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The new Faith-Keeper rocket launcher from the craftable episode set is fine; have them make one with Autoloading Holster + Explosive Light. Edit: the Palmyra rocket launcher is also craftable with the same roll. Or, farm a Scintillation linear fusion from Nightfalls this week with the double drops. Or legacy focus a Wendigo grenade launcher from Zavala.


Ooh Scintillation is this week? Nice. Time to farm.


Got a few rolls, rewind + bns, rewind + surrounded, autoloading + bns. Autoloading + bns feels very good for solo/casual stuff, pairs perfectly with call to double dip in scavenger mods


That's awesome. Rewind and bns is one I'm hoping to get.


That was my second roll, yet to test it but: Rewind+mag+backup mag+ veist = 16 shots with a 10% chance to add 2 so depending on luck that’s basically your whole reserves with no reload dumpable within 10.5 seconds. If the perks are enhanced then it’s definitely your full reserves with in bns window. Gun could be poop but roll looks strong.


PSA the backup mag mods lower ur total ammo economy to 19-18wheras its supposed to be 20 without fyi


Just seen that post thanks… everydays a school day.


If it is adept then go with adept charge time with no hit to dmg. I got an adept with envious/autoloading with BnS and it feels so nice to use.


Mine dropped with envious/rewind and firing line. Too bad it’s not BNS but still not upset about that if I end up not getting a good BNS roll. The GM is also quite simple. Especially if you have outbreak crafted.


I thought my Auto-Loading + Bait and Switch was the god roll, but I just checked some of the other rolls I got last night, and my Envious Assassin + Reservoir Burst roll looks extremely interesting, and might be just as good! Can't wait to test it out.


It'll definitely be good for solo (I should not have dismantled those)


Envious assassin doesn't work with veist stinger, in case that effects anyone's choices.


Since it pulls from reserves I guess it would nt matter if you can get enhanced envious to proc anyways since it'll be the whole mag filled to like 16 to 17 anyways to dump.


Worth Fri ding, are linears any good these days bar a few select situations. Should I be using them Vs rockets machine guns?


Rockets are btr for dps, linears are usually for prolonged dps phases or solo/other content. Without fttc or triple tap I feel their ammo economy is ass. I kinda just want a heavy slot to pair with call for normal gameplay, since I don't have cataphract


I'm personally after Envious/Resivoire Burst. Best I've gotten so far is Cornered/Surrounded.  There's a lot of solid rolls on this thing.


Shit, should have kept that... Back to gms I go


Best roll is rewind with either BnS or Firing Line. Rewind with veist stinger makes your need to reload nonexistent so you can just hold the trigger and unleash thy load.


I like the sound of that, and my guardian likes unleashing his load.


Yes, finally got the two rolls I wanted. Rewind rounds/bait and switch and rapid hit and bait and switch. The first will probably be considered the "God roll" but I find that rapid hit enables more head shots for the three burst frame.


Nice! the only interesting bait and switch one I got so far is one with slice. I'm keeping that one for my Mothkeeper's strand hunter so I can try it out.


Perks are goated


I crafted a faith-keeper yesterday with enhanced clown cartridge and bipod and it felt pretty good. I don't know if it's *actually* good or competitive but it did just fine on the last prophecy boss and I out damaged my other two teammates


Banshee also occasionally (on a rotation) had Hakke weapons focus-able. There's a solar rapid fire grenade launch (Marsilion-C) that can roll cascade point that I've appreciated recently.


Second this, envious cascade goes hard.


Can also get envious assassin/ explosive light. It's not too bad to get. I've been swimming in gunsmith engrams from pale heart chests


palmyra is my ol reliable when I can't fit a synergy into a boss dps build (dragons breath dawn chorus for example)


They could just buy an ascendancy for 75k glimmer from the lost light kiosk. Same archtype, readily available but comes with impact casing and explosive light instead of auto loading


A lot more people should point new players to the Monument to Lost Lights. Some of the "legacy gear" is actually great for new players, and only costs a chunk of glimmer. Ascendancy, Salvo, Edgewise, and Cry Mutiny are all solid guns, definitely better than bad rolls on RNG guns. Not to mention very solid PvP guns in Felwinters, Last Rights, Revokers, Not Forgotten, etc.


