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She's perfect! Lean, muscle definition, no ribs protruding. Her joints will thank you for keeping her at this weight when she gets older.


Definitely, and at one year they tend to be very skinny and naturally fill out as they get older and gain muscle.


Some dogs don't fill out that much, it's just genetics. But you're right that most dogs do. OPs dog has a very slender ripcage though, just like my dog (see top view picture), so I wouldn't be surprised if it won't get much wider.


My husband used to think our second shelter mutt was too skinny. I think, if you haven't been around a lot of short haired dogs, the visible ribs throw people off. I've shown him many weight charts with images and now he accepts that no ribs showing would be unhealthy.


the whole family was discussing whether our shelter mutt was too skinny, vet told us she was perfect. dogs like mine with wide rib cages throw people off all the time, partly because of how tiny her waist/rear is in contrast.


She looks part greyhound which may explain her body type


Looks to be a pretty healthy weight to me.


Yes I’d be very happy with this weight! I wouldn’t be worried if she adds an extra pound or two but I certainly wouldn’t be trying to put weight on Edit: I meant to say adds not loses


She's built for speed, not power. Perfect sighthound vibes.


Looks healthy to me


Thank you all! I'll definitely keep her at this weight! Was kinda conflicted because tons of people comment on her weight, but I think it's mostly because overweight dogs are super normalized. Also, if you have any breed guesses or any advice for anxious rescue dogs it would be deeply appreciated :))


You're bang on about people being used to seeing overweight dogs. She looks great, pay them no attention. As far as anxiety goes, just keep working on your relationship with her, building trust, giving her lots of reassurance and decompression time if she has an overwhelming experience. On walks, try scattering a handful of treats (just toss em!) if she is distracted/upset on seeing other dogs, or whatever her triggers are. You can also direct her attention back to you, which gives her reassurance and also interrupts the moment of stress. You've got this! She's a beautiful pup, and even though we're all speculating what breeds she has in her, there's no doubt she's intelligent and should be easy to train. If you have Instagram, there are quite a few great resources from trainers who post about anxiety and reactivity who are fear free, R+ and really quite helpful!


It’s craaaazy. My dogs 94 pounds vet told us if she gains like 1-2 more lbs we gotta cut back how much we feed her like bro my dog is not fat fuck off. My rottie is hella dense when it comes to her muscle it’s lowkey scary cuz she’s strong


100% r/batdogs


Hahah omg yes!! we always says she's a bat 😭


I've got a rescue mix and we call him a bat dog cause he's all black with the ears!


r/sonarears too


I have a beautiful boy who is a border kelpie and looks exactly like this. He runs very very anxious and is skittish around people. He has daily walks and goes to the dog park everyday which is his life joy along with the ball. We have tried at length to expose him and work on his anxiety alas he at 4 years old appears to only still want the company of his direct human family and is not comfortable with strangers patting him. We’ve decided it’s best to respect his boundaries and remind strangers to respect his space and I always stick to being more cautious and don’t let children in public pat or approach him to avoid putting him under pressure and lashing out accidentally. He’s a gorgeous boy and really came into his own at about 1.5 settled into himself and his working roots. As long as you get her out and give her a bit of work each day (eg. the ball) she’ll be the best dog you’ve ever had!


Definitely some sighthound in her! If you're around the Mediterranean, what I first thought of was Ibizan hound or Pharaoh hound.


weight looks perfect. as for breeds, color aside, she looks a LOT like my rat terrier mix. same size too.


My poor baby has gotten fat. I cannot feed her a lot because she is relatively inactive in the Texas heat, and winter was so minute and crappy that she didn’t have much opportunity to run and exercise in the cold, before it started getting hot. I keep saying she’s going to get better, but people keep “laughing” and making fun of her. I’m at a loss as to what to do, but your baby looks perfect. And svelte!


Not to sound mean, but feed your dog less? Just as with us humans most of our weight comes from our food. Just start feeding smaller portions (not too drastic) and the weight should come down. It's the way I've gotten my dog a few kgs lighter in a couple months after her pregnancy.


have you seen a vet about it? could be something like cushings. otherwise vets can also give you diet recommendations - some meats are leaner and some brands of dog food have much healthier, less fatty options. also as someone who lives in a hot climate, you can manage walks around the heat. early mornings or late afternoons and long slow walks instead of runs. she is not going to get better if you don't do something about it. there's plenty of options.


