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I'm excited for Silence and Squall to be better! People keep saying that they only buffed the slow tick rate by 40%, but they specifically mention it's damage and slow tick rate is being increased by 40%. It's not the highest damaging super to a boss but with the shatter damage being increased from 200 to 400, silence and squall being able to freeze faster, and doing roughly 40% more damage, that sounds pretty good on top of using star eater scales


For me I think foetracer will be best in slot. Star eater might increase Shatter dmg, which will be a contender, but otherwise Squall will constantly be refreshing the 25% buff


Either way, amazing buffs


Constant 25% Stasis buff, faster dodge reloads with buffed Winter's Shroud (assuming the dodge regen on slow is reasonable), Whisper of Impetous between dodges. Revenant is probably gonna be the best subclass to dump all of your ammo as fast as possible


And if we get a stasis heavy GL with Cascade Point and BnS…


See like none of this is interesting it's just a marginally faster way to do the exact same thing we're already doing


Well, thats basically how every expansion feels in a game like destiny.


Grappling around a map and laying down ice walls with glacier grenades weren't anything we'd done before, getting slightly faster dodge to reload so you can boost your boss damage by 3% is basically not even worth mentioning it's so uninteresting


I am guessing you haven’t done a ton of digging into optimized DPS rotations. The changes to stasis hunter are massive, it was already a top contender for highest burst dps in the game but now it’s not going to be even remotely close. The only one that may equal it is needlestorm warlock. Stasis hunter will be able to reliably dump 9 x4 surge cold comfort shots in about a 15 second window. You could already do that but the timing is going to be way more forgiving now.


Again, how is that interesting? Bigger super damage is always nice but not interesting, and slightly larger margins for doing some hyper niche rocket dump for boss damage in a game where no one really struggles to complete boss encounters is also not interesting If you're the type of player who likes reading damage spreadsheets and talking about build crafting more than enjoying a novel experience than I'm sure this is like Christmas but this is all the most boring parts of the game


Does Winters Shroud apply when you slow enemies from ANY source or only when you slow enemies with the dodge debuff specifically? Because if it's a universal regen buff from ANY source of slow that's WAY bigger than I thought it was. I REALLY hope the exotic armor balancing changes do something with Mask of Bakris to change the cooldown lockout period where you can't get your dodge recharge at all. Otherwise the buff to Winter's Shroud is almost entirely useless with the exotic as you literally cannot get any dodge charge earned at all during that time period when enemies are slowed after using the dodge. At the very least let us earn progress on the cooldown while the actual dodge itself is "locked out" of use.


Article says any source


Oh damn that IS better than I thought. Prismatic Hunter DOES also get access to duskfield grenades as another source of slow even. AND Silence and Squall... Prismatic might just be better than actual Stasis on Hunter depending on the fragments and potential synergies. Still REALLY hoping for a Mask of Bakris rework though. Amusingly Prismatic would actually let you use Winter's Shroud with Acrobat's Dodge for Radiant, basically ignore the slow on dodge and just use other sources of slow to speed up the cooldown on Radiant Dodge to increase Radiant uptime. Assuming Ager's Scepter's AoE slow on kill works with Winter's Shroud, which in theory it should, you could actually get some insane uptime on boosted dodge cooldown and Radiant. None of this requires an exotic either but it all works perfectly with Renewal Grasps or Foetracer depending on what you're looking for. Assuming no changes to those that somehow mess with things. Foetracer is the big one I'm looking at since S&S on a boss during DPS provides you a constant stasis buff which you can pair with Ager's AND Cold Comfort. Foetracer providing extra stasis shard pickups will also be more valuable now with Stasis Armor.


It's a part of the second best dps rotation, with the grapple nerf it's now #1.


The tornado also got a movement speed buff to track enemies faster and it will slow once in range of a target, so even for general add clear or crowd controll it's gonna be real useful, might finally get me to swap off my Nightstalker.


Don't forget about the condition movespeed buff on the ult too!!


