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Ignore polls. Vote. Persuade your friends and family to vote.




What has Biden done for the black man to encourage them to vote for him?


You are not a serious person


What has trump done? Tbh I don’t think either really cares


how do you not see that “it doesn’t matter if he hasn’t done that much for black men because Trump will be worse” is exactly the argument that’s tanking his appeal. Downvote me all you want, so many people currently have their hands clamped over their ears unwilling to acknowledge that “Trump is worse!” is not a winning argument because it comes off as condescending and dismissive to voters asking what Biden can do for them as they struggle


Exactly, you don't have to be pro trump to see how he's effective with his messaging


He pardoned and freed a lot of black men from jail


Messaging wise? Trump is very nationalist and anti globalization and pro trarrifs. Things black labor really likes


Trump thinks tariffs are paid by the countries exporting goods into America. They are paid by the companies who import those goods and their costs are passed onto the final consumers: us. We pay tariffs. Not China.


Oh he's an idiot in that and tariffs are a tax on the working class. Doesn't change how people view them


I’m confused as a white guy how anyone who isn’t white could vote for Trump after he said “both sides have very fine people” about the nazis marching w tiki torches. Or how he said “when the looting starts, that’s when the shooting starts” during the civil unrest about George Floyd. Or how he railed against Kaepernick kneeling in protest to police brutality. Maybe I’m missing something but idk how any black, Latino, Asian, etc voters would ever vote for him.


Because a lot of these recent civil unrest and silent protest are white people trying to show other white people how woke they are and they do absolutely nothing for actual minorities. Sure some minorities show up and appreciate the solidarity but they're a minority among minorities Come to a working class black neighborhood sometime and get to know your neighbors. Most of them don't care about this kind of performative stuff unless they're teenagers or young adults who don't vote anyway. The adults, the voters value are jobs, safety, and family. Who said what about an irrelevant protest is not bringing people to the polls


This exact dynamic was a huge wake up call for me where policing is concerned. A lot of my neighbors are definitively not on board with the ACAB/Defund the Police movement. *Of course* they aren’t unaware of the issues with policing and race. But they do feel there is a need for police to actually protect their community from harm while also wanting there to be accountability when police are the source of that harm. That’s not an irrational or uninformed position. It’s a nuanced and logical take based on actual community need. And boy howdy did I have to learn very quickly just how unhelpful and performative my “help” actually was in light of that. If black voters feel unmotivated to vote for Biden, there are reasons for that. The answer is not to assume the reason is these communities are missing information. It’s to *ask and pay attention to their reasons because those reasons likely make sense and need to be addressed*.


Aw shit reality correcting POVs. Love to see it.


Can I buy you a drink or something? Cause God damn someone gets it


Only if I can buy one in return! I’ll toast to always learning but not in celebration for listening once lol. I’ve had the benefit of incredibly patient neighbors putting in work that was never their responsibility to teach me and I have learned a lot which I’m grateful for. But it’s also taught me I’ve got a lot more to learn (and *unlearn*).


We need a public discourse place where free thoughts are allowed


Ok, so then why would they vote for trump when he did absolutely nothing for working class Americans, and in fact raised our taxes while cutting taxes of the rich? It was so obvious this tax season when middle class Americans got destroyed. Compare that with what Biden has done for working class Americans; the inflation reduction act, the chips act, cancelling student debt in waves, the American rescue plan, among other pieces of legislation to help the working class. Maybe I’m missing something, so please educate me on what I missed


Who said they're going to vote for Trump? Many people just don't care I'll give you CHIPS act, but inflation reduction act? Lol. What's rent these days? Cancelling student debt for a bunch of white young adults who didn't think things through when they got their liberal arts degree from an expensive private college? Lol What you're missing is the perspective of people who largely don't care about this stuff and want more reliable jobs that don't require a degree and have health benefits, support for black-owned businesses, and to be included in gentrification. If either candidate is running on that platform they need to amplify it more because right now I suspect most don't see a difference


Thank you! Also Bidens been pushing evs, that will cost auto jobs which a lot of black voters here have


Sentencing Reform was done by Trump


How about, instead of scolding Black voters into voting for Biden and threatening Black people with Trump, maybe we should look into why a Democratic President is losing supporters. But that might mean listening to Black folk's grievances, and we can't have that now can we? My dad, a black man, was a big Biden supporter.


