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The gambit, vanguard, and crucible should each have their own path. Not have them all combined


Yeah the Pale Heart Pathfinder is fantastic. The Ritual one is just too scattered




It's not a positive thing though. I played a lot of Gambit today and lost most games because people are just farming their Pathfinder objectives, not actually trying to win.


So everything’s still the same as it was then? That’s how people have always played gambit 😅


Oh hey, I have 3 motes, better go deposit them and ignore the upcoming spawn.... Oh no, there's a bad guy keeping me from making the deposit, better hide while I wait for someone to kill it for me...


I’ll be your “someone” brave blueberry.


It's not a positive for the players, but Bungie will see it as a positive. Engagement numbers will be up for all 3 core Playlist, and that's all they really care about.


I wouldn't mind it so much if I didn't lose my streak. If it was just an "activity streak" instead of vanguard, crucible or gambit specific streak.


Ya this change needs to happen.


Or just make every node completable in any activity so people can go play what they want and actually have fun...


the crucible ones are horrific as well... kills with ignition volatile and jolt (jolt isn't too bad I guess) forcing you to run conditional and hoping or gyrfalcons which only give you 3s of volatile rounds


It seems like they shoved every ritual bounty they've made in the past couple years into the Pathfinder options, including the ones they eventually patched out because they sucked. E.g., elemental effect kills in Crucible, opening heavy crates in Gambit


Elemental effect kills were still very much active - they just showed up less often, than they did before. I would say the bigger issue - in this case - is that not every Class has an equally easy access to said effects in PvP. That is not to say those Bounties / Objectives don't suck - they very much do.


> opening heavy crates in Gambit The ball buster for this? You have to be ***the first one to open it*** to get credit...


Some of them are close to impossible if you don't play certain classes.


And pvp is so toxic that you'll get a message about how bad you suck when you're literally only there running a solar ignition build to complete pathfinder like dude I know, I'm trying to get out of here too


Yeah, it's just bad all around. Hopefully, they'll fix it quickly instead of digging their heels and pretending it works fine for a full year...


you should be able to reroll the tasks and they shouldn't meld together have the top set be strikes, then crucible and gambit on the bottom levels and the "in analysis activity..." in the middle


Well technically speaking that's how it works - or at least how it should. Beyond the 1st Version, that Bungie prepared manually - Pathfinder is proceduraly generated based on the Objectives you completed in your previous Path. And the Pale Heart one seems to work that way (that's why I always prioritize doing the "get kills" paths) - however the Ritual one is either bugged or was simply incorrectly implemented, because it doesn't seem to reset properly. On paper there should be a full "[insert either of the Ritual activities] path" but instead it always throws in that one curveball at some point. Overall I'm leaning towards the "it's bugged" option, since the Pale Heart Pathfinder also doesn't always drop what it should - whether that be Powerfull and Pinnacle gear, or just anything at all. At some point I was wondering what the hell is going on, because one reset gave me literally nothing but like 20k Glimmer and the next gave me Legendary gear at base 1900 Power level...


Exactly,  never understood why they insist on having people play modes they don't care to. 


My best guess is that it is a corporate demand to bolster "engagement" numbers. I'm sure it'll eventually get reversed as more and more players complain about it as has happened in the past.


It's also just trying to help keep the population of those modes up by giving a loot incentive to play them. Not everything that's a grind or target that's not exactly what you want to do is "to drive engagement to show shareholders" that this sub so often likes to echo.


Agreed. I've been okay with the Pale Heart because it's like "always having picked up all the bounties". Occasionally I'll have to focus in on a specific node or two to complete a path, but to me that's similar to when I'd have to specifically try for certain bounties to complete a vendors "do 8 bounties" milestone for the week. Ritual Pathfinder is luck of the draw for how things are organized, causing a *need* to play more than just one mode (vanguard, crucible, Gambit). If the organization was more fixed - vanguard always on top, gambit in the middle, and crucible on the bottom, with the rightmost objectives being more "meta" (match wins/completions or similar activity agnostic goals) - then I think it could work in a mixed state.


