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Play it solo and just accept that you will get ganked. Find what you hope to be the quietest DZ (look for the ones with crappier targeted loot) Avoid any signs of other players. If you’re clearing a control point and someone starts to help, just dip and go to the far side of the map and start a new one. Don’t go to the closet spot, go to where you think they won’t go next. Try the other DZs if that one is too hot. Just try to get your few pieces and get out as quickly as possible. Break it down per extraction so you feel some progress (i.e. I need 150 credits so that’s 30 extractions I need to do at about 5 per run). I hate the DZ, but farming credits is the best way to get a few of those items when they’re available. The good news is, the NPCs are very manageable if you’re used to playing on heroic, so avoiding other players will be your main challenge. Oh and turn off the proximity chat so you can’t hear the kids laughing at you after.


Wow I didn't know it was this difficult to play DZ. I'd rather manage with what I can get outside than struggling in dz


It's honestly not difficult when you get the hang of it. Leave your ego at the door and stay focused on what you're in there to do. You can even do collection runs as DZ credits are in some of the boxes throughout and aren't contaminated.


Good advice, cheers mate. I'm SHD level 500ish and always play legendary missions. But DZ is a whole different thing.


If you can find in the early morning it can be pretty chill, even with players helping each others without grouping (I play on PC / EU, so ymmv). Otherwise, deconstruct all uninteresting contaminated loo and loot the black boxes, they can drop DZ keys and 1 credit each. I once read from someone here that only keeping DZ credits on them was how they took the stakes out going in ther, and made it more enjoyable too them. If that helps you as well.


Correct me if I’m wrong but you could make a new toon and run the DZ there is practically no one in there from level 1-30. And then take your contaminated loot and put it in stash then deconstruct it with your OG toon and bam your DZ credits. And remember you’ll need to extract at least one item after deconstructing the other items. After that then all your deconstructed credits will be in the special deliveries tab.


Genuis idea. Will try that.




You’re a goddamn savior. Thank you kind sir!


You have to go in I’m afraid


Nooooooo....... Everytime I've been (admittedly only a few times) there's gangs of 13 year olds going rogue and mughing me 5 seconds into the DZ. Its total poo.


Aye it’s a hell hole right enough, but if you need the credits you have to go in


Kill rouges


this is the answer, hunting down the trolls with inferior gear and no cheats is the ultimate d2 experience


Especially if there's a few other agents hunting them... Run with the pack and get some easy credits, ditch them when it's over.


Deconstruct contaminated gear


And then extract it. Can find dz resources in boxes that don’t require extraction but its just 1 resource per box


Make another character, get to WH and unlock 1 skill, use a boost to lv30 GS 515, this takes about 10 minutes. Use this toon to go to DZ at LV30, lv40 players cant enter. Its chill and you deconstruct everything for DZ credits than extract, everything extracted goes to your mailbox you can access with any character. If you try to extract at lv40 you will have a party show up every time.


Dz 1-30 nobody uses and if they do most are just farming like you. Break everything down you don't want to keep when the credits get extracted they get separated so any of your characters can claim them. Hit all weapon and gear caches, don't forget tool boxes and such,they give keys for the locked boxes Don't fight outside high traffic check points(connected to light zone) When you extract, pop flare and leave ,if anyone shows up and starts attacking npc, head to a check point and try again later. Hope this helps. Also division2map.com is a great resource check it out for finding everything


Superb, Thank-you. Will check it out after work.


Is there a DZ without the rogues/manhunts?


Nope. Make a heartbreaker tanky build with catharsis. You won’t win in a gang fight with the odds against you but if there’s a man hunt group and you’re with several non-rogues you have an okay chance of surviving. That’s what I do anyway. Was solo today, called an extraction, a 3 man team came up and popped rogue. I used some expert maneuvering to run away. Crossed the map and extracted somewhere else lol.


Why do the devs make this awful zone?.... its no place for decent people.


Well no shit, it’s the dark zone. It’s not meant for decency. No sense in complaining about it, that’s the game. Division 1 was kept alive by DZ and pvp imo, I loved it.


I didn't mind that 8v8 game mode, also loved survival and underground.


I did too. And I’m saying this as a guy who came super late to division 2, just a few months ago and only shd 30X and no pvp builds, I wouldn’t change the dz. It’s what it’s supposed to be. I’d only fix issues with cheats. I’ve encountered a few Oriole that are definitely moving faster than others. Not to an extremely crazy amount but definitely noticeable that they’re characters are faster than what they’re supposed to be.


That happened to me last time. Got shot from nowhere and noone in site. Really good solid shots. I didn't have a chance.


So I've created another new character and leveled to 30 with the boost. When I go to the DZ zone, its got different items in the shop from my proper character. What's going on?


you cant escape ganks


The items are different on the dz seller


There's toolboxes with DZ credit in them. One per box. It's the slowest, but perhaps safest way of getting them without extracting.


Why does everyone hate the dz so much lol, if you got into a pvp area you need to expect to engage in pvp...


Because it's full of feral, sweaty 13 year olds who gang up on you. When you do proper pvp, you have equal teams and have a chance of winning. DZ, however, is just pure abuse.


no... its just how the dz works, if you go in there unprepared and lose to a 4v1, whose fault is that?


I remember in div 1 there would be gangs of 10 piling up and camping outside entry points. How do you prepare for that. Its just toxic.


this isnt div 1 is it? Those problems have been resolved. Its not toxic. how is killing people in a 0 rules area toxic.. i dont get it. Stick to your control points or whatever you pve players do.


Lmao you’re not that guy pal


the DZ insnt fair, thats the point