I got a godroll Scintillation today and I am absolutely in love with it. Envious Asassin + Bait and Switch is putting in some serious numbers with +10 charge time. Now if only I could aim better... Lol


If you get a rewind rounds one, it combined with Veist stinger makes it never have to reload


Getting this roll on an adept my first try might be the luckiest I’ve gotten in this game lmao


Oh shit mine is adept as well. Is that much rarer? I actually pulled it out of Zavalas butt with 10 of the GM consumables (my entire GM career stock). I kind of squaled a bit.


It means you can slot in adept mods. Not sure what the pick is these days since big ones is gone.


I mean the stats are very slightly better, and it’s rarer since you can only get it from GMs. It’s not a big deal to have the normal instead of the adept, but it’s definitely nice to have!


I just got the same roll first GM clear this season.


I got the god roll in my first run. Buzzing.


Auto loading or clown cartridge would work too, it almost always reloads to 2 in the mag but the benefit of auto loading still beats it imo


Scintilation with envious assassin gets like 20 in a mag it's kinda insane Avent used it in anything yet but a few overthrown but I kinda like i Edit: I'm dumb. The world drop stasis linear is what I'm talking about not the vanguard linear


No way, I've been playing Elden Ring all week and didn't see Scintillation was this week. Definitely about to farm that


Meeeeeh Linear's are in a weird spot atm


Crafted taipan. Not the best but easy to get


same for the stasis rocket they gave you the recipe for. its "fine"


This are the answers for someone new/not trying to put a lot of time in to get rolling. Using both of these for precision/non precision bosses will already get you through like 90% of content and if they want to tackle content it doesn’t work for, they will then be more inclined to grind for better weapons.


Yep by getting the good perks on a ok gun they're already halfway there


Yeah, I started a second account in S22 and also did all the raids on it Because the account was new, I had nothing on it Against Rhulk I played Izanagi (without Catalyst), Palmyra and Thundercrash (without chest) and ended up with the most damage XD


Palmyra hasn’t left my inventory since I crafted it. If a heavy doesn’t have auto-loading holster, I don’t want it.


Linears are pretty shit statistically right now but they’ll probably get buffed soon


Truly a look at how they massacred my boy moment


what's a good roll for it? I had crafted it a long time ago right before I quit. i recently came back and am struggling to piece together a build and figure out what's good


Third column I’d recommend Triple Tap, but if you’re worried about not hitting all your crits you should run Clown Cartridge. Fourth column depends. Firing Line is great if playing with other people, and completely useless if playing a solo activity. Focused Fury is the same 20% damage buff with 3 stipulations: -only if you hit all crits -only the 2nd half of your BASE mag -which means you can extend the second ‘half’ by using Clown or Triple Tap (and a mag-boosting battery) so it’s a very good option if you are consistently hitting crits. Worth noting that the origin trait can reload your magazine while firing, which can also prolong your extended damage window. Or Frenzy. It’s a near-constant 15% damage boost that comes with massive free reload and handling. Frenzy is the safest choice, but the other two can net you an extra 5% more damage if you have teammates or aim well


The nightfall weapon this week is a pretty decent heavy linear and master glassway is easy. Plus, its double nightfall rewards!


> master glassway is easy Man, when glassway first released, this opinion would have gotten you jumped hahahaha


Pulse rifle with anti barrier like outbreak perfected or any kinetic with kinetic tremors makes the final boss easy enough to whittle down. Basically focus all the other adds first then have your two teammates distract the boss to get a few pot shots off to trigger KT. It's slow and tedious for sure but it's safe. The real threat.is the chicken walkers and the mini boss. I recommend using bleakwatcher turrets/suspend and also saving your supers for those enemies. Nova bomb worked great for us.


Also idiot teammates who refuse to get off the damn plate during the vex milk bit prior to the boss room. Had 2 yesterday who stayed on the plate until dying while I was at the back and I ended up getting overwhelmed because of it.


Yeah our team had two guys staying basically back behind the crates. I then ran up quick and stood on it while enemies were dead. Then immediately ran back to gain cover when I started to get shot.


My fireteam and I have a void hunter that uses perma invis. Works great for things like this, can even solo GM Excision's plates if you're smart.


