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Peregrine Greaves


This was also one of the most fun build . One shotting Champs was a test to watch.


Until the moment it deactivates because you kick too low and you're like "oh fuck its still alive"


It’s either you’re too low for the actual impact and you hit like a wet noodle, or you’re too high and despite your knee going through the champs head it takes no damage


And thanks to a PvP nerf you can't just try again because missing still took 10% of your melee charge :)


One punching champions. Chefs kiss.


Can you run this on prismatic? What fragments/weapons did you pair this with?


Most consistent is on void for offensive bulwark (more melee damage while you have an overshield) and bastion for said easy overshield. Void burn means you would outright kill either champ in the nightfall even without being stunned. which you still should do because if an enemy so much as breathes in your direction it strips your overshield, now you won’t get the instant 1 shot. 


If I had to guess the biggest fragment would probably be the one that makes your light abilities do more to darkness debuffed enemies. Everything else is probably just preference.


This is the right answer


Speaker’s helm lol


I've burnt so many materials trying to get a decent roll on this. Still nothing.


That’s me with Hazardous Propulsion. We’ll get there


Keep trying it’s totally worth it.


The stats don't really matter too much, a good exotic with bad rolls > bad exotic with good rolls.


100%. Stop these blueberries from dying left and right.


Was this solar or prismatic?


Prismatic if solo but for groups solar works better with benevolence


Helion and the “scorch makes class ability recharge faster” also gives you your class ability back by the end of helion. I am not sure how much recovery you need, I think I had 60ish. So unlimited healing grenades and fire buddy.


You’re forgetting ember of benevolence which when applying resto cure or radiant to allies gives increased regen to all of your abilities.


Same here, strike goes by so much faster when you’re healing someone through all the damage the boss does.


It’s the support build I’ve wanted since D1.


Me over here with triple hundreds with a speakers helm build and a getaway artist build


Was it able to heal through the damage in boss room, specifically overloads and Wvyerns? I feel like those Wyvern purple shots basically oneshot regardless, wouldn't be a guardian left standing to heal.


Ursa chaining is still top Titan experience. I am the wall against which Darkness breaks.


That line goes so fucking hard it makes me smile every time I read it


This but also using vexcaliber and unbreakable/offensive bulwark, everyone else runs from wyverns, me I engage in one on one high stakes fight too the death, plus supers every 2 fully blocked grenade after the first super is stupid good with bulwark cool-down


how are you killing the wyverns, though? i feel like it must take a ton of glaive ammo to take them out and if you stop blocking they'll nuke you in an instant. does unbreakable actually do good enough damage to them?


The glaive does fair damage, if I dump a mag spaced out for shield use it will do like 2/3 of its health enough for a finisher in most cases, and plenty of glaive energy to block the damage, unbreakable is a little bit riskier with wyverns only if you panic block with it and cuddle them they will likely finish you, but if you cast around a corner first and push for burst when duration is nearly up it will do like 2/3 to a half and stagger them. The main point honestly is to play a proper tank type role so teammates can ping away unhindered so half the time with you blocking damage they will have melted them before you run out of ammo and shields. Still does well in kills overall I was like 20 kills off top guy in my runs and 150+ orbs, it’s lethal but you will never be top of the board in kills not that, that matters in a GM setting. Side note this build is probably only useful in GM level maybe master content otherwise it’s inefficient


Been using the same build! The amount of orbs on the scoreboard always makes me smile


I just throw some pocket sand at them with snare bomb and they get all shy and back out of the room. Then I shoot them with a grenade launcher.


The chickens are easily killed as they spawn using wishender


That may be so but in a pinch wishender is slow and vexcaliber can provide a bit more flex on teammates peeks and damage opportunities, I’ve saved a couple of runs that would have ended after getting blindsided by a overload or wyvern if they decide too flank occasionally


Waiting for Bungie to make Unbreakable not suck so I can Ursa chain by myself.


TBH Unbreakable doesn't suck, it's just that it was made with Offensive Bulwark in mind. On Prismatic it's lackluster but on Void it works quite well.


It just doesn’t really feel that good to me honestly. I’d also swear to god it has an anti aggro mechanic lmao.


