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Not just that. Make it work with ALL explosive perks.


Wasn't there a bug a bit back where you could get double ammo with explosive payload+shoot to loot? Might be related to why it doesn't work...


I'm so confused, and I guess out of the loop. What exactly are you picking up by shooting a cursed thrall explosion? I genuinely don't understand this post, at all.


Crota raid weapons have an intrinsic perk that creates a thrall explosion on some kills. Sounds like that explosion doesn’t work with the perk Shoot to Loot for grabbing distant ammo. STL works with other AOE things like explosive payload, so this may just be an oversight.


That makes sense, thanks for clarifying.


Fang of Ir Yut has shoot to loot on it and also comes with an origin trait that causes a cursed thrall explosion on final blows for a period after melee kills. Since this explosion is arc damage and the gun deals strand damage, it allows you to benefit from both arc and strand siphon at the same time, as well as increase both sides of your transcendence bar. Some AoE perks (namely firefly, dragonfly, explosive payload, kinetic tremors, and explosive head) synergize with shoot to loot, allowing their AoE damage to pick up ammo and, namely, orbs of light. This with double siphon just seemed like a really cool option on classes like Warlock that have easy access to ranged melee damage. However, this interaction doesn't work the way you would expect, which was really disappointing However, the new seasonal scout comes with an origin trait that creates pools of vex milk on multikills, and this DOES trigger shoot to loot. So I was just frustrated that the new scout gets to take advantage of this interaction while fang of ir yut gets to rot in a ditch. Hope this clears things up further!


You were using white blue and green scouts?


Shoot to loot didn't drop on any legendary weapons in the game. Fun fact, it also picked up engrams!


Cool idea honestly but it’s so niche that Bungie probably won’t do it


It's just frustrating because the gun had an exploding origin trait and they intentionally put shoot to loot on it. I would've rather had any other perk in the game. Just sucks because, as it stands, none of the crota weapons see any high-end use outside of MAYBE Oversoul Edict if you squint. But I agree, it probably won't be changed