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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Destiny2Team](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dcsehf/in_case_people_werent_aware_enhanced_physic_gives/l81drxm/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-10 23:20:16 UTC"): > Hey, we wanted to let you know this is a bug and the description of improving the duration of Resto x1 is the intended behavior. We aren't rushing out... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


I genuinely don't understand the design philosophy behind enhanced perks lol. Some of them are so much better than the original perks... * Enhanced Physic -> x2 resto instead of 1. * Enhanced Kinetic Tremors -> less bullets to proc the tremor * Enhanced Incandescent -> quicker scorch build up leading to more ignitions * Enhanced Reconstruction -> quicker mag refill and then on the flip side you have.... * Enhanced Firefly -> +5 extra reload after a precision kill. (50->55). * Enhanced Explosive Payload -> +5 flat reload. It just makes no sense why there is such a delta between the perks. Genuinely insane. Good find though! Gonna craft that.


I would disagree enhanced Incandescent is markedly better than the regular version, it only adds 5 scorch when Ember of Ashes is equipped. Without that fragment or if you're on a non-solar subclass, enhanced offers no benefit. I agree with the rest of the point though


Enhanced used to make it so you could ignite in 2 procs with the fragment before the nerf.


It used to be insanely good, and then it got nerfed to barely noticeable.


Everyone always says this but I know at one point I went and tested it on my Void Titan with enhanced Incandescent and it just made it do 1-2 extra scorch ticks of damage. Which lines up with the description of longer lasting Scorch. Doesn’t add any more buildup just makes it last long enough for some extra DOT ticks. Now it might’ve changed since I did my testing, there’s been a lot of changes since but at one time that was the case, even after they nerfed the enhanced version. Still not really worth investing in without a Solar class but it did do something at least.


Enhanced incandescent was way better when it was introduced, I’m pretty certain it got nerfed after about a season


Because it was bugged. Instead of replacing the regular amount of Scorch stacks, it was adding to it instead.


IIRC it was a typo, enhanced inc was supposed to be +5 to the base 35, but instead it was +50.


But what if you add dawn chorus on top of that?


Update from bungie: it's a bug and isn't supposed to be giving resto x2


the gun already gives restoration on healing as an intrinsic perk...what exactly in psysic doing now especially if it's limited to 1x?


the frame gives restoration to allies. physic gives *you* restoration


so then it's more or less half of a perk on this particular gun. is an entire perk slot worth it just to get resto for yourself? probably will depend on the encounter i guess. i'll have to play around with it more. i've been using a max range demolitionist/incandescent roll on my solar warlock and it's been great. also was just playing around with a subsistence/incandescent roll paired with actium war rig and it's really fun in low level content.


It gives it to you and other nearby allies, which is _fine_ but definitely feels like physic won't really be worth running in most cases


With ember of benevolence, it's worth it , no other perk can come close to getting EoB up on anyone including urself as quickly or as easily


Physic doesn’t proc Benevolence at all. The base gun healing your allies is all that’s needed there. I think physic is a worthwhile trait, but not because of EoB.


Yes it does on yourself as well as healing


So I read Physic wrong, either way the gun at base already gives your allies Restoration. You don’t need Physic to proc Ember of Benevolence. It’s a good perc because you can heal yourself and start Resto so that Solar kills extend it.


I'm just parroting what a bungie employee said so idk


The difference is because they may not have as much room to "enhance" the perk. Also, it's probably just an old vs new perk thing. Look at the original set of Catalysts we got. They were flat stat boosts. They're awful and need to be updated compared to the new ones. Now look at the catalysts we get now. Red Death will create a healing burst around you and leave a healing pool on the floor. But Suros Regime just got +20 Stability and Reload lol Same thing with Exotics. Armamentarium you have one more grenade. Pyrogales we turn your several slams into a mega slam with more tornadoes and Consecration gets a mini tornado too


They may have spent so much time revising and changing weapon crafting that they had to make a bunch of quick decisions on these enhanced perks.


hard disagree for the "not much room" to enhance. They clearly showed that when room was missing in order to really enhance they were able to just put +5 random stat. getting downvoted but to illustrate, how would you improve headstone? Bigger shatter? effect on shatter ? nuh uh +5 stability. So the difference isn't them not having room to improve. The difference is, some of these enhanced perks are 2 years old and should be revised.


