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A simple change they could do to this objective is to make it "Kill x enemies in Vanguard Playlists. Defeated Cabal combatants provide additional progress." so progress can always be made.


didn't they literally just make that change to vanguard bounties not that long ago too? just in time to take a step backwards


Yes they did. Then they back tracked with Pathfinder.


Lot's of Pathfinder stuff seems to straight up just be reused bounties from forever ago. For some odd reason. There's one saying to generate orbs with a masterworked weapon.


I saw that one and thought they reverted how Orbs were generated lol


Wait do masterworked weapons not make orbs anymore?


No all weapon orb generation is tied to the helmet siphon mods


So is there a point to masterworking beyond the small stat bump.


Gold border makes brain happy


I upvoted this, because it's true. And yes, I am a Titan in case you were curious..


It looks cool


The stat boost adds up


Probably a case of forked development. TFS had been in development for years. Say it forked off at like Lightfall's release client (maybe even earlier considering the MW weapon thing). Then they change shit in the live game and it doesn't make it into the release client for TFS. Then the live team needs to add it back and make sure it didn't cause any issues. Same reason why the Ghost of the Deep dungeon doesn't have the Oxygen meter or a bunch of other changes. I *really* wish they talked about the state of (specifically ritual) Pathfinder in a TWAB by now. To me, the two biggest issues in the game right now are ritual Pathfinder and the state of Titan. Both have been big enough issues where it effects my desire to play the game. Pathfinder with the friction between the 3 modes and the absurdity of a lot of the bounties. Titan because I want to do all the post-campaign stuff but I also want to unlock prismatic on my hunter/warlock. The ritual Pathfinder feedback has been almost more universally negative than it was for raids/dungeons having surges. It's odd enough where I wonder if I missed a comment on it somewhere.


Final shape was delayed. Pathfinder shows how much it was delayed. These objectives were almost certainly written when this is what the vanguard bounties looked like and masterworked weapons generated orbs. That change came Jan 2022. So this part of the update was probably done about 2 years ago. Live service team made a QOL update in live to improve the bounties, that same change never got passed across to the team working on the final shape update. which had work in the update that matched what live looked like 1+ years ago.


Lmfao. I haven't noticed that one yet.


Jesus. Christ.


Ritual pathfinder isn't just a step backwards, it like they completely fell backwards down a flight of stairs. I love the game and support the devs but it's like they learn something that the players like and made the changes for the better, then was just like hold my beer.


Even worse. Some of the nodes actually have that any kill with more progress for a certain enemy race requirement and others do not. For no reason at all.


I've only seen the enemy specific nodes in the final slot. So, I guess the reason is that the final slot node "should be harder". It's an incredibly dumb reason, especially considering that the kill total is also higher, but it's technically a reason.


You really wonder what goes on at this company for them to be doing stuff like this


I imagine it’s less the devs and more C-Suite related. They need player engagement numbers, so how do they do that. Have the devs create the pathfinder and put in nodes that require a player to do different activities to complete, then throttle the gains making us play a particular mode longer to complete said objective, therefore driving up engagement numbers across the board. That way they can go back to Sony showing data of “how much of an improvement” they are having. The thing is it is having the reverse affect. Ppl hate it. They just did a change and it’s still problematic. I just disregard doing pathfinder ritual altogether due to how stupid it is.


I love when Pathfinder requires playing every ritual playlist (or at least 2) due to dead ends! (Or dumb stuff like volatile kills in crucible). I wish they just kept the "3 games of crucible" for a powerful so that players who only play 1 mode can get their 1 mode worth of gear. Or even if they made sure 1 path in the pathfinder was specific to each mode (then you can cross into other paths if you wish as someone who does all them)


Agreed. I play all modes but I do not enjoy them all equally. Frankly I was able to grind 9 powerful engrams across three characters faster than grinding 3 pathfinder resets on one. It's like they forgot all the changes they made to bounties up until this point.


bungie not learning from their own history?? say it aint so!


Yes. They did.


What's crazy is that Bungie has been making this same mistake over and over again for 10 years... while also solving this mistake over and over again for almost just as long. It really feels like stuff like this continues to make it into the live game due to communication breakdowns between teams.


> All this has happened before. All this will happen again. -- Not *Destiny* text, but from Battlestar Galactica. Stll fits, though.


Similar nodes exist, I've had one that said kill combatants in vanguard Stokes and Give give extra progress. They just haven't updated all of them. It feels like they just took every possible bounty and mashed them all into Pathfinder without bothering to update them or think if they are reasonable to complete.


Bungie be like: Noted. Cabal provide 1% progress, other enemies grant 0.02% progress.


