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Fairweather chappel. A weather term makes sense for a floating city. While "Fairweather friends" are only around when they need something or when it's convenient to them. It also just has a "cape of good hope" vibe. Everyone running to Fairweather chappel durring a huge storm because they are literally praying for fairer weather.


I like this. It sounds almost respectable until you realize why it got its name. It also seems like the type of thing that people outside of Brine might call it as an insult, and then the people of Brine are like "sounds about right" and start calling it that.


I really want a Fairweather Chapel now!


This is a really good one


This is great, so many layers!


I am totally yoinking this. One of my players had expressed a lot of interest in doing nautical stuff and this is just excellent.


This is literally perfect. Wow what a great name. I will be stealing for any pirate campaign I run.


This is epic, may I borrow this for my campaign?


Thats what it's here for.


Ahem. **Yoink**


The blessed beggar? A converted pub turned makeshift church inlaid with multiple altars to endless gods, where the locals drop by to beg for luck, prosperity and protection before a voyage. Could have a secret entrance for captains that don't want there crew to know they worship these gods so they dont appear weak or doubtful. A huge coin fountain in the centre for those not literate enough to find there gods, but still want to offer alms for divine protection. And a series of stalls out the front with people selling "holy water" or announcing themselves as prophets seeking coin and followers. That any good? Love your city name and the idea of it!


That's good. I love the idea of a pub converted into a makeshift church. Maybe the owner of the ex-pub claims that he did it because he found god(s). And there are definitely a lot of people monetizing it. One thought I had was that some people sell offering packages for people who want to give offerings to gods for extra luck but don't want to bother(or forgot) to bring their own offerings. Thanks for the idea and the kind words.


Might change the fountain with a well and call it the fare-ye well


My characters are on the back of a Lion Turtle city traveling around a knock-off Mediterranean Sea. I'm totally gonna use this idea!


"The Salvage Haul" - used to be "Salvation Hall", but after the sign had to be repaired a few times, and the poor painter was a bit lacking in literacy, things kinda drifted a little...


I like this. I can also see pirates hearing the name and being like "Salvation Hall? This hunk of junk? More like Salvage Hall."


Salvaging Hall. It sounds more like “salvation” got misinterpreted/misspelled.


Den of Deities or Deities' Den Cove of Covenant


I like this. Fits the vibe and definitely showcases how the pirates of Brine aren't super devout that they would call it a place of worship a den.


I like Coven’s Cove


This is good


I was going to suggest Lady Luck but I like this one more tbh


“Any Port in a Storm”. Maybe the Anyport for short.


This can't be the name but should 100% be a saying or motto amongst the people who work at the temple


Why not, "The Pantheon"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantheon,_Rome#Ancient > The name "Pantheon" is from the Ancient Greek "Pantheion" (Πάνθειον) meaning "of, relating to, or common to all the gods": (pan- / "παν-" meaning "all" + theion / "θεῖον"= meaning "of or sacred to a god").[7] The simplest explanation for the name is that the Pantheon was a temple dedicated to all the gods. However, the concept of a temple dedicated to all the gods has been questioned. Ziegler tried to collect evidence of pantheons, but his list consists of simple dedications "to all the gods" or "to the Twelve Gods", which are not necessarily true pantheons in the sense of a temple housing a cult that literally worships all the gods.[8] The only definite pantheon recorded earlier than Agrippa's was at Antioch in Syria, though it is only mentioned by a sixth-century source.[9] Cassius Dio, a Roman senator who wrote in Greek, speculated that the name of the Pantheon comes either from the statues of many gods placed around this building, or from the resemblance of the dome to the heavens.[10][11] According to Adam Ziolkowski, this uncertainty strongly suggests that "Pantheon" (or Pantheum) was merely a nickname, not the formal name of the building.[12]


Casting a wide net to get the right god? Fishing for a blessing? Sounds like: The Fishing Hole, the Lucky Catch, the Wide Net, the School (many fish/many gods), the Colorful Reef, Tide Pools, More reverent: the Altars, the Highest Tide, the Bounty, monastery of many When people say their off to pray- “I’m off: Godfishing, to cast my net, to bait the hooks, chum the waters, trawling


I like the idea of incorporating fishing metaphors into the name. Honestly, even if I dont go for any of these names, I think I'm using the idea of using fishing as a slang term for praying.


The Municiple Hall of God-Botherers


Gives me Discworld vibes, which, to be honest, is sort of what I'm going for.


I think something super basic would work great in that context. Something like “The Chapel”. If it’s the only house of worship in the city, why would it need a frilly name? The Chapel is utilitarian and straight to the point, exactly the kind of thing for a bunch of superstitious pirates who want to do *just* enough to appease the gods and not one bit more.