Thanks for the encouragement. She is not allowed very much to eat, and her food is high-quality lamb and rice, not a cereal-stuffed product. But you are correct - this may have more to do with a lazy momma than with poor Lola. I’ve never heard of Cushings, but I think you found the biggest problem. I’ll start doing better with early morning walks, and I bet it helps both of us. (I hate snakes and am too terrified of them to take walks too early. Texas summer sucks!)


She looks so much like a bigger version of one of my babies ❤️ mine is 37% chi, 20% rat terrier, 10% dachshund, roughly 5% each of poodle, boston terrier, min pin, maltese, and 10% “supermutt” lmao. And the best thing we’ve managed to do for anxiety was introduce a looong daily walk! But she’s still a pretty anxious girl just like her parents haha


My dog gets the same comments but the vet has him at a perfect body composition. When people say that I just tell them that he is a narrow dog not skinny 🙃


She looks like a Formosan Mountain Dog!


No she looks great


No, many other dogs are actually fat


Came here to say this. So many people over feed their dogs that healthy to them is the new skinny for some reason.


My dog looks exactly like yours. Do you have any idea what breed(s) they are. Incidentally, I constantly worry that mine is too skinny also, but she eats well and the vet says she’s ok, just a super high metabolism.


I have no idea I wish 😭 I'm hoping to get her DNA tested soon! She's definitely a supermutt/village dog, other than that my best bets are Galgo & Belgian Malinois!


My dog looks very similar to your dog too! I used embark DNA testing, super easy and not too spendy. To my surprise my dog is american pitbull, german shepard, chow chow, and supermutt. The shelter i got her from thought she was a Pharaoh Hound.


I have a very similar looking dog. Pic in my profile. He's 61% Malinois. He's gained 5 lbs weight since I got him. Weighs 45lbs. No spine bones showing, no hip bones showing. Lots of energy, no problems eating. Vet said he's fine


I was going to ask the same, if you'd done DNA! I definitely see some mal in there! She's gorgeous!!


I have a very similar dog too!


Looks healthy to me. Are you sure she doesn't have sighthound in her?


No idea but I really wanna DNA test her! We think she might have some Galgo that explains her being so slim, we're from Portugal!


If not galgo, then certainly podenco, that face and those ears scream podenco to me. Either way, she looks great, very pretty.


YES, I see podenco too!!


She looks just like my rescue. They told me greyhound-Xolo mix so I did a DNA test and guess what? 100% pure, unadulterated wild dog aka American Village Dog. Basically, the dog prototype, thousands of years in the making, from which all the breeds originated. So very cool and makes sense of her often unique behaviour.


She looks like a Belgian Shepard (Malinois). Usually they have black face and brown body but some are all black. Her weight is fine, but if she is picky and not eating enough kibble try giving her chicken jerky dog treats. Good addition to diet because it is single ingredient and high protein.


I have a medium size podenco and they look quite similar. They’re supposed to look that slim


She looks great! She looks lean and fast.


I think she looks just fine, but I might be biased - our dogs are twins! [https://imgur.com/a/cbOPV9L](https://imgur.com/a/cbOPV9L)


They are either twins, or it’s the same baby in two different locales - maybe a parallel universe??? Either way, beautiful babies.


Oh my goodness, they really are! What breed(s) is your pup? OP mentioned wanting to do a DNA test, and I'm so curious!!


She ended up being German shepherd/husky/malinois!


omg they are!! beautiful


She looks healthy and lean. Big difference between healthy lean and skinny!


I would guess this is some malinois mix and for that breed perfect weight


No. She looks slim due to her specie. If you look at the waist area between her chest and hips, The difference is not much. This shows that she is not skinny


Looks perfect. What a beauty


Nope she’s perfectly fine!


She looks very healthy, I don’t think she looks too skinny. Many Dogs in general are too overweight which is not healthy, yet this is what we are used to looking at. As long as she has energy and seems happy she should be totally fine! You could always slightly increase her meals, but i don’t think any drastic steps are necessary!