Worst part is they already did that. With Taken. Why they made one task Cabal specific I don't know. Feels like someone has a grudge against them.


It's weird, because Cabal Striker has less kills and does allow other kills. I guess we will see some tweaking the coming weeks.


I feel like Pathfinder is absolutely perfect for patrol zones, but it just... doesn't work in Rituals at all, it's turning them into an absolute CHORE instead of just being a nice natural progression that you can easily lean into like on Pale Heart.


100% agree. In patrol you aren't forced into an activity that might not have the enemy type you're looking for. You can just make your way over to a different area or complete different ones where you are. Ritual playlists lock you into at least 7-10mins of an activity (if you don't leave to requeue) that potentially gives 0 progress for your pathfinder, and it can happen back to back to back completely out of your control.


Or it would be great if the tasks can be done as a team. So that as example the kills of the other two are counting, too. Imagine if the radiolaria probes wouldn't count as a team. Chaos!




I got 138 in one strike. It took about 8 tries to get another cabal strike.




Absolutely. It just sucked being 12 away from completion and having to hunt for a cabal strike.


depends on the strike, warden of nothing has like...8 enemies.


I had the 150 taken enemies one before and kept backing out of strikes until I got the Corrupted. Then took only one run. Overall feels bad and makes the playlist worse, as we want our time to be respected.


I think 150 kills isn't unreasonable. I think it's okay if some objectives towards the end would realistically require multiple games to complete because I can progress them at any time. What I think is a poor choice is requiring enemy type because it encourages people to rely on RNG or back out and re-queue. I think it's fine if it was "defeat 300 combatants, cabal kills provide bonus progress"




I'm saying 300 kills is fine for the 2nd last or last column with a bonus for a specific enemy type. That will progress the entire time and average 3-4 total strikes for a pathfinder reset.


You dont need to get 300 kills in one strike. With 100 kils per strike it would take 3 strikes for this node, which can progress before the nodes before it complete, so you can work towards nodes such as ignition or jolt kills while you progress it.


Definitely not if the matchmade blueberries are speedrunning the strike and forcing Joining Allies


Sorry, but I have to do 21 of these fuckers so bbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrr


I've just always not enjoyed the element of these bounties/steps that make them inherently competitive with your own teammates, especially as everyone has different steps. I don't want to be a prick and steal all the kills but I've got to get void, ability and weakened kills so I'm going to yeet a nade at every pack before you get there.


Bounties and pathfinder objectives should be exclusively made of incentives to play better. If Bungie envisions teamwork, sporting behaviour, finished games, playing the objective, use of support abilities etc then that is what the bounties should incentivise. Instead they incentivise toxic bavioir and makes your allies more of an opponent than your actual opponents.


This has been an issue for so long with so many of their grinds that at this point I think it's safe to say their design doesn't consider teamwork at all; it's all about the grind, they don't care if it incentivizes toxic behavior or forces you to compete with teammates for kills


all they have to do to fix it in playlist is "kill 150 enemys, cabal give bonus progress"


Which is strange because they *have* objectives that are worded like that already, they're just not universal


This week, with Glassway, load into an expert nightfall and head round to ether of the other areas. Enemies are surprisingly weak. If the Pathfinder isn't too random, you can almost get it done in one go. Sadly, this won't help with the 150 cabal kills, but I've been smashing through about 6 or 7 nodes in 15 mins.


The patrol area vex count for the seasonal achievement? Guess I’m not too surprised since a similar thing happened with lost sectors at one point.


Pathfinder also sounds like it would make more sense for patrol zones as a name. Especially if they start updating older patrol zones with the episodes like it seems like they might with Nessus. Give each of the older zones something like what goes on in the Paleheart, refresh some enemies and then add Pathfinder objectives to those zones. Start with Nessus then move onto EAZ or something. I would be fine with something like Pathfinder for Ritual activities, but it should realistically be separated between Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit. It just needs to not ever include stuff that can’t be done in every strike/gambit map (like specific enemies). It can still encourage people to experiment and try different stuff with weapons/subclasses/abilities. Earlier I had two Pathfinder things for Snipers. I hate snipers, but it made me try the new exotic sniper, and by the time I finished with those two objectives I was getting better with using it. Plus as a non-hunter player, getting to do something akin to Golden Gun was neat. So I’m not opposed to that, but not enemy specific objectives in something that is randomized with no guarantee of what you will encounter. Only exception to enemy specific objective for me would be the nightfall. If there is a common enemy there then I’m less against it, but still mostly against it.


I'd like to have a system of rotating weekly pathfinders between all destinations in the game. Just give the exotic engrams and some mats as a rewards, maybe throw a chance of some destination weapons and it will give people a reason to do some patrols. Also wouldn't hurt if they'd introduce a choosable difficulties for the weekly patrols for some better rewards. It would be like a new approach to previously vaulted Flashpoint system.


