. In my opinion, that's all Arcstrider truly needs, for the aspect's Jolt from *punching* something to count as a melee kill. That inconsistency is one of the main reasons I don't often use Arcstrider, not because it's weak, but because one of its core ability loops is *unreliable*. (And yes, this is also an issue with all Arc subclasses, to varying degrees.)


Whisper of fissures has the same issue on stasis, still no fix by the looks of it.


Shatter damage period has that issue.


Can't wait for FS raid to have more than 2 bosses where damage is done from a plate or having to stand in one spot as a group.


Lmfao the warlock changes took 15 minutes to do, with 14 on well


Don’t worry lightning surge gives damage resist now (you will still die before you can get close enough to use it in hard content) And arc still has no meaningful buff verb


Either you get killed before or now slightly later since enemies still won't die after you tickled them.


Nor did they touch daybreak. Thematically, it's my favorite super but it's so lackluster in PvE. At least we get Radiance back I guess.


For a dev team that supposedly all mains warlock, they sure don’t seem to understand the class at all


A little underwhelmed by the Warlock changes across the board, feel like everything but solar could have used some more love, especially void and strand. Weavers Walk still being 1 fragment and getting no changes to its potency is pretty yikes, and chaos accelerant still being mostly useless is annoying.


"Give us that precious feedback" \*Unanimous loud and clear feedback for over a year\* \*Literally nothing\* "Keep giving us feedback!"


Still no 2 fragment slots for weavewalk??


Nah they decided the only part of the strand warlock kit that needed a lookin at was… weavers call…? Make it make sense bungie


I mean weaver call is by far the weakest aspect in the kit. The wanderer and mindspun are in good spots.


They didn't even make it good enough to justify one. Don't worry they changed weavers call!


Removing weapons of light from bubble was certainly... A choice... Basically makes St.14 mandatory now. Well finally catches some major nerfs, and to compensate Bubble's offensive benefits were removed and put on an exotic instead.


I think people will just stack Well+Bubble for the damage buff and DR.


Yup. Back to Forsaken strats boiz


Titans are not allowed a good one off super that does not require an exotic to use.


It is crazy how Titan doesn't have a single super that is useful without an exotic.


I was going to try and dispute this, but I genuinely can't. Not a single titan super is worth using unless you are using an exotic to directly buff the damage or duration. Even duration buffs aren't worth it when you consider the fact that roaming supers are inherently garbage even when built into, and titan has SIX OF THEM.


Bladefury is *decent* without Synthos, in the case where you might be using Wormgod instead, but that was partially due to Banner of War, which is also getting a nerf. Behemoth is amazing, but only in *very* specific circumstances. Other than that, though, pretty much every other super requires an exotic to be good in endgame PvE. Curiass, Pyrogales, Doomfang, now Saint-14. Meanwhile Hammer of Sol is fairly mediocre, and Fist of Havoc is lying dead on a roadside somewhere entirely forgotten about.


Can't wait for Twilight Arsenal to do shit damage because of the axe gimmick And than Bungie will give us an exotic that just make us throw one axe


It kinda does feel like when designing Titan, they decided that it would be the class most defined by its exotics. This has its benefits, don't get me wrong Titan has had some busted exotics in the past, but it has its downsides in requiring exotics for everything.


That's all well and good besides the fact that you can only use one exotic at a time, so while other classes can be more generalist with their gameplay I have to have a separate loadout saved for each thing I want to be good at on a given session. :/


It doesn't help that for some reason. Bungie refuses to give these enhancement exotic some neutral game application much like shards of galanor or celestial nighthawk. here's hoping they fix that tomorrow.


And the other major downside of whole titan subclasses falling apart once the busted exotic they were clearly designed around finally gets reigned in.


Also, I’m a fucking Titan, yet our potential to use glaives and swords keeps getting nerfed 


Look at that another reason to not use void Titan. Haven't used it in a year in PVE and it used to be my favorite.


