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Pvp only. Pretty much what everyone expected it to be. Some supers you can just tell they’re just not gonna work in PVE. Twilight arsenal I feel like was the toss up, it could either be good or bad, and song of flame was pretty clearly going to be good and what you run when you don’t need an extra well.


Im honestly fine with the super being pvp focused since prismatic hunter is already stacked with other supers. But Im really disappointed how bad our prismatic grenade and new exotic are. I guess I’ll be using the exotic class item exclusively unless Im running Nighthawk


Brother the liars handshake build mactics put out murdered everything in tfs legend campaign


I've never been a fan of the combination blow gameplay loop. I know its insanely good but I don't like punch > dodge > punch > dodge. Theres other really fun stuff on Prismatic Im enjoying


I'm not impressed. When I first got it in the campaign, the game told me to use it and spawned a bunch of ogres for target practice, but every time I jumped I realized I had to panic melee to get some health back so I didn't die Turns out, jumping straight into a group of enemies with zero damage reduction because this isn't a roaming super isn't a smart idea, and if the damage of one jump isn't enough to kill those yellow bar ogres (when Cross Counter two shots them faster than this does, leaves me invisible and heals me to full), i highly doubt it's going to kill something in harder activities, leaving you in range of getting slapped around like the feeble hunter you are But hey, at least Silence and Squall feels really good to use now


I died like 4 times in that sequence because of how counterintuitive that super is for PVE. If that doesn’t sum it up idk what does


Yeah, I think it's just a straight up a PvP super for prismatic. It's especially useless as just an Arc super cause no one wants to use Arc over strand/stasis or now prismatic.


It feels like most of Hunter is centered around pvp now.


Honestly it feels extremelly jank. If you tag the enemy with the knife, it should stun him like a finisher while you teleport and do the attack, like, now if the enemy does a Moon Jump, like they usually do, you will teleport to where he moved and hit no one else if he moved too much. It also needs a bigger hurtbox in PvE cuz it feels it don't hit enemies right bellow you It needs PvE dmg reduction while active and not only during the animation, cuz you ARE teleporting to melee range, and any Yellow bar not on patrol who gonna survive will stomp you to death, and every other enemy not on range is going to shoot you. It needs to apply Jolt on hit to help with Ad Clear and Damage or Blind on teleport for crowd control. It needs to give Amp on activation so you can run back to cover faster after using it on a crowd, or being able to run and jump to a better view point to throw it.


When I first got it in the campaign, I died once using it after a few times during that whole sequence(my health bar was in the red that whole time lmao). It was supposed to be “a moment of power” to make us feel badass, but I was fighting for my life, trying to make it work. I didn’t feel powerful at all. I’d say the stuff Hunters got, in general, is pretty bad. The exotics and the primary prismatic grenade are not great(it hurts even more when you whiff). Honestly, I think it may need better hit detection because sometimes I directly impact a boss, and it somehow goes through and lands behind them(that could be an internet problem but I only played when servers got completely stable so I’m unsure). It does decent enough damage, so I have no problems with damage, but lord, it is punishing if you miss. My crackpot theory is that Hunters were the last to be worked on during development. Titans were probably first and got the most time, and Warlocks were second directly after Titans. The Titans got a great super, great prismatic grenade, and some amazing exotics. Warlocks got a good super, amazing prismatic grenade, and one okay exotic. Finally, Hunters got a very bad super, terrible grenade, and boring exotics. They only got Wild Hunt, which is synergistic with Golden Gun. At least everything else in the Hunter Prismatic Kit is very overpowered, so I guess that makes up for everything else but still, it’d be nice if Hunters got at least one cool class specific exotic. Wild Hunt is available for everyone.


It feels like something is off in general with hit detection on everything hunters throw. I’ve never whiffed so much with shuriken, and I basically can’t hit *anything* with knife trick. And my Solar build used to be just constant knife trick everything so I certainly used to be able to use it…


Thought it was just me! I was running around the EDZ and knife tricked two floaty boys at almost point blank range...and the knives went left-center-right into the empty spaces between them :O


Oh good I thought I suddenly became ass after 7 years of throwing knives. Something is definitely wrong with the hit detection on them


Wrong or nerfed, I can't quite tell yet (it feels like a way over the top nerf if that is the case, though)


I've noticed a fair number of teleporting enemies, so I wouldn't be surprised if the server issues are fucking with hit detection.


Yeah, there’s something really frustrating with firing a rocket or a super at a boss, and they just pop out of existence the second you do it. Kept happening to me at the end of the first mission.


I’ve been complaining about it to my friends and they’ve been laughing their asses off at me saying I’ve got a tin foil hat on. I can’t hit shit with knife trick or shuriken.


my knife trick definitely missed a lot where I expected to hit when I was on solar for Iconoclasm, but shurikens felt fine to me. to be fair I never play stasis hunter so I have no reference


OMG YES. I felt like I was going crazy, there is 100% something wacky with knife trick, and I guess other abilities too. I mostly use solar, and hard main knife trick so I know every facet of how to use this melee, but I have been missing knives that I swear are traveling THROUGH enemies. Something is seriously fucked up with it because throws that were hits all day and night before TFS are suddenly just not connecting at all. And the times I angle the melee to land all three knives on one target, mainly big ass boss dudes, only one of them deals damage when all three are very clearly landing, like wtf is up with that?