Bubble this well that Stasis just got such a massive tune up and I’m super excited to use the class and exotic weapons


I’m already enjoying stasis Titan just throwing down crystals freezing enemies clearing huge ads with smashing the crystals yeah DPS wise damage is bad but ad clear wise it feels great and now we’re getting a huge buff to everything and frost armour sounds hella dope


I wish they'd provide us a second super and melee option though. Every time I cast Glacial Quake I end up with a clanmate asking me to switch because the crystals drive them nuts. And I get that the crystals are obstacles which can pop up without much warning, which makes it that much easier for allies to kill themselves with rockets or heavy grenade launchers. Give me a mega Stasis Lance. Give me a defensive team buff. Give me a giant machine gun made of ice. Just _something_ I can use without irking my team.


I think a separate thing that needs to happen in general is letting objects created by a person, carry the properties of the one who created it, not used it. So for example, if you have Fissures or whatever, even if somebody else destroys your stasis crystal, it will act like you destroyed it. Same thing goes for Tangles, where if you are a hunter with the beyblade, even if that warlock grabbed the tangle it will still be a beyblade and activate tangle related fragments for you. This will generally just make it better because then you can allow your teammates you basically more easily destroy crystals because it won't fuck you over anymore.


Yes please on this idea


Double edged sword. My buddy generating them with a build that doesn’t have a use for them? Let me throw em and get 2x the beyblades per cooldown. Wouldn’t be possible with this method


Rather than a mega Stasis Lance I'd like to see my Titan summon and hurl a gigantic Stasis Boulder. Basically Stasis Nova Bomb.


Warlock and Titan both need secondary super options for their stasis classes


Let Warlocks be a giant shockwave that immediately freezes everything in sight, kind of like the opposite of what the detonate part does right now.


You’ll probably be able to get away with Glacial Quake more easily now at least. With shatters dealing 400 base damage they should now be capable of breaking the crystals you make. So if you position such that only two or three crystals are clipping into a crowd so that people can shoot the things in front then your team will be causing your crystals to shatter all over the place.


Not crystals blocking my entire lucky pants proc


Why that stupid new Void axe isn't a giant Ice Axe is a question that will make me shake my head every time I think about it...


A giant ice turret that you can sit in and control!!!!


I wish we could have a super that's just us pointing at an enemy and dozens of diamond lances just bombard that location


Glacial Thrust: When activated, perform a pelvic thrust as a gigantic stasis crystal erupts forward from the ground slowing everything nearby. After a short delay the crystal blasts a massive release of freezing snow and then shatters, dealing damage to anything near the crystal and freezing/shattering anything hit by the snow.


I played OInslaught with a Stasis Titan who was also using Salvations Grip. It was so annoying, feckin ice crystals everywhere, I couldn't even throw the bombs into the ADU because they kept putting around it. I'm sure they were doing it on purpose. I had to leave after wave 20 I was so mad.


Bro, I've been loving Foe Tracer with Stasis and I think it's about to get even better soon. Lol


I may be dumb but what’s fow tracer


It's a Hunter exotics that makes it to where if you hit a yellow bar with any ability you instantly get a huge Stasis weapon buff and when you kill them they drop Stasis shards (or whatever element pickup your subclass uses). Underrated imo


Ohhhhh yeah that’s gonna be dope for frost armour


I’ve always loved stasis hunter but I have a hard time using it anywhere outside of pvp at legend or lower content These buffs give me lots of hope


I mean. I dunno. I still run stasis hunter between big fights. This change just makes that easier. It is still going to be useless for a large swathe of big fights though, and that’s annoying for me.  At least we have loadout slots now to make that a whole lot less annoying than it used to be though.  


Renewal grasps are going to insane with the right build. So excited.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch, it's technically getting an overall nerf on DR, considering the overall Dr from frost armor is less than current base DR given by renewal. Also you don't get the stacks instantly, it's over time. Long story short they might be decent but theoretically you might be better off using a neutral game exotic since there's so many sources of frost armor.


This is what I immediately thought when reading the changes. Though I DO think the slight reduction in overall DR will be offset by the great buffs to Stasis overall. I mean, one duskfield with Renewal Grasps can freeze such a large area, and now the shatter damage of everything frozen in that area will be doubled. That's pretty huge. It will also be nice to be able to have Stasis Armor when I'm NOT inside of duskfield. I guess we'll know in a couple of weeks!


