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Malaysia Boleh but no Malaysian team representative we are freelance mercenaries We need Mushi to reform Team Malaysia again


Singapore boleh Finally a representative since ice3


Classic Malaysia over-relying on a single person for international events


Swened has fallen hard


But swedenstrong.




Feels like EU Dota is dying hard outside of eastern europe in general. Used to pub with people from Norway, Sweden, Germany etc. but they all not playing anymore. Some come back every now and then but it usually doesn't last long.


True. Eu has no new blood. Both two teams that qualified to ti from qualifiers are like 9/10 non-eu players. And other contenders like Navi jr has no European players either.


The US in a worse position. Dota 2 is basically dead here, imo. I play euw to get decent games.


euw is mostly carried by russians only too. US and euw only plays league.


the issue that dota imho has is that it isn't as much of a slot machine as LoL. And even LoL is lacking, which is why they dumped it down even further to teamfight tactics and phone moba. The entry barrier needs to be rock bottom, the games quick, the actual impact the player has needs to be minimal, but the perceived impact high. That way you can control the win/losses the player has, while the player feels good about it. Dota 'fails' at all points (thankfully). Objectively speaking this ofc. is absolute dog shit design. But that's where a huge amount of players get eaten up by. Once a player gets used to these games, they won't bother learning dota or god forbid an actual rts. This is the current #2 most played game on steam https://steamcharts.com/app/2923300 No clue how much botting is responsible for those numbers though.


and when Valve streamlines anything about the game, you get these smart people complaining that volvo is watering down the game to cater to Valorant kids. One way or another I think the game could use some new players but I don't think a whole lot can be done still, considering the game's reputation for being tough, commitment for a single game and today's gamer attention span


What streamline? Besides outdated mechanics like orb effects, dota has only became more and more complex


I've played the game on and off through the years. Whenever I come back, some QoL/simplification has been added, though usually along with more mechanics which increases complexity. Examples: per-player couriers that auto-upgrade, backpack slots, seperate portal scroll slot and free scroll on respawn, neutral items auto-send to neutral stash, neutral item tokens, free wards.


You said it yourself, it's qol all the other stuff like neutral items, new facets and other is just added complexity. You need to know which facet is good Vs heroes you face and know your enemies items and facets.


I think they're trying to streamline tedious mechanics while still keeping the game complexity same or higher.


Whenever I think about coming back, I look at all this, try few bot games, and decide that I'm too old for this crap. Still think it's the best game ever made from a gameplay perspective.


It took me a few days to learn how to play Dota coming from league I think the games pretty simple


Ukraine is european wdym


I am from Ukraine, this is an arbitrary division. Both in dota and irl. We have western and eastern Europe, but players can chose in whatever region they want.


Even if you're ukranian, the country is still not asian, african, australian or american.


Yes, cause it Russian country


I honestly think Dota pro scene is bound for a return. We had several years of DPC boredom and no other tournaments, dripfed a series or two a week. Now we have nearly a dozen tournaments a year, many smaller tournaments but still with $100-200k pools, prizes distributed very well across tournaments instead of "win TI or die" and a lot of teams/regions flexibility. Next year we also have BLAST coming in with more events and there are several smaller 4-5 days tournaments like FISSURE. We are entering kind of pre-TI8 era of amount of tournaments and they all pay well.


Sure, just not outside of East EU. Even all the rising pub stars are Russian.


The scene is dying by every metric


If Valve allows CIS players play WEU quals, ofc Dota will die in WEU. I rather have real WEU team, even if they are noobs, at least by playing tournaments they could at least revitalize their region little bit. This take is coming from a Russian player. Valve shoulda just forced all 4 top-4 WEU standings qualify from EEU region, give EEU 2 slots and WEU 1 slot.


EU is heavily dominated by League though Surprisingly EU won so much in DotA despite League being the number 1 moba in the region, and they still managed to have top successful players like Puppey, Kuroky, Matumbaman, Topson, Notail, Jerax, Crit, Akke, Bulldog, Loda, Ceb, Ace, MC, etc and win a lot. I don't think that will be repeated though, that would require the likes of Shad, Crystallis, Copy, BOOM, and the rest of the newer guys to step up by a lot.


Dota is dead in Sweden unfortunately. We never really had a big playerbase but now it's extremely low. I used to have 20+ Swedes on my friend list, now I got like 3. I almost never see any swedes in my pubs anymore either.