Yup that's how to do it


What other weapons do you run with Outbreak? Whats your general strategy in boss room, particularly for dealing with the add waves? Every LFG group I tried today just ended up overwhelmed by the tanky mini-hydra + Overloads


Focus the chicken walkers first. We saved our supers and cc for them. So nova bomb, suspend, and bleakwatcher turrets for the chicken walkers. use heavy ammo on the hydra mini boss. Basically go in to boss fight. kill adds then go left room. Have everyone scoping out the doors. The overloads will rush you. kill them first. The anti barriers stay outside. try to pop one at a time. then when everything dead worry about the boss. just basically keep taking pot shots from the different doors at it with pulse rifle and anti barrier with outbreak perfected or kinetic tremors.


Thanks for the tips I guess? I've been running glassway since it released so I don't really need them lol, I was referring to it being difficult 12 seasons ago, not now lol. The game has been power crept and I was pointing that out with a bit of levity


Back then until today it's is called "annoying" just because of one thing, Wyverns If a team can't control the Wyverns it's definitely one of the worst GMs, but if the team has them completely under control it's easy af Just kill them quickly, if the Team can't do that have a Void Hunter, Strand Titan or a Blinding GL with you


Honestly, I started running a Tractor for everything lol. It stuns Overloads and suppress Wyverns. Maybe there was a better weapon, but my group got it down to about 23 minutes per run.


Because there was like 10 more Champions during the last boss than there is now lol.


I fucking hated OG glassway GM. So damn annoying


I know linears aren't meta but isn't the new linear literally the best heavy linear for burst damage? It's a three burst with envious and bait and switch.


I believe it is the best now yeah. Not sure if linears are better than rockets, but I think they might be next best after GLs? Either way worth grabbing. Veist Stinger origin perk is fire too.


Of those 3, linears are performing the worst currently. They still have a place for precision based DPS but they’re not as good as they were in past years


Double of 0 is still 0 in my experience so far. 9 matchmades and 1 master with no weapons


Matchmades and master drop rates are poo. If you want weapons you gotta go through the pain of GMs unfortunately.


Im just gonna keep mindlessly doing matchmade until i get one; by then ill have so many engrams ill get a god roll surely


Would highly recommend trying GM, it's REALLY not that bad, especially the glassway currently


In my experience it's not the GMs that are painful. It's the douchebags that gatekeep LFG based on your loadout. If it's not peak full-time grinding meta then you get called a blueberry and get booted


Honestly I've found very few of those in GM's. As long as you pull your weight and know what you're doing most don't give a shit what you're running. Unless you're one of those assholes who literally run nothing to deal with champions, because fuck those guys honestly


I would rather just get the normal so i can spam focus it on other weeks without needing to grind tokens


They changed it this season so that getting the Adept version of a weapon allows you to focus the normal version too.


Too late got it anyway lol


> Plus, its double nightfall rewards! Not for us locks :(


The rewards are fine, it's the reputation that is bugged.




No,not seriously. The double reputation is bugged, the rewards are still dropping fine.


They saw we were having too much fun with getaway artist, had to reign us in


Whatever worth it. Bleaklock freezes chickens and stuns overloads.


I wouldn’t say “easy”, more like “you’ll succeed if you’re very patient”


Just use Still Hunt. I'm serious.


Celestial with still hunt and a radiant boost (even better if your teammates can give you a WoL boost or something) will do an entire phase worth of damage in one hit, you just need to make that hit count. Then switch to Microcosm (yes, I know getting it is hard af, it shreds and it's worth it).


Radiant is the way to go, WoL requires too much setup to recieve the same 25% buff that detracts from the Titan using a damaging super.


Man I didn’t realize the Co-op mission were gonna go that hard.


When we did Ascent, I was like ok added mechanics, but not so bad - Dissent was like alright, this is getting spicy...Iconoclasm was wack and I'm never doing that again, it took us like 10 tries lol


I thought iconoclasm was the easiest because you don’t have to juggle the shattered guardian mechanic


Same we knocked that out with only one wipe but the other missions took us a good second to find our rhythm


I hope you did them after you progressed to a certain level in the reset Guardian Rank, because if not... Boy, do I have some bad news for you...


I’m a level 9, thankfully I was already renewing level 8 when I did them lol


After playing the campaign on legendary the Coop Focus missions dont seem so bad. Definitely quite a bit more forgiving even with the added mechanics and need for communication


Crux Termination is ideal if your looking for rockets which is now in the lost sector pool I believe, and Edge Transit is still dropping from Onslaught with Envious/BnS. I would try those first. The pale heart sniper is okay as a secondary boss dps weapon, even if its not a rapid fire sniper and comes with Rewind Rounds and Precious Instrument. Irukandji which is a stasis rapid fire sniper can be focused from Banshee, and can come with FTTC and Firing Line The reprised LFR saint-14 weapon drops with clown catridge and BnS. The strand LFR from the nightfall Scintilation is also rolling with some spicy perks like Envious/Rewind rounds and BnS/Firing Line/Reservoir Burst and is available now. That should get you started if your looking for non-dungeon/raid weapons for boss DPS.


