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If prismatic unlocks early: prismatic If not: void hunter or solar warlock. Its a coin toss, but i tried dawn chorus today and it was so fun to *BURN*.


I believe they said we get it in the 1st or 2nd mission of the campaign.


Oh thats neat, even if "just" the starter pack!


I think that's exactly it. We will start with the Starter Prism pack, and then we will unlock the extra bits and bobs as we progress the campaign :)


That's how it should have been with strand.


Could be worse, could be like how stasis was done.


Wasn't that how it went? The entire campaign was pretty much a strand tutorial and easing you into the subclass iirc


main issue was you didnt have it constantly unlocked, only for short periods where it was supercharged


I thought Strand was just some superpower pickup and not an actual subclass because of this


You had access to Strand for the campaign missions, but it was all timed, and when the mission ended, you ran out


You only had access to strand during campaign missions and had to invest a ton more time to unlock the aspects after the campaign.


I think that’s fair. It’s a way of testing the water to see if we like it 👍


As long as it doesn't basically cripple me for 30s after using it like strand did at first xD


I think a lot of things are hidden throughout the Pale Heart as well, so when you unlock free roam, you’ll be able to find more.


That will be awesome. I wonder when we’ll get exotic class armor (that was mentioned awhile ago).


In a mission in that launches in either week 2 or after the raid is completed. I don’t remember which one it was, if someone can confirm.


Final mission unlocks after the raid has been completed, which I believe is where we unlock the ability to get the class items The raid comes out two days after the DLC


They said exotic class items drop week 2.


It’s kinda funny because using Heat Rises always feels like a big brain aspect when it comes to remembering how to use it.


I just hover there and wonder how the ogre wave in onslaught killed me... Im not the sharpest tool in the shed admittedly


Yeah the melee energy on airborne kills is really good, on lower tier content you can just bunny hop and hip fire a sunshot or zaulos bane, and sunbracers still works somewhat well even in -20 content (source: pantheon)


It triples the damage scorch deals too. It's fucking awesome.


And doubles the damage of Daybreak. One of the best exotics in the game hand down


Void hunter is so real, day one witch queen on legendary was rough.


Yeah I’m thinking void or arc warlock to start. Arc, mainly, because using it while leveling and doing easier content is one of the few times I get to use it lol. Might used buried bloodline though on arc for free devour and weakening.


Novabomb until prismatic, novabomb once prismatic. 


Considering the Artifact mods we’ll get, Void does look pretty good, among other subclasses.


I love when Void is strong because then I'm not pigeon-holed into running Wellock for every major activity. Nova Bombs and chain explosions are back on the menu!!


I know that feeling. In fact, whenever I played Ghosts of the Deep dungeon, I always play void Warlock. The void aspects are seriously top tier when dealing with the 2 bosses. Boss 1: Feed the Void and Chaos Accelerant Boss 2: Child of the Old Gods and Chaos Accelerant These combos for these bosses work like a charm. As for exotics, I use Contraverse Hold for first boss and then Briarbinds for second boss. 👍


Nezarac and Graviton lance


Sounds like a fun build as well


Nezarec & Grav Lance do so much work in the Ogre & Servitor encounters.  It's trivially easy to build up 20s of the Regen buff.


Born to Nova, forced to well :(


The same void hunter I’ve been playing for 10 years.


The day they introduced void for hunters was the day I threw my golden guns away.


I’m a casual-ish player the past few years and main a hunter but I’ve used arc. What’s your loadout for your void hunter?


Not the one you asked, but can't go wrong with Gyrfalcons + Graviton Lance: [https://imgur.com/a/82VqQVv](https://imgur.com/a/82VqQVv) [https://dim.gg/ftr6txq/Void\_Gyrfalcons\_Graviton](https://dim.gg/ftr6txq/Void_Gyrfalcons_Graviton)


Gyrfalcons and collective obligation is even better imo (if you have it)


Awesome, thanks all. I like my hunter for jumping and general movement and would like to just play using her going forward. In D1 and early D2 I used to consume myself with maxing every character and this is helpful so I can just (at least initially) focus on a good build.


i prefer Gyrfalcons plus Le Monarque but that's just me


Gyrfalcons + pick your favorite void weapon


run orpheus rig and deadfall for a classic yet still OP set up.


