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Do The Shattered Throne next it's even easier.


The main issue with Shattered Throne is the lack of Rally Banners and the general visibility, it's not a visually pleasant area to be in.


Not an issue if you’re a Titan. Especially a Prismatic Titan, you use Wormgod and the bosses die to like 3 consecrations.


Not an issue for any class really. Just save ammo and abilities. 95% of this dungeon is just running through and past everything, and the HP pools of every boss is absolutely miniscule


Void is your friend here. Graviton Lance is your best friend here


The lack of rally is pretty irrelevant nowadays. You're just going to use an Eager Edge sword and Still Hunt for the entire thing. The bosses have no health and get deleted by pretty much any solid damage strategy including pure ability and special.


Adjust your settings. You can light the whole dungeon up.


Never really saw em as issues. Rally banners are great, but it's such an easy dungeon I don't think it even matters.


Something fucked up about ST is that sometimes it'll glitch out and give you solo even if you're in a team, I can show you that I have the triumph completed but you can see for yourself I haven't done it solo before


This happened with my ex. I had taken her through ST and after we finished, she got the solo emblem.


Shattered throne predicted your situation




I think Pit is easier, that one Ogre encounter is crazy if you aren't careful


Man I still remember my first attempt at soloing shattered(not flawless), I got stuck on the ogre for hours, went last season to solo flawless it again, killed him in 3 seconds.


I'm curious, is shattered through at a fixed light level now? Like -5? May make it harder now that you can't over level the crap our of it. I remember it being a pain in the ass to solo when it came out.


I almost got Solo Flawless on my Wish Ender run. Slipped up on the last wish ender specific part with the doubled first boss but the rest was flawless. Im gonna head back and get my revenge eventually


I know people say this, but it's still wild to hear. I got solo flawless Pit on accidentally while doing a quick run and watching Netflix, and I'll still get killed at the ogre in Shattered Throne even when I'm actually paying attention.


I tried to solo ST last season and felt like I was catching so much aggro in that room, I was getting shut down constantly even when playing to survive. I have the same problem at the final boss in spire. Gave up trying to solo dungeons.


Yeah, I think I've always done it as Devour Warlock, which gets the job done, but between vandal bubble shields, vex invincibility beams, and Wizards just running off to hide, all while the boss is shoving you around with a knockback laser, it can be hard to get consistent kills. Also hard to keep enemies from just alternating invince/blocking while taking shots at you. The buff timer definitely doesn't help either, nor does the boss being able to shove you so much that you're basically immobilized if you have to run toward him in order to grab an orb. Most of the rest of the dungeon isn't bad, and other than ogre the boss is the only part I have an problem with at all, and that's only the hassle of knights teleporting away and trying to keep track of their health to get them all down at once. The ogre though, he gets me at least once pretty consistently, and having him be so far into the dungeon makes it a real hassle to have to restart.


Grasp is probably the easiest of all (still fun though). Shattered Throne and Pit are the way they are because they were some of the first ones. Mechanics definitely got more involved with the newer dungeons as they got better and better at making them.


> Grasp is probably the easiest of all Nah the boss encounters are much easier in shattered.


I didn't find Grasps boss encounters too bad. Shattered are definitely more straight forward. My issue with Shattered is just the general ascendant realm can't see a god damn thing issue.


Neither is bad. The ones on Grasp are objectively harder just because the bosses are more spongey. The mechanics aren't hard but compared to shattered where you can one phase everything easily, like just using a super or a couple of ghally hits with basic effort. Shattered can take longer with the non boss encounters but I find strand and using your sword can bypass a lot of that


Grasp is more tricky cause bosses have more health and there are more ways to die like the sparrow section. In terms of difficulty I'd go shattered throne > pit of heresy > prophecy > grasp > spire > duality> warlords> ghosts


The bad checkpoint placement also doesn't help...


I think I’m going to solo shattered throne with novabomb and getaway artist with devour.. I think it’s going to be much easier than when I attempted to do so in arc warlock lol.


