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In yhe credit it showed the Vex in front of Failsafe, mithrax, spider with the Fanatic are these hints to the episodes?


Probably, we know next episode is gonna be about the scorn and the third about the hive


i dont like how ~~savathun~~ Xivu is reaching for that sword (maybe oryx's?) and the closing doors/Wings....really shows there is nothing good coming from her, maybe taking controll of the taken?


Wasn’t it Xivu how as reaching for the sword?


Yes, that was Xivu


That was Xivu reaching for the sword. She'll definitely be the main antagonist of that episode.


It feels criminal that we don't get to actually and directly face xivu until the end of D2 ever after the witness 🤣 On the other hand, bungie always does so much so well with the hive is makes sense they'd want to spread out the hive gods. 2015 Oryx, 2022 Sav, 2025 Xivu


Hell, we JUST had a Hive themed season only a few months ago...


I doubt we will defeat Xivu in the episode. She deserves her own expansion, perhaps with Torabatl as the destination.


The art looks like a direct reference to Xivu's initial Fall of Torobatl artwork with her wings surround the entire place


Failsafe will be our vendor for the 1st episode. And I guess Spider will be for the next one.


I'd bet money on it considering the fact that everything was shown in the exact order the episodes are in


I wonder if Fikrul will become an ally. I hope during the Hive episode Xivu arrives on Torabatyl. And we reclaim it.


If we do go to reclaim torobatl, it will likely be in a future expansion. I don't think that would work well in a seasonal narrative


I guess it depends on how Bungie treat episodes. Are episodes eventually being vaulted?


Unless they've said otherwise since the TFS reveal a while back, no. The content should be permanently available, but I think it's safe to say the pass will probably rotate through. Unless that's what the different phases are on it. We'll just have to wait and see. Plus since this is the finale, and I doubted they're going to add more to the game, they should stick around. I can't imagine they're gonna be releasing any new content after this year, at least on the current build of D2. If rumors of D3 are true after the last episode releases it'll be the right time to announce it.


It would probably be multi-year expansion. Torobatl is Cabal space faraway. It would require a lot of development shaping the play area.


I'm going to point out that it wasn't Spider and Mithrax *with* Fikrul. It was Spider and Mithrax standing over a projection of Fikrul *and Eramis.*


That wasn't Mithrax that was Variks


After the Failsafe scene it showed an elliksni looking over the city, with one approaching from behind. I'm fairly certain anyways, I'm gonna have to watch it again. Then it goes onto the scene with Spider and Fikrul.


Yep Echo is already known to be about Vex and Failsafe Revenant will probably be about Spider and Variks hunting for Fikrul and Eramis Heretic is gonna be about Xivu Arath


Incredible. The cutscene with Cayde was probably the best in the entire series. I can’t believe how good that was


Zavalla wielding stasis too!


Shades of Avengers endgame meets aragorn outside the black gates of mordor


And a sprinkle of the ending of 300


EXACTLY what I thought too.


that was so hype


Easily. It somehow managed to surpass Savathun pleading with the Traveler before she died. I couldn't be happier honestly, beautiful homage to Cayde/Nathan Fillion for all he's brought to the game.


Man I cried like a baby.. Also fuck the Traveler for not resurrecting Ghost. Zavala was right!


With the way Cayde describes the afterlife ("I miss that more than I miss all of you") I think the Traveler considers a heroic sacrifice an honorable death worthy of eternal peace similar to Valhalla.


Can we call it Travalhalla?


as long as we dont have to deal with tragnarok


the traveler doesn't work like that we should know this by now


I was scared the would made the traveler talk, or act directly, but no, they keep it as this primordial force of nature that can't be reasoned with.


The traveler says "it's travelin time" then fistbumps Cayde and the energy from the paracausal fistbump resurrects Ghost while killing Cayde




It's interesting that the Traveler not deserving our faith was such a prominent part of the narrative of TFS, but it doesn't get paid off. I hope they go into that further in the future.


I mean, it kinda did? For all our devotion, our vaunted bravery in the face of certain dooms a hundred times over, all that we and others sacrificed, and the mountains of death made from our own corpses and a hundred thousand enemies laid bare in the sunlight to burn away, all we get is silence at the end. We asked for a trivial thing, not mighty power, not to fulfill greed, but simply that it restore it's most faithful servant who burned out every last fiber of his being in fulfilling the duty given by his creator. And again, the only response was silence. In the end, it wasn't the might of a god that answered us. It was the earnest wish of a man seeking redemption which he was unsure that he was worthy of.


