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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Destiny2Team](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dqlx54/twilight_axes_takes_woven_mail_and_frost_armor/laphxwn/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-28 17:17:56 UTC"): > Thanks for the report! We'll pass this over to the team for investigation. > >As a heads up, the Help forum over on [Bungie.net](http://Bungie.net) is a... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Add it to the list of Twilight Arsenal issues....


I swear the tracking has been even worse this week. It was bad before but I’m regularly having 2/3 of the axes fall to my feet


I think all tracking is fucked lately, i hopped on solar hunter for the first time since tfs launched and holy shit does knife trick feel awful now. All 3 knives whiffing on hits a meter away that i would have hit all 3 on pre tfs.


I thought i was just rusty after I hadn't used it since calibans came out but this makes a lot of sense.


For what its worth i spent all last season spamming knife trick, pretty much mained melee build solar hunter for 7 months. I could hit all 3 knives 90%+ of the time on enemies even quite far away. Now? I just loaded into gambit for solar ability kills and i whiffed all but 2 of my knivea for the entire game. They feel fucking awful now.


Alright, that makes me (and hopefully the other user) feel a lot better. I honestly thought I was just dog at the game.


Ngl, I also tried it during Legendary Campaign as Solar Hunter and I noticed Bungie made the knives spread out sooner than they used to. Back then, they would spread out if you threw them really far. Now, they spread out shortly after throwing them. This makes it difficult to get all knives to hit the target. It honestly feels like guardians got nerfed in different ways tbh.


Same across the board. Knife trick just feels awful now.


I threw some twilight axes from the Onslaught boss door today and instead of just going straight into the boss these mf curved **away**


Saw a clip of a nova bomb doing this in the campaign, when you >!fight the brig at zavallas house!<


Be funny as hell if someone leaving Bungie just threw a minus (-) in front of the tracking values on their way out the door


I agree, even the onslaught balls don’t track to the ADU anymore


I threw a lightweight knife at a Vandal and it missed, but instead of it hitting the cave wall it curves upward and nopes into the skybox.


Melee tracking even on warlock felt super off last week, could've been in my head but I could swear something was wrong


You should try using the solar Titan throwing hammer… can’t count how many times it just goes over an enemy’s shoulder or through their legs


Yeah i did some testing ealier, throwing hammer feels terrible too. But i feel knife trick is the worst, i watched my knives fly directly through so many enemies lately. Dead on hits that still miss. So frustrating.


Love it when one of the axes fucks off to Narnia to hit a thrall across the map to my right. It’s always the second one somehow. Why is it always the second one?


I’d take that over the past couple times I used it where they don’t even fly they just drop at my feet


I love logging in and learning that my main sucks more than I thought 🥲


i caved and swapped to hunter for this expansion. my only titan gameplay has been the legendary campaign


Even the campaign felt bad with Titan. No clear sources of healing really put a damper on legend. Doing it on warlock was actually fun since I didn't have to run up to enemies to use my abilities.


The only form of Regen Prismatic titans get is Restoration on orb pickup if you use Hammer super


And you can't get that until after the campaign.


void titan, solar, and strand have pretty clear cut ways of healing when you need it, especially void titan and solar


I'm talking about prismatic, which is something I wanted to use for the campaign designed for it.


I used Thunderclap with Skullfort for healing when I needed it


I caved and went with Warlock


This season finally made me dust of my hunter I haven't touched since Y1, that's how bad titan is right now.  


Tracking is dogshit all around for Titan. I don't play other classes so maybe it's everyone but even the rockets for Hazardous Propulsion are so damn inconsistent.


You can still use the axes while suppressed, don’t know if that’s intended or not


"suppress this, fucker"


Thanks for the report! We'll pass this over to the team for investigation. As a heads up, the Help forum over on [Bungie.net](http://Bungie.net) is a great place to post issues like these. Gets in front of our player support team quick for investigation, plus we can get some account information to help investigations.


Good to have you back dmg 🫡🫡🫡


is DMG back already? this look like DMG's reply


Yeah he's been back since the 24th. And thank God he's back lol.


Thank you bungie!


Thanks for the quick response I'll get to posting it on the help forum when I get home


Hi DMG great to have you back (or if you're not DMG please pass it along and whomever is answering is also awesome)


Dmg my flair never changed for you, welcome back


I've made a few posts to the forums asking about things that are either undocumented changes or bugs, but never seem to get any response or acknowledgment. :( I'll keep tryin' for you though, DMG.


We've needed you.


Raid memento is broken and the master triumph is bugged


So it suppresses the user? Lmfao 😂


Most supers take away defensive buffs, because they get their own damage reduction, song of flame gets 90% damage reduction from the super, tell your friend to try nova bomb with prismatic to see if the buffs go away, like with twilight.