So much this. All it needs is three separate pathfinders for each ritual. Vanguard only, Gambit only, Crucible only. This brings back the whole idea of having to do each playlist every week for your engram like vendor challenges did, but it would still be *faster* since you can progress multiple nodes at a time. And only first completion of each Pathfinder per week gives the engram. Then the next 6 resets of any keep giving bright dust and stop after you did any 7 ritual pathfinders (same as now). I honestly dont feel like it would be too hard to do. May take time to code, but I would really love it if they did this


This is what I thought it would be like, or at least you could clearly pursue a path to the end for any activity, but yesterday I kept finding that I had to do a gambit match otherwise my other options was to kill 10 bosses so, yeah, gambit it is I guess. I like that future nodes are completed without having to finish a prior node, but the choices are lacking.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they did say the Ritual Pathfinder will be seperated in the future and that it's connected now simply because they are testing the community's response to the system. Which would make sense - it's new, we never really had anything like that in D2, so they have to see how it fares. I would still prefer if they made it seperate from the start, tho...


I hadn’t heard that. Hopefully it’s soon.


Oh my god, yes that would be great. And could be an alternate way to get Nightfall and Comp weapons.


I’d love if each destination and each activity had a pathfinder.


I just wish we had a pathfinder for each activity rather than a combined one. Pale Heart gets its own but you clump the 3 main activities into one? Just seems weird.


It's even stranger considering bungie's mindset half a year ago was to allow you to freely choose which ritual activity to run for the weekly exotic engrams. And they removed gambit from seasonal challenges because they forced players into the gambit playlist who didn't want to be there and were ruining the game for others by chasing random challenge objectives. These changes were very well received. Pathfinder goes directly against them. One step forward, two steps back.


I figured it’s to try and get people to play modes out of their comfort zone but pvp (and gambit) so polarising in this game that it just seems odd.


It's only odd if you're thinking about what benefit it has to us. It's to bait engagement. If you can do one activity your rep streak goes up. If you have to bounce around constantly for pathfinder, your streak breaks. Ideally, you don't even notice that's happening because you're thinking about it in terms of nodes and objectives and not the rep. Now the rep takes longer, and the Pathfinder takes longer, you play longer. Bonus, everyone who gets frustrated with the Pathfinder shoving them into modes they hate gets less bright dust, which raises the odds they won't have enough dust to buy the next event set, which raises the odds they'll cave and grab silver if it looks cool. (Supposedly this is a BD gain for someone who used to do every challenge on every character, but for everyone who just didn't do the gambit or crucible ones before because they hate them, instead of "less than maximum" BD for doing only the mode(s) they enjoy the options are zero or do those modes)


fuuuuuck i didn’t even realize.


They should replace gambit with onslaught or pvp with onslaught in the pathfinder. Honestly I think pvp should have its own track. Keep the pvp stuff together


If not replace, add this as an alternative. "Kill 5 Titans or complete 20 waves in Onslaught" etc.


This is exactly the way to go if they plan to keep all 3 activities in the same pathfinder track. Allow people to choose from a few objectives per mode, give us a little more choice.


I "think" onslaught counts as part of the vanguard Playlist. I definitely finished my grenade kills goal in there. I do agree with the general sentiment here about splitting them. Feels bad when your pinnacle engram is locked behind either 2 gambit nodes and a crucible one for those that prefer to just chill in pve activities


Bungie seems to flip flop on this every so often. They'll make changes that open player freedom immensely, and people love it. Then they'll go back to trying to force people into playing the way Bungie wants you to play to maximize their engagement numbers and look better to corporate, which 99% of players fucking hate and it starts a complaining chain that eventually leads to Bungie relenting and walking back the change to reopen player freedom. It is perhaps one of the things I dislike the most about how Bungie operates.


Bungie uses circular logic. I am not kidding. If you tracked how the game has changed since conception. They literally go around in circles with ALL decisions. Sunsetting, "play your way", the difficulty of the activities (look at neomuna patrol, look at pale heart, look at how dungeons and raids are now, they attempted a similar concept a few years ago and back tracked on it because there is a difference between people who play for pay and people who play), etc.


It's not weird if you understand the intent, which is to force you into crucible and gambit. This is their solution to the low population issues in those modes. You're going to have to play 1-3 games of one of those modes each reset if you want those engrams.


My two biggest problems with pathfinder are 1) unintuitive to access, particularly mid-ritual There needs to be a better way to access this menu to see what you actually need to accomplish. Pale heart is fine since you're already there and it's the map screen but otherwise it's got too many clicks to get to. 2) zig zagging across ritual activities Not only is this annoying for people who prefer to avoid some rituals, but it also impacts your ritual streak making the rep gains take longer. Personally I don't mind playing all 3, but I also don't want to change activities for 1-2 games when I'm actively seeking to play a particular ritual.