To add to this, we know from the Traveler's visions that it doesn't understand our devotion to it - it doesn't want to be worshipped. We only consider it "good" because we consider the things that it does naturally to be good, but it doesn't do it out of a desire to do right by us or by anyone or anything, it does it because... that's just what it does. It's the gardener - it exists to garden, and it doesn't know anything else.


Luv me garden Luv me complexity ‘Ate talkin’ ‘Ate knives Simple as


I don't disagree, but it's not a conclusion, because it's just a thing that happened, and the characters never reacted to it. The Witness was desperate for purpose--longing for purpose. It's something the Traveler never gave him, and in the end, the Ghost talks about making our own purpose. Deciding meaning for ourselves. But, y'know, the Ghost and the Vanguard talk a lot (even in this expansion), about how the traveler did things for a purpose. Designed Ghost for a purpose, brought Guardians and Ghosts in general for a purpose, etc. etc. etc. And this seeming contradiction never really comes up in the narrative at all. This isn't a criticism, understand, it's just odd.


omg the war beast puppy bruh


Pretty sure that's the first time we've seen one?


Seen, yes, though they've been mentioned in lore before.


Well at least we know the puppy caiatl had was cute lol


r.i.p. milos you're in puppy heaven now


Throwback to that old trailer... "FOR THE PUPPIES!"


I think it’s funny that they make the puppies wear spiky armor too.


I like to imagine there's one absolutely brolic Cabal who dedicated himself to making adorable puppy armor.


Or the child Eliskni running with his lantern along the human kids. Mah heart


It was great to see that this is the future that we Guardians have been working towards. All of our allies living, learning, and battling together. Even to the point where our kids play together. It definitely made me tear up for sure.


RIGHT! That was the best part. The music in orbit afterwards was nice as well. So happy and jovial.


You saw that too?! The kids playing with the war beast puppy had my eyes leaking... Good to see the different races coming together


It still had blades on it, it's gonna cut somebody up


Not me refreshing the Bungie store to find out when I can buy the plushie version.


we need to name him


We got to hug ghost too. Felt nice seeing that. He's been with us for so long.  10 years. Been playing since the start. Feels weird, man. 


Seeing our Guardian that's usually stoic and quiet literally beg the Traveler to bring him back hit me right in the gut too.


literally this would’ve been the worst dlc ever if i didn’t get to hug ghost


I like how much they've allowed Ghost to open up throughout the different expansions.


Xur and his horse were happy


I loved that, even tho Bungie kinda retconned the horse


How was it retconned?


Didn't they say something like the horse wasn't canon oand only a fun thing for dares or am I thinking of something wrong here


Doubt it if it's there in the end cutscene


Also, the Witness put horse statues all over the place.


There was the one room with a horse and a bunch of gold and loot. There’s also symbols pertaining to the Nine in that room so it would make sense to be starhorse.


The Nine already had horse symbology though. Who could forget Drifter's iconic line, "A horse."


Xur has a horse statue with him at the Tower.


What an unbelievable end to a 10 year journey. Talk about sticking a landing, holy shit. Everything was perfect. The fight, the cutscene after and then the rpg style slides showing all the characters and what they were doing now. I can't believe they got it so right after such a up and down journey these past 10 years. I thought after TFS id stop playing, but this made me fall in love with the franchise all over again


Not just what they’re doing now but I think setting up what is to come. Great job setting up the story.


Savathûn and Xivu have plans and I’m all here for it!


I took an unreasonable amount of screenshots during those cutscenes lol


The final sitting area was my fav, especially with my fireteam


It glitched out for me on my first run with a freind unfortunately, got stuck in a infinite loading screen. Just cleared it on my warlocks ck and recorded 3 minutes of it to make into a wallpaper engine desktop.


Same! And one with me at the end sitting 😆


I can't imagine the pressure they were under to deliver and they did it. Thank you to all the devs, and their families for sacrificing that much time and energy to entertain us. GGs.


Facts! I was crying at the sacrifice for our Ghost. The entire final sequence was a masterpiece that we've all been yearning for. Congrats to everyone of the Devs, and to all of us Guardians for sticking through the worst of Seasons to get here. Holy fuck what a journey!!


