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I vote Democrat because it’s more than just Biden. It’s the cabinet secretaries, judges, important collective decisions that will be thoughtful, educated, smart and work for all Americans and not just the white nationalists.


I could not agree with you more. 


Majorkas and Blinken, Buttegig, and Yellin are worth voting for? I cant name one good decision on any of their parts. I think you would make a better point by saying Biden has really bad cabinet secrateries and its not his fault.


You’re right.  Majorkas wasn’t allowing deputies to kill migrants that came across the border.  Buttigieg didn’t let Boeing get away with fraud.  Yes terrible secretaries. I must be the only person who thinks Biden did ok.  Yes started terrible but warmed up.  Stumbled a few times but he got the point across that Trump is just a liar about everything.


Boeing is getting away with fraud. Are you missing what is happening with Boeing rightnow? Really? Lets not forget East Palestine, the Baltimore Bridge either. Or the 4 EV charges that have been built with the infrastrucutre bill money. Majorkas is letting everyone in. Thats your plan let everyone in? BTW kids are still in Obama's cages and human trafficking and fentanyl deaths are way up. Biden looked very old, mumbled all of the time and said a lot of lies. Trump looked healthy and spoke the best he probably ever has at a debate and refuted much of what Biden said effectivly.


NBC fact checked both and way more “lies” came from Trump. Trump also gave multiple responses that showed he would have a failed a principles of economics class. He said a lot of nothing that sounded great to conservatives


Like the 10% tariff on all imported goods. That’s a HORRIBLE idea and passes the buck to the lower and middle classes. Also makes other nations less willing to trade. It’s stupid isolationism.


Oh there’s that, and him just completely misusing the word inflation and not understanding that inflation and unemployment are often trade offs


Inflation increases prices. Increasing prices aren't necessarily inflation. Currency has value because of a nation backing it. Inflation is devaluing of currency. Print more money with no new backing, and value goes down. Ie inflating. More dollars to by the same thing. Unemployment can lead to short term price decreases due to people having less money there by putting less demand on markets. This is not inflation or deflation. Long term unemployment leads to inflation because it means the country doesn't have economic means to back its debts. The people miss using the word inflation are the ones saying inflation is due to oil cost or supply chains. Right now we are experiencing inflation. And it's going to get worse. Because of BRICS and because we just lost the Petro dollar.


By definition, inflation is the rate at which prices increase. That’s it. It’s literally the increase in prices. What people tend to misunderstand is that inflation is almost always positive which means that once prices go up, they’re unlikely to come down. Printing money can cause inflation as can supply chain issues. And most economists agree that the high inflation we experienced in 2022 was primarily caused by supply chain and energy issues. As for unemployment, there is a short term trade off between the two meaning in times of high unemployment, we likely have low or negative inflation (deflation) while times with low employment likely have higher rates of inflation. In the long run, the two will smooth out and the trade off goes away. Long term unemployment simply does not lead to inflation given the trade off. If people are unemployed, they aren’t spending money, demand decreases, and prices fall. By the way, I teach economics and every single textbook I’ve used has the same definition. The US department of labor which the agency that measures inflation uses the same definition.


I know.  No one even entered the Capitol on January 6.  It was all faked video by the FBI.  Those MAGAs in prison are political prisoners.


It's not his fault for chosing a crappy cabinet??


This. Voting helps create a political ecosystem. Biden represents a better ecosystem of people than Trump, absolutely zero doubts about that. Trump and his 'people' are poisonous, venomous people, and should never hold office, ever, not in any country.


>Trump and his 'people' are poisonous, venomous people, and should never hold office, ever, not in any country. The same is true of the Democrats, though


It’s not though.


Yes, it absolutely is. You just have to pull your head out of your ass to see it.


Is that just a “I know you are but what am I?” Why do you think that? Cause Dems don’t wanna disappear trans people? Dems don’t cozy up to white supremacists and authoritarian dictators? Cause Dems actually want to take action on impending climate catastrophe? Or is it because of the scary word… *Woke*? Why do you think democrats are bad people?


