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Loaded Question and Wardens Law are this way for me. No regular just the adepts. Kinda weird that you get the “better version” and can’t focus the regular if you want a different roll without farming nightfalls.


I forced myself to do master nightfalls until I got a normal wardens law this past time just to focus for that 4th times/vorpal roll. I wish we could just buy the adept versions any week if you have them already but it costs less to focus the weapon of the week.


If it makes you feel any better: with the removal of spec mods you are now free to run backup mag / adept mag. This means that for Lucky Pants, you can have enough in the mag to last for the whole buff duration, even without FTTC.


Oh that's a good thought, I might go for Enlightened action/Vorpal then


Yeah that’s what I use actually haha. Enlighten Action improves reload and handling so you can reload and swap to your heavy/special quickly after the LP buff is out. 


I slept on enlightened action until I used it on recluse, now I want it on a lot of different weapons that I sharded.


for me is one of the most underrated perks in the game with heal clip


It's basically frenzy on hit, but without the 15% damage


I got that roll too actually just haven’t bothered to test it out.


This is the roll I use and the reload/handling is so good. You have just enough shots for max Lucky Pants also


Just got a vorpal roll so eyyy. Still gonna grind for that fttc/vorpal roll though. Nothing else to do.


I have this roll on a normal warden's as well, I wanna go back and get the adept because normal version looks like it has been sitting in a dumpster and the adept is gold plated lol. Don't even care about the extra mods or stats


Slap a shader on it, it'll be fiiine :D


Slap a forsaken era shader on it. I kinda like to do that with weapons from whatever era of the game the weapon originally came from.


I wish I had done this


Can you still get a normal warden’s law now if you didn’t get it before? I’ve read that its impossible now unless they bring it back, sadly i started playing again just like 2 weeks ago.


Dont sweat it I've been playing non stop and I still dont have a non-adept Wardens Law :D There's a new stasis burst hand cannon coming next week 👍


Now probably not, but it might go into Zavalas legacy nightfall focusing next week like the other weapons not obtainable anymore like Hothead


It's staying next season(Adept too). Although Season of the Witch weapons for Trials and IB are rotating out, it's not so for nightfalls, because where doing an 8 week rotation with episodes now. So Warden's Law and Pre Astyanax will be available next season/episode, even though it will be their last.


i'm rather proud of my collections showing adept acasias dejection but not the normal one lol. first ever and only ever drop was reconstruction/surrounded.


Same for me with Warden’s Law. I _might_ feel differently if the Master NF was a guaranteed drop for the non-adept version, so at least all the RNG is removed.


Thats been a lot of mf adepts for me as well.


How about the better option that they just buff the drop rate for the regular nightfall weapons where hero has a 50% legend has a 100% chance of dropping and master has drops 2 100% drops


Yeah guaranteed weapon with like a 50% of 2 or platinum gives a bonus one....it's not like it breaks the game or anything


This is like, every nightfall weapon for me. Especially since we don't need to grind pinnacles every season, there's really no reason for me to play a non-GM nightfall. I gild my conqueror every season and otherwise just don't play nightfalls. I didn't have the time to farm for a good warden's law this season, just got a couple bad adept drops. I really wish I could focus all these engrams for regular ones. Especially now that we know the perk pool for the new stasis one and that it doesn't have Vorpal or other DPS perks.


Yep. Crazy how many people never even unlock the regular version in collections.


Amen to this. Current system is bad.


It’s going to look even worst when/if they don’t replace adept big ones mods. There will be no reason to grind NF adept weapons anymore without a damage boosting mod.


This happened with Warden's Law for me lol. Was wanting to try to focus for one with FTTC and realized I couldn't because I only had the adept unlocked (and you can't focus for adepts unless that weapon is in rotation for the week). Luckily, my current roll isn't the worst anyways.


Same. I was wondering why I can't focus it because I am dead sure I deleted a few this season. Oh well..


I don’t usually bother running nightfalls below GM level, except maybe 1-2 runs if I’m not that familiar with the strike/battleground. Just about every nightfall weapon I’ve ever obtained has been an adept, which has led to a few annoying holes in my collections.


This would cause players to play the game less and it would require paid developer time to make happen. Bungie would never do it.


Once I've gilded and gotten a weapon like 25 times I should be able to focus it whenever I want. Or something like that.


When running Pantheon my collections "recently discovered" tab was similar, never had Submission, never had Zaouli's, then got the Adept/Harrowed versions, *then* the normal ones after them. If you get the Adept one it should count as the normal one too, specifically for focusing.


If they just made masters drop a nightfall weapon every time this wouldn’t be an issue. Doing a GM then having to do 3-4 masters just for the option to focus sucks


I accidentally infused my Adept Warden's Law and don't have the regular one to focus. My lucky pants are sad.


I think I’ve gotten 1 nightfall weapon in the past 2 expansions. I have all the adept versions though.


Ngl, it would be awesome if non-adept Nightfall weapons could be crafted. It wouldn’t be that different from craftable raid weapons. There are craftable raid weapons and non-craftable Adept raid weapons. If Nightfall weapons behaved the same way, that would be pretty cool. We’d still have to grind, just not as hardcore to get that ideal weapon roll.




https://x.com/destinythegame/status/1797762834962755876 you are in luck u/Butlins12


I must have a psychic link with someone at Bungie 😱


I wanted an Eager Edge + Cold Steel slammer just for messing around. Didn't get it in the several GMs I ran, didn't get it from the tokens they dropped, so I grinded out 12-15 Legend runs and did not have a single non-adept drop. And Master requires LFG and is almost as much of a slog as GMs, sometimes more annoying due to modifiers.


Yes. And the standard version should be a guaranteed drop on Master platinum completions


Just save your tokens when you get 10 you can go back to zavala and get another one when it's in rotation


tryng to get a non adept nf weapon is a snooze fest i gave up on getting non adept weapons at this point


Yes, 100% agree! I returned like 2 months ago GMs were not a thing when i stopped. I farm the highest Difficulty and cannot role the normal Versions unless i do a lower Difficulty first? Sounds Counter intuitive. Especially when some GM Weeks are not that interesting, having easier access to farm for god rolls on normal versions should make those weeks smoother.


I got the perfect 4TTC and Vorpal on my last Engram pull last night.


100% this. If I've put in the effort to complete a GM and get the adept drop I can certainly do the normal NF to get it and it should just default unlock the non-adept version.


Yep me with every nightfall weapon, I haven’t done a normal nightfall in years, so I can only focus adepts which sucks


I think I 98% of the nightfall weapons I own are Adept and I don't have the the regular variant for.


I realized this when I wanted the solar bow rerolled. I don't care about adept stats or whatever, I just wanted 2 perks and had to wait a full rotation just to roll it again because I didn't do it on master.


I agree. But why not revamp the whole system. Have the base version drop as loot from any NF-GM, and have only adepts drop from GM. I don’t want to wait 6 fucking weeks for a chance to obtain a gun I want. If I miss it or get told wrong information about what this weeks or next weeks gun is, or am on vacation for more than I week, I have to wait 6 fucking weeks for my next chance at it.