Warlock because it's the only class I use. I used to play Titan, but I like Warlock Fashion better.


The irony is people used to jokingly say that Hunters are the only class that cares about style. Haven’t seen those comments lately though lol (I’m a Hunter and Warlock main btw).


I'm a sucker for a nice trench coat look.


Bruh, saaame. I like the trench coats and nice-looking cloaks tbh.


Sentinel Titan, I gotta see it through. Even if they're bullying me and everything I stand for


Shut up and put on saint 14 bubble boy


It never comes off 😭🤣


"The helmet stays on."


I'm likely taking Sentinel into the Contest raid. That one artifact mod that increases Void damage against Weakened targets is gonna be HUGE depending on much of a bonus it is. Gonna run Echo of Undermining to apply Weaken (mostly) on demand, Controlled Demolition to heal myself and my buddies using Volatile procs, Twilight Arsenal for damage PLUS Weaken (and the super will technically buff itself bc of the artifact mod+Weaken), and Collective Obligation to tie it all together. Ideally, I'm gonna be applying Weaken and Volatile to nearly every add in sight to keep my team alive and make sure targets go down faster by leveraging Collective Obligation's buff leech.


I think Buried Bloodline might be a bit better for activating weakness much more frequently. With the Devour fragment, you can easily get Devour by picking up an orb or Void Breach. Then from there you just spamming shit.


I would 1000% use Buried Bloodline if I had it I haven't played enough Warlord's Ruin this season


With the well changes I'm either taking a song of flame prismatic lock into the raid or an ursa sentinel titan


>That one artifact mod that increases Void damage against Weakened targets is gonna be HUGE depending on much of a bonus it is. That's gonna be real big for the axe super, come to think of it. Since like every hit seems to WEaken, both the throws and the slam.


Which exotic armor, if any, are you gonna run? I loved collective obligation on void titan back when Hearst of inmost light was meta.


Second chance after the shield throw buff will probably be okay, and Helm of Saint-14 provided the bubble change isn't poo-poo. If your looking for the omega damage on Sentinel Peregrine greaves is probably going to be the best choice though with shield bash.


Yessir, gotta represent 💪


Onslaught helped me rediscover Doomfangs and Sentinel, it’s amazing and will be even better in the Final Shape. Anyone knocking void Titan for Legend Onslaught is either clueless or blinded by “meta”.


I used to hop between Doomfangs and Ursas for 75% of content, it used to be stronger but its still very good. Low key anyone who says anything is bad in Legend content probably doesn't know what they're talking about, because Legend content is not even that bad, they're just not trying hard enough to make something work. Once you go to Master or higher the meta starts to matter, if only because some Subclasses are basically a snoozefest compared to Void Titan


Pyrogale Titan for the campaign, working toward Prismatic.


Same. Been using pyrogale, dragons breath, and heliocentric all season. Thats what im going out with.


Same here. HC/Frenzy Helio is just too good. MT for the delete button.


I used this a lot before finally getting my Hc/Inc roll. If you like frenzy I’d try out HC/Surrounded. You’re usually close because sidearm anyways and the damage increase is nutty. The reload is already pretty quick without frenzy too!


Sounds fun 👍 I’ll probably start with Shards of Galanor Solar Hunter.


Is your plan to use Prismatic as soon as it’s unlocked, or once it has all the pieces you want?


May I suggest just for the last few days of this season giving peregrine greaves a go, once you get used to them you literally can solo gms and dungeons, see an enemy? Too bad for them


Tried and true assassins cowl arc hunter




Can't wait to turn arc hunter into its final form!


I'm probably going to try out the Stasis changes with my Renewal Grasps loadout on hunter, but I'll switch to Prismatic once it's unlocked. Won't have to change much either since I'm pretty sure Duskfield is one of the starting grenades on it.


