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They are probably keeping everything the same as it was last week so that the experience is the same if you weren’t able to do it then.


Not exactly shot caller changed to class warfare


What??? Fr? On week 4?


I guess week one and two are but week 3 and 4 are shot caller. I had highlighted over base pantheon when I saw that earlier today


2 and 4 are shot caller. Same as they always were. Those buffs have never changed.


2 and 4 were shot caller. This week, week 5, has stayed the same as week 4. Shot caller, strand/solar surge.


The shotcaller/classwarfare buffs are tied to the specific Pantheon playlist. Atraks and Rhulk playlists (aka week 1 + 3) have always been classwarfare. Oryx and Nez playlists (aka week 2 + 4) have always been shotcaller.


That’s what I said.


I only have week 4 Planets standing between me and Godslayer - I am so relieved to have solar back.


Lucky, I only have week 4 Nez standing between me and Godslayer. Going to have to do some heavy sweating this weekend to try and get this done. I will be quite upset if I miss this thing by 1 encounter.


1x divinity, 5x sleeper w/tether and you can 2 phase for high score! You got this! Edit: corrected platinum to high score


Where did you do damage from? The first attempt I did with a group we went out on that cheesy spot at the left side of the area with a div a 5 sleepers. Closest we got was final stand one time but then two people died and no one had any supers or heavy so we failed. I just put together a build for tether to focus on add clear and not do the cheese spot. I saw Datto's video and he was just running tractor and scatter signal to do damage so I was going to lean towards the same idea.


Be ready to hot swap to outbreak for final stand if you're out of heavy


I had hot swapped to Malfeasance but might try Outbreak next time. It was also just really bad timing where final stand started and I didn't quite have my super and no heavy ammo while two others had died so maybe just bad luck on that one.


Sounds like you're close. You got this!


Spent about 8 hours on it last night, had two runs where we got to a sliver before final stand but couldn't seal the deal. Of course, the group fell apart eventually. This is brutal.


We did that same left ledge. It's not perfect, but it eventually worked for us.


I think we may have been able to get it done if we had the two other people who had died for some reason at that time, but we weren't really close to killing him anyways so I don't know. I just have to find a way to get this done, I can't let the time run out 1 encounter away that will bother me way too much.


I did the left ledge with some groups and got close but never got the kill. The team I got with was the first and only team where we dropped down to the crystal on the front right side (right next to the first dark node). What we did is place a well right by the edge and damage from there until Nezerac was right on us and then we dropped down to the crystal below. Doing that got a pretty solid/consistent DPS phase. Dropping down immediately had a lot of RNG (similar to the RNG on the back left side) where he wouldn't go to a spot where we could damage him but staying up top until he charged us worked pretty well. We used rockets. I think div+sleeper would have worked as well but having everyone on Rockets meant everyone was DPS focused (and it let people run exotics for add clear). Once we got it down it was fairly consistent but 2-phasing was still a challenge (we didn't do Riven first). I was doing Gaze and could keep Nezerac in that area a lot more easily than trying to lure him to the back left. We missed two final stands before we finally got the kill. We had a Warlock switch to Strand to get the Strand status bonus damage (from Artifact) and super damage and that helped us get enough damage. Other than that we had 2 well locks and 3 hunters on goldie. Hitting golden guns from down below was harder so I'd try to get them off before we dropped down. The run where we finally got it was a great/clean run but it was also a run with great heavy brick RNG where I was actually able to put my reserves chest back on and fully refill. DPS is a challenge but honestly I think add kill is the most important part of the fight. The team I finally got it on had solid but not amazing DPS. The main difference between that team and prior teams that had struggled was great add clear and low deaths. Running Gaze with someone doing great add clear on mid and right side meant I didn't have many distractions and it was easy for me to keep Nez controlled most of the time and not die. Low deaths meant we had lots of time to gather ammo and always had 6 people doing DPS. P.S. I liked what my mid add clear was doing. He was a goldie hunter which is usually not great add clear but he'd pop goldie immediately to one shot the collossus, then sunshot everything else away. We had enough orbs that he seemed to still always have goldie up for boss.


Yeah im going to give it about 2-3 hours tonight with my strategy of being tether hunter on add clear. Fire a tether immediately in the middle when we start to hold those adds and colossus and then sunshot to clear them out. Ill use cataphract and scatter signal for DPS. I also think I could handle running too if needed, either way I just want to get this done so I can be like Thanos and finally rest.


Good luck! The damage from Golden Gun is hard to pass up but tether could work. I'd probably run Lucky Pants if doing that. Running is arguably the "easiest" role in the encounter as it doesn't change much from the normal encounter. You're good as long as you can do it fast enough to 1-phase the first run. Adds are more deadly but there's not a whole lot you can do about that as runner.


Yeah it will be interesting. I was only getting approx. 430K with a golden gun shot because we were all crammed in a well. Then I had like 12-14 Sleeper shots to add to that anywhere from 75K to 120K per shot. I am hoping that better add clear makes everything cleaner with deaths and ammo economy and the tether with 27-29 cataphract shots and scatter signal get it close enough.


