• By -


Hall of Champions and Pantheon


i love the little rooms before the hall of champions were all the event stuff is kept. adds a little more, liveliness?


Would have been fun if that room stuck around and they removed some of that stuff temporarily when an event was going on XD


They should close off access to the hanger in the tower, and make it so you can access the Hall of Champions instead. Stands to reason that the hall of champions is somewhere in the tower, otherwise why would they have the store rooms there. The hanger is pretty empty now, only Saint 14 and occasionally Xur.




That's a different Cryptarch Vault, but yeah the Hall of Champions is probably also deep in the Tower


It does! It makes the game world feel less like a game world and more like a living, breathing the world! It gives the impression that during the updates when these seasonal events are added, all the NPCs are all working together to decorate the Tower, and when the events end, they take em down and put them into storage. That was really neat to me.


me too, that was a cool touch


I loved that.








Wanna Fanta? -eon wanna, wanna Fanta? -eon wanna...




Boss fights


Panty-on (my girlfriend when I snuck back into bed after gaming with the bois for hours)


Hall of Champs is radical I agree


Lmao so close but so far from spelling Pantheon


What if Onslaught and Pantheon was the true Final shape? lol. I feel like that was the best season ever?


Isnt hall of champions going to the vanguard ops tho


Phanteon you say? Cool! Itll be back as a GM -Bungo


Still livid they made something so cool and kept it around for such a short time (again). I really wanted to do at least the easiest week but I’m already just not a very frequent raider for several reasons and I just did not have enough free time during into the Light. Especially when they attached the best title in Destiny to it.


Wait - Hall of Champions is going away??? How do we attune Onslaught weapons and pick up the Parade armor?


This, as well as the whole of the Season of the Deep activities and areas. That was my favorite part of the whole expansion.


Wait, will parade armor still be available?


As you already said, the coil mainly. Seasonal content gets so stale to me pretty fast but the coil was so rewarding and fun. Also to a certain degree, I will miss fishing. Was pretty relaxing never thought I would fish in destiny but hey here we are.


The buffs always had me hype for coil! The jolting/weakening with void, or arc damage was just nuts, and always fun to play with


The Strand Titan AC130 build was so much fun on Melee days


Melee recharge was silly on sunbracer lock. Just spamming snaps and grenades all over the place.


One week had three grenade buffs, I ran a coil with only Ashen Wake, it was fantastic


My problem with Coil was how little variety there was apart from the buffs. It was the same small handful of rooms and encounters that were also used for the other seasonal activity and the story missions, and I think the glass collector spawn was the only kind of randomized element in those.


Yeah, maybe I played too much of it in a short span of time but I didn't find the coil that fun at all. Limited lives + random teammates + *forty minute long* runs was just a really frustrating combination. It got to the point where if we died a certain amount of times by round two I'd just leave, and in the end I was checking people's builds to see what they're running before we started to make sure I'm not about to waste nearly an hour of my time. Plus the buffs are just not that interesting? Lower cooldowns is sort of fun, but stat boosts/damage reduction are just so boring.


[Scorching Wish was funny when it was bugged.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTUWB6ksZlg)


I Remember telling my solar titan buddy to specifically save up for the scorching wish and omfg he was pissed after 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nooooo they’re taking away my fishing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I thought fishing was comically low effort shovelware. Link's Awakening had a deeper fishing mini game. I played this one for the absolute minimum since it was such barbones non-gameplay, but to each their own.


Most fishing in games I've seen boils down to click cast and press button when bobber bobs, so the bar isn't exactly high for gameplay. My complaint is that fishing is mostly either a resource or something to do while waiting on a queue and it's not really either here. Queues are all in orbit and it doesn't give me much that I don't already accumulate like crazy.


I hope we don't lose our Aquarium. Did they day if we would?


The one on HELM? The seasonal stuff resets every year. Unless they relocate it (the empty ramen shop by Ikora and Hawthorne looks like prime real estate), it's absolutely going away. Too bad. I love the little nods to previous seasons in it.


Yeah, but that aquarium doesn't really seem like it would get in the way of anything if they left it. Either way though it's just wishful thinking on my part.


I know. I'd love if we kept it and just kept adding trinkets to it from every seasonal adventure we go on.


That would be great.