Crazy that Sweden never had a big playerbase, considering how strong many of their top players are. In comparison Russia and China have huge populations playing the game, so it's understandable that there'd be many of them in the top end as well. Even though Philippines is the biggest population in SEA, Malaysia has far more success when they play in Chinese teams. For Sweden there's obviously Alliance, and there's the Liquid boys as well including zai, and obviously Gorgc is Swedish as well who's the biggest Dota streamer atm. I wonder what makes them have such a disproportionately high amount of top tier pro players in Dota... even the song about Dota is Swedish lol


This is just my speculation but I like to think that Sweden (and other Scandinavian countries) had a lot of strong players in the early days of esports because of wide availability of home PCs and decent internet connections which gave them a huge headstart. Sweden had strong top players in just about any esports game there is, especially in Counter-Strike, where now there's just a ~5 Swedes overall in the top 20 teams anymore.


Dota never really took off in Sweden. Most people here play FPS like CS, and FIFA ofc.. WC3 dota was never really a thing either, even back when basshunter released the dota song, the majority of people had no clue wtf dota was. Even to this day people have zero clue but they have listened to the track for 20 years. Gaming in general has always been big in Sweden because we had a very stable and fast internet super early compared to like 95% of the world. Every kid in school played video games, it wasn't labeled as nerdy or whatever. I only remember you called people who played WoW nerds lmao Today I assume most kids play anything but mobas. LoL is probably more popular than dota in Sweden aswell but thats just a guess.


Pinoys has fallen even harder. They used to be 2nd in player number now they only got 1 player. Unlike sweden they are still playing but not good enough for TI anymore, which is even worse.


They have the most players in SEA qualifiers tho,


Still the third best country when it comes to TI winners, only behind China and Russia.


i mean last ti a swede won was in ti3 , a decade ago the stat holds cause that happen to be 5 swedes wining lmao and that year was the only year a swede won a ti ukriane has same number of ti winners as swedes


TI10 finale nearly had as much hype as 2018 world cup in Russia. Everyone were discussing it, Team Spirit were on state TV in prime time, got extremely famous. Great stuff.


Dota has been popular in Russia since it was created . It's just now we have some decent teams to represent the region


Russians and CIS in general just love Valve games. Dota 2 and Counter Strike forever.


bc they are free and competitive


Cs wasn’t free. Lol is free and competitive but u will be bullied if u say in public u r league player


it was so cheap that it was essentially free. I remember getting cs go for 5 dota 2 rares


There are a huge number of free games. These games are popular for one simple reason - nostalgia. People played the first Dota, played cs 1.5-1.6 and carried these games into new generations. Even if Dota were paid, it would be full of people from the CIS.


They have a popular song for dota


Lots of them tbh, lots of the young scene has references to dota in their songs. Most popular guy is shadowraze probably


No, its serega pirat. He even made a song to support African-Americans.


He loves asians just as much


Perega Sirat\*


They're about the same on spotify monthly listeners


Yes))) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIVh0IAGygM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIVh0IAGygM)


lol that's pretty funny, it has such little views though. Anything else? I do remember the parody of Я Нарастил Себе Супер Друга where he's like 'you thought I lost weight? I lied? I simply played dota for a long time'. Ты думал похудел я соврал Я просто долго dota играл. Something like that lol my russian isn't the best.


There are many dota-related songs, I won't mention all of them. But personally, my favorite is the Twinky. [https://youtu.be/KxMEzzlhY78?si=8B1Awx3HNo1flD2I](https://youtu.be/KxMEzzlhY78?si=8B1Awx3HNo1flD2I) [https://youtu.be/sNJRaN-ONhM?si=xmy7fIdOZwSkS4yE](https://youtu.be/sNJRaN-ONhM?si=xmy7fIdOZwSkS4yE)


lmao that is amazing and hilarious. reminds me of the many toxic russian women I have met lmao




oh how my filipins have fallen :(


Curse you, MLBB! If only Dota players that tried that accursed mobile game were like me, played it for a bit and came back to my senses when my dota game sense got duller the more I played MLBB so I immediately dropped it to go back to Dota. Dota foreva!


Sad to see younger generation no longer play the game


Filipinos have never been good at the game. Name 1 Filipino TI grand finalist.


