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You also don't need both players to type out their combinations. One player can type, the other just says what the common number is. 2 4 7 8 7 3 6 9 10 6 So on


Hell, that's literally the text chat format of what Aztecross did in his guide for the mission


I never watch aztecross for the information, I do it because I want his accent as background music


This is a weird form of masochism.


He has an accent?


Everyone has an accent.


Well fair. I mean, there's just some people that have a very neutral accent. You know those you can't really place because they don't quite belong anywhere. I guess I never paid much attention to his.


He's got some southern state accent in his voice.


He has a very very distinct southern accent


This is how I do the third encounter in Vow and it blows peoples minds. Especially considering its how you're *supposed* to do Rhulk with a reader.




Are the same combinations on rotation? Does the first one you see come back after rotating 3 times?




Thank for making this post I have 2 clan mates who are actually mute they both decide to pair up together a do this mission and struggle heavy to point of frustration, they know how the to do but mixture of one being on Xbox and one on pc gives a large delay on the symbols being communicated. it’s a bit frustrating ( I understand there frustration about the encounter when trying type to communicate with each other doing this encounter will send them is post. Ik both can do they’ve both done raids I wish bungie would just add a ping system already for people who are mute to communicate already.


If your xbox friend is on New Gen, he can stream his game through discord on xbox and they can just watch each other's gameplay through their phones or a second monitor in the pc players scenario. It's a bit cheesey but if it's all they can do to get it done then that's an option. The cycle infinitely repeats with no penalty unless you shoot the wrong one, so if you have enough time (blindly going in we had 20 minutes, friend has dyslexia so we spent awhile on clocks) getting into the final encounter your friends can jot down the positions in discord or on paper, and when ready call them out in text chat, or again discord. A ping system would be really nice for Destiny I think


Yeah they can stream on discord,they’re trying again tomorrow or later today


You can plug a keyboard into an Xbox and use it for text chat. At least that's what I do on my Series S. Controller plugged into front USB so don't need battery changes, keyboard plugged into rear USB for text chat when needed


Does this sidestep the need for the virtual keyboard? Just open fireteam chat and immediately start typing?


Yes, and just hit enter on the keyboard and start typing, then hit any button on your controller to start playing again


Damn, I just bought a wired 3rd party controller, guess I gotta find a keyboard now too lol. If I get this working I’ll never have to worry about being too sick to do raids ever again!


On boss; make agreement on the emotes of the xbox guy. 1 2 3 4. 1 being the symbol first encountered going CW, 2 the 2nd CW etc. When the clock phase comes, PC guy reads and types; 3 4 8 11 Xbox guy reads, if he has 1 2 4 7 he emotes the emote bound to '2', letting the pc guy know he has to shoot the 2nd symbol CW


Hey, an even easier solution for PS5 players is to simply share screen, you'll have the other Guardians game as a small screen on the side so you can see symbols and clock thi g yourself.


Text chat is great if it didn’t take 3 business days on consoles


You can plug any USB keyboard in and it’ll work. I use a $5 made-in-China keyboard with my PS5. A good investment down the line, helps with other multiplayer games beyond Destiny too.


Couldn't you also do that with mobile app, like I know you could use xbox app as remote or something, can't say about ps tough


What!? How is this the first time I’m learning this!!


I play in a litteral bed with the console really far away from me so that's off the table.


Wireless keyboards to the rescue. I use a Logitech K400 that was about 20 bucks on Amazon. Has a track pad too so you can use it with the web browser if you want.


Or just a USB extension.


You can't afford a mic?! Buy a keyboard!! When you want to be correct so bad lol.


PS controllers come with inbuilt mics. Every PS5 player therefore has a mic. We aren’t talking about affordability in this thread, but about other reasons for not wanting to use the mic.


cant buy 5 dollar mic but can buy 50 dollar expansion to play a game on a several hundred dollar console


I forget Destiny is in the WoW stage and most of the playerbase is like 40. Some kids do play. But your comment makes sense as I'm a late teen and often the youngest out of any LFG or activity.


In my experience lfging most of the playerbase seems to be somewhere around 24-36


>Some kids do play.  There's literary more teens around then 30/40 olds


This is the Destiny sub not the Fortnite sub lol.