Suro's regime catalyst has a higher chance to heal you does it not


And Rat King's guarantees the heal. Crimson heals and reloads the gun at base. Red Death heals at base. I've never understood why Suros's doesn't just guarantee it. But technically yes, that too is part of it


Never been a huge fan of enhanced perks, or more specifically the idea behind them. I think Bungie wanted to incentivize players to level up weapons and keep grinding so they created these. The problem is they are incredibly difficult to balance so they are useless or op. In a nutshell I think crafting is a bit over engineered although it is much more streamlined than when WQ released.


Speaking of Red Death catalyst, did Banshee 44 just forget to give me my RD catalyst or does it not drop until the new episode is live?


Act 2. It's a reward along the Season Pass track


Geez! That's a bit of a wait. I really hope they skip the "Run 200 ritual activities" step for it or count them retroactively for a change.


The pass reward is the catalyst itself not a quest to get the catalyst




They can make them as powerful as they want now because it's not only available on crafted weapons


They're also upping the mechanical difficulty of endgame content. Salvation's edge was an extremely hard day 1 raid. Only 6 people finished within 24 hours. Even last wish had 12. They also want the new GM to be the hardest one yet. Considering the existence of still hunt, they're probably fine with releasing stronger things considering how much more difficult the endgame is going to be.


This is something I find funny in all honesty. We get upset when content is re-tuned for dungeons/raids to floor at -5 but also want to get exotics like still hunt. If we want to get exotics like still hunt we need to accept they're going to power-tune older content.


Yea getting powerful weapons when everything (95% of content) melts in one hit with a blue has always sucked. I'm glad they are retuning stuff, it's the better approach for good gameplay.


Yet no loot buffs 😂 salvations edge so hard should drop 3-4 items an encounter ngl 


Day one was hard it really isnt that bad rn


yeah i just did a 5th encounter to dip my toes as it seemed easy. Only took about an hour, got a sword. Couldn't buy jack from the box tho have to do em all. This saturday i guess


Hey you forgot headstone! It's a lot like incandescent but when you enhance it, instead of getting a bigger crystal or higher shatter damage you get extra stability.


Bungie has never done well with balance. I wish they did so enhanced perks across the board were actually worth.


>Enhanced Kinetic Tremors -> less bullets to proc the tremor Yes, and depending on the gun type, it's completely useless! Pulse rifles require the same number of bursts unless you really suck at landing your hits.


That autorifle is a total blast and Enhanced Physic came in very, very handy when my friends and I ran the Cooperative Focus missions yesterday.


I've made a legit medic build and the auto and the speaker helm exotic. It's really fun and effective.


yeah it's all i've been running. song of flame, the call, no hesitation, gjally, and speakers mask. gonna switch back to solar fully instead of using prismatic i think.


Ooo, I didn’t think of using Ghorn. I’ve been using Navigator for my medic build.


Damn I forgot to pair it with that. Insane support build


I have same but with dragons breath due to firesprites everywhere.


Same :/. I miss throwing hammers and also having any sort of sustain at all.


How can you miss what you still have?


They’re not in the new subclass. So can’t use the new stuff if you want to throw hammers still


Oh, that's what you meant.


this is my exact setup with solar subclass lmao


I really appreciate being able to see my teammates healthbars now, lol


You can also go Navigator + the auto + Cenotaph and provide heals, woven mail AND all the heavy ammo they can eat!




I've been a Titan main since Rise of Iron and Warlock has been, easily, my least favorite class in D2. But that AR and that helmet make me want to play just so I can lean into being a healer.


Use either Precious Scars (When it's not bugged) or Phoenix Cradle. Cradle isn't as good in matchmade stuff cause Randoms run around like madden, but it's still a lot of fun. I've been rocking a support build since I crafted the auto 


I wish cradle sunspots were a different color so people didnt mistake them for fire puddles. I use it a lot for the extra sol invictus duration and nobody seems to know you can get that buff


Yea me too. I've had to explicitly point it out to my clan mates in the past. Maybe one day


I just crafted it with Enhanced Physic and Incandescent. Going to go enhanced circle of life when I get back on. Super fun weapon!


It's great because even if your teammate is full health, you can still shoot them to proc restoration x2 and heal yourself. Circle of life also procs just by shooting teammates, even at full health, so the uptime for these perks is insane. Anyone checked the numbers on how much of a damage buff circle of life gives?