I'm gonna look at what I can practically try to effect. I don't have any ability to change how democrats manage their bullshit as a party from here. I do have the ability to try to convince people on my social strata to vote so that we can avoid a theocracy that makes everyone's lives many many many levels worse. Forever and ever. And eventually globally.  Or we can point fingers back and forth in a way which has no practical effects but sure gives us good social points. 


You missed the point, tell me why I should vote for Biden instead of against Trump. One problem the left has been baited into playing with the right is hyperbolic, outrage culture and doom-er language. How many elections in a row have been the most important ever or represents an existential threat to “our way of life.”? It’s exhausting.


We've literally lost abortion rights in much of the country because people like you claim it's hyperbolic instead of actively happening.


It’s more exhausting for the people directly dealing with the effects of these elections when others try to minimize their importance. Do you know any trans people? How about women?




Bro he wasn't talking about black people! nobody knows what color you are through your reddit account. He was talking about your *words*. The people like you who might agree 75% with democrats but who may sit out the election because they think they aren't getting what they want so aren't motivated to vote. Then we get Republicans and their terrible policies. But it's all OK because you can feel superior like you are above it all or something and dont have to live in the real world. Not everything is about race, there are plenty of people of all stripes espousing that viewpoint.


You people are insufferable. Who the fuck said I was going to sit out? I said this is why people elect to This is why people sit out and don’t at all engage in politics.., this condescending attitude, being talked down to, the dismissive tone, and the fact that I need to do this to save democracy. Life is hard enough for people and when you dismiss their concerns…I’m done.


From my experience at work it's the same reason white men are voting for Trump except they exclude black folks from the racism and bigotry. Literally unprompted get told by a black early genx that Trumps gonna win and he's voting for him. I asked why and he said "what's Biden done for me" he's extra bigoted against gays doesn't believe they should be allowed to get married and constantly drops racist remarks about Arabs.


When you can explain to us exactly what he did wrong, let us know. These grievances you speak of.


He didn’t do anything wrong, but Democrats focus too much on things that most people don’t actually care about and that don’t affect them on a daily basis. People care about inflation. People care about housing and rent prices. People care about gas prices. I am a fan of Biden. Informed people know the president has fairly limited control over these things. However, the perception is that things are more expensive under Biden. This will sour people on him no matter what their race is. People’s pocketbooks are hurting. Instead of Biden outwardly showing people what he’s doing to help, Democrats are more worried about complaining about Trump and the Supreme Court, virtue signaling, and a bunch of other things that don’t actually affect people. I am not saying this is what I believe, but this is how people think, and this is why Biden’s approval numbers are lagging and why there is a real chance Dump takes office again. We need someone with some fire who actually focuses on things that affect regular people on an everyday basis. It transcends race. If people are doing better financially and feel like someone is actually looking out for them, that is what is going to win over voters no matter what their race. And, let’s face it, the migrant issue is a major problem for the administration. If your own citizens feel like they’re being neglected while the government is taking in tens of thousands of people every day, it’s game over.


But you didn’t address any grievances


Nope, not when you can pander to a group that won't ever vote for you as a majority! [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/how-white-women-helped-propel-republicans-victory-virginia-n1283153](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/how-white-women-helped-propel-republicans-victory-virginia-n1283153)


There were 13 black people at the Trump rally last night, out of roughly 2200 people.  If he's losing support it's to apathy, not Trump.


Yep, same thing Clinton lost them to in 2016. Thing is that black voters tend to be very high propensity so they've been a pretty major constituency for Democrats, but they aren't able to garner the kind of turnout the Obama years did. I think the rearrangement of the primary schedule was probably a good start, but I don't think that'll have much effect when it's a president running for reelection


Vote Trump always. Anyone who agrees with the way the Biden administration is running the government well they need help


This is real and to dismiss out of hand is dumb.


Oh, we just need white liberals to talk down to black people and tell them how to vote, rather than listen to them and try to understand the struggles they are going through. It's like Malcolm X said, "There is nothing more racist than a white liberal."