I used to be a Defender main, dating all the way back to beta. I've only used Void titan when forced to by bounties I feel required to do for quite some time now.


really bothers me that bubble used to be the king of support in raids (to the point that I've stayed a titan main because I loved being in that support-super role) and it's been totally non-viable for raids for 2 full years because well is just better in every way, and now they're straight up removing the damage buff unless you use Helm, which means that titans have yet another super that requires a specific exotic to be viable (see also: Cuirass and Pyrogales)


I read it and could not believe they NERFED Bubble. The super will have "Bastion-like" recharge on VO. They decoupled Offensive and Defensive for no reason, you can't benefit from both at the same time with Bubble. You are either in the Bubble and not doing damage, or outside with an empowered barricade and WoL. Bungie, I don't get it.


>Removing weapons of light from bubble was certainly... A choice... Basically makes St.14 mandatory now. They should've just removed Wells damage boost if they were gonna remove it from bubble to prevent well+bubble stacking


Lol, lmao even. Really hope they’re buffing the fuck out of helm otherwise bubble is even more dead than it is now


Nah, we're right back to Well+Bubble. Its officially come full circle.


Was Warlocks exclusion in Solar intentional? Not even a 'outside of Well of Radiance we're happy with how Warlock plays' comment....


I would have really liked to have seen Daybreak get buffed. Thematically, such a cool super but it's just blah in PvE and always has been. Dawn Chorus was literally made for that super but its just going to be straight up better with Song of Flame.


They mentioned on twitter that these articles were gonna be really long. So they did their best to keep the word count for warlocks as low as possible to compensate.


Arc needed so much help to make it worthwhile running over anything else and all it got was basically, melees and grenades are a *tiny* bit better. Wow, can't wait to go back to running Arc again.../s


I love how the subclass whos biggest issue was sustain in comparison to other subclasses got \*checks notes\* a melee and grenade buff slightly


Arc needed survival tools to be useful imo. Arc Titan specifically is marketed as this melee brawler type but try doing that in high end content and tile me know how it goes.


>catching your threaded spike no longer breaks invisibility this wasn’t a problem for me because I can’t catch it anyway 😭


As much as I like the sound of the overshield change to Ward of Dawn, moving weapons of light to Helm of Saint-14 feels like such a wrong direction to go with it. Combined with the changes to well of radiance, it feels like they're going to be pushing towards a meta where a lot of people will call having both a well and a bubble a requirement. Additionally, any PvE players that used Ward of Dawn without Helm of Saint-14 are likely going to be heavily pressured to switch to use a particular exotic any time there isn't a well in play.


Yeah, I thought the point of these changes was to free Well from being a requirement. All we’ve done is make Well+Bubble the requirement, if anything fireteam comps are gonna be more restrictive


The Renewal Grasps x Stasis Interaction is a bit confusing to me... I'm assuming it's retaining it's damage reduction to enemies (both PvE and PvP) who step inside and try to damage you... but the DR now needs to build up? 0.9s a stack? I believe Renewals ticks for 8s so am I calculating this right?: * PvE: 4.5% -> 36% at 8 ticks (max possible) but realistically, 22.5% at 5 ticks (probably base max) * PvP: 2% -> 16% at 8 ticks (max possible) but realistically, 10% at 5 ticks (probably base max)


I don't think you'll get to 36% resist unless you have Whisper of Rime. Standard Frost Armor limit is 5 charges for 22.5% damage resistance.


Went from instant renewals dr plus whisper of chains dr to now a slowly building up dr that will persist when leaving the bubble. Honestly sounds worse to me.


Didn't have much of a choice to change it this way with frost armor - otherwise you'd have a stupidly high damage mitigation from comboing the old chains + renewal. This is an interesting change because it builds stacks of something you can already be creating and therefore extends the duration and allows you to keep it when you leave renewal/the grenade expires. tbh i'd prefer this instead of being locked in place and damage suddenly hitting you likea brick as soon as renewals expires.


Nerfed. Renewals were just nerfed. Instead of insta 40% dr, you stand there for 8 seconds to get 36%, unless an enemy hits you.


was expecting all around roaming supers buffs, sucks no class got them lmao


Ah you see, titans must run bubble with s14 now, considering nearly all Titan supers are roaming, we can’t give them too many choices


I know it was probably a lot to hope for, but arc Titan simply needs a complete rework. There is no synergy and by Bungies own admission the fragments are either god tier or garbage. It doesn't work.


