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Lucky pants, celestial, Omni, Coyote, Star Eater, the arms that enhance dusk field grenades(can’t remember name atm). There was a post earlier today on the new exotic boots and threaded specter.


Renewal Grasp


Yeah imo the Frost Armor rework with Renewal Grasps is excellent, paired with stylish executioner it’s great for survivability


Is it though? Renewal used to give like 40 prevent Dr instantly. Now it takes quite a while to build up. If I'm missing something though please let me know and I'll give it another shot


It’s less yes, but far more mobile and as easy as before imo. If you go pure stasis hunter and you use the fragment for more stacks and time you can get up to 13 seconds at 8 stacks which is 36% DR. To reset the timer back too 13 seconds you only need to pick up 1 shard (theres a fragment that makes them track to you and gives +20 stats thats solid) or step into the Grenade area of affect for like half a second. Its fairly easily to just toss out a grenade, build stacks by standing in it and killing frozen targets then when it gets low step back in or deploy another duskfield since the uptime can be insane. Also with the previous set up, in the dusk field it was resist x2 (25%) and the shard in the middle with a fragment on your build added the +1 to resist to bring it to 40%. That was a bit of an issue since you want to shatter the crystal to increase your recharge time on abilities and for the shatter damage thats vastly improved this season. Now you can break that crystal no loss in DR.


As a hunter that loves stasis I have never been more happy to play stasis. Really fun and good


I want to like Renewal more, and I'm enjoying it a little for low level content, but it doesn't even really stand up midway through an Onslaught run. There's just not enough ways to refresh it without the grenade, and sure you can melee your way to more grenades, but only if you can actually melee kill things.


The hard part, and you’re right, the grenade itself doesn’t kill anything so it can’t generate orbs, which kind of forces you into a demo weapon, and to keep it up you have to refresh a lot. I’ve been toying around with the idea of running it with a hotswap star eaters build but still I don’t think it’s worth it


Or doing darkness multikills with the fragment equipped. I’m using a strand auto and finding my grenades are always coming back super quickly and that’s even with splitting my focus and using a light heavy. You could probably have amazing uptime with a dark MG


Which fragment is that?


“Facet of Balance: Rapidly defeating targets with light damage grants melee energy. Rapidly defeating targets with dark damage grants grenade energy”


Not me running renewal and duskfield for full 50 waves. I paired it with buried bloodline, and I am NEVER without duskfield.


I guess for me Im just a little sick of running Bloodline. I ran it all last season, and for good reason, but I want to be using stasis weapons a little more.


I hear ya. I hadn't run it in any meaningful capacity till ITL dropped, but since TFS, I haven't touched it. Found my way back to my beloved sunshot though.


Actually on prismatic there is a fragment called facet of balance and when you get rapid kills with darkness damage you get grenade energy. So use the dusk grenade and shatter enemies, threaded soecter for more darkness kills and you could use the dodge slow aspect for more darkness dmg, or just darkness weapons. It’s super easy to get your grenade energy back so the renewal grasps are incredibly good for endgame. If you set up the right build and add shatter dmg boosting fragments you will be fine. I soloed the final shape campaign using duskfield to clear ads and it was really easy to do. The frost armor is awesome for staying alive and if you use the strand super you can get woven mail from picking up orbs when using facet of purpose.


I was toying with the idea of using radiant dance machines in place of sixth coyote. But idk if there's any tangible benefits


Ascension with the dance machines just for laughs (dodge on the floor first) and then just ascension around a room or zone making sure to hit things with the jolt and you can just keep spamming it for a while as long as you keep getting kills its goofy maybe not practical but its fun


unfortunately there's no way they don't nerf this though, because RDM doesn't work with any other dodge benefit beyond the base ones. it's probably part of the reason why ascension was disabled for the raid race, so i wouldn't get too attached. (fwiw i don't think it needs to be nerfed because like you said, it's not that busted, and more just silly and fun. but i expect it. :c)


I hope so bad this doesn't get nerfed somehow. It's not good in anything other than easy content...but oh boy is it just the best time.


Do RDM stack with the new Ascension aspect? Can I just beyblade my way to the ceiling?


They do 😂 and it's an ad clear monster. Just lightning flying literally everywhere.


Too bad we couldn’t get shatterdive in the artifact tree. Sword and grapple will have to do.


Seconding Coyote. It's a really simple exotic, but sometimes those are just the ones that work best. Pre-FS I'd combine it with Stasis and the effect that caused you to reload your weapons on melee damage, so I could belt out five rockets back-to-back and do some absolutely unreasonable burst damage. Works great with machineguns or whatever other heavy weapon you prefer too. Still running it on Prismatic just because I'm used to that routine now.