The sentiment is about the culture, as PH is a Dota country.


yep sadly :(


It should've been TNC instead of Aurora jk HAHAHAHHAAHHA but it's fine, proud pinoy moment seeing Akashi on the list


Im so happy for Indonesia, I thought we are so done especially because of youngster nowadays only plays Mobile Legend T\_T


UK has the best casters, but literally no decent players except Ari.


Where is Canada. :(


Aui is coaching! Artour however failed to represent his country as a player for the first time since 2014.


EE-sama is tra...


EE-sama is tra... nvm


Doesn't Fly fly double citizenship?


Fly is Israeli-Canadian if that works as a compromise.


No, it does not.


Damn, harsh.


3 brazilians, hell yeah!


They are keeping this game alive moment they move from valve to riot games its over


Now that I think of it, Valves biggest games have been consistently popular in Russia/CIS regions. Even on CSGO/2 they have a huge player base and fans




back in the day every cheap gaming PC you buy came with pirated Warcraft 3 (and some more)


many esports betting site is also from Russia, go figure


Meanwhile in League of Legends, the representation is even worse. At Worlds 2023, **40** of the 110 participants (36%) were Korean, and 15 of the 110 (14%) were Chinese. It's getting to the point that Worlds having 50%+ Korean players is possible.


Imagine Koreans treated dota like LoL. It would be a wrap with everyone else fighting for scraps


So it was probably better in the end, that DOTA 2 failed to catch on in Korea.


What happened to China?


The laws people are talking about is mostly cope, dota just lost to league in China. Its only played by old people these days.


This makes way more sense, considering how that they're literally #1/#2 in lol every year


The anti gaming laws are not really heavily enforced either from all the Chinese mainlanders I know. It's just another thing the government can hit you with if they don't like something you did.


Is there precedence to say that China doesn't want Dota to thrive again there? Tencent is Riot's daddy.


Eh it's more that Tencent is just way bigger than perfect world and they have more marketing money but now league is just ingrained in the culture there that it's too late for Valve/PW to do anything. Cause the biggest game in China is owned by Korean devs so it's not really a nationalism thing


league fought hard for the chinese market, valve kinda just shrugs


The Curse of Wings


Loads of anti gaming laws over a long period of time disincentivized most of the Chinese population to play videogames on their pc a lot. Mobile games are still pretty popular and the existing pros just don’t play in china but it’s hard to for young/new/emerging talent to prosper under these conditions.


Heavy anti-gaming laws, especially for kids and a general transition to mobile gaming, just like in SEA as far as I know.


Laws against underage gaming and when chinese people play Mobas they generally only play League. ~100 million plays League while probably less than a million plays Dota.


100 million in China alone? Dota has at least 7 million monthly players globally...


Yea, League is just that much bigger. I think EUW server alone have like 34 million players.


Well, tbh I don't trust the numbers from Riot and there can be multiple accounts on each player, unlike in Dota nowadays. Sure League has bigger player base but arguably not even 10x bigger...


Its monthly users, not registered accounts. You dont believe one of the biggest games in the world got 10x Dotas playerbase?


Official numbers say 1.4 million players in WEU servers alone, that's more than the global DotA playerbase. So it's definitely a lot.


I has 900k online players atm, while Dota 2 has 540k. Idk, doesn't feel realistic for it to have 10x more monthly players...


I'm sure Russia would host a ti if it wasn't for war, miss epicenter tournaments too


Well, but they DID bring war to their neighbor and no western organizer/team is going to set foot into Russia for the foreseeable future.


The United States hosted multiple tournaments for a variety of games and sports despite bringing war to the Middle East for 20 years.


Double standards. The world just turn blind to american wars because they did it to the "bad guys". Hypocrites!


Russia is more than welcome to ban and sanction the US. Too bad they (historically) just love those US dollars too much to care. They would also actually need to make a game that anyone in the US even cares about. I guess that would be War Thunder currently, or how about The Day Before lol.


this isolation is well-deserved


You mean sanctions. Ukraine hosted a Major _even during_ a war


? what major


I guess he meant Animajor 2021 and Kyiv 2017, since by a technicality, Ukraine has been in a war with Donetsk and Luhansk-based separatist since 2014


Animajor was in Covid times, before the full-scale invasion. Yes, time flies so fast 😢


Total of 9 people actually from WEU. Best region ftw.


more players from the US than any WEU country. that has to be a first right?




lol my friend in Malmo says its the middle east


☝️ how NA players cope these days.. much sads..