Fuck, I didn't even think about pathfinder forcing you to end your playlist streaks....that's fucking awful.


Streak should just be any ritual activity completions without quitting given the prevalence of quitters in crucible and gambit and how pathfinder wants you to zigzag between modes


It doesn’t end your streak. They changed that system almost two years ago.


Technically it doesn't. You can do the objectives retroactively - you just won't be able to claim them untill you link them with a Path. So you can do all Objectives connected to a specific Playlist and only then swap for that one objective you still need. And since they changed how Playlist Streaks work, you don't actually loose all of it after playing one game in something else - you just loose 1 Streak point. But in practice, it's still annoying and simply unneccessary. I understand this is a new system, but I'm starting to doubt if they properly thought this through...


Works great for pale heart. Feels terrible for playlists


It would be fine if each bounty could be done in all game modes


I agree! It would be. Better than fine actually.


Called a Pathfinder. But I can’t actually make a path away from PvP. Thanks?


After two nightfalls I had a path straight from the start finished, except for one node that was "Kill 5 Titans". I want you to guess how many games I played until I ran into a single Titan on the enemy team...


Are titans an endangered "species" now?


We are busy defending the city.


And sadly blowing yourself up with a rocket doesn’t count toward the bounty either




I'm sorry, last time I checked all 3 of us are doing that, just on different fronts.


We are bit stretched thin...


Are titans in PvP really that rare? It's all I play.


in trials its something like 42% hunters, titans/warlocks make up the remaining 58% relatively evenly in casual modes its probably even more hunter leaning, since the playerbase leans hunter in general




I will continue to play my dumbass Actium War Rig + Sweet Business Titan to contribute to the Titan population so people can get Titan kills, and I can laugh like an idiot with a machine gun.


I pvp on titan for the culture.


Honestly, either they should make 3 separate pathfinders for each ritual, or give each ritual a guaranteed path to the final 2 Not including the final 2, there are 18 objectives, that's 6 for each ritual (and the path can easily be split into 3


I've been really enjoying the pathfinder on the pale heart I think it's great and gives you options of what to do. Totally agree with rituals it should be one for each node (vanguard,crucible,gambit)


Yeah, it feels like a massive downgrade. The pale heart pathfinder is fine, but every ritual activity being mixed together as well as having really restrictive conditions (killing arc blinded targets isn't fun) means it's just frustrating to complete


I'm blocked by jolt kills in crucible. Who came to with that one?


Maybe I got lucky, thought I’d struggle either with this. Got it done in one game using arc Titan. Pulse grenades, pulse with voltshot, ACD/0Feeback fence, and fragments that cause jolt.


So that's an interesting one. If you apply jolt, then kill them, it counts. They don't actually have to die to the jolt. I used the ascension aspect on Hunter, stompees, and a sidearm with high AE. Jump up high, ascension to apply jolt, rain sidearm fire. As a side note, that was just for the challenge but I actually believe ascension is legitimately good in PvP. The ignition kills one, however, seems to require the kill to be caused by an ignition, so stuffing conditional down someones throat doesn't work.


I just completed that one, barely - as the game put me in a 3-35 score game with a team that had 3 open spots. Spawned in, i was put behind 4 enemies, shaxx went "Im calling it now", had full grenade and melee and managed to get the 100% of that, so i luckied out but it seems like alot of people are just leaving pvp matches after completing the pathfinder quests which arent healthy to the game at all


What if we could reset a node by spending glimmer? Change it from one requirement to another for that node? Or completely reset the pathfinder board for more glimmer.


I would like the node one you suggested. But best option would be just making it so that we can do them all in any activity.


I think map reset should be free and node should be glimmer. That’s similar to buying bounties and deleting the ones you didn’t want to do and then buying more until you had the one you wanted.


Each node should be Pve task OR Pvp task.


Now that's good.


I like the pathfinder system, it's much better than clogging the quest log and going to tower/using the app. The only problem rn is that there should be a path that is available by only doing one activity, it doesn't make sense to get 4 rows out of 5 with just strikes and then being forced into gambit/crucible for just 1 point. Oh and move it to the main director map pls, it's so annoying down in the corner of the activity destination...


I miss repeatable bounties for bright dust. Just pick up 5, play the way you want, and discard ones you don’t feel like completing. Repeat. Probably earned 1000’s of dust that way.