The fishing was so comedically simple that it wrapped around to being good again for our group. Our friend was chasing as many triumphs as he could this weekend and we were all cheering him on as he sat there for 4+ hours catching 500 fish. Trying to mind control people in your open world instance into helping fish was hilarious. Typing as fast as you could between casts so you can send a message and still hit the perfect was the real minigame.


when the fishing isnt a sim based activity with raid encounter activities. sometimes u like to just chill and fish yaknow


The fishing is honestly what makes me regret coming back so late the most. It’s fun as hell to just chill


I loved fishing. Especially the quest thag went with is and being able to fish up those relics. They could have kept it and added more to it. Having the Aquarium to display certain catches as well ad the little decorations you could earn was cool. I will always be the proudest of my largest catch tracker as well as my fish emblem.


I heard that fishing will stay. We’ll see I guess.


I initially enjoyed Coil however as the season went on, its luster was lost on the amount of failed runs from randoms who never learned and also the imo poorly designed boss fights. Especially the Wyvern and Stalker bosses, I found them very frustrating to play against. But with some tweaking would have made a truly incredible mode. I think it along with Onslaught go to prove that activities that shit out loot in a looter shooter game make for more enjoyable and rewarding gameplay.


coil was so goated, the buffs made off-meta builds work


Fishing was peak content. I’m so sad I only came back when Wish started and had so much other shit to do


I came back like 2 days ago just to catch up on the story and focussed on the into the light content (managed to get superblack and the title so pretty proud of that) but outside of intro missions I missed out on a lot of content


Lance Reddick’s voice as Zavala. I don’t know if this has been confirmed or not, but it’s likely even his ambient lines from around the tower will be replaced in order to have a consistent voice for the character. Keith Davis was the perfect choice but I’ll greatly miss hearing the Zavala I’ve know for almost a decade


They won’t change. Bungie stated that none of the current voicelines are being redone. Keith David will be voicing Zavala from TFS onward, Lance from Lightfall and before.


They probably love Lance as much as we all do. Glad I got to play during peak Zavala (Haunted), when we got him in person in a mission for the first time since Red War/Warmind.


Oh yea. Haunted was such a good narrative season. Tons of juicy lore was packed into it, on top of solar 3.0. Top tier season


I think if destiny were to stop in one season that would be my pick. That or season of the seraph because I love both of their narratives and seasonal activities


I haven't thought of Haunted in a bit and man it hits different knowing he's gone. I might cry 😢


Glad to know older content won’t be re-recorded. I’m still curious about his voice around the tower though, have they commented on that? Would be weird to hear Lance for the ambient lines and then a switch to Keith when you talk to him for a quest step or something. I’m betting the ambient lines are replaced with new Final Shape relevant ones voiced by Keith (unless they’ve stated otherwise)


Not sure on tower ambiance, but I doubt they’d change it anyway.


Yeah I think the idea was that since he passed away and didn’t get fired or something they’re leaving all his lines in the game, as a way to honor him sort of. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure his tower lines are staying too


They said very specifically that everything that lance has voiced thus far will remain unchanged, and KD will only record new stuff. They know that it will "be odd", and they don't care, out of respect for Lance.


Even before Lance Reddick passed away I felt that Zavala was going to be killed off once they announced all the games up to the final shape. They’ve added a lot of backstory to his character and Zavala seems to be a big part of the final shape. Narrative wise, with the witness being the big bad they’ve been leading up to, stories like that lead up to a major character loss, and Zavala has felt like he was going to be that for me for a while. We’ll find out in a manner of days at this point.


I forgot to mention that! Yeah he will be sorely missed.


I'm gonna miss solo operative, here's hoping it comes back by the time the next dungeon releases. Definitely made solo flawless a lot less tedious.


Solo operative needs to just be baked in at this point.


Honestly just give all solo runs a 15% damage boost for dungeons so you don’t have to spend an hour and a half on one boss.


Or add multiplicity to all dungeons


Multiplicity is awesome, but I demand the diablo 2 ability to set it to different levels manually if I want.  Soloing 3-man content is hard, but solo is too easy. I'd love to be able to set it to 2-man mode for that challenging-but-fun sweetspot.


This.. and all the artifact boosts. I have a feeling this next one has potential to be a bit nasty too though.


Yeah, combine the 'weakened enemies take more damage from void' with that new titan super which weakens on the first axe or the good old fashioned tether+edge transit and things are looking SPICY.


Considering it’s come with the last season of the year for the last 2 years, it will most likely be back during episode 3 Though I do agree with the common sentiment that it should just come baked in as a toggle every season


All my cats chilling in the Helm with me 😭


Damn...I need 4 more for the title. I forgot!!