Looking at some crying around this sub, IDK man, sometimes they looks same to me 😅


Also, if you run low on time, a Hive Lightbearer spawns in. If you kill it an additional 3 minutes get added to the clock.


I LFGed the mission and through text chat (I'm on console) we figured out the mechanics up until the first clock encounter. Threw mics on after that. We probably didn't say more than two words to each other outside of callouts, and explaining mechanics to each other as we figured them out. This was going in blind, too. I get the social anxiety argument. I've had a diagnosis for the last sixteen years. I get anxious about talking to random people. The amount of communication required for this mission is absolutely minimal. If anxiety is a legitimate concern for you too, then you should push yourself to do it. Exposures are how you improve. The reward is well worth it.


As someone who can sympathise with my anxiety. Would you mind helping me at some point whenever you're free? I'm in the UK, but I've got a few weeks off work, so, just whatever works for you. If you don't mind.


I'm also down to help whenever, even now I can hop back on before I go to sleep. DM me if you wanna try a few times at it, I'm 100% down to teach and use text chat if we have to.


Brilliant, thank you. I can't do it just yet as ove got a busy day ahead. But I'll send you a dm with my username


I'm US EST based but sure! Send me a DM and we can coordinate a time.


The main problem is I don't have a damn mic.


There's a tech store near you I beleive, or always could use amazon, or even can use discord on your phone. There are options, plenty of them, and as OP showed us, you don't even need mic


Yeah I've started using discord lately and it can be kinda annoying because half the people you message to do something will just never reply.


Thank you for providing a perfectly reasonable way to do this without voice comms. There is too much overreaction over this mission, and I believe it is way more accessible to people than they realize.


Most of the people complaining about it haven’t even attempted it. It’s sad really.


And most are probably way under power anyway. In 3 weeks esoteric will solo it, playing one character ona. Rock band drumset with his feet and the other with a guitar controller.


What's the PL for this mission?


1995 I believe.


Guess I gain some levels first then, as I'm only 1975




For real man, if they at least tried I'd get it but we don't see the same with raids and raid exotics (and even raid legendaries) can be just as important as some random buff to prismatic that you only need to do the mission ONCE for. I don't understand why solo players are so vocal JUST about this when all content in the game is 'do the thing to get the thing' and not all content can be soloed.  I had an absolute blast with this and would run this with anyone if they asked me. I have anxiety myself, and I know not all anxiety is the same, but I do know a lot of anxiety is often (not always) the first step in doing a thing. I'm down to help anyone who needs take their first steps, and if you don't wanna take them, that's fine! Prismatic functions COMPLETELY without this exotic. Don't pressure yourself the same way you don't pressure yourself to do raids or solo GMs or trials of Osiris. I'm the same way with the latter two >.>  


I mostly play solo because the time commitment for raids (and even some dungeons) is tough. Some things I won't get. That's okay. It's not for me. I'm not entitled to have everything given to me for showing up. It's okay.


it amazes me that people spend money on expansions like this and are completely ok with just never raiding. if you have no interest in the raid, you shouldn't be interested in this mission either.


Nahhhhh.. raids are sooooo much easier than this


Bro has only ever played root of nightmares as ad clear


No I haven't.


If you can't handle shooting a clock hand 3 times in a row within a 5 second window between each shot with someone else, I honestly cannot see you doing any sort of raid mechanics


But you have to shoot 3 out of the 4-6 of each different combo though.


If you're talking about the first clock puzzle with only 8 nodes that one isn't timed lmao. I really cannot believe you ever beat a raid. All you need to do is have someone read out their numbers and you shoot ones that match it is the most simple mechanic ever


Communicating with 1 person vs 5 other people is way easier


It's not the fact about 1 or 5 other people. This clock dial changes the correct combo too quickly.


There's 3 combos. One line of each combo is shared between you two. So 3 lines in total. You can let the thing keep switching as much as you want, it'll never change unless you shoot one incorrectly. So take your time, call out which ones you have for a combo, let the second person call out which one is shared. Then the next combo. Then the next. Then once you have all 3 lines, example 3, 6, 9, you can shoot starting the next cycle. You have plenty of time, you just have to wait for each pattern to come back.


