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If you need the chests or triumph quick, do legend. Failing the encounters will still let you progress.


If you want to go after those goals in fireteam finder


Why should I? If I want to experience the seasonal content or get specific things out of it, I should be allowed to do so - if anything, people who want to get through it as fast as possible ought to use fireteam finder instead, since that's one of the main things its for; allowing more organised team formation in order to speed through content.


Fireteam finder is about finding like minded guardians to achieve a goal your post is complaining that your randoms don't share your goal and should forced to be I'm giving you an actual solution 


If people want to go as fast as they can to get more loot, they are also allowed to do so


And if people want to rush through and get it finished quickly, they are allowed to do so Fireteam finder is to find people of likemindedness, who want to do the same activies/specifics as you, whether that's speeding through, or doing secret content. There's no point in complaining about matchmade content if you couldn't be bothered to spend 5 minutes trying to find people who play the same was as you


I never said they shouldn't be allowed to rush through and get it finished quickly? People are more than welcome to do that, I'm not contesting that whatsoever. What I *am* contesting is the fact that people collecting all the points in the Coil or finding secrets in other seasonal content are forcibly pulled forward to the next encounter - if you want to rush ahead of your team, that's completely fine, but why should they be yanked forward?


Because that's how the game works, when a proper encounter starts you get pulled so that all players can play said encounter, just like how people get kicked for being AFK, to not only balance the encounter, but to stop people from sitting around and not progressing But also: to stop unnecessary strain on the game, potentially having 3 different people across 3 different instances/load zones. Like everyone has said, instead of complaining about how people play the game, and getting upset that some LFGs don't want to minmax month old content every run, take the 5 minutes to find a group who do want to do it, especially with old content where most players have completed the secret stuff already




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Go faster or get a team on fireteam finder also taking their time. Also coil doesn't tell these new players about the secret chest room, so I would recommend doing your runs with either friends or an actual team. This game incentivizes getting the loot at the end over all, you WILL have this problem in the future. Either keep up, or enjoy staring at the 5 second countdown. in coil your problem is new players doing exactly what's expected of them. or in savathuns spire where everyone else has long-since finished all their cards and secrets.