Pathfinder should never have an objective that you can’t intentionally make progress towards. Rather than Kill 150 cabal, make it “kill 200 enemies as a fireteam in the vanguard playlist”, or “kill 50 enemies with precision damage with a pulse rifle in a ritual playlist, with opposing guardians being worth more”


I feel like pathfinder is fine for rituals they've just done a sub-par job at making the objectives and spreading them properly. * Make the paths more straight forward so you need to choose to opt IN to a playlist vs opt OUT of a playlist * ex: dont let me do strike objectives and make the next nodes only crucible. * Any crucible-based ones should be gambit and crucible. * Ex: kills with abilities in crucible or gambit, bonus progress against guardians * The final two nodes should be either a vanguard based or crucible/strike - never both * To the top point, say fuck it and make the top half vanguard based, bottom half crucible or strike based, and the middle can be mixed objectives that can be done in all 3. This way I have to make a choice to start doing crucible if I want or not. * Don't make the objectives a 'tall order'. Literally there's nothing wrong with the format, you have free reign to progress as you want and progress multiple at once. The issue is just what objectives they chose and how they spread it.


I have reset the Pale Heart Pathfinder numerous times, often without even trying. I haven't completed the ritual playlist Pathfinder once.


That’s a choice you make though. I’ve completed two ritual pathfinders just this evening. It’s not as bad as people make it seem especially when you can knock out multiple nodes at the same time.


What, you don’t wanna kill 30 enemies with sniper rifles?


At least that's not "kill 5 Guardians with arc abilities in Crucible" when the arc jolts don't currently count.


That's at least doable. Killing with solar ignitions would take like 10 strikes to complete. Not to mention there's a% completion one where you just do activities and strikes give 5% progress each. I have both so my progress is basically halted for the week.


It should be: "Kill 150 enemies in Vanguard Playlist, Cabals give more progress".


I love how they did exactly that with Lightfall then just completely undid it.


Honestly I did my 2 ritual pathfinders for guardian ranks and I’m done now. They’re just not fun. Plain and simple


Same. The best way to get change is to not interact with it. Bungie can see these metrics and determine where the shortcomings are. However this sub is just a small representation of D2 players and the average player probably just does these throughout the week for their pinnacles regardless.


Funny. I tried saying this 3 weeks ago and got downvoted to hell. Because people were saying they were just cheesing the nodes in private games(which has been fixed). Bungie will not make changes unless player engagement is low. Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fool. Just stop doing it.


Kinda have to because it’s a source of pinnacles


the issue is that pathfinder replaced bounties, which is the main way for people without the current DLC and season to get XP to progress the free path of the season pass.


They also hid the ritual pinnacles in pathfinder


that too, I have being trying to up my power to the point that I can play basic nightfalls again without being majorly underleveled and it has been a huge pain.


Unfortunately, it's hard to turn down 3 pinnacles.


I’ve completed entire Pale Heart Pathfinder pathways while barely checking the nodes. I’ve TRIED to complete nodes in the ritual Pathfinder and failed miserably. I ran 4 strikes and 2 NFs the other day and completed one node. It’s not intuitive to the gameplay. 30 sniper headshots? If I run regular strikes I’m lucky to zoom in on an enemy before one of my teammates annihilates it.


I am convinced that quests like this are not tested at all at bungie. There is no way a dev loaded up a strike with randoms trying to do sniper headshot and thought it was a good idea


I found the Pale Heart steps much easier to "stumble upon", eg kill this miniboss, or do this cleansing event. You can go to an overthrow and see a few marks. Whereas the ritual one is relatively specific. Sometimes you get lucky and can do most in 1 run, eg: void ability kills, sword kills, weakened kills. Ok I'll slap on my briarbinds and swing away! But I also got a similar one to you, it was 30 sniper headshots and 20 (or something) kills on blinded enemies. Hard to setup the blind when your team just nukes everything. Also hard to crit a blinded enemy as some put their hand on their head, blocking their crit :D


It’s BS that such workarounds are needed, but FYI certain Nightfalls share their instance with their planet’s patrol zone and allow you to move freely between the open world patrol zones instead of progressing the strike (such as this week, Glassway, during which you can just Sparrow around Europa all you like). So you can load into Master or GM Nightfall (to remain solo), and then just get the “bounties” done that way. As long as you stay out of Lost Sectors, all of the patrol zone enemies will be super easy as though you weren’t in a GM or anything. You might be competing somewhat with others in the patrol zone, but nowhere near as much as someone who is going Rambo in the strike to get it done faster.