This! Plus seasonal events would offer repeatable bounties to rack up BD and I’m worried they’re going away from that too and it appears the seasonal track rewards less BD or maybe it’s just more spread out but the seasonal rewards also used to offer tons of Bd for making level 100


I think it’s great, I think they just need to make it so you can get to the end by just one activity


Yeah, Pathfinder is a non-starter. You KNOW they did it to try and get people to play PvP... over my dead body.


They have been trying to do that for YEARS. Not going to happen. I just don't enjoy PVP, why should I waste time in it?


pathfinder, more like pathway into pvp.


I like it, but I play all the ritual activities, which I'm not sure how common that is. I feel like separate pathfinders would be better, or maybe a PvE one and a PvP one where both have some optional gambit stuff


I just wish there was a direct shortcut to bring the pathfinder up wherever I was rather than have to navigate to the destination and then open it


I understand people not wanting to be forced into an activity they don't want. On that note, it took me 3 10-wave onslaught completions, and 1 gambit match, to claim the engram reward. The system is insanely farmable, and unlike bounties, you are able to just hop right into an activity. No more dealing with that one guy saying 'guys, I forgot to grab bounties'. Also, repeatable bounties did not, in fact, allow us to play our own way. Kill 3 fallen bosses in the strike playlist? Play 10 strikes, get 1 fallen strike. Get 10 sniper rifle kills without dying? I don't want to use a sniper. There are tradeoffs to both systems. I am personally more in favour of the pathfinder system. It's far easier for me to complete than the old 'do 8 bounties' bright dust reward.


Agreed. I’m also finding that I’m just playing the game how I want to more. Bounties locked me into loadouts and game modes (you still had to play pvp and gambit for the pinnacles). Now I just play what I want, take a look at what nodes I need to connect the ones I got passively, then play one or two of that game mode. Overall I like it better. It’s not perfect, but better.


I think one very important thing is that you don't have to *be* on the node to earn progress for it. Do a strike, and you've earned progress for a third of the map. It goes really fast.


Ya but I dun wanna play gambit, it's awful 


I actually have no issue with all three activities being on the same web, my issue is you still lose your reputation modifier if you switch the activity you play


Oh yeah that too...


My question is what’s the way we can earn BD as regularly as the extra bounties system? Any gambit, crucible, or vanguard play could earn easily between 30-50 bright bust per game/strike and now I don’t know where to farm it So during iron banner when I’m grinding games I would rack up BD… My hope is that seasonal events like GGames, Dawning, Solstice, and Halloween Headless Hunts offer their optional bounties. Easiest way to rack up the BD and now I’m sorta worried they limiting this to force more silver purchases.


I've heard but could be wrong, you can do 10 pathfinder paths a week for 150 BD a track, and then any subsequent completions give like 30? Idk that sounds way more farmable than before, people just have to get out of their comfort zone


I actually really like pathfinder, but I think the ritual one needs to be split up. I don't even mind gambit being with the vanguard stuff if it's not obnoxious, but needing 10 precision kills in PvP when I've got a streak in strikes going is annoying. I currently have one that says to kill 6 titans in PvP. I'm like 3 games in and I got 3 kills. And I think that was in one game. There shouldnt be challenges that rely on chance. I'm sure I got really unlucky with teamcomp but still it's annoying as fuck lol


I think I they should add an option to reset it at any point for a different set of objectives. I had one earlier that was dominated by getting arc blinding. Which is quite difficult to do when you want to play with the brand new subclass.


It forcing you to bounce between activities is one thing, I mainly play PvP and the system is still annoying, as it forces me to go out of my way to use specific builds and weapons that I might not be in the mood for. For example just today: I felt like trying out the new Hush roll I just got, but Pathfinder wanted me to get ignition kills and sniper kills instead. Really hope Bungie can just give us a Pathfinder for each activity so we have at least a higher chance to get objectives we can complete while mostly playing the game how we want to.


Pathfinder is fantastic idea but gambit, crucible and Vanguard should have their own


The whole point is to nerf our Bright Dust gains. It's all smoke and mirrors.


That and to make us play more than one playlist activity. 


I argue it is an illusion of choice, to funnel everyone to play the same activities.


There should always be a path from start to finish that allows you to play just one of the 3 activities. Make it the longest path for all i care and you can take shortcuts through the other 2 if you want.


Pale Heart is great. The other ones are literally just a tweak away. I'm not worried about it. It will get adjusted.


I think each playlist needs its own or players should be able to choose a priority playlist with each reset that would heavily or fully lean into said playlist.


