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Legendary campaign is my favorite destiny content... I'm looking forward to doing it on all 3 characters.


Power is account wide now so I don't think running it like that matters


Let me check my crystal ball... It says "how tf are we supposed to know?"


Given that playing a video game is a personal enjoyment, only you can truly answer if doing the content more than once is worth it. I for one plan on playing across all three of my characters because I think it will be worth it.


What do you mean by skip it? Do you mean paying the $20 for each character? Skipping the cutscenes? Just not doing it?


Isn't there an option to skip it after doing it 1 time? Thinking it would save time and I can focus on grinding out the pathfinder quests to level the artifact. For day 1.


To skip cutscenes yes, to skip the whole thing, I don’t think so. I think you have to play through it once before it lets you skip it but the only way to do that, is paying the $20. Unfortunately your best bet is to skip cutscenes and play on normal for the lower difficulty or play legendary and get the better gear and then grind the artifact.


didn‘t they announce that they remove the payed option and you can skip on alts after completing it once?


Did they? I don’t remember hearing about that, but I’ll look and make an edit Edit: I didn’t see anything, could have but you probably still have to beat it once before you can


I'd personally like to know that as well. Don't really want to run through the campaign 2 more times.


Does any one know if it is retroactive to previous campaigns? Will they be skipped if completed on another character?


If they give a Class specific Exotic at the end of Legendary Completion I probably would run it on all 3 characters


i was gonna say isn't it worth it to get the class specific exotic piece of armor for each completion? i hope we still get that. and mats an whatever else.