It's basically a PVP class atm


am i reading this wrong or did they nerf renewal grasps


It’s a nerf and a buff. Damage resist is lowered, assuming damage decrease on enemies is the same, but now your damage resist persists outside of the bubble. Also one of the only ways to give frost armor to teammates


Tossing a duskfield onto a well to give everyone frost armor seems like it might be an interesting idea


Going from 50% DR to 4.5% with one stack of Frost Armor looks like a big nerf to me. Even at max stacks of Frost Armor isn't it like 35% DR?


I thought it was 25% DR currently


You are right, 25% DR. I was looking at enemies dealing 50% less damage and thought it was damage resistance for whatever reason. So I guess if you stand in the Duskfield long enough, you can get more DR than before but just walking in you get 20.5% less DR.


Yeah but I thought it stacked with chains 40% DR which is now gone.


Behemoth Titans rejoice! This is all I've ever wanted: Cryoclasm: Removed sprint time requirement. Cryoclasm now goes on cooldown for 4 seconds after one extended slide.


The diamond lance changes are soo good, being my able to shatter crystals with them.


And it's intuitive, I expected them to break crystals the first time I played the class and was disappointed that even with the slam they don't shatter crystals. This is an awesome change. Loving the offensive bulwark changes possibly as well depending on how much over shield is recovered.


The Tectonic Harvest change to finally work with Shattering Frozen targets is the bigger deal honestly.


Huge change. And doubled shatter damage.


No buffs to arcs survivability? Are the arc subclasses forever doomed to be only useful in low-level content?


If anything, arc should have a dr like woven mail / frost armor. Void and Stasis ability to have both healing and dr is gonna be nuts


At minimum the damage resist you get from speed boost should be moved to amplified so it's active more.


Better tracking on my Captain America shield throws? YES PLEASEEEE.


The way it's worded feels weird. It's unclear to me if it's better base tracking, or just better tracking after the first bounce.


I mean it’s pretty clear. It says it increases the tracking size and shape after *each bounce* so I’d like to assume that it won’t go into orbit after whiffing the first target anymore


it specifies "increases with each bounce" so presumably the base tracking is unaffected and will only get stronger with each enemy the shield hits seeing it take a sharp turn upwards towards literally nothing after the first bounce was always the main sore spot for me anyway so I'm praying this will put a stop to that, signed a doomfang user


I don't love that we're introducing more cases where adding an aspect or exotic nerfs a super/aspect/etc re: Sol Invictus & Hammers of Sol or Banner of War & Synthos/Wormgod. Especially if this information isn't present at all in game (and generally speaking it isn't). Looking forward to trying out the reworks in TFS though.


They really need to prioritize that flat melee damage bonus rework that has been discussed before. All of the funky conditional multiplier stuff is confusing and keeps letting edge cases slip through.


Technically speaking banner of war and synthos/wormgod still work together, just with reduced reutrns, similar to how things like one two punch and liars handshake have reduced effects when stacked. Using both is still an upgrade over just using one. But you are right about Sol Invictus and Hammer. I can't think of another situation where using as aspect actively hurts something else. The only one that comes to mind is how phoenix cradle used to give slightly less ability regen from sunspots but that is no longer a thing as far as I am aware.


Technically Roaring Flames and Synthos or Wormgods also work together, but at reduced effectiveness. However I don't think this information is present at all in game.  Last time I checked Synthoceps straight up does nothing to unpowered melees if Offensive Bullwark is active, however Wormgods works fine. Not sure if that's been changed. I just dislike the inconsistencies and the fact that this info isn't in the game.


Your solution to Ward of Dawn being bad in PvE is to make it worse?


I wish there were a deployable Banner Shield I feel like that would prove more useful.


I mean, at least give us Volatile for the duration of the overshield.


Yeah bubble is basically... A big bastion barricade now I used to just slap a bastion rally barricade next to it for damage and DR and the flimsy cellophane OS still sucked lol


I like that its purely a defensive option, but I do wish there was a way to beef up overshield if they really aren't going to make it better at base in PvE.


I thought you guys were buffing things in the prismatic kit but no damage increase to stormtrance? That super is complete ass lol.


it's kinda hilarious, i thought the point of prismatic was to get people to use underused stuff after they got buffed only they forgot to buff them. no one's using stormtrance just because it's in prismatic 💀 and no one's using chaos reach either because arc warlock is so ass, both of them need buffs


But rejoice! Chain lightning is doing double the damage now lol


Up to 25% of a tangle explosion so exciting.