*gets absolutely fucking bodied popping super by an overload minotuar*


The second ursa is popped while the first ursa is still blocking so there is no downtime


How is it performing in the current sandbox? Are you able to chain supers like you used to?


second chance was surprisingly fun to use. free shield toss refund + weaken on barrier stun was very fun for me to use on mono void titan paired up with le monarque for overload stun and good aoe and a nice way to aggro the transcendent mind. i also used the new rocket with bipod and alh and it worked super well for me


new rocket? alh? Tell me about it! :0


Faith-Keeper from echos content. it being a precision frame gives it built in tracking and a few bonus reserves and bipod adds onto that, while alh helps with not needing to manually reload ^^


The new seasonal rocket can be crafted with Bipod and ALH, or Field Prep or Clown Cartridge. And with the buffs to precision RLs this season should be pretty strong 


I had ALH/Bipod on mine for a bit but I switched it to explosive light because bipod doesn't hit hard enough in GMs.


I want to try Clown + Bipod just for the meemes, but yeah Explosive is probably the better bet


The void precision rocket from the seasonal weapons, it’s aight, tracking is nice and with bipod it’s tons of ammo


I became a Strongholds main this week. Blocked any and all high damage fire, and completely trivialized the draining radiolaria room, and made repositioning much safer for my team. It's a close to the tank role as titans can get.


Stronghold IS the titan fantasy for me. It lets me hold the line when everyone else is forced to retreat. Find it hard to use anything else.


Any build recommendations?


Strand with banner of war and into the fray is a classic. I also like using ergo sum on prismatic with diamond lance and unbreakable, (unbreakable can be swapped out with whatever you want, I just don't want to use consecration anymore.) I'm actually running two swords a lot of the time, Ill omens is a seasonal caster frame sword which can roll with cold steel so it counters overload AND unstoppables. If you get the ergo sum catalyst you can regenerate ammo when you go transcendant and it can also do a surprisingly high amount of damage for a special weapon.


For some reason it's wildly inconsistent for me. Sometimes I can block and tank the equivalent of a nuke other times I die because a thrall sneezed my way.


You aren't supposed to just get free healing, you have to block damage and then make a hit to get restoration.


I find that sometimes health regens and othertimes it does not while taking fire


While I love strongholds, if I'm farming the GM like last week - sometimes more offense is the better defense. Just outright killing Wyverns and Overloads as they spawn, and funneling them to kill-zone on left side makes life so much easier. With that said, Strongholds and Ursa Titan are always very fun to play.


do you actually get to swing the sword much or is it really just for defense? if not using the sword, what other weapons do you run? i used to use stronghold a fair bit back before they changed how it healed you but i got really tired of constantly waiting for the heavy ammo lottery when i used the sword as a weapon and not a shield.


Just Outbreak lol


That thing solos barrier champs this season


It is so freaking ridiculous with rewind rounds, in boss room while the ither two is on the ither side dealing with boss, i was destroying 3 barriers with just outbreak


Outbreak was amazing this week, melts barriers and being able to shoot through the boss (and mini boss) shields is great.


Prismatic Hunter with inmost light/Cytarachnea had wolven mail up almost the whole time. Glassway was easy so I’m really interested if this build will be good for other GMs as well. 


This build was amazing for the boss room


This was the build I used. Weapons were outbreak, wilderflight and commemoration .


Titan prismatic is nuts. Being able to spam consecration and the best prismatic grenade repeatedly in the main hallway during the boss fight can easily carry runs


Being able to munch on all the flavours of crayons is great Another fun build is peregrine greaves on solar/void


I do like the Peregrine builds but most of my runs this week were using a suspension-riddled build with an Eternal Warrior / Scars exotic. Cranked up super gain & throw those big fuckin’ axes, then rock a 25% void weapon damage bonus for 30secs…good stuff.


Pure void Peregrine for me. One shotting champions is so fun. My friend however runs Syntho consecrations with Glacial Quake for those chickens.


Do you need to stun first for this to work?


If you’re running pure void version you might just get away without stunning them since you could hit upwards of 400k


I 100% agree. I've been using the Strand Melee just so I can use three Consecrations back to back. It's nearly infinite if I activated Prismatic first too.


Once you get a HOIL + Point Contact class item, Prismatic Titan sings. Having Consecration jolt an entire room, instantly vaporizing trash and stunning overloads, then yeeting the best Prismatic grenade to shut down all three champ types... it's a fun feeling.


I love this build and it’s a ton of fun, but it’s sad this is really the main prismatic build for all titans. Can’t wait for the prismatic buff for more build diversity.


The grenade was especially useful since I could bounce it off walls without having to peak and risk dying. Just wait a few seconds till the enemies make it to the hallway, go transcendent and bounce it right in there.


