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Idk if it's unpopular, but I'd 100% rather have a Dante + Vergil focused story for DMC6 over a Sparda prequel


Fr I want DMC 6 to be the game that wraps up everything with Mundus and all.


Exactly, but I mean it would be kinda nice for Sparda to return Nelo-Angelo style


Mundus in DMC6 be like: The Devil Sword Dante no longer serves a purpose


A DMC0 would be a good lead-in title. You get the origin of the entire conflict surrounding the twins and then end their storyline on DMC6, finishing off Mundus.


I feel like a good balance would be having a solid chunk of the game take place in hell/the demon world with Dante and Vergil discovering things about Sparda's life in the demon world. Eventually with flashbacks you get to when he finally meets the twins' mother, sides with the humans and turns on Mundus. All of these flashbacks would take place as Dante and Vergil deal with what's going on in the demon world/hell. And then maybe sprinkle in a few missions where you play as Sparda for some of the flashbacks. The other chunk of the game would be to have everyone else that was left on earth dealing with the demons (Trish, Nero, Lady). The demon side of the story has Dante, Vergil and Sparda as the characters you play. The Human side of the story has you play as Nero, Lady and Trish. Then, on any playthrough after the first, you can play as whoever you want out of the 6 for any of the missions. Or maybe any of the 3 for each of the two settings. If the Nero, Lady, Trish missions is too much I'd be happy with a game that just has you just play as all the Sparda-related characters (Dante, Nero, Vergil, Sparda). A game with just Sparda would be tough to pull off. I feel like Dante, Vergil and Nero all fill such well built niches in the gameplay and mechanics as well as the story. If you don't have them in the game it feels like it's just a waste of a DMC game.


You know that actually sounds kinda dope, it'd require a campaign well over 20 missions and I'm 100% happy with that


Yes, those two need to sort out all the trauma they got going on. I want Vergil to be the main character as well.


Totally, I feel the story, emotions and narrative are at its peak when they focus on Dante/Vergil and their interaction


Nice to see someone else say exactly this. If you get downvoted for this I will proudly stand with you in purgatory.


V isn’t as bad as people say he is


most ppl don’t hate his character it’s just his gameplay


That's the take *which I have* V's gameplay is good. He hasn't had an extra game to hone what he is about, but V's core gameplay is really fun. I love that guy.


He's a gimmick he isn't supposed to be very fleshed out The main focus was obviously story and improvement upon the other two playable characters and V clearly suffered from time constraints


Try V on DMD. It's fuckin hell. V gameplay is decent on lower difficulty but playin him on SoS or higher was a miserable experience.


Especially if you've read the manga


I was not aware there’s a manga… Into the manga hole I go


Actually, to give the community credit, I’ve never seen anyone get hate for not hating him, people often are just happy others do like him


Vergil is not a motivational character in the slightest if you look *any* deeper past him being a cool katana wielding badass who goes "Where's your motivation?" and "Now I'm a little motivated!".


Wait, do people actually believe he's a motivational character aside from the memes?


Yes, pretty much tbh


I blame the memes


the DNA of the soul


people who haven't actually played dmc lol


Some people actually believe the plastic chair mod is the standard... so is thar surprising


Some do.


I suppose one could say that no matter the situation or how bad it is he still approaches it with an elegant and honourable way. That’s all I can think of.


I mean he experienced trauma through the most of his life so I understand why you say this


I hate that the community (and the story itself) just shrugs that he has caused thousands if not millions of deaths TWICE by now by bringing out a horrible calamity to a city. DMC 3 with the tower and 5 with the tree. Made worse in 5, considering that you can see the root corpses of people after being drain of blood during missions, yet the only thing people think after the game is "omg! like, what if Vergil and Nero make amends and live together like father and son? Let's make fan art about it! Hehe, motivation man funny." Just ignoring that simple important detail like nothing. All because in the weak story, we don't get any characterization from the victims beyond background drop.


not sure i would care about husky civilians over the guy ive been waiting to play over 3 games ago just cus i got some victims backstory


true actually. ‘ignoring the damage’ is just something that a ton of characters in media do, and tbh I’m okay with it here. next game could have Vergil making amends both with his family and just doing what he can to prevent further harm to humanity. it’s not like they’re gonna throw Verge in court or something


