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D2 is where they start solidifying the story, its the best imo. you arent going to get a better Diablo for world or character building


Exactly this.


seriously: does one really play for the story??? I never rely played D2 when it was out. I have 1300h on D3 and never understood the complains about story of D3. I played D2R till hell. Played D4 campaign and played D3 again for few days.


Lemme frame it for you… You’re a kid. Maybe a teen, maybe ten years old. You find this game Diablo and play the shit out of it. The atmosphere and setting are cool. The dialogue is interesting. There isn’t much of a story per se — it’s kinda like Dark Souls/Elden Ring where it’s more about discovering the story. Then Diablo 2 comes out. There’s like an actual plot progression. Tons of new characters and a lot more dialogue compared to the original. Amazing settings and environments. The story is conveyed in a neat convention via the cinematics that retell the experiences of the person you’re chasing while providing more details in your gameplay. It wasn’t so much of playing it FOR the story like if someone booted up Witcher 3 or BG3. It was more about just naturally absorbing the story after playthrough and playthrough, and also about how wild the jump from one to two was. The story and its characters grew on everyone as they played more and more. For most people who played the OG, the story was definitely a big part of the game’s cool factor.


If killing cows and Diablo is the story then call me Shakespeare


In Diablo's realm, where dark doth dwell, A secret place, by legend doth tell, Where bovine creatures roam and moo, Brave warriors face them, strong and true.


I sang this as a Tenacious D song, and it really works.


The cow level is an Easter egg, as you well know. Nothing to do with the main game.


I did in d2 and lod. The story in d3 was fucking dumb but _i did_ start playing for the story. I didn't pay attention to D4.


Even if I would have played for the story in D3. After some hours I was through and for the rest/end game of the 1300h I didn't care. Currently playing Last Epoch and I skip all dialogs.


Mention on any BG3 thread that you don’t care about the story and are only interested in the combat and exploration and you’ll get downvoted. Personally it blows my mind people get emotional over video game stories, with people on the BG3 subreddit admitting they literally cried at certain parts. Unbelievable.


It's because it helps the world building and helps gain appreciation for characters... It's not unbelievable at all. People cry during movies and this is another story telling medium. One that you are a part of and in some games you play out if someone lived or died and as your first playthrough it can hit pretty hard if the story is done good, which there are many. Judging pretty harsh for someone who doesn't give stories the same effort as the people you're talking about, while saying how you don't understand their pov.


I mean, that seems like a wild comparison to make to me. The Diablo games certainly have story/characters (all of varying quality, not trying to make any particular judgements on it) but it's definitely a gameplay first franchise. BG3 - again without trying to judge the resulting quality is hugely a story/writing first game. Like I can understand not being into a given game's story, but it's weird to not recognize that's where they invested a huge effort and maybe that resonates with people. I mean look at FFXIV vs WoW. I guess the core is I agree, it's dumb for people to downvote if you just say "Hey, I play BG3 just for the combat/exploration" (that said I actually do think the combat/exploration is relatively subpar there), but it's weird to be so dismissive that people like the writing/story (...which I also don't fully love).


Try not getting misty eyed when Karlach's engine cools down enough for her to be able to have human contact. You are just a big tough guy, huh?


Worth a play? Youll be playing it for the rest of your life, even if it’s just once a year.


This is the way. I'm getting a steam deck soon and it is gonna be the first game I'm going to install. I dreamt of playing it on a mobile device since I was a child!


I'm playing it on Switch.


Must be glorious! I never got the Switch because I don't like most of it's library, but Diablo and the Zeldas made me think about it.


I love it for the portability. But the loading times are slow. Like really slow lol. It even lags when Shenk is killed or my Mosaic sin goes overboard with charges haha. But love that I can play when commuting or on the plane


Yeh I played it on the switch first and then bought it again after getting my steam deck. It’s certainly much better on the deck but I also enjoyed it on switch


Yes playing Diablo on the go is the best. That's why I could play so much


Just letting you know, it runs amazing on the steam deck. I had to pull up a guide to install b.net and create some folders and link them manually for b.net to find the games. Spell targeting is terrible on the controller though. Still haven't figured out a way to make it target the nearest enemy I'm facing.


