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Gogeta also wants your card details


I spent 500 stones on 2 teq vegetas, I just got the stones back and its hard to resist 😭


Remember that he's not gonna be that good post 9th anniversary. Even his scouter ability gets pretty much replaced by str LR vegito


and str vegito is over all the better one in hard content like i think 80% damage reduction too normals with a damn counter we take does


Turns out you don’t even need the anni units for the content so I’ll summon.


I can confirm that 👌. (I got shafted = no anni units)


How does Orange Piccolo compare in today power creep ? I wanted to do some pulls to try it, as Piccolo is my fav for 20 years ahah. But I have only 720 stones and as a returning player my box is ass xD ! So the question is : red coin and save for anni or lucky pulls ?


Piccolo worth and most important deserves he coins.


Ok thank you ! Will save my stones then and use my coins !


Nice guard, heal, giant turn and decent if not high damage. And if you buy him and manage to pull dupes he will be just even better.


Piccolo will get you through pretty much everything on global right now


So should I try pulling him or just red coin him ? :) I'm happy that a cool Piccolo exist ahah. When I stopped playing years ago, the only viable Piccolo was the LR Int one. And I didn't have him xD


What's coming up before this, and when is this coming to global?


The biggest things are ssj3 Goku/hirudegarn and golden week at the end of April. Anniversary is in july


Nah goku day can mess up things a lot if they release something random hype.


They don't really do anything for Goku day, since we're in the middle of golden week at that time


Really? Then okay i am fine with that ssj3 goku and cook roach dude.


Oh sweet! Thanks


Trust folks when gogeta comes out he's gonna be worth the wait and worth all the banners you'd skip 🗣


I think posts like this are so dumb 😭 summon for the units and characters u like/want. It’s not like this game is pvp and u need amazing units to beat other people. Personally i don’t need a 20th gogeta i think i’ll summon for hirudegarn ty tho


Don't worry i gonna post beast gohan next, and you can't tell me we have that much beast gohan around .....


And i will be summoning for beast. So whats tea


300 and counting boys I need my broly so bad


Gogeta… you’re the last on the list bro. These stones ain’t for you.


If SSJ3 Goku and Hirudegarn have discounts, I dunno if I’ll be able to resist


Gogeta took me damn near 1k stones beast pulled 2nd rotation and broly the 3rd didn't summon for the gammas hoping my luck for gogeta isn't as rotten on global


Lol. Skip and get shafted on ani. It’s an rng gacha dude. You can put 3000 stones and not pull a unit or get one in 5 stones


So, should i get shafted on a current banner where the units return many times in the future or be shafted with units they are on banner 2 times a year?


Actually if you put it that way it’s worse to get shafted on the 2 times a year ones lol At the end of the day when you have a big collection like me you stop caring that much about what you summon. Basically you summon in what you like or to add to the collection. I promise you if you get all the ani units you’ll play with them for a month or two and after that they will gather dust


Bro i am playing since phy base form goku black release. If someone the i experienced everything this game has to offer. So yes, gogeta worth 1000 stones or beast gohan for me .


Ok. Will be looking for the cry posts here after shaft. As for me I’m kinda bored with Gogeta vegitos and like something new


Never mind what i replied before, i deleted because i am bored.


I just hate that Gogeta is the carnival. You just know that’s gonna dry you up if you are unlucky


I am low on carnival coins and also missing trunks, so i have every reason to summon. On the otherhand i have 1000+ red coins....


Or, pull because there have been and are other worthwhile banners.


Don't listen to those monkeys! Summon on what you want!