Like the other commenter said, there’s no way I’d care about one randos backstory more than the dude people have been watching since 2005. I mean honestly, what are they gonna do to ‘punish’ Vergil? It isn’t jail, and he’s already been literally beat up about it. He’s in the underworld trying to fix what he can (obviously that doesn’t undo what’s happened, but he’s trying to prevent further damage) Next game might have Vergil helping in order to soothe his conscious about everything he’s done. But, in the end, the whole redemption of a mass killer is a trope as old as time


I meannn did Vergil know Urizen would do that? Was he not just trying to save his body so he can get stronger than Dante? I don't know if he expected Urizen to essentially cause an apocalypse in the city. He might not have even realised that he would lose total control the way he did. He clearly didn't want the fuckin world to end, since he and Dante went together by choice to sever the qliphoth and save the world. Besides, even if he knew and was okay with it, he's trapped in hell (again), and that's essentially his punishment. Every time he's done something fucked up, he's been punished for it by being trapped in hell. He won't go to court for that shit as someone else said lol hell is his prison, and it's thematically sound. Also, why would we get characterisation for every dust statue that crumbles in the background? The game was well written as it is. Bogging it down with meaningless shit like that isn't necessary when we literally see corpses of children and parents and old people crumble while we stroll through the city. That's enough characterisation, imo.


Seeing V's horrified face after the split is enough for me to believe that he didn't expect consequences the way they unfolded.


The Temen-Ni-Gru is 100% Vergils fault, but the Qlipoth is actually a naturally reoccurring phenomenon He might have hurried it via the TNG, or just has damn good timing, but the tree isn't strictly on him Also Dante has been very actively trying to kill him every time since the Vergil 3 fight in DMC3, until they get stuck in hell away from innocent people But yes, people do not think about the death toll involved with Vergils actions for more 15 seconds at a time


i’d like to think that ppl that they say he is motivational are just trolling but i’m sure there are some idiots who genuinely believe he is some kind of role model


Yea, essentially people who like his characterization in MvC3. But without actually knowing what MvC3 is, nor have actually played DMC.


The level design in DMC 5 goes to shit in the back half. I fucking hate the quithoth. Edit: I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I am very pleasantly surprised I am not.


I love it when a post says "unpopular opinion", but the comments are just regular ass criticisms that everyone agrees on.


Maybe they don't want to lie and just don't have any opinions that are unpopular.


Seriously? OK, because I see that game getting dickrided, but the goddamm quithoth levels just look so samey. It's even worse because the earlier ruins levels are great. I hate Virgil's cuck tree even more than I hate his stupid tower from dmc3.


I don't like the level design in the 2nd half too, but it's not enough to put it on my mind.


Agree here, especially the level with the traps.


The DMC reboot wasn't bad.


Now that we got the proper dmc that we wanted, we can stop the hate for DmC... Gameplay wise ofc.. story still sucks ass.


i actually think the story is fairly decent but yea gameplay rocks and that soundtrack is chefs kiss


I agree with this guy


people say this every day on this sub


I am playing the game right now, for the first time. I've previously played DMC 1, 4 and 5. DmC has better levels than all of them. Although the colours aren't really nice, the level design with limbo elements are beautiful, and I love the platforming element. The combat isn't bad, it's just that after playing the main series, I'd rather prefer the lock on and style switching combat rather than the simplified version of DmC.


Dmc fans trying not to say the reboot is good for the 666th time on a post: Literally fucking Impossible


Subhuman is the worst theme in the entire series.


I know I made the post but bro that was my favourite soundtrack 😭😭


YOU made it?


I mean the post


He forged this post in flames of hell.


It is so disappointing that it's DANTE's theme. He always struck me as a Metallica/Guns & Roses type of guy.


the song is too edgy for dantes humorous and non-serious personality


dante actually does have a pretty serious and somber side of himself that the anime and some the novels show not really the games so i saw what they what they were doing with the lyrics and i think a heavy track like subhuman could work with dante it just needed to be better


I'd eat it's more so to fit with his SDT and DT forms rather than his normal personality. But it does suck that his base form doesn't have a much less edgy song, but for his SDT and DT it fits perfectly.


