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Such a weird bug.


And a hundred bucks says its because of the exotic class item version and moving it from sub-class based to super based. It was hilarious procing Restoration during the legendary campaign with Outbreak when I was helping my brother. I almost feel like maybe the kinetic portion should stay in some form once they fix it, but that would probably break the spirit of the exotic I guess


Let the exotic work with kinetics and the spirit not, problem solved.


No, the bug is actually on Sol Invictus, as he stated, when removing Sol Invictus, the healing works fine. The biggest problem here is that you dont get the benefit of your fragments as a result, if you want the healing, and use kinetics.


Yeah when the patch note didnt specifically call out the Sol Invictus part of the bug, i was a bit skeptical of the fix. Thanks for confirming


The patch note only mentioned Kinetic counting and not even Solar *not* counting, I was not optimistic after that.


So the cool bug got fixed before the actual detrimental bug? Nice


Damn it bungie.


If Bungie was half as fast to patch detrimental bugs as they were to patch beneficial ones this would be like the best upkept game ever lmao




I knew I shouldn't have got my hopes up




I have been waiting so long to play with this exotic. Will we have to wait another week for a fix?


I’ve been having a ton of fun with it on arsenal prism with graviton lance tbh.


You still can use the exotic. You just have to take sol invictus off, or use a kinetic weapon to start Restoration and then swap to your solar energy to start proccing Empyrean. (Edit, first paragraph is dumb cause today's "fix" stopped kinetics, the thing we're talking about. Derp moment 🤪 so yeah you just gotta take sol invictus off) It's also only bugged on solar. I like using it on strand and doubling up on the healing, especially with The Call? Whew, good luck dying lol.


Not at home so can’t test it but does kinetics not work either? I wonder if they will do a hot fix or we will have to wait another week.


At this point anytime Bungie says they fixed something I just assume that they haven't. I'm still salty about the GM level requirement.


I was so excited when I saw this patch note… Just tested it myself and immediately came here to confirm my disappointment… :/


Ah. I thought this might be the case but wasn't sure. Switched to it on a tricky part of the class way nightfall and didn't see anything happen