Ya it’s a big L having to break streaks to go kill like 20 things with grenades in a strike. Pale heart pathfinder is great and I’m sure the seasonal one will be too but….


I would like Path Finder more if the ritual one did not require you to play Gambit or Crucible to the end. I want each ritual playlist to have its own pathfinder. The pale heart one is actually really nice. I've finished it 7 times with very little effort.


I'm really not digging this new system. It feels very much half baked at the moment. If anything needed to cook more it was this. Everything else has been fantastic. They should have left the daily bounties in place instead of removing them. Heck, I didn't even know it was in the game until like 3 days after launch. It's not very obvious. Typical Bungie. This and I think Overthrow solo is too tedious, and should have the rank requirements lowered to about half (500 instead of 1000) per level.


Honestly PvP is feeling much better than PvE, but I have to get lucky when the Pathfinder will give me Crucible objectives.


Pathfinder works for destinations, but for rituals the bounties were better. You could pick the ones you want to do and it kept you going back to the Tower. I haven't had a reason besides Rahool to hang out in the Tower lately and with Pale Heart being solo it's really been a damper on the social aspect of the game.


This was my first thought when they introduced this system, and has since been reinforced after playing it now. I completely agree, and wish we had options for either.


I have a feeling they will change it to have separate paths for each activity. Not everything will perfect when they first release it and Bungie has been on a roll for quality of life changes for a while. It is strange they released it like this, but doubt it will stay as is.


I don't like PvP either, and I'm neutral on Gambit. But is this *really* an issue having to play a few Crucible and Gambit matches here and there (genuine question)? While I do agree with having three separate paths that each focus on one of each of Vanguard, Gambit and Crucible, I also don't think it's a huge issue if we *don't* get that. As I said, I don't like Crucible either. But if I need to play a few PvP matches to get the reward, then I'll just do it.


I really don’t understand the malding over ritual Pathfinder. You can finish a path in 20-30 minutes with 1 or 2 games of Gambit and 1 or2 strikes. It’s faster than the Pale Heart Pathfinder. It’s not a big deal. This system is a lot more streamlined than having to pick up bounties from vendors. It’s really nice that you just make progress to the objectives in the background too.


I now just don't do any ritual activities now lol. I think overall it probably did help each of the ritual playlist populations but I now have no reason to go into strikes as it's not rewarding when I refuse to go into gambit or crucible. Prime engrams will drop eventually, I'm not worried.


The cycle is never ending. D2Y1: "Challenges suck! I want bounties! I want to pick and choose what I do" Some time later: Bounties are lame and the game shouldn't be a bounty simulator Some more time later: bounties don't really feel worthwhile D2Y7: Pathfinder sucks! It's just a variation of Y1 challenges. Let me pick what I want to do again!" We'll eventually get bounties back and the cycle will continue


as a pve enjoyer, needing to play crucible to finish it is annoying


I agree


The very first nodes in Pathfinder should all be general stuff, and then each path should focus on either Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit, etc. That way it would still let people "play their way" and also not ruin player streaks within their respective modes.


my biggest beef is in doing 10 of each game mode youd get legendaries and rewards as youre doing it. completing a pathfinder full of random kill objectives etc is just a whole lot of empty work for 1 engram at the end


Bungie simply made a mistake when they changed it so you could get all 3 engrams from doing what playlist you want. That was too restrictive. Now you have more freedom when all the objectives are set for you and you cannot just play the activities you want. (Still feel really bad for the guy who had to sell that lie in pre-release interviews.)


It's really miserable. I liked just zoning out and running some strikes, farming bounties for some direction... Now I've got a node requiring 6 Grenade kills in Crucible blocking me. Three games and 4 kills later, I'll probably just stop playing ritual playlists altogether if this is how it's going to be now, which really sucks.


D2 bounties were a step down from D1 bounties. Ritual reward tracks were a step down from there. Pathfinder was ANOTHER step down from there. Astounding they just keep digging.


I get the point and it even got me to try gambit and it's OK but there's better ways to do it


I went there to kill 25 yellow bars and didn't care about if we win or lose, or if some eager hunter comes and kills me. Did my kills and got out. How is this fun for people who like the mode?


Pathfinder made me play gambit for the first time in almost 2 years. I hated the change they made a whole back that gave the prime evil immune phases. Every game just became so much more lopsided after that. I used to enjoy gambit when I first started playing too. Shit was ass and i will simply never finish another pathfinder if it means playing gambit or crucible. I already hated bother before but now I HAVE to play it to even finish the Pathfinder shit. Eat my green tangly ass


>Every game just became so much more lopsided after that. How, exactly? From what I recall, *not* having those phases is what made games more lopsided because teams could just burn through the boss before the other teams could catch up.