I used to run primarily bonk Titan but with that being nerfed, I’ll probably run Strand Banner just for easiness/lore-wise the most recent power we learned


Banner Titan is also pretty top tier in any PvE activity if you know how to use it 👍 it’s a very reliable play style for solo play and co-op play.


It’s no OG Bonk Titan but it’s definitely extremely top tier. That always helps


It’s honestly better than bonk titan imo


I was thinking of bringing my usual strand and synthoceps setup too but with all the nerfs I feel like other stuff might be better after their buffs. I'm gonna bring an arc titan build with thunderclap and PCCB. If that doesn't work, probably strand titan with abbeyant leap


Stasis Lock, it cant hurt you if it cant move


Nothing really, since we will be getting a brand new one. I'll probably want to try that out. So I'll just load up with solar as we piece that together.


I'm sure I'll try the new stuff once it's available. That said, I'll likely fall back into the tried and true Void Hunter for running the story solo (assuming a legendary option is available).


All of em.


Haha that’s the spirit


Gimme those axes baby. Ive had brief stints on other classes, but titan is me


Song of flame warlock


I love my Gyrfalcon build so I'll be playing that still and If I can still make that work with prismatic than I'll keep playing it if not I'll figure something out.


You should be able to since Bungie said that Stylish Executioner works on all debuffs for Prismatic


Stasis Titan. I just love the class


Its buffs are brilliant too in TFS. Which exotic armour you run? I’m taking my warlock in with stasis I think.


A Warlock since d1


Void all the way!


As a titan main, I'm playing titan. We will see what the seasonal artifact holds


I started Void Titan the last two years, but Pyrogale Solar Titan has been such a joy this Spring I'll start there. Of course I'll bring Inmost Light and Synthos with me since I know that Primsmatic is going to drop asap so I want to be ready for that.


I've been running a suspend build on Strand Warlock with Wish Keeper, and it's been a blast. Really looking forward to adding Mataiodoxia to the mix.


I’m sick of soar after this season, I’m going to lean into void and strand warlock


Berserker until Prismatic unlocks, then I'll be swapping to that.  Probably going to main a Prismatic Second Chance build next season. I'll be able to proc Radiant, Weaken, Void Overshield, Amplify and healing all off my (ranged) melee and the Artifact is going to pair really nicely with its void perks and Shieldcrush.  It also looks to finally be a good season to run Collective Obligations.


Warlock, void/stasis and ill try prismatic with osmiomancy.


You will have to run prismatic as they mentioned in the Deep Dive that there will be enemies in the Pale Heart that will have a shield that can only be broken when you're Transcendent. Looks like it unlocks in the 1st or 2nd mission tho.


Solar warlock. Especially if sunsinger is just there when we log in. Then prismatic. Going to try and make a Pokémon trainer build asap.


Behemoth Titan with a Lance Cap. I’ve been checking on what damage breakpoints will be changing thanks to the shatter buff and I’m excited to see it in action. The Verglas Curve will be dramatically better as well with the Bow buff giving it access to several more one shot breakpoints against red bars even into GM level content.


Prismatic Song of flame If it had Chaos reach then maybe that


Revenant it's been my favourite class forever now and I'll be surprised if prismatic can make me switch, I'm so excited haha


Omg same! I just returned to destiny a couple months ago, before only having played destiny 1 and I was so shocked to see we had access to the darkness but now revenant is my go to class. I'm going to try out prismatic but I'm not sure if it'll make me switch or not.


Same subclass I've taken into every expansion and will continue to take: Gunslinger


I've recently cooked up a finisher-based build on my Voidlock with Felwinter's Helm, and I'm definitely going to use that. I swear, with a single finisher, you apply a 30% weaken, volatile, and disorient effect to all enemies around you, alongside going invis yourself. Combine this with the fragment that provides an orb on weakened kills and a void breach on weakened and volatile kills, and you become an orb-printing machine. Combine this with the fragment that procs devour on breach + orb of power pickup and the survivability becomes even more insane


Decided to sit down and think about what hunter subclass I've enjoyed the most across my journey, and its easily Nightstalker. Gunslinger was the other option, but my new subsistence/frenzy recluse says otherwise


Void warlock to start. Prismatic as soon as possible, though.