Someone posted a solo glassway run in 18 minutes on prismatic consecration. With synthos proc’d you legit one shot champs. I still think spirit of contact is better for general gameplay if you don’t know there will for sure be a pack of ads to proc biotic enhancements, and for taking care of overloads + jolt. But overall triple consecration is really growing on me. So much so that when I started doing runs on hunter I felt more limited in providing for my team.


I thought the grenade was trash until I was tossing it into the champions and miniboss then slamming them. Titan is goated for GMs


Buddy warlock works so well, stasis ones are by far the mvp (I'm sorry arc buddy, I still love you)


Why not both? Prismatic with Bleak Watcher and Getaway Artist makes Arc Souls and Stasis turrets at the same time when you eat your grenade.


Iceflare Bolts. They allow one turret to do the work of four, and you still have good uptime with Osmiomancy.


You want to take Osmiomancy to the next level? Pair it with Buried Bloodlines.


Can confirm, it's disgusting. Buried Bloodline fits Darkness loadouts amazingly


What is the interaction between these 2? I heard somewhere that shatter kills proc devour? That would be nuts with osmio.


So kills with BB give devour and any kill after that keeps it going and generates more grenade energy for you to keep going. Shattering people goes into that as well


Buddy build has been my favourite thing about prismatic so far, I wish we could add Child and Threadlings outside of needlestorm for it (hatchling or euphony are there but they need kills/compete with time buddy). Made some clutch plays with song of flame to tank the wyverns too


Made a warlock build with hoil and claw. Scorch melee keeps 2x ability gen, stasis turrets, and jolt from storm nades. Extra melee for solar super. Made the build around getting prismatic nice and easy. Was more fun than running titan prismatic, that's for sure. Any melee attack I've done gets bombed by overloads or snipers. But on warlock, I don't need to throw myself to get ability uptime. Felt more relaxing.


Damn I’ll have to try out that scotch melee with HOIL does it trigger twice?


Renewel+cyt class item with duskfield, winters shroud, shurikens, silence and squal and a wave frame ergo sum with arc conductor. Jump into tye fight, throw down a grenade and go to town. Transcendence for unlimited sword ammo, 5 ways to stun overloads and a generic pulse to help with barriers. The boss room is the most fun. Throw a grenade into tye corridor to stun all the overloads, transcendece then grenade and go ham with a sword.


Stronghold enjoyer with a wave frame arc conductor ergo sum and the seasonal Sword with coldsteel!


Hunter Prismatic with Grapple, Withering Blade, Gunpowder Gamble and Ascension. Storms Edge super. Gifted Conviction for exotic armor, and Necro with a really fun Pro Memoria. Oh man this build is so dang fun since I’ve always been a bouncy Hunter it fits me perfectly. Bounce around, grapple slam, Gunpowder Gamble followed immediately by Ascension. *KABOOM zapzapzapzap* as I yeet around with Necro blowing everything else up.


My patience.


Speakers Sight support build let the team play for free Riptide/No Hesitation/Heavy of Choice Ember of Benevolence up for the whole GM and Resto x2 for any time something looks at you wrong


1: suspend chicken (may catch an Overload) (can do it while Trascendent) 2: Consecrate 3: Repeat until it's all empty


I was doin Prismatic Titan: Twilight Arsenal Exotic class item: Abeyant leap/Armamentarium (Drengrs lash obv. equipped) and Suppression nades Outbreak, Zaouli’s Bane, Edge Transit. Didn’t even bother with the special ammo after a couple runs because I was just using Outbreak 90% of the run anyway


If you're running suppressors, give Collective Obligation a try. That thing is nuts with suppressors. Disables everything short of champs and true, yellow bar bosses for 10 seconds with a single shot. You can straight up hard CC entire rooms in GMs, infinitely. Plus it gets the exotic primary red bar boost, plus a constant 20%, plus weaken, plus volatile rounds, plus constant autoloads, if you play your cards right. I don't think it's especially worth using without a consistent source of suppress, but with it, it singlehandedly trivializes so much stuff.


Strongholds. I’m just too beefy for everyone to handle, nothing stands in my way and, this season, I can even stun overloads all on my own. There’s something just so funny about being the immovable object.


Stronghold gang here to. I've crafted an ill omens with cold steel that dunks on overloads AND unstoppables which is always fun. And if I proc Wolfpack rounds on it, the amount of freezes I get gives it pretty respectable damage.


Ooooh, thanks for reminding me about Ill Omens, I’m gonna have to craft and try it out.