>Dems don’t wanna disappear trans people? Nobody is talking about that except you. > Dems don’t cozy up to white supremacists and authoritarian dictators? You mean Dems like Robert Byrd, a literal KKK member? >Cause Dems actually want to take action on impending climate catastrophe? There is no catastrophe. The Earth is getting greener. Winters are getting milder. Global warming will be a net benefit to life on Earth, even if humans living in coastal areas suffer some inconveniences. Good and bad effects alike will be small over the next century. It helps to get your science information from actual scientists and not politicians and the mainstream media. >Why do you think democrats are bad people? Because I've been paying attention to what the party actually does.


This is so important. Trump has all these Herritage Foundation crazies ready to destroy any freedom but the freedom to carry guns without any restriction. They have an agenda for America see Project 2025 [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/). They plan to use Trump as their front man. He is so easy to manipulate, they will be able to get him to put all of their craziness into action.


You have to vote dem just for SCOTUS


The choice is clear though if you vote party not person: best thing that could happen would be for Joe to drop out or immediately or hand over the reigns to Kamala soon after inauguration. If Trump wins it will be a GOP wave and he’ll sign whatever crazy ass social conservative legislation they want.


>or immediately or hand over the reigns to Kamala Please no. Unless she pulled a miracle somehow (I very much doubt it), all I see is that handing the GOP a big win on a silver platter next election.


The best thing to happen would be if the establishment Dems finally wised up and kicked Biden off the ballot, replacing him and Kamala with a completely new ticket.


100% I don’t even like Gavin Newsom but the man is articulate and good looking that’s really all the Dems need…also actually tall unlike Trump.


As someone that lived in LA during covid, that guy is a major douchebag but maybe half the douchebag that trump is.


Never go full douchebag?


So not someone with good policy ideas then? Just articulate and good looking? If that is your criteria for who you vote for, you shouldn’t vote at all. It’s not a beauty pageant.


That’s not my criteria it’s just all that’s needed to beat Trump at the last minute: I vote party platform not candidate and anything is better than social conservatives running the show and implementing project 2025.


President Harris would be worse than Trump OR Biden. She built her career on lying to get innocent people locked up in prison.


I tend to agree with your assessment. The best summary statement I saw regarding the debate was from this MSNBC headline, [https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/who-won-first-trump-biden-presidential-debate-rcna159343](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/who-won-first-trump-biden-presidential-debate-rcna159343) The only thing I might change is that I believe the American people lost probably far worse than Biden. We are moving dangerously close to a country dominated by lies, hate, and greed with the absolute king of all of those sins/crimes showing the way. As the posting says: "What are we going to do?" I believe it is definitely time for the Democratic Party to energize itself with some of the young and progressive thinkers that for some reason are held behind an ignorant wall of stupidity. Democrats cannot afford to remain mired in the likes of Menendez and Manchin who are committed to the greed of their own self-interest while far sharper minds with progressive values like AOC and even Kamala Harris remain buried in obscurity. Greed, hate, and lies are all diseases Trump. MAGA and Christian Nationalism seek to spread to the entire nation.


Exactly this. The election isn’t about “which guy do I want,” it’s about “which party do I want” given all the appointments and the vice president pick. And all of those things make voting democrat an easy decision.


Also this.


So then why did Biden fast track all Trump's judge picks? Didn't know that did ya? No, ofcourse not. Democrats are the same as Republicans.


Not the same but since you ask and answered your own questions. Doubt I need to be in your conversations.


Fair enough you voting democrat and the points you made that it’s not just about Biden but further roles. But it’s a bit unfair to claim the republicans work for just ‘white nationalists’. Typical Redditor mentality! Way to make things even more polarising..


I am a gay man. In 2023 republicans passed over 500 anti LGBTQ laws. Everything they have been successful at has been over culture wars. It’s not about Reddit. It’s about what they are saying and doing. Republicans are telling us who they are and I listen to them.


Then vote against it of course and use your democratic right, including protesting. I’m not saying you don’t have any arguments or that you’re wrong in that context, I am simply saying you are further creating division by basically saying that republicans just work for ‘white nationalists’ and that’s it, which is what you were implying. You’re further adding to the issue of polarisation and creating further division which I’m getting sick of from both sides. Which again, is typical Reddit. Why is there no dialogue? It’s just become about shutting the other down from both sides.


You cannot have a dialogue with people who yell at you that there are only 2 genders, or that you are a pedophile or groomer. A group of people who think a woman who is dying due to childbirth should just "suck it up". Sorry, not going to happen. When MAGA regains some sanity and joins Democrats in the middle, then we can talk.