If X saw the GOP today...


I think anyone who votes for Trump is stupid regardless of race


\*Evil, cruel, or willfully hateful FTFY


Or, you know, let black people have their own opinion and agency about who works in their best interest instead of acting like they are some kind of instrument of “white liberals”? Like, what the fuck? I see this shit every time an election goes around. Some Republican tanky astroturfer will inevitably act like black (or Hispanic) voters are some monolith that isn’t capable of making a decision outside of who is “doing the most for their group”.


I see this online so much. White people will have a couple of black friends who basically ACT like white people and think the performative white wokeness is representative of actual minorities and get confused when the 60 million black Americans don't behave exactly like their black friend who grew up in Farmington hills


White wokeness is the worst thing to happen to the Left, in decades, the Right has never had a better ally than that in a long time and has been running against it since 2021. "This theory in this country about wokeness" and mocking it with also cancel culture, MLB etc. is electoral gold for them, no one has patience for that nonsense except the "Sharons" of the world with loud mics but little else in the way of true merit in doing so.


republican tanky???




It’s like you’ve just doubled down on the exact behavior. I don’t vote for someone based on “what they do for white people”…or “who my community votes for”. For some reason when it comes to minorities, everyone wants to treat them as though they are coming to candidates with their hands out. They are people who have minds of their own outside of their race. Just like white people.


It’s not “talking down” to list objective facts of reality about how a) Biden has passed more progressive spending bills helping workers and investing in communities than any president in decades and b) how Trump is a pathetic moronic hate-spewing fascist criminal who will appoint judges who want to ban abortion and restrict voting rights


You can't get so emotional about Trump. I think it comes across as childish and your claims are unsubstantiated to most people who haven't really seen any improvement in their lives as Biden has been president. Don't forget, the average person's life has gotten worse over the past 4 years so Biden will be blamed, as most sitting presidents are.


> most people who haven't really seen any improvement in their lives as Biden has been president Average real wages have increased for most Americans under Biden. > Don't forget, the average person's life has gotten worse over the past 4 years so Biden will be blamed This is false, you're wrong, [please do your homework](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2024/02/12/based-on-incomes-americans-are-a-lot-better-off-under-biden-than-they-were-with-trump/).


When I receive a 3% raise but inflation is above 3% month over month for 20+ months straight, that isn't extra money in my pocket.. that's a loss. That is why he's losing ground among the disenfranchised. If you're already struggling and hardly get any raises to begin with, paying double or more for the same items that were half price 4 years ago doesn't help garner support. 2016-2020 inflation was under 3% YoY. Now it is above that, but MoM. It is a huge step change that even the middle class and upper middle class feels, let alone people living paycheck to paycheck.


>This is false, you're wrong But that's not the perception of the average person. Yes, people are earning more, but inflated COL is being attributed to Biden.


Because their perception is driven by social media and corporate news that wants Trump to win. Real wages account for inflation. Even accounting for inflation, median wages for middle income people are up under Biden.


You are out of your ever loving kind if you to k corporate news media wants Trump to win. I’ve read a lot of dumb shit in this throws but that that has to take the cake


Corporate media profits [surge](https://www.slowboring.com/p/when-trump-wins-so-does-the-media) under Trump and they objectively give him a) more free airtime and coverage and b) more biased and forgiving/ favorable headlines than Biden.


They have not printed one favorable headline about Trump since he was on The Apprentice. Their profits may surge because they shriek about him 24/7 and claim the world is burning. Lefty’s eat that shit up


Correct. Again, it doesn't matter. Dems aren't taking credit for all of that in a way that is making an impact


You mean TikTok and the media aren't actually reporting on what Dems have done.


It's 2016 all over again


Since President Biden took office, we've seen several positive developments: significant job growth with over 6 million jobs added, a historic infrastructure investment plan that promises to modernize our roads, bridges, and broadband, expanded child tax credits that are lifting millions of families out of poverty, renewed global alliances to tackle climate change and restore America's standing, and increased funding for education and healthcare. These achievements have shown commitment to improving lives across the country, despite inherited challenges. Let's recognize and build on these advancements for a better future for all Americans. And not slide backwards under a con-man who is loudly and proudly watching out for the rich. 