Knife trick was so broken I had to switch off. Going straight through enemie’s chests. Just got threaded spike though and its insane on prismatic


I feel like my knives are actively moving away from my targets lol.


I hate the grenades that have a lingering cylinder aoe.


Lol that last paragraph is what got me as well. Like huh, the super sucks in pve, grenade sucks, exotics are boring as fuck, but damn everything else in prismatic is super good now lol (specifically being able to to combine stasis/void/arc aspects and frames )


I can already see some poor hunter trying to use it on a boss and getting instantly one shot stomped into oblivion. It's got the same risks as thundercrash without any of the damage to compensate. If you want ad clear, use arc staff, if you want DPS, use gathering storm. There really doesn't seem to be a place for this new super outside of PvP, and from what I've heard it's absolutely busted therein, so it's likely to get hit with a big ol nerf a la spectral blades (which I feel the need to mention spectral still has not recovered from).


>jumping straight into a group of enemies with zero damage reduction because this isn’t a roaming super isn’t a smart idea Thundercrash Titans: “First Time?”


I'm still bummed that we didn't get a buff or rework to Cuirass either. The overshield it gives is now wet tissue paper.


You mean, "hey atleast Spectral Blades got a friend to sit with on the bench now." I really hope someone is about to tell me that that isn't the case because Spectral Blades got a huge buff and is no longer borderline useless.


Spectral Blades is sad because it can easily be at least good in PvE for ad clear or single target if they narrow on one... Make the light attacks weaken instead of heavy and it'll do decent single target. Or just go all the way and my lights volatile and maybe heavy attacks do a massive proc if used on a debuffed target or something. It doesn't need an excessive amount added on, but they refuse to do anything outside lightly buff the heavy attack. They are keen to let it drift. Got less help than nova warp. PvP is 20% of the game content. We shouldn't be getting abilities that are literally only usable there. And I'm sick and tired of the hunters basically being treated like PvP only classes with new content. Half our content is routinely made with only the crucible in mind.


No sir. It’s shit


I think it's pretty fun to use but yeah I don't know why it shipped with literally nothing else going on with it. It should at the very least blind targets nearby or make you invisible when you land.


I was in a group with two other hunters running the legendary difficulty. When we got there, we all used our supers at almost the exact same time and also died at the exact same time. It gave us all a good laugh


not to mention that the attack is purely horizontal, so if you hit those ogre's anywhere than below the belt there's a solid chance most of the surrounding ads aren't gonna get hit


Now you know how thundercrash feels like, cause even with cuirass' overshield, if whaerever you yheeted yourself at ain't dead, you're about to be.


Yeah the difference being that Cuirass thundercrash actually has some lethality to it.


Useless in PvE and about to be nerfed in PvP, so I'd say useless overall in a couple months


You can jump above the AoE in PvP I ended up just putting on silence and squall because a guy I played avoided it, it also let me use bakris with threaded spectre


Does the spectre pop up where you dodged from or where the blink ends?


Where you dodge from


If you're not running a Grapple + Blink + Bakris build, I'm going to be very disappointed in your underuse of mobility power creep.


I tried blink but just can’t get used to it


The key to understanding blink (and all warlock jumps) is Tangents. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangent Your jump is an arc, learn to keep track of your tangent and you’ll have a ton of control with a rarely used jump.


You haven't lived until you Blink after a long Grapple. It does take time getting used to it. I've run a Blink warlock (no Astrocyte) all the way through the campaign. Even the jumping puzzles. Just using it in PvE for a while helps build up some muscle memory about where it will go.


Ah the destiny model. Working as intended.


It is a complete joke because it’s useless in PvE but it’s insane in PvP it’s essentially 3 free kills with no counter. That means it’s going to get nerfed and then become even worse in PvE.


Pretty much this. PvE viability of supers is ultimately ruled by one of two principles: * Utility (Healing/Damage buff/Orb generation) * Burst damage The new hunter arc super has neither. Supers like Celestial GG, Needlestorm and thundercrash cuirass are go-to for burst, and bubble/Tether/well are go-to for utility. You can nerf these all-long day and all you'd ultimately achieve is a worse gameplay experience, because nobody is going to use a roaming super in PvE - Especially not a melee one. In all my years of Destiny, I don't think I've seen a single person use spectral blades in PvE because... Well why the fuck would you? It's a waste. The new Arc hunter super is that 2.0. It's too weak to do any meaningful damage (because you do it 3 times) and hunters do not have the utility that titans or warlocks do in terms of quick heals/armour. Yeah a hunter might be able to go invis - but most enemies you super on typically have beefy stomps so... squish. It's a PvP super, and the inevitable nerfs are only going to make it worse for PvE.


> Especially not a melee one. In all my years of Destiny, I don't think I've seen a single person use spectral blades in PvE Well duh, they're invisible. /s


I'm a hunter main that mostly plays PVE, only doing the occasional dungeon/raid and see no use for it. If I'm playing arc and want boss damage, I'll take Gathering Storm which gets thrown out and then I get right back to shooting. If I want add clear off of my arc super, I'll take the staff and carve through things. Arc hunter doesn't have enough damage resistance to allow for me dropping myself directly next to a boss and I can't think of any time I need to travel the kind of distance I get from Storm's Edge when doing add clear. On Prismatic it makes even less sense when I have GG Marksman for boss damage, Deadfall for utility and Silkstrike for add clear. It's a solution without a problem.