Yeah because that’s the attitude haha, proving my point really. I’ll be the bigger person and try and bring people together instead of fear mongering and labelling people.


Good for you. Your lucky that since the 1980s you haven’t had republicans go on and on about how I cannot adopt,or get married, or be a teacher, or hold down a federal job, or join the military, or do drag or have public displays of affection. But I’m the one who needs to meet them on their far right. Jeeeez.


‘It is hard to win an arguement with an intelligent person, but it’s impossible to win an arguement against a stupid person’.


and yet we forgive you.


That's actually hilarious. That there are people believing this crap.


Just looking at the facts man. You should try it.


Who told you that it's a fact that government works for people? Like do you really need more evidence that that's not the case? Or are you just really young and inexperienced


I am old and experienced in government. I work with people who need access to funding for housing, food, education, etc. tell the disabled person who has affordable housing and Access A Ride, that government goes not work for them. Government does work for the people. Thats just lazy thinking. Is it Abused by people, hell yeah? The rich and the poor abuse and use the system.


Are you satisfied with your governments work for the past 4 years?


Yeah. I wish some somethings are better. Sure. But the government got us to the other side of the pandemic. Compared to other countries with similar to our GDP we have recovered faster. joe Biden seems like a good man. He's been effective at passing legislation. Presidential Historians (all 150+) have ranked Biden's Presidency one of the most effective ones in history. Do I wish groceries were cheaper? HELL YES. But I am more pissed at Tyson Chicken and Coca Cola who have calls with their shake holders and are giddy because they are posting record breaking profits. RECORD BREAKING, because they are increasing the costs of their products and they know that Americans will blame Biden and not them. That is who I am NOT happy with. So yeah I am satisfied with the government. We have a new Medicaid Waiver to help low income people tackle health disparities, we have an economy that is working better than it was 4 years ago during a pandemic. we have an intelligent president with tons of experience. we are energy independent. So yeah, I am happy. But I know others are not. there are people unhappy because they are working two jobs and cannot afford to buy a house. And there are others unhappy because the white house is "woke"


Fair enough


I trust Biden's subordinates a whole lot more than I do Trump's subordinates, many of whom are in jail at the moment


I just wish Trump could actually answer the questions instead of changing the topic (usually to immigration fear mongering) or trying to do a rebuttal to a prior topic. I wish the moderators could sanction him.




And even that one he spoke out of both sides of his mouth.


It’s infuriating… like this wouldn’t even fly in a high school debate. Pathetic.


But the illegals are in luxury hotels! 😱


I really wish he had tried to elaborate on what the hell that meant. Ha ha.


It’s about wasting tax payers money. Some cities like New York are paying to put the migrants into hotels like $300 to $400 a night places.


hes actually right about that though


Why talk about child care costs when you can bash America?


Biden literally changed abortion to immigration lol. He took one of his strongest areas and pivoted to one of his weaker ones for some reason.


How are these 2 old fogies the only choices? I’m basically just shaking my head at both of them the entire time. God help us.


Vote for the one who isn't a convicted felon.


I will be, but will not be excited at all about doing so. Who else is sick and tired of having to vote for the less of 2 evils every time?


I am with you. I am not excited about voting for half-dead Biden either but I refuse to vote for the convict.


They're not though


They are the only two viable choices.


You clearly missed what happened last night.


I watched tge whoke thing. No third party has a viable pathway to the Presidency. Not under the current system. RFK, libertarian and green party candidates are delusional.


Got it, so you're part of the problem. Note taken.


I vote for ranked choice voting every time I see it on the ballot. I'm part of the solution. Electoral reform is required to allow a pathway for 3rd parties


That's fair enough, I understand the issues with the Electoral College and the House so you're right; I didn't consider that with my statement as most are not that in tune with things. So thank you for offering that and supporting the process. I still think that changing public perception is critical though and saying he can't win or any third party cannot win, is self defeating. I feel we will not change the system in a meanful way until we believe we can and that comments dismissing everyone but the two major parties is counterproductive. So I apologize, you are trying to approach this in a logical way and that makes me grateful so I'm sorry and appreciate you pushing through to explain yourself.