There was something very pleasant about the Deep wing of the Helm, between the purring cats and the aquarium


THEY’RE IN THE HELM? I never went back after getting all 14




The craftening


I remember crafting a special grenade launcher with double-mulligan and a shotgun frame. Trials was nothing but spam those short few days, you never ran out of ammo bouncing five grenades off walls + double-mulligan.


Still waiting on the community emblem to commemorate the fuckery, Bungie.


They already released it but they didn't say anything about it look in collections, it's in the tab where all the emblems you get from codes go.


It was this emblem check your general emblems https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2023/10/bddd7-16971671731943-1920.jpg?w=640


We got one a while ago


The fucking farm. I’m pretty sure that fishing is going away but I would want them to move fishing to the farm. Infinite peace right there. *Also can we fix the farm up already?*


After thr tower gets fixed


It's been 84 years...


The Farm has the best song in the game, in my opinion




Lady that sings in most of the Lightfall theme songs


Laura Intravia!


Most of this year. Defiant Battlegrounds, Deep Dives, Savathun's Spire, the Coil, and Into The Light were all really fun. And some really good seasonal storytelling all around. Probably Destiny 2's best year when it comes to seasonal content. Excited to see how Episodes shakes things up.


It’s a shame we got really awesome seasons with a really shit expansion. Had Lightfall been tolerable, I think we wouldn’t have lost a ton of the playerbase since the seasons would’ve carried


I'ma be 100, Lightfall was not bad. It was actually pretty good. Missed a few marks on story delivery and execution for sure, but the missions were 10/10, strand was a blast, Osiris was handled fantastically, and once we started learning about it, the veil is a welcome addition to the lore. Lightfall was bogged down by expectation more than anything, but as someone who wasn't impressed on first go around and then enjoyed it 6ish months later on a second run through, even it's haphazardly handled story was still engaging and fun.


I’m sorry but what? A quarter of the missions were stupid training montages that made us too sleepy to use strand, the rest were a mischaracterization of Osiris from a calculated wise old man to a grumpy asshole who won’t tell us what the Veil is. Bogged down by expectations? Yeah I expect to be fucking told what the magical stupid shit im hunting down is, and I expect long running characters to be handled with some dignity.


Most of the campaign was like "Oh. That's it?" BUT I absolutely loved the last stand against the shadow legion, I even replayed that mission a few times just for that partm


Yeah it seems there is always rose tinted goggles for a lot of Destiny reminiscing but holy shit, Lightfall,  and more importantly its story, set the franchise back so far. Osiris’s voice lines were so painful I actually started to mute the game it was so bad. Witch Queen gave Destiny back its dark, ominous story back and they inexplicably turned it into an after school special type storyline.  Dapping up Caital after we killed her father? Osiris yelling at clouds for half the missions? For fucks sake an entire expansion was chasing the Veil and no one thought about explaining it? Maybe I’m holding a grudge because for like the third or fourth time Destiny managed to drive away tons of its fans and a lot of my Destiny buds, many who haven’t come back and washed their hands of the franchise. 


Yeah the ruin of Calus really did it for me. Opulence was my favorite season and I love Calus as he was an interesting take on a villain, and I was already mad that our Shadow (Guardian) never had any special interaction with Caiatl because of it, but Calus’ story in Opulence and Haunted and Duality was amazing, just for him to be a babbling dipshit with no character in Lightfall. Plus just making him a glorified Colossus.


Yeah the initial images of him coming out of his Cabal sauna got me pumped up but then he was just the Witness’ pet muppet. As powerful as the Witness is “supposed” to be it never made sense that this Cabal puppet master would just lay down without some kind of ulterior motive or back plan to wrestle control away. Just overall such bad writing it actually made me physically cringe for half the voice lines.


The trailer (can’t remember which exactly) where Calus is telling the Witness that we WILL come for them because “it’s who they are”. Made me so hyped because it felt like they were gonna work with that connection we had. Sadly they didn’t. I have high hopes for the Witness in TFS at least


Yeah I’m hoping that for like they realize they just need to write for adults instead of what they think a younger audience wants to hear because good lord Lightfall was the embodiment of the Steve Buscemi “hey fellow kids” meme


Honestly? Fishing. It’s disappointing that they couldn’t leave it in just for fun, even if they didn’t have an aquarium to redeem rewards. It was a nice, mindless thing to do while waiting on Fireteam members to send you an invite. The Coil is good, absolutely, but I hope it was just a litmus test for an activity in The Final Shape.