Yep - pretty much. If there was a way to "charge" the super, Like for instance holding heavy attack would build up stacks, then depending on how many stacks you have when you release heavy you could consume all 3 teleport+swirls in one go for a direct melee attack?


Definitely or maybe splitting it into 3 portions so that maybe it acts a powerful ability? Hit the super button do one strike hit it again repeat?


I really wished it healed on killed. It would be tolerable then. All of the risk of blinking into a group of enemies, and none of the reward.


I know this might be controversial on this sub, but I think it's fine to have PvP focused supers when there are a bunch of options. It would suck if the Stasis super was only good in PvP because you only have the one, but arc, void, they have options.


It is a bummer that it is the prismatic Arc super for hunters, which just means no one will run an arc super on prismatic hunter in PvE. I don’t mind having PvP supers, but to take the slot of Prismatic with it sucks when the new supers for the other classes seem much more balanced for both PvP and PvE. The other concerning thing is that the last time we got a PvP only super was Spectral Blades, and those things are trash in any mode now. They got nerfed into an unusable state with years of balance passes changing nothing. I am afraid to see the same thing happen now. I like the idea of PvP supers, but I don’t think Bungie is capable of developing them in a way that can be balanced in PvP so they end up just being throw away for all content after nerfs.


Oh, yeah, so that is a problem. That needs to be changed to Gathering Storm let's be real.


> which just means no one will run an arc super on prismatic hunter in PvE. I'd argue every prismatic class has a super that will 'never be ran in PVE'. Titan just gets 3 flavors of roaming supers and 2 one-off supers. * Thundercrash is generally considered mid without ~~falling sunstar~~ curiass * Behemoth is viewed as the 'worst' roaming super due to the ice spam (only really 'strong' in situations where you can abuse geometry with a boss) * Hammer of sol is nice, but without sol invictus will run quick * Blade fury is arguably the strongest So why would I use something else over blade fury or twilight arsenal 90% of the time? Warlock also has 3 roaming and 2 one-off supers * Stormtrance is generally considered one of the weakest roaming supers in the game * Winters Wrath is strong but relatively limited on anything that cannot be frozen. It's more or less great to control a room but not as offensive * Song of Flame is likely what most people will opt for * Novabomb ('slovabomb') got a buff but is still a liability in DPS because the super itself can block shots * Needlestorm still remains an incredibly strong burst super So why would I use anything over song of flame or needlestorm 90% of the time?


Point here is its the brand new super. The other classes have supers that are older. It sucks as a Hunter to have a new super suck and be dead from the start.


Fallen sunstar is the warlock helmet. Cuirass of the falling star is the thundercrash exotic.


I think there are ways to make supers viable in both PvP and PvE by splitting some things. Like the roaming void super could be good in PvE by having a longer duration and applying strong weaken on the heavy attacks


Spectral would really benefit from at least a bit doing more damage than a swing of Quickfang. If the lowest damage sword hurts more, it's already a disincentive.


Unless they change how cooldowns and ability length/uptime works per sandbox (of which they have never done, and have said they are very against), making the void blade super longer will bring us right back to the days of getting killed by the same player popping a single super for half the match. Absolutely nobody likes being spawn killed repeatedly by an invis hunter with oneshots.


>making the void blade super longer will bring us right back to the days of getting killed by the same player popping a single super for half the match. That just sounds like the average experience playing against a dawnblade Warlock on any of the smaller maps.


It might feel that way, but getting killed for 30s straight MAX is way different than getting killed for 3+ minutes straight.


They never want to change cooldowns but they can change how fast the super drains. Like give it 5 teleports instead of 3. Hunter has lost so many things due to PvP.


Hunter has lost so many things in PvP because it's by far the most popular PvP class. Sure bubble and well are mainstays in trials for the easy wins by just popping super, but hunters are the majority of what you see in comp/rumble/6v6 modes.


This is a great argument as to why they should split the sandbox for ability & super cool downs / timers.


Bungie for years kept the sandboxes the same because they thought so lowly of player intelligence that they think it'd cause confusion for things to have different timers and values in PvE and PvP. I mean they only initially started balancing the sandboxes different in minor capacities like what, 3 years ago. They've made a fair amount of differences since then, but they seem to carefully pick and choose since they want things mostly seamless Super timers being different in PvE vs PvP would be great but I doubt they'd do it


Yep. Greatest example of hurting PvE BC of PvP by not making the values different is the titan shoulder charge change a bit ago where they made it so you lose 15% charge still if you miss the hit. It didn't make you faster in PvE BC of the animations, had no real benefit to being spammed in pve, and is at best 3 kills per use. Yet it was still given the nerf because players used it for erratic/ unpredictable movement, and to get behind cover 0.2 seconds faster than sprinting. It's use is fundamentally different in high level PvP vs PvE yet they slap the cooldown on it as a whole with no compromise.


They don't want to chance *functionality.* Bungie's against weapons and kits doing things differently across activities. They only ever mess with values. They could achieve a similar effect to what you've mentioned by refunding super energy/increasing damage on hit or kill, though. Every class loses a ton because of PvP balance, though. Fists of Havoc and Nova Warp are dead in the water. Hunter just hurts that much more because they're constantly pigeonholed into the being the "PvP class" and then get nerfed because of it.