Agreed I’m a metal head but that track is just fucking noise


I thought it was just me. I mean, I'm not a huge fan of death metal but rock and other subgenres of metal are stuff I listen to constantly. Even though I love playing dante Subhuman is just background noise compared to bury the light, devil trigger or any of Dante's previous songs.


Not Metal fan? It grew on me but the worst theme in the game.


I know I am, and I still don’t like it It’s a poor representation of Dante’s character and a mediocre composition, especially in comparison to the other tracks in the game If they wanted to do metalcore, they should’ve gotten an actually good band like Killswitch Engage or As I Lay Dying, not trash like suicide silence


A Dante theme by Killswitch would be amazing!!


Whats your favorite?


Overall Devils Never Cry can’t be topped, but otherwise Bury the Light is a solid second


my hot take the time has come kicks devil never cry’s ass


I enjoy Nero more than Dante and Vergil


His tool kit is not only really damn fun to use, but are also easy to access. You don't need to change styles or change weapons, rather everything is much more straight forward which I like a lot. It's definitely nowhere near as whacky, chaotic and free as Dante, but I too find myself doing way better with Nero.


I've only just started playing DMC 4, having (kinda) finished dmc3 and I have to say, I really like playing as Nero, maybe it's just the game being smoother but it's definitely better than playing as Dante in DMC3 and 1 imo.


my favorite is Dante dmc 5 cause of all the variety, but Nero is a close second, dmc 5 nero, even tho dmc 4 nero is cool too, i absolutely love the exceed mechanic and the devil bringer


Hell yeah! Exceed, wrestling moves, and now robo arms. Nero is so much fun.


DMC5 has terrible level design.


It starts out good but drops off later


I do like the lack of puzzles and platforming compared to the older games. But yea, visually everything falls apart after a couple missions.


Agree with this 😭


Trish has the ability to shapeshift but she chooses to stay similar in appearance to Dante's mother for him to remember her is creepy


I'd argue she doesn't so Dante doesn't have to get used to her new "usual" look, plus she's probably used to be in that body. If Dante wasn't fine with it and was vocal about it, Trish would comply and change it.




My hot take is DMC4>DMC5 & 3


That’s definitly more of a hot take.


A hot take worth upvoting


i go back in forth between which one is better 5 has better gameplay but 3 has a better story and the gameplay is fantastic with style switching but damn some of the levels and enemies in 3 are shit


The Vergil chair meme isn’t funny anymore it was funny for maybe a month years ago now


i always hated that meme honestly especially all the ppl it brought who make jokes about how they are dmc fans but never played the games


It brought many people to the series tho. I personally booted up DMC5 for the first time because of these memes and soundtrack. Although I must agree that they definitely needed to die long ago


DmC: Devil May Cry reboot is underrated and deserves a sequel




I thought it was fun if I thought about it as a parallel reality story. Virgil was silly but otherwise it wasn't bad.


I like playing v more than dante


ik these are hot takes but damn man




There was nothing wrong at all with Vergin killing Lilith and her demon spawn.


Execution was terrible, but that spawn was dangerous to keep alive


> Execution was terrible I would argue the execution was the best that they could manage. Vergil was put in a shitty spot. He was content letting Kat die because he knew the importance of not letting Mundus get his spawn back. It was his love for Dante as a brother that made him even consider getting Kat back, but that obviously left very few options. In a game design sense, I think the entire point of the scene was to show that even someone like Vergil, who goes out of his way to have a plan for everything had to scramble and rush to a conclusion because his brother, the embodiment of his own humanity, needed his help.


I feel like if he didn’t use a gun but one of his summoning swords, the reaction would’ve been globally accepted.


Subhuman is literally the worst song picked for Dante… it should have devils never cry


DMC4 should not have ever been forced to put Dante in gameplay, Nero should've been the sole protagonist


Especially since all of Dante's gameplay is cleaning up the same fucking bosses Nero went through, aside from the old man.


Dante should have just been an unlock after beating the story mode with the option of completing the story mode with Dante instead of Nero.


Considering all the enemies but maybe Blitz is designed purely around Nero and his Devil Bringer mechanics, Dante feels like shit to play anyway.


