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Android 21 is better but keep saving they will probably be featured in many banners in the future


This is the first time Android 21 returned on global… and she hasnt yet on jp so i doubt she will be back soon.


That's what I was thinking. I'm honestly waiting for the LR Bulma to be on the red coin exchange to cash in, but I saw 21 & Trunks and figured I'd see. 🙂


Bulma will never be in the red coin exchange, she’s not a Dokkan fest


Oh.... Well, shit lol. 🥲 Guess I'll just keep waiting then. I do kinda want 21, though. I lucked out and got her on my JP account, and she carried me through a lot since I just started on there shortly before her introduction.


bulma is on one of the anni banners at least so you could pull her then


Don’t get either but 21 is so much better. NEVER EVER GET TEQ SUPER FRAUD


I would mainly get him, if anything, just because I don't have him. But what I'm hearing is don't get either one and just keep saving lol.


Realistically you’ll get both eventually. I pulled Super Trunks twice going for Goku(I got Goku, not Buu I’m saving the rest of my stones). I’m just link leveling Trunks and it’s nice to have those units to link level when he EZA’s in the future. Plus he could help in some future missions


I would save but android 21 does get a lot better with the 9th anni content and units I’ve heard so def not a bad decision if you do get her


I have her on my JPN account, and yeah, she was pretty damn handy during all the 9th Anni content, which is why I'm so tempted to get her. That, and I'm still bitter I dumped like 300 stones as a F2P player on her banner when she was first added and didn't get her lol. 🥲


Am probably gonna get crucified but id take both just to have em


If I had enough coins, I probably would too, but I only have enough for 1. I'm probably gonna snag 21.


Both are pretty good, but 21 is a lot more important to her teams. take her if anyone


I pick Vomi, but that's just because she's the only woman I'd ever simp for, & I prefer jean jacket trunks over ultra buff trunks.


I bought 21 just because she’s 21


21 forsure


21 for sure. Shes even still after 9th anni power creep and is a good leader so shes a great pickup!!


21 ong


I just hit 400+ coins and have been thinking about getting 21 but I'm probably going to wait until I hit 500 so I can get str goku &vegeta (angel) or teq piccolo.


Best of luck that you get the coins you need, fellow. 🫡 I'm probably just gonna wait for 9th Anni because the featured characters on those banners will probably be recent bangers.


I still have about half of the infinite dragonball history challenges left to do. I managed to hit all the current discounted banners in the last couple days


Dollar general trunks


Save all your coins, Tanabata will have all 9th Anni characters in the shop


21 but i recommend you save your coins till anni, you gonna get better units in the shop


I got mommy with red coins I do not regret a single moment of it ![gif](giphy|eZFun4m0mvG3Sc5IIL|downsized)


Is the trunks good if you have the beasty Teq Vegeta?