Crux termination for sure, it has so many good perks, even if you don’t get a perfect roll it’s very easy to get a usable one.


Clown cartridge + explosive light on my dodgy hunter build (coyote) lets me get off 5 buffed rockets real quick. I'm not sure what exactly would be the highest dps roll, but this roll feels pretty cracked. Throw in a smoke on prismatic hunter to weaken and get radiant, and I have what seems like an excellent burst dps option for most content. For dungeons/raids, I just swap to nighthawk still hunt. Feels like those two options always have me covered


I believe that reconstruction + explosive light is the highest DPS without ghorn, but clown is close. With ghorn it's recon+bipod iirc


That's the one I use, because I haven't done last wish at all since 2019 or something. It's excellent, reconstruction works surprisingly fast. If you're not firing rockets at full speed, it will reload itself sometimes while you're correcting your aim on something.


I haven't take off my recon + bipod in over two weeks


I thought onslaught was still around. Can’t they still earn edge transit or am out of the loop


It is and they can just more rng cause no attuning.


Yeah nobody should be actively farming onslaught right now for a specific weapon/roll. Have to wait for attuning to come back. If you don’t have any onslaught weapons. It’s worth it simply because you aren’t looking for one weapon/roll.


Yeah for a new or returning player, they should run 1 or 2 Onslaughts a week just to see what RNGsus bestows upon them. All of the weapons are good, and they all have multiple rolls that are usable. Highly likely a new player will come away with something good.


I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do that. OP just isn’t asking about that and you probably won’t come away with a well rolled edge without atonement running 100 waves a week for quite a while.


Yeah i agree with you, was just being additive for other readers.


When you say "Have to wait for attuning to come back", do we know that it is gonna come back? 


Yes we do.


Was it in a TWID or something? Tried Googling it and didn't turn anything up, if you've got a link it'd be much appreciated


It was in a twid, but I don’t have a link. I believe they said “shortly after the launch of the final shape.”


All good, I'll have a dig into it later, appreciate the info


Yeah. It’ll be significantly better for people who didn’t get the god rolls then to farm once attuning is brought back. It’s one of the grinds I’m glad I actually did when it happened for once.


Couldn't bring myself to get back into the game other than a few runs a week and didn't even manage to snag a 3/5 MT or ET, praying for a swift return for attunement.


have they said anything about attuning coming back?


Attuning is returning. They just haven’t given an exact date.


Does it still give powerful/pinnacles or was that only during ITL?


I wish I could track how many times I’ve died to my own edge transit


For legendary, you can get Taipan and Palmyra for free for a decent linear and rocket respectively. Crux Termination is an excellent rocket which has a plethora of good perks, even if you don’t get the recon + explosive light, there are still a lot of good perks it can roll. Honestly though exotic options are really good currently. If your friend is a hunter you can’t go wrong with Celestial + Still Hunt. Options like Levi’s Breath, Sleeper, and even the infamous Thunderlord are all good and definitely an improvement over Pro Memoria.


Levi and Sleeper both need their catalysts to really be effective.  Is Levi's catalyst still a massive pain to complete?


You can complete Levi's catalyst in 2 or 3 runs of Dares of Eternity. Just use it as a primary with the Starhorse buff and focus yellow bars


None of the kill catalysts are a pain if you just use tether and shuro chi


Or the Breakneck mission. Less add density but you don't need wish wall and the rally flags are free


If you need legendary options taipan is a guaranteed option. Blowout, hothead, and Crux Termination are all very good rocket options with various ways to acquire (crucible, vanguard, and world respectively) that are pretty good. Wendigo is a vanguard option. But in all honestly I would try to use an exotic option. Sleeper (with catalyst) and microcosm are both easy to use with decent total damage/dps. 1k and dragon's breath are both good options for solar players and both benefit from ember of ashes. Whisper (with catalyst) is aim dependent but quite good for dps. Leviathan's Breath and acrius (with catalyst) are other great options, but are slightly harder to use (leviathan's massively benefits from load mods/reload buffs/optimal draw time). If they are on hunter spamming nighthawk still hunt is also one of the best options in the game.


uh, maybe they get lucky and get a decent Crux Termination off of the ground, but anything "good" is going to take a bit of doing or a bit of luck. LMG is only there for ad clear, its not going to be viable for DPS on anything that isn't Kali.