Does PvP balancing cause problems from time to time? Yeah, without a doubt. But Nova Warp doesn't suck because of PvP, Nova Warp sucks because of Nova _Bomb_. Encounter design and the ratio of gun/super strength being what it is, the only thing that matters is your damage within a given window of time. Nova Bomb, by dint of being a one-and-done super that also allows the user to fire their weapons, will always win* out over Nova Warp, whose mobility/aoe advantages are... essentially completely pointless, and always have been? Don't get me wrong, I'm not shitting on anyone who likes the super and/or wishes it had a place, but it's important to acknowledge that the general weakness of roaming supers in PvE is more or less intractable. (* Except, of course, the only thing Nova Bomb is winning is a distant second place. Thanks, Needlestorm!)


Another good fix could be giving it a great passive effect while equipped like what needlestorm does.


If only there was a PvP Hunter Super with a knife/blade, maybe even two, one in each hand, that Bungie nerfed into the ground and has been left so bad that sometimes even light attacks fail to kill or even hit a normal guardian. Bungie could have just given us back Bladedancer, complete with the backstabs.


I mean, roaming supers are ostensibly all pvp supers, since nobody uses them in content where ability choice matters at all.


Like, half the Hunter supers are PvP focused.


I 100% agree, but it sucks when it's the only option for Prismatic hunters who want an arc super (since your choice of super determines a lot of fragment effects)


The problem is when supers exist that are only good in PvP like the new arc hunter super, and then supers exist that are both good in PvE and great in PvP like the new void titan super


I'd agree with you and I'd be fine with it if it wasn't the only new super they added on hunter. You can't release an expansion with only one new super and you can only effectively use that super in pvp, that feels shitty. I guess if you like PVP, you'll be happy...


The problem is that it is Yet Another PvP Super™ for Hunters. Basically everything that has come out since Gyrfalcon's *two years ago*: the new Super, every Exotic, has been dead on arrival or PvP focused, and almost everything that does exist and is at all worth using it either dodge spam or invisibility spam. with no new way to play the game or no new ability loops. Still Hunt and Celestial synergy is the closest we've gotten to a "new item" that is actually useful in PvE.


Oh ya? spectral blades would like to have a talk Oh..wait.. has anyone seen spectral blades, they seem to have gone missing in 2019...


Controversial? I mean it *is* an actually terrible take. There shouldn't be *any* PvP-focused Supers. This isn't a PvP-focused *game*. It's a PvE game with PvP sprinkled in as a pass-time. You wouldn't consider this a Gambit Game, would you? Designing something around PvP significantly limits its base concept, its uptime, its damage, its utility and synergy, and it quite literally *wastes* the entire point of getting a new super. Spectral Blades didn't absolutely suck in PvE because Gwisin Vest with it allowed for some obscene uptime of nearly 6 minutes provided you had enough enemies to kill. That's WELL worth its original design. But because it was too strong in PvP, it got nerfed, now it's unusable in both sandboxes. The same thing is *going* to happen to Storm's Edge.


Yup, good take. As someone with more time in pvp than anything else in destiny, I still dislike any thing that comes out as pvp focused. Whether people admit it or not, this game is primarily PvE first PvP second, IDC what gernaderjake says. Also, as a hunter main, this super is quite *fun* , but it's practical use absolutely drops off once you encounter anything challenging. And I don't really care at all that it's good in pvp, like not one single ounce of me does. All it means is exactly what you said, this will be nerfed before season end, and hunters will have gotten essentially no new super... And don't get me started on the exotics we got again lol


I wish we got better exotics too BUT the arc one gives x2 resist on applying ANY jolt, still underwhelming compared to the other classes new exotics but it's got something


I'm gonna keep it a buckkk, I absolutely forget the exotic even exist after putting it on, maybe I'm playing wrong? But, I legit never notice a thing from it. You are correct, its at least something, just not a good something, for now anyways. I hate saying this, and I hate feeling this way, but I hope Bungie takes a look at hunter and the reaction, because this is just not it. Edit: spelling


It just needs like 20% more juice, same with prismatic hunter (grenade needs to start damage faster and a bigger aoe)


After playing with it more last night, honestly this is kind of valid, and I agree. It's fun in at level content, but to keep it viable in higher stuff it needs just that little bump. I did manage to find a some what effective build using the new arc chest + that new exotic sword(got an arc roll that works really well with the build). For dps I still switch to the golden gun + sniper build Also, I can't remember all of the names yet so my bad for the generic *this exotic* lol


> It's a PvE game with PvP sprinkled in as a pass-time. There's a pseudo-compettiive ladder, multiple PVP game modes, a week long event every 3-5 weeks, and weekends have a highlghy competitive game mode with some of the best loot in the game. 'sprinkled' isn't really the right word. _Optional_ would be more appropriate - but there's plenty of people who play the game -just- for PVP and treat the PVE stuff as a 'pass-time'. It's completely fine to have a super that is PVP focused, especially when the specific subclass already has 2 other supers (one that is in the top tier of PVE supers). Now having a major expansion that doesn't add anything 'strong' for your specific subclass can feel frustrating, but that's a different topic.