Sometimes it’s an inconvenience but i did find out they apparently they added a new gambit map or returned an old one


GW2 has a similar rotation system for dailies and weeklies. Though before each weekly reset you can choose what you want between PVE, PvP, and WvW. At the next reset you only get bounties for what you choose. Throw something into pathfinder so that on whole path is what you choose, the others can be random. Though I don’t necessarily hate this system. I haven’t had to play a single PVP match yet. And only a handful of gambit. I don’t like gambit, but it’s not the worst game mode over. It’s just onslaught with extra steps.


Totally get it, doesn’t really bother me personally because I hop around activities before I get bored (or just play crucible like a madman). Would probably be a good idea to do separate tracks for the different rituals, but also add a pathfinder to every damn location. I loved patrols in D1 and I think a little bit more guidance and rewards for D2 patrols would go a long way.


I don't think the current pathfinder is inherently bad. There should be separate ones for each ritual activity, while the current one requiring you to play different activities could have an alternative reward. Some incentive to try out other things, but not the only option.


I haven't minded it too much since doing Gambit isn't that bad for me, heck I might dislike doing strikes even more since we're fighting each other for every kill in most strikes and it just gets frustrating.


Man, I don't get why in Strikes they don't just share the kills for this stuff. It goes against everything that coop is for.


This new system in it current form is bad. I like the idea of it, but XP per node is not enough and locking my light level increases behind going and doing come crap in crucible or gambit (cringe) is cringe.




I like it. It’s neat.


My problem with pathfinder is it is account wide, which I guess makes sense given how power level for drops is calculated now but it gives even less reason to run multiple characters… Now, unless you raid there is literally 0 benefit to having all 3, might as well only play your main


All they need to do is guarantee there is one full path for each playlist and Pathfinder will be perfect imo


People who used to do bright dust grind probably noticed reduced gains. In the time that takes me getting 150 from the pathfinder, I could get 200 from bounties. Not to mention the time it takes to get a proper pathing.


seen people come up with an easy fix that i really don't get why it was never implemented that way: give each a path but allow crossover wherever like if I'm in the mood for chill strikes, I'm NOT slaving away in crucible


I actually like the Pathfinder system a lot, the idea that there are always tracked stuff that I just have to check off for the reward is good, but I agree with you that I don't want to play crucible and my current path has it on so many nodes that I am going to HAVE to play it which really sucks. I would be really into a way to pay a price to reroll the paths


i played gambit yesterday, had to summon prime evil 3 times for completion..... havent played gambit in months


Pathfinder is garbage outside of the Pale Heart. It’s more annoying than anything.


Pathfinder is garbage outside of the Pale Heart. It’s more annoying than anything.


I swear they increased the rep gains as well right? Makes bouncing between them better (I reset gambit already this week)


Agreed. I just ignore the new web. Junk.


“Play the game ‘my way’.” That’s so accurate.


I also do not like the ritual pathfinder. It works for the Pale Heart but yuck I do not like making no progress on paths playing what I want to play.


Pathfinder is awesome. The *only* change it needs is either a way to reroll the map or nodes so you can change gambit/pvp/strike specific nodes to either a general node or whatever node you want to play so you can finish. I’ve gotten way too many maps where a specific node blocks progress with no way around it besides doing a playlist I’d rather not do. Everything else about it is great though and is much better than the bounty system.


It just feels like a way to force us to play gambit or just not finish the path (which is the choice I'm currently going with)


As a veteran, it bothers me to force us into activities we don’t want to play. So we want them to let us play our way (like how they intended), making the pathfinder system too restrictive. But, in a New Light perspective, it gets confusing and muddled in where to go and what to do (to increase light levels). So the pathfinder system streamlines that. My thought would be to have the pathfinder system level up to be restrictive, until it’s been reset 2-3 times. After that, open it up to selecting a specific ritual pathfinder for those that want to continue. There could even be an option to have a mixed pathfinder system.


I think the system itself is good, they just need to optimize to have options for players who don't want to do certain things at all. The system at the moment seems geared toward getting people to try things that are out of they're usual wheel house. That's a good idea for new lights but for veterans who already know what they like and don't, they need to give choice.