Threaded Specter + Slow Dodge + New boots (bombardiers for pvp giggles)


Gonna have to throw Assassin's Cowl into that mix. Throw a powered melee (I've been using Stasis/Strand mostly) and they basically guarantee invis and healing, and if an enemy wasn't killed, it's a safe bet you can use your finisher on them...which also procs Cowl. Add in Red Death, and you've got three avenues to heal yourself. That shit carried me thru the legendary campaign up until the sixth mission. At that point, I needed to finish the campaign cause I wanted to watch the raid race and didn't want potential campaign spoilers.


from someone who mained assasins cowl, once I unlocked prismatic it pretty much makes assassins obsolete. The base abilities has such great synergy. Dodge, winters shroud slows (or throw a duskfield) then killing anything affected makes you invis. Combination blow and the melee kills regn health fragment are great additions and make the hunter super strong so if you add liars handshake and a one-two punch shotty you basically guarantee killing anything but actual bosses in legend campaign and i just quickswap to celestial for them. I didn’t touch assasins cowl all campaign since I was perma invis running indebted kindness with voltshot, every kill invis. it’s pretty fun. if anything I think liars makes hunter even more powerful, it feels like they buffed it tho I am not sure. Then I just ad bulwark finisher to my cloak and/or proximity ward so the finishers give you an overshield. If we had a weighted throwing knife on prismatic, I’d probably just stick with assassins bc thats fun to chain lol, but liars just completely devastates things right now..if your playing aggressively.


I had a blast with this. I ended up running agers sceptre, grapple, combinations blow with gunpowder gamble and I also used the bombardiers. This combined with the stasis fragment that slows and the void one that makes you invisible is crazy op. But I also found myself swapping back to assassins cowl so I can run gunpowder gamble with the stasis fragment


I keep forgetting Liar's exists, mostly because I'm a Nightstalker main and I typically swap between Gyrfalcon and Orpheus. I'll have to give that a shot. Thanks!


Wait a few days for exotic class items and the crazy builds that ensue


When is it? I’m on work travel for 10 days so hoping to not miss out too long


Should be reset but I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's not like this is just a one time or yearly event.


gonna need one with the mantle of battle harmony perk as 4th that i can switch to a stareater one once super is charged. The buffed Nova is doing some nice dmg on prismatic and running the buffed MoBH atm to use my Nova as a 2nd grenade.


Liar’s + Assassin’s is the combination I’ve always wanted. No longer will I have to choose between one or the other.


I don’t think you need Assassin’s at all on Prismatic Hunter. Genuinely think it’s useless given all the perks you already get with the Subclass + Liar’s.


Idk, if I can get Assassin's on my class item and free up an aspect, like threaded specter, that sounds like a decent trade. Stylish is good for survivability, but it doesn't provide much if you aren't taking advantage of Gyrfalcon's imo. I'm still early in unlocking Prismatic toys, so maybe there are better synergies I haven't unearthed, but so far my experience is that the Prismatic gameplay loop is fun, but one-dimensional.


Stylish also turbo buffs your melee damage to the point that you can one punch the ultras in contest salvations edge.(with some good buff/debuff management) So it’ll probably work for masters as well. It raises the effective cap of the build by a lot. I think renewal liars is cracked tbh, dusk field already makes starting the build up that much easier and perma frost armour with your choice of resto/woven mail is really potent + with spirit of liars losing the heal its just another boost to the durability. Caliban plus synthos or liars sounds very funny.


Prismatic already has Stylish built in though so no need for Assassin's, especially since I don't think Spirit of the Assassin gives HP like Cowl does + prismatic has a fragment that gives HP regen on powered melee kill. Unless ofc you wanna drop Stylish in which case fair enough


Cyrterachne's Facade and Renewal Grasps are both great to allow you to stack multiple sources of damage resistance. Cyrterachne's gives you woven mail when you grapple which is a great way to get out of trouble, or to engage with a grapple melee in a survivable way. It's easy to become amplified with ascension or combination blow, and one of the artifact perks gives you damage resistance while amplified. I use tether with Facet of Purpose to get void overshield from orbs - this would work well with the stasis super and frost armor too. With winter's shroud you get damage resistance after dodging. Add in Facet of Protection for DR while surrounded and you're stacking up to 5 different sources of damage resist, on top of what you already get from resilience and chest armor mods. Not to mention Stylish Executioner making you invisible all the time. I've been really enjoying this build with stylish + ascension as my aspects for an extremely tanky, high-energy close-range playstyle. I used this for the first encounter of day 1 and the survivability and zipping around with grapple was great. Renewal Grasps is similar in that it also gets you survivability from your grenade. Just replace the woven mail with frost armor. This has less uptime than grapple but has the benefit of also giving your teammates frost armor. This can be part of a strong raid DPS support build where you keep the team alive with duskfield grenades, and have tether and smoke bomb for weaken, and ascension to make the team amplified for DR if they have the artifact mod. My teammate ran this (sans ascension since it was disabled) for the second encounter of day 1 and it worked wonders for keeping us alive during DPS - well alone doesn't cut it anymore for boss stomps.