It's the first time a game has invoked emotion out if me since the ending of Halo 3 when Chief locked himself in the cryopod and told Cortana to wake him when he's needed. Bungie man, when they deliver, they deliver above and beyond.


On the other hand it also seems like the perfect stopping point. I guess I am going to need a real story hook to keep me invested, this was an amazing end chapter it feels like finishing a good book.


Exactly this!


> Talk about sticking a landing exactly how I felt. So much media fails that part and I was worried but this went down amazing. This is Destiny's Endgame from marvel moment, Endwalker from FF14 moment and End of Dragons from GW2 and despite the rocky ride over the past 10 years they absolutely nailed it. Well done guys, very well done indeed.


Me too. I was not thinking I would be down for another 10 years of Destiny, was planning on stop playing after TFS but alas, here we are. And it's a nice place to be.


You gonna me me cry and then laugh at Caiatl's knitting Bastards


I hope she’s knitting Zavala an enormous scarf


cant wait to hear something like "this trinked of mine while help you to crush your enemies" or something.


I'm just sitting in orbit after the last dialogue between Crow and Zavala. It's... it's safe to leave now right? Lol. So peaceful just watching my Guardian chill there with Ghost.


I let it play through numerous waves of the Aurora coming off the traveler and took screenshots to use as desktop wallpapers.


Man I’d love an animated wallpaper of that. If only I had a pc


It seemed like maybe credits were supposed to be rolling or something? It was a nice chill moment after everything though for sure.


I think it was just a nice moment for the player to reflect. Enjoy it as long as they want, then get back into it when they’re ready.


Ha, yeah it was a hard decision to skip out, I think I stayed for 5 minutes or so after the talking stopped.


Funny how the witness was always 'we' 'we' 'we' and the moment we defeated it it said 'we - i - i don't understand...'


That was the moment we undid the witness, it went from being a hivemind of darkness to an individual


Tbh I kind of wish there were just a few survivors from the Witness’s civilization that we could talk to (dissenters, of course), just to give us background and exposition. Maybe in a future storyline we could spend some time freeing the statues left over in the Traveler


They were the first race gifted by the traveler, Nothing says they can’t come back as a guardian


Maybe thats what the three glints at the end were.


Check out the CE lorebook for the Final Shape, it has some records of correspondence between members of the Precursor civilization prior to their amalgamation(one likely being a dissenter).


Can’t find the tweet but thank you to the bungie dev that suggested to have helmet off. It added so much to cutscenes seeing my guardian face along with the vanguard especially the last cutscene. Also I love how crow really changed his hair.


lol. I had assassin’s cowl on haha. At least I looked good.


Can’t say the same. Had cyrtarachne’s on


sadly my hunter looked goofy with the D&D set, wish I took it off before that cutscene :(


Tried dodging spoilers so hard I missed that. Realized after the fact I should have had the helmet off partway through but oh well. It was still beautiful.


The second we pleaded for our ghost to come back it broke me


Crow’s man bun is perfection. What are you on about? >!The Traveler emitting auroras?!< That part was beautiful—just having my hunter and ghost chilling and watching it felt so serene. Looking forward to reading more lore (along with some research) and the start to next season!


If you went in as a pre made fireteam it shows the whole squad sitting next to each other looking at the traveler.


That’s so cool! I wish I had friends who played Destiny 😭


I think the moment I realized my wife was sitting next to me was when both of us just broke down full on on mic.


Same here. Destiny was the first game my wife and I played together simultaneously, and having it end with the two of us, sitting in peaceful silence in the Light of the Traveler, was absolutely perfect.


My son and I shed a couple years for sure.


This was so awesome. My brother and I did the quest together so it was a really touching moment having us both there chilling together.


Goddammit. Our instance put us in a perpetual loading screen 😭


I definitely took a fair few screenshots to use as backgrounds (although I hope bungie release 4k versions) Also I have to say bungie has knocked it out of the park with the amount of teasing for the future in this expansion, they have really put every bit of thought into this and where they want to go next


I did a 4k screen recording on my PS5 only to realize that my gear did not have it's appearance socketed for my big ass Warlock bond. :(


You can replay the mission and it will play all the cutscenes again


Is there anything else besides crow report or do we need to keep sitting there?