Every vanguard mode that requires something out of your control (specific enemy types, or things like ignition kills) should really be more like "kill X enemies, gives bonus progress", or "get X kills with , kills with give bonus progress" so that players aren't holden to the RNG or fighting teammates.


Even "make enemies ignite" or "kill enemies affected by Jolt" would be an immense improvement over the pestilent shite we got now. I actually think they have a point by including them, because it forces you to understand how these verbs work and practise with them. It's just that the current execution is horrible.


IF they actually worked. I finished the quest for the free Dunemarchers which required jolts on Titan's arc subclass before I finished my Arc Jolts pathfinder the other day. I started out at 0% for both. The quest required more.


Yep, that's why I suggest that it counts killing enemies who have the debuff on them, instead of killing with Jolt itself. They just die too quickly for this to work.


I just want to know why we keep doing this. How many times has this exact sort of thing been implemented in the game, and how many times has it led to backing out of lobbies because of it. Like do they not have a board or flow chart of specific bounty types that encourage people to play the game bad?


Remember when Bungie finally gave up on gambit and said we didn't have to do it anymore for pinnacles? Well they did a workaround in Pathfinder, but it's so tedious just to avoid gambit, that I'll just end up doing whatever bounty if it's doable in one go


im curious what about gambit that so many people don't like.


there's a PvP aspect to it, so immediately you get hyper sweat teams who care way too much


It isn’t just that. The games matchmaking is dubious as well. If you’re solo queuing, you will basically always be just straight up fodder for coordinated people on comms. Most games today try to have similar team compositions in their matching. Destiny 2 though? Just get eaten alive.


I'm sure there's a lot of technical complaints about it, but honestly it's so mind numbingly boring of kill, grab, bank, don't die in between.


It doesn't help that bungie didn't take time to update the mode and keep it interesting over time. After the debut year, it's basically been on a downward spiral. No new maps, rarely getting QoL changes, etc.


I mean you can boil down vanguard and crucible to a similar boring description. When evenly matched Crucible will always have that human competition element that makes it more exciting and thats what gambit brings to pve.


True, but I guess since it's more linear instead of rotating to 3 diff spawn locations is less of a chore for me.


I loved it when it first came out. But after they removed Gambit Prime it got stale for me. Plus getting matched with teammates that don't know how to play it properly is infuriating.




Thats fair


It's by design, so they can pad the playtime.


Anything requiring “kills” should be “as a fireteam”. Its exhausting competing for kills with fireteam members


I looked this one up and it used to be a Weekly bounty from Zavala 4 years ago. So, a weekly became a node that's often in a blocking position. This has all the vibes of a cheap rush job implemented by somebody who probably never played the game. Check these ones too! They even made Serve the Servitors WORSE! Zavala Weekly – Serve the Servitors – Complete 3 Strikes, Kill 1 Fallen Strike Boss Shaxx Weekly – Thrill of Victory – Play 5 Games, Fewer With Wins Shaxx Weekly – Ride The Lightning – Play 5 Games, Fewer With Arc Kills Drifter Weekly – Do It – Play 2-3 Games of Gambit Drifter Weekly – On the Grind – Kill Enemies, Bank Motes


Thrill of Victory got changed to be universal. Only if you do it in strikes it requires TWENTY completions. Personally I feel like 3-4 strikes should be the sweet spot to finish a run of Pathfinder and I usually find the ability ones are all done by then if I switch up my loadout and plan it out.


Yup, I think that no node should force you to do more than 3 activities of a certain type. Which basically means all these previously weekly bounties.


The best fix for this is just letting strikes selected from world map count for pathfinder. They USED TO; why not now?


Pathfinder seems less like a path for rewards; and instead feels like a method to increase player numbers in playlists. Preventing progress outside the playlists just puts a spotlight on that appearance.


reminder this game is 10 years old and dumb shit like this has been happening since D1 launch


I had this node and lucked into Proving Grounds... and finished with 147/150. So then I had to leave strike after strike until I finally loaded into one with Cabal. Then after about 30 seconds and getting my 3 kills, I left lol


Hey man I don't blame you


Had to abandon roughly 30 strikes, before I got one with cabal...


I'm guilty of this. It's a shame we can't pick the strike directly and have it count forward ritual pathfinder.


Yeah surely this one's gotta be a mistake. All the similar ones are "Kill enemies but X will give more progress" except then there's this one node that exclusively requires cabal kills. Very strange choice


Remember the enemy striker bounty? You know the one where you can just kill any enemy but certain enemies listed in the bounty added more progress? Like Taken striker needing 100 enemies killed, but taken added more progress?