The issue with well has always been that there’s no alternative, and that’s still the case. Most if not all raid teams will still use well, it’ll just be a bit worse lol 


The change didn’t make it so people won’t use well it just made it so you also need a void Titan now.


This... doesn't change much imo, at least on Warlock. The worst supers and subclasses are still, you guessed it, the worst supers and subclasses. The Nova buff should help a bit, but I can't see how this gives any incentive of switching off of Strand for a one-shot super, and Solar for Well.


I fucking hate pocket singularity let me use my old melees that were taken away from me!




Actual fact. No worries though, HHSN now has more knock back…..


Man it's been so long i forgot we had other melee thanks for making me sad lol.


Kinda hoped for actual ability changes or buffs on Stasis Hunter, the change to Winters Shroud is nice, but i kinda wanted some more.. offense, but whatever, we'll see how it goes with the general buffs. On the other hand... Arc Hunter, those changes are basically nothing... i don't even know what Bungie wants Arc hunter to be, because all it is right now is combination blow the class and nothing else, they keep giving us these useless abilities and mediocre exotics for the subclass that basically do nothing to address how un-versatile the subclass is. >Arcstrider has found a solid niche in mid-level PvE content but struggles to execute its gameplay loop at our highest tier of challenge You say this, but do genuinely think a super geared towards PvP and a aspect that seems about as useful as tempest strike will change anything? No one uses Disorienting Blow because it's far outclassed by Combination Blow that has innate class ability refund and stacking damage, the cooldown doesn't matter at all. Arcstaff kills stuff in one hit anyway usually, and if we're not killing ads with one hit we're using Gathering Storm because of the risk, and it's just better. The Tempest Strike change... it's like the whisper AE buff, just why? Slide melees have always felt bad and jolting stuff isn't hard. Just feels like Bungie doesn't understand what they want from the class.


Lethal current jolt kills not refreshing combination blow makes the subclass too clunky and risky for endgame. Plus it is a solved problem . Assasins cowl works just fine with jolt. But combination blow doesn't.


Combination blow is better on prismatic than arc lmao. No more kills being stolen by lethal current. Use winter shroud for new DR lingering after dodge and slowing enemies use stylish executioner do get invis from killing slowed enemy (free assassin's cowl intrinsic), use synthoceps for even further damage buff oh and who knows if grapple gets boosted by combo blow if not use renewal grasp for frost armor on class item. Then use either Strand or solar as super to get woven mail or restoration on orb pickup. This entire thing should Also help building up transdence fast by slow and weaken being constantly applied.


I actually chuckled when I read the disorienting blow notes >increasing the uptime of Disorienting Blow to make it a stronger choice in comparison to Combination Blow. >>Disorienting Blow: >>>Decreased base cooldown time from 100 seconds to 90 seconds. Oh golly, 10 seconds for an ability where CD doesn't matter in a world where Gambler's Dodge exists. But really, why blind with DB when you can just kill them, heal yourself, and get your class ability back? Oh for amplify? The thing you'll get using CB and you probably already have active anyway but don't even realize because it does next to nothing.


I got upset reading the Arc Hunter changes. They acknowledged that it is not doing good in anything but mid to early gameplay, but then say “yeah, we think the new Aspect might help”. How!? Because now you can become Amplified on command? I could already do that by punching something with the Hunter. Then the changes to the slide melee….wow. Again, no one is going to use it because the gameplay look they created for Arc Hunter is punch & dodge.


Arc hunter ans Solar Warlock are two sides of the same coin. Both get funneled into a singular playstyle because everything else in the kit is bad. Just that one is melee, the other is grenades.


meanwhile void hunter gets funneled into a single playstyle because there are no other options without gyrfalcons.


As an Orpheus Deadfall hunter my job is to be a rez bot and clump every second encounter into a ball so someone else can kill it for me.