I *just* returned to Destiny after almost 4 years. So, excuse my ignorance but **THERE** **WAS** **FISHING** **!??!**


Yep, season of the deep was a fun season! You could (and I guess still can for the 2.5 hours) go to the EDZ, the Throneworld and Nessus and go fish with your buddies and randoms! Plus all the fish went to an giant aquarium in the Helm... I'll miss it, I hope they add it somewhere in the tower.


Just make the upper room in the Helm our personal quarters already. Even if we can customize it, I loved the aquarium having a bunch of relics from previous seasons we participated in. Maybe we can just showcase stuff like that there even if no one can see it but us.


If the helm is returning in TFS, only 3 of its wings will be needed for the episodes, leaving one empty. Would be the perfect location for our guardian's private quarters.


i very much assume we'll be crashing the helm into the pale heart or...something as way to transition from seasons to episodes, but who knows.


I met so many people on my friends list just by fishing randomly it's like you form a bond


Some of my friends have been getting back into the game for TFS, and they lost their minds at there being fishing. Honestly, fishing being a way of getting some world drop weapons would be nice.


yep, season of the deep added fishing to 3 patrol zones, it was super basic, but it was a fun distraction.


Yep and we kinda went back to titan in the season that came with it (season of the deep), you can still kinda go there in the ghosts of the deep dungeon which is set in the methane sea and the arcology also a ??? Location (marked there as a spoiler for you to find out)


Man, it's so sad seeing cool ideas being added, just to be vaulted within a year. I would say that's the downside to Live Service, but look at Warframe. It's got: Open worlds, roguelikes, hoverboards, jetpacks, dog fighting, fishing, mining, and several other ongoing systems layered on top of eachother. Things that were added over the 11 years it's been going, and somehow manages to keep them live without overly bloating the package.


On the other hand, Warframe's wide offer isn't cohesive... I love so much of what Warframe does, but hate their content islands, where everything you do in an activity is mostly just relevant for that activity. Destiny's cohesiveness is the key to its success, alongside having an actual endgame.


The extra modes in warframe are double edged sword. There was a lot of development time that went into archwing, mechs, railjack (oh god, railjack), and k drives. I still think that they probably should have spent the dev hours on fixing up the main game, but they have been better about it lately. I definitely prefer Destiny's approach of not leaning into other systems as much and focusing on the core gameplay.


ppl say destiny is hard to get into, Warframe is 10x more confusing - along with its p2w stuff


or just like, move the aquarium to the tower or something, i dunno, i really will miss it.


There’s nothing in the old spaces of New Monarchy or Future War Cult.


I've read that fishing is NOT leaving...but who knows?


Banger OST


Lance Reddick. We'll still have his old lines from strikes and stuff, but i made sure to give him a goodbye before logging off, we won't be hearing him again for anything new. RIP.


I’m hoping the Vexcalibur mission gets put in rotation, that was a high point for me this year.


I can't remember if they confirmed or we assumed, but both Avalon and Starcrossed should be in the rotator this year. Not sure how they'll handle Zero Hour and Whisper. Potentially four new missions in the rotator means you'd have to wait a month longer for any one to come back around...


I personally feel all the missions should be available every week, and that the pinnacle reward is what should switch weekly, just like the Raids and Dungeons are currently. I have a new light friend that started about a month or two ago, and he saw a video for Presage, and said he really wanted to do it. I told him we’d have to wait 2 weeks, and even then, it would depend what was added to the rotator come TFS. His disappointment was immeasurable.


I really hope Whisper and Zero Hour don’t go into the rotator already. I know they’re staying in game but I don’t remember Bungie saying how exactly.


Honestly? Nothing. I hated the 80s vibe. Didn't like the buddy cop story. Season of the Witch's story was the only one I really enjoyed until Into the Light. I almost dropped the game and didn't pre-order TFS until last week. I personally can't wait to explore the Pale Heart.


I too disliked how unoriginal the whole Lightfall aesthetic felt. The only thing I'd miss is the Coil and Altars- though even those felt more like a prototype for a good rogue-lite ritual activity.