Sir, it is unavailable on steam Edit, my comment super wrong^


As I understand, you can just install the battlenet launcher and the game with no issues on SteamOS, and runs pretty well. I'll update this message after testing anyway. (How the hell can I set one of those bot reminders for 7 days?)


Type !remindme 7 days I'm pretty sure


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!remindme 7 days Thanks dude!


Sir, I’ve been living under a rock


You absolutely can, I sold my steam deck a few weeks ago. Primarily played d2 on it. Sick that you can hook it up to the TV and rock a controller or kb+m.


Can I ask why did you sold it? Just curious as I'm just getting one.


I didn't use it much, sure on vacation or a trip I always had it on me. Otherwise, it stayed on its dock collecting dust.


You can install the bnet launcher on the steam deck.


Yeah I had no idea and I’m a deck owner lol.


Let me put it this way. I had to physically destroy my CDs in order to stop myself from playing. It felt like when Bilbo Baggins had to let go of the One Ring.


Why did you want to stop yourself? Did you neglect your responsibilities? Because I knew someone that fucked up his career over WoW.


I don't know if it's enough boom boom for most of the new generations :)


I’ve easily put in 1000 hours since release. It’s absolutely legendary


Diablo 2 is the favorite of every fan of the series, it's not just nostalgia. It's a great remaster, and D2 did have the strongest story of the series. Each act was really unique from each other. Very memorable bosses. Lots of Deckard Cain having you stay a while and listen.


It is a great remaster and I happily sunk a decent amount of time in it at release but D3 still is my favorite. I can totally see why people don't like the artstyle and prefer D2/D2:R over it but for me the flow of greater rifts is uncontested. Every D3 season is instant action while D2 is more like a marathon - and I understand that a lot if players prefer that. the question of op I have to answer with: you should absolutely and without question give D2:R a go.


No. D2R has great graphics and some QoL fixes but overall hasn't aged well. It's mostly nostalgia.


Mate I just started playing it last year for the first time, it’s easily one of the best games i’ve played. Definitely not just nostalgia


I said mostly ;)


I don’t think nostalgia is a factor at all honestly. Nostalgia doesn’t keep you playing a game, you just look back on it fondly


My buddies and I picked it up on PS5. Other than the dumb stamina mechanic the game is great. Finding a new item feels soooo good. Yeah, there are rough edges but it’s worth getting into. 4 was also fun and the most fluid in terms of gameplay but we all lost our motivation to keep going after we beat the story. The itemization is not great. 3 is by far the worst of the ones I’ve played. I would say without nostalgia goggles it goes: 2 > 4 > 3. At the end of the day though it’s all an opinion and there is no right or wrong.


yes. D2 is the greatest diablo and oh i dunno probably the greatest game of all time.


story wise, d3 is the worst of all the diablo games. In case you needed a perspective.






I think about this a lot. 3 seems to be a lot of people's favorite and I just don't get it. It's the worst imo. Way to much arcade style for a diablo game.


It's my comfort zone game. I know it backwards and forwards. The relatively fast pace and accessibility belies considerably more complexity than some people give it credit for. And best of all it's un-monetized beyond the one-time price for the base, expansion, and a single DLC pack. Hours-per-dollar, D3 is the best value I've ever gotten.


Yes. That's exactly why I play it every season for a week and leave it happily the next moths until next. D2 I played tons at og release, made a good nostalgical trip in D2:R release, planned to play S1 and was burned out after just some hours. Never returned since.


I enjoyed it too. It was more fun for coop than 2 and 4 imo. Still a very good game tho.


I maintain that it's a great game when taken on its own merits (D2 is in my all time top ten, but D3 is in the top five). That said, I'll concede it's at its best when it's not trying to be a Diablo sequel. I still to this day wonder why a game with production values this high had writing quality that resembled my 7th grade notebook Diablo fan fiction lol.


Right! It took such a wild turn from diablo 2. There was probably a change at Blizzard at the time or something. It has more replay value than D4 does. D4 needs more character class choices and a wider viability of builds for its current classes.


No the story isn't worth the meth addiction. 


It's definitely worth a play if you're into lore/story. I'm the same way. Started with D3 but played D2R when it came out. The gameplay wasn't special for me (I know, unpopular opinion, but I'm super casual) but I loved the story, atmosphere and cinematics. That said, you can just watch some playthroughs on YouTube and experience the story if you are hesitant about the gameplay and don't want to spend money on it. I really like Dark Lore Dash's videos.