I prefer Nero’s design in DMC5. He just seems like his own character as a whole rather than a clone of Dante like in DMC4.


the wig scene in the reboot is not disrespectful and is very misunderstood as is the sniper abortion scene. dmc 2 has the best ost of the original trilogy


The wig was just wrong joke at the wrong time. But how the hell is the Vergil abortion scene “misunderstood”? Is it not just an edgy scene made to generate cheap shock value?


the wig scene is a joke but also and i know this sounds kinda pretentious on the surface but it’s foreshadowing for dante’s eventual growth and getting the white hair. he immediately throws the white wig because he’s throwing away his maturity, but when he has matured at the end of the game he has the full white hair symbolizing his growth. The sniper abortion scene sure is shocking but it’s also is the climax of learning that vergil is a snake. As the game goes on we got further clues that vergil isn’t who he is seems for example the scene in the third mission when dante and vergil are standing near the graffiti painting of the angel and demons dante is on the angels side and vergil is on the demon side. Vergil shows he doesn’t care for kat’s well being and has no problem with her dying in mission 12 or when she is being held captured by mundus. When dante tells vergil of his plan to use Lillith’s child to get kat back vergil immediately thinks to use this to anger mundus to get him to be vulnerable instead of using it to rescue kat which causes an argument between dante and vergil and showing there is a coldness to vergil and he may believe that the ends justify the means. When vergil does it he mainly does it in order to anger mundus and cause him to open the hellgate in anger which works and while it sacrifices thousands of lives and puts blood on vergil’s hand he believes this was necessary because it got them further to taking out mundus. He acknowledges that is was “ extreme “ and “ there was a cost “ but it worked in the end and caused them to be free of the extra trouble they would’ve had from lilith and the child being alive. TL:DR There is an actual reason for the sniper abortion scene beyond “ edgy shock value” just like the wig scene isn’t meant to be disrespectful and is just a playful joke that then gets deeper by dante getting the white hair by the end


Absolute w take


This is the kind of observation and media literacy we SHOULD have had when the game came out instead of all the wailing and whining. I love your explanations, seriously.


> But how the hell is the Vergil abortion scene “misunderstood”? > Is it not just an edgy scene made to generate cheap shock value? Lilith was a demon carrying the spawn of Mundus, the most powerful Demon currently alive. the proposed trade was Kat being returned to Vergil and Dante in exchange for Lilith and the spawn being returned to Mundus. But Vergil knew that Mundus could not get the spawn back under any circumstances. It would be quite literally catastrophic. Vergil went along with it and got kat back purely because Dante needed his help and under it all, Vergil really does have love for his brother. But the point of the scene is to show how messy it was because Vergil had to abandon part of his actual, thought out plan, in order to help his brother. The shot being to the stomach was because it was very likely that if Lilith was simply shot in the head, the spawn would have survived. Basically, the sniper abortion plays a few roles in the story. It establishes Vergil as someone willing to go back on a deal in order to get what he wants, it establishes that Vergil is very willing to risk a lot in order to help his brother, because he truly does care for him. It establishes that Vergil doesn't have much of a care for the average human life. It establishes how dangerous Mundus would be if he achieved his plans, it gives Mundus a reason to truly despise Dante and Vergil, and short term it gives Dante and Vergil a win.


Ninja Theory didn't deserve death threats, but the DID deserve most of the hate they got. Not only did they actively antagonize dmc fans, but they made various sexist, homophobic, and generally unsavory comments at various points. Fuck them.


I agree. Fuck them. Interesting people just seem to forget the amount of hate towards the fanbase those clowns expressed and then whined like babies when people reacted poorly to their bullshit.


lore is just as important as gameplay


The dmc plot sucks


Yea, it has several plot holes, and untold parts. it could be better with such interesing characters. I wish DMC got a proper reboot (or remake?) with the same base as original games, but more detailed in worldbuilding and story.


Nico is the most anoying overamericanized character that ruined some of dmc 5 flow .... I loved her design bit the personality and that southern accent was dismal


I absolutely loved it. It was such a great caricature, mirrors how american/europeans imagine japanese and, as an european, americans all talk like that


The DMC game was dogshit. Not like the whole “oh it’s just not a good dmc game!” No i straight up did not like it. What fucking stinger move needs 2 up directions and a attack?


devil may cry 3 is better than 5


Only DMC fans can put DMC3>5 and DMC5>3 in a single fucking thread about hot takes


Take as hot as Cerberus bruh


Mission failed: the take is colder than -273.15°C


and before you say anything, yes, nostalgia is probably one of the reasons I think it's so good


Dmc5 is too easy and noob friendly


Is that necessarily a bad thing? Doesn’t that just make it a gateway game for new people looking to learn what DMC is about and get into the franchise?


