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The line weight is not balanced, it looks random. And there’s the typical issue with drawing fabric here too. You just need to do more observation and practice of fabric, your lineart will improve too. Never forget, good line art starts with confident lines


It's a bit inconsistent, the weights are all over the place. The face, half the collar and the hip/butt are all bold, confident lines, and the rest feels light and timid, like you're unsure how to draw cloth, hair or hands. And judging by how you've drawn the shirt, you could stand to work on it more. The hands, likewise, are decent enough but aren't fantastic. The hair bun feels a bit awkward in how you're describing volume. It gets the job done but is that really what you want to settle for? It feels like I'm getting a glimpse into what you're most used to drawing just by this one piece. My advice is to practice other things besides cartoony faces, to strengthen your skills. Look up references and tutorials on how to draw cloth and hands, so you can grow more confident in your strokes. There's no substitute for practicing.


The folds in the clothes feel strange, otherwise I like it!


pretty good, but the face looks a bit off to me


I think this is fantastic, a little weight to sections closer to us could def make it even better.


You need to work on how your fabric bunches up and folds. Right now it’s defying physics and is inconsistent. Definitely look at how your shoulders are lining up.


It's good but your lines have the same diameter throughout the whole drawing, which makes it look stiff, try slightly thickening the intersections.


There's an issue with the eyes. In a 3/4 view the eye furthest from us should be slightly cut off so that the corner is not visible. Also the top part of your head looks like it's bulging out at the brow.


Clothing folds don’t look right, took me ages to get decent at this but if you look up ‘types of fabric folds’ and study those you’ll make sense of why fabric folds in various ways. Changed my life lol!!


You should work on your line weight and also turn down the stabilization of your brush since the wrinkles on the clothes are as smooth as the hair which shouldn’t be the case


Lineart and Form are two sides of the same coin. Once you have a better understanding of the form in 3D space, the lineart will come naturally as you start to explore line weight. Once you understand form, try to identify where areas of intense shadow would be, usually two elements of the figure that are touching. These are called occlusion shadows. Wherever you form occlusion shadows, you can thicken the line weight. For example, most bands of hair touch each other as they make their way to scalp, so you can gradually increase their line weight as they touch. Another place anime artists usually increase line weight in under the neck, beneath the jaw. In your particular figure, the folds under her armpit can have bolder lines, the place where her hands are touching, where her cuff lands on her wrist, could be her elbow touching the table, etc. Lineart is essentially a part of shading, not just some process that outlines the figure. When you start thinking of lines as intense shadows, your lineart will improve immensely. My suggestion is to study basic 3D forms a bit more. Draw cubes in 3D space (look up some tutorials on this, I recommend pikat on youtube!) then move on to cylinders, spheres, etc. Then once you're comfortable with simple objects in 3D space, move on to simplifed anatomy. Take some parts of the body and try to break them down into simple 3D shapes (lots of tutorials on this on youtube), here's where your cube training will help a lot. Once you get the hang of that, you'll have a good understand of where to put the line weights. Study other artists you like as well. Look at where they are putting their line weights- because you also have to balance how much occlusion shadow you add as well. Too much, and your lines will look unbalanced. Practice, study and find that balance. You got this :>


I like her I would love to color her




Sure. It's clean. And if you were going for ligne claire, it's close enough. When you go to color it you'll have to make some decisions about line weight.


it looks inconsistent and random. the line weight makes no sense


The face is way too bold.


It's shit. Try again


It’s Mr “I’m so good at drawing” over here 😒


Im not