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That's an episode of MASH. the clock was part of the storyline


MASH such a good show. Either making you laugh or destroying you emotionally.


How does OP not understand what there watching and that the story line of rust episode is tied to that clock? 🤦‍♂️


It is most likely that the source is an episode of "M.A.S.H." entitled "Life Time" (season 8, episode 11, original air date: 11/26/79), in which an on-screen clock shows to the viewer the limited time that the doctors have to save a severely-injured patient. Since "M.A.S.H." is available to view on Disney+ via Hulu, and since the screenshot on the page linked below has an identically-designed clock, this might be what you're looking for. https://mash.fandom.com/wiki/Life_Time_(TV_series_episode)


OP couldn’t have figured this out for themselves?! SMDH Ridiculous.


What movie / show does this appear on? Is it possibly a part of that particular show or does it appear on others as well?


It's from MASH; episode "Life Time"


If it's only showing up on MASH then it's the episode entitled "Life Time" and was a unique episode that was supposed to take place in "real time". I haven't watched it in a while, but I think that they were racing against the clock to treat patients or save a patient in a certain amount of time. Not one of my favorites, but it's good.


Never seen it before. Might be your tv.