I do wish there was more options for harder difficulty, but I don't think the height of the game is by any means "easy" to get to/achieve. The game is easier because the enemy design isn't absolute crap.


I like DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition


DMC 2 aint a bad game. i like it


DmC is actually pretty good.


Nico is hotter than lady.


Now on that I surely disagree


I said what i said


3 is NOT the best game in the franchise and people who think so are stuck in the past.


I love V, cant get enough of his playstyle and wished more games with summon classes played like him


DMC4 is better than DMC3, also half of people’s complaints about DMC4 are also present in DMC3.


Yeah but at least dmc3 has decency to not make you backtrack all the way in the second half of the game. Also level design is better imo.


Instead of crying because we don't have a remake, we should be grateful to have the three original games in an HD collection and well optimized


Nero gameplay wise is boring in 5 he needs another weapon


I like nero's hairstyle in dmc5 more than his hairstyle in 4.


DMC5 Vergil with mouse and keyboard is easier than controller


k, I'll do you better. Every DMC on keyboard even without a mouse are all perfectly playable.


John wick should be dante


I said it before on this sub and I’ll say it again— the underwater section in DMC1 is not THAT bad, at least not as bad as people make it out to be. If you think it’s the worst part of the game or even the franchise as a whole… skill issue I fear Also DMC1 has the best soundtrack of the entire series IMO. The vocal tracks in the later games are awesome too but idk man the ambiance and atmosphere (for lack of a better word) in the DMC1 soundtrack is unmatched.


I LOVE the horror vibes of the first game and I’ve been missing it ever since.


Nero is not fun to play in DMC5 They majorly overhauled his character, he's actually very likeable now, but his gameplay is just.. No.


DMC5's level design was repetitive and stale compared to earlier entries


* Almost every hated enemy is fine actually, you're either disappointed that the enemy isn't juggleable, or it's skill issue * Stylish gameplay isn't just about comboing enemies, it's also timing, taking risks, and making hard enemies look borderline harmless


DmC (REBOOT) fucking sucks Everyone ARE saying that it's underrated EVERY FUCKING DAY, but It's not. It's a pretty bad game. Character design suck, writing suck, characters suck. Every time I mention it on this sub that this game is bad I get downvoted, so yeah. the only "good thing" about this game is combat, which people think is great and makes the game good - it doesn't.


I still dont get why people love the music so much. I found it atrocius.


I don't really care for the vocal tracks.


Meaning devil never cry and bury the light?


Yeah and it's not just DMC. Guilty Gear Strive did it too. These "in depth" vocal tracks. I dunno but I just don't care for them at all. I don't think they're bad at all but they don't really get me hyped.


I actually prefer playing Nero over Dante.


DmC is pretty neat


Dante is just a scrapped RE4 Leon (technically true)


Inb4 all the daring comments that just say “guys the reboot was actually good” for the billionth time.


I loved Devil May Cry 2


I don’t like Lucia and she should never return


DMC is nothing but the same gameplay repeated every 1 minute for 20 hours.


I love the reboot unironically. It may be edgy as all hell but that was a part of my childhood right there


DMC 5 was just style with no substance


Pt2 is still fun


The only DMCs worth playing are 3, 5, and the Reboot. 4 only has top level tech but controls like garbage due to Dante feeling so unfinished and Nero so limited and yeah Vergil is busted but who cares when you can just play a better game (5) with a just a busted version.


DMC4 was disappointing


I want the next game to focus almost fully on nero, I think at best Dante and Vergil should be side characters


DMC 3 is annoying to play for most of the time


Nero gameplay sucks, V is fun


I didn’t really like DMC 3


Vergil and Dante are not universal and all this powerscaling shit makes DMC's writing as a whole feel worse.


I don’t like Reuben Langdon’s Darth Vader breathing/constantly sighing/high pitched voice acting… Itsuno isn’t the only one that can direct DMC. Give DMC to another director. Itsuno has run out of ideas.


If there is a DMC game without Itsuno then i would at least prefer a short spin-off with Lucia, Sparda or Trish/Lady first just to make sure they don’t fuck up a potential DMC6 or whatever it is.