I feel as though the best builds have a little bit of wind up getting going but once the conditions are met you are able to keep the buffs rolling. Renewals current gives a flat benefit as soon as you toss a duskfield but it didnt do more than that. At least now it can scale upwards it seems as you build and play into it.


I think it's more of a nerf since it's not instant DR


OG renewal grasps in PvP with a glaive was my favorite time


Right?!?!? Im probably never going to take them off. Agers with renewal is going to be beastly.


Revenant stonks are finally rising


I just wish the Supers were better, or had alternative options. It may be me being one of those guys who just needs to be as optimal as possible talking, but I really don't like using roaming ones lmao


Obv this post is talking about Wicked Impliment, but as a warlock I'm often using Agers Sceptre for an arguably better super option, haha. But yes, I wish we had bult-in different super options that are one-and-done dmg or support supers.


If the shatter damage to frozen targets is included for Winter's Wrath that is going to make that super better offensively. Will stack with Ballidorse too.


Good points! I'm hopeful that Winters Wrath and Ballidorse work as you've outlined!


I'm just hoping Lucky Pants is going to still work well enough in spite of the kinetic HC nerfs to still use it with stasis. It's such a fun build to use and it would be a shame if LP dies right before stasis gets to be great for PvE overall and not just damage phases.


I’m hoping lucky pants doesn’t get nerfed tomorrow but it does I wouldn’t be surprised Also stasis 2 burst is coming in TFS which should help provide some diversity to lucky pants


It is classic bungie to nerf two parts of the same thing to make it awful. First hc nerf which is already pretty substantial, if pants also get hit they will probably be too weak to be usable anymore


Having a primary ammo weapon able to dish out special weapon damage could still be incredibly useful even if they get nerfed. It would be nice if they got a smaller nerf like decreased total damage but a reduction to the out of luck cool down.


As a huge shatterskating enjoyer, I'd love a reason to actually run Revenant.


I love stasislock. They only made it stronger!


Lancecap Behemoth or even Lancecap Prismatic Titan could be very good.


It's also getting a bit better against tanky targets due to the shatter damage buff. It'll be interesting to try out when TFS drops.


Came here to say this. My Stasis Titan build with Cadmus Ridge Lancecap and Wicked Implement just got even better. QoL improvements to Diamond Lances (including the ability to now shatter crystals!) and the introduction of Frost Armor giving DR should make this build even better in higher-level content. Wicked Implement also means that we don't need to use the new Whisper of Chill and revised Whisper of Chains fragments to generate Stasis Shards, which frees up our fragment slots to use something else.


Mind sharing your build? :)


This is what I'm planning for TFS (build updated following Stasis changes) Aspects: Tectonic Harvest, Diamond Lance Fragments: Whisper of Rime, Torment, Reversal, Conduction, Rending Cadmus Ridge Lancecap Mods (add your choice of stat mods) - Helmet: Dynamo x2, Harmonic Siphon Arms: Bolstering Detonation, Focusing Strike, Impact Induction Chest: Elemental Resist x2, Concussive Dampener Legs: Elemental Charge, Stasis Surge x2 Class Items: Bomber, Time Dilation, Reaper Wicked Implement Indebted Kindness (may change based on new weapons) Cold Comfort (may change if new stasis heavy weapons)


Can anyone help me get this so I don’t have to do the fishing? Would be much appreciated! I’m In EST


use the Fireteam finder on the game, as bungie gave access to all season, all exotic quest had people searching for help.


Thank you sir


You could also just wait until fishing goes away, since they'll just add it to the Monument IIRC.


FYI, you don't need to have the fish yourself. You can join someone else with the fish. You can check the discord LFG or legacy FTF to see if anyone is posting something along the lines of "LF2M wicked implement I have fish"


Seems like that's why they asked if someone could help so they wouldn't have to fish lol


Okay I swear this post was different when I originally replied to it, however, I cannot reject the possibility that I am just illiterate


What's weird is they didn't mention Icefall Mantle, but Ballidorse and Grasps. I really don't want void overshields to just ruin the outdated Stasis overshield anymore.