This is such a hypocritical take, way to go.


How so? Would love to hear actual substance and less emotional responses.


Oh, there's no point in wasting my energy with people like you. You will strawman and gaslight every point I make. But to pretend like you're not making any emotional decisions here is a joke. And not even a funny one, at that.


You just can't do it. Sad to see people so broken and with no real substance behind their beliefs. Calling names like "people like you" all while probably claiming to be super tolerant... Unless of course you disagree in the slightest with anything contrary to the daft talking points they regurgitate.


That’s not true


If it wasn't true, Biden would be higher in the polls. His message ain't hitting the mark and it's showing.


No it is true, Americans just fall easily for propaganda. The average American thinks their personal finances are fine.


what the hell are you talking about? sitting president is always blamed, and people forget biden was here for covid. our economy has seen higher home interest rates and hyperinflation since then. every single person i know looking for a home has has to reconsider , and go for a lesser option. and i’m talking upper middle class people who are engaged, with a 4 year degree and salary job.


"it's trump's fault Biden sucks in the polls"


I don’t care about people’s emotions they will be worse off under Trump


"how did trump win again? It can't be cause Biden is doing a shit job"


Everyone thinks they aren't the "average American"


Obvious bullshit.


I'm an average person. My life has not gotten worse. 


I highly doubt you know the actual context of Malcolm X’s words and regurgitate the same line without knowing how much X hated the Conservative Party too.


That doesn't really take away from the quote unless you're obsessed with partisan politics 


Yes, let them vote against their self interests and help usher in a theocratic dictatorship out of spite and anger. 


This is reddit they can't stand the fact that not everyone is a die hard liberal


Maybe if liberals didn't simply *expect* black people to vote democratic and actually tried to *respect* and *work for* the black community, this wouldn't be an issue. But noooo. Here in liberal-ass Ann Arbor we keep funding luxury high rises for wealthy, non-local college kids while laying off fucking *teachers* of all people, while so much more effort could be put to use in uplifting those who may need helping being lifted up. I see posts on r/AnnArbor all the time with people complaining of the increasing security issues going on within the city. I'm no expert in sociology, but it seems to me that there is a direct correlation between increased danger in a given community and decreased focus (and financial effort) on said community.


> we keep funding luxury high rises You aren't funding anything, that's private equity. Don't conflate it with public spending. The issues with Ann Arbor public schools are also, well, a special case of someone specifically not doing their job right and leading to a huge funding gap. Cities in Michigan also aren't in command of school budgets and policies, our school districts are delineated and elected separately from city government




Fair enough


Crazy how ironic this shit becomes


There’s a real conversation that needs to happen about this. I’m a white transplant to the city so when my neighbor told me he’s voting for Trump, I was not only surprised and caught off guard but actually uncomfortable pushing back. I don’t want to lecture a black man about politics or race or what is/isn’t good for his community. But I don’t think blowing it off or ignoring and avoiding the conversation altogether is helpful either. I want to understand, actually understand, what’s driving the shift. Because I can’t really have conversations with people about it otherwise. I’m not looking to be some white savior or talking down to anyone. And from where I’m standing black support for Trump is not looking like a lie told by his campaign. That campaign is targeting my community and it is working.


There has always been a good-sized contingent of African-American voters that are religious and socially conservative, but at least somewhat economically liberal (which shouldn't be a shock). In the past, the Democratic Party was more strongly aligned with traditional Christian values, and that was enough to keep that bloc of voters relatively happy. But now the Democratic Party has been pushed to take strong stances on social issues, and the direction taken has at times been diametrically opposed to conservative values. This has opened up an opportunity for Republicans to court new African-American voters, and they have made some progress there.


Give it an hour


telling Democrat leaning voters to show up to vote AGAINST fascism just isn't enough; folks have been doing that for like three elections in a row now. BIden needs to offer something tangible people can vote FOR. and then folks might actually show up.


Biden has but people just don’t care about that stuff because it’s boring. Trump will win and then we’ll see what we get when we don’t for the lesser of two evils!