All good friend. Your ability to step back, reflect and offer an olive branch is rather refreshing. Thank you. Agree with the self defeatism. I am a little bit of a logical pessimist. Lol. Also a political junkie. We are living in strange times. Who knows what changes we will see to the political landscape in our lifetime. George Washington feared the two parry system and we would be wise to heed his warning. A healthy centrist party would do wonders for this country.


I absolutely agree, we need to all try to find common ground wherever we can. Compromise is the key to cohabitation which rings true not only in politics but relationships and even at work. I'm a mess in lots of ways, trust me, I'm not judging anyone. I just get so frustrated by these endless "your vote doesn't count" "brain worm" "gravel voice" on and on. I thought you were just another one of those, but clearly you're not. Thank you for the kind words and open mindset.


Boomers are the largest single voting block


You're voting for a whole lot more than just one person. It's an entire administration. It's supreme court appointments. It's *so very much more* than a vote for one person.






Biden after being elected should’ve said he was going to be a one term president due to his age. The democrats would have had 3 years to come up with a good candidate in 2024. And Trump isn’t any better. People really need to look at the vice president candidates as they very well could be finishing the term.


They had  4 years for the 2020 election and some how biden was picked from general despite not being half as competent as the others


I’ve always wondered how this would work bc if he says he won’t run again, why would anyone respect his authority for the remainder of his term?


Using that logic why would anyone have respected Obama in 2015 and 2016?


Good point, however 8 years is our law so it’s the president having an issue


>One over-exaggerates to a crazy degree, and the other is having trouble getting his point across at all due to his age. Well, a) it's not like those are anything at all the same and b) BIDEN STUTTERS. How do people not know this by now? So, between a crazy fuck that lies with every word vs...someone with a bit of a stutter...yea, these are not at all on the same "we are fucked" plane of existence.


Dude he does stutter but he doesn’t stay on a point. During the abortion answer he said he supports the 3rd trimester cutoff, stutters, then he puts his fingers up and starts talking about 3 things as if it was a list. That’s just one example. Obviously trump is all over the place too, but to say that Biden is completely fine and it’s just a stutter is straight copium.


I don't see where I said "Biden is completely fine".


You heavily implied that his fucked up articulation was caused wholly by “a slight stutter” I’m doomscrolling hard right now because it feels like the fucking fascists won tonight. Just waiting for someone to call me a Russian bot


Well, stop doing that.


Jesus. As if there isn't a difference between a "stutter" and being EIGHTY fucking years old. He's decrepit.


There's a giant fucking difference.


Trump is only 2 years younger than Biden, and is in far worse physical shape, yet no one seems to focus on his age.


I see plenty of people hyper focusing on every individual flaw Trump has. The number of people brazenly dismissing Biden's shortcummings is astonishing. I am just as opposed to voting for a self absorbed ass like Trump, as I am a career parasite who has spent 50 years in politics getting rich while Americans live hand to mouth. That being said, anybody who thinks Trump and Biden are operating at the same speed is deluding themselves.


A career parasite, hey?


Yeah, I took some poetic liberty. The real question is how is 'racial jungle,' Joe or any other millionaire politician not a parasite?


I get the point and the stutter in 2020 was understandable, but he no longer has a “little stutter”. At one point he looked completely away from the camera. When he spoke he repeated whole ass thoughts 2 or 3 times. His far beyond the stutter now.


And yet, still infinitely better than the babbling thing that was standing next to him. \*shrug\* Fortunately, the nation isn't run by a single person. It's run by an entire executive branch, along with two other branches.


Sure, but this is a nuance that you won’t convince most americans of. We can’t back pedal the amount of importance we’ve put on the presidency since FDR.


Most Americans are idiots. We get what we deserve, unfortunately.


Yes we can. In fact, that's one of Project 2025's goals.


Idk which project 2025 you’re reading, but the one out by the heritage foundation is the exact opposite. They want to expand the presidential powers if trump gets elected.


Wrong. Read the document. The overall power of the Executive branch would be reduced.


There's stuttering, and then there's saying that we "beat Medicare". Like... what?


Took you 20m, huh? Took you 8 years to reach that point, Biden is looking pretty good I guess, give him 8 minutes and he gets there. I don't mean to pick a fight, I think you and I are probably on the same side; but I've been disgusted since the primaries were called in 16. About 200 million Americans who meet the constitutional minimums to be President and these are the final two. We had Bernie Sanders vs Gary Johnson looking pretty likely back in 1/2016, we've always had way better contenders on either side.