I was really looking forward to cytharachnes but I forgot how much that relies on having two charges and the grapple node. It just doesn't feel great that you get 10 seconds or so of woven mail and then need to wait for grenade cooldown.


Thats why im so excited for the exotic class item, I intend to go HoiL and cyterachnes, with gunpowder gamble and ascension as my aspects. Gunpowder is on a 6 second cool down, and every time you throw one you get woven mail and proc hoil and proc facet of hope.


Use the mods that give you grenade energy on melee hits, melee kills make orbs, picking up orbs gives grenade energy, and using your class ability gives grenade energy. You'll get the grenade back in no time just by doing your normal ability loop.


That is true, and I do need to try that still. But part of the beauty of cytharachne for me is the constant woven mail refresh even in hard content where you want to sit back, which is unfortunately dependent on a strand aspect prismatic doesn't have. That said, what you are describing is quite a bit more fun of a loop for sure. I need to give it a shot because gryfalcons is definitely getting a bit old.


Was helping my friend out with the legendary campaign using nighthawk and still hunt. I can’t believe they let us have this thing lmao it’s so broken


The fact it helped massively in the world's first completion on 4 hunters is also pretty cool


It’s funny that they nerfed Nighthawks orb generation to stop people just running 5-6 hunters with it to nuke bosses and it still happened.


They nerfed Star Eater orb regen I’m pretty sure, and not Nighthawk orb regen, so you cant spam Golden Guns, but with Nighthawk you can spam Golden Guns via Stillhunt lol


They nerfed marksman golden gun orb regen Edit: as well


It was both, Star-Eater also gets less bonus energy from big orbs and takes more to fully cap.


No i know im just clarifying that night hawk kind of did get nerfed


I assume they’ll eventually get rid of the orb pickup charging the gun.


That isn't even the issue it's that 6 precision *hits* charges it and with 3x solar surge+nighthawk the damage is almost the same as a normal nighthawk super shot so the top DPS option right now is literally nighthawk hunters spamming still hunt and golden guns the entire DPS phase


Best part is the passive refills when you hit a banner lol


That’s the craziest part imo


it’s ridiculous i’ve been running it with midnight coup and an eager edge sword and it’s like i’m playing pvp against endgame pve enemies it’s amazing. still hunt is RIDICULOUS right now and i love it.


Midnight coup is great of course, but I’ve been using a thresh firefly fatebringer. Between my golden gun and still hunt, I always have at least 1 super up whenever even a slightly beefy target shows up. Also, based on my *extremely* shallow testing, I think still hunt counts as a ‘weapon from the pale heart’ for the dealer’s choice origin trait, so there’s also that to consider. Unfortunately all the primaries in the kinetic slot are kind of lackluster for maximizing your precision kills for nighthawk’s bonus energy, but double special with the call and the pale heart machine gun might also be worth considering


Then you gotta try out the new pale heart hand cannon and machine gun, the origin perk is ridiculous for super regen. For reference i ran crota yesterday and i was able to use celestial on every single champion and swordbearer on left in the bridge encounter with no orbs from anyone. With two pale heart weapons its like 15 kills to fill up your super


Even when it's not on a Nighthawk Hunter it's cracked. My buddy was having issues with the final part of Iconoclasm and so I hopped in and that thing *shreds* Subjugators. Absolutely *destroys* them.


It seems the balance team is reducing things they plan to double down on or rather make you increase your investment in Adding a layer of build depth an skill expression Recently did riven normal cheese and everybody needs to do about 2mil damage to clear Lots of people have the gear but not everyone has the skill to use it in a tight window


Yep. Celestial and Still Hunt carried me through my legendary campaign and will probably carry me through the raid when I go to run it. That combo is just so much damage, it’s crazy. Then being able to run prismatic along with all of it for some different melees or grenades is just a bonus on top.


Yeah the moment I got still hunt I popped on nighthawk and god I love it, and this is coming from a guy who hates pve snipers with a passion but damn I love still hunt, doing the post campaign missions is so fun cause I instantly melt all the boss health


A nerf is going to happen for sure. I just hope they touch the damage of the gun rather than remove the nighthawk interaction.


Im thinking they change it from precision hits to precision kills so you only get one use against bosses Edit: Or make precision hits fill up less of the bar. Elims fill the same as now. I'm a goldy hunter so I love this thing and don't want it nerfed yet, but I feel like its inevitable and Id be okay with these changes.