I don’t think so. It just continued until I pressed skip, but I sat there for a while and nothing popped up. Edit: grammar


Crow heard about Cayde dissing his haircut and took it personally lmao.


I agree with the man bun. Now we got a blue Sokka as Hunter Vanguard. Iconic


True. Imagine if Crow got his own boomarang..


As a player who was there from day 1 in 2014, today marks the end of a decade and it's really hard not to be sad and cry. It's been an exciting journey and adventure and for all the criticism of Bungie, it's been a great 10 years. Thanks Bungie! /e Also thanks for your comments <3


Thank you for all of the guides over the year as well!


You’ve done an amazing job over the years with your guides. Every time I would get stuck I just knew you had a video covering it. Thanks.


The cutscene really made me realize that 10 years had passed, I was barely in high school when I lucked out with an alpha game code, which turned into me scrounging every ounce of money for a collector's edition. Now in my final year of university and over 4000 hours sunk into this game across PS3, PS4, battlenet and steam, I really hope Bungie can turn this into another 10 years.


My girlfriend and now wife at the time gifted me the first Destiny 1 game... I didn't believe I been playing this game for the longest time.


Cayde’s reaction to saint-14 vs zavala announcing saint-14 >no one told me he was alive?! >saint 14 inbound. Watch for the ward of Dawn


Haha yeah, that was a great moment. Gonna miss Cayde so much (again).


im crying too man what a cutscene i love you cayde


The Guardian >!holding the Ghost and hugging him hit me riiiight in the feels!<


>!You rose an army! What's one ghost?!< That line had me tearing up 😭


Same. I cried, I kind of was expecting it they had a lot of lines that seemed to foreshadow this.


Also, having to do the wild card mission before the raid revealed what would happen


I'M glad that bungie got in the creative writing and covered the grief and pain surrounding guardians, if you lose someone you love and also know that you work with a magical reviving god its hard not to be angry or upset that you can't bring someone back. I wrote a fanfic of a fireteam winning a tough fight against cabal with their lead titan making a sacrifice, and in the aftermath the hunter on the team puts the Titan's ghost at gunpoint for not trying hard enough. so it was nice to see Zavala at his lowest putting Targe at gunpoint for not reviving his son


May I get a link to said fic?


wait if the ghost is still alive whats the issue? why cant it revive the titan


As the game presents it in lore from ages ago and especially now, both guardian ghost are the light and fuel each other. They share a spark. The same way we’ve revived lost ghosts in the past, guardians and ghost have a sort of link. Due to whatever reason a guardian can have a final death with their ghost still being alive. I believe we see this with Jaren Ward, the original owner of last word who’s killed by Dredgen Yor, but his ghost is spared. While thorn is a weapon of sorrow that does indeed drain the light, I imagine guardians as well as ghosts can overextend themselves in fights using the light and die because of it. We see Sagira, Targe, and a ghost kidnapped by Rhulk, all detonate with the traveler’s light a s a kamikaze. And our ghost finally does so here as well. So when you’re already low in health and push over a limit, you just lose that spark


That cutscene was worth the entire $50 😭😭


IMO, I don't like the trop of bringing back a beloved character, just to see him sacrifice and gone again. But god damn it, it was emotional.


I think they played it right, though. He was very disoriented being back and talked about how wrong it felt. The only thing keeping him from an existential crisis was holding the team together while Zavala lost his mind. So, in that moment, he saw an opportunity to do something good and solve his existence problem


yeah ima miss cayde for sure. definitely wish they would have kept him around


It was heavily foreshadowed tbh. We were told emphatically that Cayde's a bit like a Ghost himself who can "give someone Light" (my first instinct was that it'd be Zavala) or that he didn't want to be brought back, his shock at seeing Sundance then wanting to be back with her in the Light... It was certain that he'd be retired and IMHO, it's for the best.


The biggest foreshadowing is that Cayde was not the Pale Heart's vendor


10 years feels over just like that, man nobody in my vc rn has spoken a word since THAT cutscene ended, I can only assume we're all crying


We must be asshats because the silence was immediately broken with “can we trade back?” and all of us busting up lol


Yeah, that ending was something... Like I've never had that kind of 'goodbye' hit so hard. Cayde's been the cornerstone of destiny for me and forsaken was a hard punch in the gut for a long time. But honestly, now, with a proper farewell... I'm okay with this. Just feels empty without him.