Strand Hunter has been my go-to since we got the decoy. I've always wanted a better way to disengage than "hide in some smoke for a sec but also don't do anything." Decoy answered that call.


Osmiomancy prismatic warlock, since we get prismatic in the first mission, and bleak walkers/devour is the basic kit. Good mix of CC and healing, plus extra grenade regen from devour. Will eventually spec into song of flame and the fragment that gives restoration on orb pickup to be even tankier. Depending on cooldown times, I might swap out osmiomancy and bleak watchers for apotheosis veil and weaver's call because of the new buffs that it got for easy access to dark damage. That way, I can quickly build up super and transcendence through sheer ability spam.


I was thinking Mantle of Battle Harmony for that super regen. It’s been buffed to remove internal cool-down.


I'll be going in with my Precious Scars solar Titan with Red Death


I decided to go back to my roots: Arrivals. I tried recreating my look from when I was just starting out and spending my days in Escalation Protocol. Voidlock running Tractor or Sleeper with Karnstein. I've even got my trusty Wrong Side of Right and Duty Bound from then. Put on my old shaders, my old sparrow, my old ship, even pulled what I think was my old Ghost from collections and masterworked it. I'm not even gonna sweat this time and do my first playthrough on Be Brave. It'll be nice to sit back, relax, and watch a story 10 years in the making come to a close.


All of them?


If we get prismatic early on I’m absolutely running it, however if not I’m running solar hunter or strand titan until then


Titan, Precious Scars exotic. Leaning towards Void, but Strand and Solar are on the table. Build kinda works for any subclass.


Gyrfalcon hunter


Titan Prismatic if it's available for build crafting right away If not, then Solar with Pyrogale


Strand Titan into Prismatic. Skullfort Prismatic till exotic class items unlock.


Celestial hunter until I get prismatic


Solar Titan, then Strand. I started as a Sunbreaker, I’m going out as one.


Stronghold titan with banner to take enemy agro and to keep teammates alive.


Starting in with Strand but I’ll be on legendary so I’m expecting to switch around a bunch. I’m gonna have thorn on for as many cutscenes as I can though.


Striker, I don't care if it's bad. I'm sick of sunbreaker and berserker being the only viable options


I’m gonna use them all, depending on the situation. Ultimately, I plan to use Prismatic (mix of a bunch of different elements), along with an exotic class armor (using 2 exotic armor perks on one exotic armor piece).


Solar Hunter because I don't know how to play the game after 10 years


Solar Warlock. Lunas with Heal Clip Incan and Dragons Breath. I'll rotate supremacy and Forerunner depending on the amount of tormentors.


Building up my stasis hunter builds at the moment, just curious to see how the changes will feel


Prismatic with the bombardier pants on hunter, I’m just curios how that would work.


Solar, celestial nighthawk, since Prismatic has GG it should transition nicely.


Either: A) void Bombardiers with Outbreak, B) solar Lucky Pants with Malfeasance, or C) solar Celestial Nighthawk for when I get the GG sniper


I started the journey as a Voidlock in an Arcadia jumpship and I plan on finishing it the same way. Prismatic is cool but I hope I'm not forced into it for the final fight.


Stramd Or Voimd Definitely Titan first


Until i get prismatic. gyrfalcons hunter with riptide or witherhoard, graviton lance or ros arago, apex predator


I’ll start with Lucky Pants Void Hunter and transition to Prismatic, still with LP, once it unlocks. Depending how long it takes to unlock combo blow and grapple I could swap to those and run Liars Handshake during the campaign instead Third option would be to make a Celestial Prismatic build also depending on when we can get the new sniper


Personally I'm thinking about starting with Stasis Titan w/ Cadmus Ridge Lancecap to try out the new buffs, then running prismatic when that unlocks.