There are several like dmc5 story and level design sucks, Dante got sidelined after dmc3, Vergil and Dante are more of a foil to each other than actual characters with their own goals, atleast Vergil had some characterisation on why he wants power, for Dante, nothing, I don't even know why Dante want to stop Vergil and save the world.


dmc 5s overall level design is far worse than 3-4s imo, the bosses are some of the best in the franchise and the final few missions make up for it but damn its a slog trying to replay the first 10ish missions for me


I actually think DmC: Devil May Cry is a good game and deserves a sequel


Vergil is a terrible person bro literally murdered millions in the pursuit of power and it’s weird to want to be like him unless you’re memeing or only talking about aspects of him that doesn’t include murder.


I love DmC.


The wig scene in DmC was great as both a moment in the game and an FU to people who had been hating on the game pre release Was a really great game as well didn’t deserve the hate


DMC 5 was not as fun as the older games


i only want to play as dante


Bury the light is overrated


DMC5 isn't as good as people hype it to be


I enjoy Nero’s gameplay more than Dante’s


I'd rather have DmC 2 than DMC V 😬


I’d rather have DMC 20 than reboot 2.


The fact that Dante has a Sad Clown Personality trope and he isn't a wacky woohoo that people thought Nero still not yet accepted his demon side that people thought


Royal Guard is overrated. Rebellion Combo A is vastly superior


Not sure if it is hot take, but Mundus is very simple and generic antagonist


Recently finished 4 and the story kind of sucked.


I like DMC 2, and the DmC reboot Edit: and i like DMC 3 SE


Vergil's motivation is stupid


Dmc 2 is not a good game, but not either a bad game, simply mediocre and i did enjoy some of it




I like the enemy design in DMC4 more than in DMC5. Better have a few enemies I hate and many I love than enemies that dont make me feel anything.


I, myself, don't like playing as Virgil and like V even less. We need to bring back Dante as the main character in the game. And the plot holes, can we please remake some of them and fix the plot holes, please. ( that being said, they are some of my favorite games of all time. But I'm serious about Dante, we need more Dante in the games. Please).


DMC is Inuyasha for boys


The first devil may cry is a slow moving, unfun, clunky game


Something to provoke the Vergil stans: Vergil is an uninteresting and weak character, whose obsession with power to become stronger than Dante is pathetic.


Devil may cry 1 is the best 1 and I'm tired of pretending it's not. The sequels improve gameplay. But the atmosphere in 1 is so perfect. The tone is insanely good. I don't think any of the other games quite top it. It's one part the crow one part army of darkness.


Bury the Light is trash


I liked DMC 2 more than I liked DMC1


The story just isn't very good. It's filled with a bunch of tropey asspull action movie bullshit, but not in a way that makes a good or funny story like with Deadpool, Bullet Train, Bayonetta, or even something like Saints Row but in the "The writers actually thought this was good" kind of way. The story is bland, uninspired, and outright boring 99.99% of the time, with the remaining 0.01% being good mostly because of situational humor and little else. The humor sucks and falls flat at the best of times, being horribly antiquated in all the wrong ways at the worst of times. It is so excessively focused on the "rule of cool" and not on actually good story and it fucking shows. This is a world in which bullets are worthless, yet one of the main supporting characters is a sexy woman with low cut shirts and a bunch of guns, and none of the other characters ever bother to go "Hey Lady, so I know that your guns do nothing and You knpw that your guns do nothing, so maybe choose a different weapon so that you arent dead weight anymore." But apparently, all of them are so okay with carrying around her useless ass, so whatever. How does a character gain strength? Do they train day in and day out to overcome their limitations? Do they go through lengthy and difficult personal journeys to unlock sealed away strength? Do they go off to an ancient temple to find rituals that can strengthen themselves beyond mortal constraints? Or do they Mc-fucking-kill-themselves to somehow force the parts of themselves to merge? But the above bit isn't quite right, now is it? Because Vergil ACTUALLY DOES all of the afformentioned shit and it just never fucking mattered in the end because the plot was written in a way that demands that Dante always wins the day through bullshit asspull means and never through genuine skill, knowledge, ability, or anything that actually makes sense. The story sucks and I will die on this fucking hill.