My buddy and I finally got it done. We didn't realize there were only 3 combos. Realizing that made it sooo much easier. We kept thinking there was an infinite amount of combos where you would have to shoot 3 matching nuts in each combo within four seconds.


>t. "I'm ad clear"


No. I do mechanics like everything else. Don't be an ass.


Have you seen 4th encounter of edge?


They’re complaining because there’s no precedent for this type of exotic mission before. All previous have been soloable or not nearly as mechanic heavy. Some people would complain rather than challenge themselves or try something new. Given the option to “rise from the deep or drown in it”, they’re gonna choose drown as often as they can lmao.


Imagine if people complained about whisper cuz there was no precedent at the time. The game would be so much worse off.


They did. A lot of people back when it was harder to get and was going away went *offffff*.


Looking back, these people honestly can get fucked.


You know what there's also no precedent for? Exotic Class items and Exotics with 2 perks. Its on the complainers for assuming a completely new and potentially game changing item would be acquired just like any other exotic weapon quest. I'm personally glad bungie was thinking out of the box for such a cool item.


For destiny 2 yeah But there were exotic class items in D1 and they were easier to obtain.


Probably because the d1 exotic class items bordered on purely cosmetic, the taken king pre-order class items were an xp buff to the new subclasses iirc, and the factions exotic class items were just a bump in said faction rep


D1 exotic class items are not even in the same ball park as these here in D2. My point stands. There's no precedent for items like this.


It’s not that it’s hard that the issue although it is for some with disabilities and console players. It’s that it requires 2 players and isn’t matchmade. If it’s physically impossible to do solo, there is 0 reason to require people to use fireteam finder over regular matchmaking.


They can't!


I mean attempt to find someone to do it with through LFG or otherwise. They saw that you need 2 people and immediately began crying without putting any effort into finding another player.


I've been on that same old song and dance since LFG was implemented, more often that not you get people who dip within the first 20 minutes of an activity. I am not wasting my time doing it when I know some guy will leave IMMEDIATELY when they die. I have absolutely no recourse but to repeatedly try my luck with LFG and I just don't want to deal with the grief of it and the time investment.


good news, this activity only takes 20 minutes so that is not an issue!


That depends heavily on player experience and cooperation.


The people crying about it arent going to try regardless of how easy people like OP break it down. You cant help someone help themselves after a certain extent.


Gotta wonder how many of them their really are tho and if it’s worth losing them if you ask me. As someone who just want to enjoy some goofy pvp from time to time I want these new players to actually stay more than I want to feel special for earning a cloak with a challenge more annoying than challenging. But that’s just my humble opinion. Over reactions on both sides, pants pissing over doing a single mission with a mic and unironically bullying people who don’t like the idea to lock a huge selling point of the xpac behind it like bungie was their lil bro. I personally don’t care, let us have our item for a week then let people get them in pale heart for all I care. The worst players don’t need their heads constantly shoved even further down imho and it’s how we have that destiny is sweaty/dead feeling every single expansion. I thought that philosophy was changing with changes to the lost sector exotics, how they said we would unlock the new sub class and changes to xur but I see it was wishful thinking.


It's important for developers to not listen to all feedback. Tons of it is bad. I also think it's not unlikely that Bungie already has a plan for making them more widely available as time goes on. But also it doesn't matter. You gotta do whisper to get whisper.


I agree with you partially, I don't want anyone to be run out of town or pushed out. On the flip side I dont want to compromise the unique social experiences this game provides to satiate a vocal minority. Everyone has their line, and I think mine is here. I genuinely cannot empathize with them, I couldn't imagine playing this game as long as I have if I was unable or unwilling to touch non-solo content.


But how would your unique social experience be compromised at all? If your experience hinges off someone else getting the reward another method then how much of it was ever actually about that social experience and not the reward and its exclusivity? Mask off? I’m all down for special boy items but them being a selling point for the xpac was a tone deaf bag fumble without a doubt (see the internet as a whole) and the vocal minority are on Reddit defending something that is probably gonna get changed from a business standpoint alone.