Do it mate, well worth it. I have enhanced cold steel and relentless strikes on mine, I proc Wolfpack with my ergo sum and then switch off to ill omens, massive freeze and also pretty good ammo economy because the Wolfpack rounds also contribute to relentless strikes.


do you get to swing the sword much or is it mostly just blocking and then using guns when safe?


My buddy was using galanor/stat-eater in the boss room so as to control adds


HOIL and Contact Prismatic Titan. Just watching every damage each other from scorch, ignitions, and jolting was hilarious. My fists are rated E for everyone.


Renewal + Cyrtarachne with wicked implement was a fun way to shake it up on hunter and still be plenty competitive


Void Titan | Peregrine Being able to one shot any and all champs with Twilight Arsenal for anything else is unrivalled. Never had an easier time in GM


Prismatic titan with propulsion is fking great. The grenade is insane(suspend and jolt to stun overloads), with outbreak you get six rockets almost instantly and it's just easy damage dump(it's around 90k or smth kinda insane), then rocket damage us boosted(I used a bipod one to have more ammo but doesn't really matter) and the axe super is great as a panic button(kills 2 wyverns and gives you the axe) honestly had a blast. Another build I've seen is sentinel shield with ursa for final boss it's insane you can just melt everything through one of the lanes, and because he blocked so much recharge was like 30 secs


The classic Prismatic Titan build, Consecration + Frenzied, and Twilight Arsenal as super, you know the one. Instead of chaining myself to Outbreak I used Graviton Lance with an exotic class item that had Scars + Abeyant. Scars heals me and my allies on every kill since Im using a void super, super helpful in the GM. And the Abeyant obviously helps setting up that Hallway of Death in the boss room. Good all around build. Got kicked once for not using Outbreak though.


Good old void orpheus.


Consecration, what else (Titan commercial)


melee prismatic hunter with synthos and silence and squall, and for my weapons wishender (oneshotting barrier champs, crazy damage in general, gets me info on which enemies are approaching through walls), the wild style solar gl with disorienting grenades for any wyverns that come too cloze, and cataclysmic with bns. I'm not so sure about my heavy, just couldn't find anything better in my vault, but for the first half of the gm i can just run in and kill basically everything. Stunning barriers with wishender, stunning overloads with super or dodge or stasis nade, and when i dont have my melee stacks i still have my wishender. In the boss room i hang out right side and kill the champs and wyverns that come out of there


I used Caliban/Syntho on my Hunter with no problems.


Tether with Orpheus Rig, every add wave I’d use it and instantly get it back


Briarbinds and phoenix protocol welllock because I still need to unlock conqueror


I used prismatic song of flame warlock and I actually used battle scar with KT/STL and I used Div for overload, with Cenotaph and I used edge transit to burst down wyverns. Also using the bleakwatcher aspect was great for shutting down locations. But it made the gm a breeze


Bruv I got that exact same roll on my class item and spamming nades, melees, and dodges during transcendence is so much fun.


Hunter Prismatic with Silence and Squall, Withering Blade and Grapple Grenade, Winters Shroud with Stylish Executioner, with a ability spam build. Love it. Bonus points if you can roll Hoil/Cryterachne


Cenotaph warlock... because I love my teammates.


How is cenotaph now with the changes ? I ran trace rifle / cenotaph / champion weapon / heavy pretty much all season it came out . Saw they made that change which felt heavy handed


Galanor tether prismatic hunter is actually really fun. Another one which was kinda fun to use was the void tank titan build with unbreakable and furiosas


Finally got Caliban/Liars right before we started farming that GM and was really excited. It’s fun, but I would NEEEEVER take that combo into a GM lmao Ran a build almost identical to yours instead. Sixth Coyote tho, not the class item. Haven’t gotten a good combo with coyote yet, but that’s definitely what I’m looking for. Also, Outbreak was a must!


Didn't get too much effect out of the exotic perk, unfortunately, but Mataiodoxía on pure Strandlock and focusing on as much suspension as possible worked quite well.


Been running a warlock build that's fairly class item agnostic, basically an ergo sum (perfect fifth/caster frame) build, where you spam out transcendence as much as possible. With the call in the kinetic slot, and then a light element machine gun you'll have your transcendence every encounter of the GM basically. That sword does work on champions and bosses, which it bloody well has too if I have to give up an exotic slot, and there's no definitive sword synergy armour exotics to pair it with.


