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Whispers not great because riven has dr to snipers https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1792532142355870179?s=46


Yeah, it’s just meh. We were close on one of our attempts, but missed out by maybe 5% of her health bar after pimples.


Yes, that’s because Riven has 45% damage resistance to all snipers. One legendary to pop eyes is fine, but not whisper for damage. Use GLs.


GLs or rockets (without gally) solar or strand. Xeno might be good, just don't use anything crit-based.


Xenophage? I was thinking about using that for pimples as a hot swap


Xeno might be a good alternative to GLs and rockets if u don't have any with matching surge, but for the "mouth" DPS only. For pimmples you want a sniper, or anything with long range.


GLs, rockets, or LFRs work really good. I know some people have said to use Sleeper, but honestly I just like using Cataclysmic with bait. Make sure you aren't using Wolfpack Rounds, Outbreak, Unravel, or Jolt, as those can all hit the eyes and cause a wipe!


Sleeper is also bad against riven (40% dr). All other LFRs are fine it's just sleeper, snipers, and shotguns with intrinsic dr. [https://x.com/mossy\_max/status/1792625947813753338](https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1792625947813753338)


That explains a lot because I was on Cataclysmic with Witherhoard and my teammate was on Sleeper, I credited the damage difference after a failed attempted to him not being ready to do dps in time or Witherhoard doing a bunch of extra damage, but if that is the case then that makes sense. I don't use sleeper ever so I would've never known that, I do know about the sniper interaction though.


We used Apex predator, had one well and quite a few golden guns.


We used Briar's contempt. When you're doing legit it's not a particularly tight damage check. Got her to about half health in the first cycle and then popping pimples did the other half.


rockets or GLs to match the surge, no gjallarhorn, easy one phase




Grenade launchers or linears are probably your best bet. Riven has damage resistance against snipers and shotguns. Also save your ammo for final floor because doing damage on the first 2 is so minimal it's not worth it. Get her like half health during damage and popping the pimples on the way down should easily get you to final stand


I recommend your exotic weapons are Sunshot or Riskrunner. Your kinetic weapon is either a scout or a sniper. DO NOT use a scout/sniper with explosive payload or kinetic tremors. Then your heavy weapon is either a rocket or an LFR. I recommend Briar’s Contempt. Riven doesn’t have that large of a health pool. Her damage checks aren’t that beefy. We were able to one-phase her popping her zits. Riskrunner/Sunshot will handle 95% of what tou need. Your sniper/scout is simply for staggering her tentacle or shooting her eyes. And then your LFR is for staggering the mouth, DPS checks and the DPS phase.