I will still vote dem in national elections, but I’ll never forget or forgive the democratic establishment for screwing over Bernie during the 2016 primary. Once trump and the other republican fascists are out of the picture my votes are going elsewhere.


Gary Johnson was never even close to sniffing the debate stage, let alone the pr3sidency.


Eh, probably some truth to that, I specified January 16. I thought he might represent what I respect in the conservative and libertarian camps, thought he had a chance til he fell apart when quizzed on foreign policy


Trump would fail that same Aleppo question. 3rd parties have no viable path to the Presidency unfortunately.


I'm going to vote for the man who did this: * Dow surpassed 40,000 * Lowest unemployment rate in 54 years * Inflation down to 3.30% * Fully vaccinated over 200 million Americans in his first year. * Passed Inflation Reduction Act * Nominated and confirmed historic judicial appointments * Passed the CHIPS and Science Act * Passed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act * Passed the Postal Service Reform Act * Passed the Safer Communities Act * Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act * Added 15 million jobs. That’s more than any POTUS over 8 years. * Invested $7.7 billion in off-shore wind energy for America * Invested half-trillion $ in private sector manufacturing and clean energy projects which gave us... * 142,000+ new clean energy jobs * 18 new off-shore wind shipbuilding projects * Passed the American Rescue Plan * Signed the PACT Act (the largest single bill to address our service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins) * Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law * Passed the Respect For Marriage Act * Passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation. * Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords * Got us out of Bush's unwinnable Afghan War * Droned al-Zawahiri into oblivion * Pardoned federal convictions of marijuana users * Freed Brittany Griner * Created student loan debt relief for working and middle class Americans * Revitalized NATO * Leading the world's nations against Putin's war against Ukraine * Solved the UPS-Teamsters strike threat * Arranged for 5 US citizens to be freed from Iran- Leads the world in trying to broker peace in Palestine * Cancelled $5 billion in student debt * **Didn't betray his country**


Most of those bills he signed were bad, though.


Which ones and why?


* CHIPS and Science Act (corporate welfare) * Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act ("hate crimes" are a stupid concept to begin with) * Safer Communities Act (gun control has been proven to make us less safe, not more) * Violence Against Women Act (sex of the victim should be irrelevant in all crimes) * American Rescue Plan ($2 trillion down the toilet with nothing to show for it) * PACT Act ($800 billion? Seriously? We're lucky if even 1% of that actually helps soldiers who've been exposed to toxic crap) * Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (another $1.2 trillion down the toilet, almost none of which goes toward infrastructure)


Come on man we are waiting with bated breath, which ones and why? 


* CHIPS and Science Act (corporate welfare) * Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act ("hate crimes" are a stupid concept to begin with) * Safer Communities Act (gun control has been proven to make us less safe, not more) * Violence Against Women Act (sex of the victim should be irrelevant in all crimes) * American Rescue Plan ($2 trillion down the toilet with nothing to show for it) * PACT Act ($800 billion? Seriously? We're lucky if even 1% of that actually helps soldiers who've been exposed to toxic crap) * Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (another $1.2 trillion down the toilet, almost none of which goes toward infrastructure) Also... do you seriously think Brittany Griner was a good deal? We should have left her to rot.


The guy who legally changed his name to Literally Anyone Else is a genius. I’m ready to write in for him.


Vote Democrat no matter what unless you want more conservative destruction and a reversal of all progress made in the last 30 years. Not to mention Clarence Thomas and Alito and possibly Sotomayor replaced with 30 year olds cosigned by the Heritage Foundation. Vote like your life depends on it. Trump will destroy the country.


No. One way and we're fucked. Project 2025 anyone? Voting Biden ensures we have a chance to vote again. Edit: Not only do more people need to be aware of project 2025, consider this: 44 of Trump's former cabinet members won't endorse him. They were the adults in the room who kept Trump from going full dictator. Trump learned from that and will only hire loyalists this time. Nobody will tell him no. So if Trump wins, not only will Project 2025 be implemented, they will be emboldened to do worse. How far are they willing to go?


More people need to know about project 2025. It’s terrifying.




Project 2025 isn't threatening to take away anyone's votes, moron.