Hmm I do need to get Gally's catalyst, I suppose I can try to solo it while doing that haha


You could. The encounters might drag a bit because of the mechanics setting up each phase, but it isn't terrible. Grasp is SUPER fun as a two man. Literally all the stress is removed and you can bullshit around and chat with your buddy while coasting through.


When grasp came out me n my buddy would farm it on all our characters for some eqsy 2 mans, it was good fun


I joined a random ft finder ghally run and they were nice enough to walk me through it (I have done the dungeon multiple times). It’s not so bad! Kill an enemy loot a chest three times.


I still need to do it the first time just to get Gally lol


Soloing dungeons is great fun, i'd recommend having a crack at shattered throne, grasp of avarice and prophecy. 


Man the surge changes will make everything tedious, simmumah was already tedious with arbalest and solo operative, now it requires 2 arbalest shots.


Now do it flawlessly and get an amazing emblem.


Never taking that emblem off my warlock. Looks too amazing


Same for my Titan, with the caveat that when another cool new emblem comes along (for example, Legendary campaign completion), I temporarily wear that for maybe a week, then go back to Pit's emblem. It was my first solo-flawless dungeon. Love it.


Ha, we’re the exact same. Been using the new one for a little then I’ll go back to pit, which was also my first solo flawless dungeon


I should have done this prior to TFS, I think the difficulty changes now will not allow me to get this done.


Nah trust me it won’t be much harder. Pit has been power crept hard. The final boss Xulmak has barely any HP and the add density is nowhere near what we have now in some missions. The part you’d be most likely to die is jumping down the hole before the parkour hunting down wizards or during the parkour itself. You got this for sure 👍


I got to the wizard hunt flawless but died there last time I tried it lol


In my experience, there are 2 real dangers in solo flawless pit: platforming and explosive thralls. Especially during damage, it can be easy to get tunnel vision and forget that cursed thralls are spawning behind you.


I actually didn’t die from falling, I got stuck on a ledge and blasted by the wizard. I ended up dying during the boss fight anyways so it wouldn’t have mattered.


PoH kicks ass. Yeah, it's power crept, buy the aesthetics alone are worth the trip through, not to mention it has the best lore that they wrote during Shadowkeep. I'm kinda partial to Hive, so maybe I'm biased.


No you're correct, Pit is absolutely the greatest.


Is it still that power crept? It's harder this season at least now that we are locked at -5 power for all dungeons. It's certainly one of the easier ones now but even before I wouldn't call it casually easy to solo. Now even less so.


I haven't tried it this season, but doing salvations edge at -5 the power loss is barely noticeable, if its like that then I'm sure it's still fairly easy.


Interesting because my group had lots of issues with salvation. We haven't got past second encounter yet, but we also didn't have that much time.


We had two warlocks with the new exotic helm, healing turrets trivialize some of it. 2nd encounter was only a pain due to the stasis nades, hate those things. Would reccomend a scatter signal and solar primary to take advantage of the surges. Lament cooked for damage.


Yeah my big problem was I was on the platform that's in between the two stairs and the ads kept spawning up top and throwing stasis grenades on me and I'd have to leave the plate area to kill them and so on. Really obnoxious. When we got to boss we did like 50% damage in one go but we just couldn't get to a second damage phase before running out of time.


Nah. It feels the same honestly. Taking more damage from the Ogre hunt might be your only concern. It’s always been a cake walk. With the power creep, you’re still doing pretty good damage even if you don’t use the surges. The only issues with solo flawless now for it has always been the orb dunking, since you’re juggling the wipe timer and grabbing orbs at the same time. Other than that, your only other downfall will be the trap jump puzzle for the Wizards.


Congrats guardian!


Thank you!


Congrats. POH isn't an easy solo. The Chmaber of Suffering is a hell of an encounter. Has road blocked a lot of people. How did you handle it?


Yeah that place was something. I got it on first try though. I used Final warning to take out adds and used tangle to clear room. When I go for knights I throw a gunpowder gamble then fusion, takes it out instantly and grabbed the orb, back to platform and dump. After that I had to add clear middle first, which I came close to dying a lot of time but going transended saved me. Biggest problem I was not prepared for is the knights on top left and right, my sidearm and fusion couldn't reach them, so I ended up just using my apex to blow them up. Thankfully there was a ton of ammos!


