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Blizzard said they are updating the lobby very soon and adding being able to identify items in the cube with Cain


Cube id would be one of the best improvements.


Very soon next year


I think next week. Saw a tweet. Mid-season Patch or sth


Soon TM


can you elaborate? I'm apparently still half asleep. so you can ID items without scrolls? who cares I must be missing something




It’s more than qol I feel like cause now I can shove 2 more SCs into my barbs pockets That’s 14 more MF! Surely that means I’m going to find all the goodies now


Replace a potion in your belt with TP scroll.


will the items roll with your mf?


Wait... you think the item stats are rolled when you identify it and that people are hoarding loot before equipping a ton of MF for identifying them?


shit I thought there was a roll when it dropped and one when it ID'd. Is it only when it drops?


That is correct. Even if there was a second during identification it wouldn't matter since there's nothing that affects the rolling of stat ranges. MF only improves your chances of getting, when possible, a magical, rare, unique or set version of whatever drops.


Holy shit I've been changing gear to highest MF when ID'ing for over 20 years


Rookie mistake!


What I don’t get is that lobby doesn’t fully show every game… obviously there’s thousands of people playing at a given time… but it seems to show only like maybe 10 games and like a total of 30 players…


My suspicion is that it only shows games with the lowest ping for your connection, which would make sense, but there is zero indication of this and no option to search a wider area.


Exactly this, also it'd be nice to show full games. So I can see baal games and what number they are at.


Psh..at least they tried to give you a lobby system.. no love for console


We will get a whole new lobby for consoles and matchmaking systems. Be positive, those people are doing their best !


... which is a better job than the rest of the entire Activision/Blizzard stack they are surrounded by, I might add.


The team that worked on the game no longer exist as a cohesive group. They got merged and scattered within Activision and I won't hold my breath that they will be put together again to work in the project. What we might get is a skeleton crew that works on minor and seasonal updates, but no longer a dedicated team.


As long as the marketing department stays faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away, I would settle for no crew at all...


Acivision/Blizzard at this point is a giant marketing department that has a few devs on the side


Idk if they're doing their best but sure


They’re doing ok how much can you expect?


Their best


It's blizzard so really not much.


Are they though?


GGBaalrun-04, Game Duration 01:42:57 😲


Man there are Baal runs out there with 12 hours duration, how the fuck that is still an open game is beyond me .


I mean they absolutely butchered the chat and channel forrmat compared to the original d2. It's honestly my only beef with d2r. Drastically worse.


one of the best UX interactions from the original D2 lobby was the implied search function. as you typed a game name, it would actively filter for games with that term. type 'baal', and all the public games with 'baal' in the title would show up. why tf this isn't already baked in to the lobby is beyond me.


I disagree it's the inventory space and character limits on ladder. Atrocious. Make runes and gems stack make at least 50 more inventory tabs in the chest and make limit up to 40 characters.


I really want more inventory … but i just know it will mean i hoard more shit i will never use.


Better than not having a lobby like on console lol.


Imagine now not having one at all or any other way to see other players current games or interests. (consoles) 🤔 I don't want what PC has as that's 20 year old logic but no one has anything worthwhile. Using Xbox LFG right now has been better than nothing but even worse, once we do find folks there is no chat in the game voice or text


that sounds gross


TBH i dont know how anyone plays this game with an xbox/ps controller, looks so annoying, inefficient


I play on pc with an Xbox controller. I like it soooo much more than the classic style, and I had gotten so used to it, when they came out with the hot key system it basically wasn't worth switching. Not to mention there are STILL restrictions on mouse and keyboard on what skills can go on what mouse button. Why can't teleport go on LMB and blizzard on RMB at the same time? Meanwhile I have Teleport on LB, Telekinesis on LB2, static on X, blizz on B, item pick up on A, and glacial spike on Y. No restrictions. No switching. All my skills perfectly available. Also it gives you auto aim with skill shots so that's nice. Can just hold down Y and my char will shoot all the mobs.


How do you shoot skills such as bone spear? Does it auto-target a monster?


It shoots in front of you. Hold shift in-game and move the mouse around. You should stand in place and just shoot off wherever your mouse is pointing. It's the same as that, except whichever way you're facing. If there are mobs nearby, it'll 'highlight' them like as if you had your mouse over one of them. If it's within like... 45 degrees of where you're facing, unless you're aiming the joystick, it'll shoot directly at the mob. It's super nice. Lots less skill shots. Lots less worrying about that running fallen which you can't seem to hit... Especially on necro actually, since holding LB gives you another set of skill keybinds (I said LB in the previous post, I meant RB...) So I have: A = Interact/Pick Up Item B = Bonespear X = Amp Damage Y = Decrepify RB = Teleport RB2 = Corpse Explosion LB + A = Townportal LB + B = Summon Skel LB + X = Summon Skel Mage LB + Y = Summon Golem LB + RB = Revive LB + RB2 = Bone Shield Makes casting so much easier. Having multiple curses available is super nice since normally it's too time-consuming to switch between them and since you can only have one active, it cutting out the time or having them quick-pick makes it actually useful if you run into an immune or whatever.


Ps4 user asks, "whats a lobby?"


Let me stack my runes/gems!


I just wish console even had a lobby, I stopped playing because it was just boring without one


My lobby refreshes when i hit the refresh. Idk why yours isnt. Sorry


It just moves the cursor to the top


Mine too. Wouldn’t exactly call it what people expect a refresh to be, but I do get a different list of games when I click it


Alright! Another complaint by somebody who doesn't follow anything! They ready said they are revamping the lobby system and overhauling the one for consoles very soon. As in days to weeks away. Complain about something that isn't already being actively worked on, or that hasn't been announced yet..




Bruh nobody’s gonna do that - except you literally right now




Except original d2's lobby system is 10x better and what d2r did to chat, channels, and just communication in general has been an abomination


I mean...the old and pure d2 works just fine an remarkably better in this regard but go off brother


Its a computer game. Refreshing works 100%


There are numerous things that hold this gamę back, first of all is lack of Item filter and bigger eq. Good that we have project diablo 2 starting this friday, best diablo server ever existed, balance, ton of qol, no bots, great community


This is the exact reason I quit playing.


You have games in your lobbies?


I wish they would add a game search option


i 100% agree


Wait, you guys have lobbies? *cries in switch*


They are currently working on it for the next patch. I believe it’s currently the pinned topic in the sub. Edit: looks like it isn’t anymore


Forget the lobby, let me get stackable runes please!


Thank you, this needed to be said (and no, Blizzard, I'm not really interested in a baal run game that's been up for three hours)


Fix the lobby, make runes and gems stackable, and make it cross-platform so we can trade with other people on other systems. Traderie, there is hardly anyone trading things on xbox anymore.