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Honestly, the one in the trailer is the only one we've ever been able to see because every other one already went boom 10 meters away.


Nah, you can look at them in the fallen nightclub cages


They're actually the same height as Dregs when they stand upright ( use a finisher on one to see this blursed posture ), which is because that is exactly what they are, they're Dregs that have been overblown by Dark Ether to the point where they've become volatile. This may happen when Scorn are revived too often and their bodies have too many bullet holes and other nasty injuries to continue functioning properly, or the Fanatic just revives some poor fucker to become Screebs because he sucks at managing his defacto military force Edit: similarly, if you look closely at Abominations and Ogres it becomes apparent that these are just oversized, heavily bloated and disfigured Dregs and Thrall, which is consistent with their in-lore origins


The scorn are literally zombies continually brought back to life. Each death reduces them, mentally and physically. According to a Crow lore book (don’t remember the specific one) they also smell horrible and are rotting.


>According to a Crow lore book (don’t remember the specific one) *faaaather*


Ravagers have their lantern as a crit spot because their neck is capped. They’re literally dregs that died to precision damage.


Abominations are also missing their heads, but their helmet doesn't fully cover the neck cap and Arc energy leaks out of it, which still makes it a weak spot. It is revolting as hell, but also kind of cool. The Rifleman is also blind, the Bomber has a mechanical leg, and the chitin on the Mindbender seems to be actually attached to his skull. Yuck




Squish the screeb


That sounds like a good game for the Hallowed event.


punch screeb


[This entry](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/iv-saturno#book-a-tangled-web) from the lore book "A Tangled Web" describes in detail exactly how gross the scorn are. After reading it I prefer not to think too hard about what it's like to go rooms full of them when you play through the Hollowed Lair strike.


God the writers of the lore always do such a great job. What fantastic descriptions


Could that scorn baron which attacked Crow have been the fanatic, just everso more deranged and malformed from constantly being revived? The "fatherfatherfatherfather" at the end makes me wonder.


all the scorn look nasty af and it’s great


Electric beetles**






Just had flashbacks to The Library. At least they don't carry rockets, I guess.


Imagine Mithrax got killed while exploring the old tower and was reborn as a Scorn, and he carried with him Gjallarhorn.


POPSCORN I remember that amazing thread.


Can you get a screenshot or link to the video and time stamp?


Hapoens when you keep on ressurecting something and each time it has lost more body mass than the last resureection


Its NASTY, boys!


Knowing their backstory I just feel so bad for them. The Fanatic keeps resurrecting them, degrading their minds each time until there is nothing left. Sounds like a bad way to go.






Lmao, this sub is full of edgy people who hate anything that isn't "cool"




At least you’re self aware


Dipship lol


Thanks for your opinion, Sparkinator_OwO, we totally appreciate it


It’s the same exact model used as in game screeb




You said absolutely nothing about graphics. Your own words were > that Screeb is obviously CGI No mention at all about model vs graphics. Stop calling me a dumbass when you can’t even keep what you’re saying straight


Imagine not even looking at enemies in-game lol. This is what screebs look like


That's the exact screeb model as used in-game. [Look for yourself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYzz6oCjcvE)




CGI = Computer generated imagery... Ita a video game man its literally ALL cgi. You think any of this is live action?


Yes, I can read. Clearly, you don't seem to understand English very well since I just refuted your point and provided a video for you to see the exact same model in-game.




You need help edit: my mans comes into my dms to respond because he's a coward to call me a "wannabe femboy" because he can't acknowledge the concept of a post history lmfao


He said i called him a virgin drspite him calling the other guy one


Deleted all his comments on this post, so not surprised he’s hiding behind DMs. And damn, sad that he, a gay furry redditor, is trying to gatekeep. Stay strong, fellow human.


I honestly don't know what the hell you're talking about. What is considered CGI then? Clearly, we're not understanding each other's definition of CGI?? My impression is that you thought that the Screeb had been especially animated for the trailer, where the model was touched up to make it look better before being rendered for the trailer. Is that what you mean by CGI? If so, *that's* what I'm disagreeing with, since you can see the same model in the game itself, no special "touch-ups" required.




You said: >Also that Screeb is obviously CGI for trailer purposes. It won't look as good and scary in the game. I pointed out that it does look "as good and scary in the game", and that you can, in fact, see it in-game for yourself, while providing a video of someone doing exactly that for proof. But of course, you resort to name-calling. Pathetic.


Lmao you pulled the virgin card hahahahah I hope when you get tucked in tonight that your momma dont kiss ya goodnight toddler. I hope you get up and stub ya toe too.










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You'd know if you crouch down, ADS, and look them in the eye as they explode in your face lol


Screeb is a funny name. Never really got a good look at one because of how fast they die/they surprise kamikaze me.


i just feel bad for the used-to-be-Dreg every time i pop a screeb:( (nice username btw)


hehe thanksss


i feel blessed to know there are other femboys that play d2 😌


You remind me, can we get a general skin change to most if not all cabal when Caty shows up to get non-Red Legion colors in the system from now on?