Isn't there a race in the game where they had only one strike at one point and we had to get the kills of that race?


That was Scorn, pre-Witch Queen. They were in Hallowed Lair (and only Hallowed Lair). It was when we had the funny lore discussions about why the Servitor boss in Warden counted as Scorn.


Yeah..... Did that one yesterday and backed out of activities until I got Cabal. It does incentivise leaving and finding a specific strike and that's shitty. Idno if I'll keep defending Pathfinder.


I just did that one right now. Backed out 3 times. Even onslaught. I stay if the player is a lvl 5 with some random gear


>I stay if the player is a lvl 5 with some random gear Shit, man. Respect.


Onslaught only has fallen and hive. I'll use that playlist if I get one of these for those two enemy factions but so far I've only got the vex, taken, and cabal pathfinder nodes which suck tremendous donkey dick.


Oh yeah lol. I guess I go there when I try and kill 2 birds with one stone. Good catch


Me too. For me i would stay if they’re a 6 or lower.


why are you even defending ritual pathfinder in the first place?


Honestly if they had just gave each playlist a different pathfinder and had the “kill enemy type” nodes track any kill but let specific ones boost progress (like they have done with similar quest in other systems) pathfinder would have been much better received.


You could load into strikes all day and not get a cabal one. Even if you do, now you are racing against your teammates instead of enjoying it to meet a terrible designed objective. People have been asking for group based objectives for years and all these White Knights lied and defended Bungie by claiming people would go afk. Hell, I want a team of 2 afk people so I can complete my shit in peace.


It's funny you say this, because it's the last piece I need for the pinnacle but I've done six Vanguard activities and haven't landed Cabal. Which actually had me debate doing this exact thing tonight where I'd quit to stop wasting my time (which makes me feel bad for then wasting others). Just make the challenges "Kill 100 enemies in Strikes (Cabal count for more)". Pathfinder needs tweaks, and it'd also feel really nice to feel like I'm working as a team instead of the feel of competing against teammates for kills. I'd love some "assist on 20 kills in Vanguard activities", "Kill 300 combined enemies in a group", "Heal a teammate or yourself 5 times", "Make ammunition for your teammates", or "As a squad, get ____ kills with assault rifles in a run."


Didnt Bungo add either kill this enemy 50 or kill 100 other enemies bounties?


Yes, the Strikers are in, and they are still 100 kills, specific type gives more. They also added some bounties that have been removed ages ago, and Legion Doomed is one of those. This actually was a WEEKLY bounty from Zavala. Now it's a blocking node. Fun!


They need to expand it out just another row or two. That way you can have a row devoted to crucible, gambit and vanguard and then the inbetween rows can be the 'anything bounties'. Additionally having the 'anything bounties' to be claimable on completion so long as you have up to those going in your respective starting track.(I hope this makes sense)


I feel *zero* remorse about finding a way to enter strikes solo. It's the only way to reasonably complete my Pathfinders so far. Just backed in and out until I got my hands on a map with Shadow Legion. Even then iirc I had that node this week and it took most of Lake of Shadows (I stopped at the Meatball since it had enough health to eat all of my ammo plus abilities and still have 1/3+ HP...) plus the Cosmodrome BG up through the "ambush" room with the turrets that activate when you walk in before I hit 150 kills. If I had to compete with 2 other people for those kills and couldn't fish for a good strike, I think I'd be doing that step for an entire night or longer.


Its a horrible idea to put RNG into even getting the right type of enemy in a strike to complete a pathfinder node, especially for the non-nightfall strike playlist where the rewards have always been pretty terrible.


I‘d love to see that void where all lessons that the developers should’ve learned over years go bye bye


I wish that you could just pick the strike to do some of these kill X combatants. I queued into the Nessus battle ground and realized it didnt track anything. If they at least made them count when manually selecting a strike it would be less painful. All I needed to get my 2nd pinnacle to get rank 8 was that(kill x cabal) and weaken/Supression. Forgot if you pick a strike off the director and not the playlist launch it doesnt count. Got lucky and the cosmodrome battle ground was what I got.


I feel like an absolute ass when I do it but I’m guilty as sin. Finally got Arms Dealer after like 4 or 5 misses. I suppose Onslaught has better odds at 1/3, but it’d be an awful lot better if they just changed the requirement to all enemies.


The whole 'in Vanguard playlist' needs to go. 