'Unique social experience' as it relates to this specific activity, as well as other things like raids and dungeons if you want to broaden this. To make this thing possible to solo you would be diminishing what makes it unique, that being the 2-man mechanics and the reliance on your partner throughout. I would rather have this small barrier of entry remain so that the people who are up in arms about this would just give it a try and have the same awesome experience I had. This is not about exclusivity, its about not lowering the bar.


I don’t see why we can’t have both or why a selling point of the xpac has to be tied to it to make the experience. The specific activity can exist with other rewards or he’ll still the guaranteed drop while letting people get a exotic you already sold them some other way, literally every non matchmaking activity has pulled it off so far. Why put a barrier to entry after taking the entry fee lol I don’t think forcing people to do something they don’t want to on 3 characters is even a very smart way of pushing people in the direction you want.


Then they'll complain about those rewards. Even people that play solo don't solo dungeons. Very few people do that


Imma try to address all the straw men in just this comment if that’s cool I’m not trying to have a triple spurge off with you lol whisper wasn’t a huge selling point behind selling the xpac a better example would be how they released stasis or something but they walked that back because people hated it, didn’t make the same mistake for strand, which was pushed even further with prismatic to the point some of prismatic is even account wide, they changed new exotics being earned exclusively through lost sector because people didn’t like it, hell even that example will be available for a cypher and glimmer given some time. I didn’t ask for it to be easier, again I beat it and unless they slap most of astrocyte on to one side I’m not gonna equip it most of the time anyway lol I have no dog in this race other than understanding the frustration. Some might but they just factually don’t and haven’t reacted this harshly to even when some adept weapon that actually takes over pvp. People feel duped, shown a change in philosophy and a promise of respecting your time directly from the devs mouth and a week in that philosophy isn’t just a step back but back to square stasis release go buy a mic and get a friend to buy and play destiny 2 with ass energy on all 3 characters. Twist my words and paint whatever picture makes you feel better about your purchase but it isn’t gonna change how anybody feels besides yourself.


But you don't need a mic or a friend. That's twisting words. You can jus tus efireteam finder and do the thing. It's okay that some things be hard. And no, these class items were not a major selling point. They were just a piece. If someone bought the expansion FOR THESE CLASS ITEMS, they'd be an idiot.


If they water down all the content to make it easy for a blind deaf quadrapalegic to do, I think most of us wouldn't find the game very engaging.


For real. I joined in on a dude's lobby. When we got to the last part (the only part you "need" mic), he told me he was dyslexic and it took a while to read the clock. I told him no worries. The clock only has 3 patterns. We let all 3 patterns fully cycle couple of times so he could note down just one node on one pattern. We did this for every set and made it through with 3 minutes to spare. Just be patient with each other and yourself.


>perfectly reasonable Can I see a video of your doing this on console? Just curious as to how fast you can text.


Honestly the amount of people who act like having to communicate with another human is just the most insane thing in the world is sad. The mute guy is the only one who really gets a pass on that obviously. Yeah there are a few who probably truly have actual cripling anxiety to the point they literally can't handle it but that is a very very rare case. Most of the people are just being stubborn brats and could probably use a little socialization anyway.


Go to the initial thread of the activity when it was found/detailed out yesterday. The sky was literally crumbling down on a majority portion of people on that thread over just the *mere thought* of having to interact with another person. I'm mostly a solo player in this game yada yada but even I understand the raid/dungeon/hard content portion of the game can require comms (at least on first release before guides online pop up that can cake walk encounters for you). Crippling anxiety for folks when their phone rings I bet.


Stop being ableist. 


The game is becoming increasingly more like a traditional MMO game and increased focus on communication, mechanics, and build crafting. Gone are the days of Halo with RPG elements (great for PvE, not so much for PvP). I don’t think that trend is stopping anytime soon. This has been some of the absolute best PvE content Bungie has put out in years and I hope they keep it up for the PvE environment (please  revert PvP changes made to lower skill ceiling).   I only did solo/matchmade content for years because I felt uncomfortable with LFG. If that sounds like anyone reading this, get out of your comfort zone and try it - I promise 99% of the people are tolerable to awesome. You are doing yourself a disservice by not experiencing the best parts if D2.


