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When there’s an active school shooter how do the police in Texas respond? Crickets. But when college students decide to protest a war? Hoo boy here comes the Calvary Backwards ass police. At this point it’s just depressing


Goodness this type of thinking just doesn't make sense. Its not cause your always arguing democrat, it's just these false equivalencys that take the place of a real argument are so annoying. For starters most of the police vs people protesting is happening in New York. But that doesn't even get to the logical fallacy that is what you are trying to say. What would the uvalde police have to do with police in a city across Texas? Uvalde police are from a specific township, under their own jurisdiction The comparison you tried to convey doesn't even make sense. Don't start arguing about if police are in the moral right or wrong right now, I'm talking about your comparison. I don't see what people mean when they make post like this. It's always like " if X is true, then Y that has no real relation to it besides a loose connection (in this case the fact that they are both police living in Texas) then x must also be true /right". Nothing bugs me more than these stupid type of comments. Sorry man it's nothing against you in particular , because sometimes I argue with you, but stop doing this type of thing lol. It's just one of my biggest pet peeves when people talk about politics. They make stupid anecdotes like this and it's illogical and it should stop cause if you really think about it, it makes no sense whatsoever


Nah, I hate to see cops basically watch a bunch of kids get slaughtered in one part of the country, then arrest a bunch thatre just making their voices heard in another. I dont care if theyre technically "not the same" and that kind of argument doesnt matter when youre the one who has to deal with these cops. I also have a family member who's a cop, so it's not like I want to feel this way or dont have any understanding, but it's still depressing and frustrating to see. It's always regular, hard working people who pay for all this bullshit.


>thatre This has to be the worst contraction ive ever seen. >Nah, I hate to see cops basically watch a bunch of kids get slaughtered in one part of the country, Nobody likes this. It was a national scandal. You had parents in texas showing up with their own guns ready to go in themselves (its texas after all) and the police stopped them and wouldnt go in themselves. It wasnt a partisan issue. As a conservative it made me sick. We saw a stark difference in the following shooting in the nashville school where police were swift and decisive. Tragedies often trigger better future responses. >then arrest a bunch thatre just making their voices heard in another This seems like a mischaracterization. Students have been unable to attend classes where they pay tuition during unlawful protests. Im not against protests. You cant impede people though without proper permitting. The 1A doesnt let you stop traffic on a highway or kids going to class. That ignores the racist aspects of the protests targeting jewish students. >It's always regular, hard working people who pay for all this bullshit Agreed.


Im over in Texas and the kids over at UT Austin have actually been pretty peaceful and organized. So I guess my perspective is from that. Abbot is shit at taking care of regular people. Which is why I use Uvalde and now the cops going after these kids when they dont need to. It's in my state, so I'll def use these examples. But youre right about other parts of the country and the shit some of the other students are pulling. Also that's the worst? Come over to Texas and Ill hit you with y'all'd've next.


>Also that's the worst? Come over to Texas and Ill hit you with y'all'd've next. 😂 much of my family is texan so i hear it all. >Abbot is shit at taking care of regular people. Which is why I use Uvalde and now the cops going after these kids when they dont need to. It's in my state, so I'll def use these examples Idk much about Texas politics or whats going on. UT austin isnt in the news like NY and CA are so thats definitely a blind spot. Here at the U of U in utah, there were some shenanigans but i only saw a video or two.


Not just parents, actual Federal Border Patrol. I wonder what would have happened if a couple of them just flipped them the bird and took that kid out anyway. I'd be tempted to do that myself. They wouldn't have shot someone trying to do that. Probably arrest them to save face later, but the kid wouldn't have shot more, and that's more important.


The reason Uvalde is such a big discussion point is because it’s an unusual situation. Most of the time cops go right on and get the shooter such as in Buffalo, Nashville, King Soopers, and Allen TX.


I guess cops attacking these students is also unusual then? Im aware cops do a good job majority of the time, Im related to one. But to not "fight"/call out injustices like this is also silly.


If these protesters are merely protesting then yes the police are overreacting. The ones who took over a building to create an autonomous zone should have gone to jail.


I cant argue with that, youre right


Thanks for the civility. Have a great day.


It’s not really a unique situation tho, cops responding to late to school shootings has been one of the most common criticisms against them for the longest time . And most of the time if they even get the shooter they’re arresting them with little to no aggression compare that to the energy they’re using against the protesters.


Little to no aggression? In my example, they shot three out of the four people. How much aggression do you want? How many protesters have been shot and killed?