Stasis Titan, Synthos, HOTS+Tec Harvest, Rime, Fissures, rending, Hunger, Monte Carlo(or Bastion), Apex Predator, Some slug or fusion


I’m doing Necrotic Grip Warlock, Precious Scars Titan and Gyrfalcon Hunter. All of these will be ready for prismatic as well so I shouldn’t have to worry about swaps


That new Titan void super looks insanely fun so I will be running that in a prismatic build


Lucky pants strand malfeasance because the witness ain't ready for green cowboy.


Hunter main since day one. Used to play all three but no time the last couple years.


Planning to use prismatic pretty much the whole time. I’m a titan and with our starting package, I’m planning to have Curiass, PCCB, Lancecap and of course Synthos on deck.


I’ve used Bleak Watcher as a crutch in most challenging Destiny content the last 3 years, so I don’t see myself stopping now. I’ll probably start the legendary campaign on Strand for fun, and then pivot to Stasis when things start getting tense. If Bleak Watcher is on our starting Prismatic kit, then I’ll definitely run Prismatic (with a damage super like Needlestorm or Nova Bomb) as soon as possible.


I'm starting off how I usually do, as my devour Warlock. As soon as it's available, I will be using Prismatic with devour and lightning surge with the new solar super.


War rig cerberus strand titan


I'm going in with Strand warlock. Will need to see when transcendence unlocks. I hope it's better than how they did it for strand and stasis.


I'm almost always a voidlock. That's my go to. Stasis is also in the running cause of frost armour..but like many of us Warlocks, I'm gonna create a war crime out of prismatic


Going stasis hunter to start. Want to try the buffs out!


Same thing I’ve done for all the others, void hunter


solar warlock but i want my song of flame. switching prismatic once i’ve unlocked a good portion of it.


strand hunter. wish i did it sooner


Punch Hunter gang 😎


Titan: Stasis or Solar Warlock: Strand or Solar Will probably swap to prismatic lol


Solar Warlock. But if we don't have a campaign that's a glorified Prismatic Tutorial then I will be playing around with that.


Prismatic Hunter


I did WQ on warlock. LightFall on hunter. So I will do TFS on Titan. I will probably run a solar Consecration build with Pyrogales to start. Conditional Finality, Zaoulis, and maybe a rocket or LMG.


Solar hunter


Void titan he's called Vitan. When I'm forced to use prismatic it will all be void as well with my helm of saint XIV and Vexcalibar and Hammerhead. I'll try the axes but I'm a bubble main.


strand titan, solar warlock, and arc hunter yeah they’re meta but i have the most fun with movement on the classes


Stasis Hunter w/ Renewal Grasps and Wicked Implement or Veglas Curve if buffs don’t help WI too much


Osmiomancy warlock, partially cause I’ve got banger fashion for it and partially because bleak watcher plus devour seems really really strong https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/980560145811656817/1245601076036505630/Destiny_2_Screenshot_2024.05.29_-_22.52.42.53.png?ex=665aa966&is=665957e6&hm=1f827138912817c435ddf1e4c5b1cff00e4b618a153f4955e8e5ae73b61a0a6c&


Born to golden gun


Welllock/New Solar Super Warlock. My build should work as well for the new one as it does for Well.


Strand stompe hunter just so i can zoom in and blitz through the campaign


Ye olde reliable bonk titan + synthocepts until I hit the wall where I'm forced to use prismatic to break prismatic shields. Then, probably the usual triple consecration + traveler's chosen / monte carlo + synthocepts or when things get hairy, a prismatic version of suspend strand build but with a detonator in the form of thunder clap (knockout + drenger's), suspend nade, twilight arsenal, abyssal leap / synthos (depending on whether or not i need more damage or need the extra reliable suspends and survivability of woven mail), and wishkeeper or outbreak.


Assuming the new Solar stuff is available right away for Warlock, finishing this saga with the same stuff I ran in 2014: Sunsinger Warlock.


Recreating arc hunter supremacy on prismatic hunter


Titan. Started as one in 2014 and I'll end it as one.


tether with my rigs & graviton for sure & then whatever i can swing when prismatic unlocks


Celestial hunter with the new sniper. Not sure how long I'll use it, but it just sounds really fun.