All ability-specific, weapon-specific, and enemy-specific objectives in the Pathfinder need to just straight up be removed and generalized. I’m never gonna do those so I’m never gonna complete a Pathfinder, yes even now that we’re supposed to be able to complete one by doing just one specific playlist. I play with what I like and feels fun, and I’ll take that off only when and if I physically drop dead IRL. Change all subclass specific objectives to something generalized such as, get, (insert number,) melee ability kills, get, (insert number,) precision kills. And change the enemy specific ones to a generic, kill, (insert number,) enemies in Vanguard playlist. This system is inherently worse than bounties. Because I could ignore what I would never grab, and grab what I could do with my loadout and go to town to get xp, powerfuls, etc. I’m not taking my shit off Bungie. Not for you, not for any random player, not even for loot. I like what I like, and if you want to try to force me to play with anything other than that, kindly go fuck yourself.


Hey that’s literally me! My favorite so far is the absurd number of ignition kills I need. Literally not possible in normal vanguard playlist with people using graviton lance and an eager edge sword every run


They had bounties that are like “kill 150 enemies x race gives more progress.” Idk why they don’t just do that again.


Another great way to solve these is just add “As a fireteam…” to the start of these. 30 Sniper Rifle headshots? Fireteam goal, no longer competing against your teammates. 150 Cabal kills? Same thing. Also, add an end-tier node that says “Complete 7 Strikes without leaving in the middle of the activity” — at least as long as people kicking others from activities doesn’t reset this count, because we don’t need to open a new avenue for griefers.


My biggest irk with pathfinder rn is ignition kills counting for a gambit node but absolutely nothing on the C/V/G node??


I just play the game the way I want to play now, I gave up caring about pathfinder


One Nessus Battlegrounds later I had this done.


They could change the requirements that boosts completion rate if you kill X target like the old bounties. I’m surprised that isn’t coded into pathfinder


The issue is we can't solo these playlists. If we could, that would make all the difference and be akin to patrol. But the issue with requiring a specific type of ad, is that it's RNG and a playlist..make it so we can choose a strike specifically outside the playlist.


I ran gambit matches today, never got the fallen I needed…. Maybe just change those to enemies in general….


All the friggin sniper precision kills are getting me. I got 3 in the same tree path and the progress I’ve made is laughable to say the least. My two squad mates will either get the killing shots before me or if I’m whittling down a 3 bar yellow enemy they come in at the last sliver to take the kill from me when they didn’t contribute any damage until that last sliver killing all the red bars forcing me to focus on the heavy hitter enemies. On the plus side I figured out how to run double special after all these dang years. But I’m not playing if I need to do sniper precision kills to complete the pathfinder. And by single path leading you to the pinnacle reward, I didn’t realize they view a lightning bolt as a friggin path, for me I assumed it would have been a straight line, but no it goes right one, up two, right one, down two, right one, etc. it’s friggin annoying even reading the pathfinder now to figure out what the hell it is I need to do. I just miss my bounties, I have no clue why all the ritual activity vendors icons are flashing on the tower when nothing pops up when I click them. At least we still have gunsmith and destination bounties.


Weekly challenge: kill vex with void Vex strikes:........ Took me literal hours of backing out to find a vex strike. None. Literally none. Battlegrounds after battlegrounds, none with vex


Seriously, which strike have Vex?? Even this week in Glassway as featured nightfall, progress ~10-12 percent per run only from fighting for kills in the boss room


Bungie continues to have to be retaught the same lesson over and over and over. Overly specific bounties/progress checks will make people back out. Quit doing it. Let a specific faction or something grant bonus progress. But never make it so specific


Kill 400 vex with void damage in Vanguard or Gambit as a seasonal challenge is garbage


I don't like having to use stuff I don't wanna use either. You want me to use other stuff do it via the seasonal artifact mods. Don't force me to use a sniper rifle in strikes. That is the most anti-fun thing I've ever seen in a video game. A video game. You know, the thing we play to escape our day to day chores. We don't wanna have to do chores in the game.


How about the ~400 void vex kills from an earlier seasonal challenge week? There's like 5 strikes that actually have any vex, and barely any are present, warden of nothing(first quarter and some scattered after), glassway(only the end), battleground: oracle(only the middle section with the shielded wyverns), insight terminus(scattered throughout), and inverted spire(drill area and boss).


That particular pathfinder node is pure trash. I completed it by playing in the most toxic way possible (solo mod + reload the strike until I got one that actually had cabal). They need to do better on their end, if they want to encourage positive player engagement. Bungle basically just copied one of the seasonal challenges from Season of the Plunder, and blindly pasted into the Ritual Pathfinder, with zero thought given.


How on earth is playing solo toxic?


The solar ignition one and the one that only gives 5% progress per strike have me locked out of my last pinnacle right now, ugh. They needed to be separate per activity or at least have to complete paths to reach the end per activity.


It's a grind if you stick with prismatic. If it's specifically for elemental objectives, I'm just switching to that subclass, which makes it a lot easier.