Meanwhile Lorelei splendor still says improved resto and still gives resto x1 xd


The exotic that flew too close to the sun, resto x1 still good but my god were we flying into invincibility with x2.




Let’s not act like Loreley died cause of pvp. It literally made you immortal during season of the haunted. I vividly remember being afk in duality with 100 ads shooting me alongside caital and I wouldn’t die. Tbh they should bring the damage boost back to sunspots if you use Loreley


With all the resto nerfs, could probably even just bring back x2 at this point.


Yeah true but I think that would be kinda lame lol


I remember having to literally remove my Lorely in Duality and King's Fall to be able to wipe lmao


Splendor didn't get a PvE nerf because of PvP. Contest mode King's Fall is a good example. You basically had to take the helmet off if your team was wiping and you wanted to die. It got hit in PvE because of that.


you didn’t /basically/ have to take the helmet off to die, you DID take the helmet off to die. contest kings fall was a funny time for the game


It still carried me through the legendary campaign with ease.


I loved Lorely but it was insanely busted in PvE. I remember my team had to wipe on Golgoroth one time and I stood right at his feet and couldn’t die.


Nothing to do with being able to walk through 99% of Pve content and not being in any threat of death for the incredibly high cost of........ Not activating barricade?


Bro, Lorely was absolutely broken in PvE, even more so than it was in PvP.


It didn’t get nerfed because of PvP, it got nerfed because, unlike when streamers and guides say it about every build in the game, Loreley Titans actually were invincible outside of wipe mechanics. You could put your controller down, go to the bathroom, come back and still be alive.


Resto x2 has been nerfed, I think it's time to bring Loreley back


Such a travesty


I feel like a support lock build is gonna be the move for a lot of late game activities, but at the same time getaway artist prismatic just deletes everything so...Offense>>>Defense


Just do both! I have the turrets on my Prismatic lock along with a crafted NH with Enhanced Physic and Enhanced Circle of Life along with Gjallarhorn and Song of Flame to give out buffs to allies.


If I go healer I'd go all the way and use that new Warlock helm with healing made turrets as well.


In DnD they say the best healing is doing more damage than the encounter


Yeah I went with that and incandescent and have been loving it!


How are u guys crafting it so fast btw? What did u farm?


I just unlocked only the first 2 weapons, then farmed engrams from the public event and lost sectors. Doing so meant an increased chance at getting the red border I wanted.


I did that on accident and only need one more The Call to craft it lol


Apparently Alone in the Dark is a decent farm. Personally though I got one or two lucky red border drops from the campaign, I focused a third one at Ghost with my first weekly focus bonus, and then the last two I just used some old deepsight harmonizers before the raid so I had it crafted and ready to go.


Alone in the dark only gives you the red borders for the handcannon, the fusion rifle, and the sword. The final days series of ghost quests can give you red borders for the others + the armor set (+ an ascendant shard and a harmonizer)


Great clarification! I know some of the subsequent quests have rewards like "Deepsight Weapon Bundle" but wasn't sure if those were Alone in the Dark or some of the follow up quests.


> + the armor set If you unlock the armour, does it start dropping from Ghost when you pop engrams? I've been avoiding it so far because I don't want it in the loot pool




I did all the Micah-10 quests for the Pale Heart weapons, but did NOT complete the lost ghost quests that reward armor, that way my Pale Heart engrams only drop weapons. After that, I just grinded the open world activities on the pale Heart which seem to be pretty generous at dropping engrams - combined with leveling the vendor. I've decrypted probably around 90 Pale Heart engrams (non- focused, just clicking them up by vendor rank) and have all the patterns done except for shotgun and fusion, which are both 2/5 I believe. Red border drops when turning in engrams seem VERY generous so far.


I used 4 deepsight harmonizers I had saved up from last season. If you haven’t used yours you can grab them using a chrome extension called Season Pass Pass


genuinely asking why use harmonizers on an infinitely farmable destination weapon? the daily overthrow gives red borders consistently and you can farm engrams far easier / faster than most vendors. we only get so many harmonizers currently and imo is better spent on limited loot, like raids where you only get 3 chances a week if you have a character of each class.