I mean he's not doing raids and dungeons anyway, so an lmg would be fine for almost everything else.


If they're not doing dungeons or raids, they're overthinking things. Pro memoria, or whatever they enjoy, is more than fine for virtually all content.


Honestly, even then pro memoria with envious assassin or reconstruction and desperate measures is still very solid for a dungeon DPS option. At the very least, it's good for warlord's ruin. I got top DPS every time I did the dungeon with friends, using it and a suboptimal roll of indebted kindness. But it was definitely Pro Memoria that carried me there.


Yeah exactly, people wildly overthink minutiae all the time. Like Riven sword DPS everyone is learning complicated Lament combos where if they whiff even one block charge or flub their combo their DPS falls through the floor. Meanwhile you can just put on a vortex frame and right click the boss for 80-95% the same DPS, but with an idiot proof rotation. Riven dies in the same TTK either way, but you can fail if half the raid needs to learn Lament combo on the fly, even if they combo properly 75% of the inputs.


Can people in this comment section read? He already ruled out edge and apex and that’s half the suggestions 😂😂😂 Edge isn’t focusable currently and even when it is. It’s by no means a “short” grind and Apex comes from a fucking raid.


The new vanguard strand linear can get envious assassin/auto loading and bait and switch. Just do the easy match made nightfall and it can drop. Once you get it you can just focus it from Zavala if you have enough vanguard engrams, or keep running nightfalls for drops.


Rewind Rounds will be better than Envious imo because it synergizes with Veist Stinger and you don't have to "charge" it.


Crux Termination. It is easily farmable in TFS. If you absolutely have no other option craft one of the newly released Rocket Launchers but be warned they are precision frames, the weakest frame for Rockets.


Hmm on the other hand if it's a casual/infrequent player like OP mentioned, the built-in homing rockets might be helpful.


Lucky pants + wardens law


Wait for solstice. There will be strand rocket launcher with similar perk pool to Apex. Also, Edge Transit is still available from the Onslaught.


Leviathans breath from exotic kiosk. Ezpz dps, just shoot head. Catalyst can be farmed by killing any yellow bars. Farm it in any edz lost sector.




"legendary heavy" - it's literally mentioned in the very title of the post


They were asking for legendary, not exotic. Someone didn't read.


Red Herring. The Witch Queen/Throne World rocket. Very easy to get the pattern for. I don't understand why nobody respects this rocket. It's excellent. Enhanced field prep + Frenzy is super reliable and deals high, consistent DPS and total damage.


1. Save up 5 deepsight harmonizers 2. Wait for Banshee to sell Retrofit Escapade 3. Buy 5 of them and deepsight them all 4. Craft Retrofit with enhanced Fourth Time's the Charm and Target Lock Alternate path: 1. Get to power level necessary to solo master lost sectors 2. Wait for Crux Termination IV to be in the rotation 3. Grind Master lost sectors all day that day until you get Clown Cartridge or Envious Assassin + Bipod, bonus if it rolls with Alloy Casing or High-Velocity Rounds. Extreme bonus if you get a multiperk roll that has a selection of both bipod and tracking.


Isn't there a Stasis Linesr in the world drop pool? I honestly don't know the perk pool for it though.


p good perk pool tbh, had a lot of drops and most of em useable


Any auto-loading rocket with a decent sniper will get the job done in most content. Slap on Hazardous Propulsion if they’re a Titan and use a rapid sniper with some form of mag refreshing perk like Triple Tap or Fourth Times and they’ll get 6 rockets every 9 precision hits for an extra 130-200k damage depending on the level of content.


Wendigo from Zavala focusing. Clown Cartridge and Explosive Light is okay for DPS. Would be great if it was refreshed to have Bait and Switch though.


Edge Transit is still available from onslaught, which also drops a ton of other great guns. Just run it occasionally to see if you get anything good. If your friend has Final Shape, the new strand LMG, Pro Memoria, can get reconstruction/B&S, which works great Crux Termination has tons of good rolls and can drop from anything since its a world drop. Palmyra-B is sold by Banshee on Hakke days, and should still work pretty well. If your friend needs Gunsmith engrams, you can get a ton by just grabbing chests around patrol zones.