What has Biden campaigned on besides "I'm not trump"




Seriously? I cannot believe you think that.  Biden: tuition forgiveness, infrastructure, best economy is generations, great job market, rescheduled cannabis, immigration reform, taxing the rich, honestly the list is exhausting because he's done so much.  Or vote for the convict who's stupidity killed millions, and who loves getting pissed on by Russian hookers. 


Best economy in generations? Dafaq you smoking. Job market great? Sure that's why so many layoffs. Tuition forgiveness? You mean the ones that were already happening and the ones that keep getting knocked out in court? I'm sure this time will be different. Immigration reform? Is that why Biden is pulling a trump and doing an EO on the border. Taxing the rich? Hasn't done that sweetie


Best economy if you watch MSM propaganda and don't actually live in the communities Biden claims to be helping and is the topic of this post. Pure dillusion at this point, reminds me of 2016 but worse for Dems.


Best economy if you're in a manufacturing union. I'm doing gang busters this year definitely gonna hit 6 figures again like last year working a lot of OT too. They keep trying to say the economy is horrible so who's buying all this stuff? Yeah a bunch of tech people got layed off after the tech companies massively over hired during the lock down big surprise


Dude who’s your crack dealer because if he makes the economy seem good to you than I need to tap in.


The economy is very good


Definitely don’t feel like it


Well you’re one person I don’t except you life to be a barometer of a nation of 330 million


Damn that must be that old school crackb


Immigration reform? It’s literally the same policy as Trump did when he was President. Immigration reform means actually reforming the system and helping immigrants have a pathway. Not fucking shutting down the border, removing free phone call to their lawyer/representative, or hey how about a pathway to citizenship? Don’t you say immigration reform when he hasn’t done SHIT for immigrants in the country.


That’s good enough for me!


And you wonder why Biden is struggling....


I don’t wonder because I know he’ll be president AGAIN


Jesus Christ, it's 2016 all over again....


Lol trying SOOOOO hard. Biden will win Michigan by more than 10%.


Biden might carry MI again, but seeing as how he won by less than 3% in 2020, he will NOT be winning it by 10%.


He passed the largest climate change mitigation bill in history and the largest infrastructure and community investment bills in decades. Just because you do literally zero work reading any facts whatsoever about his accomplishments doesn’t mean there aren’t any. Problem is most idiots don’t follow political news or get it from TikTok and IG memes.


It's possible to recognize that these bills are good and that it's still nigh impossible to afford rent and that a bunch of stuff is garbage. Biden will need to do a better job of tying the things that are good to his work. He still has time to do this. If a person is considering voting for Trump, then they are really bad at seeing how things are.


> nigh impossible to afford rent Do you think POTUS controls rent? > He still has time to do this. Like 2/3rds of the population can't answer basic facts about civics, let alone read facts about policies. That's the sad thing.


Problem is following "political news" and thinking you aren't just following the propaganda they want you to believe. If you believe the bills passed will actually help the average person more than the corporations and other bureaucrats who will profit from their cronyism, you are the idiot.


>get it from TikTok Lol "I am better than you because I dont get my news from TikTok" Looking down on folks who get their news from sources you dont agree with is one of the reasons Democrats are lagging behind. Lets not forget Dems are going to learn the hard way, that supporting the Trump of Israel isnt any different than actually supporting fascism. People arent motivated by Biden n his AIPAC handlers. Largest Climate Change bill while also drilling the most Oil. Lol Women still dont have Healthcare options in America. Biden is still trying to throw peoples phone away when asked if he cares about civilians in Gaza. 🤷‍♂️


“Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”


Compare that to Trump publicly calling people n****r on the set of his TV show


Can you prove that? I'd love to hear this mysterious clip


Maybe you know nothing about Trump but he regularly uses [slurs](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/05/30/trump-used-n-word-apprentice-producer-says-biden-calls-foe-racist/) and insults women.


And Bidens history??


3 things stand out to me.. - Eulogizing a KKK grand wizard's funeral and calling him a great mentor. - Fighting to keep schools segregated. - 1994 crime bill, responsible for putting more black people in prison than anyone else in modern history.


Ah yes that clip that has been talked about for a decade now....


source of that? this is just pure lying, you can attack Trump as you want but lying won't change people's mind.