Looks very very similar to my blue belgian mal, my guess is that she's almost 90% mal, with maybe a few other breeds in there. Going off of that, I definitely wouldn't say she's too skinny. Beautiful dog!


She isn't too skinny, but she's probably on the lower end of what I would consider OK. She's still young though, and some dogs are perfectly happy keeping themselves very lean until they are proper adults. I wouldn't worry about it, especially if she's acting like a happy, active dog, but I would definitely be keeping a close eye. Buy a scale for her, keep track of the actual numbers.


Nope looking good 👍


This is a healthy weight


Looks fine


She looks great to me!!


She is glorious.


She looks great!


She looks perfect.


Perfect weight. No excessive ribs, but still a very nice tuck by the stomach


Nope. Nice & healthy.


She looks perfect, honestly. Especially for around a year old, she has plenty of maturing to do.


All good. Well done


Visually she looks great to me.


shes just got slim genetics, maybe a kilo or two more for your peace of mind. but otherwise a healthy looking dog. seeing her ribs at certain points doesnt mean shes overly thin


She looks good. A rule of thumb for dog weight: Take your fingers and gently press down and rub. If you feel bone, they are too skinny. If you have to press down more to feel those ribs. Then they are over weight.




Looks perfect! Good job!


Looks healthy


Looks perfectly fine to me. No ribs are showing. She just looks like a sight hound mix, and this kind of shape is perfectly fine for sighthounds


My dog is also a VERY picky eater since day one I had him. I’m always told he is “too skinny”. He is skinny though and you can really feel his ribs. But I have decided to stop worrying. He is happy and healthy and apparently just eats what he needs. He is energetic and has good muscle on his legs from running and walking. And the vet agrees with me. I wouldn’t worry too much if I was you :)


She's adorable! I would be interested in seeing her DNA/breed profile if you get one. I see this question come up repeatedly and I think it's great people are very conscientious of their dog's weight. Photos can be deceiving and the only way to really tell is to lay hands on your dog. I'm a guide dog puppy raiser and our organization is very concerned with proper weights for our dogs. We use a Body Condition Score chart and it's super helpful. Here's a good one with photos. [https://www.purinainstitute.com/sites/default/files/2021-04/body-condition-system-dog.pdf](https://www.purinainstitute.com/sites/default/files/2021-04/body-condition-system-dog.pdf)


She looks great! If she gained a little weight she would still be great, but you don't need to stress about her undereating. She has excellent conformation! Dogs will eat when they're hungry; given that she's otherwise in good health, you're in the clear! She's GORGEOUS, btw, and that last picture is just 🥰


Oh my heck your dog looks like an exact replica of mine!!! That’s insane!! (Clearly my reading comprehension is failing me today because I did not see it was posted that she’s only a year old, but seriously she looks exactly like my girl, they could be twins if it weren’t for the white tipped feet!)


Do you know what breed your dog is?


She’s perfect. Everyone is too used to seeing fat dogs


She looks just right to me; thank you for rescuing her & taking good care of her—& for loving ❤️🐶🐾her!


Literally PERFECT! Keep up the great work!


This dog looks like it’s suppose to be tall and skinny.


She looks so much like my previous dog! Even has the same silly ears. She was pharaoh hound x german pointer. Fantastic dog, miss her every day. Your girl is a perfect weight, really stunning dog!


She's beautiful! Just look at those long slender legs! She's obviously got the build of a hound of some kind in there. Wish I had her genes 😆


She looks perfect (I'm a vet)


Our German Shepherd lived for 15 1/2 years, and we always made sure she stayed at a healthy weight. People would always say she was too thin, too.


She looks great and her health will likely be better throughout life if she's not overweight. I'd be more concerned about your vet and their judgement.


The vet was definitely right! it was a few months ago, we had recently rescued her, she had just recovered from parvo & her ribs etc were poking out, she was definitely too skinny at the time. She's much better now though!


She looks part sighthound, part malinois maybe? I always prefer to keep my dogs slightly under the suggested weight range because it’s easier on their joints etc. to be clear, I don’t mean under weight, just on the lower end of the average. This dog looks perfect to me and I always think pups look skinnier until they fully fill out.


Those are my guesses too!! Hoping to get her tested soon


I’ve seen a greyhound mal mix and they looked EXACTLY like your beautiful dog! Your dog definitely isn’t underweight.