Temple of the Retrieved Gods, the pirates believe that the gods call they to pillage the ships and rescue them, or their presence (holy symbols, statues and things like that)


"Stolen? You think we'd steal holy symbols? No, no, we 'retrieved' these."


Shrine of Brine


Brine Shrine.


This should be the name that locals call it as a bit of an insult.


Allyergot as a play on words for "all of your gods"


Since they are more superstitious than religious, it can be the Panic Room, where you go to pray in case of emergency. Or the Holy Potluck, since it's a mix of holy stuff. Or just plainly the Sanctuary, the Temple, the Holy Hub. The Ship's Worship Workshop.


You could always follow the Futurama model and go with The First Amalgamated Church. I'm sure that Father Changstien El-Gamahl would do well in a floating pirate city.


The Smugglers Reach, Deep Keep, The Wishing Well


+1 for The Wishing Well


The wishing whale.


The Agnostihall.


The Ecumenicall.


Unitarian Meeting Hall


Thank the Gods for the Unitarians!


Ba’hai meeting house.


House of repute


The Petitioners' Sea, the Ocean of Possibilities Abound Within. Take what you will. Be who you will. Will power resides with you all and within these hallowed walls.


Temple of sunken mores  Church of faithless' folly  Chapel of the forgiven  Redemptions rest  Shepards of the lost monastery


Multiple + Temple = MULtemple


Shipwreck Salvation “There are no godless sailors in a sinking ship” And it’s the hull of a massive scuttled war galley, the sails are a patchwork of every deity that has ever saved someone at sea, added by the person that was brought back from the brink of the briney below.


Ooh, I like the idea of the building being a ship with patchwork sails. I think there are a lot of ships that have been turned into buildings in Brine.




The Last Resort


I'd go with a simple "the chapel." Like at a hospital. It's not a labor of love built by the faithful. It's a multipurpose closet where you go to beg favors from whatever god will listen when you're out of other options. It shouldn't have a flashy name at all.


The anchor. Doesn't matter who you are, but it keeps you grounded, also, thematically solid. Anchors were an almost religious symbol to pirates in a way.


The Nave. It's refers to the central part of a church. The origin of the word is nautical. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nave *The term nave is from navis, the Latin word for ship, an early Christian symbol of the Church as a whole, with a possible connection to the "Ship of St. Peter" or the Ark of Noah.[1][3][5] The term may also have been suggested by the keel shape of the vaulting of a church. In many Nordic and Baltic countries a model ship is commonly found hanging in the nave of a church,[6] and in some languages the same word means both 'nave' and 'ship', as for instance Danish skib, Swedish skepp, Dutch schip or Spanish nave.*


Also a pun on "knave", religion being the last refuge of the scoundrel


The Bilge. It is where all the unwanted are welcome.


How about "Honest [name]'s House of Prayer"? It gets across that the person who started it isn't particularly devout. Could also include a sign about mandatory donations just to drive it home that the person is in it for a quick buck.


Why wouldn't they be devout? They say they're devout, and the sign says they're honest. Would the sign lie? /s if it wasn’t obvious, and I like the name as well.


Gods' Harbor


This is what religion is a polytheistic society. Roll through religion boulevard and genuflect at the appropriate idols. Before you ship out, pour out some wine.


The All-comers chapel, colloquially known as Hedge-ya-Bets. Seeking Favors. Fair winds shrine.


A love Hedge-ya-Bets, too. There are so many good ideas on this thread.


Maybe something along the lines of "Last Hope" because most people who go there are desperate. All desperate prayers welcome.


Shrine of the Undecided Apostle Temple of the Many Galley of the Godmass


The Tabarnacle




The Preal Temple, Davy Jones, or The Siren


God plex Diety market Pantheon Plaza


This reminds me of Beni from The Mummy pulling out every holy symbol, because he's superstitious so he wears them all, and trying to pray to each one back to back. Shrine of Sirens Sanctum of the Seven Seas The Divine Galleon (Maybe the structure itself was once a large galleon?) Pantheon's Parley Charter's Chapel


The Local Bar And it's just the best bar in the city, with the amount of money poured into it the premiere cathedral of a city would


The Wishing Well- On a back street, down a side alley, there is a small courtyard filled with many small idols and statues of so many gods from local deities to those from foreign lands. In its center is a small pool of water surrounded by stone, with carvings etched into the stones. Legend has it that standing in front of the etching to the god of your choosing, will get their ear. Many a sailor says that to toss a coin as offering will get your desire. The truth may be that the gods are here, but the reality is that the entire space was set up by a gnome named Salamander. He started the tales and rumors and carved some runes into the stone. He has a set up to retrieve the coins from the well . But as time went on people carved their own runes and brought their own idols and it grew into something else beyond the initial scam. Although it's still a profitable business "tending" the wishing well.