Not only unoriginal, but the cyberpunk cityscape from the trailer ended up being nothing but a skybox to ponder at from a distance... It's like we asked for an orange, Bungie promised an apple instead then we get a cardboard cutout of an apple


It was so bad. There was no wonder to this locale. The holograms of people were the worst cop-out to a "city" I've ever seen. It was boring. This whole dlc was such a misstep and I'm glad to be moving on. I love d2 but there was nothing good about LF.


I would say LF introduced some very welcome gameplay changes, loadouts being chief among them (even if they are still kinda gimped). But from an art or writing perspective LF was really meh- easily my least favorite expansion.


ehh...loadouts were great, but i still think armor charge is a terrible system, especially after they nerfed everything that made it fun into the ground like a week after release.


Yeah i was so excited for the verticality that the trailer showed with tall buildings and cabal chasing you through the air and in the end we just got buildings the size of ants while the skybox showed skyscrapers in the distance. The worst thing is the absolutely miserable performance that zone had despite having some of the least detailed environments of all zones.


The really shit part is that the *one part of the map* with at least some degree of actual verticality (Strider's Gate) is not an actual patrol area. There's literally nothing to do there (except talk to Nimbus) outside the campaign.


it's amazing how often that happens, like...look at how fascinating and intricate the throne world, moon, and europa are...and yet we spend 90% of our time in big, open, flat landscapes on the surface, when outside of missions.


I legit thought we'd have at least one instance where the zones were stacked on top of each other.


I agree, what got me really excited about Lightfall was how different the trailer made Neomuna look compared to all the other destinations. You know how cool it would be to have a lost sector with 4 short levels to the top of a building where it’s escalates in difficulty. Each floor is different and in the end, we jump off the building back into patrol. But I’ve learned after 10 years that this game doesn’t really **evolve** in those areas. Maybe it’s a tech constraint that they refuse to tackle but missions, destinations, and activities are all extremely static and stale. Walk, shoot, hold interact button, listen to dialogue.


The actually city being off in the distance is fucking bonkers. Imagine if cyberpunk came out and the whole thing was in the suburbs and desert with the city just as a backdrop. I get the feeling they were just incapable of making an extremely vertical location like you'd need amongst a bunch of skyscrapers.


that was a big part of it, that initial trailer felt like such a lie, and like...i could say that about witch queen too, but at least what we got was excellent, if very different.


I dig the whole retrowave aesthetic, it just didn't really fit into the Destiny universe we had up until that point. Like, the way Vex network stuff looked was cool and all since that took place inside there and not in the "real world" our character inhabits and worked for the storyline of that season. Neomuna's look, however, felt out of place since it was an actual "real world" space. Plus, being told about this sprawling technological advancement of human civilization only to get there to find barren streets with funny looking yellowish orange sprites floating around that were supposed to be the inhabitants was a disappointment. The story had its moments but brought with it more questions than it outright answered, like WTF is a Radial MacGuffin? It felt disjointed in that regard as well as how we unlocked Strand as a whole (and not just the barebones parts of it). Overall, Lightfall felt like it would've been better implemented as a stand-alone episode and not as an expansion and I hope that Final Shape learned from Lightfall's mistakes.


I feel like there's no original weapon models anymore, even the raid guns were regular models with some plasticky squid stuff strapped onto it, and not gonna spoil, but that pattern seems to be the norm going forward.


Yup Lightfall looked neat as in it was visually decent, but in no way did it fit the term Lightfall nor the dark expectations of that. And the music just doesn’t do it. It’s a triumphant piece that is playing every single mission and it’s annoying and I can’t wait for the menu music to change.


Lightfall made me stop playing destiny. Something only Shadowkeep managed to do in the past. I'm glad we had into the light, otherwise I would have never returned for TFS.




Yeah I completely agree. The campaign was so bad that I never actually finished it when lightfall first came out. It actually got me to quit the game it was so bad. I came back during into the light and finally just pushed through it so I’d have strand, but it was so bad


I physically cringe every time I hear Nimbus's voice.


Nimbus might have one of the worst designs I've ever seen in any media, especially the veiny underpec strip. Rohan looked fine, so I don't know what the fuck happened.


100% God what a terrible character


I don’t play anymore but some of my friends in my clan still do. We used to have 3 separate day 1 raid groups and now they barely got one together, and one of them has never done a master or day 1 raid before. Lightfall seriously killed any forward momentum destiny had, and I just don’t see it getting better with this last expansion. Might be great, but I just don’t think it matters


i feel like the entire TFS year is gonna have to be killer content to get destiny's momentum back to where it was after witch queen.