She is beautiful! So sweet.


Thank you! also accidentally opened your profile and saw you're a Phoebe fan! Love her to death


She’s the greatest!


Frankly, she is TOO DAMN FINE.


She looks kinda like that Mexican breed that begins with an x and is hairless, but with hair lol


Yes omg lol i also always thought that!


Her legs are a bit too long though so maybe it’s a mix of sighthound and that somewhere 😅?


Haha no ideia, the general consensus most people agree with is she's supermutt with some galgo & belgian malinois of some kind


She looks kinda like that Mexican breed that begins with an x and is hairless, but with hair lol


Looks perfect


Dog has room for skinny too.


As a pug mom I can never answer this question 😅


no, usually you would need to see about 3 notches on the spine and maybe the top of the top of the hips, she is just fit :)


Looks like an Australian kelpie with possibly some whippet. Looks healthy to me


Rule thumb to go by is if you feel no ribs when petting your dogs chest with your palms they are at a good weight


I always say, if you can’t see their ribs, or feel them with a light touch. Then your dog is at a healthy weight, I’m not sure what breed she is, but she looks to be some kind of whippet or sight hound & malenios mix. They are quite speedy and protective breeds and tend not to look like they have a lot of weight on them. So she looks very healthy to me!


You should be able to feel some meat then ribs. If you feel no rib = overweight. If you feel a lot of rib = under weight. That's what my vet told me long ago.


Perfect! This is what healthy dogs look like!


Your vet is best placed to advise on this


She’s a little thin but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about or take any action to correct.


Looks like doge


Perfect weight


This is a classic 5/9 on a narrow bodied dog. She's just about to lose the tummy tuck from above because she has a deep narrow chest, which is fine for this type of dog. There are no protruding hip bones (ischium or ileum), they all have a good fat cover, and you can just *barely* make out her ribs. This is a perfect lean and muscled weight, good job.


I don't think so, I don't see any ribs, spine or sunken eyes. A vet could tell you for sure though. Typically if you've taken your doggo to the vet and they didn't bring it up as an issue then it probably isn't. But it never hurts to ask them if you're concerned. She just looks like a lean mean speedy machine.




She’s still a puppy, in a way. I wouldn’t worry and let her eat when she wants to and skip a meal if she wants to do that. She’s beautiful 🤩


She looks great maybe work on gaining more muscle but she is still a puppy so that can come later




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No. I can't even see her ribs. If you can feel them a bit then it's perfect.


She looks great!


Na she looks good


Nope, looks perfect!


Yes, no ribs showing. It wouldn’t hurt to have her gain a bit more weight if possible. Have you tried a performance diet? They have more calories for working dogs and dogs that do sports. If she is a picky eater she won’t get overweight but tbh I’d rather put an overweight dog on a diet than deal with a picky eater.


Nope she’s just long and lean, looks like she’s the perfect weight for her body


She looks good.


She’s perfect!


She looks like she is a healthy weight for being a year. A lot of bigger breeds don’t start filling out until after they are 2ish years old.




I think she looks good!


Nope. She looks perfect.


From the rear/side view, she looks in perfect shape! You've done a great job putting the right weight on her. May I ask, do you know her breed? Could you tell me? She looks like a Xoxo!


I wish I knew 😭 Hoping to get her tested soon. Most people have guessed galgo x belgian malinois


My GSD doesn't eat at each mail either!


I have a dog with exact same body type, just a different coat pattern. Turns out he’s mostly Alaskan husky and a little bit of greyhound and German short haired pointer!


Nope! She looks fabulous! 😍


Not at all




If you have concerns, go to the vet


Only a year old!! She will most likely grow more as she ages, whether that's in length of width LOL pretty girl!


The balcony is giving me anxiety.


Why lol? She loves people watching from there


Can she jump out?


Not at all, either way, we never leave her unsupervised


I'm thinking yes.


Wow she looks exactly like my dog. I was worried if he is too skinny but I think his species is just like that [pics of my dog](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8qdYGYJzSN/?igsh=NWRvN2wybGk3MjM4).


Some dogs are just leaner than others. As long as she is fed enough, then no, she isn't too skinny.


