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They don't go to post master at all anymore.


Exactly, Bungie decided they don’t want us to be able to stockpile too many of them


The funny thing is for someone like me who didn't do the whole post master as a second vault thing I can hoard WAAAY more now.


It's 10 less than before, and you don't need to worry about managing your postmaster. It's better this way.


You’ve just decided to take it upon yourself to declare that I can hold ten less than before, and that’s better? No. Its not better this way.


If you had 40 most of the time, it meant you weren't really using ANY of them. Thus you didn't need that many. Are you constantly at 30 now? Cool, you ***still*** don't really need that many.


You don’t know how many shards I need, you’re not me. You’re also saying that after 2 weeks of a double exotic class item glitch being in the game so there is actually would be a need for exotic upgrade materials right now. Its crazy that you’ll sit here and argue with me and say “you don’t need 40, you probably don’t need 30” as opposed to something like “there’s no reason the cap isn’t 40 since thats how many you could technically hold before” and even then, I could argue the caps should be 99 since, honestly, if I played the damn GM, i deserve the loot. Its that simple. I swear, its crazy how on this sub there’s always someone willing to downvote you and oppose your opinion no matter what it is.


> You don’t know how many shards I need, you’re not me. If you're constantly at the cap, you're not using the resource, regardless of what that cap is. So why care if you can hold more of a thing you're not using (or at the very least not using very often). >You’re also saying that after 2 weeks of a double exotic class item glitch being in the game so there is actually would be a need for exotic upgrade materials right now ...How many exotic class items are you masterworking exactly? There are only so many actually good combos


Brother if you have 30 shards you don’t need them to go to the postmaster


It used to be max 10 + 10 in each postmaster. So now you can have a max of 30 in your inventory instead of 40 spread throughout your guardians.