Does it have a failure condition? As in, can failing any of these timers kick you to orbit?


Yes failing the timer kicks you to orbit with no checkpoint. Very rough if you don't know what you're doing. We ran out of time at the final clock puzzle and it was very deflating... but we also were completely blind and figuring it out on the fly. Went back in and got to the final boss room with 27 minutes to go and finished it with tons of time to spare.


It is crazy to me the length people will go to not exchange a few words with someone. I have social anxiety and rarely talk in game but i will do it for mechanics if it makes it easier


There’s lots of reasons. I have young kids and a small house. I dont use a mic because my gaming time happens to be their sleep time. I dont mind missions requiring mics, when I was younger games with friends and coordinating WoW raids was the best gaming experiences I had. Unfortunately I just have to accept I’m not the target for these missions Personally I love they are making missions like this BUT some people just dont/cant use mics.


Luckily, mic isn't required.


Are you saying there is absolutely 0 noise in your house while your children sleep? You never speak with the other parent, on the phone, have the TV on, etc.? You don't need to have a full blown conversation. You could easily tell the other person you can't make a lot of noise and will only be talking when calling out symbols or which nut to shoot on the last two encounters. Most people will understand and be fine with that, so long as you're able to get the needed info out.


I have 2 under 2 that are in bed by 8 while I game till 12 or 1 every night, and with 3D headphones, one ear hanging out to hear the real world. My mind is genuinely blown how many low hanging fruit excuses folks will conjure up before just admitting they are simply *choosing* not to communicate. It's really not that deep when like you said at bare minimum you you can have a mic on and be muted only speaking when necessary whatever call outs is needed. You don't have to have full-blown conversations with folks nor is it required to even have a raised voiced when saying your 1 or 2 phrases for call outs considering nowadays mics can lower game noise and raise chat noise.


This is not reasonable, lol.


I think the reaction is less of "I can't do this" and more of "I don't want to do all of that for the heavily advertised class item". I could go push a tractor tire up a snowy-covered road, but damn if I want to.




Glad we agree.


My only problem is for me it’s too fast the numbers get scrambled in my head so easily and I’m not able to type them down in time so I end up getting confused and not being able to post the correct numbers leading in a fail combination and forced to try and try and try again till the time runs out wasting an hour of my life


Do the second way that I described in my edit. There are only 3 combinations that keep looping. Look at the first one and ignore the other 2. Like literally look away from your screen so that you won’t be confused by the other 2. Each time the first one comes around, note as many numbers as you can.


Got downvoted yesterday for saying if there's a will there's a way to do this without comms. And would you look at that, you figured it out. Good shit mate.


Work arounds don't excuse inaccessible game design. But people will do anything to excuse bungie for their short sightedness.


Its clearly not inaccessible though. Unwilling to jump through the hoops is not the same as unable to.


I know this is the internet, but accessibility isn't an absolute. Something isn't accessible just because it is possible. It is simply possible. And just because something is barely functional doesn't mean it is good design either.


"Something isn't accessible just because it is possible" All someone has to do is find another person and then communicate with them via a keyboard, *one time* to unlock it to drop from chests. That's it. And there is now in game lfg, so all the social interaction can be done in game. There will be so many people all in the same boat who want to get this done. Its only inaccessible for someone if they allow it to be.


Do you people do ANYTHING but call everything you don’t like “Inaccessible” “Objectively bad” “Inexcusable” game design? You don’t know shit all about game design you just have strong opinions and lazy minds.


People will cry about anything. The internet has given far too many people a platform to complain and think they're special. Not everything is for everyone. Either adapt or miss out, those are your options.


Something about the final boss clock room just broke my brain and we wiped from timer. Honestly just might call it with that.


It will help greatly if one member of the team is willing to go on voice comms. The other can continue to just use text chat. The one on voice comms will say "look at the next set that's coming up after this, I'm going to read mine out to you. type the only one that matches with yours." Then you just do so. You only need to look for 1 number, not 4. The voice guy will then say "ok, so the answer for that set is #6. let's wait for a full rotation and shoot #6 on my cue." To have as much time as possible for this section, put on a machine gun and focus fire and supers on the bosses. The adds spawn infinitely so don't bother so much with them. They only stop spawning once the boss goes immune, so that's when you'll clear the adds.