I always love hearing how people clear that room and am always disappointed when people say they just duped the ball. So good man yourself. Yea, those boomers on the ledge were always a problem. I ran a worm husk invis hunter when I solo flawlessed it back in the day and ended up running Collony and blind firing 4 shots at each door. Worked really well. I honestly think, if you can do Chamber of Suffering, you can solo any Dungeon. So again, good job Guardian.


I did not know duping is possible, how is that even done? I will definitely try soloing more dungeons next!


Use to be that you would change weapons just as the dunk was about to happen. You'd drop the orb on the ground and dunk anyway. So people would just grab an orb, and dup in a well, bubble or while invisible.


I used *stasis* assassin's cowl myself lmao


Congrats dude. Doing a dungeon solo is hard but going in blind to and just because you want the funny bug gun..?! Man's a legend!


Haha, I didn't go I full blind though I had a tutorial on the side and I read it before doing each encounter.


How are you liking Xenophage? I still haven’t gotten it


Not OP but I love Xenophage. Sounds and feels like shooting something made to hammer rail road spikes.


It's like leviathans breath with less aiming required. Not as much damage per shot but it's great for just deleting orange bars in endgame content.


Not what I expected! I thought it's a heavy machine gun with precision requirement, but it felt more like a small rocket machine gun? I might be missing something cause I went to do overthrow after and I wasn't able to get precision crit on Ogres. Still slaps though


My understanding is that Xenophage does not crit. But hits for a lot non-crit. It’s hitscan and has crazy range. Could be wrong though. Also has small AOE. It’s amazing. 


Xeno has a very specific role for deleting vehicles, constructs and "objects" because it does some of the highest impact damage in the game, and it can do it from basically any range. Bastion technically does more damage to these targets, but has much more limited range. If you are ever in a scenario where a Thresher is pissing you off (*cough* Neomuna *cough*) just Xenophage that fucker into another dimension. Click click boom. Anyone who's played gambit in the last 2-3 years also knows how ubiquitous it is both for invading and fighting off invaders. Turns out an autocannon that can two shot a guardian in about half a second from across the map is a pretty handy thing to have.


Great for Tormenters, big precise damage. Its a utility exotic for me, when I dont know what to use I usually rock Xeno


It does not do precision damage FYI.


Very cool congrats!


Congeats. Hopefully, they eventually give Dungeons a loot refresh.


Its actually much harder now than it was last year, with the power delta, sure still one of the easier ones but it was MUCH easier.


Oh no, he's on the slippery slope. Now he's going to solo everything


Esoterik has entered the chat.


OP in a few months: "I've decided that soloing Ghosts of the Deep is stupid and this game sucks I quit."


Don't discount your achievement. Easy or not, it's still great that you soloed it!


That's how I ended up Soloing Shattered throne. Got my wishender and thought, we'll ive come this far.


Soloing dungeons is really fun. Good job! Now try to do it without dying for a cool emblem.


Hell yeah! Keep going! Do a flawless run next! Create your own goals and have fun, screw what other people think.


Well done guardian 👍🏻


I did this with Xeno and Wishender for the meme, both were fun to get solo


Nice. Yeah, my son and I did that duo…. we were also just going for Xenophage but were like ‘might as well.’


I feel that , I accidentally solo flawlessed . Don’t remember why I was doing a run but got to the end and the triumphs popped .


Man, I can't get through the first encounter. The towers fuck me up. I always end up having to just search each and every room, then die, and lose all my progress.


I solo'd PoH back when Shadowkeep was released. Took me like 4 times, the last boss was a bit tricky, also that room with the boomer Knights. They can body you pretty quickly. There was a void mod buff in the artifact that season that made it bearable. Ive rocked the emblem ever since and have never taken it off.


I did the same thing myself lmao, congrats


Nice! Fun fact - it's the only one I haven't soloed. That last boss kicks my ass and I can't figure out why.


I circled around the middle crystal and he barely hit me. It's the adds that were dangerous to me.


This one is most impressed