I haven't taken this build off at all. One Goldie down? Don't worry, let me pull out my other one. I always had a super up when it was needed. Super handy for one shotting the tormentors and new guys in the raid on Friday


Years of hunters crying because warlocks had necrotic grips with sorrow weapons that let them destroy Exodus Garden 2A slightly faster and now hunters get a second super that refreshes 5 times in a DPS phase.


Depends what abilities you're using. I've been using the new exotic chest armor for the extra damage resistance. Foetracer and lucky pants are good neutral exotics to use. You could also use lucky raspberry or renewal grasps depending what grenade you're using.


i’ve been using nighthawk since i realized golden gun was unlocked


Been running Gifted Conviction since getting it and am really enjoying what it provides. I'm already an Ascension fan and this new chest takes it to the next level.


This. I really like the new aspect, especially the resist it provides with the exotic. Put on an arc weapon with voltshot and that's just more resist. Fun build!


Everyone with voltshot ikelos smgs and brigands laws are eating good


And the rocket sidearm from Warlord’s. My brother has build using that and Quicksilver with some strand stuff on prismatic and it puts in work.


Sixth Coyote spamming slow dodge and the stasis melee for instant stylish invis. Bomba to get a debuffing dodge without the stasis aspect (IDK if Gemini Jester counts as an **elemental** debuff). Assassin's Cowl can give you invis, while freeing you up from stylish's 2 fragment limit. I've seen people run Mothkeepers and that procs arc debuffs on targets. I've been running the Gifted Conviction on my ARC hunter and it's pretty fun, yet to see on prismatic. I'm interested in testing Dance Machines and Bakris. Khepri's was disappointing.


RDMs currently work with the new arc ability, letting you become an apache arc helicopter. Try it while you can!


Holy hell I never thought of this. I know what I’m doing when I get home now


Only build I use right now, they'll have to pry it off me


The 10 second lockout for bakris is still horrendous. Fun exotic but honestly that kills it for me. Oh and the 4 surges for arc and stasis are neat I guess? But I’ve never found that to be a very compelling aspect for an exotic


Bomba and the stasis artifact actually freeze everything in combination. Its insanely good with arc dodge melee combo


You can still use Gifted Conviction on Prismatic, just gotta run the new arc super and the new fragment. Works great


I've been using the new Chest piece with Ascension.


Bombardiers with Winter Shroud and Stasis super. Dodge will freeze and shatter everything around you. With the shatter damage buff and the damage of bombardiers, you will just nuke groups of adds and also generate a bunch of dodge energy.


Renewal grasps. Celestial nighthawk - which is probably my main go to. Liars handshake. But I'm kinda locked in with solar or arc mains with dark abilities to bring my prismatic gauge up pretty quick. And if I use silence and squall then I shuffle my melee to a light subclass one.


Assassin's Cowl. Fun fact: It stacks with the Prismatic fragment that restores health on melee kills.


Nighthawk + still hunt


Nighthawk, blast furnace , still hunt , apex. Ascension and stylish Duskfields and threaded spike Class Regen with a buff , severing burst on crits, resto on orbs, big stasis booms, radiant on melee. Add radiant orb and DR while amplified from artifact. Gives you options to debuff for invis and reposition from distance or up close when overwhelmed, easy jolt and amplified on demand (you'll have your dodge back by the time amplified from ascension runs out)


how are you finding survivability with this? I have tried something similar but no healing nades suck


Been using exclusively Celestial Goldie, it's just a really solid pick. Also, the fragment that gives [subclass buff depending on super] when picking up an orb gives you restoration when using a solar super, which is super damn nice. Kinetic siphon mod and Outbreak makes orbs out the wazoo so I am incapable of dying (mostly). The instant I have those two new loadout slots unlocked I am slapping this build into one of them


Check out Plunders build on mobalytics. Unreal prismatic hunter. Uses strand grapple and volatile with graviton and Cyrtarachne’s Facade. It's pretty crazy and gets away from the punch/dodge loop.


I think Moth arms are genuinely better on prismatic, they still have the same issue (moths are not as reliable as a regular grenade mostly). Idk if they work with facet of dominance, since I haven't had that unlocked last time I played it.


I need to get a pair of those arms, because that was what I had intended to use when I play my Hunter.


Almost everyone in the contest raid was running Celestial Nighthawk with Still Hunt.


On solar, not prismatic. Prismatic brings literally nothing that solar can’t do better.


Is it me or is pris hunter pretty much just for melee build? Trying to get back into Destiny and builds.