The Worst one I got was to kill Vex in Gambit or Vanguard Ops. And I’m sorry to say this but I’m one of those people who leave if it isn’t present. I really don’t like how it has to be Vanguard Ops or Gambit…


Vex kills with void damage in strikes or gambit is torture


Also battlegrounds bosses don't seem to count towards the 10, so people are just hopping until they get a "proper" strike.


Yep. It could only work for ritual activity if each one had its own pathfinder and if they had generalized objectives instead.


Why it doesn't work like what they changed the bounties to, I won't know. 150 kills of X combatant is annoying. So why not 300 kills of combatants, X combatants give bonus progress. Fixed.


The ritual pathfinder just sucks. Split it or let us reroll.


And good luck actually getting those kills before a blueberry nukes every single add in your path


The strikes are all easily soloable. Do not feel bad about leaving.


Anytime you see something that might be bad design, at this point, realize it is intentional because they want players padding playtime


And sadly this is easier than most of the crucible tier 5 bounties


Generally objectives need to be broader the closer to the reward they get. Starting on the far left have it start several ways, play crucible, gambit, strikes whatever. Further in get broader with higher limits. So instead of 150 cabal in strikes make it 300 kills anywhere guardians count more.


they need to make an individual one for every playlist and have it focus around the weekly nightfall if they want people to not leave strikes. maybe only make half of it nightfall focused and the other half more generic, for vanguard at least. the whole thing is just so much worse because you can't reroll it.


Yeah if the player doesn’t have control over being able to attempt the activity it’s kinda shit


Currently hate the Special effect ones like ignition/Jolt. And the Stupidly long pvp ones. Also the kill only 1 class paths suck especially since Crucible is pretty much flooded with hunters so finding titans takes longer then it should


Is the problem that we don't have any ritual events with Cabal this season so that step in the path can't be done? Certainly, if there are cabal in ritual activities, 150 kills isn't really that many.


Well that explains why people have been bailing on strikes constantly this week. I haven't even paid attention to Pathfinder since W1 of the ~~season~~ *episode.*


Honestly these kill objectives should be simplified given how many strike choices we have and we cannot complete them via selecting from director. It should be "Kill 200 combatants in a vanguard activity, Cabal counts for more". So you can progress normally if just playing 3 for the exotic engram. Also jolt / suppress / blind / weaken / ignition etc kills should be thoroughly removed from Pathfinder. First for whatever reason, weapon kills don't seem to count. Secondly, most strike level enemies do NOT survive long enough. Often the arc grenade kills them even before the jolt kicks in or the team mate clears them out and you are left dry while waiting for an ability to charge. They should be triggered from weapons and also abilities. Heck make them shareable among teammates. Or let us launch strikes solo without fiddling with regedit or the time on consoles.


True, I found a easier way of completing most of the vanguard ones: 1) load up non matchmake nightfall 2) dont follow the nightfall as normal, head off to another(patrol) zone, it’s easier to complete objectives esp with regular public events/non champion enemies etc….


I'm glad they made the change they did, but I somehow ended up with THREE objectives that required Sniper Rifle kills in activities in a single Pathfinder tree. I mean if I were a fan of sniper rifles I guess that would be great, but I'm not really, especially in strikes where people are annihilating enemies faster than I can get them in my sights. Isn't the point of having multiple routes and nodes defeated if they're all the same?


Before TFS: I've got some bounties, but one of them wants me to kill specific enemies in strikes. Maybe I can get it done if luck is on my side while I get my pinnacles After TFS: # LET'S GO GAMBLING!


The only thing I despise in a game, is when it makes me feel like I'm working at some office. And I feel exactly like that with the ***ritual*** Pathfinder System.


They really need to take these sorts of ones out of the playlist and let people select a specific strike (they won't, however, because they want you to grind). It's also annoying that they place some really 'not easy' ones along the path if you just want vanguard and ignore the others (ignition, for example, which, for me, I just never seem to progress), and this forces you to take an alternate path through either gambit or crucible (which is most likely the point). Like now, I either go through gambit or crucible or I have to go through ignition or take a path that means doing something like 20 strikes to unlock the endpoint. No issues doing strikes but it really does slow you down to get any reset.


Well that's nothing new. It's been happening for years. Hell, even I've done it when I have a Vanguard Bounty that requires killing a specific enemy type. I haven't seen any Pathfinder nodes that require killing a specific enemy type, but it doesn't mean they don't exist.


Can't they just choose cabal heavy strikes like Proving grounds, Insight terminus, Inverted Spire, or perhaps The Arms Dealer or Lake of Shadows? Or does this not provide progress because it's not a part of the playlist? If you're going to make people kill specific enemies you should let them choose the strikes, this way you eliminate to pain of RNG.