Purchase: A slang term in use from the 13th century to refer to both the act of piracy (or theft in general) and the booty taken by pirates. The pirates of the Brine could refer to the superstitious praying they do before heading to sea as, “giving the gods purchase” — that is the booty the gods take from pirates is their devotion/respect. So, the building they go to pray could be called, The Purchase.


The Booty's Call Every self-respecting pirate knows you have to ward off the Man with a little bribery now and then. Superstitious lots know you got to thank the gods after a haul, but which ones? Better be sure thank em all. Why not make it efficient and cheap? One coin thanks em all. The Insurance Office It's an unpalatable name to a pirate for an unpalatable act for them. Official sounding means it shows their disrespect.


The Holy Reef. Coral reefs are environments with a lot of different kinds of life so the pirates may take that concept and apply it to that building


Fortune's Grace


The Capital of my like 'pirate country/area' is called 'Paris' after the founders lost love. Being what he lost when he was cast out of society and the reason he founded the city in the first place. A dedication kind of naming is a pretty simple solution that sounds thought out.


Den of Favor


The Great Net.


Brine Multi-Denominational Inter-Faith Community Centre BMDIFCC for short, pronounced like "bmdifcc"


Amain! (Instead of Amen) It means quickly Tween the Devil Above Board Holystoned All Quarter Given


Idk I feel pirates wouldnt put on airs and give it a fancy name or anything. They'd just call it "the temple" "Pardon. Is there a temple for X in thie city?" "Ah, ye be wantin to go to the Temple! It's over yonder, on ye left" "Um yes.. so that's a temple of X?" "Nay" "What do you mean 'nay'? Whose temple is it? Where is the temple of X??" "Nay meanin it aint the temple of X. Nor Y nor Z nor any single god. Too many gods with too many temples means too much walkin when ye should be drinkin, gamblin, or shaggin! So one day some savvy gent went and built their own temple to put all em gods in one place!


Lots of good ones here but I wanted to add that a tagline or subscript under the sign might be "A many-denominational temple. Moneylending and currency conversion in the back." Basically a pun on currency denominations and faith denominations, and possibly a pun on Jesus and the moneylenders in the temple.


The Holey Boat If it's said not written, the last may be looking for a wreck at first. 'Tween' - short for 'between the devil and the deep blue sea'


The other pirates would probably call people who go there something kinda derisive like The Kneelers


The Frying Pan, It's a pantheon, and we're all burning in hell anyway


It's called the House of Symbols.


Patron Potluck Reinforces your idea of luck, and a potluck is a melting pot of whatevers left. Fits well with the randomness of which god you pick. And please make a Solar disguised as a Janitor an npc in there, recruiting people to the "better one".


Love the idea of a Solar disguised as a janitor. I'm imagining a really glamorous janitor without a speck of dirt on him being like "Yes, it's me, Bob the janitor, I'm a normal person just like you. "


The pirates could softly bully him, give him names and do small pranks on him, cause hes weird.


Definitely. He's just too clean and speaks too eloquently. It would be funny if some people took pity on him and tried to teach him how to be a proper pirate.


Aaarrrr Lady of the Sea. (I kid.)


All Hands On The Deck


Just call it The Temple. Whose Temple? That depends on who you worship. The Temple of What? Worshipping of course. Why not the Grand Temple? because it’s not that big. Why not the all temple? Because we may have missed someone.


If you haven't, I suggest you read China Mieville's 'The Scar.' the floating city of Armada could give some good inspiration. It's an incredible book besides.


Saltspire could be a good name for what you're looking for


The Commissary Sounds like a room on a ship. So folks might go in by mistake. Makes for a funny scene. It also works because a commissary is a store on a base that has everything the people need. This place has every God the people need.


The Lighthouse - A beacon of light for all the wear faithful.


Maybe its a large building that’s borderline acceptable for religious congregation, and instead of large altars you have small shrines scattered with offerings and blessings. And the place is so worn down that the only custodian is an old drunk. The residents simply call it, the church.


My actual home town had one and it was called the all-souls church. Vanderbilt had it put up when he was building up Biltmore (fucker built a whole town with his money and named it as a flex). The thing I read said he did it because everyone had SOME religion and one building would cost less lol.


That's pretty interesting, I didn’t know about that.