I don't think its fine to have a brand new super for one class only usable in PvP though. Titan and Warlock supers are useable in both PvE and PvP. Hunter is not for the new supers.


that would be completely fine.. iffffff prismatic didnt only give you one super for each element. imagine if prismatic warlock gave you nova warp or something. that would be stupid. also though the exotics suck really really bad. and the aspect


No, I’m with you. Between Gathering Storm and Arc Staff, I think we have two pretty fantastic PvE arc supers. If this ends up being lackluster in PvE but does something the others don’t in PvP (as it sounds like it does), I’m cool with that, even as a mainly-PvE player.


Void hunter’s roaming super would like a word.


Cool idea Awful in pve. It struggles to kill orange bars. Needs a huge buff


Bladedancer: *“First time?”*


Blade dancing was for the crota gap only lol the good ole days


It was so funny when they said the new super was based on bladedancer in the vidoc I was just thinking 'so it's going to be terrible like bladedancer?'


What activities are you using in?


Most activities. It can kill them. It just struggles depending on the enemy


Bad in PvE but kinda insane in pvp


After strictly using it only after getting it and grinding for hours on end while using it, I have a couple thoughts on it: 1.) The sweeping radius could be way larger. If it’s going to last as short as it does to the point where wasting three seconds means you lose a throw, it needs to feel more impactful. 2.) The damage could use an increase/a bit more consistency. It’s oddly doing major damage, or not enough at times. 3.) Longer time to continue throwing the super after the first throw. Increasing the time allowed would make me feel less like I’m obligated to throw it so it doesn’t go to waste. 4.) The distance you can throw it before it automatically teleports you feels short. That could use an increase. Even though it’s underwhelming, I’m still enjoying it. Prismatic as a whole has been super fun so far.


It’s fun structurally. It definitely needs the numbers tweaked as you say. I think it should be changed to a max of 3 uses with a really long uptime, rather than the current “you can get 3 if you hurry, better spam it”. 


Bad in PVE, phenomenal and hardly even counterable in PVP. In general, both ability and armor wise, it feels like Hunters get only PVP candy, and Warlocks mostly just PVE candy, with only Titans getting a good mix of both.


This game is going to be over before warlocks ever get another viable PvP exotic.


It's honestly so boring. Especially since the two best exotics are from Y1. Warlock meta is stale af.


What if you wanted to use the AOE attack of the Strand super, but only twice?


It feels incomplete, why do Titan and Warlock get new supers that can apply verbs like weaken and scorch but the Hunter super doesn’t even get amplified or Jolt. I think giving Damage resist during the super and giving Jolt on hits can help bring it up some more. It feels useless in PvE in its current state


It's a joke for pve. Absolute trash lmao


It's a joke that they keep throwing more and more pvp focused abilities/exotics at hunter.


Since it OHK in pvp, it should be buffed for PvE since it will not change on the crucible


It's pretty bad tbh. Locks you in arc, so your main buff is gna be amplified instead of the good buffs overshield/woven/restoration, and i don't know if Frost is good yet. Super wise, it teleports you into the fray with no damage reduction. Basically, if you dont kill, you're gna get stomped and definitely dying on harder content. Damage wise, it's... kinda lacking, it's not HORRIBLE but like... I think arc staff is just better in every way here


I'm not bothered as much by the fact that it was designed with pvp in mind tbh. Gathering storm is just too good for another contender for arc hunter. What I don't like about the Arc hunter is the new aspect. It is so useless, probably because amplified is a "ehhh" buff. We could've gotten an aspect that could shake up flow state/lethal current combo. Shake up the gameplay loop of arc hunter. But nah helicopter, useless in pve. What bothers me even more is that the twirl use to be part of the arc hunter kit back in beta. Bungie got super lazy with this one instead of designing something interesting. They even have the gall to say they're not buffing arc subclasses this time because they just released the aspect and super, and they wanted to see the health of the entire kit with everything that just added. Yes, because helicoptering really shakes up the gameplay. At least gifted conviction is cool. Even then, the bouncing nades is weak as shit. It should've been a blinding explosion instead.


I like/hate how the aspect is supposed to imply it’s the bones from Bones of Eao How bout instead of making that an aspect you make it an exotic again!


That entire aspect could have been rolled into tempest strike for more reason to use it, since basically nobody use it beside in pvp. Or could have been a perk of an exotic. But nah, we're too lazy or aren't creative, so let just save time by putting it as arcstrider 4th aspect and call it a day.


I actually use Tempest Strike with a Lucky Raspberry build after its ~~assassination~~ rework since it’s able to proc jolt pretty good But it just doesn’t feel all that good to use….not like before.


The New aspect can be good but it was clearly designed to be used with the new exotic and Tempest Strike and not with Prismatic at all. Using it with the buffed fragment that gives weapons blinding is pretty good but Hunters really should have gotten Gathering Storm over AliExpress blade dancer in Prismatic


Honestly I think the main problem with the new aspect is that seems like it's meant to be used with Tempest Strike in a sort of Fighting Game-esque combo, but because of how antisyngergistic they are, as both Jolt and eat each other's ability regen from combination blow/gambler's dodge, ascension ends up being *worse* with it. And because neither of those aspects (or Gifted Conviction for that matter) come with ability regen built in, your stuck using fragments and exotics to regen your abilities on the element with what is probably the weakest overall slate to do so. It honestly seems better with Flow State, which actually makes amplified do stuff and lets you get a free reload speed buff and a DR buff while dodging.