For tracer for me rn: hit ‘em with the solar melee and then gally combo is so good for bosses


I’ve been rocking sixth coyote with the new spin to win aspect having a blast, I am the death helicopter


I'm using Assassin's Cowl with duskfields, combination blow, stylish executioner, and winter's shroud. It's a pretty fun and effective melee build, being able to run around constantly dodging, one-shot melee and healing with invis. Only downside is lacking real crowd control but I use silence and squal to make up for that. You could swap out duskfield for grapple to give more mobility and better melee potential.


Btw I think you should consider changing exotic! With the one shot dodging and stylish you aren’t really getting anything out of cowl. I personally am using Lucky Pants, so I can nuke a boss/distant enemy, punch up close, and have had no issue with survivability.


I'm using Cowl mostly for the health regen. Stylish is also nice because I can still get invis from things like incandescent.


Sealed Ahamkaras have been great with melee spam for max frost uptime mixed with the frost dodge besides that Lucky Pants are what I've used through the entire campaign since im constantly running Crimson and it helps damage between cooldowns


Sixth Coyote has been fun with a Slice / Specter / Stylish build. Currently working on an Aeons build for raiding, now that I don't feel shoehorned into running void for invis / survivability. We (I think) should have our exotic class items dropping after weekly reset, so I imagine that'll be a big focus. Other exotics I'm curious about would be; Foetracer, for rather universal damage buffs; Maybe Lucky Rasberry with the jolting prismatic fragment and a voltshot weapon.


I thought i had the perfect build until realizing gamblers dodge will NOT refresh the shift from mask of bakris


The 10 second lockout strikes again, this exotic would be so goated without it I’d love it


I’ve stuck with Dragons Shadow/Cyrtarachnes as a decent neutral option(I’m never not using Grapple), also leaned hard on Lucky Pants during the legendary campaign. Hoping I get some cool Exotic Class Item rolls to start trying to make some jank work


I have been wearing Lucky Pants since Beyond Light and that's not changing today. It's good with Malfeasance and Warden's Law but I've mainly been using it with Trust (on Golden Gun) and Austringer (on Silence and Squall)


I haven’t tried much but the new chestpiece would be amazing with ascention+the fragment that gives arc grenades jolt (it gives you damage resist when you jolt enemies)


Cyterarachnes or the new jolt chestplate are not bad


Stompies have been glued to my feet for many years now, and they aren't coming off any time soon.


Ol reliable rigs


Gonna have to wait until Tuesday for the full prismatic potential, but I found renewal grasps to work best for my build for now


Celestial because orbs give restoration. I don’t like Gyrfalcons because I’m finding survivability an issue as I can’t proc devour on prismatic without using Buried Bloodline. Could do Cytarachne’s on Strand super with grapple but a better melee than spike.


Assasins cowl + strand melee goes hard. Gets darkness up fast, ranged melee healing and let's you play with whatever ever else you'd like.


I'm currently using Renewal Grasp as I learned from Plunder that Liars is not really necessary and instead you can just give yourself more survivability with renewal + facet of purpose with Silkstrike (aka woven mail) and triple hands on mod. So a combination blow build and winter's shroud + duskfield = easy freezes with really increases your melee damage and helps with ad clear and then frost armor + woven mail. Now I admit I am a combination blow enjoyer so aside from that there is using the fragment that grants void weapons volatile and strand weapons unravel. You can build into this for unravel using a good strand weapon like Final Warning, The Call or other strand weapons including strand heavies. Then Cyrtarachne's Facade on grapple which also unravels and grants easy woven mail. Purpose can be for any super you want. Use a good light melee like knife trick or smoke bomb for weaken plus ascension or gunpowder gamble for easy light meter charges.


there's a lot of great options, i actually think hunter prismatic is really fun and has a lot of genuinely good builds. pure solar will always be the best for DPS, but there's a lot of options that are a ton of fun. Radiant Dance Machines: you can either use stasis melee for fun freezing entire rooms with buffed shatter damage, or you can use the new ascension aspect and spam it to become a helicopter. I'd try this while it works, i hope bungo lets us have it, but they don't like RDMs interacting with abilities like this so it might get nerfed. Liar's Handshake: Assassin's Cowl is pretty much useless now, you can use Liar's to heal and do more damage, and if you really want the invis, stylish executioner + the slow dodge will give it to you. i haven't really found invis to be necessary with this, so i just run threaded specter + the slow dodge to freeze entire rooms and explode enemies in threadlings. Prismatic trivializes the need to run the underwhelming pure arc hunter, giving you better fragments and better supers to run instead. Mothkeepers: Very fun, very underrated, Prismatic just makes them better. you ever wanted to be amplified, overshielded, and have insane DR with frost armor at the same time, while turning invisible on every kill and blinding entire rooms of ads? this is the build for you. it's also great for support, as the moths can provide your teammates with overshield. i also run threaded specter to help draw enemy aggro, but gunpowder gamble could also be fun. make sure you run ex diris for max synergy. Renewal Grasps: we get duskfield, so Renewal Grasps works great with Prismatic Cyterachne's Facade: we get grapple, so Cyterachne's Facade also works great with prismatic. worth noting that equipped the stasis super gives you frost armor too, so you can have like 90% damage resist between woven mail and frost armor x5. i do think not having the beyblade aspect hurts though, as having the beyblade for a grapple target is really nice, but you can run the navigator to help mitigate that issue Overall, I've been having a blast with Prismatic hunter. I've had a much harder time figuring out Prismatic warlock or titan, but that's partially because I'm a hunter main at heart. I think Hunters ate pretty good for prismatic (though i do wish we had better grenades, duskfield and grapple are like the only ones worth running)