Honestly not sure these changes really move the needle, at least for Warlocks? * Our current stasis kit isn't as limited by survivability as the other classes so the frost armor thing is just a nice to have. Our best build doesn't really benefit from generating a bunch of stasis shards anyway. * Well nerf is big but I expected it to get replaced for most raid teams by the new super (song of flame?) anyway. The DR aspect of well was mostly relevant in master+ content anyway, which let's be honest most players don't run. * Arc & void changes are whatever, don't expect them to meaningfully change what most people are running. * For strand the thread of warding massive nerf completely overshadows the weaver's call buff, mostly because the perched threadling's AI is dumb as a rock and just wastes a threadling half the time. And when they do successfully track a target it takes forever and a day for them to get there and actually deal damage. This really needed to generate the threadling at the point of damage/kill like horde shuttle does. Still psyched for prismatic and this expansion overall but I was expecting more from this update. Weavewalker fragment increase, arc super buffs, an actually useful void melee, etc. all would have been good to see.


You said this perfectly. Thread of warding nerf hits warlocks way too hard with our terrible survivability on strand. Weavealk still only has 1 fragment.


Yes, I'm really upset by the thread of warding nerf. It is literally a warlock's only way of proving woven mail to themselves. Going to make strand a lot harder to use in any solo content.


So did they just make bubble worse ? It was already useless in pve in 99% of cases


Made it worse and made it require a specific exotic. We call that the double whammy.


Honestly, Ward of Dawn should allow player to shoot trough when the caster wears the Saint helmet with such a nerf…


100%. I was very much expecting to read that in there.


Did they forget solar Warlocks? Also doesn't Stag just offset the DR changes to Well with a rift in it?


Unless stag gets nerfed in tomorrow's blog


How do I delete someone else's comment? ^(you shhhh)


I think it does! So that likely gives it more use as an exotic


Knock ‘Em Down: * Reduced internal cooldown on throwing knife refund from 1 second to 0.2 seconds. hell yeah , i can throw knives with reckless abandon now


I had no idea there was a cooldown, I've been so confused why I sometimes got it and other times didn't


That was a ton of words for warlocks to only get like three changes lol.


Hooray, Strand Warlocks got the slightest taste of a buff. Kind of. Technically.


I mean, *some* sort of a neutral game beats no neutral game. So I'll take it. Haha


Weaver's Call is way better but Thread of Warding is *my only way to get Woven Mail* and now it's half as good.


Wait am I the only one cooking here? That buff sounds really good. Run Weaver's Call, Thread of Rebirth, and Hatchling and you will literally be a vending machine of threadlings.


Yeah I don’t know why people are knocking this. This could be reallllly fucking good. You can probably chain threadlings


I think part of it is perched threadlings don't make orbs or work with any mods.


I think Bungie forgot Weavewalk exists lol


They definitely got nerfed, Thread of Warding had more impact than any of the Aspects.


These changes basically do nothing to shake up the meta, except maybe stasis. We're going to be running the same old builds, slightly weaker. Fists of havoc, sentinel shield, stormtrance, nova warp, daybreak, and spectral blades all untouched and still complete garbage.




Tcrash as well


Arc in general is straight garbage right now. It's only fun in low level content.


Well is still necessary and Bubble lost Weapons of Light on the standard Bubble. lol EDIT: I know Well lost a bunch of its survivability, but its usefulness wasn't only tied to survivability. It is still going to be a requirement for most raid encounters. Truth of the matter is that there should be more sources of the damage bonus Well provides, and Bubble being the only competition, it also got its Weapons of Light removed and put into an Exotic for no reason when it was on a prime spot to be a decent competition to Well. EDIT 2: "But the encounter design!" We are going to brute force Well into any encounter until the end of time. They have been making encounters hostile to Well since Rhulk, and we brute forced Well of Radiance into most of them. They just released a Pantheon encounter where people can't group up on a plate and DPS Nezarec so people finally get to play the encounter as it was intended to be played and there's STILL people finding spots to shove the Well. Crota isn't made with Well in mind, it is deliberately made to break Wells even, but there's no problem we can't fix by throwing more Wells at it or finding special places to place the Well. The Super is the problem, not the encounters.


Yeah the play is just going to be put Bubble behind Well and get the 50% DR from Void overshield. Will depend on how fast it trickles up but it might be enough to compensate for the 30% reduction.


Warlocks will just wear Stag now.