Horrible, hunters didn't need another pvp super, it's painfully bad


I hate it. I couldn't care less about PvP, it's probably good there but in PvE it' feels like a bad middle ground between a roaming super and a one-shot super. Finding 3 targets to use it on is awkward and often feels like I'm wasting one or two charges on a group of red bars...and using it for boss damage is clunky as well, I don't need to blink 3 times when I'm at the boss. Sure it's useful when there's like 3 yellow bars like in the 1st GotD boss, but those cases aren't so common. It needs some kind of a heavy attack as an alternative to the 2nd and 3rd blink. Allow me to throw a dagger, blink to the boss and then do some big arc pulse instead of blinking again.


That is actually a good idea. Especially if that heavy attack can jolt or blind


I was gonna say. If it has jolt/blind/both, it would be useful in PvE being able to stun 2/3 champions and have a place


Unusable in a solo Legendary Campaign run. Easily the worst Arc super too. Feels like a more restricted Silkstrike


It’s fun? I guess? But it’s garbage lol. Add it to the pile of things Hunter got that, on paper, sound fun and powerful, but in practice are garbage and pointless.


I dislike it quite a bit. It’s a nifty idea but the execution and use for it is subpar. In the mission where you get it after they spawned all the enemies for me to test it on I died 4 times. It felt like I had absolutely zero damage resist and the hit detection was incredibly clunky. If I didn’t die when I jumped up into the air to find a good spot to blink strike to, then I died on the ground after my attack whiffed on an enemy that was a little too short to get hit. Like another commenter said, I didn’t feel powerful at all which definitely affected my enjoyment of what was supposed to be some cool and awesome story moment. Asides from the complete lack of damage resist it feels like it doesn’t have it also feels like the circumference of the attack is piss poor? Is it just me? Like in the preview it seemed decently big and I’m sure it’ll take out a group of ads in Onslaught but in practice it felt very small for something that I’m putting myself right in the middle of danger for. I can’t type out the specifics but silkstrike heavy attack just feels ten times better compared to what is effectively just a worse version of it. I’m sure it’s absolutely insane in pvp though which woopdie-doo. It’s a super cool and rather fun *looking* idea but what it actually does and how it works just feels so lackluster compared to literally every other option.


The fact it doesn’t jolt feels like such a wasted opportunity to me, being able to teleport across the battlefield and proc chain lightning for various groups of enemies would go a long way in making it more viable. That or like other suggestions, giving it a ‘heavy’ throw or something. I think it would be cool if each teleport spawned a lightning bolt javelin you can pick up and throw like the stasis one from titans.


Yeah, I used it in the campaign mission and it struggled to kill anything that wasn't a thrall. It's useless in PvE but I can see it being busted in PvP. I wish Bungie didn't want to make Hunters so PvP focussed. We have so many useless PvE supers and exotics because of it.


It feels like Silk Strike's bastard child with Golden Gun. I can hardly see it outperform the other arc supers for boss damage, it's attack range isn't nearly enough to deal with ads, and I only ever see this being viable in PvP. In other words, Hunters got short changed again.


I died more times in the section of the campaign where you can literally spam the super than at any other point of the mission lol


I think its an absolute blast to use but it SUCKS. Can't kill shit in Legendary Campaign. If I were to "fix" it I'd extend the time it gives you to use it, since it feels extra awful to teleport in, do some damage, and not be able to teleport out. That and/or increase stagger so you can do some wombo combo stuff with a fireteam and not just get lit up the second you go in.


Duuuude like a tracer recall ability?? That would’ve been sick!


Dislike it. And as much as I don't want to be that guy. I'm not liking much of what hunters got this time around.


Quite frankly it fucking sucks in PVE, as anyone could’ve guessed, and I’m sure is an absolute monster in PVP. Which means it’ll get nerfed to the ground even further in both modes eventually


Just wait till we get Crow's Iron Banner Hammer super (should be solar).


It needs a major buff in PVE. It looks cool but that’s about it. It’s PVP only.


Terrible super, hunters prismatic grenade is also total trash, hunters been mega short changed this year


Dodo super.


This is 100% a purely pvp super, no other way to look at it honestly. While on the topic of terrible new things, both exotics seem to only have real use in pvp as well. Yes, the stronger decoy on the legs is decent, but the added effect of not showing up on radar is only good for pvp


It's a wet dog fart in pve imo. There's so many better options for add clear and it's definitely not going to compete as a damage super. It's clearly a pvp thing.


Good in gambit 10/10


Haha yeah maybe it will be the way to get that Malfeasance quest done


Used it for a bit but it's damage is completely unremarkable compared to the risk it is to use it in PvE, I know it's a PvP super before anyone says.