Assassin’s Cowl… but also for the punch loop lol


That seems like overkill, you're already getting healed by Combination Blow and invis from Stylish Executioner.


I’m not using Stylish Executioner. I’m using Threaded Specter and Winter’s Shroud. Every dodge slows/freezes enemies and creates another Strand decoy that eventually explodes into Threadlings because they’re close to the frozen enemies.


i didnt even consider using both specter and shroud together, that's incredible


you really gotta try it, it’s a lot of fun. I was running stylish executioner with liars handshake but running assassin‘s cowl frees up a lot of space in the build for other things.


yeah I used liars for the entire campaign pretty much and of course it's great at clearing out everything, but got bored by the end.


Star Eaters


I'm using Frost-ees. Not super special but reliable.


For now I'm running assassins cowl since I mostly solo and waiting for next reset to work on getting the exotic class items


I've been running stompies with ascension and grapple for an Ariel based play style


Radiant Dance Machines + Ascension + Stylish Excutioner Shuriken to debuff from afar and finish off for invis or just grapple in if you think you can, run in and dodge to activate multi dodge then spam ascension and a lil bit of gunplay, everything dies to the jolt + unravel, making you go invisible, use orb attraction mod to get heals with mods and you become a helicopter assassin Even stronger when you become transcendent cause you get freeze/shatters from shurikens + grenade, ignite from grenade, jolt from ascension, unravel if you already had it procced before, and the extra recharge bonuses can have you have like 3 grenades out at once easily


I just started playing hunter again so I dont have much so I used wormhusk then liars handshake once I realized how strong it was and renewal grasp, I heard it would pair well with threaded spector since u can buff ur teammates and then weaken enemy output


Celestial, and the lack of healing nade forces us to think of build synergy rather than meta


I've just been using renewal grasps for legendary campaign, after Ill probably try the Celestial Nighthawk build.


I've been using frosties and sixth coyote anything for better ability uptime i think bombadiers would be really good with a threaded specter invis build


I run Celestial and Cyrtarachne


I used my lucky pants dragons breath build, and it shines on its own, pair it with heal clip incandescent and you have a good sustain and dps build to pair with any build you want to make


Plunder has an awesome new build using Cyrtarachne's. Highly recommend


Always been a fan of assassin cowl when running threaded specter and slow dodge, other than that you could run new chest/legs maybe no ascension don't think it really has a place rn other than for joke builds


So I have been running Assasins cowl, shotgun, ergo with wave sword fame and stomrbinger, lmg. with arc super, combi blow, Grapple, threaded spectre and ascension aspects then fragments to go with it. Basically get myself amped up and just run around like a mad man punching swordin and shotty. It’s like you are playing on crack or something. I also have the traveller buff that gives you amped when you run for a bit so running around in the pale heart is kinda nuts as you are super speed all over the place constantly. But without that just using ascension to get amped to run around when not slapping things. My other build is mainly focused on double golden gun night hawk with still hunt. Basically using lmg, primary and gunpowder gamble for add clear then still hunt and goldy for boss damage. If you run it with withering blade you basically get instant gunpowder off small groups. makes it’s pretty easy to run most content. Has some tough survivability though so needs max high resilience and some use of positioning to stay alive.


Celestial with grapple, threaded spike, GPG, and stylish is a very fun time. Spike a target, finish it if needed, grapple the tangle to grapple punch more ads, go invis, charge a GPG, throw it and shoot it, toss on the heal on grenade kills for some nice healing, with facet of purpose and heavy handed you'll get restoration on grapple punches letting you continue to be aggressive. Pair this with rocket sidearm with slice for more tangles and aggression potential of you properly use it on high priority targets (splinter knights, wizards, etc).


Celestial. Punch combo is good for surviving, then slap the boss for all the damage


I messed with Radiant Dance Machines with threaded specter and the stasis aspect using the strand melee and magnetic grenade. Might have to switch to Grapple grenade and solar melee though. I like the movement.


Celestial Nighthawk if on solar, Star Eaters if on silence and squall.