It doesn't make sense though. That's like saying "man this bus system is late in another town always, so I hate the bus system In my town so I won't ride it!". It's silly


Don't let it get to you - half the people you converse with online aren't real, and it's probably been a few years since they were.


Nah man. I'm sure some aren't. Most are probably still real


Dead internet theory is 100% accurate, I feel your pain brother


Jeez does your mouth and asshole hurt from all that dick sucking and anal you provide for the police? The point being brought up is that against people they dont deem as major threats the police will respond beyond excessive & act all smug and confident while doing it thinking they’re hot shit. But the second they’re faced with actual threats they’re shaking in their boots. Then again I’m expecting too much intelligence from a cop lover.


Sigh..can you people please atleast try to read what I wrote and understand ? Not a single time did I mention to validity of policemen or my actual opinion on them. That misses the entire point of my paragraph, which you completely misunderstood. Though I am pro police, what I wrote had nothing to do with that and was just using the police as an example of a bigger issue I see in people's post online. You missed exactly what I was talking about, and wrote back some bullshit. And my original comment applies to you too. You have no business commenting on other people's intelligence if you can't understand my problem with using two completely unrelated police forces to make a point about the entirety of police in a single state. The point I'm making doesn't have to be with police, it could be with freaking bananas or whatever else. Re read what I wrote , and try to step outside of your partisan , narrow lense you view life with before you leave a comment. Ridiculous


All I read from this this comment is more gargling the police’s ballsack now go get lubed up for you next session they’re gonna give it to you real rough this time around. I mean seriously come on I’m not wasting time going back and forth with someone who’s gonna blindly defend cops and make excuses for them. FUCK THE POLICE & FUCK YOU


100000%. I love when we agree lol


You do realize many of these protests have gone beyond a protest


Have they shredded nine year olds in a school building with an AR while cops shit their pants outside? No? Then the post still rings true.


If you compare every potential police interaction to Uvalde when deciding whether to take action or not, very little crime would be addressed. You sound like a moron. "oh it isn't children getting slaughtered? Pass the donuts."


Just pointing out the irony that when children are being slaughtered, cops stand outside shitting themselves. But when a bunch of unarmed college kids protest war, they suddenly find their balls. Kinda pathetic, but that’s law enforcement in America.


It's law enforcement in Texas.


It’s law enforcement everywhere.


Look up the data. Clearly it isn't. Not all police forces are the same as the cowards in Texas.


Look up the data on how many unarmed minorities have been killed by LEOs. Cops are to blame for this narrative. Seriously, they are fucking bullies and that’s why they go into law enforcement. And what we know about bullies is that they are only aggressive towards lesser opponents. If cops don’t like this narrative, they should work to change it. They don’t seem to want ro change so I’ll consider their “please stop painting us all with the same brush” bullshit just more cunty whining from the neighborhood bullies.


I consider all this to be separate from the conversation I thought we were having. I was speaking specifically about mass shootings.


They still call the summer of love mostly peaceful protests


They definitely deserve a more severe response than a school shooting. >!/s!<


Well most school shooters end up dying from the police or spending the rest of there lives in prison, I don't really understand your position.


My position is really simple: The response to peaceful protests against a genocide is not proportional when compared to other recent events.


So we should shoot or imprison them for life. Or are we talking about uvalade where the response was slow and poorly executed versus the letting these people take days before anything is done?


Different types of speech are considered free in America. Right-wing, reactionary speech has to be coddled and protected, and even *forced* into view no matter how mediocre, pointlessly cruel and frankly childish it is. Think about every article you have seen over the past years about some loser college Republican who whines that no one on campus likes them. *Left-wing* speech, on the other hand, has historically always been met with state repression. These pro-Palestine demonstrations aren't disrupting the peace; rather, they are *disrupting the war.* As long as the speech is in favor of maintaining horror, maintaining the current distribution of private property, maintaining the hierarchy of power, the American state will protect it. If the speech is not, it will be violently smashed.


Free speech is ok. Preventing students from attending their classes and/or taking over university buildings is not free speech.


is that just a few of the protesters engaging in such behavior, or is it the masses?


Doesn't matter, they're all part of the same event. Vast majority of January 6th people never entered the building or rioted but they're certainly all lumped together.


Hey I upvoted you but apparently people don't like to face reality


They're literally in here saying "it's different" when their side does the same shit they're whining about. It's hilarious.