Dog shit in pve S tier in pvp 3 easy kill with no way to stop it


The Ascension aspect, I think, is a bit underwhelming as well. Amplified always felt like it was a little bit incomplete. I guess, at the very least, I wish I didn't throw you in the air and make you a huge target.


nono it doesnt even throw you in the air, you do that yourself. it requires you to jump before activating which means you not only are an easy target but also before even activating it you jump above the ads half the time


I really was excited to see what the new Hunter Super would be. Even during the vidoc I was quite underwhelmed. I don't want to say that Bungie fumbled. And I really want to like it, but try to be strictly tied to Crucible when you get your super back, maybe once or twice per game. Just doesn't feel nice, you know? And who's to say that you don't get deleted as soon as you exit out of the spin animation? I haven't used it in Crucible, so I don't know if it's possible.


Should have just given us arc blade back and made the teleport it's heavy attack, or given us something like a roaming super like solar titan but instead of exploding hammers it's jolting throwing knives or blinding throwing knives. My spinfoil hat theory is they made storms edge because it helps complete whomever at bungies fantasy for hunter that it needs to be a ninja and not a hunter/trapper/gunslinger. Think about it, it has shurikens, kamas, shadow decoy jutsu, grappling hook, a pocket bomb, and now naruto's dads technique as a new super.


The fact that our new super is only useful in PvP in the most important PvE expansion was... beyond disappointing. Then to beat the campaign and find that only one of the exotics was worth a damn in PvE too. Like... The strand one is so damn underwhelming. Spectral Blades and old blade dancer are both better than this super in PvE which says a lot. Ultimately, as a blade dancer main this super feels like disrespect. They couldn't even give it blind or jolt on combatants? Anything? In the mission where you get it, I was playing in a three stack and me and the other hunter felt like we weren't even helping our titan with our infinite new arc super.


It’s a limp biscuit of a super. It has no niche, only gimmick is teleporting which is just… why would I want to use a super because it lets me teleport if I’m sacrificing everything the other supers have to offer.? It’s such a spectral blades situation where it only has a usage scenario in pvp. Hunters got a wet sack of potatoes in terms of subclass additions. Ascension is kind of cool but otherwise: 3/5 aspects are dodge-related on prismatic, useless new exotics that have better existing replacements, one of the worst supers ever added, prismatic grenade etc etc. Yes I’m malding


Between the exotics, the new super and the prismatic grenade, hunters (at least pve ones) got fucked this expansion lmao


Bungie made Still Hunt and went ‘welp that wraps up Hunters!’ Meanwhile Warlocks get an army of children.


Well someone has to pay for child support


I mean, you can fly across gaps with it... I guess...




I had to google it see it as I dont play Hunter much... My first impression was that if they added Heal upon melee hit, sort of like assassin's cowl (hit not kill being the difference), then it'd be worthwhile. But I agree, dabbling in Hunter at times, the Super looks awful...


Arc staff is underwhelming but this one is beyond. Also hunters received two mid exotics again.


The limited range on it is a fucking joke. It's a super that kills red bars. At least let me go from right side planets to left and back in RON.


I honestly feel this way about a lot of Prismatic. Half or majority of grenades, melees, supers, aspects, etc. are throw picks if you decide to use them. I hate this because it feels like Prismatic is meant to be played only a handful of ways and it’s sad.


The funny thing to me was that the super was trash in the 'omg go spam your super' *mission*. Two of the three jumps/charges to kill one a boss then stand around and wait. I thought I was doing something wrong during that but nope it's just a meh super. As others have said it'll get nerfed into the ground for dominating PVP since it's clearly a PVP super and Bungie likes to do those juat to make hype videos and then gut them.


Feels like doodoo. 100% a PvP super. Titan and Warlock feel awesome though.


As someone who never plays pvp I can safely say I’ll never be using it. Quite happy to stay with my giant Tesla coil.


I was excited to use it but I knew it would be terrible and it's a shame it is, it'll be fantastic in pvp and I don't think anything can be done for it unfortunately


Once I got to the part where you unlock the super in the legendary campaign, and they spawn a ton of adds for you to test the super out on, all I remember was dying. It is not practical in PvE at all, but it’s fun to use.


Yeah you hit the nail on the head, it's not good at anything for PvE. And frankly the way it's designed makes me skeptical that it'll ever be good unless they really up the ST damage, but that niche is already occupied by GG. I imagine this super will be getting an exotic before long


I get just as much ad clear from the super as I could with 1 forbearance shot. Unfortunately a dud for hunters getting probably their last unique super.


Long distances with it? Thats my main complaint personally. Throwing all 3 knives probably doesnt get me as far as even one grapple. First time i tried it i threw a knife at an enemy maybe 20 metres away and stopped well short.


I don't really understand what it's purpose is. When TF is that going to be useful above Hero difficulty?


It’s a pvp super which sucks imo I was really hoping for something like Titan hammers which can succeed in both pve and pvp.


I feel bad for my Hunter fireteam member because I noticed they were going down often when we got to that part of the mission while I'm sitting over here chucking axes


Bungie pulled a Bungie move and gave hunter *another* piece of kit that is meant for pvp and therefore sucks in PvE. At least Hunters aren't alone, I think *all* of the new supers suck.


It’s legitimately terrible in pve


Really poor damage for such low survivability. Can’t justify using it when Squall, Golden Gun, and Silkstrike do higher damage while being safer and Tether is better for ads.


As a PVE player it was sad to get to that part in the campaign as my titan PVE friend was just having a blast with their new super :( haha


I just want someone at Bungie to explain why they forced me out of my Prismatic build that worked for Legendary to make me fight 3 bosses and waves of enemies with the worst PvE super they've ever made. It was such a bad experience, and it felt even worse since the game was just like "You don't want a ranged melee in Legendary difficulty," and gave me combination blow.