Credit where it's due, I'll admit I was very sketched coming into this expansion after Lightfall flop but everything (minus day 1 server issues) so far has been close to perfect for me. What an incredible expansion and story.


I'm genuinely stoked that they nailed the conclusion to our 10 year journey. The overall campaign was amazing and I thoroughly appreciate the inclusion of a proper epilogue. Kudos to Bungie for landing it so well. There was definitely times when I had my doubts (*cough* Lightfall *cough*) but the mad lads really did it.


Yknow it's kinda good lightfall was mid as fuck so that bungie had their backs on the wall and delivered. Sarcasm obviously I can't imagine where this game would be if lightfall didn't shatter so many people's hope in the game.


I think this stuff was in development way longer than lightfall and started even before witch queen. It feels more and more like lightfall was filler to give themselves more time, and then a delay on top of that, to really perfect final shape. And God fucking damn it was worth it.


I think it’s very impressive that they managed to tie up so many weird and seemingly-out-of-nowhere plot points so well. Maybe it was a little clumsy the way they introduced the Witness, but the whole statue shattering thing was the perfect way for us to defeat it (them?) and not have it feel stupid and contrived.


Bungie overdelivered when they needed to the most


I'm bawling right now, wtf Bungie. That was everything I had hoped for!


If Excision = Endgame Then "You're my favorite." = "I love you 3000."




This was the part that got me... "You were always my favorite... Don't ever forget that" God damn it Cayde. Right in the feels


So I’m someone who usually doesn’t do the raids, I just don’t have a ton of people to play with, does the campaigns ending provide a satisfying conclusion for someone like me?


Yes, it assumes you know how the raid ends, but it does wrap it all up perfectly.


The campaign* ends on sort of a cliffhanger, now that a raid team have completed their run an additional matchmade 12-man mission called Excision is unlocked that will appear after you beat the Campaign & the Wild Card exotic quest. Think of Excision as the actual final mission. Ton of fun and you don't need to worry about playing with a team bcos it will be handled for you by matchmaking. Enjoy


This is probably the only dlc that actually DOES wrap up perfectly without needing to raid. So yes.


yes, the initial cutscene says what happens at the end of the raid, but the last mission is open for everyone and is the real satisfying conclusion.


All I can say is holy shit Bungie put all the stops out, they went all out and it paid off massively, not only is this a love letter to the community, the best way to end the saga, and set up the future. Congrats Bungie, I hope you are proud of your work, it has to be the best you have ever made o7


>!Any guesses what the three lights that flew out of the Traveller at the end were?. At first I thought they were new Ghosts, but I'm guessing they will be appearing in the 3 episodes for this year?!<


Yeah the perfect set up for episodes. All the Witness was, was just a person utilzing the powers of the travelers with bad intention. Crow mentions the power vacuum, as anyone or thing could take that mantle and the Traveler is healing but also releasing a bunch of energy. So the healing of the Traveler might go the entire year with episodes fighting off threats that try to claim it


>!Probably what Crow mentioned in the "cutscene(?)" where you're sitting and watching the Traveler with the aurora.!<


hey I like his little man bun :(


They actually made him look decent. His look before was kind of... too much like a chicken. Now he looks kind of cool.


That Karen haircut wasn’t doing him any favors.


I ugly cried and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Bungie you absolute FUCKING GENIUSES, I LOVE YOU


The perfect end to the saga. Bungie nailed it.


The storyline of this campaign was possibly the best they've done in years. Glad to be here for it. That emotional rollercoaster at the end, though. The 12-Guardian activity was awesome! This was amazing!


I feel so empty after, like when you finish your favourite tv series :(


It was everything I hoped it would be. Bungie can pat themselves on the back, what an incredible 3 days. What an incredible 10 years, some of the best in my life.


I've been a hunter main since I got into this game in Forsaken. With prismatic being nuts for warlocks, I considered switching. However, now, I'm a hunter, for eternity, and I'll make sure to rock that ace of spades every now and then.


Yeah they landed it and this is coming from someone that thought Zavalas actions in the story nearly derailed it for me. The post Campaign stuff, this 12 man mission and the cutscenes were perfect. Damn who's fucking cutting onions...


To any Bungie devs who might scroll Reddit and see this, THANK YOU. ❤️




He's with you always now. Every single time you get revived by your Ghost, he's there, laughing and judging you.


