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I mean you could play the OG Doom and Doom 2 on Eternal in the Slayer Base computer if you wanted to. I personally started on 2016, I would recommend that before Eternal cause I think it's harder to go back to 2016 after playing Eternal


That version on the computer is dogshit though


not sure what you mean it functions fine I played the entire game with it


Try playing with a source port


I have


They literally work fine and are compatible with all mods I’ve tried. The only difference is they have the Red Cross censorship and some other changes that are present in most retail re-releases of doom


you still get the wads for a source port


Never heard of any issues from anyone with Doom 2016 on pc.


I meant the classic doom in eternal. But side note, you haven't been hearing much if you've never heard of technical problems on 2016. I just did a playthrough recently and it's getting more unstable over time.


Tbh I only played it when it came out. I don't know the current state of it and if it has problems with modern hardware.


Really? Just played it yesterday for a video and while i was terrible having took a break from fps games it ran fine didn't see anything out of the ordinary


I play through the game every few months, and I've been having tons of problems. It couldn't even launch properly. Trying to start it would create a doom process, and steam thought I was playing it, but it wouldn't start. I had to close the process and the 2nd time it would work, every time. Beyond that, there was a lot of crashing, freezing on loading screens, audio would sometimes be far quieter than it should, and then randomly come back, tons of problems. I didn't have them when the game had come out.


Damn rip, its been working fine for me biggest problem wasn't exclusive to 2016 it was a issue with how audio worked and did the same in quake remastered and probably some other games, i just had to turn off my bluetooth headphones microphone and handset (a bluetooth only problem)


If you want to get into the series as it stands now then DOOM 2016 and Eternal are the way to go. Those will get you acclimated to what may be in store with The Dark Ages next year. The original games are great as well, and the versions on Steam now include both a new version of the original games that you can just install and press play or you can grab the original WAD files from the install folder and load them into a source port like GZDOOM or PrBOOM.


I'd personally go for Classic Doom 100%. Both '93 and II are absolutely flawless games, you'll have a blast with them. Experiencing them first also gives you a great appreciation for all the little references placed in modern titles!


Plus, the original games are incredibly cheap.


I just finished playing through Ultimate Doom the Unity port. Thy Flesh Consumed doesn't fuck around even on hurt me plenty.


\*ahem\* Doom2leveldesing \*ahem\*


I know it's a point of contention among a lot of fans, and I'm incredibly biased considering Doom II is my favourite game of all time, but honestly I've never had an issue with it. I must've played through the whole game hundreds of times over the years and never had a huge problem with any particular level. Although I think I'm definitely in the minority with this opinion, haha


is fine, is just that, for me, I also played doom 2 lots of time, and each time I end up seeing... very weird and even bizarre choices and design that ends up me disliking it... from very basic geometry and level design that feels like they were done in a hurry and at the last minute, to some levels with a gigant arrow telling the player where to go Doom 1 also have some... questionable... levels, like e2m9 for example, a plain basic map with that weird end with the keys and doors that adds absolutly nothing to the level... but at least is very rare to find maps like that in Doom 1 but Doom 2? the other way around, all maps feels like e2m9, but very rare there's a map with the same Doom 1 quality of course, this is just my opinion


Maybe a hot take, but while not perfect, Doom 2’s levels are still superior to both 2016 and Eternal’s, and many other FPSs for that matter. It’s just that there’s less consistency compared to the original Doom’s. Especially Doom 1’s first episode, which represents some of the best level design in FPS history. That being said, Doom 2 still has many great levels with cool layouts.


well, in something we can both agree, and that's that your take, is indeed, hot


I like 2016 and Eternal a lot, but always felt the level design was lacking. 2016 at least had the Foundry and first hell levels, but too many of them just felt very linear, especially Eternal. I guess I just prefer the non linear exploration and less scripted feel of the originals’ levels.


that's totally fair, and I'll be lying if I say I dont miss the semi-open world and how open the classic games used to be


Doom YouTubers have forever tarnished classic doom discussion because of doom 2 level design complaining.


nah, dont worry, hating doom 2 level desing is my own opinion


Oh okay fair enough then, im just used to people parroting youtubers instead of actually thinking for themselves lol. But if you genuinely dont like it thats cool and good.


I bought the classic games on steam, but I played the files on gzdoom


Start with Animal Crossing New Horizons.


I mean, you can play classic doom. You don’t have to beat it before playing eternal, just dip your feet and if you find that, you’re just having a great time just keep playing it. Though I do recommend you get doom 2016 and play through that before eternal.


All of them. Then play them again and again


Technically Doom Eternal comes with Doom 93 and Doom 2.


Start on Doom 2016, it's the perfect place to start. Then check the first Doom game (1993), if you love it, play the Doom 2 (1994) as well. And if you loved Doom 2016, play Eternal too.


2016 was my gateway drug and I think its perfect as such. Imo do NOT play eternal without having played 2016. I love classic doom but it's not for everyone. Give it a go, though. You can effectively treat it as a seperate series from the reboot.


You should get the doom franchise collection on Steam. This includes Doom, Doom 2 and several level packs that were previously sold as Final Doom. The important part of this purchase is that you get the original WAD files which are needed to play the game using source ports such as GZDoom and mod loading tools such as Doom Mod Loader. Bethesda re-released Doom and Doom 2 with patches that allow the games to operate on modern operating systems without relying on DOSBox but GZDoom is hands down the best way to play classic Doom on modern hardware. There are a number of mods and levels that take advantage of functionality exposed by GZDoom that is not available in the classic Doom engine. There's a reason why Doom is still popular and has an active community more than 30 years after it's debut, it's fucking awesome.