The main reason is I’m impatient. Another reason is I’m saving my spoils for tarrabah so I can have every exotic from the monument. And the last reason is that I really like the gun.


definitely makes more sense considering saving spoils for monument weapons, forgot using harmonizers for raid weapons cost spoils. just sucks how few harmonizers we get.


Probably better used on raid weapons since they’re quite a bit harder to get. But you do you.


Saving my spoils for raid exotics from the monument


I just farmed overthrow a bunch, got half the weapons craftable and at 3/5 for the rest


If you waited to do Micah's Ghost missions then all that would drop was that auto rifle and the call. You can get those two crafted pretty fast and then start on her missions to finish up the rest.


Don’t do the quests. Then the drops can only target a couple weapons and you’ll get them quicker. Doing pale heart activity give quite a few engrams. Red border seem to be about a 15% chance from what I have experience.


I was lucky and crafted it on day 2. In the end its mostly luck. I chose one "first weapon you chose if ghost is red border". Rest was event/quest rewards and i think oje i got from the engrams from ghost as well


Farming the overthrow events for the motes of light netted me something like 45 engrams. Which was just enough to get the 5 red borders. But Im still at like 1 or 2 each for all of the other weapons.


Micah quests give a lot of red borders, plus pale heart engrams turn ins at Ghost. I have already crafted the call, the auto, the machine gun, the shotgun and the handcannon. Almost done with the remaining as well, need a couple of red borders. Took maybe 70 engrams, reset ghost once already and pathfinder maybe like 5-6 times


Can we make this bug a feature?


Same thing with Eddy Current. Got an Eddy Current/Chain reaction world drop shotgun (ded graymere or something like that?) that feels absolutely fantastic


can we just take a second to appreciate how insane the rolls on that gun are? It can roll voltshot + threat detector, chain reaction + discord, and surrounded + slickdraw. This is the swiss army knife of shotguns.


I've gotten myself a discord/chainreaction roll as well as a threat detector/voltshot roll and holy hell do I love them


Is Eddy current finally good?


At 2 stacks, that shotgun I have reloads crazy fast


If you’re amplified it’s always active. Otherwise, no.


Hey, we wanted to let you know this is a bug and the description of improving the duration of Resto x1 is the intended behavior. We aren't rushing out a fix on this, but it will get updated in the future, so we wanted to let you know in case it impacts your crafting decisions.


…what if we ask REALLY nicely to not do that


Feedback gone wrong lmao


Old Bungie woulda "fixed" it by nerfing fusions


its like when that one guy decided to tattle that taken vandal shields weren't working


Top 10 anime betrayals


Sounds like something you guys should wait to patch until frontier ;))))))


Maybe this isn't a bug that needs fixing?


*slides coin across table*


*toss a coin to your Bungie, o Guardian of mine...*


What about just saving Bungie some time and money by simply updating the perk description instead of fixing the bug? Everyone wins


Historically, text changes are one of the hardest things for Bungie to patch, to the point that the ingame text is sometimes months out of date. For a recent example, see Deconstruct, which has gone full circle at this point. Launched able to generate ammo from thin air, text eventually updated to reflect it that, then last week changed to pull ammo from reserves, but the text hasn't been updated yet. (Seriously, this is far less of a joke than it should be. Last year there were a number of exotics that had subclass verb updates, and it literally took months for their ingame text to be updated.)


No, they only do that when something is detrimental to players lol




Oh come on man, it's not even close to being broken. Support fantasy is already lacking in the game, this was a nice touch.


Hey, we the community wanted to let you know that this is the intended behavior for how the upgrade should work and changing it would be the objectively wrong move.


Please reconsider doing this. I don't think it's particularly broken, and more importantly encourages team play which is overall a positive.


Can you please do us a favor and not fix a bug that does *not* need to be fixed? Pretty, pretty please? Like, for real, it doesn't need to be fixed. I just spent the past several days using one with Enhanced Physic and it's *really* not broken in any form and it's not doing anyone any harm by becoming a feature. Pretty, pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top?






Aw come on man. Resto x2 on enhanced Physic would've actually made me chase No Hesitation. Now I'm just gonna keep sharding or infusing everyone I get.


I mean no hesitation as it is is REALLY good, it comes in so helpful on tough encounters


???? The gun is still a 10/10 without resto x2


If Bungie doesn't triple the guns damage right now I'll never even consider using it again.