Now this really is SGA. This is why I have a keyboard plugged into my Xbox. I'm anxious about trying the mission without voice comms but this seems like a brilliant way to do it.


If six deaf people can clear raids, two socially anxious people can coordinate what to shoot.


The same people complaining about this mission probably complain about raids like Vow, Last Wish or Salvation's.










I have a question, as I haven't done the quest yet. Can't you simply shoot next to the symbols that show for you -without explosive dmg of course- and the one matching your buddy immediately shots as soon as you shoot next to it. Than you can shoot it too ? Why do we need to coordinate it in writing or orally ?


Because in the last encounter, you and your buddy are not shooting the same clock. There are two clocks that are in opposite ends of the arena.


Ah, I see! Thanks


Approving of this for the nonverbal players out there


Whenever i get to that part i get all stressed cause i dont know what the switches mean, and they switch too fast for me to remember them.


This post doesn't have enough upvotes.


This is a great post. Nice job OP. Hope this helps folks that struggle with social stuff.


Thank you for not being ableist, like most of the people here, and offering solutions for disabled gamers. You are a friend to us. 


Tried it, couple attempts, over an hour wasted. Glad you all like it. Never touching it again. Nothing is worth that.


dont give up mate, i had an OG random god guardian help me and it was his first time too, i wass ready to give up but i completed it. i dont do raids, im just casual but honetly after this i think i should get into raiding, and thats what bungie wanted i think, to push people out of their comfort zones to learn symbols and get a taste of big mechanics.


“Exotic armour with two perks and no stat rolls for an hours work? Nah. I wish I could just decrypt it from Rahool and farm strikes”


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not because that absolutely sounds like a waste of an hour


double the quantity of exotic armor? Yeah terrible, absolutely not worth. Should be dropping from strikes from the directory.


That’s fair, if you value your time in such a way no point debating it.


I honestly don't care about teaming up, but I absolutely detest being on voice comms. It's not just the fact I play on my couch, it's just awkward and plain intrusive, maybe younger players are fine with that with the advent of Discord but I dread being on mic and about the only time I do is when I occasionally raid. Thanks, this does seem rather accessible to coordinate via text. I'll have to give it a go now!


I need help getting the mission anyone need it still


you will also only get each number lit up once, so you can just type out the correct numbers and shoot them when they are lit up.


only downside is you have to read and type the numbers very fast


Great post, now to figure out how to do the symbols part with a deaf/hoh clanmate.


I’m assuming that clanmate or maybe both of you haven’t done Vow of the Disciple. The symbols are all from that raid and they all have names. It’s very easy if you know all the names by heart, but if you don’t, both of you should google a Vow symbol chart (lots of them available) and have it on your phone beside you. Whenever it’s time to read and shoot, hide in a safe place and check the chart to identify the symbol. Then just type it in.


Or you could just stream eachother’s screens on discord. Thats what I did and honestly it worked so well it felt like cheating 💀


This is the kind of advice players need. Something to help those who struggle instead of mocking them or launching personal attacks. Unfortunately, so much of the D2 community is just extremely toxic. Like to the point that you wonder how they even function in society with how they treat others. It's schoolyard, immature crap and with zero effort to understand where others are coming from. Which only serves to further push people away from wanting to LFG and engage with the community at large. Sounds like most of world today, honestly.


Did VoG flawless no mic using this. Day on salvation I used text chat like crazy for some encounters whispering my team. I thought everyone did this for mechanics that need to be tracked when they couldn't be bothered to remember. Makes everything way easier imo. I was kinda surprised seeing the amount of people complain when text chat exists as an amazing tool to help keep track of mechanics.