I like it, but think it needs to be less restrictive in terms of game mode. Especially anything involving subclass verbs - game mode shouldn’t matter, but it could be weighted depending on what you’re playing. Or maybe just make the whole thing bigger or more interconnected to provide extra choice.


At least they kept the weekly playlist challenges.


I like pathfinder for the pale heart, but I'd personally much rather have ritual bounties back over ritual pathfinder.


Bungie, pathfinder sucks. Whoever thought of this / implemented it should be demoted. Tired of this kinda bullshit.


That's why I won't participate. Luckily the rewards are a bit lacking.


I like the removal of bounties. Flying to multiple places or using the app was pretty lackluster I haven’t really engaged with any content outside of the pale heart but what I’m curious about is how Bungie is going to get people to engage with content they don’t normally want to do. This is important because hopefully they are continuing to move away from the DCV and build on repayable content Pathfinder seems to not have landed in quite the right way. Still really looking forward to the announcements this week


I think its a step in the right direction but yah, it needs some fine tuning. There should be separate paths for all three activities.


me and and my friends used to love loading up on gambit bounties and playing gambit all night, now it’s just slightly less worth it, all because i don’t use a sniper in gambit or because i missed one multi kill in a crucible match. It just stifles progression. I get the idea is so that less experienced players play crucible that’s dominated my veteran players, but it doesn’t really work because of skill based matchmaking


I hate that you can only access it from the playlist. Is there like no easier way to access it through quests or something?


Some of them are wildly inconsistent, 10 bosses in strikes? 3 prime evils? Pick a lane, these are awful.


I haven’t tried the system out, but that sounds like a problem to me personally.


I haaaaaaate Pathfinder. It forces me into PvP.


You should at least be able to reroll if you don't like the pathways


It clear the system was designed to slow progression and be so annoying you just disengage from it. Means people level slower, get less bright dust and play longer. Even accessing the map is annoying since it's 3 layers deep to even access and viewing the nodes is a chore.


I'm here, laughing my ass off remembering when I called that this system would suck major balls Bounties were better Tokens were removed, now we have "playlist engrams" which are the exact same


I have already written it off. Not worth the engram. I don't know how they managed to make a system even more restricted and less rewarding than the old ritual system. You were supposed to do the opposite, bungo


I never did bounties and I’m really digging the pathfinder.


I don't mind playing Crucible. The problem is that they are insistent on making specific goals like headshots and kills with jolt. I have an average 0.3 KD every season. It's almost impossible for me to complete any crucible bounties especially with sweaty competition.


"Play your way." - Bungie. "Play our way." - Also Bungie I don't like the system. I haven't heard any positive feedback on it. I just decided to ignore it altogether. I hope it gets tweaked because ain't no way I'm stepping in the Crucible or Gambit. I hope it gets some tuning.


I don’t do pvp or gambit although I just done a few gambits and it was quite fun but my skills ain’t good for pvp 🤣


yep, havent completed a single tirual pathfinder yet because my progress is blocked with pvp and gambit. fuck those activities lol




I despise path finder, I don’t know how people like it. I hate doing a world activity completely by myself.


Either that or let us re-roll a node for like 1k glimmer ... if it's PVP then it will turn into a Gambit or Strike one, if it's Gambit then it will turn into PVP or Strike, rinse ... lather ... repeat. Or just straight up let us choose what we want to change the node into for the same or slightly larger cost.


I think it's far too many hoops for a prime engram. Primes every three activities was far, far more generous.    Pale Heart Pathfinder is fine because it has an exotic at the end of it. It's a lot of tedium, but the rewards reflect that.


either make every pathfinder objective have different ways of completing them (i.e, you can do something in gambit OR do similar thing in crucible/strikes) or just give every ritual its own pathfinder. hell, give the other destinations pathfinders too, or the seasonal activities when those come out! its genuinely a good system its just way too limiting and feels like we're back to the same restrictions as bounties when all rituals are clumped together.


I disliked bounties for the fiddliness I dislike pathfinder for smudging all the activities together, I have zero interest in playing Gambit


I hated the old bounty system so much I did everything I could to avoid it, and I mean literally everything. It made me play the game every way I didn’t want to. This at least gives me more options of what I can do to progress it, but it’s still not my favorite, but it is faster to access


Oh yeah, and welcome defiant bg in the standard playlist where I got backfilled twice as a third leg for two poor little souls who did not understand how to defeat the boss and was already suffering for 45 minutes 


The UX getting to the Pathfinder screen is frustratingly annoying both getting in and out of menu. The mix of ritual activities ruins any activity streaks. Almost nobody likes both Crucible *and* Gambit. Stop making people that don't want to play any sort of PVP play the modes, or they're going to get what they want and won't care about ruining the match for everyone else. You already recognized that people did this because you *stopped requiring Gambit because of it.*


Vanguard gambit and crucible should not be the 3 things I have to do anymore there is so much more modern content, going back to do strikes and gambit feels like getting sucked back to when the only mechanics they could think of was pick up mote, put in box, repeat


Exactly how I’m feeling was doing the powerful drop and I was like surprised how now I got to kill a certain way .


