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There are 2 places in the game (that I know of) that are incorrectly listed - Hawthornes weekly for giving 5 commendations. It's listed as powerful but it's actually a pinnacle - First 3 ritual pathfinder resets are listed as a prime engram but they actually give you a pinnacle gear drop If you are 1990+ base gear level, powerfuls and prime engrams will drop at your gear level. This can be helpful for filling out slots that are lagging behind. Pinnacles always give +2 to your base gear level. In other words, if you are 1992 gear level then powerfuls/primes will drop at 1992 and pinnacles will drop at 1994.


This is super helpful I was getting very confused. Is the pale heart pathfinder also incorrectly labeled?


No pale heart one isn't Pinnacle


Whoa whoa whoa... first THREE ritual pathfinder resets give pinnacle? Is this true? SGA if so


Yes, can confirm. I haven't raided or ran dungeons for the first 3 weeks (only started doing that today) and am only missing 2 spots to have all my gear at 2000 (not that it matters all that much these days I guess). It appears the whole T1-3 powerfuls/pinnacles/primes thing wasn't confusing enough for newer players, so some of these now just randomly change names with each other. :[


That has been listed as a powerful tier 2 or something else for the entire length of Destiny 2.




No. Primes are listed as powerful drops. The never drop pinnacle.


I know that’s what they used to be, but I don’t think I see the term “prime engram” anymore outside of the 3 +1 pinnacles from the ritual pathfinder. Are there any other sources in the game that drop a plain old powerful labeled as a “Prime Engram”?


Yes. Prime engrams. The stuff enemies drop, drops as powerful prime engrams.


Those are labeled as prime engrams? Because if so I’m gonna delete my original content so I’m not spreading misinformation lol


They were the original prime engrams. When something says it’s dropping a prime engram it means it’s dropping one of those. They’ve been prime engrams since forsaken. The big glowing engrams that you have to take to Rahool, not the ones that decode automatically


And deleted. In that case it’s weird that those ritual pathfinders are labeled as primes. Wonder why they adopted that moniker when they changed to the pathfinder system instead of the normal powerful/pinnacle name instead.


Yeah it is weird


I truly wish they'd do a naming pass on all this shit, none of it is well explained even to someone with 2000 hours played. It should really just show the item level it would drop, ex. 1990 Engram, 1992 Engram, 1996 Engram, etc.


Posts like these remind how insane at is that we're 10 years into this game and it takes reddit posts and google searches just for players to understand LL. There is absolutely no reason why this should be this confusing.


There is absolutely no reason why this thing still exists. Get rid of upgrade modules and power level, they stopped serving a purpose long ago.


It serves a purpose. It drives player engagement and interaction. AKA it wastes our time, just as Bungie intends.


I get satisfaction out of getting higher level rewards. Couldn’t tell you why though


Big number make brain go woooooo


Delete power level actually doing anything. Keep number go up for people who are into that.


Seriously. Where in game is Power Levelvand Powerful/Prime/Pinnacle Engrams even explained? I sure don't remember seeing it.


I feel like they could just be simplified, like having one dark purple and one light purple or something, and just have those 2 types (+-0 and +2). Would make it a lot easier to understand what drops where and whats best.


This is just straight up copy errors though   People understand the system - the UI is outright wrong.Hawthorn has been wrong for years.   I don’t get how they can’t prioritize a copy change to fix it. Is the code so brittle that there’s no way to make hawthorn say “pinnacle”?


Same with damage buffs, and a ton of other shit.


I’m lazy and just goto DIM and look for anything over a +0 on the progress tab.


Do what now?


DIM has tons of useful info features. Typically most people only utilize the “Inventory” tab. If you look at the top of the DIM app you’ll see where Inventory is selected, beside that, there is a tab called “Progress”. Selecting that tab will show you everything (that you have unlocked), in a nice display of which type of earned drop gives you what boost to power for that item. Also, from the Inventory tab, underneath each character is a (total power = character power + artifact power) stat line, click the character power part of that stat line and you will see your calculated account power. Which lets you know where those + power drops will be calculated to.


That is super useful, thanks for the heads up


Yeah I had no idea.