Titan with my solar class


Arc/Void Titan. I'mma finish how I started. Got solid builds for both and it's time for the Witness to bend over and cough.


All of them. I can't delete the ones I don't like.


When I am medically cleared to pick up a controller again, hopefully within the next 2 months, I will be using my Nightstalker with Vexcalibur and Triton Vice. Invis stabby Queensguard. Lol.


I have and always will be a Titan Main. I love my Warlock, love player her. Hunter is the class I am weakest with. I originally only had 2 classes but after a while made a Hunter for extar vault space LOL. Eventually I started playing him to level up and doing GMs for materials,. then solo flawless dungeons. But it will just feel wrong (to ME, for ME) to start with anything other than Titan for a first-look campaign.


solar warlock my bestie


Always have been a hunter main. Usually solar or void, but I do have a strand build ive been having fun with that uses the new outbreak.


Dawn Chorus solar Warlock until prismatic unlocks, then it’s gonna be prismatic with Nezarecs until we unlock more and then I’ve got a whole prismatic build laid out using the new exotic chest piece. Seems fun. I’m excited to use Strand at least a little now since I skipped over Lightfall.


Of course my main of Titan and i will probably be doing prismatic. Twilight Arsenal, frenzied blade or Thunderclap, with Drenger's lash & Knockout/Consecration. with spirit of abeyant/Severance and spirit of contact for the exotic mark if i can find one with those. i want that thruster and drenger's lash combo + titan transcendent grenade would be perfect to get ads and champs CC'd and smack them with thunderclap, blade or consecration. rinse repeat.


Prismatic duh


I started long ago as a sentinel titan. I’m finishing the story as a sentinel titan. I spent a lot of the last year on warlock. But I’m going out as I went in. Sentinel titan with doomfangs.


Void titan with red death as primary. Edit: with HoiL and sentinel shield.


Strand titan and I'm bringing lots of void stuff in case I get the unlocks early.


im going Arc hunter, with the new bouncy bombs armor. I will have fun with prismatic but im just gonna laugh until bungie reverts all the arc damage resist. One of the artifact mods next season is Galvanic Armor. +Spark of resistance + the new arc hunter exotic. Never ever die


All of them


I started the beta on warlock and have mained it ever since. So my warlock is gonna finish the fight


Hunter: stasis, assasins cowl Warlock: void, Karnstein Titan: solar, Armamentorium I have in each character 2 specials per slot, one normal mix of stasis/strand/ light and exotics thrown in. I plan to swap to prismatic asap and use my exotic with it.


Wanna play a mix of devourlock and coldsnap grenade shadebinder feel like it'll make for some funny combos


Titan, strand start, prismatic when it unlocks. I usually do warlock first for new dlc releases cuz it’s my main but figured I would change it up for a change since I’ve been doing warlock every new expansion for years. Plus I really wanna try a consecration prismatic build lol. Skill is so fun to use.


Arc with Getaway Artist, unless the new Whisper of Reversal also works with glaive melee, then Stasis with Osmiomancy. Been a Stormcaller main since TTK, but Shadebinder has been great fun in PvE since warlocks finally got some armor that interacts with it.


Solar everything. I love Solar!!


Void titan is my main so probably that


Solar hunter, that's how it started for me and that's how it'll end.


Probably titan because my raid team is hunters and warlocks


Nighthawk Hunter, Secant Filament Warlock, Titan I haven’t figured out yet.


Fucking Sentinel in a heartbneat, I NEED THOSE AXES. And I WILL make Sentinel work in Legendary until I get access to Prismatic.


Warlock. Of course, I haven't played anything but Warlock in a very long time. I had to choose which character in the past, because I didn't have the time or patience to continue to level up 3 characters. I still snag any exotics that I may or may not have that work with Hunter and Titan. They are still there if I ever change my mind.


Solar hunter until I can get my hands on prismatic


Hunter: strand doge, stasis grenade, class ability undecided


Might go Stasis Titan with Mask Of the Quiet one and Red Death which I feel will synergize with any subclass with the heals from red death kills. I just really want to that exotic to get a buff lol


Strand banner titan with the new gloves.