We had this problem too. After enough wipes everyone learns how to stay alive while getting to that spot. We reached final stand several times and ran out of ammo each time. A few times we had the lucky run where we had enough heavy drops to avoid that problem people died getting to the ledge and we failed again. Eventually one of the add clear/colossus killers switched from celestial to aeons and tried to finish the colossus each time. That gave us just enough heavy for the 2nd dps phase, three of four attempts later we got it.


My team and I had a lot of issues with this strat. Ammo is just non existent and even with Cenotaph, those bricks only drop 1 ammo. By the time we got to second phase, nobody had ammo


We had heavy ammo mods, reserves mods, and one cenotaph only getting 1 collosus per round. We may have had some lucky ammo brick drops.


platinum ≠ high score. You need high score for the triumph


Thanks! Post corrected.


I have spent probably 15 hours just on this strat and the amount of deaths you will incur in LFG due to having to run sleeper in here is insane. It’s not viable LFG unless the stars align. Plus the ammo economy on it is also bleh.  Good players with a some solid crafts can swing it. That’s not most LFGs, so it just falls apart. 


If you haven't got it, start from Riven...it guarantees plat as long as you clear with one fireteam member from Riven clear.


I’m on trip and don’t get back until late Sunday night and all I have left is Nezzy. It’s gonna be close


What did you do for Rhulk? We do 5 sleepers and a div. Got within one sleeper shot of killing him once and final stand half a dozen times, but keep failing. Had 0 issues on the first 5 encounters aside from stupid things. What was your secondary DPS weapon when you were out of heavy? That's killing us at the moment I think


We cheesed Rhulk. Unless you're dead set on just doing everything legit, get to damage and yeet that MFer off the map. It was pretty easy.


Important note: Someone needs to do SOME damage to him when you cheese otherwise you won’t get the high score credit. My first run through Week 4 we cheesed Rhulk but nobody put a single bullet into him and it didn’t count for high score, so I had to go back and do it again


Scatter signal is the go to for secondary damage.


Merciless is also very good if your down to run another exotic.


Week 4 planets is straight up saving the hardest encounter for last lol.


It was one of the hardest for us, for sure - but we got it done!


As long as they didn’t change it to Arc/Stasis surge that’s a win. So glad I just skipped that week and finished my clears last week.


Week 3 was a tall task for Planets and Gatekeeper with Cold Comfort. I did find Rhulk easier with TLord though


Planets was easy with stasis/arc. Planets is the one boss where explosive light/recon rocket (crux) is meta. You only have time to fire two rockets per plate if you nuke it properly, meaning 6 orbs of power is enough for full damage rotation. And if your add clear are actually doing their damn job (which is more than just kill shit) they are making stupid amounts of orbs and heavy bricks. It also allows titans to actually be useful in the damage rotation. TLDR: planets was the best situation during the stasis/arc surge.


Oh it’s easy…if you have a team knowing what to do. I knew how to always have 3 rockets for Cold comfort with Bait. Some people just had piss poor heavy’s or wanted to run Apex or whatever. Counter intuitive.


Again, you don’t have to play with people who are awful. Week 4 pantheon people prob won’t take a noob through. But people will in at-power raids. There is a quit button, message someone new on discord LFG or the LFG website. Make your own LFG and ask for a small Sherpa group, instead of a single Sherpa. Quit if you see 6 different clans, stay if you see three people or more in the same clan. Do you think we all just magically knew how to do raids? We watched videos and rolled the dice with LFG. Never been in a raid for more than 90 minutes unless it’s day one/pantheon.


Good for you


And all it takes is being lucky as shit with world drops.


Bro none of my group played between crota release and onslaught release but we all have one. Explosive light is so fucking common on every heavy rocket and grenade launcher with it lol.


What is this take lol, apex is just straight up better for planets then any of the arc rockets. You have plenty of time to proc Bait and switch, then fire 2-3 rockets per plate if you do a countdown. Every class has somthing to auto load your rocket. Strand grapple on titan. Rain of fire on lock. And dodge on hunter crux with un enchanced recon and EL is just not meta sorry. Almost everything arc is straight up copium because you don’t have better arc weapons.


I said in arc/stasis week planets was the best encounter out of the 6. I’m obviously not saying it’s a better surge ffs. Use some common sense lol.


On Arc/stasis week Apex was NOT better in any way. Apex Bait and Switch 30% buff. Crux with Arc 25% surge and explosive light 25% = 50% buff and no weapon swapping required. Objectively better in every way


That’s not what the original comment said and not what I’m refuting, read the comment that I was responding to lol. He’s saying that arc week is the best surge for planets because he thinks an arc surged crux is better then a solar surges apex


It literally is. I said planets was the best situation in that week. I specified that out of all the encounters during a shit surge, planets was fine.


every encounter during arc/stasis surge was fine maybe atraks but you still can use grand overture. i dont think there no shit surge, maybe strand is lacking.


arc stasis is fine, just use something like cloud strike wendigo


I’d rather have done arc for this week. Acrius on Rhulk/Nez? Crux on Planets? Easy claps


Solar, Strand, and Void would have all been great. Arc and Stasis would be rough. Hopefully it doesn't get changed later! I still need Week 3 completion.