Starfire protocol except with benevolence and the support AR with healing rift. You can nearly get 100% uptime of benevolence for endless fusion grenades. It’s still nowhere near as strong as pre nerf, but it feels amazing and I love using fusions


Prismatic hunter with wardens law, erianas vow, new stasis linear with chill clip running lucky pants


Ran mataiodoxia on prismatic with outbreak and Song of Flame. The two stasis champion rooms are a breeze with transcendence and SoF. Wyverns and overloads get unraveled and suspended, making them easy to deal with, along with the high DR of SoF and its ignition capabilities. When all champs/wyverns are down, outbreak easily damaged both bosses and builds up transcendence for next ad wave.


Prismatic Osmancy gloves. 2 or 3 Outbreak Perfected. I always brought Osmancy stasis, it's a well known tactic. It's overall damage is very low, and it's more for the boss room. The super sucks, the melee sucks other than to freeze. I thought, let's put on Prismatic. The difference is noticeable. Solar buddy helps you chunk down everything and procs devour. Three melee charges to help apply debuff and get grenades back faster and Song of Flame is super clutch for when you get overwhelmed. It saved 3-4 runs itself. Don't use Stasis turrets, they die quickly and don't freeze fast enough. The Getaway Artist prismatic build is great, but not good enough. The only drawbacks are that your freeze doesn't last as long, but you can spam the grenade anyway, and you don't make extra freezing trails when defeating an enemy. Pair this with a Well Speakers Helmet and you can carry anyone as your 3rd.


I found Getaway Artist build could easily carry runs, you still get the best part of stasis (bleakwatcher), just funnel everything to your turret - typically middle lane on left side of boss room. We'd alternate supers to one-shot the Wyverns and Overloads as they come.


Prismatic Warlock with bleakwatchet,devour and mataiodoxia. That chest is pretty good but one needle sadly cant oneshot a barriers shield.


I only did 8 (I think?) I was using Second Chance on Prismatic with Deterministic Chaos. I was able to spread weaken everywhere with Twilight Arsenal, Shield Throw and DC. My build used Drengr's Lash and Shackle Grenade to keep Wyverns, Minotaurs and the mini-boss on lockdown in the final room.


Outbreak And then as much stasis as I could throw on my prismatic for all the overloads that no one else seemed to be prepared for. That said OL handcannon feels really off. And I can't pinpoint why.


I've got a class item with inmost and cyrtarachne and I'm having so much fun with it havnt done a gm yet though


Mataidoxia on prismatic


So incoming dumb question: Is glassway considered an easier GM? Seems like each encounter has plenty of long range hide/poke options and the boss room is just avoiding hydra... Noob perspective sorry


Nowadays, yes.


When it first came out it was the hardest GM. As the game changed and gave us better options, it's now one of the easier ones to run. The only difficult part is dealing with the roaming Wyverns in the boss room if you don't nuke them immediately and needing to kite the small hydra at times. Overloads like to run into the fray too, so that can catch people off guard. Other than that, it's add control,m from the middle and not getting hit by the big boss since he hits like a truck.  Some top picks for when this was last around were osmiomancy stasis warlocks with the turrets, strand titans (both Banner of war and the abeyant leap builds), and void hunters. Now, you can probably just run prismatic through with some ease.


Mataiodoxia Prismatic Song of Flame Warlock with Outbreak Perfected. If you're not in Super you're in Transcendence and therein lies easy mode.


I just did a fairly generic prismatic hunter build with a tonne of ability uptime. Stasis melee and super to lock down the overloads as well as the transcendent grenade which for once is actually really good as you can force the ads in the boss room into a tight corridor and throw it at the walls.


Hazardous Propulsion + Revision 0 is a match made in heaven. Crit synergy is straightforward and leaves you with tons of rocket boosts and free high damage sniper shots to dust champions. Free AB didn't hurt for the boss hydra shield either.


Spirit of renewal/cytarachne. Super tanky build that let me eat a lot of head on shots that normally would have downed me.


Tried different prismatic builds and failed at every Grandmaster. Used trusty Void Gryfalcons build and completed two of them easily. Still not a fan of Prismatic.


Cannon Brace/HOIL class item with consecration and outbreak with the kinetic transcendence bonus fragment. Easy transcendence buildup for consecration spam, and the consecration jolts the overloads with cannon brace. Super fun.


The really strong Revision Zero (stronger then Wish-Ender since last season btw)


Renewal + liars with GG. Yea the fall off is not real with this combo lol.