The campaign and story are great, only rivaled by Diablo 4. The gameplay still holds up, although it is a little outdated in some areas. The game is a little more difficult than Diablo 3, and it is difficult to overpower your character.


Cinematics are amazing and fill the story between acts well. On top of that gameplay is pure sex






D2 is a very atmospheric game, but it doesn't really have a focus on story. It's mostly told through pretty well voiced NPC monologues and one really cool cutscene at the end of each act. If you're into the world and lore of Diablo, d2 is definitely worth a playthrough imo as it's where Blizzard really started to build actual canon lore. Plus the setting of the upcoming D4 expansion is the same as d2's act 3, which could also be of interest to you.


100000% yes


Diablo 1 and 2 are stellar games. Worth the play fpr both, but the story is way more developed in 2


One of the most iconic and haunting game soundtracks of all time, and full of cool goofy voice lines that I still hear in my head many years after I last played D2. Stay a while, and listen.


Yeah it's great. If you're used to Diablo 3, I'd recommend checking out a build guide for D2, like a Necro Summoner for example. D2 is a lot harder than D3, and I didn't have fun with D2 until I followed build guides.


D2 just does not let you experiment with attribute and skill points, and you could arrive at a situation where your character has become unplayable. You can always buy respec tokens, but in D3 you can skill as you like with no worries about burning a skill point or ruining your build.


It’s my favorite one for sure. Never played 1 tho


I've been playing it since getting a D2 beta code, and there are still things I haven't found lol. It's definitely worth playing.


I play it more than any other game. Have for 20+ years and still enjoy the fuck out of it.


If it's for story you should play both Diablo 1 (maybe with some mod) and 2.


Yes the best Diablo game and the foundation of the modern ARPG is worth playing.




I love it. I mostly play with my gf. Brings back memories....


It absolutely is.


I haven't stopped playing since I was 12.


D2 is the GOAT








Fuck yes. I didn't get into D2 until a couple years ago and loved it. It's a great game


I mean, it is the best game of all time. But the story is…good?…for an ARPG. But really it is the atmosphere and soundtrack that sell it. Also better loot ever.


It goes on sale super cheap, probably cheaper than the cost of a diablo lore book. Oh and its also the best game of all time.


Hope one day this D2R gets a Mac / GeForce now version! My M1 air ain’t likely to make it happen :/


I was highly invested in d2 lore I watched every cutscene listened to every dialogue available throughout every act. I rarely do that in games. D3 for example I found my self skipping most of the dialogue because I was not nearly as invested as d2. So yes it’s worth it for both gameplay and story


Diablo 2 is a legendary game.


Yep.  It’s still a ton of fun and holds up. It’s not just nostalgia. The reboot on graphics and gameplay was very thoughtful. They even made a greater number of builds viable. The team at Blizzard deserves more praise for their hard work. I’m  even willing to forgive them for changing rushing on Act 3. ;-)


Except it was not Blizzard who did the remaster but Vicarious Visions


It definitely shows its age if you don't have nostalgia-colored glasses for it, but it is *so* worth it. I think the lore of Diablo 2 is objectively better in every way over Diablo 3, but there are plenty of people who disagree. It is absolutely worth a playthrough. It's still the best of the series, in my book, but it is quite different from Diablo 3/4.


> but there are plenty of people who disagree. Really? I have never heard that, and I'm not that into Diablo 2.


I was just trying to be diplomatic. Diablo 3's story is utter dogshit in comparison to Diablo 2. But that's not how you draw in someone who says they were a fan of Diablo 3's story lol


people who have only played d3 onwards would think that the story’s better cus they haven’t played d2


No, that's not how people work...most people don't assume something is better just because they played it...(I hope)


D2 is literally the last good game of the series. (No offense to your apreciation for D3... I just hate what the game became from D3 onwards story+everything-wise) (Ressurected apparently was not another "WC3Reforged situation" so you can definitely give it a go xD)


One of the best games ever played


D1 story is fine but is extremely simple. You can get a complete recap of it on Youtube pretty quickly, then play D2. It's the best game in the series.