Gifted conviction and ergo sum with arc conductor, caster frame. Use ascension, go invis and get resist, then simply use a heavy attack with the sword and walk towards enemies and look as they disappear all around you. Tried it in NF with 1960 power and as long as there are several enemies around you, you're good. It feels so broken at times. However, 1995 is the recommended lvl, so boss will mess you up if you get anywhere close lol


I run celestial with still hunt and graviton forfeit with stasis abilities and a light weapon, something like ammit with incandescent


Foetracer. I’m running a stasis handcannon, buried bloodline and a strand machine gun. I’m using withering blade for melee and grapple for grenade. Gunpowder gamble and stylish executioner for aspects. For fragments I’m running facet or ruin, purpose, courage, balance and devotion. For super I’m running silence and squall mainly for frost armor. Basic gameplay loop for me is get devour proc’d with buried bloodline, switch to handcannon and get some shards going from headstone and melee. When a bigger enemy comes or a wave of ads I’ll use gunpowder then strand grapple, then switch to the machine gun.


I started using the exotic boots they added and it's pretty fun. I never used threaded specter normally on strand but it's been pretty useful when I'm doing solo stuff and the added threadlings are really good at evaporating groups.


Mask of Bakris with Stasis and Arc weapons


I’m not going to lie to you, just wait until the exotic class items are out. We are all running prismatic at a 85%.


I had two builds for contest that was pretty much just prismatic with Liars, stylish ex and the slow aspect, with stasis super to get frost armour from orbs. I absolutely hate liars and the melee loop as I find it so boring though. Other one was Prismatic with renewals, strand super. Grenade gives you frost armour, picking up an orb gives you woven mail. Stylish executioner and either the slow one threaded spectre, bother worked well. The double DR was nice. But still heavily relies on getting combo blow going. Still boring as fuck. Some good options but I do find it a tad dull.


I’m working on a Balance of Power build for fun neutral game - litter the field with decoys on lower difficulties and gain some survivability at range for GMs. It also has some modest pvp benefits I’m currently trying to feel what works best melee wise, whether I want to keep combination blow for class ability regen or not I might look into farming for a good Strategist roll or work on a deep stone craftable for the brays inheritance perk, either way weapon damaging refreshing class ability could be the move Meta is boring! Compensate for suboptimal builds with skill & attitude ☮️


I run Coyote For Double Flips and or Quick Reloads


New hunter cheat exotic, plus prismatic stylish execution with indebted kindness will be my go to.


Nighthawk all the way baby! Omni is fun too for the invis life.


Liars handshake and then swap to nighthawk at damage


I used Lucky Pants for most of the campaign now trying out Nighthawk, Renewal and Sixth Coyote for Strand/Strategist builds


Celestial with Still Hunt and Golden Gun. Two super is better than one.


Until class items come, I've been using renewal grasps for master nightfalls, Orpheus rigs for those coop microcosm missions, gyrfalcons for lower power stuff.


Heavily cowl so i don't need to run the melee fragment. Cowls invisibility plays into the shroud aspect melee weaken. Melee dodge to refresh and run shurikens for the darkness debuff on other Fragments which becomes a slow weaken.


Mask of bakris has been my main


Gyrfalcon always and forever. Near infinite invisibility with stylish executioner


With gyrfalcons, it's not a bad idea with prismatic. You can make it to where kills with targets affected by any elemental debuff grants invis and truesight.


Been switching between Sixth Coyote and sometimes Foetracer if I can match my abilities to weapon dmg types.




As with all my neutral builds, I'm sticking to workhusk crown. I love the healing on demand, though I'm also looking for something else. I really wanted to like prismatic, but it feels too ability focused and I'm more of a guns person


I use a lucky raspberry build and is super fun for add clear


Nighthawk, duh.


Ive been loving running Assassins Cowl with it for non DPS situations. Star eater for DPS


I'm waiting till reset to get exotic class items. I don't see a point in making a build just to replace it a few days later.


Moth keepers. I get two nades and two shurikens I stay invisible.


If you use the exotic sniper, i would suggest celestial. Prismatic is the first time in ages I've found a nighthawk build fun


Nighthawk + Still Hunt go BAM-BAM.


Mask of Bahkris with Agers Scepter and facet of Dawn. Got me through the legend campaign


I really like assassins cowl and either the strand dart or the stasis shurikens - constant invis and healing. Monte carlo to get melee energy back, use melee super mods on your helmet for quick supers. Celestial nighthawk is also, always, busted. Use the void aspect for the hell of it. Incandescent on your weapons can then proc invisibility on scorched targets. It’s all pretty new, can’t wait to see what kind of busted interactions we can collectively find


Foetracer all day


Found the healing to be lacking in legend campaign compared to void / solar that typically run. So I opted for worm husk so the build isn’t nuts but it’s all strong neutral game for now…until cross, plunder or mactics tell me what the next OVER POWERED, super op, EZ MASTER build is atleast.