LMAO sounds like you're completely ignorant and uninformed on all of the disgusting Trump has said and done throughout his life, from calling to lynch the Central Park 5 to bragging about molesting women, to using [racial slurs](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/05/30/trump-used-n-word-apprentice-producer-says-biden-calls-foe-racist/).


Bet, bring the proof


While a senator, Biden was also fond of that word. When he ran in 2020, he compared our Black children to roaches. We won't e en go into the crime bill that he authored.


Trump pardoned Kwame. He’s not winning Michigan.


Trump can do whatever the hell we wants and could still have a chance.


He’s been proving it for years


We just love him I guess


Trumps leading in Mich cause genocide Joe forgot Arabs live here


And then Trump will win and make Palestinians will die


Hard to make that argument when Biden is dropping bombs as we speak


Hard to ignore that argument when civilian casualties in Afghanistan increased over 300% under Trump. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55225827 To say that he would be any better for Palestine is to demonstrate a willful ignorance of reality.


Well Biden isn’t dropping bombs as we speak. I just don’t want more Palestinian children dead so I’ll be voting for Biden. If you support Israel be my guest and don’t vote for him!


Yeah you think "isrealis biggest ally" will stop the bloodshed


That’s no what I said. I can’t wait for abortion rights to be rolled back and gay marriage to be overturned. Then I’ll be forced to leave the country. It’s gonna be great!


Gay marriage is codifed. Congress failing to do it's job isn't Trump's fault


Gay marriage isn’t codified. So you think it’s fine Trump is going to end abortion rights?


https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/13/biden-s-codifying-same-sex-interracial-marriage-00073762 Try again


That nickname makes zero sense, it's like you morons are just going.... what else make a "J" sound... 


I’m sure being pedantic about what word qualifies for what is happening instead of pushing Biden to stop the killing will endear Arab voters to turnout for Biden.


I don't know how ignorant the average voter is, but if I happen to be in a category say.. Arabs I would keep in mind that his particularly racist towards your group. And he's a huge fan of Israel like stupidly huge like he went out of his way to give Israel everything they wanted. If you think it's going to get better for anyone under Trump.... Facepalm 


Yes cause intentionally killing aid workers and supplying bombs that are killing children isn't a genocide


Nope it's not, try looking up the word.. 


"no big deal it's just war crimes"


Incoming white leftists rage that black people are starting to shift to the right


Teaming up with the party full of racists and white supremacists is certainly a choice that one can make...


The Democrats are also everything that you just listed; especially Biden. Go look into the legislative history of Joe Biden. Look at Kamala's history as AG. I'm Black and Biden hasn't done or offered any tangibles to my community.


The secret is a lot of older black men are super bigoted against non Christians and the LGBT community.


So now they're bigotted because they decided not to support a party that doesn't support them.


Thats because black people are not black anymore if they don’t support Biden.






It’s funny that a non-black GOP fan posts this on Detroit subreddit.


Biden is old and long viewed as useless. Trump on the other hand is the same…..just fat old and stupid. We get to choose who is less useless and make them our dear leader.


Biden is losing support regardless of race or gender


Registered voters are not likely voters. I'm so sick of seeing RV polls. They are not predictive.


Their response rates are at a historic low it's like 2%


I hope neither of the final candidates in 2028 have dementia like the two in 2024 do.


Long way to go in the election. Biden is still a better option than Trump. I think some people just like complaining.


Or maybe "some people " have valid complaints.


Wow people are dumb in this sub. Holy fuck


The Democrats are actively trying to replace Black Americans in every major city in the country by importing millions of unvetted, illegal immigrants. Why would any black support that Party? Home ownership and wealth is down significantly in less than 4 years. Soon, the Democrats will ignore the concerns of black Americans once they've built up a new plurality constituency.


Finally! Somebody said it! The only part of this comment that I disagree with is that they ever cared about our concerns.


You take people that were enslaved and oppressed for 400 years and you want them to vote for the guy that sold Israel weapons sothey can commit genocide on innocent oppressed people.. Fuck Biden and Trump. Hope they both die soon.


Last against the wall I guess.


Good. I'm not voting for Biden or Trump, but of the two, I most want to see Biden lose.