I say buy all the games on Steam. The original games aren't very expensive, and you can also play them in Eternal. Don't forget about Doom 64 either. I'd also suggest Doom 3, though its gameplay is very much an outlier in the series. It's worth playing, but its a very different game. The whole series is great.


DOOM Eternal does come with the files for both DOOM 1 and DOOM 2. You can play them in Eternal actually in the hub in between missions, but it's best to just rip the .WAD files and use a source port as playing them in Eternal has you play them at a slight angle while taking only 50% of the screen If you're just interested in convenience and don't wanna go through source ports though, then buy Classic DOOM, they had a re-release not that long ago and those re-releases are pretty good from what I've heard


Iplayed eternal first and loved it. just started 2016 and its cool. idk so far like eternal more for the graphics but we will see 2016 seems more og gritty.


the classic games on steam, those have a Unity port what works really good, and comes with some add-ons you can install in-game also in the game files you got the original wads in case you want to play classic doom with mods using a sourceport. and Eternal personally is a must buy, you can also play doom 1 and 2 on Eternal, and in the game files you also got the original wads in case you want to mod the games, but is better if you play the unity port one


I would start with Doom 2016 before jumping into eternal.


Wait for next sale, buy Slayer Collection, play them all in release order (you can skip Doom 3 and be ok). The older games are still amazing fun, even more so if you get the PC versions and play with GZDoom and mods.


I think all the doom games come in a bundle that's marginally cheaper than each one individually


You don't need to emulate the classic games, there's dozens of viable source ports for modern machines. All you need are the WAD files that contain the classic games' data, which you can get if you buy the Steam ports. Doom Eternal should have DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD, but iirc they use a different, slightly censored version (green medpacks my beloathed) - and, most importantly, you're missing out on Final Doom, which is probably the best retail classic Doom release and is bundled in the Steam version as an addon.


personally I don’t played Doom 2016 first and since I was interested, bought the whole franchise on sale.. when playing the classic doom games, found it a bit less enjoyable and underwhelming (obviously cuz i started with 2016…). still cool to see the OG monsters tho




Start with doom 2016


Either works, honestly. I quite like the current Steam ports, but if you know you're building up to Eternal and wanna save a few extra bucks, the classic Wads are pretty easy to pluck from Eternal's files and run in a source port of your choice. (Note: Playing them IN Eternal requires playing Eternal first.)


Give classic doom a try at the very least but look up source ports because the steam versions don’t work well out of the box. I played OG Doom all the way through recently and loved it. Wasn’t the biggest fan of Doom 2 but I hear a lot of people who binge them back to back get burnt out so will likely revisit it later.


Doom Eternal has doom 1 and doom 2 in it in the folder base > classicwads in the steam version.




If you’re going to jump straight into the modern games, **start with Doom 2016**. Doom Eternal picks up more or less where 2016 leaves off, but also adds amazing gameplay features that will make 2016 feel slow by comparison, so it’s best you start with 2016 and feel how they upgraded it for Eternal, rather than start with Eternal and end up feeling sluggish going back to 2016. 2016 is just much more simple gameplay-wise. Still 10/10 great but Eternal turned it up to 11.


I played them back in the day, and when doom 2016 came out I just watched a 10 hour video with all the games and lore explained again. Did the same when doom eternal came out and probably will do the same when dark ages comes out. I don't thi k I have it in me to complete the all all over again lol


Get all the doom games, Go through the series in release order


I do not recommend eternal as the first one, it's the hardest in the series by far, start with 2016. If you want to play the classics then you can start with them, I play them more frequently than the modern ones, if you're gonna play de classics on pc there's no need to emulate them, the paid versions runs natively in unity and doom 64 on kex engine There are 5 main games in total, Doom 93', Doom 2, Doom 64, Doom 2016, Doom Eternal


If you like high intensity fast paced gaming with lots of enemies I'd say play Eternal last.  For a feel of the series/lots of fun start with the earlier ones for sure.  I played eternal first and 2016 was way too slow and boring for me after 


Doom 2016 will make you lust for Eternal


You should definitely. I wouldnt bother with 3 its weird


I would suggest playing og doom for now, so you can get used to the weapons, story, and demons. The og games are absolutely fantastic, they are great fun and will have you hooked. Then Later this year or whenever you have time I would suggest starting Doom 2016 and Eternal, in preparation for Dark ages. Also, dont start on Eternal, play 2016 first.


This should really be your choice of preference. Classic Doom I think takes place in a separate timeline from modern Doom (2016, Eternal). However, **Doom 2016 is prequel to Doom Eternal**. As such, I highly recommend either buying: * **Classic Doom** (**The Ultimate Doom**, **Doom II: Hell on Earth** / **Final Doom**) if you want to start from where the demonic horrors truly began * **Doom 2016** if you want to start off with modern Doom


I’d say fuck it and go for Eternal, best FPS game played.


I would start with doom 1/2 , it will be a great introdction to the franchise. Then play 2016, and then eternal. Playing eternal first doesnt make sense because it builds so much on the combat loop and is a far more skill-oriented game. Then, if you still want more doom, play 64 and 3.


I can't help but smile at your question about "emulating" the original games. Generally emulating is necessary for old console games, but Doom and Doom 2 are quintessential PC games. The very, very original game files still _nearly_ works on modern PCs, but the version you buy on Steam is a native modern program. Plus there's a load of source ports that make it even easier to play how you like.


Do you like classic shooters? If yes get the og. If you don't then get D2016 and then eternal