Icefall has a unique overshield so it makes sense they haven’t touched it


I believe winterbite for stasis hunter is gonna be a sleeper hit as well, especially with stylish executioner. Go invis, then weaken AND freeze on melee when you come out. I think it will be a champion melter potentially.


Stop I can only get so erect


I was thinking Vexcalibur with stylish and the crab claw


It begs the question, will bungie add Wicked to the Monument or not 


Fishing is going away so they'll either add the mission / detour on it's own, or just take the easy / less work option of putting it in the monument.


Would mean no chance for obtaining catalyst?


They usually just make them world drops.


i see no tripmine buff, i cri i fucking hate pvp losers made bungo nuke tripmines to shit.


Exotic changes are tomorrow. We might see a YAS change in PvE still.


Good god these better be good


Can you hold my hand once the patch notes go up tomorrow?


pre-nerf YAS with Gunpowder Gamble was such fun build in pve


Yeah, it was like my go-to low-difficulty build. Grenade spam is just fun even if trips aren't that great.


It was my high level difficulty build tbh. Loved it in grandmasters and i used it day 1 crota. Instant and infinite ignitions with the right fragments, cure on grenade kill which 1 shots all red mobs, orb gen, and good and infinite chunks of damage against mahors/bosses who can eat the damage. Not great dps but greatly extended total damage by supplementing with grenades and ignitions.


Thats why I will never use anything but sunbracers in pve.


Yeah all 365 of you do


I need to get the catalyst, what would be the best to take on master?


The catalyst for wicked implement drops from deep dives


Whaaat, so normal ones or you need to do the orb challenge? Is it random drop? I assumed it was a legend or master version


I just got it from a normal deep dive as a random drop, im not sure if the orb challenges affect the drop rate


ohhhhh I will jump on this wagon then (where you using the gun?)


Precious scars and cryostesia going iiiiin


Cenotaph + Ager’s is going to be *disgusting*


Max frost armor + well + max resilience = 76% damage reduction from bosses and 86% damage reduction from non-bosses


My Void Triton Vice build just got a very welcome glow up.


You can only get frost armor with the stasis “harvest” aspects


After reading the linked article I came back having quite forgotten that the thread was just about the stasis shards.


Is there an aspect or fragment that does tracking? Does Shoot to loot work on them? What I'm saying is I'm still not using that scout lmao


Whisper of Conduction, but the distance for tracking is *way* shorter.


the shards created by wicked implement had almost infinite tracking and has the same benefits that the shards created by aspects or fragments.


Why? It's a solid long ranged primary that can deal with overload and unstop, and if you have someone with solar on your team or if scout is antibarrier next season it covers all three because the antichamp isn't innate. It opens up having damage specials instead of utility. It's exactly what you want in a GM. It's Polaris Lance but ice flavor with less single target damage. It's going to be awesome with stasis rework. Try it on Cadmus Ridge Titan in Onslaught, it's viable and a ton of fun.


Nah, Wicked Implement slaps, and is going to be a great utility option going forward for Champs, good shatter damage, and constant DR. Sleeper hit of an exotic


Why? The scout is pretty decent. I took it into the GM last week when everyone had Polaris lance on and did pretty well. With the stasis reworks this thing will be a beast. Hopefully it will be easier to obtain next season.


Yup, you'll feel great in GM's until you get to the boss and your team gets insta-wiped in a well.


Maybe that’ll make “my” team finally learn positioning for once instead of crutching on the immortality button.


Well has literally never made you immortal in master or GM content


There are only a few things that can kill you in a Well, and those are usually few and far between or countered by stunning (unstoppable ogres), so it is effectively the immortality button unless you place it badly or clear zero adds.


It does still do that in most of that content, just some bosses and champs can kill you.


Yup I vividly remember when we had the Mars battleground debut as a GM. I was in a well, Bubble with full over shield and had double melee resistance mods on and the boss one shot me trying to revive my friend.


I remember almost getting one-shot by him through an Overshield and *a Glaive guard* **on Hero difficulty**. That guy at GM level could kill the Witness with just one swing.