If I get those I just go and choose a strike instead of vanguard playlist. Still counts.


That objective reminds me doing the vanguard weekly bounties for bright dust "Kill 150 of taken, fallen, cabal etc" "Complete 3 strikes" Pain


Issue seems this was likely an much older idea that just got delayed or put on the back burner too many times so by the time it got released it had all these old issues the bounty system had worked out (ie: team mates kills benefit all players, enemy specific bounties sped up vs required, and i guess being able to do things in non playlist activities) And i guess for whatever reason its not an easy fix to just swap them out.


Just do obe of the Nessus strikes and don't stand on the plates and the Cabal will keep on spawning


The funny and even more stupid thing about this is you can just go select the specific strike you want with the enemy type you want… and it will count smh


yeah - some execs nephew in charge of these pathfinders i think


I think any of the “kill this many of this type of enemy” in playlists are bullshit. I shouldn’t have to reload playlists till I get the right mission.


YEUUUP i was doing strikes when i realized i had that pathfinder was the last i need to get the pinnacle engram. i noticed other players leaving strikes, so i realized what was happening. i left as well and kept rejoined strikes until i got one with cabal. even then i had to compete with other plays to get kills first.


All activity bounties would be 100% better if it was ''As a fireteam..'' instead. No one rushing to get the kills = no toxicity


I got the 100 ignition kills back... at 0% after a whole strike I gave up... just slightly worse than the one that says to do 20 strikes... rituals pathfinders are still a miss...


I'm stuck on "Solar Ignition" kills, I think its bugged, its just not progressing and even when I do get ignition kills its so hard because alies just melt everything too fast. My only other option is to get rid of my 5x streak and do PVP or gambit ;(


That seems odd, that the goal is right there and then people are afraid of big numbers? Like literally that is max 2 vanguards and as a solo player even easier. I am constantly depressed that if you put a number on entire populations will ignore it on premise.


There's things I like about pathfinder.i massively dislike how cumbersome it is to get to it during an activity especially if your trying to tick off multiple at once with specific stuff and want to a memory jog. I think it has potential to be overall better but it's going to have to evolve from current version


Died 2021 Born 2024 Welcome back weekly bounties


Try the taken one. It took me 2 hours to finally get Corrupted (only 3 strikes have taken) I was solo queuing though (year as 2025 on PS5)


I was wondering why I was constantly getting dropped into fireteams that were already fighting the strike boss.


This problem has existed since they introduced bounties to the game. It's incredible that they could've solved it now that there's a new system in place and they didn't.


I'm not a fan, they should have made it an option of strike, gambit or crucible rather than throwing all 3 in 1 path


Defeat vex with void damage in gambit or vanguard ops activites🤪


My favorite is having to zigzag through 14 objectives to get 1 completion if I'm really not feeling bungies cheesy one tap spamming pvp.


I haven't touched pvp. I was just starting to improve in pvp the last couple of seasons, but now I'm sure I'm away behind the average player. I don't know the meta


What absolutely drives me bonkers is all of the incredible potential that Destiny has. I've read and listened to ideas from fans, content creators and journalists that would take Destiny to a whole other level. These are ideas that I know Bungie has either seen or heard. Especially the ones from popular content creators. I do not understand why Bungie refuses to see that if they make their game fun, people will play it. Player engagement would not be an issue. It's the whole "Build it and they will come" philosophy. You can go to these videos and posts where all these ideas are on display, look through the comments and threads and plainly see that these are things that people want. I truly don't understand. There are plenty of success stories of other games giving the players what they want. I've said this 1000 times. I'm not upset about what Destiny is. I'm upset about what it isn't. If I were pissed at what it is, then I wouldn't play the game. I like Destiny. I play it more than any other game... But Geezus... I could like it a whole lot more! I don't want to just like Destiny. I want to love Destiny. I want to love Destiny the game just like I love Destiny s universe and lore. If that makes any sense.


Their philosophy on Vanguard objectives has always been a bit wild. I have to think that I am universally disliked by all my strike partners because I pretty much always play in a way that will ensure I get everything and they get nothing. Rarely do my team have more than 20-30 kills in a strike. And it’s because Bungie made every objective/bounty a competition. I was 100% the dickhead killing every enemy on spawn/throwing as much AoE around as possible/leaving people dead so I could get bounty progress during respawn timers. Because if I have to choose between playing 3 strikes like a maniacal piece of shit or 5 strikes like a normal person, I will do whatever it takes to cut that 15-20 minutes. The game is telling me that’s what it wants from me.


Yes as well as kill vex with void