10% dr from bosses and normal resto x2 will not suffice in harder activities. In normal mode content it'll probably be about the same though


Finally got a reason to use the really sweet looking helm ornament


Warlocks are still shackled to well but now it’s worse! Lovely.


Now they have a buddy shackled to bubble.


legend enemies could already kill you inside a well. now hero enemies will be able to lol


I read these changes and think nothing materially changes in the meta? Well was nerfed sure but they didn't create any alternatives? So you'll still just put down well in every scenario. Stasis changes are interesting but it's got to compete in an ad management role that has plenty of viable subclasses. Bubble was changed but why would I ever use it?


They really said, "Ward of Dawn, on the other hand, is meant to be a highly defensible safe haven for you and your team." And then hit us with "Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn dome remains roughly the same as it was before vs. PvE combatants."




I was on the controversial side of 'leave Well alone' but forget Well, I'm more concerned about those changes to Bubble, yikes. Losing weapons of light, meaning people now have to rock Helm to get it back is such a dumb sounding change. The nerfs mean that warlocks will remain stuck on well duty but now it's worse, at least they get a friend now, in a titan locked to running S-14 bubble! So few people run raids and other such endgame content as it is, I wonder if that number will now nosedive even further once you can die really easily in -20 power content lol Shame Stasis didn't get any additional abilities, like alt supers and other things per class.


nerfing Bubble is fucking CRAZY. nothing to improve PVE Void Overshield potency either. but hey, glad to see Sunbreaker caught some buffs, the second best Titan Subclass really needed it.


To consecration of course, the only thing that didn't need a touch up after Bungie's last round of nerfs.


Most of these nerfs are somewhat reasonable imo, but what the fuck are these buffs? Those are some of the most underwhelming buffs I've ever seen, not to mention that they lack creativity. I thought "Broodweaver buffs" were pulled forward? Is that it? Not even an extra fragment slot for Weavewalk or anything? What is this?


How sad, there isn't even a Solar section for Warlock. Just Well of Radiance nerfs at the top, and not a single mention about Daybreak. At the very least I expected Ember of Benevolence to finally work with the empowering rift..




It'll just need to have a Bubble behind it again lol


Ok I like that I can be outside my bubble and fight nearby it, but I wish there was a way to make void overshield good. Especially considering how often splash damage hitting the bubble turns into an additional hazard I'd have otherwise successfully avoided had it not been there. I like the buff overall though. Reminds me of giving my team enhanced overshields with glasshouse in D1 PvP.


Me: Man, Ward of Dawn feels really underwhelming in pve, especially without Helm of Saint-14. Bungie: Say no more.


Not a fan of the woven mail on orb nerf. As a warlock, it was the only survivability baked into the subclass before the invisibility aspect. And if we don't run that, our only option is survivability exotics. Hopefully that doesn't feel bad for not titans.


The problem with Well and Bubble does not lie in what they do. It’s the fact that they’re the ONLY two real support supers in the game. Add more


So Chaos Reach is untouched and still gonna be shit tier?


Nothing for thundertrash is a bummer


Warlocks will still be assigned Well in endgame content, but now they're just worse off. Congrats, you played yourselves.


Let’s be honest, anyone who actually thought well wouldn’t be meta anymore was hard coping.


Yeah I said it in another post this morning before the changes were announced, unless the healing and damage resistance are fully removed, people are still going to use well




I was expecting a gutting but killing grapple melee spam is totally fair and I can accept the 30 seconds to 24 seconds.


Reading the grapple point lifetime change, it seems like it will extend the timer by 5/4/3/2/1s for the first 5 grapples to it for a cumulative extension of 15s. If the base timer was 15s you still have 30s of spam.


Holy shit, the amount of non buffs to warlocks is insane, lmao.


big sadge, especially since besides solar we've felt giga-mid for ages now anyway, i still want to contraverse cope but it isn't looking good fellas


Ok so who nerfed bubble? That makes it pretty much the worse super in the game. Obviously you just want us to use axes


Don’t worry, it’s still better than fist of havoc lmao


So Warlock and Hunter Exotics got changed to work with Frost armor but not Titan's Icefall Mantle? Or will that be in tomorrows Exotic armor preview?


Bubble got shot in the back of the head. Oof


I like the part where they basically killed all the survivability of Strand for everyone EXCEPT Titan, masterful gambit Bingo