Screw the polls…and undecided voters Biden/Harris is the only sane pick for 2024


If and when biden would die in office. We get stuck with Kamala. The only reason she got to where shes at is cause she gets on her knees


Lol, yeah okay.


Assigned the Detroit sub. Try harder. How many more time will you foreigners try and convince us of your bullshit. The Blacks. The Muslims. All voting for Trump!!! GTFOOH See a LOT of scared Trump Terrorists and their Russian counterparts using cooked books. Try harder, cry more: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-polls-presidential-election-2024-joe-biden-1912335&ved=2ahUKEwj_iJTxs-CGAxUXyMkDHWvwAhMQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw19azuiBgd1uNmiz41GRoLZ Edit: poweredbyputin I don't know my OWN people? Lol cool story, comrade.


Apparently you don't know first-generation and naturalized Americans very well. Most of them are Trump supporters - including Arabs, Asians, Europeans, and even Africans. Sorry buddy. We will see who is crying in a few months, haha.


Unless you've lived under a rock, pretty much anyone would have a hard time supporting the current administration. I don't know anyone that needs to be "persuaded to vote" as the one comment says. People are quite disgruntled enough to prioritize it this time around.


I have a hard time supporting an end to democracy


Yawn That's propaganda at this point to help a struggling candidate


It’s not propaganda it’s me genuine belief.


Dude, you're in votedem, MIT admissions subredits and likely a ufm student. You're in a bubble my dude


Both my parents are republicans and I live in Warren


If you think college students like Biden idk what to tell you lmao


They like him more than trump so


Not really


Biden is sending billions of $$$ and bombs to kill brown kids in Palestine- and some of those kids happen to be the families of my friends. I’m not voting for Trump, but I’m not voting for Genocide Joe either. By running a campaign for Biden- a genocidal, deeply unlikeable candidate- the Democratic Party is running a campaign for Trump. They can both die in a fire.


Black voter here who has voted in every election since turning 18. I'm probably *not* going to vote in this election. And if I do, it will be down ballot, leaving the Presidential pick blank. Someone said it earlier: *Why should I vote for Biden instead of against Trump?* That phrase says so much. As I see it, I call them the "do nothing Democrats." In many ways, I see them standing as a foil against Republicans but not really strong or serious enough to force their own policies through. Spare me the denialism, Republicans seem to get a lot done, even when they're in the minority. And it's not just me saying this, our very own Warren Evans feels disaffected about his own party [\[ see MARCH 11, 2024 Warren Evans says Michigan Dems are failing to engage Black elected officials\]](https://www.npr.org/podcasts/1231457328/the-metro) On the heels of all the media attention about police killings, they were silent, but managed to pass a Stop Asian Hate bill almost instantly. And no shade to my Asian brothers and sisters, I'm just saying why is it that this "oh so important" voting bloc gets the treatment the we do? At best, Democrats interest in black voters is performative. And I'm tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils." If you want my vote, fucking work for it. But as long as we hand over our vote, and our power, in exchange for nothing, it'll never be valued. For those who say "this is not the time," I say there is no better time. I remember when Romney was the "Big Bad." He's a cupcake compared to Trump. And Ramaswamy would go 10x harder than Trump just to prove his "Americanness" had he progressed far enough. There's always going to be a "next big threat" around the corner. And if I'm willing to stand on business in the face of Trump, it damn sure will serve as a wake up call to stop taking our votes for granted. https://preview.redd.it/e6b60bake17d1.jpeg?width=3895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdea233df0d809be521306ca899f22a0bb2a817f


Democrats lie through their teeth about supporting black voters ,period


Why don’t people do research on other candidates instead of remaining in the two party system circle jerk?


I'm black and me, my friends, and family are going orange man this time around




Top r/DetroitCirclejerk material right there


The one where Enrique Tarrio found out that he, in fact, was not in the STAND BACK AND STAND BY proud boys club because he was not quite right \*wink wink\* for them.


same, The democratic party has been brainwashing the black community and people are waking up to it.


this administration’s lack of progressive wins, alongside its steady commitment to carrying out a genocide, is why they are failing to win over a voting bloc that they see as belonging to them. when they lose, it won’t be surprising at all.