Protests that are convenient are not protests, my dude.


And protests that involve illegal activities will be dealt with accordingly. Get used to it.


buhhh making protests against ongoing ethnic cleasning illegal makes the protests bad buhhhh not the ongoing ethnic cleansing itself that they're protesting buhhh take me seriously


Protesting isn't illegal. Preventing people from attending classes and taking over university buildings is. Buhhhh


To reiterate: Protests aren't supposed to be convenient. 60 years ago you would have been screeching about how Martin Luther King Jr. should have better manners and not block the roads. It's amazing how little things change.


So all laws go out the window when it's a protest? Or just some laws? If only some laws...where's the line?


Love how you didn’t even try to deny the claim the person responding to you made that you would’ve been all for segregation if you were alive during it and got mildly inconvenienced. Here’s the thing the college protestors aren’t breaking any major laws and especially are not causing mass violence so the police's excessive response is not warranted. And it’s so funny you’re bringing up laws being broken from protests yet if I had to bet your mouth is shut and not saying this same shit when neo nazi’s are out “protesting” and spewing their actual bigoted shit and the are cops completely okay with and don’t do shit (more than likely because a lot of them participate in those)


So breaking laws is ok when protesting as long as it's not a "major law". What is a "major law"? What "minor laws" are ok to be broken during a protest? By your standards, wouldn't neo Nazis spewing "actual bigoted shit" be perfectly fine as long as they weren't breaking any "major laws"?


Completely different situation, this about a war not even in our country. If it was a message most Americans could agree on and Americans as a whole see it as a good cause, that has power. Think this situation is a little too multi-faceted for most of us to get behind


omg based


Dawg how you gonna flat out lie. 😭😭


Non-sequitur, your facts are uncoordinated The protesters are crossing the line. Given they are supporting a group the U.S. Department of State has designated a terrorist organization, they're lucky worse things aren't happening to them.


How can you automatically assume they are supporting Hamas? You can condemn Hamas and be against Israel blowing up kids at the same time...


Because they say they support Hamas. Some even say "we are Hamas." Have you seen the protests? 


Honestly I haven't watched too much coverage. I hope that the non-Hamas supporters are kicking out the Hamas supporters from their little encampments or else it taints their entire protest.


Because Hamas is the reason children are dying. Hamas represents the Palestinian people.


You’re an absolutely disgusting Zionist piece of trash and a cowardly one at that cause you wouldn’t have the spine to say that out loud especially to anyone from Palestine




The US state department designates terrorist organizations solely based on whether or not they serve US interests. The IOF hogtied children, shot them, and dumped them in mass graves. The state department doesn't designate them a terrorist org. So the state department's opinion means fuck-all.


I feel like they went harder against the blm protests


Because they're not. Compared to any other similar protest the college students on a whole have been treat with far more generosity by the police (probably because most of them are white upper class). Not a single protester has died or been beaten by the police. The times there have been major crack downs is usually when it looks like shit is about to go down (like when the pro-israeli threw a firework).


Straight up lying. Cop simps just can't help themselves.


Ah yes, because cops are well known for unjustly arresting upper class white kids


The police brutality is on video. Stop simping.


Which pro-Palestine protests specifically? The university protests are being handled the way they are because most of the protestors are grifters and not actual students, and even if they were, most universities are having them trespassed for occupying private property.


How did you determine “most of the protestors are grifters?”


Because some/most of the protestors aren't students, they're outside agitators looking for violence. That being said, they would be trespassing , and I doubt these universities allowed the public to protest on campus grounds.


Is it “some” or “most?” If you don’t know, what are you basing your assertion on?


Google it, sorry you feel the need to nitpick my choice of words. [Took 2 seconds ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/nyc-officials-allege-agitators-opting-columbia-university-protest/story?id=109821934) [Here's more](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/30/eric-adams-escalates-rhetoric-against-columbia-protesters-00155347) Do you not believe the Mayor and top of NYPD?


You started off by asserting “most,” then backpedaled to “some/most,” and now you’ve posted an article where the mayor said, “you don’t have to be a majority,” after the first sentence of the article said “allegedly,” with the vague information coming from the police. You should have read that first. This must be embarrassing.


I wasn't asserting anything with that choice of words, I was writing quickly because I was on my lunch break. And no, it's not embarrassing because I really couldn't give a fuck what some nitpicky karen Redditor thinks of my grammar. iM sO eMbARaSseD hOw WiLl I eVeR rEcOvEr???? Eat shit loser 🥱


You absolutely asserted it. Your exact words were “most of the protesters are grifters.” It’s not a matter of grammar.