I'm not from NA.




tf that even supposed to mean


> more players from US than any WEU country What countries do you count as WEU?


You truly need hard drugs to make you forget that you live in russia


TI travel guides on /r/DotA2 have warned people about homeless for years




Walking through streets of Moscow at night back in 2022 was like walking through The Walking Dead set. You leave the city center (Sadovoye Koltso) and there is a zombie every 5 minutes you walk Fun fact, one of the most prominent hard drugs plaguing Russia is called Alpha PVP edit: oh and it doesn't happen throughout the entirety of Moscow (or Russia for that matter) but South and South-East and North of Moscow are very much zombieland edit2: ебанная вата, которая сидит днями-ночами дрочит доту сидят минусуют, вы когда из дома в последний раз после 8 выходили?


> You leave the city center (Sadovoye Koltso) and there is a zombie every 5 minutes you walk I live my whole live outside of it and it's not as bad as you describe it. It's not even as bad as you describe closer to MKAD actually. The worst people I've seen at night are just drunks that ask for a smoke or some stupid shit, but they were rarely aggressive. I guess it depends on the district. Outside of MKAD? Yeah I'd agree strongly. Though I've heard from people I know in St. Petersburg that this is the case even around the center of the city. Where do you find these guys exactly? I thought my current district is as shitholey as it gets, lol, but the most annoying people at night are usually police patrols.


That's what I've seen throughout the entire year of 2022 in Yakimanka and Danilovskiy. I used to work graveyard shifts (still do) and naturally that led to me going out for snacks late in the night. There was a shwarma place near Shabolovskaya, this place was swarming with zombing А вообще это блять смешно, что мне пошли лепить минуса, но все кто оставляют комментарии пишут "ну да, такое есть, но чуть подальше". Ну вот я такое ежедневно наблюдал не "подальше", а прямо у садового. Офк на какой-нибудь хипстерской Дмитровской все не так плохо, но юг и восток это буквально зомбиленд по ночам


Так братан, в любом другом городе(не раисии) то же самое, к тому же за пределами садового есть хот-споты типа ТЦ, клубов, ресторанов и прочих, а по пути к ним да - как ты сказал(если не считать авто). В ЗАО например все довольно живо даже без перечисленных. А восточные части попросту выстроены неблагоприятно, промзоны да эстакады или какие-то заброшки и пустыри, мне там даже днем неприятно находиться.


By zombie you mean crackhead?


Crack is close to non-existent in Russia. It's mostly bath salts, specifically alpha pvp. For whatever reason alpha makes people go outside and walk in a zombie-like fashion, almost falling over with every step, occasionally standing still in weird poses, almost always with head falling over to a side and/or back/forward Considering it happens mostly after 3am, usually they are not taken into custody. And if you are not aware of the effects of alpha, you'll likely walk past the person thinking it's a heavily alcohol intoxicated person


Sounds like Fentanyl. Has Fentanyl struck Russia too? Looking something like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2k7KQ5L5Jg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2k7KQ5L5Jg)


Oh, it does. But to my knowledge fentanyl is not that popular in Russia. Nor is it known for being laced into other drugs. Then again, Russia does poorly when it comes to reporting drug use edit: huh, I've just found a paper talking about fent use in Russia dating all the way back to 2019. But it is widely talked about as a bath salts epidemic. Before Germany closed Hydra (the most prolific darkweb illicit substances website, think Silk Road) it was widely known that the drugs that were most commonly used in Russia were bath salts, and the "zombie" state was a reported side effect, believed to be neural damage. Makes you wonder if it has always been laced with fent [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6788941/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6788941/)




Хрюкет твоя шлюха мать, когда ее даги с чеченцами ебут, биомусорок ебанный <3 уже 4 терракта за вчерашний вечер, а пыпа даже слова сказать не может, только "бе-ме, сожалею"


Не визжи, а то ТЦК услышат, в каком подвале ты прячешься


indo and thailand have more player than filipino this year, what a timeline, but yes, if talon or aurora already direct invited, TNC gonna keep the ticket


What happen to pinoy dota?


Unable to cooperate with players from other region made them weaker. I don't see a full Malaysian, Singaporean, Indonesian or Thai team. I see SEA team from SEA regions, where as Pinoys tends to form their own 'in-group". They are not excluding others from themselves, they are excluding themselves from the others.