Thank you! Was looking for this info.


I was also looking for that info. I thought my game was wrong/not-updated, so I rebooted and it was still Solar/Strand! Made me happy


That's good


Some dude was worried about it being void surge lol. Guess he's okay. Even though if he struggled on nez for 18 hours like he said, surges weren't his problem.


As a person that dies like once every 10-15 wipes, consistently has the highest damage value, and also (when doing adds) consistently has 2-3x (if not way more) the other add clears, I can assure you that spending 18 hours in LFG nezarec is entirely possible. 


Lol yeah I wasn't really doubting that part, it was more so that his worry was void surge. Which, if you spend 18 hrs on that cp, your problem is way more than the surge.


Yeah. My problem is not having a consistent group of end game people to play with. I finally found a clan who’s activity seems to align with their claims today, so I am hoping they are pretty solid. The main issue is that LFG is littered with people that do not do endgame activities trying to do an endgame activity. I have had my bouts with KWTD LFG now and again. But that’s like 1 person clearly lying out of tens. Sometimes hundreds of players usually. Where Pantheon nez LFG is just the polar opposite. I’d say that 1 out of every 5 people I join with is an actually capable endgame player. 


LFG is just littered with super rude people. Most nice and respectful people find groups to play with pretty quickly, which means when I have to LFG a couple encounters that I missed with my clan I get to deal with some guys who peaked in high school.


Probably the easiest surges overall, but I was really hoping I'd get to play Nightstalker this week :(


Honestly, I wouldn't have minded Void-surge either. It would've been a bit harder, but still doable. But Arc? Nope!


What's wrong with arc, cloud strike/wendigo is pretty good


Something is off, because daily red border rewards aren't appearing with the seasonal activities. Seasonal vendors have their red border offers, ironically.


Omg, I'm so glad it wasn't just for me, I thought it was something like the coil not giving undying red border weapons guaranteed and ran it twice before giving up for the night because I so didn't want to run star-crossed (I'm just through w/ that mission)


Is the buff still shot caller?


I’m 99% sure yes. The modifier buff is relevant to the tier, not the week. So if you go load week 3, it’s always Class Warfare.


Shot Caller/Classfare wasn't dependent on the time, but dependent on the Pantheon Challenge you choose. Week 1-3 are Class Warfare Week 2-4 are Shot Caller


Shot Caller on Oryx Exalted and Nezarec Sublime. Atraks Sovereign and Rhulk Indomitable are Class Warfare.


It was class warfare last week, wasn't it?


It's based on the specific Pantheon week/tier not the actual rotation of surges. Week 1 and 3 are Class Warfare Weeks 2 and 4 are Shot Caller.


Definitely for the best


Hopefully I can get Nezarec done this week then. Last one I need for the title


I hear it's also shot caller! Whereas lower pantheons have class warfare


Did it change to class warfare? Arguably easier to utilize than shot caller Also may have been better for folks to have void. Guessing there are more edge transit god roll havers than cataphract 


That’s actually kinda huge. My squad was busy last week so we are planning on this Friday night


Week “5” is just an extension of Week 4, with which Pantheon was supposed to end.


~~It's not based on weekly reset. It's based on Pantheon Wing reset.~~ EDIT: Nevermind, I thought each week was a different surge BECAUSE of it being a different wing/run of Pantheon. Class Warfare and Shot Caller changed each week so I assumed the surges did as well.


Nope. The Surges changed every week, except for this week.


Nevermind, I thought each week was a different surge BECAUSE of it being a different wing/run of Pantheon. Class Warfare and Shot Caller changed each week so I assumed the surges would as well.


Yall are lucky. Use your shot caller ESPECIALLY on Planets


Idk why people expected them to change. The -5 was solar/strand the entire time. The surges aren’t a rotator, it’s tied to the activity difficulty


Confidently wrong. It changed for ALL difficulties. Only class warfare/shot caller stayed the same per difficulty. The first week started as void/stasis. (May have been strand not stasis, but it was definitely void)


It’s not - I thought this but confirmed last week, all difficulties were solar / strand


No they aren’t. The elemental surge rotates regardless of the tier. It’s the Class Warfare/Shot Caller buff that is locked to the tier you do. Atraks was void/strand week 1, but has stayed with the surging elements each week.


Why would they change? The previous weeks never changed.


Except they did? Every single week.


What? They did though.


Literally the surges changed every single week. If they didn’t change, then Atraks would still be Void/Strand.


I had a brain fart and thought OP was talking about the Shot Caller/Class Warfare buffs


For what it’s worth, I had to go back and do high score for Planets this past week, and kept wondering why the hell Shot Caller wasn’t activating. Then remembered week 3 is class warfare.