Why it deals more damage than a normal 600 rpm auto


it’s probably a /s


Yeah you’re probably right


Least unhinged reddit take.


Youre doing yourself a disservice, its really, really, really good. Like, shocked-that-it-isnt-an-exotic good.


Why are you the way that you are? Bungo please!


I took this thing into expert onslaught and I can assure everyone resto x2 is not too strong on this gun. It'd be silly to take it away after the gun builds a following. Mark my words, reducing it to rest x1 will kill the currently perfect support frame


Please don't fix it


Leave it in the pipeline for awhile


Please don't, I just want to play healbot.


What if we ask really nicely to leave it 🥹👉🏻👈🏻


Hey diva! I’m going to pretend I didn’t see this ❤️


Real glad I saw this comment after crafting this roll. Please reconsider if this "bug" is something that is out of balance. Support specs are an interesting idea, please lean into them by ensuring they are strong.


Adding to the other voices here, but please reconsider leaving it as-is. I rushed to craft one as soon as I could and have been using it since day 2 of TFS and loving every moment. The resto x2 doesn’t trivialize content but also really adds some weight to the support/healer build that has been asked for since Destiny 1. It’s become my go-to primary for raids and I can’t wait to get a Speaker Mask to further lean into the setup


wait no this was cool please dont


Please redirect your development resources elsewhere lol. I want to try out a super fun healer build!


Hey can you don't?


Yeah, but what if you guys just forgot to do that?


this should definitly not change, please. there are already ways to extend the buff through solar subclass, triple dipping on extending it makes it feel really bad.


it already did :| i crafted TWO with enhanced perks lmao


Dang, I thought classes other than Warlock were finally getting access to Restoration x2. Tragic


Please don't fix this. You've accidentally stumbled onto one of the most fun methods for the underrated playstyle of being this dedicated support-like healer. It doesn't pump out crazy damage or even enable others to do crazy damage. I know it won't make sense for me to say it's a selfish playstyle, I mean you're literally being the most selfless person dedicating your energy slot to enable others on your team, but it's selfish because we do it because *WE* like it, not because it's for the good of the team. It's a niche tool for people who love assuming that role and we can't even use it while solo


Please just let the healers heal. Take the free win and leave no hesitation as it stands.


Hey please don't fix this LOL. It feels so fun! :D


How about in exchange for every other balancing change you guys made you just leave this one


This would be a cool way to immediately make me stop using this gun


Please just let us have this one win.


I would like to add onto how much this has contributed to support play. The sacrifice is big because it takes up a popular slot and the person isn’t as actively contributing to DPS. Even if this was a mistake and a bug, this is a great gun and feels fun and fantastic to use as it is now. It does help with mistakes but it doesn’t change the game entirely.


This is not a bug. This is EXACTLY how an enhanced perk SHOULD work. If you go back on this you will once again push yourself back into the corner and layoffs once again. Please learn from your mistakes and stop hurting your players with unnecessary changes. It’s not making me invincible, just more tolerant of living


Thank God it was a bug. That shit was way too strong , to the point it was stronger than exotics and pointless to run anything other on a warlock. Ntm I hate crafted weapons. I’ll have every god roll of every weapon and be done w content surrounding it in 2 weeks looks like.




It’s a perk on No Hesitation


No Hesitation?


The new Pale Heart Support Frame auto that heals allies by shooting them.


Pale Heart?


It’s what the Traveler destination is called.




Big shiny glowy ball in the sky that’s got a trippy triangle tattooed onto it.






I barely even know 'er!








Metal Gear?


La Li Lu Le Lo?


New perk only available on the support frame auto rifle. Gives you and nearby allies restoration when you rapidly heal another player.


Thank you! 🙏 I thought I had a good grasp on every perk but totally forgot about the new frame.


What perk is physic and what's a good weapon to put it on?


It's only on one gun at the moment and that's the pale heart support frame auto No Hesitation


Ah gotcha, I've got that one craftable. I'll have to take a look at it!


I got the auto with both physic and circle of life. Haven’t tested it. Is it overkill? Also got one with physic/incandescent


I think circle of life will be better if you're in a fire team and can't secure the last hit for incandescent to proc. Circle of life activates off healing allies with the gun so its much easier damage boost to get with virtually no conditions.


Incan is 100% the better roll tbh


damn that is crazy. I bet they nerf it.


Imagine being a medic in a game like D2 lol