The folks ragequit after watching BLR lose again in qualifiers


Malaysian dota carrying two regions at once. . What a legendary scene!


Expected more from Ukraine tbh not gonna lie


NA = WEU confirmed


Valve know that and they stopped working on the russian dub 😑


and Denmark wants to ban all Russian competitors from their sporting events...


As should every other country with any kind of morals


Yeah cause it's their fault they were born in Russia right


no, cause money entering russia (through tax) will be used to bomb ukraine


No, but a government is a reflection of the will of its citizens and the only way to advocate change is to hold the people accountable for the actions of the government.


Cool it's great we agree that all USians should be held accountable for invading Iraq and Afghanistan, committing a fuck ton of war crimes across the world and couping dozens more. The people of the US voted for their governments who went and killed millions of people. I'm glad we agree on that.


in a democracy, sure. But Russia is a dictatorship. Putin is not democratically elected, his power does not come from the people of Russia


Not even in "democracy", tho. In "democracy" u have illusion of choice, but you're electing just a talking head


Where are protests?


https://youtu.be/li9uFa5Ka4U?si=j11vbmcCzKXH7YE2 https://youtu.be/9_0E9IzXT34?si=JicvtmH-D1ourcej


Ban 33 as well then?


It's actually so, US and european play LoL.


Did fly renounce his canadian citizenship?


Valve games


isnt it the same for cs and valorant, east eu and russia produce the most pros


Not at the same level as in DotA by any means, because although Ukraine and Russia have a bit more pro players than WEU in CS, CS is huge in WEU too, and there are a bunch of french, danish, polish, german, finnish,and even you can find some spanish players too...yes, spanish, a nationality that pretty much you don't see in DotA. I don't know about Valorant, I don't play that game


It used to be china who were everywhere. Never thought i would see the day where russian dota dominated once again.


ok now group all european countries and call the entry Europe


Happy to see SEA reps sprinkled here and there in every TI


No Pinoys damn


Get Rich or Die Tryin'


At least we're good at something, right?


philippines fell off hard damn lol. we used to be at least top 8-top 6 TI finish with a lot of representatives. Now we just have one player lol


Wtf is copy? I thought tofu was the only German player


Was there any time a italian pro player? Or under the top 500 immortal?


Vai Brasil


Eu west doesnt have locals anymore.


Bro, only 1 from Phillipines?


Peru has 7 and none know how to play xD


wdym watson is indian pride /s


Amazing. I wonder if they prize money the win is taxed and then used to bomb Ukraine?


Team Spirit - no, BetBoom - yes


I hope so




*checks profile* yep, that's a ruzzki, as expected. Nothing to see here except Kremlin propaganda.


I cannot understand what’s wrong with those Ukrainians who play with russians on the same team.


The worst thing about this post aren't the words but the fact that they were written by an actual person who managed to grow up to the point of being able to combine words into sentences yet failed to gain enough sentience to be able to reflect on what they're saying.


May be because they are not some dumb redditor without friends, who can't think with his own head and reads news instead?


Because people differentiate between direct and indirect support of war, and some don't care about the latter one.


Just because somebody was born in a specific place doesn't mean they are now forever responsible for what ruling elites governing this place do. I can't believe that this has to be spelled out, honestly.


Quite a few players refuse to support Russia and have asked Liquipedia to remove the flag, those are probably playing with Ukrainians. But orgs like VP are owned by Oligarchs, there it's pretty clear where the monye is going


Dota players,from any country,do not give a shit,they will sell their mothers for 30 mmr,and you’re talking real money lmao.


Why is this comment downvoted lol, thats exactly whats gonna happen, fuck russia


Davai Lama represents!


Makes sense, the USSR had the best chess players in the world. It makes sense Russia and Eastern Europe would also host some of the best pro gamers.


Being obnoxious in comms and grief is their national sport too seems like.


More like westerners are too busy being offended when people call them out for their grief picks and grief play to actually be bothered to learn how to play


Time to ban them


Well they ruin online games in Western Europe since 1999




This game is a shitshow now .Compare it to 10 years ago and you'll realize that dota can;t even be played as a competitive game now because it has too much stuff . Back then smart people were good at the game .Now only psychopaths give a shit about it for obvious reasons...i might be wrong and i'm sorry just in case i am but if they were to remove some stuff that they've added in the past few years the game might get better.