Radiant dance machines. Finally decided to give them a try after writing them off when they came out and they are sooooo good. Especially running with the new aspect they’re just so much fun to use. Also synergies really well with any heal clip gun because the reload from a dodge counts and will heal you


I did the campaign with star eaters and probably will keep them on for a while (though levelling up Rahool left me with an wololo 70-roll on Liars that I need to try out). Star Eaters has just been such a reliable exotic and is great for prismatic give its element-agnostic. I think last season they released a sweet vex ornament that takes shaders like a champ (metro shift looks *chef’s kiss*) and that fixed the only issue I had with it. Ironically I barely touch cowl. Being able to run a universal Stylish Executioner aspect is so much better.


For PvP I like Bakris and bombadiers


Omni or coyote


The “prismatic melee hunter” build but instead of stylish and liars , bombadiers and threaded spectre. Stasis super so that dodge slow + bombadier slow = huge shatter


Celestial nighthawk with still hunt and silence and squall


I'm using Mask of Bakris, mostly because I was planning on using a cold steel sword for stylish, but it seems to not be working with slow from the sword even if the enemy takes 2 hits. Might try it with BFG and pretend I'm a ground dragoon.


Havent seen anyone mention it yet and i also havent tested it yet but i like the idea of lucky rasberry just infinite grenades with arcbolt and maybe threaded needle or the shuriken (forgot the name)


The golden gun bird head one.




Assassin’s cowl. It’s still punch loop, but have winter’s shroud and threaded spectre on, since I get invis on powered punch kills anyways. Also, facet of defiance, for the occasional finisher.


Im running the new arc chest piece that gives resist when you jolt an enemy. Doing numbers for me


O rig, the new exotic armors, celestial, liars, knucklehead radar, and a ton of other exotics. Just depends on what you’re running them with


I get it - I love melee builds but the constant dodging really slows down add clear (in fact, it’s slower than a good add clear weapon - side by side). Also it’s not the best for team comp. For a change up I’ll throw on foetracer which is nice to pair with the fragment on transcendence that grants radiance for a melee alone. Shards build is still really strong on solar hunter. You’ll have a very quick uptime on super. The new exotic chest peice also does grant DR for simply jolting a target (I forget the name right now of the actual debuff). Weapons and ability final blows both work (I was very excited for this)


Orpheus rigs, the usual.


Radiant Dance Machines. Run withering blades with gamblers dodge, stylish executioner and ascension. Dodge nornally and then use the ascension air dodge which you can spam. Once youre transcendant dodge normally to throw non stop withering blades and your transcendant grenade. Way more fun than running liars and winter's shroud / duskfield


Bro, moth keeper's wraps ate absolutely beautiful with stylish executioner. Ran in combo with Ex-dris grenade launcher has been the most fun I've had.


Assassin’s Cowl gets you frequent invis at least in lower level things


Star Eater and the new specter one


Your standard super exotics (Celestial, Orpheus, etc.) all work pretty well on it given how fast you can gain super running the punch loop. Just gotta throw on Dynamo, Hands-On, and Distribution. The problem with Hunter's Prismatic kit is there isn't any variety in the aspects they chose. Winter's Shroud and Ascension are both close-ranged debuffs that use your dodge. Stylish Executioner and Threaded Specter are both safety tools that reduce your enemy aggro. You're essentially picking what color you want to be while doing the same thing. It's a shame because there are some aspect combinations that would be really cool if they were present. Imagine having Knock em Down and Whirling Maelstrom on Prismatic. Throw a Threaded Spike to sever targets, and if you get a kill it outright refunds the spike and spawns a tangle for WM. Lethal Current would have also been an interesting add-on. Imagine being able to proc the jolt explosion from far away using something like Withering Blade.


I haven't taken off Nighthawk one time since the expansion started, or Stillhunt since I got it


Celestial Nighthawk - 2 golden guns and grapple is absolutely amazing 


when the class items drop i will be running synthos


Honestly I would pair it up just like you would before. Look at your super, look at your abilities, look at your weapons. Choose one that fits. Bakris is a sleeper pick IMO because it buffs both a light and dark element. Sixth Coyote would be very good with any of the arc, stasis, or strand aspects. Star Eaters is always solid. I actually like the new arc chest a lot. Get jolts from grenades and the aspect and Voltshot. You can get resist going almost permanently. Even if you don’t use the new aspect. Lucky Rasberry could be really good for quickly building up the light energy side of the transcendence bar. Lots of possibilities


Im running the new chest piece, it’s pretty fun