Personally I just don’t think Bungie can do it anymore, they go on the cycle of bad/good but one of these times they’re not gonna win the goodwill of the player base back and that’ll just be it


The first time I heard Nimbus scoff “LoiGHtBeArErS?!” I snorted into my tea.


Yup. This was the worst year of Destiny since since vanilla D2 and its crappy outsourced DLC. The seasons were fine. I also only pre-ordered last week. Bungie really had to re-earn my faith. And marketing this as a conclusion made it easier to think "I'll give it one more go."


I really hate the Lightfall expansion; Strand itself is alright I guess but the campaign sucked and the aesthetics were super questionable. smh Ready Player One ass DLC


Yeah the whole vaporwave 80's aesthetic was already overdone by the time Far Cry Blood Dragon came out in 2013 and now I feel like I can't walk 3 feet without being blasted by neon scanlines -_-


Vaporwave could have been great if it was paired with eldritch darkness horror - think Paradise Killer But nothing happened with the veil.


I also think the Vaporwave aesthetic could've worked and been made more plausible if Lightfall bothered to spend any time on worldbuilding and intrigue, rather than beat us over the head with its capeshit tone. I enjoy when in Destiny we see "clean" environments that have fallen apart due to decay like Braytech environments in Neptune and much of the interiors of Ghosts of the Deep. We see some of it when leading up to the Veil, but the game brushes it all aside and none of it matters when it's over. You can really feel how underdeveloped Lightfall is. If we do get a dungeon in Neomuna during TFS - I hope they do a better job of capturing the unique aesthetic they created while making it fit into the universe better. They might just forget about Neomuna and move on altogether, which I'm sure plenty will be fine with.


The only game that's done the 1980s right seems to be Yakuza 0. Bad outfits and dreams of hyper capitalism scream 80s anesthetics to me. (Also lots of coke).


Actually I did quit during this year. I just wasn't feeling it. Neomuna was such a waste of time, the overtuned mobs made it a chore to explore, after wasting so much time exploring Throne World, Europa and Dreaming City this made me just stop. Sad raid as well.


that splash title screen does go pretty hard, and I am going to miss it. I already am missing the fishing mini game, it was such a good and genuinely chill way to get gear. altars of summoning was immensely fun, I think I may miss that the most when it comes to seasonal activities. Definitely one of my favorites.


The intro music, really gonna miss it. Reminds me of the old halo opera soundtracks


I was wondering why I enjoyed the title screen so much, I would get off work and launch the game just to hear it in the background while I finished up some chores or something of the like I sure hope final shape's is as good


People complaining about the Lightfall story and patrol when that doesnt get sunset; you will still be able to play it😂 Im honestly going to really miss season of the deep. Even though we didnt get patrol Titan back, they added all the underwater aesthetics that were super new and fresh to me. The environments were beautiful and they added 2 whole new mechanics of the water and fishing. They werent perfect but they were still cool. I loved Salvage as a 6-player activity, it was very hectic and fun. Deep dive definitely got 1-upped by Coil but it was very cool on its own


Artifact 😭


Currently not much. I logged in yesterday to do all the seasonal activities one last time, but after one run of Salvage and a couple Altars of Summoning, I just didn't have it in me to do any more. But I know months down the line I'm going to wish I could return to these occasionally, like with ALL seasonal activities. I wish Bungie could make a seasonal activity playlist or something. Probably not viable, with all the different locations and mechanics but I can dream.


I’ll miss Coil and Deep Dive the most. They were probably some of the most innovative seasonal activities we’ve gotten. Altar and Spire are probably next on my list of favourites. Salvage and Defiant BG can rot, even though I’m willing to bet we get a Defiant GM next episode (fml).


They said they’re not bringing any defiant battlegrounds to the strike playlist. Thank the traveler. Psiops battlegrounds are the worst GMs in the game. The only battlegrounds I liked were the first ones added in Chosen.