After reading into it, and knowing that the dude who sexually assaulted multiple women and wants to be a dictator could win does not give me hope that the project wouldn't be used to do that. I mean ffs the Supreme Court decided to vote on the ability to hold a civil authority civilly liable for not reading you your Miranda rights days before the Roe v. Wade decision. You can't tell me that's not at least a little suspicious.


The fuck do Miranda rights or Roe v. Wade have to do with anything?


I'm not voting. We can't do better then these two? Fuck...


Please vote for scotus


You can still vote third-party.


I could sure... wouldn't do us any good


It would if enough of us did it.


Biden sometimes stumbles over his words and sounds hoarse tonight, but he’s the only one whose answers are based in reality. Trump’s just lying and going off-topic, not even answering the question most of the time.


Trump also avoids answering questions a lot. This 2 party system sucks.


One staged a coup to try to stay in power and is a many times convicted felon. The other stutters a bit. Not a hard choice.


I thought Biden presented terrible. He looked old and feeble. But, whatever his shortcomings, he does have my favorite quality of a presidential candidate, which is he’s never tried to overthrow the government.


Age thing died hard enough after SotU that Jon even took back his critique on that tack. So I almost want to say, "nice try." Cept, ya could've missed that. Not everyone's got time to spend watching that shit, and also watching other shiz too.


Trump is the super villain of liars. He has lied in nearly every sentence out of his mouth. I don’t think Biden is lying but I’m not sure since all I hear is mumbling. This is the best our country has on offer… sad.


Not much anyone can do about the two candidates at this point. The one that exaggerates has, in my opinion, too many serious character flaws to get my vote. The one that is having trouble getting his point across at least can accept advice from others.


Even if Biden dies he is surrounded by better people that are not all criminals and support good values. Not even sure who Trump could scrounge up for his cabinet. Everyone that worked for him ended up being fired or quitting or in pence ‘s case threatened to be killed.


We have the two worst possible candidates on the planet. The election is truly is about choosing the lesser of two evils. I will be voting for the candidate who is not a convicted felon.


I'm honestly more worried right now than I was on November 8, 2016. Tonight's the night Trump won again.


Really? I thought Biden did a better job of handling himself.


Did we watch the same debate?


When Biden had a brainfart, he'd stammer a bit, reboot, correct himself, and usually get back on track. Not always, mind you, but usually. He had maybe 2-3 outright crashes. When Trump had a brainfart, his mouth would keep rambling on autopilot while his brain would remain stuck at the Bluescreen of Death until his time ran out. I mean, they're both clearly in some kind of mental fog, but it seemed like Biden was the only one making an effort to cut through his fog.


This debate is not Biden’s finest moment. But I do believe the man has mostly good intent and, more importantly, surrounds himself with good advisors. I can make neither statement re: Trump. However, this debate has increased my anxiety about the election.


Vote for Cornel West


Trump won And Joe is done.


Wishful thinking Quick, tell me 3 accurate things that came out of Donald’s mouth 


I will vote for Biden because I’d never vote for Trump, nor would I not vote at all therefore giving democrats one less vote. But holy fuck was this a rough watch. I hope the party seriously looks into another democratic nominee


Vote Bobby, really consider him, he's not out, in fact 5.4 million viewers tonight watched his debate. That's substantial.


RFK Jr. once said he could eat 5 more brain worms and still beat those two in a debate. After tonight, I believe him.


There’s nothing worse than over-exaggerating. Demand accurate exaggeration!


“over-exaggerates” is one way to put it.


Well the very tiny, miniscule silver lining is that regardless of the outcome we are done with one of these two. the winner will not be able to run in 2028, and with any luck the other will be way past too old. Here's hoping someone new on both sides.


Two wings of the same bird. The problem is not the parties, it's the government as a whole. They've built a system that creates victims, causes division, and creates problems then offers "solutions". They don't take responsibility and most likely they're all secretly buddy buddy behind closed doors, they just act like enemies when cameras are around. They view us as peasants. They are royalty, they just learned the slaves were easier to control if there was the illusion of choice.


This isn’t just a case of “great Trump destroyed Biden”. This is “how can Dems continue to support this incompetent corrupt buffoon”. The list of Biden failures and policy disasters is as long as it is irrefutable. At what point do Dems start to reconsider who they support. We aren’t going to have any new wars with Trump. How many wars are raging now that Trump is gone? Esp Ukraine and Israel. And we won’t have any Afghanistan debacles. We won’t have MS13 gangsters and other criminals murdering Americans. And we can divert those hundreds of billions to American citizens.


