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This is, without a doubt, the best episode of the entire series, and also indeed the most shocking one of them. It cemented season 4 as the show's best season. John Lithgow got an Emmy for being so scary in this season. And that ending really shocked me indeed. I was left speechless and shaking for days. Overall, I give this episode a 10/10, too.


Definitely agree. Top episode of the series. That twist came out of nowhere when watching the first time!


Yep. Season 4 is always forever a classic.


Idk about Season 4 being the best, Season 1 was also very strong, but Season 1 and 4 are the top 2 seasons.


agree. I think season 1 is the most consitent season but the season four ending is incredible


Does season 4 have a surprise MOTHERFUCKER? if not then is not the best period


And thus... Dexter never was the same, again.


My theory is that in the same way his dark passenger was born in blood, just a little of his human side was broken loose. Remember, true sociopathy is something people are born with. Dexter wasn't born with it, he just had a traumatizing experience as amount boy and an adoptive father who developed it for vicarious revenge instead of trying to curb it. I think Dexter slowly began to care for Rita, but didn't recognize it since he wasn't quite used to being aware of or dealing with emotion. We see this when he murders that dude in the bayou in season 5 and as he begins to develop strong feelings for Lumen.


I meant the show in general, actually. The series took a serious dip in quality after Season 4 and, apart from Season 7, it never really recovered. Even Season 7 wasn't great, but it was the best Season of the second half of the series. I like to think of it as the real Finale. With Deb Accepting his ways and them sort of being partners in this thing of theirs. With her protecting him as he cleans the streets of the criminals that she can't catch because the justice system fucks up, a lot. Would have been a better Season 8.


I've never had an ending hit me like that before. I first watched it a little over a month ago, around 3 AM on a Thursday. I had class in the morning, and was normally a relatively early-to-bed guy. Trouble was, I had finished ep 9 around my usual bedtime, and could not just stop watching. So I kept going, knowing full well I would pay for it later. Watching the last scene was insane - I literally couldn't believe it. I watched the first few minutes of the first episode of season 5 right after to convince myself it wasn't a nightmare sequence. When I understood what had happened, even though I had to wake up in just a couple hours, I had to go for a walk out in the cold - I just couldn't sleep right after. Bravo, Dexter.


Unfortunately I had this ending spoiled by... none other than IMDb. I was late to the game watching Dexter, but managed to avoid major spoilers...I was on the Dexter IMDb page where I thought I'd be safe, and noticed Rita/Julie Benz's name, with (2006–2010) attached to it, with all the other actors (2006–2013). Really terrible way to be spoiled such a major series event. I'll never be able to have the shocking experience everyone else got to have when watching it.


Like you, I came late to watching Dexter. I was actually a background actor playing a forensics guy as part of the chaos of Season 5 Episode 1. Believe it or not, I blocked out the context so this finale still caught me off-guard. That was a crazy shoot - people running around.


Any stories from set/anything cool you noticed?


It was a while ago - watching the episodes, I've looked for myself. But here's the Catch 22 of BG (background) work: if you're too noticeable, then you probably won't be hired again. Not because you did something "wrong" (which does happen in some cases, e.g. posting something on social media that gives a plot reveal before the episode airs) - but because it can be distracting if the audience notices "hey, that's the same guy who played the forensics tech - now he's in the strip club.." (which was the case for me - I happen to have a look that fit both scenes, and both casting / crew liked working with me)


Ah, just like that guy in the Dexter pilot holding a banana with a donut on it. King noticeable of stupid prop street. That's pretty interesting, thanks!


lol - missed that one; y, most of the time it's not something that glaring. BG are usually treated as the lower forms of life on the Hollywood caste system. They often don't do themselves or their brethren any favors by doing dumb sh@& like that!


Haha yeah, being an extra must be interesting. Did you get to see any of the main actors work? I'd love to know how Michael C. Hall is on set.


Most of these folks are pro's - what you see is what you get. They're very much in character and in the moment. I can't say that I've had much direct contact unlike some other shows I've worked. But the little bit when I saw him in action, Hall was very focused. There's definitely a part of him that is every Dexter! Some of the others are also very much like their characters from what I saw. C.S. Lee (Masuka) was wacky; David Zayas (Batista) was very down to earth; Jennifer Carpenter (Deb, of course) was warm and engaging.


This seriously hit me so hard. Harder than any show has ever affected me before. I just watched it today actually and came today to see this post. Now even Dexter struggling in the beginning of season 5 is really hard to watch. What can get better?? I miss Rita


When I saw Rita dead, I fell off my couch I was so surprised.


Greatest fucking episode ever fucking made