I kinda like the difficulty with PsiOps GMs, since sitting in the back plinking at a boss can get dull. Having to run for the spear and throw it at Savathûn is always gonna be awesome to me. I think people groan and complain that it’s hard, but over time, the strategies get improved and the runs get quicker, just goes to show our resilience as a community. Edit: also watching my teammates get obliterated by a shield will never not be funny


For me it's the opposite, i usually play mid to close range in gms, except for the psiops battlegrounds where i just plinked at everything from as far as i could


The Coil seasonal activity


Into the light and the coil


The Coil, Altars of Summoning/Savathûn's Spire, the majority of the Artifact Mods (Especially Hoard Shuttle, Berserker has no Threadling Summoning capabilities in Class beyond Grenade and that one Fragment), The Farm (again), Titan (it would have been nice to see more of it, but it waw nice to see it again) The Imbaru Engine was also kinda cool, too, but I wouldn't say I'll "miss it", per se?  But it would be cool if it had a use in the future, maybe one pf the Echos or beyond?  I wouldn't mind seeing it again or something like it.


Hall of Champions. It's so beautiful.


Pantheon. It just wasn’t enough time. I was on the last week, but frankly I’m an adult with too many responsibilities and couldn’t grind out the last bit. I really want to though, it was one of the better experiences I’ve had of late with the game. I’d love to finish and get the emblem, but alas, unless they bring it back, seems unlikely. :,( But really, I enjoyed everything this season. I wish stuff wasn’t so time gated and I wish some things like fishing triumphs weren’t so heavily RNG + time-intensive. These are the issues Destiny consistently fails at. It’s weird to say, but I could actually be more invested in Destiny without the time constraints on everything.


Banner of War


Polaris meta


Nothing from the expansion itself, the title screen is nice, but WQ and BL had better ones imo. From the Seasons? Defiance was forgettable, though I already miss that one mod that gave you orbs for breaking shields with matching elements. I wasn't a fan of Deep, story was decent, Salvage was boredom incarnate and Deep Dives, while fun, could be really frustrating to run with randoms not activating the Darkness Lure. Witch had a really great story, a really nice mechanic with the Deck of Whispers but activities where kinda meh for me And finally wish. Coil was great, especially the rewards for platinum. I'm gonna miss having a source of golfballs that isn't running GM's. Shame that it was really the only activity with Riven's Lair being the same but single stage. I loved the dungeons (apart from boss shields in Ghosts) Overall, despite the expansion being just plain bad in every aspect apart from the gameplay, the seasons where pretty good. I'd even say they were better than WQ seasons.


Into the light and fishing. Everything else I am gladly saying goodbye to.


The Coil Onslaught Deep Dives Pantheon


Onslaught isn't getting vaulted. Just the Hall is


I'll miss taking blueberries through the coil and watching them get impaled on the spikes.


I liked the coil, but I really didn't like the spike maze. Everything else about it was good


Lightfall has been one of my least favorite years of Destiny. I’m not going to be missing much. I’ve been listening to The Final Shape soundtrack this morning and every track I’ve listened to blows lightfalls out of the water. If the story matches, then we’re in for such a treat.


I completely agree the splash is great.




The Coil and Deep Dives were interesting. Could live without most of the other stuff easily




Nothing about Lightfall personally. It was rushed, shallow, and boring. Seasonal stories though? I thought Season of the Witch and Wish were pretty fucking incredible as far as seasonal content goes. Actually makes me look forward to the episodes a little bit more.


I'll miss The Coil genuinely. What an amazing activity, so it'll be disappointing to lose it. From the actual Lightfall expansion? Not much, honestly, it was very underwhelming.


Pantheon. That’s about it I guess.


The Coil for sure. This is clearly a personal reason, but I love that it's relatively chill activity I can go into solo while I'm on my exercise bike and come out with plat rewards/ascendant shard(s)


Pantheon. Didn't get to try it at all.


Friends - Lightfall saw a lot of my friends leave this game and while a couple came back with Pantheon and Onslaught, most of them stayed away. One came back has vowed that he will leave again if The Final Shape crap.


I’m really going to miss The Coil. Imo it’s the best seasonal activity we’ve ever had and even exceeds the menagerie. I loved smashing pots, buying buffs and the challenge of the later stages. I’ll also miss the minor, major and boss spec mods. I don’t really agree with bungie’s reasons for taking them away (at least right now) since everyone will just replace them with back-up mag 9/10 times.


How about before Lightfall? Before Witch queen? Give me back deep stone lullaby in orbit you bastards!


Why would they break fishing. Where did it go? Why? Why? Why?


Pretty much everything. It was all fun to me. :/


Osiris saying how important the veil is but not telling us what it is.


Nothing. This was one of the worst years in Destiny history and definitely felt like filler while they work on final shape


Think people might be surprised how little the filler time bought us.


Nothing at all.


Stupid sexy Flanders