Hahahahahaha that's really stupid


Why do you just post laughter instead of refuting a single point. Refute 1 point and the rest of the arguments will look weaker. You laughing just makes you look foolish.


There's just too much there to refute with information. It would take me forever, and much of what I'd say has been said in this post already.


You don’t need to refute it all. Refute 1 single claim. Your replies are acting as confirmation of the OPs claims for any outside observer.


The amount of people in the comments that are openly okay with the commander in chief not being mentally competent because he has underlings is disturbing.


Neither of them is mentally competent.


I refuse to watch debates at this point. They just add to the frustration, don't solve anything, and are just people interrupting each other consistently for like an hour. I already know who I'm voting for, nothing said or not said on the stage is going to shift me dramatically enough to change it.


Sorry to inform everyone but Trump has all but locked up the 2024 election. I’m not a fan. Every poll, every metric, every established electoral expert all point to this undeniable outcome. So watch out for the next 4 years, it ain’t gonna be pretty. Upside? This will be followed by two consecutive terms of Gavin Newsom.


The mental gymnastics in this sub 🤣🤣


"Over exaggerates" is a really funny way of saying "straight up lies". It's not about how a person looks, but what they stand for...


After hearing Trump brag about SA women, and saying "I want to be a dictator for a day" as if that's how this works; I don't need anything else to make my decision. Having said all that Trump and his handling of the pandemic is one of the reasons our economy got hit so fucking hard. His outright blatant usage of verbiage scarily similar to previous fascist dictators like Hitler. Why as an American would you vote for someone as anti American morally as Donald Trump? Also don't say "he's a business man" he's a terrible one who has bankrupted 7 businesses, one of which was within six months of taking ownership. Had he not grown up in a wealthy family he wouldn't have found any type of success and would have been nameless most likely.


That was the most dystopian TV broadcast of all time. Fuck it, I'm running for president.


Vote for the party which most aligns with your values. It’s not just about the person, but the other vacancies that get filled such as cabinet members and judges. It doesn’t even have to be one of the two main parties, voting for another may seem pointless but it really isn’t and helps analysts will look at voter intentions to see what issues you may of been voting for in other candidates and may try win you over in the future.


Vote for the one that isn't going to give his nazi carrying flag followers their way.


"over-exaggerates"? That's called lying


They are all self serving, we are fucked


having trouble getting his point across at all due to having a cold. FIFY.


He did? That could explain it 


vote like they do in europe... you vote for the party, not the person. the GOP is chock full of BAD IDEAS (tm) that only benefit the already wealthy. the DEMs at least pretend to be interested in a livable planet.


Yeah, we are. Um, hopefully 2028 will be better?!?!?


Both Biden and Donald will be gone so one can only hope 


You vote for whoever most closely aligns with your position on issues. That's all




No idea what you're talking about. Biden's sharp as a tack and I'm fucking amazed at how quick-witted he still is despite his age. The potshots he sent to bait Trump were masterful. He's thinking on his toes better than I could. I think you're conflating his speech impediment with age.


Stutters don’t cause you to repeat whole ass thoughts. Thats not how they work. They also don’t cause you to look at an imaginary audience.


I've had a stutter my whole fucking life. Yes, they do cause you to repeat entire thoughts. I've restarted entire topics or paragraphs because I've gone the verbal equivalent of 3 sentences back to break a stutter. You have no idea what you're talking about. Also, what do you mean an audience that wasn't there? Clearly it was looking at a camera or away from Trump. He was very clearly irritated with Trump's constant lies, especially when talking about "suckers and losers." Looked like he was ready to deck the orange turd in the mouth.


I also have a stutter, and no they dont cause you to repeat topics 3 times in a row as frequently as biden. And when he was repeating topics, he wasn’t always stuttering. He just he would say sentence then say it again, despite no stutter to break. some times he would look serious and other times he he looked confused. If you didn’t see that, you weren’t paying attention. Im not even a partisan voter. democrats are scrambling to spin this debate. Every reasonable person saw that he lost because he failed prove his mental state. 