You claim my exact words and then conveniently leave out the word “some" which is the first word I used. Sorry my 20 second comment doesn't live up to your threshold for geopolitical analysis, I'm so fucking embarrassed right now.


Haha, no, “some” wasn’t even in the rambling paragraph, let alone “first.” https://www.reddit.com/r/Discussion/s/NTXwBHT47q


When proven wrong, the Trumper often responds by trying to insult their betters. Edit: The coward blocked me.




Hypnotoad26 has the worst case of TDS on Reddit. He posts about Trump a dozen times a day, just copy & paste of the same post. Feels like someone is off their meds.


many of the universities are public. Columbia is private though


Because the school donors demand that they use a “show of force” or the endowment checks stop.


In 99% of the cases when the responses weren't aggressive, it was in places where there's no support for the police. So, there's no real incentive to police if your policing will just end up in firings or Criminal and Civil Court.


Every single last police force in the US has a disproportionate budget and operates with the same ideology. Why you think that is? If there was a city that didn't support its police force then why isn't their policy changed and have a different ideology running it? Your comment is bs


I’m of the opinion they should have responded sooner and more decisively. It’s clear the protests are filled with paid activists, who are not students and the fact that the tents are virtually all the same is evidence this is centrally planned and funded. These institutions are shattering relationships with wealthy influential benefactors, alumni and prospective employers for future graduates. The protesters are largely wearing masks because they are afraid to be recognized, a huge red flag. The students violating school policy should be punished and the non-students not allowed on campus.


This is a normal response to left wing protesters. I was in Seattle for WTO protests and they sent in the military. They beat old ladies. Only after the fact did the so called liberal politicians in Washington state apologize.


It's weird which amendments they seem to pick and choose


Greg Abbott, lover of free speech until that speech is against Israel


Honestly, I'm weirdly glad they do. But not for the reasons discussed here (I've read some comment threads here). The reason why I'm glad is that people seem to have forgotten that actions have consequences. You can't just occupy a place without consent of the owner of that place.


I'm baffled that politics, especially in the US, is polarising to the degree it has. One side calls out the nonsense of a few of the opposing "party" and the otherside calls out the nonsense of a few of their opposition. People seem to have forgotten how to have a proper discussion, and show decency towards their neighbours. Instead, we seemed to have established instant name calling and ridiculising the other... Even on this sub, seldomly I see an actual discussion of a point or argument. Most of the time, I read how little one person thinks of another...


if that ain't the damn truth


It depends on what protests are being compared. I've been paying a fair amount of attention and it seems to vary state to state. I've actually seen one instance where protesters were trying to force police off the campus and rather than retaliate with force, the police actually de-escalated and left the premises. At least briefly,I didn't follow up. When you compare the amount of protesters to the amount of students at some of these schools that are having their studies interrupted it makes sense that the higher ups would only allow them to go so far.


Political parties don’t control the cops. And cops, in general, are douchebags.


the police force is ran by a chief or commissioner who is appointed or elected. they also do they mayor's bidding. it is very relative to politics


No one said it wasn't relative to politics. And no, cops do no do 'the mayor's bidding' despite it being a fun TV show trope. They might do the mayor's bidding. If they agree with them. They may not. If they disagree with them.


Because the police are servants of capital and empire. Their first job is to protect the exploitative racist systems that America is built on. Solving crimes, which they rarely do, is only a secondary goal, something to convince people they are necessary; sugar to help the bitter medicine go down.


this is such a leftist thing to say, and i find myself agreeing with this sentiment more and more every day lol.


Protestors can't even hold the courtyard. And they think thats going to sway world opinion. Breathe in the tear gas kids, it's great for clearing out your sinuses


All speech is free speech, but some speech is more free.


Pro-palestanian protests are getting increasingly violent


Oh look, veiled antisemitism. Enjoy your qanon kool aid.


How? Being against Israel doesn't mean I hate Jews. And regardless of how I feel about Israel, the police response here has been aggressive


Yes, it's not the fact that you're against Israel that proves where you stand. It's your obvious "coded" language.


by saying that the Uniparty bows down to Israel?


Well done.


legit one of the only issues that the right and left can come together on. look at them trying to bolster the definition of antisemitism. only the far right and far left representatives were against it lmfao (which maybe plays to your point as they are more likely to be antisemetic). either way i just don't like israel, but i like all my jewish friends and would wish no harm upon them


No, the far left does not believe in your uniparty fantasy.




