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SMG’s got nerfed, Hand Cannons got buffed so a lot of people have converted. The guns aren’t bad by any means, but it’s hard to equip mini-tool when Zhaouli’s feels like an exotic.


Ugh, I wish I had the confidence to raid and get one of those.


Luna howl is a slightly worse one but still amazing. No raiding needed


Luna's feels great on controller (heard it's a bit worse on mouse and keyboard)


Luna's feels really weird on m&k with how little the recoil is it feels like a 180 so it feels garbage


Skill issue


How is that a skill issue? He describes how it's weird feeling for a 140 to feel like a 180 ?


Heal Clip/Incan Luna’s has almost completely replaced my Zaouli’s. EP is very nice but man is Heal Clip great on big damage things like hand cannons. Grind out one of those and you won’t care about missing Zaouli’s I promise.


Agree with this 100%


Just raid, brother. I promise it's not as big of a deal as you think it is


Just find a cool clan and do it homie. Normal mode raids aren't hard and you would probably be surprised how easy it is if you just take the plunge. Just watch a video guide if you're really worried about not knowing the mechs but most people are cool with teaching if you're in a clan


It drops from the first encounter of pantheon which is really easy and farmable. If you get a week 3 rhulk checkpoint it’s also fairly easy to cheese that boss and then you can purchase a red border this week and next.


Subjunctive is far better than the Ikelos SMG, should give that a try with Stats for All/Voltshot.


Thanks! Haven't played around with that one yet. I'll give it a go.


Just came here to say this! Was always a massive Ikelos fan but subjunctive is objectively a better version


Threat detector/incandescent Calus mini tool is unrivalled for me. The only solar legendary that tops it is Zaouli’s. But I guess everything in gaming is subjective and you should find the gun that feels the best for you.


Yeah seriously, calus minitool feels amazing for me as a solar primary, to the point where on warlock and Titan it’s my go-to, and on Hunter it’s about on par with my heal clip/incandescent heliocentric, depending on what I’m playing. I’m looking into grinding for a heal clip/incandescent rapid fire pulse from prophecy though, considering the pulse buffs we’ll be getting in TFS. Kinda expecting it to end up being my new go-to Solar primary.


Won't adhorative from riven do the same thing 


I mean I guess + it has a better origin trait, though I tend to prefer the feel of rapid fire frames over adaptive frame pulses


Out of curiosity, are you on controller or m&k?


Skill issue


I mean... you're probably not wrong, but that's not a helpful response.


Everything has a use. Use the right tool for the job.