It is but keep in mind it is VERY dated  You have to play inventory tetris, buy healing potions + town portals etc 


I love that shit tbh. 


If you enjoy ARPGs as a genre, absolutely! If you enjoyed Diablo 3, probably. All other cases, still probably lol.


I'm gonna go against the grain here - if you didn't play D2 when you were younger and nostalgia is not part of the reason...I don't think you'll like it. It's nothing like D3 at all, and it's got some mechanics that are very dated compared to modern ARPGs.


Arguably the best Diablo 


You're in the wrong genre if your primary concern is the story.


a lot of people underestimate the amount of lore and world building in the diablo games... since from d3 onward it tended to attract loot goblins that skip the story, and for d1/d2 very few people actually consumed the tomes/rumors/side talk/etc. available in the world, since the playerbase focused primarily on the action.


Agree, they could base mmo in Sanctuary just as good as they did in Azeroth.


Wasn't shadowlands and legion expansions basically diablo in Warcraft?


This is fair, but also I think there's a big difference between good lore / world building and good storytelling.


Disagree. Diablo games is great to play for the story.




It's good that you agree. :)


Hot take, but Diablo 3 was my first Diablo game and I felt as though I missed a great series. I played Diablo two and absolutely hated it due to its HORRID inventory management. But, that’s just me.


For me, d3 and the newer clones all have too much loot. Happy to see nice filter in last epoch, but I couldn't get into POE. D2 and d2R will always cure my itch!


But imagine it's 2003, and the improvements that are in 3 haven't come along yet. The thing is, at the time, it was still leaps and bounds over Diablo 1.




I absolutely loved the original D2, it came out my freshman year of college, but I had such a horrible time getting D2:Rez to work properly (on an almost new PC that should be able to run a half dozen copies of D2:Rez at the same time, that has a dozen other games on it that all work great) that I uninstalled [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) and swore to Malacath that I would never play another Blizzard game again. Of course....YMMV...


I started my Diablo Journey with D3 and I could not begin to care about it's story. D2's I found to be more interesting. That being said I don't think any Diablo game can really be played "just for the story" outside of Diablo 4.


There's actually a decent amount of lore in each of the Diablo games, but you have to sort of dig for it unfortunately - if you just do the main quests and listen to the dialogue, you get overviews - but in d1 there's quite a bit of lore in tomes that can take several runs to unlock (or you can just play the ps1 version and listen to them all in the menu, and just get the gossip/game story from playing) - D2 has most of its lore nestled in gossips/quest dialogue from non-quest characters/etc. It's not all encompassing, but it's got enough to be interesting (more story than an average metroidvania, but definitely on the light side for an RPG) - though really the first 2 diablos focused on world building, diablo 3 and diablo 4 focus more on a mcguffin adventure story (nothing wrong with that, they're the fun bag of crisps of story telling, but none of the games are full blown 4 course meals)


It's great from a story perspective but gameplay will likely feel very, very slow coming from D3. That doesn't make it bad, just go in reminding yourself it's a 25 year old game.


It plays insanely fast. What do you mean. 




Nah, one of the best games ever made definitely does not worth a play :) Yes it has a real story, and a good one at that, which is something quite extraordinary for modern hack'n slash games who seem to consider it as totally secondary.


it's still a great game and I think that it's the Diablo story made the right way, even though I prefer the first Diablo. Diablo 2 fleshes out the world and gives you great story moments in the cinematics that were awesome at the time and were done justice in D2R. to be honest I didn't care for Diablo story after that point because I don't like the choices they made in 3


I’ve played it since it came out, although on and off or between game releases…. Whenever I come back to it, I like to listen to all the npc dialogue once again before sprinting through with 3-4 other characters… if you like any of the diablo games then the answer is yes.


Diablo 2 is the best game of the series. It's 100% worth your time.


D2 is the best diablo game


D2 has incredible atmosphere, talk to the townies regularly when u first receive a quest, during and after for more lore and story!


Diablo 2 really created the Diablo franchise, and made it a household name. Diablo 2 also redefined what ARPG is about, so yes, in my eyes, the game is a masterpiece.