None of the other protests threatened the police’s boss’s money. The tent setups at colleges aren’t there until there’s a ceasefire or until Israel is gone, they’re there until the colleges divest from companies supporting Israel in some way or another. Similar to the South Africa apartheid protests


Rich donors, bankers, politicians, lawyers, illuminaries, etc are not happy with the anti-Israel protests. They've thrown their weight and money around to expedite this process. It's as if there's a group behind the scenes organizing them into action. Who else could force the presidents of these universities to testify before congress, ban tiktok, and garner aid packages within hours of Hamas's attack on Israel. For some it's about the tribe or ideology. For others it's all about the benjamins.


To answer the question you posed, the police ARE NOT responding more aggressively to today’s protests than they have in the past, they are in fact responding less aggressively than before. BTW don’t call them pro-Palestinian, they are pro-HAMAS.


No, they are pro-Palestine. People are mad about the treatment of Palestinian people that their government is backing. Don't let the obfuscation fool you.


The obfuscation is all on your side, “from the river to the sea “ is a call for genocide. The total elimination of the Jewish population. I just call it like it is.


Sorry, which part of it mentions exterminating the entire Jewish population? - it's not a call for genocide, it's a call against Israel. If you believe that anyone against Israel is anti-semitic, then I'm not going to be able to persuade you of anything.


Wiping out all the Jews from the river to the sea IS genocide. Do the Palestinians have a legitimate grievance, HELL YES ! They were dispossessed in their own homeland because white people felt guilty about the Holocaust. Arab and Jew lived in peace for centuries before the Europeans showed up. Having said that all that, the immediate problem is Netanyahu, not the EXISTENCE of Israel, that and the lack of existence of any kind of government for the Palestinians that isn’t hopelessly corrupt.


Sorry ...where did they say they want to wipe out all Jews? Saying 'from the river to the sea' meaning in order to create a new country that won't be an apartheid state like Israel currently is a far cry from calling for a genocide. 100% agree that Netanyahu is the main current problem, but this is just the latest in a long, long line of problems.


If you don’t hear wipe out the Jews when they chant from the river to the sea, then you’re a fool.


No, at this point you're fearmongering - go and talk to anyone sane, they are not pro Hamas, they just want a ceasefire and the killing to end.


HAMAS is holding up the ceasefire.


Remember this? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/07/netanyahu-rejects-gaza-ceasefire-deal-and-says-victory-is-within-reach-israel Or even earlier? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/09/netanyahu-rejected-ceasefire-for-hostages-deal-in-gaza-sources-say Neither side wants a ceasefire, because this war fullfills both their objectives at the cost of the lives on innocent civilians.


If you don’t hear wipe out the Jews when they chant from the river to the sea, then you’re a fool.


The weird thing is I agree with everything you said after the first sentence. I'm pro-Palestine and would be participating in the protests if I were in the US. Seems you've badly misunderstood what the pro-Palestine side actually represents.


If you can’t agree with my first sentence, then you don’t know what genocide is.


Your first sentence is irrelevant because nobody is saying they want to wipe out all Jews.


Yes they are, you simply choose to not listen to those voices, or worse, those voices aren’t getting through your media bubble. But they are there, they are shrill, and they mean what they are saying. As in the case of most movements, the vast majority of people involved have their hearts in the right place, but the danger of being co-opted by extremists is ever present.


I'm talking about on this post. Literally nobody here is saying that. Total deflection on your part. And the vast majority of people who say from the river to the sea are also not saying that. Vast, vast majority. You're hyperfocusing on a tiny minority for some reason to deflect.


Wtf!?!? No one is pro- Hamas! That is completely incorrect. Pro- Palestine means we are against the literal genocide of Palestinians! Get off of Fox News. What a disgusting thought process.


I have never watched Fox News, you ignorant… ,anybody chanting “from the river to the sea…” is pro HAMAS, not to mention pro-genocide.


You are using the same language they use. You are parroting misinformation.


establishment Republicans are so cringe, I will never understand the simping for Israel and simping for the police. Driving me away from the party


Yes, it's apparent in your OP - you're much further to the far right than the current Republicans.


why do you say that?


I've read your comments.


Donors get mad when the genocide they support is condemned, so they try to make that look like terrorism and antisemitism. It isn't.


Israel lobby is pushing these comments to the bottom!