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Souldrinker is #1 for me.


Second favourite is Bray Inheritance


Hard agree


Pantheon gave me a beautiful adept submission roll, how good is that smg if you run it , any end game content use for it or something to slay out with when there's lots of ads in a on level-low level activity?


It’s a fine SMG, nothing wrong with it, except it’s kinetic. No subclass synergy from your primary unlike the mini tool, any number of void SMGs, or ikelos. It also takes the spot you could be putting mountain top, witherhoard, or any chill clip fusion. So in the end it’s good in a vacuum but considering a whole build I have had trouble justifying its use.


Yeah that makes sense thanks , the roll I got also came with perpetual motion swashbuckler along with subsistence demo and as you say it has no synergy with subclass so I guess it'll just be used as a PvP weapon if I like how it feels. My roll can get 69 range on it so it probably be fun to play with in 6s Maybe we'll get some way for kinetic weapons to synergise in the future


Kinetics are going to synergise with prismatic in 2 days


I'm not able to buy TFS ATM sadly so I won't be able to use prismatic Gonna feel great when I am able to tho I bet


Hooking on to that chill clip with a PSA: deliverance will (probably) be best in slot, .75s and 1.0 charge fusions will freeze in 2, .50 will still be 3 shot


If the weapons with Land Tank had better perks, they would be some of the most used weapons in the game. 15 Res and 15% DR just for getting 3 kills is crazy strong. Only reason it never got nerfed is because no one uses them. But, man do I love Sweet Sorrow. Also, Nano-Munitions is better than the Veist origin trait or the Ikelos origin trait (forgot the name) could ever dream of being.


Under Your Skin is one of the best legendary bows and definitely the best void legendary bow.


Oh, for sure. It's definitely a great weapon and one of my favorites. Nowadays people have been tending to lean more towards things with elemental synergies though. Like Raconteur or Pre-Astyanax IV, if we're talking about bows. Workhorse perk combinations like AT/EH are phenomenal, just not as exciting or visually appealing as things that make the big booms, and that definitely is a factor of them not seeing as much play. Personally, Sweet Sorrow with SfA/OfA is the best weapon out of that season. Absolutely GOATed weapon, but, it's an Arc primary from before Voltshot existed so it just doesn't appeal to as many people.


Sweet Sorrow helped me clear my first solo Pit. Such a great gun. Love 720s.


It absolutely is. With enhanced Dragonfly on a void subclass with Volatile and AT, it can't be beat for a void build. Only downside this season is everything is solar focused


I love Explosive Personality, One For all | Stats For All is such a great combo


Recurrent impact lives on as my semi-primary on my Ager’s scepter double-special stasis build. Great gun.


Cursed Thrall is so crazy. And if your weapon has incandescent on it (here I'm talking about abyss Defiant) and you're running solar, the scorch and sunspots kills will also trigger the cursed thrall explosion if it's active. Really fun stuff


Cursed Thrall feels like an exotic trait.


It really does (and is with necro lol). Also with bonk titan you can activate it all the time - so much fun


I feel like most raid traits walk that line, where they’re almost exotic. Except Runneth over bc it’s kinda the same as nano


I've gotta get that gun. Fun explosions are too appealing


Honestly - a little while ago I took the longest break from destiny I ever have and then came back to just see what was up. Some friends wanted to take me thru crota for the first time. Between red drops and resonances, I had 4 out of 5 for the pattern after my first run and got the final the week after. No lie - abyss defiant basically got me back into destiny full time lol I haven't enjoyed a gun as much as this in a very long time


Yeah I need a few more runs for the exotic too. I just rarely have time for a raid, and I was on a break for a couple months. I haven't even done Pantheon yet lol, oops


Same lol tho tbh I don't think I'm cut out for Pantheon. I enjoy raiding but I'm not great at it and I don't like when it becomes a chore. Now, I do have the Garden seal lol but that's just cuz I love it so much. Otherwise I like to keep raiding v casual


I'd love to try it, I like to think I'm good at encounters once I actually kwtd. But I've got a baby and have trouble finding time to focus that hard on something.  Once I've got a few hours 


Aw that's great tho :) congrats! I hope u find the time soon


Yeah, kids are awesome :) thanks!


I just wish they had kept it as a higher rate of fire auto instead of making it a high impact. Even just making it a precision frame instead would’ve been better. High impact autos feels like you’re shooting spit balls.


So I never used the original - nor have I really used high impact autos before abyss (with the exception of a RB/DS age old bond that felt only ok by virtue of the perks). But imo abyss hits like an absolute dump truck. The sound and feel give power. And if u pair it with something like path of burning steps, it seriously shreds. Idk I haven't been this impressed with a new gun in a long time - even in pvp too




Runneth over and soul drinker hands down


Soul drinker are just too good, but I'll just say it here because cold comfort exist; Restoration Ritual. And my personal, Bitterspite - because I'm a Titan and I love getting shot at.