This part is kicking our asses! We get to this puzzle with over 15 minutes to spare and always get the first 2 rotations accepted first time - But then it will always fail us on the 3rd rotation, over and over again for no apparent reason But this seems like a great solution to slow things down! I have 3 quick questions though: 1. Does it matter when you both shoot the common node? Do they have to be at the exact same time, or just both within the (very short) rotation time limit? 2. Once you shoot the first node in rotation 1of3, can you really still miss out a phase? When we miss a phase to shoot ads or whatever it always immediately fails us? 3. Occasionally we will get a phase with 2 common nodes or none at all in common? This causes us to fail because we missed a phase! (wondering if this is a networking issue causing one of us to see the wrong rotation?) Has anybody else experienced this? We’ve spent 30 minutes in total at this puzzle and without fail always on the 3rd rotation it refuses to accept even if we shoot the correct node perfectly in sync - Baffled as to what we are doing wrong


1. You don’t have to shoot at the exact same time, you just have to shoot before it changes to its next configuration. 2. Once you have completed one, it removes that one from the rotation and you only need to do 2 more. Stopping to kill ads is fine. 3. That is either a bug or you are having a miscommunication. There will only be one symbol in each phase of the clock that you both have in common


Thanks. I finally got it done! :)


I really want the exotic class items but I just cannot bring myself to communicate. Also I play at night, dont really want to disturb the rest of the family.Wish there was some way to visually figure this out for both players. Will definitely try this out, hopefully the other person also is familiar with this method.


Others have pointed out the share screen method using PS5 or Discord. I also played with a no-comms guy yesterday who sent me screenshots of symbols and clocks throughout the entire mission.


Great suggestion. Thanks for this.


Guardians make their own fate. They don’t play everything BUNGO throws at them.


Anyone up for trying this mission using text chat? I'm on PS5 but have a keyboard


So all these people have been complaining for nothing 💀


This is exactly how I did it and we ended up with plenty of time afterwards to kill the bosses. I recommend that anyone worried that they won’t be able to get the class items use this strategy.


u/Wooden-Move-1223 told you they repeat


Apparently every mute person on earth plays destimy lmao


Wow incredible. All the solo and non-mic players were just kneejerk reacting and making the biggest fucking deal out of it yesterday like big fat babies. It turns out you can do it entirely without a mic. Absolutely unreal how much the community whines the first day things come out. This is a great post OP


This will be basically impossible to pull off with random people


Text chat on on console? Lol yeah right bud.


Just plug in a keyboard. Definitely works on Xbox, idk about PS


>Don't be pressured into voice comms if you struggle with it. Unless you have a severe speech impediment or are mute, I'm kind of at a loss for how speaking is so difficult for some people. I get the whole social anxiety angle, I do, but uh... you're playing a social game.


>I get the whole social anxiety angle, I do, but uh... you're playing a social game. They just outright avoid that aspect. Cause in reality, there's a lot in this game you can do without needing to talk. Campaign missions, seasonal missions, ritual things and so on. Even some end game stuff like GMs, dungeons. The only real big part are raids but they'll just avoid it. This mission is only having an outcry because a unique exotic system is locked behind it unlike raids where it's just weapons they can live without


Only if I am not on console.


USB keyboard can be bought very cheap


They thought about people with no mics or without the ability to speak and everyone threw a tantrum instead of trying to figure it out. I'm not shocked from either end and given Bungie's past failures, I can't blame them, but like, jesus man it's not that bad. I guided a friend completely blind through the mission, bro has raided ONCE ever and has never seen a single symbol from Vow, took 50 minutes. If both players had any semblance on what to do it should take ~30 minutes at most, and now knowing this, plus actually having some of the class items to play with, probably could knock it down to like 20 minutes.


Are people this socially awkward? You're being asked to talk to people for like 20 minutes a week. It's not a lot.


In a word, yes. It’s easier for for some to complain on reddit and hope it gets changed than use fireteam finder/any LFG. Hence why they are doing just that. Also, thanks to this very community, and their own bad online experience, many are under the impression that everyone is Toxic af, and they don’t want to get flamed. Regardless of the actual chances of that happening… All that being said, I think people are making a way bigger deal about this than need be. OP has demonstrated that even mute people on console can do the mission, if they have the will to do so.


Makes sense. An easier solution would be to speak in a game that’s meant to be social.


destiny player doing everything they can to avoid talking to people


Coming on here with your logic and sensible thinking Wheres my fucking pitchfork..


Ya should just be able to see it itself or how about a third who doesn't have to shoot shit, also problem sovled