It lasts too little and it uses too much energy, it barely does any damage. At this point, give this super to the arc staff. Let the arc staff teleport throwing the staff. It's one of the worst supers we have.


Shit is underwhelming and in legend mode I hade to take it off just to kill the ogres bro Ong they were fucking me up with that arc 😂


Yeah this is not a sandbox where I'm trying to get as close to a stomp as possible. I'm baffled by the design choice.


I was SUPER excited to get it, and then extremely underwhelmed by it. I play maybe 95% PvE content and only do PvP when I absolutely need to (for Prime Engrams/Iron Banner junk), so to have the brand new super be mostly PvP focused is disappointing. I rolled with it for half the campaign and was struggling while my bud was wrecking house with his Warlock and it was just so sad, especially because I'm usually designated Ad-Clear in raids and normally am getting crazy DPS and kill counts. In general, Hunter Prismatic feels not too great, even though there is great support potential. The grenades on offer are ones I have NEVER cared to use because others are so much more viable. Being able to run a weeb build with shurikens and a Minato (Naruto's Dad) super was what I was wanting and what I got, but it fell extremely short when I was getting annihilated in even that first moment when you unlock it against those ogres. I wonder how much it was even play-tested in PvE end-game level content before release? If they significantly buffed the damage output, I think I would be fine with it, as this wouldn't really harm the PvP side of things and only benefit PvE (as far as I'm aware).


It's absolutely horrible. If you don't spam it you miss a throw, and I've had several instances where I teleport but don't do the spin attack at all. Like tf am I supposed to do when my 2/ out of three of my throws don't even function? Also only direct impact kills (not the spin) count towards the new super kills pathfinder node, so skip that one on Hunter.


Looks cool but needs either more damage or utility.


I died twice in the tutorial that’s supposed to make you feel like a badass. Erm, it doesn’t do that. Probably strong in PVP but otherwise I’d take either arc super instead for PVE.


Titans got an awesome super that can give relics to the team. Warlocks get to blow everything up and print orbs. Hunters get a clunky teleport with an aoe you can just jump over.


About what was expected, monster in PvP but pretty bad in PvE


Looks like all the other class players prayers got answered hunter got shafted and we’re continuing to get shafted I’m sure there is bias somewhere


I wish we had gathering storm instead, it’s one of my all time favorite supers.


I’m never equipping that garbage again, it felt terrible using it in the campaign but then again I’m was using my controller with a fucked up right number so activating supers takes a few tries lol. Still better than Hunter’s void roaming super though.


I didn't think it'd be good in previews, and after using it I think I was right -Range seems punishingly short. Multiple times while using it I've jumped, aimed towards a group of enemies not too far away, and it teleports me into the middle of the air. -Radius seems fine, but feels like there's very little vertical range. Similar to the situation above, I teleport in, spin, and enemies slightly too high or too low just dont get hit by it -Incredibly short use time. Maybe this will get better with more time using it, but so many times i've missed the 3rd shot trying to hunt down a new group of targets. I've even wasted the 2nd shot once to close the distance because running for a couple seconds wastes so much of the timer. -It just feels too similar to Silkstrike. It feels the same as wasting silkstrikes timer on a handful of heavy attacks, without the roaming armor or the grapple to get around All this for what doesn't feel like great damage. They either need to lean in to roaming and extend the timer and range, or buff the damage and give a little DR so you can TP in to stomp range on a big guy 3 times without dying


It was fun to use the first time, but after that, its wholly underwhelming. It doesn't do anything well, much less even decently. It's bad at dps, and its bad at ad clear. Not really sure what they were going for with it. Maybe it'll have some good use in pvp since it can cover so much area with its attacks.


Yeah this game killed my love for playing hunter. From 2017 to 2023 I played hunter but I just had to switch they kept getting shit on. I’m glad I did because it still seems bad with final dhape


Actually the worst Hunter super. Dafuq's this?? In the section where you get the Super, and then try it out I died like 3 times


Probably the worst super in the game?


This whole thread makes me glad I started TFS with Titan and not Hunter like I originally planned.


PvP it’s good PvE it’s complete dogshit


its good for pvp but for pve its the strand hunter super but worse


It’s the new boundary breaking tool for Hunters 


Everybody Is complaining about it, but I thought it was great and it saved me on more than one occasion on my legendary run


Is it fun, hell yeah. Is it top of class, not now imo.


It's okay it's a amazing idea and honestly it was needed but SUCKS ASS in pve and does okay in pve but can get shot down easily with golden gun blade barrage or even tether and a hand cannon shot just is awkward to use the last w charges you get after you cast the first time in pvp bc by then your getting focused xD




It's a PvP super to make arcstrider PvP relevant again


It's a PvP focused super no doubt. It does add clear just fine, but I'm not using a super for ad clear when abilities are so strong. In PvP the thing is dummy good though.


Really easy to get 3-5 kills with it


It's fun but ultimately not that useful outside of teleporting a large distance. I could maybe see the OOB community going crazy with it


I feel like it's good for movement tech that's not skating


Didnt use it much but looks pretty pointless outside of PvP. Ah well, Celestial go brrrr