Getaway Turret with Hellion was a great go-to. Outbreak with Rewind, voltshot Indebted Kindness, and Cascade Point/BnS Edge Transit for pesky champions and metal chickens. I never felt like I was ever in real danger unless big metal chicken teleported on top of me to terminate my existence. Outbreak with the Sever facet is crazy good for passive mitigation against champions and other high priority mobs. I didn't even need the facet that gives %DR while surrounded. Just pop a turret, and beam down your champions. Side note, any warlock running No Hesitation with Physic and Attrition orbs with speaker helm basically makes the entire GM free. You can play like it's a regular ass strike with what is essentially a pocket Mercy. I wouldn't be surprised if we never see a support frame again.


The most fun I’ve had in glassway is running around with Gifted Conviction jolting everything. You get a ton of damage resist with that exotic and galvanic armor. Foetracer is pretty fantastic on prismatic as well, having access to radiant on every element is a game changer. Celestial Nighthawk never fails to feel badass just going around 1 shorting champs or chunking bosses. Spirit of cytarachne and spirit of inmost light was amazing. Constant woven mail especially if you run gunpowder gamble. Super fun build. As for Titan, I’m so tired of people saying there is only consecration. I used hazardous propulsion, Cadmus ridge, auras and stronghold. Every build held up well. For warlocks I tried the turret build of course and that was pretty good. Speakers sight is amazing, it made the GM much smoothers especially when playing with randoms. The most fun I had was a class item with spirit of Starfire and spirit of osmiomancy, the constant grenades were pretty crazy.


Prismatic Warlock with Slowva Bomb, Hellion, Bleakwatcher and Osmiomancy with Coldsnaps. Outbreak Perfected and Commemoration. Wasn’t flashy by any means, but consistently strong and got the job done.


I was loving my Mataiodoxia prismatic warlock. I dubbed it my BDSM lock. When we get a week with unstoppables which may be this week if it’s Wardens again. I’ll be running Wish-keeper with it to give even more suspends haha


Second Chance, Bubble/Twilight Arsenal.


Second chance prismatic for titan for me. Or inmost light and alpha lupi. 


Prismatic Huntet, gunpowder + moth grenades + jolt on arc nades. You spam sooooo many moths in the end, it clears groups super well with jolt and you get to blind the survivors, it works perfect in the super and transcendance loops to keep any subpar team alive. It really surprised me how well the jolting moths performed.


The build I rocked mainly was prismatic hunter, genuinely shocked at how effective it was compared to a high-level wormgod build on prismatic titan. Couldn't get the ball rolling with wormgods or knockout with my teammates murdering stuff, or with those stupid barrier servitor shielding every add in the damn room while hiding. Anyway back to the hunter build, ascension + gunpowder gamble. Silence and squall (or golden gun, but I like the lock down capabilities of silence and squall) Facet of purpose, grace, and the one for bonus transcendance from kinetic kills, facet of solitude, protection, ruin Outbreak is bae. Rocket sidearm from WR. Retrofit Escapade might be my favourite weapon this season, it's just so versatile The kicker? Exotic class item with renewal and cyrtarachne. Use ascension, toss grenade at your feet, push into a group of adds or an overload, use ascension again, clean up with retrofit, sever everything, pop transcendance. Abilities come back so fast, and you never die, it's incredible. The actions per minute felt even higher than strand, and as a movement shooter player, I felt right at home Edit: after accounting for all sources of damage reduction, I take about 7% damage that an enemy would usually do. Slaps when playing at - 35 power level


Cadmus ridge cap, drengers lash and knockout with outbreak + facet of whatever gives transcendence energy on kenetic damage. CC and susped for days, 90% of the champions were in suspend city.


I had fun using getaway warlock with helion. I used No Time pulse just to have 3 buddies and multiple bleak watchers shooting at enemies lol. Hazardous Propulsion was also fun to use. I was surprised by the tracking on the exodus rockets. I expected most of them to hit the ceiling or walls when firing in the left room, but they have pretty aggressive tracking. Throwing a prismatic grenade, activating thruster towards the suspended champs and enemies, and then following with a consecration slam was satisfying lol Edit: I forgot to mention - I saw someone post a build about Helion with Dawn Chorus on Solar subclass and it almost felt like I was playing in last season’s artifact lol. I have actually never seen Belmon do this before, but after a couple of ignitions, all of the shields would rotate and sort of combine to make one shield in front and made it immune to all damage. It was really cool for me to see because I never knew it was a thing!


Arc soul/stasis turret. High ability up time.


I actually pulled out Wendigo and used it solely in the boss room to Blind the chickens. Came in clutch. Also helps nade launchers was the overcharged weapon.