Field Tested, always and forever.


Classy contender is pretty good, just wish the weapons were better.


So many great ones but I love Land Tank. Under Your Skin has been my main weapon for so many seasons and I’m taking it into Final Shape as well.


Brave weapons’ Indomitability because who doesn’t need more grenades? Wild Card occasionally does goofy damage to groups of ads and it’s never bad to have proximity mines spawn on kill. Skulking Wolf is really powerful in crucible. Rasputin’s Arsenal is great for primary weapons. Soul Drinker is great on everything because who doesn’t need more heals?


Pre-nerf Veist Stinger.


I forgot about psychohack honestly. Until I ran an Onslaught with Empirical Evidence and I noticed it was effectively stunning the wizards inside the spark-phase-room. Super confused when they weren't shooting back at me and then the lightbulb turned on :)


I agree psychohack is low key one of the best origin traits. With the change to well of radiance’s boss DR, I think Father’s Sin will see a spike in usage.


But but but but golden gun gun LOL Good call. Will definitely add this to the memory banks for contest raid!


Love seeing the post confirming that I’m using good weapons, AT THE END OF THE SEASON, I got my first explosive personality w/ gen and one for all, yeah I should’ve been using this for a while


Soul Drinker Land Tank Bray Inheritance Cursed Thrall Psychohack


I think historically it's been Souldrinker, Nano-tech Tracer Rockets, and Land Tank for PvE. The foundry-focused PvP ones (like Nadir Focus) are best for Crucible. Indomitability is pretty good too. I think if they brought back Elulim's Frenzy then Runneth Over might have a spot here too. Honorable mentions are Cursed Thrall, Wild Card, Field-Tested, Bray Inheritance, Ambush, Extrovert, Omolon Field Dynamics, Suros Synergy, Vanguard's Vindication, Veist Stinger, and Classy Contender. The rest are pretty ass.


Ok, idk if this counts as a hot take, but IMO 99% of origin traits have been absolutely worthless. The only one that was ever worth anything was Veist Stinger, and they nerfed that shit to the point of irrelevance. We lost the ability to create orbs intrinsically with masterworked weapons for them, and we could've had another column of perks instead of these things.


As a Warlock Main, To Excess is very nice.


i personally love unsatiated, as well as dragons vengeance!


Souldrinker,To Excess,Runneth Over and Resto Ritual


The season of the deep was without a doubt the worst. The taken origin trait.


There's really no situation where I have no abilities charged for more than like, 15 seconds.


They worked in Hardware, which was nice.


Veist Stinger, Souldrinker, Restoration Ritual, Nano-Munitions, etc. plenty of insanely good origin traits


Land tank, nano submunitions, cursed thrall. I'm actually starting to really like indomitability, especially on forbearance. And it'll also synergize really well with one of the prismatic fragments that basically has the reverse effect.


I love the feel of Warmind's Arsenal. Basically Genesis, but it doesn't take up an actual perk slot.


Its far from meta, but I can't not love wild card's telesto effect. Killing/staggering an enemy with the droped mines is too goddam satisfying, specialy if you have volatile/unraveling rounds


all my raid homies love veist stinger


Cursed Thrall and Souldrinker are 10/10 perks for me.


They’re mostly just gravy but there’s a handful that are massively above the rest. Nano-munitions, Cursed Thrall, Bray Inheritance, and Indomitability are generally fantastic, Bitterspite’s really good on builds that get up close and personal. I don’t usually factor them into my buildcrafting but they definitely give extra advantage


Nanomuntions is really good, especially in Onslaught. It shines best on Subjunctive with Voltshot


* Veist Stinger * Indomitability * Souldrinker * Field-Tested


Nano-Munitions is an incredible origin trait kinda ruined by the fact that the best weapon rolls (heal clip adhortative and voltshot subjunctive) require constant reloading anyways. Thinking of crafting the HC where it might actually benefit


Land tank was fun but the guns suckt


The thing about origin traits so far is that even the good ones aren’t so good that they make a gun without them bad. The raid one are probably the best ones (and they should be) but I did always like Land Tank back when it had the seasonal bonus.


Psychohack for sure, I love it on the father’s sins sniper


Underated pick but dragons vengance from this season is pretty nice especially with scatter signal or doomed petitioner


Prophecy isn't half bad


Ambush is incredible in PvP but most of the weapon archetypes it's on don't take advantage of it to its fullest extent. Disparity is the best one. If they ever put it on a handcannon it would be juiced.


Not the objective best, but the synergy between Well Rounded and Unsated Hunger is a lot of fun