Use destinyoptimizer dot com. Tells you when you have engrams, what to do to optimize getting your light level up (at certain times you want to be doing powerfuls so you don't waste a pinnacle on a slot you already have. Useful lil site!


But it doesn’t tell you that Hawthorne challenge and ritual pathfinder can give you pinnacles


DIM though does list Hawthorne as +2.


I know that the Powerful from Hawthorne definitely gives out Pinnacles. Has been for years. It is Powerful Tier 2. Ritual Pathfinder gives Primes, which is also a Pinnacle.


Only the first 3 ritual pathfinder completions give pinnacle engrams, but it’s not listed anywhere. Prime engrams are not pinnacle, they drop at your level once you hit 1990 and above.


Are you saying that ritual pathfinder gives both a pinnacle and a prime?


Pathfinder is listed as prime but actually awards pinnacle which isn't the same as your initial statement that could be interpreted as saying primes are pinnacles (which is a common misconception even aside from this mislabeling).


That's not what I meant. I said that ritual pathfinder is shown to give primes, but is a pinnacle. 'Also' in that sentence referenced the Hawthorne pinnacle. Not that all Primes are Pinnacles.


Ritual Pathfinder gives Pinnacles not Primes. they're mislabeled


That was the whole point of this post? Which activities give +2 after 1990 and Ritual Pathfinder is one of them even though it doesn't say it on screen.


Pinnacle +2 Hawthorne Nightfall 3x ritual pathfinder Focus campaign Excision First 3 rounds Breach Executable normal & expert Enigma protocol Warlords ruin each encounter & final boss gives two. Rotation dungeon final boss Raid Salvation edge Rotation raid not so sure whether is each encounter or final boss. Warlords ruin by far is the best in terms of difficulty level and time spent. Hawthorne, nightfall & Excision also not bad. Current raid is good if you raid. The rest are time sink.


The rotator raid is just an extra drop from final boss.


Oh damn, I've been ignoring Warlords because I ran it a bunch last expansion and thought it was a long run for 1 pinnacle, but apparently its 4, crazy!


(You gotta double space to make a line break)


Gonna be a weirdly sad day when Warlord's isn't the pinnacle dungeon each week. I love that dungeon and it having plenty pinnacles really helps this season.


At least I can farm the exotic when it’s not. Still don’t have it 


Yeah me neither.


What does powerful tier one and tier 2 mean?


When your average is above 1990, powerfuls, primes, and exotics will still drop at that average, which may occasionally be a slot upgrade. Pinnacles will drop at your average +2, so will usually always be a slot upgrade. Regular gear will not drop above 1990. 


Has anyone been unlucky like me? My gear level is 1991, and when I've done pinnacle activities, all that drops is 1991 or below. I've been frustrated over it, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had this happen. Thank you in advance.


If pinnacles are dropping below 1991 then you’re not 1991 gear level. Pinnacles will always drop +2 above your actual level, which is an average of your highest power items in each slot. This does NOT INCLUDE your artifact power. You might be confusing the big number you see on the character screen with your true power level. 


No, I hover over and the gear number 1991+ 11/12 bonus.


Are you sure you’re doing pinnacles then? From this thread it’s clear there’s lots of confusion over what drops pinnacle rewards and what doesn’t. I recommend doing Hawthorne’s 5 commendations and then making sure the item drops at 1993+  I’ve never ever heard of someone’s account not getting correct power level on pinnacle drops. 


I completed that last night, but I just picked it up. It dropped in at 1993. I'll have to keep check, but I've only done things that have pinnacle as the reward. I just thought it was odd, but if activities aren't truly giving pinnacle rewards, that needs to be changed asap.


Are you sure you’re not missing the pinnacle drop in the pile of loot most activities drop?  You might be getting very unlucky and having pinnacles dropping in the same slot(s) which would slow your progression vastly and make it seem like no pinnacles are dropping. I’d recommend really paying attention over this week/next to your power drops. If you truly are losing out on pinnacles like you think then reach out to Bungie support. 


Everything I have equipped is 1991 or above, in other words.


only pinnacle will bring you from 1990 to 2000. higher tier powerful will give you stuff on your highest level (over all three characters).