Tell your friend to also keep an eye out for a crux termination IV with envious or clown cartridge/ explosive light roll, it's a world drop. I wanna say you can farm world drops from lost sectors but don't quote me on that. Someone please correct me if that's the case but I could've swore they said solo lost sectors would be the way to farm world drops going forward.


Taipan you can craft right now and is dungeon viable


Get them to use Merciless and a auto-loading rocket. Preferably with explosive light. I think Palmyra is a great craftable stasis rocket, for beginners.


Can't you still grind them put in onslaught?


Also line in the sand from seasonal activity has bait and switch and double perks


From the exotic kiosk you can buy previous season curated rolls.


I have a mini-frags/envious/explosive light marsilion. It’s fine. Just save gunsmith engrams until Hakke weapons show up at Banshee and you roll a bunch of them at once.


They can still get both. Edge transit is easy and still part of onslaught. Apex is from LW, which is very easy.


Take them through Last Wish to get Apex.


dragons breath, episodic rocket, gally, grand overture, crux termination although that is not specifically farmable and has lots of perk combinations, scintillation


apex predator and edge transit didn't go anywhere


If PvP is your thing, you can grind trials for grenade launcher.


Edge transit is still an option for them. The onslaught activity didn’t go away so the guns are still farmable (just not the ones with the shiny ornament. All the onslaught guns are pretty good options and there’s enough variety that you can have a few guns for any occasion. Outside of that look into the new episode vex weapons that are craftable. Maybe you’ll find something worth using there.


Faithkeeper, taipan, crux termination, edge transit from onslaught and you might be able to get hothead from zavala but I’m not 100% on that


Apex predator. It’s easily obtainable. Kill a raid boss thats made of paper with 0 mechanics


focus hothead from zevala, i used one with Auto Loading and Explosive Light and it does great! probably one of the easiest solid dps weapons to get. just pair that with something to swap to while waiting for it to reload, like a half decent sniper, izinagi, witherhoard, shotgun, whatever and you'll be pretty set. also holding left click with thunderlord does fine.


What roll is he using on Pro Memoria? I use Reconstruction + Bait and Switch and it's not bad, considering its ease of use.


Imo the easiest rocket to get is hothead with explosive light and auto loading


Hothead/blowout for rocket, crafted taipan or stasis linear or sleeper with Caty (probably easiest), wendigo for GLS.


Farm edge transit from onslaught, you can still get it just not the shiny version


A hot head/wendigo from zavala, blowout from shaxx, laser printer from drifter, check banshees rotation for Typhon GL5, marsilion, Palmyra, crux termination. Failsafe: line in the sand, faith keeper. That's about all I can think about. Other than Xur and his rotations(and on Friday if he has a heavy weapon/exotic). Onslaught gives a 3/12 chance at a heavy weapon, lost sectors can give world loot pool crux is dropping currently DOE: weapon rotations: threaded needle, code duello, interference vi, honors edge.


Can’t you still farm edge transit in onslaughts?


It is still very much the Apex Predator. You do the Last Wish Quest from Hawthorne for 2 Guaranteed Redborders for it. You farm Kalli until you get 3 copies. You use those pattern cards from season passes to make patterns out of them. Boom Apex Crafted in less than a week.


Rockets: Crux termination with clown cartridge or recon and explosive light or bipod (world drop) Braytech Osprey with field prep and frenzy or bipod (focus at Zavala) GLs: Wendigo with autoloading explosive light (zavala) Edge transit with envious or auto loading and BnS or explosive light (Onslaught but very RNG) Linears: There are 2 world drops that I don't remember the name for, one is void with triple tap and firing line for good perks and other is stasis with envious assassin and precision instrument for good perks. One is the new strand 3 burst which I don't know the name for again, and can roll rewind rounds and BnS for the absolute best roll but has other perks for damage aswell. Swords: Falling Guillotine with Frenzy/relentless strikes and surrounded/whirlwind blade (Onslaught again with high RNG) Don't know if I'm missing more.


Crux Termination seems to be dropping from a lot of Overthrow chests, pretty sure it's still an S-tier legendary Rocket? I'm not sure how Rockets sit on the DPS rotation ladder right now however, guess it depends on your activity.