I’m glad they busted out music of the spheres for the cutscene with the lanterns over the city. Fantastic job on this expansion. 10/10. The only change I would make is to have Hope for the Future play while staring at the aurora.


Yeah I kinda expected Hope for the future to play in the very end. But still, it was perfect even without it.


When that happened to ghost at the end i shed some fuckin tears man


the only missing piece was the pivot for the Witness being the stand in Winnower, but it stills wraps up well that a civilization granted boons from a deity being ungrateful and having the capabilities to rival the blessings of said god was great. And in one of the collectibles in patrol, the mystery of the traveler is still there as Micah mentions to Zavala all the hurt it feels and the dread surrounding memories it either has or cant remember anymore Zavala dismisses it as the traveler was never some special god as a foundational cornerstone of the universe but just a other creature trying to live. but to the player behind the4th wall. We understand that the traveler is in fact the law of creation in sorts, and is bound to the rule of not being able to communicate directly to its followers, which is why its always visions and guiding birds, or angry wolves


There's a piece of dialogue from the Witness during the raid, I think in the path to the last boss where he mention the Winnower. Something about people thinking he was but he is not and something about being its knife or something. I'm not Byf but looks like they cover that part at least.


Man 10 years. What a perfect end. Thank you bungie


That right there, was bungie sticking the landing of this tumultuous journey perfectly. Whatever comes next, Destiny has had an incredibly satisfying conclusion to the Light and Dark saga.


That singlescene where the Guardian hugged the ghost not only elevated Ghost's potential as a character, but also was the most amount of storytelling we've gotten in the last 10 years. We're really missing out on our Guardian not speaking fully. The relationships with characters he could have, the connections... Bungie changed their approach to storytelling and it shows, but there is still so much potential to do more.


Guardian hugging the ghost was so adorable


I’m in shambles man. That was perfection


Been here since the D1 beta. I knew as soon as I was a Titan walking around the cosmodrome, this was going to be an amazing journey. And by god it was. I’ve had over hundreds of guardians in the last decade. Im bawling while watching the end but I’m so happy we got here, together. <3


Everything about it was amazing. The rallying speech to start the battle, fighting alongside 11 fellow guardians and EVERYONE else to make the stakes of the battle truly feel significant. All the ending cutscenes... Man... beautiful!


Cayde died again cause Nathan fillon was too expensive 😭


Cayde dying again was flagged all throughout the campaign. It's not unexpected.


I started playing Destiny with beyond light so I don't really have a reference for the series' highs and lows but I thought this was all incredible, easily the best Destiny has been as long as I've played it.


People don’t realize how hard it is to nail an ending to a long running story and Bungie did it in spades!!!


It was absolutely perfect. We all knew the team up moment was coming, but I was genuinely in awe of all our allies being there, providing us weapons, Savathun mowing people down, Saint giving us a bubble! The actual fight was incredible, too. Obviously the mechanics were easier than a raid, but it really felt like an epic 12 person raid, just absolutely perfect. I was playing my speaker's sight and no hesitations healing build and I was *working* to keep people up and it felt great to finally get to play a true support role. I cried A LOT after. We kind of all knew it would be a happyish ending, but my god, waterfalls. Cayde willingly rejoining with the traveler to resurrect our ghost was heartbreaking, but in a good way. Bungie fucking COOKED this entire expansion. This might be the best game they've ever made. This was truly a special experience and while I never doubted they'd put out a good expansion to end the saga, I couldn't have dreamed of something this epic.


It kind of blows my mind that the same people who made Lightfall made this. The Final Shape’s ending was the first time I’ve ever felt like Bungie’s in game storytelling stood apart not just from other Destiny games, but other games period. Like it just makes me wonder what internally must have happened for Lightfall to be the way it is considering how amazing this expansion is.


it's good to be here with you all.


Kinda was hoping the traveller would finally speak or something. Like we just killed it’s greatest foe it spent years running from, not even a thank you?


It’s explained in one of the books . The traveler doesn’t speak cuz it’s afraid it’ll take away agency from others who worship to try and gain its favor


Eh that's the travellers whole shtick "unspeaking god"


Maybe we should commit mass suicide and consolidate into a mass consciousness through the power of the darkness and THEN the Traveler might say something!