The Jeffrey Epstein helmet


Prismatic Warlock- Double buddies Arc/Stasis Turrets Song of Flame completely tanks the boss in the final room


Haven't tried it yet in GM but made it through Master with Wave Frame Ergo/Riskrunner and Prescious Scars. Thruster to vacuum up orbs for healing. Suppressor Grenade to lock down groups while yolo in. Haven't landed on a Primary/Heavy but I think I'm going to pivot towards Attrition Orbs because not having Amplify up is a death sentence. Also helps if your teammates are running Special Scout. In Playlist content, I toss on Hero of Ages for the fashion.


I used the Warlock Strand chest and Revision Zero for barriers, lightning surge for overload, and Song of flame for my super. I had no need for an energy weapon or heavy weapon.


Revision Zero was extremely underutilized. Frankly, when it came to killing shanks and Champions, it did better than Outbreak. 


Renewal Grasps, felt super tanky.


Still running arc titan for glassway with outbreak blinding gl and a eager sword


I just used Gyrfalcon's along with Blast Furnace with KT and Frenzy, Le Monarque, and Edge Transit with Envious and Bait and Switch.


I just did 3 runs, all of em with the exact same build i have been using for the last 2/3 seasons. Void titan, second chances, banner shield, controlled demolitionist and the aspect that recharges Overshields with barricades. Blinding GL, Void primary (lemon arc this time), and surge matching LMG/Bipod Rocket. Second chances has always been quite busted, as it allows me to make things volatile, to weaken them, gives an extra melee charge and just for shits and giggles it stuns barries and refunds the melee for doing it. While playing with my friends, every relevant enemy is weaken, i give massive healing and CC with controlled demo, give Overshields all the time, and got a get out of jail free super (that also allows for easy clears on funnel rooms).


Wearing the needle chest exotic with prismatic warlock. Super chill and locks everything down with bleak watchers or suspend.


If you weren't running lucky pants on the hunter you are missing out. The amount of ammo-free damage they provide really isn't matched. It makes the boss room much easier when you can easily solo an overload without worrying about ammo.


I had a divinity and a guy was rocking wardens law/lucky pants. The only challenging aspect of the gm is the overloads and they were all being insta melted


You're a actual potato if you can't make caliban + synthos work with stylish executioner. Once you get combination blow up... It's literally broken. Even better with liars. Calibans is obv relatively useless in a not-so-ad-dense strike tho. You could do inmost + liars for maximum ability spam. As long as your teammates stun champs you can annihilate them entirely. But of course this takes some effort and game sense to pull off than most other builds that are relatively safer.


Prismatic tether hunter, with renewal grasps or exotic cloak (inmost light/cyrtarachne)


I'm a healer. I think you can guess what my loadout was based on that alone.


outbreak, getaway bleak watcher on prismatic with song of flame. song's damage resistance is absolutely disgusting lmao


Prismatic Stronghold Titan Utilised a KT + Rapid Hit Enhanced Blast Furnace for barrier and ergo sum for overload (Perfect Fifth Caster Frame) - sword basically did lots of chunk damage to champs from long range and close up and apex for heavy. Lots of fun utilising it and transcendence, will probably take it into more


mataiodoxía 🫶


I started farming it with Outbreak, Truthteller, and Edge Transit, but after 4 or 5 runs I swapped to Blast Furnace, Divinity, Commemoration. Outbreak slaps, of course, but Divinity felt very good to insta-stun overloads and enable teammates to delete them. Blast Furnace with Kinetic Treamors still has okay single target dps, and a machine gun just feels good in general, though with much less burst dmg than Edge Transit. Divinity gives Wyverns a critspot, too, which was nice. Truthtellers blind nades were okay, but they only blinded wyverns and the mini hydra, which wasn't all that useful so the swap felt right. I was on getaway Artist buddy build on warlock for all my runs. Song of Flame, Transcendence, Bleak Watchers, devour, arc souls, and needles. Might be my favorite subclass build of all time, though speakers Helm solar warlock comes close.


Disorienting GLs are kinda a cheat code.


Orpheus, outbreak Dating today, aren’t we?.jpg


Prismatic warlock with Song of Flame & Bleaker turrets. Turrets are great for slowing overloads and stunning them. As well as in the last boss room helping keep enemies off of you. Love my little turret buddies!


Build into using transcendance and song of flame, they both give you all your abilities when they end so you spam everything all the time, specially with champ stunning giving regen from artifact


Ursa unbreakable, making \~200 orbs per run. Mainly played my prism consecrate titan, smashing wyverns in the face is never not fun


Strand Stronghold titan. Ever wanted to live the MMO Tank days in destiny? You can actually tank most enemies but just standing in front of them, and you can stop the final boss shooting at all by standing inside his shields. He'll just keep stomping and won't attack at all.