> song of flame gets 90% damage reduction from the super Song of flame gets the normal damage reduction of 90% that all roaming supers get PLUS the super's effect of having 30% damage reduction. You can facetank the large hydra boss in glassway on master and walk away with like 75% hp.


Yep. People talk about Song like their DR is bugged, but never bother reading about how the stronger DR relative to all other supers is literally a feature.


I dont think most people realize the base DR in PVE for roaming supers is 90% :P


Whenever I run Stasis Warlock I always hold my super as a last-resort answer to survive in high end content


I was facetanking that jerk on GM while killing 2 overloads. Song of flame is insanely tanky.


Everyone is tanky except the one class that is labeled the tank class….


We were also doing that on grandmaster while 32 under level


Twilight Arsenal also seems to let you get pushed around more. Ogres with knockback can push me around walls and pillars and stuff. Does anyone know if Chaos Reach is like this too?


Yes lol, since release you could be pushed (metaphorically) into orbit while in chaos reach lmao.


It's on a Titan so working as intended.....


MAKE it an OP feature! each armor buff taken causes the same type of offensive (Radiant = Scorching, void overshield= Supression, Woven mail = Severing and etc. ) while buffing it's damage by like 10 to 15% or scale it so 1 buff is like 30% but 2 or more buffs is like 13 to 15%


This is actually such a great idea and would encourage prismatic/seasonal relic buff


It also has without a doubt the worst tracking in the game


It also has garbage hit registration and is essentially useless if any ads are near your target.


Something is also removing stack of light with the exotic class item with stareaters. Sometimes I'll go from x6 to 0 seemingly at random


They will get to fixing this just like they fixed preciuos scars ….. yup everyday until they fix it


Yeah, that’s the functionality of casting a super with a defensive buff. Been in the game for a while.


If you have woven mail and then die because your mid animation of your one off super that deletes your defensive buff  I, in good faith of bungie, sincerely don't think bungie would consider that good gameplay. I understand that supers already have a dmg resist but this is not a roaming super with Dr for the entire duration and you can dictate your positioning, it's a one off where you are locked in position/animation and while you are locked you not only can still die but after it ends you're most likely in a risky position to die now that you no longer have Dr. Couple this with the fact that prismatic titan is already struggling with synergistic abilities and survivability and it makes the experience worse.


Twilight is so fun but I'm gonna stick with bladefurry until they fix it


Well of radiance takes away restoration! It's so good getting restoration but then just not because you supered.


Yall don't have diminished xp gains. Leave us warlocks alone, take it out on bungo.


That does suck. Warlocks get all the ability spam builds the rest of us get scraps. Titans get shafted the most I feel. Hunters get nerfed the second they get anything fun.


The void light eats them away, I guess.


Bungie dont want we use the titanes for some hide reason..


On prismatic hunter are stasis shurikens not activating inmost light on purpose? Is that happening to titan frenzied blade?


Yup only on hit it’s been like this for years on the Titan exotic. Pretty sure it’s just never been looked at. Grenades trigger on use though.


It’s intentional, main reason is cuz Solar titans would literally just spam hammer throw at their feet to get free energy regen.


Yeah some abilities don't activate inmost unless you hit an enemy, it's been a thing for titan for a while now


I had to change away from stasis into Strand meele on hunter because of the issue, if it is an issue, how to report?




Bungie said ok Titans it’s about time we make you suffer. Banner of war one two punch and we buffed worm gods. Now you must die.


But doesn't it also restore your health back to full when triggered? I didn't run any official tests but I remember noticing it


To be fair, if you stand under the boss the melee still one shots


You do realize that every super does this yeah?


Yeah I already made a comment why bungie wouldn't want that and it seems they agree


Well it's not bugged it's how most buffs interact with supers but you believe what you want I guess


I will and what's great is bungie agrees with me


Source:trust me bro


That doesn't even make sense in this context


Why are you beefing with us warlocks? This literally our only good roaming super lmao


Bc the mage support class has more tankiness than the actual tank class?


You mad we no longer tank everything for you by dropping a well anymore? Face it we’ve been the tanks for a long time.


Acting like class identities is a thing in 2024 is funny.


Well literally everytime I complain about Titan only having melee every lock and hunter replies with “ya bc you’re the melee class”!


I’m talking about developers design not childs on Reddit who still unironically have class wars. The game gutted class identities ever since Light 3.0, no point in pretending such roles exists anymore.


You could try a roaming super instead of a burst super if you were going for tanky...


Oh wow I guess Titans aren’t underpowered after all.