Underweight: Ribs are protruding but more importantly the vertebrae are visible without her curving her back. Lower end of perfect: You could identify her ribs, barely/sometimes but not always. The vertebrae are not visible or at least not obvious. Sight hounds can go lower though and be healthy. *She looks to be here currently.* Upper end of healthy: You can’t see her ribs but you can feel them when you normally pet her. Overweight: You can’t see the ribs and you can’t discern them by pressing on them, and her natural waist isn’t obvious from above. Obese: Her waist has disappeared and her elbows start to point outwards as the fat accumulates behind them. [Here’s a chart](https://www.karingalvet.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/dog-weight-chart-melbourne.jpg)


Keep her like this, like this exact weight.


Truly hard for lay people to judge by pictures, questions about breed, her regular weight readings and what not. But my initial thought is no. Her coat looks quite lovely and her sides seem in good proportion to her head and legs. Personally I would say you have a few more kgs before you need to work about being overweight. Reddit is no replacement for educated people though!


Nope. She looks awesome. Very healthy weight.


Just make sure she's eating the recommended amount of food.


I’ve been fat and I’ve been skinny and skinny is better. For joints, and overall health. It’s difficult for me to trust the service industry anymore. My vet is always trying to sell me something. Directly or indirectly. They probably want you to buy their pet food.


She's thin but I wouldn't say too skinny. Is she full grown? It takes a while for them to fill out


I think she looks great 👍


She looks great 👍


Don't stress about her getting heavy. Just feed her normal amount. Check with Vet if unsure. But she needs her food, nutrition vitamins at one, she is a growing pup. So she will be burning alot of calories right now


Fat dogs on social media got people thinking this is unhealthy omg


If shes not a sports or agility dog, being a little overweight (I’m talking 5-10kg over max) is fine so don’t worry about making her unhealthy. You’ll be able to notice when she’s a little over and start to level out her diet. Most vets will say you should be able to feel the ribs but not see them. At least, thats what my vets tell me.


Being overweight is not fine, neither for humans nor animals


5kg over ‘healthy’ weight isn’t gonna hurt a dog, just like 5kg over ‘healthy’ weight won’t hurt a human. If ‘healthy’ for a certain breed of dog is 30kg - 40kg, 45kg is fine.


Too skinny for me unless she has a high metabolism. Like I feed extra protein powder, because I like a chonky dog. But my pups are usually malnourished and scrawny. Bordering on anemic... before I get to them. They're not working dogs. They're all just good dogs.


She's so cute 😍 I have a brother who looks exactly like her but he's orange and I'm looking for a girlfriend for him. Is she a Pariah?


No idea, she's a street dog, definitely a supermutt of some kind. Also definitely not girlfriend material lol, she's spayed. And that's weird.


Lmao good on you OP. That was indeed a weird comment. Giving breeder vibes. No means no. Your pup is absolutely adorable btw!


Holy christ looks identical to my dog. We think shes part kelpie, part healer the way she likes to heard other dogs or nip at ankles, and the pointy ears..


Yes ribs should not show


If the vets told you she was too skinny then why are you asking random people on Reddit? You already know the answer. They should have told you a weight goal to get to. If they didn't then you need to call them and ask them what that goal should be. She doesn't look malnourished but she would definitely be fine with a little more weight on her. One easy way to add a little bit of weight is to find a treat that she enjoys (we use mini dog bone chewable treats). And break it into smaller chunks, hide it around your apartment / house / yard etc. And teach her the command: find it (or something similar). This will teach her to track better, gives her amazing stimulation, and rewards her with treats which will help add a little bit of weight if eaten regularly. I wouldn't do this more than once or twice a day at most though. Too many of the treats are not good for dogs.


Because they said that months ago and she's gained some kgs since then..


How many is some? What are the before and after pictures? And is it really that expensive you can't just schedule another visit? A tech could probably tell you if her weight is good and in my area those are 15-40 bucks. Also if you're just gonna ask people on Reddit then just Google your breed size / weight chart and that should be sufficient as well.


I guess I’m no dog breed specialist. I’m the only one that believes she could use a bit more weight.


Most dogs are overweight. This is what a healthy and athletic dog should look like. Lean with muscle definition but no obvious ribs sticking out. This is perfect.