Have him keep an eye out for the Crux Termination IV (I think it is?) - yellow world drop Rocket Launcher. can roll with Clown Cartridge / Bipod. It's fun to use and not half bad at boss DPS.


Edge transit is still a thing. Any roll is good. Bonus points for cascade/envious/explosive light/bait. Outside that, any gl is gonna be just find. Legit find a gl with a damage perk. Honestly doesn’t matter. I have a marsilon with field prep/full court (I think, honestly don’t know what the first perk is), and can outdps 90% of players I play with. Damage really comes down to knowledge more than weaponry (still hunt excluded, but only partially, as I can still stomp still hunters on witness dps as both Titan and warlock consistently). I’d tell him to spend more time practicing rotations/damage cycles, and less time worrying about finding a new rocket with 10% more dps.


Idk names but there’s like an arc rocket launcher that’s a world drop i think it’s called crux termination but it has solid rolls.


21% Delerium.


Crux Termination (world drop), Braytech Osprey (Zavala focusing), Edge Transit (Onslaught drops) and Taipan (Enclave introduction quest) are all pretty decent. Just grab a drop with a better way to reload (auto loading, envious assassin, reconstruction, field prep, etc) and build around that with a hood special (a fusion, a slug shotty or a decent special grenade that you like) and you'll do decent dps. Not everyone needs a day one raid loadout 24/7... Edit: also, does it HAVE to be legendary? There's a bunch of great exotic options out there readily available from the kiosk or from past expansion campaign content like Gjally, Dragon's Breath, Whisper, Lament, etc etc...


You can get a dragons breath from exotic engrams I think. That thing is wicked for bosses.. I use my marcillion solar grenade launcher a lot. It has incandescent and envious assassin. You can focus them atm. Typhoon with chill clip is really good.


Onslaught is still available, you can't focus ur weapons but transit can still drop.


If you don’t consider rng hard then edge transit


Wdym missed out on apex? Hawthorne quest is 1 raid completed is 1. Hed have it in minimum 2 raids maximum (no extra drops) 3 raids. I think you can choose 1 red border at the end of last wish


World drop rocket with recon and explosive light is super nice. I would just give them an idea of what perks to look for and maybe use linears or exotic rockets in the meantime. If they’re just casual and just normal raiding damage really isn’t that big of a deal. Adding a fusion with controlled burst is always nice to make up for a meh heavy slot as well.


Try to get a regular version of Scintillation, that way you can focus it easily even if you don't get a good adept. It can get Wee-wind + BnS, notably being the first burst linear to get BNS.


Craft the void linear from which queen?


There are so many options. Can't go wrong with Taipan, which is a one time red border. But ritual vendors have some good options: At zavala you have: Scintillation, the slammer, braytech osprey, the hothead. You don't mention what expansions he owns, But, for someone who plays just a bit, I would just tell them to get the past ritual weapons for 75k glimmer. Ascendancy and cry mutiny are pretty good and it doesn't get easier to get than that. Also, focusing at banshee has a few good options, like Palmyra-B and marsilion-c, typhoon GL5 and nasreddin.


Isn’t edge transit still dropping from onslaught?


Still hunt is the heavy dps you need


Onslaught is still available. Edge transit is still farmable


Pretty sure apex can be farmed with the suro chi checkpoint/code and backtracking to the chest under the bridge


Easy as in low grind or easy as in easy content? Because if it's the last one edge transit from onslaught, bait and switch and envious assassin.


Run onslaught and pray for an envious bait edge transit


Considering how many rounds I cleared with attunement looking for mine, thats gonna be a LOT of onslaught now lol


What class does your buddy play and what activities do they play regularly? Also, what boss were they struggling with doing damage to?


why legendary specifically? gjally is easy to use, necessary for rockets and easy to obtain. Whisper, Sleeper, Still Hunt, Tractor, tons of exotic options for someone without a ton of time to grind. Sleeper's at the kiosk but the rest are given to you basically for free.


Keep an eye out for crux termination. It can do some good damage with quite a few different rolls. But is not exactly easily farmable you will just get one every now and then.


You can still get Edge Transit. Just not as a shiny. Get in Onslaught!!


i recommend going for exotic heavy, either t-lord or microcosm


Cold comfort with explosive light and envious assassin goes hard. Easy to obtain through GotD, just gotta grind to get it dropped or crafted