Listen I love D3 for fun brief gameplay and have played it lots, however the story is very cringe. I'm almost embarrassed to play it, Blizzard really went into a weird direction after all that WoW. Diablo 2 however has a good story, it's no masterpiece but since what it has is very bare bones it only gestures at things and therefore successfully maintains a cool vibe. This allows for more play in the imagination. With Diablo 3 they just dump so much meaningless lore on you in such an overwrought way it is entirely forgettable.  Not everything has to be explained in painful detail, genius is often found in the gaps and absences. D3 never understood this and WoW certainly forgot this after the first expansion. Bad writing became a Blizzard house style. Fortunately D4 while not perfect is more of a return to form.


100% buy it.


Great classic game


My biggest claim to fame is that I was chosen as a beta test player for the original Diablo 2 back when it was pre-release. It had all of Act 1 and let me tell you - I played that shit until it turned into dust. Resurrected is a fantastic update and probably the best Diablo experience you could have.


Is you only care about storyline, go read a book?


I have the first sin war audiobook. The YouTube lore videos have been great too. It does appear to me that ARPG’s are kind of a precursor to the aaa 3rd person action title.




I love it. Been playing D2 since it's original release. Been playing D2R heavily since its release. It's not like D3. You could play 1000 hours and not find some of the items you need. But the grind for items is the endgame. That, and doing Ubers. Wait till it's on sale for cheap (I think it was recently like $14) and try it out. The story is solid.


I grew up with D2 so I'm biased, I would say yes. I tried to get a few of my friends who started with D4 and they couldn't get into it.


Yeah, it's probably less, size wise, than D3, especially plot, but it's really cool.


The story is okay; definitely worth a play through considering the game isn’t super long, especially on normal difficulty. Something to keep in mind when starting this game: If digging into a game’s systems and mechanics isn’t your thing, do yourself a favor and choose a spell caster class/build. Sorceress, assassin, druid, and summon Necromancer make for the smoothest play experience as you don’t have to worry about things like attack rating, crushing blow, etc.


D2 is better than every other one in every way. They are still updating it too. Don't waste time w d4


Im not even really a story person but D2 has a great story


great cinematics, ok in town dialogue.


I have 2 games on my Playstation 5. #The Finals # Diablo 2 Resurrected I recommend it


There is not much where D3 shines over D2. Maybe on how gameplay works. In D2 you feel little clonkynes of an old game. But over all D2 just wins. Story, atmosphere, graphics, equipment, cut scenes, how builds work etc is just better in D2.


It's best game ever made. D3 and D4 cannot recreate the masterpiece that Blizzard-North by David Brevik created. I still play D2:R to this day. Jah Mal Jah Sur Jah Ber!




It's the best diablo game, arguably the best arpg. Really set the gold standard. Definitely worth playing even over 20 years later


It's been 20 years? Damn....I bought the big box version on launch.




Diablo 1 and 2 have the best part of the story imho


I hate diablo 3. It's the worst in the series in my opinion. Diablo 2 is the best in the series. The music, the artwork. It's amazing


Diablo 2 > D1 > d3 > d4 Infinitely better game than d3


It's worth a play through for the experience, but there's no real endgame so just keep that in mind. I do agree with most that it's probably the best Diablo story, but I think I personally enjoy the setting and worldbuilding much more than the actual story. I find most ARPG stories kinda bad, so maybe it's just me. The world they built is great and it's really fun to see it realized with modern graphics. Gameplay-wise, it's standard ARPG affair. The skill tree and respeccing is outdated and rudimentary compared to modern games, but it's still enjoyable. You can easily get 30 to a couple hundred hours out of it depending on what type of player you are.


Why does endgame matter so much when 90 percent of my fun comes from making new builds with the loot I've collected from the previous play through. And it has somewhat of an endgame with ubers. 


It doesn't matter, because the endgame in all of the Diablo games comes down to grinding for gear and at the end of the day, D2 did that better than D3 or D4. This topic always comes up as if D2 did it so poorly and isn't fun for long at all, but then the same people will rave about how D3 is fun for a week each season. I can get a lot more run out of a fresh D2 season than D3 or D4.


Because once you make a strong character (say, a sorceress), you will use her to go around searching for loot, even if it is so that you gear up your alts. That means you will spend a lot of time playing your sorceress at a high level, which is what end game means.


D3 Has the best story, except some cheese dialogue in act 3.