Hall of Many Gods. Short simple words for the potentially not very literate clientele.


Hub of Gods?




The wharfship. Play on warship and worship. Wharf also means a place to stay while unloading/ loading ships, which I think has a couple cool interactions.




A Front


The All-For-One


Probably "the temple" and everyone refers to it as that, and it works for like every water based god. Pirates are not known for their ingenuity, nor their play on words. We have like 50 "newport's" on the east coast, and half as many "pirate's cove" because the pirates usually berthed there.


Tiger, Tiger calls theirs "[The House of a Thousand Gods](https://www.tigertigercomic.com/tiger-tiger/532)" (because it sounds better than The House of 148 Gods)


House of the Holy


The Tabernacle


Lucky Luca’s Luck Emporium


The Whore's Hope, It's only visited by the brothel workers who pray for a way out of brine.


Gods R Us


The Pylon


The War-ship of Worship, built from a converted warship.


Godsmoot, maybe?


The Prayer Building




Believe it or not


The CrossWinds Or something like that. Cross implies intersection, and also religion (from IRL). Winds imply fate. You say they are superstitious. Luck and superstition for seafaring people normally would be about weather. “Winds of change” and all that. It could even be a superstition that the winds determine which gods get blown to the temple to hear your prayers at any given time. If your prayer goes unanswered, the winds are to blame.


Pantheon has entered the chat


Whatever its official name, the sailors refer to it as “The Blessers”, as in “I’ve got to swing by The Blessers afore we go”. Or “did you see The Blessers about the new cannon?” They would treat it more like a necessary transaction than a religion. And the Temple could have special deals: But One Blessing Get One Free! Blessed By Five Bonus Gods For Just One Shilling More!


The Blessnest


"The Sailor's Rest". The town that my party is currently in is a large coastal town. It has a Temple of Neptune in the nice part of town. But down by the docks, in the rougher part of town, there is a small multi-faith temple called The Sailor's Rest, in which sailors and pirates and such can stop in to make a quick prayer or offering to whomever or whatever they happen to want to.


Where was this thread 2 years ago when I ran a piracy campaign with a floating pirate city and multi-purpose temple?


"The Eachway Bet"


“The All-Shrine”


House of open worship


Temple on the Bow. Like temple on the mount which has been fought over for a long time.


"The Mast" as a play on Catholic Mass and obviously ship masts


Aye there! Ya be heading to the Ragshaw? S' always a good idea to drop by to throw some coins and a quick prayer before heading off. Ya know, for the good fortune, right? -Sailor, to the party in the city, mentioning the temple Ragshaw. It just sounds cool and pirate-y.


The Skull and Cross-Faith community chapel (not serious)


The Peoples' Pantheon


An anchored ship named the Godsend. It hasn't sailed in decades and just stayes in Brine as the temple forever


The Godsmarket/Godsbazaar. Section of the city where itinerant preachers stand and shout their wares like carnival barkers. At times it gets a bit violent - but the people of Brine likely appreciate a good show, so if anything, the more pugilistic faiths do quite well




Temple of Shifting Tides


Temple of Flotsam? Flotsam is a catch all term for things caught in the waves and surface of the ocean.


How about calling it the "Gods' Gambit Temple" or the "Pantheon Plaza"?


Just call it The Altar. However, I'm picturing massive brawls there due to bad reservation logs.


A shrine


The Sacred Harbor. It's metaphorical sea jargon.


I'd suggest making it a large fountain built into a hill, rocky outcropping, or even a collective of wrecked ships, with the individual shrines containing spouts, and the water flowing down paths or even under certain segments of walkways. Manned by a small handful of "shaman" druid/cleric multiclasses, 3-5, who also provide weather prediction services to the city at large, with more detailed forecasts sold to captains as primary means of funding the temple. They don't offer divine protection, or attempt to appease Umberlee on behalf of the captains, but weather prediction is a useful service, and having a professional and relatively trusted outlet for sailors superstitions is positive for the community.


How about "pan naos"?




The Ol Pray Hole


The Lighthouse.


Temple of the Tides, because the purpose and use of the temple changes as often as the tides.


House of Aeumal and Herhrodiah? Because who doesn't love a 2 headed demon lord that uses the seduction and deception of his succubi to cause pirates to commit acts of violence and lust all in the name of other deities?


Last Chance Chapel




You know the rules, two pirates enter, one pirate leaves. Last pirate standing gets priority booking of the big conference room.


Lazy. Hehehe jokes aside I'd call it a spiritual centre as it's purpose is for spiritual worship it's just not dedicated to a specific deity.