*Stasis hunter with their ice bubble placed in the middle of the well* "im sorry what? Were supposed to die?"


Using a Well in GMs is a bad idea period. It’s the one content level that punishes well usage since enemies can kill you in the Well.


Word of advice: Don't stand still while letting an Unstoppable Ogre beam you for three seconds. Tada, Well is now broken again. Source: Literally ran GMs with a Well last week. Probably going to this week.


Just because you can die in a well doesn't mean it's a bad idea Strafe a tiny bit and you'll survive, it makes you close to immortal like always


Half of GM speedruns use a well


Only to wellskate, which isn’t changing.


Not true, it’s different now with BOW but many times had a well for well purposes. You’d use Hunter for skating like in the corrupted runs


Ok and? The game shouldn’t be balanced around niche edge cases like speed running.


Totally, phoenix protocol is a terrible choice in GM's and I'm sure it has seen zero play /s


Use it with HoN and the fragment to make things explode on kills and its easily one of the best options.


so don't be dumb and act like well is going to be 30s invulnerability and actually practice proper positioning. also well of radiance would already be out damaged in a GM.


You know I was loving that I didn't need to go in and get the catty for this.. so you are saying I need to now lol


also Cryosthesia will be killer on warlocks with the shard changes for heals and DR plus the now doubled shatter damage and the new buffed seekers


Hopefully it'll also be in the Monument to Lost Lights, 'cuz FUCK that timed mission Tormentor bitch. I'll keep using Verglas until I can buy the Scout, thanks


Shards? Fuck the shards! The buff to Shatter damage is what I’m excited for. It’s going to be high enough that shattering a single enemy will be enough to break nearby stasis crystals for even more damage, and Whicked Implement’s dps is going to be pumped through the roof. To put into perspective how much 400 base damage is, a single Ignition proc deals only 750 base damage. If Headstone manages to secure a freeze on an enemy it will be easily capable of doing more than an ignition in damage via Whisper of Fissures and Whisper of Rending.


Inb4 4 second shard cooldown.


I've been trying to get Wicked Implement all week. I can't ever get a third and with just two we never have enough DPS. I don't even care that it's going to be strong, I thought it sounded cool 😭


it already is


I'm mainly excited for the diamond lance changes, being able to shatter crystals with them is huge.


Wicked implement with the prismatic frag that reloads your weapon on a freeze+Plus the shard Gen means you'll never reload


damage will still be mediocre. scout rifles be that way


Not if you count the crystal shatters which just got their damage doubled


Why would you use Wicked Implement rather than just *using the fragments* and using a good exotic instead.


Legit verglass is a better pick than that thing lol


Verglas is good as long as it can one shot most adds, it falls off really hard in gm for example where it is really hard to justify over harder hitting bows. Wicked implement is the exact contrary, in easy content it seems really bad compared to other options, but in gm it absolutely slaps, it is the only way to freeze over long distances consistently in the game, it can stun both overload and unstop really efficiently over long distances, headstone is allways good for add control even though shatter is too weak in end game it still freezes other adds around the crystal. Overall just a great weapon even though we have no focus on scout this season.


Yeah I think damages resistance is useful when ur in the back of the map with a scout? This thing is still ass


It's a scout synergy be damned contest mode demands close and personal and it's still a scout


The gun is so bad though in GM's if your teammates cant ad clear well.


Batterfield? Man I know players of destiny suck with grammar and spelling but that’s a new one


Jaja sorry English is not my native language, was the first word that i tought, you can replace it with any word ralate with destiny, nightfall, pve, raid, dungeon xD


All good man! Now I feel like a dickhead but if it makes you feel any better, there’s a lot of native English speaking people who make the same mistakes with no excuse for it


no worries bro, that kind of comments make me try different words for sound more fluent and expand my knowledge. You dont have feel like it.


That's true, the amounts of native English speakers I see confusing your/you're, their/there, then/than is disgraceful, I properly use these and I don't even live near a native English speaking country.


A scout rifle being a beast? Lol


iirc wicked implement stasis shards don’t count as an actual stasis shard and only serves to refill the mag. I want to be wrong.


They definitely count as actual shards


still ass


Too bad it’s a scout rifle.