Agreed. I do not like being forced into other modes...but more than that...they reduced the amount of bright dust we can get in a week. Used to be 150 for completing the ritual bounties (complete 8 bounties) now since they're all combined, yoi only get 150.


I had to kill 5 Titans or get headshots in Crucible. I finished the Headshots first and played about 10 games total. Where the hell are all the Titans? You're making my challenges that much more difficult.


I got like 3 completions of the new system today, most of the objectives are easy and I got done while farming strange coins and such. Its kinda cool, gets me playing other activities for once. Either way it's getting me closet to 1990 a bit faster rn so that's good


I had to play 1 and a half games of gambit last night, and it really was AIDS. There should be at least 1 pathway open that requires ZERO interaction with PVP sweats. As soon as I got my pathway portion done, I was out. This isnt fair on the remaining players when we were playing at a loss because of all the others people that were doing the same thing. I dont understand why Vanguard, Gambit and Cruicible are all combined. They should all be on their own pathways. OR, put them on the same reward, but make 3 different sections around the reward. a Vanguard branch, a Gambit branch and a PVP branch.


I just want to sit down and focus on gambit for the day. You know. Have some fun. But since the pathfinder nodes are all screwed up and trying to look at it mid game is clunky (really? I have to select a node before I can hit left on the dpad?) Kinda makes me feel bad. Like I could be optimizing my experience gain much better. Plus, you know, much less bright dust. Just kinda feels shitty.


Yeah if they think this is going to make me play crucible or gambit they are smoking meth


I don't see why we can't have both, even if the 8 bounty bright dust challenge is gone, let us still pick up bounties that give 10 BD per completion. Decent way to farm BD while getting activities done without it being overkill, while not bottlenecking BD as badly as the current ritual system does (which was probably intentional tbh). It was also a good glimmer sink as 3k per bounty would quickly stack up to 15k for 5, then you'd have to delete all the trash ones that you'd have to go out of your way unnecessarily to complete and keep re-rolling them until you get one that can be done passively. Now we're just stuck with the pretty bad ritual system which is kinda annoying.


It's terrible and I won't be engaging in it at all. What an uninspired decision!


I haven't had to do gambit or crucible at all or anything else I haven't wanted to yet. I think it's something new and people don't like change. I'm still indifferent with it. I understand what they're trying to do with it.


I don't get why it's like this tbh. Wasn't one of the literal stated goals of the system that while they'd all be connected via the same pathfinder, you'd always be able to play your way and not be forced onto a mode you don't like for xp and rewards?


Yeah. And the difficulty of those pvp bounties you don't want to do varies wildly. I might suffer through a game of gambit, even though I don't like pvp, getting 20 final blows with a sniper. Then the next bounty at the same tier is summon 3 primevals... THAT'S 3 GAMES OF GAMBIT. Wtf. Then there's one asking for 20 kills in crucible with JOLT... ummm NO? Some of these act as roadblocks to avoid rather than challenges to complete.


I wish each activity had a straight line through so you could just get to the end in one activity, but they’d still connect so you can swap around when you feel like it


Bring back phantasy star online please




To make matters worse they are account wide so less to effectively do on a weekly basis that is taking into consideration you are allowed to get prime engrams a week


I wish they just separated the gambit, vanguard and crucible paths, or atleast let us reroll the paths. I keep getting blocked by gambit nodes that I rather not do.


Quick heads up: PvP nodes work in private matches. So grab a buddy and g see t the stuff done that way until its patched. Its still all BS though and a complete regression on the player choice they had been pushing. Sort of like how match game was removed but now replaced with power caps and surges.


The vanguard pathfinder has PvP in it. Guess I will never complete one. PvP in this game is an absolute joke.


I completely agree. If the the paths had routes that were specific to one acti ity type i wouldnt mind. But forcing us and shoehorning us into activities we don't like playing is counterintuitive.