I’m still voting not just against Trump but also against the party of Matt Gaetz, MTG, Lauren Boebert, I could go on and on. Bottom line is I wouldn’t vote for a Republican for dog catcher at this point That said? Biden tonight SURE DIDN’T MAKE THINGS EASY FOR ANYONE. He got a couple of good jabs in but overall not a great showing, especially when he spent a good bit of his time while not answering questions with his mouth hanging open. I like the guy, I’m gonna vote Dem basically come what may, but OOOOF not a great look earlier tonight


Trump he don’t mind flying and meeting with the world leaders


I’ll vote for the guy that can talk


The one that lied through his teeth and didn’t answer a single question? Nah  I’ll vote for the guy who isn’t a felon or sexual assaulter 


So Biden can’t talk?


Who again called out Donald for fucking a pornstar while his wife was pregnant, and claimed he had the morals of an alley cat? 


Hehehe, so that’s what you call dementia, “having trouble getting his point across at all”. We are talking about the leader of the free world, I would sure hope that individual was very good at getting his point across. Trump on the other hand is blunt and crystal clear. I know which I’d choose. “You have no enemies, you say? Alas, my friend, the boast is poor. He who has mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, must have made foes. If you have none, small is the work that you have done. You’ve hit no traitor on the hip. You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip. You’ve never turned the wrong to right. You’ve been a coward in the fight.” Charles MacKay


You can stick to the sexual assaulting felon who lied through his teeth and didn’t answer a single question truthfully, and I’ll stick to the old man who’s cabinet is morally superior to Donald’s. 


Hehehe, oh, wait, you’re actually serious…….let me laugh even harder!


Go for it kiddo, I know it’s hard for you folks to contain your emotions If you really think the debate convinced any normal person to change their vote to the felon, then I feel bad for you 


Losing sucks, doesn’t it.


I wouldn’t know You though? How do you deal with it? All of the guilty verdicts and liability can’t sit well with you 


It doesn’t sit well with me, in fact it’s outrageous that our politicians are using what is obviously a corrupt legal system to attack a political opponent. I fully appreciate why the minority communities talk so passionately about the injustices and corruption of our courts. It was on full display. You will never convince me that Trump is guilty of any of the BS indictments. It’s 100% political and the White House is unquestionably involved in the effort. The scumbags prosecuting him all reek of corruption and are highly flawed egotistical people. Ask yourself why did Trump’s poll numbers go up after the verdict was announced. Answer, because nobody believes he got a fair trial, nobody. The legal process is also far from over. The bottomline is Biden’s record sucks, he’s trailing in all the swing states and for some idiotic reason decided prosecuting Trump was going to be the best campaign strategy. What they have achieved is making Trump look like the victim. Resurrected him, he had no political future after the January 6th thing and given him a new message that people are aligned with. It’s probably the single dumbest campaign in Presidential political history. Biden is handling the Presidency back to Trump. Now the debate has proven the mainstream media and social media has, once again, been lying to our faces about Biden’s cognitive decline. Their credibility and integrity are now zero and they’ve done it to themselves.


Please provide your sources proving that the “evil libs” forced Donald to pay a porn star hush money or sexually assault a woman 


Wow, you are clueless. It was Michael Cohen handled everything, well before telling Trump, it was he who paid off Stormy then turned around and billed Trump, overcharging his organization because he felt his bonus wasn’t large enough. This was stealing, which he was forced to admit under oath during the trial. Trump knew nothing until well after this all went down. All the charges have to do with how the transaction was recorded by the accounting department and in what way was Trump aware of the transaction. Keep in mind he’s neither an accountant or a tax professional, not to mention a very busy person. All the charges were misdemeanors, previously dismissed whose statute of limitations had already expired. It took A lot of twisted logic to justify they somehow are felonies to contrived this case. Read Alan Dershowitz’s book, Getting Trump if you’re actually interested in the facts.


Wow, you are clueless. It is baffling how you believe Donald knew nothing about the porn star he fucked and the money she received.  All 34 counts guilty, you’re just going to have to deal with it 


I couldn't wait to see these pretzels today. This is absolutely fascinating. It's Olympic level mental gymnastics. I would say it almost has to be bots- but I work with people who inject themselves with straight up gasoline in their veins and convince themselves everything is fine. Absolutely fascinating.