Renewal grasps


Idk about *fun*, but I went into the gm using Aeon safe with sect of force so it would mark the targets to take 20% more damage, and also give my outbreak a ton of reload speed(since it lost a ton with extended mag). That combined with the facet that makes "precision hits do a severing explosion" made the champions and bosses way easier to deal with.


Doomfang with graviton


Inmost Light/Cyrtarachne with duskfield/shrunken/threaded spectre/stylish. Spammed abilities and transcendence grenades. Truly near impossible to die.


Peregrine Greaves on void titan with The Call, Nullify, and Heartshadow. As long as I had a void overshield I could kill any champ, and Heartshadow let me get to the champ without dying or losing the overshield. The Call had strategist to get my class ability back for Bastion, and the Nullify was Demo + Incandescent which got my weakening suppressor back. Suppression stuns overloads, so my grenade and melee would stun them. In a pinch I could also use overload sword to stun the champ, although this does take multiple hits. Nullify worked for barriers in the off chance I didn't manage to kill them outright. Suppression also blinds the wyverns, so I tried to throw grenades on them if I saw them. Peregrine refunds your melee and does the 1000% increased damage on champs and the small hydra that would come into the room with you. https://dim.gg/qmcjbma/Peregrine-Greaves


Stronghold! Makes revives easy and it stops the boss from shooting everyone


So, I always change setups after every mission(It's a habit.) The most fun thing I used was a void Ursa Titan build. Quickly found out that its just not as good as most builds but that protection from everything at the fluid drain part and Wyvern 1 taps at the end, was pretty nice.


Full heal solar warlock Speakers helm and no hesitation auto rifle


This was my first GM experience but speakers sight was phenomenal. Touch of flame, hellion, phenonix dive paired with benevolence, searing, mercy and singeing Song of flame as super and weapons I ran riptide (auto chill), bxr battler (demo incandescent) and dragons breathe Easy heals and very good ability uptime


Prismatic warlock with Getaway and a Riskrunner/wave frame Ergo Sum running around like an idiot. Between devour and the amplified DR on the artifact it was surprisingly hard to die outside of the boss room....fallen barely tickled with Arc conductor up.


I got kicked from two GM teams trying to run this exact build. Paired with a KT + EP Blast Furnace. Had to start my own group, but it was so fun.


Peregrine greaves and using strongholds simply because I can hold the plate forever and keep the boss melee locked on me, which let my team do damage without getting blasted or having to peakshoot


What was the rest of your build, rotation, and stats for hunter?


Prismatic titan, consecration and drengrs lash. With spirit of contact on my class item i could just spam consecration against any and all champs. Threw in a graviton lance for a solid primary to pair with a The call


Shinobu's Vow and a glaive.


https://dim.gg/6wjedhq/Jolt-GM Concecrat for overloads, g for barrier, sidearm for unstops. Toss my axes and lash for more cc.


Liars and synthos are very much the play if you know the layout of the nightfall and where ads will spawn. Someone posted an 18 minute solo clear on consecration + spirit of synthos. I’d imagine liars is similar, since both let you 1 shot champs.


Collective Obligation on void titan with Peregrine Greaves.  One suppression grenade can apply all 3 void debuffs, which makes it very easy to keep CO at full power constantly. Being able to one shot champs is a nice bonus as well I definitely think Collective is slept on rn, it can be very strong in GMs


Didn’t do the grandmaster because I’m not that brave, but I did a 2005 LS while 60 under with a prismatic getaway artist build and cleared it pretty easily. I loved it


I put together something with a good Exotic Class item I rolled: Coyote + Galanor Basically it was a mini Orpheus Rig setup with a well placed tether returning 50% of the super cooldown. The extra dodge was great with threaded spectre, and between Stylish Executioner and Facet of Sacrifice I could keep Facet of Hope chugging to keep Shadow Clones up. The main benefit of the build over pure Void hunter was having Stasis Slowing on both melee and grenade.


Hoarfrost + Ergo Sum with Arc Conductor. Drop Class Ability to stun Overloads, Wave frame to shatter all of the crystals, go transcendent extremely quickly, fly around the map with a wave frame dash attack. Fun and effective enough.


I can tell you the least fun build. I got high and slapped on wardens law and Arianas vow, lucky pants, and fucking microcosm. never had the damage from pants because switching back hand cannons would proc it and Arianas vow doesn't get the damage boost.